tv News Al Jazeera December 3, 2015 5:00am-6:01am EST
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> announcer: this is al jazeera. welcome to the newshour, i'm richelle carey, live from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes. strong words from moscow. vladimir putin says turkey will regret, more than once, the shooting of a russian jet british bombers strike i.s.i.l. targets - hitting oil needles in syria we look at the gun culture, the culture of violence after
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the latest shooting leaves more than is dozen people dead. >> and f.i.f.a.'s corruption drama. swiss police arrest two more officials. russian president vladimir putin says turkey will regret more than once - that's a quote - the shooting of a russian jet near the turkish-syrian border, accusing turkey of helping terrorism. he was speaking at the annual national address. >> translation: the turkish people are kind, hardworking and talented. we have a lot of hard work there. we don't equate them to the part of the elite, responsible for the death of soldiers in syria. we will never for get the support for terrorism. they will not get a nervous reaction, we will not engage in military sabre rattling, if
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someone things after hurting our people they'll get away with economic sanctions they are mistaken. we'll remind them what they did, they'll regret it many times. >> joining me in the studio is al jazeera's senior political analyst. >> what do you make of this tough took from putin, marwan bishara. he is accusing turkey of almost being in bed with the terrorists. what do you make of it. what is the upstick. this is in three words vladimir putin's bush moment. the russian president was taking a page out of the former american president is the playbook. >> how so? >> either with us or the terrorists. basically accusing turkey of in some ways supporting terrorism. invoking the words allah,
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talking about harmony. the chechen's would disagree. this was the bravado that we saw from george w. bush. it was the kind of speeches we heard after 9/11. that does not back down, speaks of why they hate us and need to do what we need to do. these are russian values, these are attacks on russian valuation, we have heard it before. again, it seems like the former american president we have the sort of not backing out, not backing down, but rather continuing with the war of words, but backing it with military escalations in the life of syria. >> to what end. why? >> certainly vladimir putin is taking a sort of insecure approach to foreign policy. he says that we - he called them they. they are trying to destabilize
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us. they have destabilized the middle east. they encroach on us. he feels that n.a.t.o., as of yesterday's announcements that montreal is joining as a 29th member of n.a.t.o. is an offense against russia. he thinks destabilizing the middle east, and indirect support or the direct support of terrorism threatens russia. he give us a vision of a man that lives in a world of threats, of terrorism. and why russia is going to have to lead the war against terror. does not that sound like george w. bush. >> he said this. countries should not apply double standards or use groups for their own needs, is he doing that. is he using terrorist groups by inserting himself in syria. look. most of the world agrees on a simple definition of terrorist. it is not about who, but is about what. it's not about the actors, but
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the act itself. terrorism is the use of or the threat of use of force. against civilians for political ends. it's to terrorize other peoples, in order to get your will, right. can anyone in the world look me in the face and say - can any russian official look me in the face and say bashar al-assad regime has not used force against civilians for political ends, isn't putin supporting a regime that basically exercises and supports terrorism within syria, and yet he does it in the pretext, under the pretext of fighting terror. >> exactly. he has said that the reason he is there is because of i.s.i.l. do you reject that? >> not at all. >> if only he was banning i.s.i.l., for the last several weeks, vladimir putin concentrated his bombing on the western part of syria to prop up
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president bashar al-assad. most of the bombing was directed against the opposition groups springing out of the resolution four or five years ago and is reducing a dictatorship. some people would say he's part of the coalition. >> let's talk more about the bombing, the expanded cam page. the u.k. launched had been expanded mission. the bombers have been hitting the oil field in the east. the aim is to tristrike a blow the oil resolution. british bombers took off from
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cyprus airbase after approval. it followed bitter division, and mass protests. we are joined by london. we are starting to get a lot more information about what the targets have been, where the air strikes are. they started after the vote. what more can you tell us. >> it was over an hour, the vote took place at 10:30, 10:20, that's when we got the results here local time. we understand that 11:30 the first two tornado jets left the base in cyprus. we are getting more detail from the defense secretary that michael fallon in the u.k. he described the oil fields is a key targets. he said that 10% of i.s.i.l.'s oil revenue comes from this oil field. so he said that this was a key target. their aim is to cut off the oil flow for i.s.i.s. and try to
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basically cut their funding. he said their initial analysis showed that the attacks were a tuck osuccess. -- success. he gave more of a time frame. the bombings will continue in the next days or weeks. and we know that reinforcements come from the u.k. from what we understand, two tornado jet fighters that were the planes used in the attacks, and six typhoons are on their way from the u.k. to that base, the base in cyprus from which a lot of attacks come from. almost 12 hours after the vote in the hoyses of parliament. it is under way. >> i realise that it's early that the strikes started. before the vote there was a segment in the u.k. this
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expressed displeasure. how is this playing out, from what you can tell. >> here the u.k. lives under the spectre of the war in iraq, which most will tell you was a disaster and they wish the u.k. never took part of that. back in the day, a million people took to the streets to protest against the war. we saw demonstrations on wednesday night. nowhere near the numbers. there were a few hundred people assembled. it's a different situation from 2003. the moral case against i.s.i.s. has been laid out by the government and won. no one argues that they shouldn't take on i.s.i.s. or it isn't a threat. how achievable are the goals that the u.k. set out for the arrest of the coalition, there's a lot of talk about cameron menti
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mentioning the backup of air strikes from the u.k. and other coalition partners would begin. there's a lot of questions about who exactly and whether the 70,000 troops would come from. there's another point that the prime minister doesn't agree with. that is the strikes against i.s.i.l. in syria will make people in the u.k. safer. they were shocked by those attacks in paris. the u.k. had an attack in 2005, but nothing on the scale on the ground since then. there was a lot of fear. 2.5 weeks away from the attacks in paris. most doubting whether these attacks in syria will make the people in london and the u.k. safer onhe streets. >> al jazeera's barbara sara live in london. let's return to our senior
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political analyst, marwan bashara. clearly with the u.k. always being a part of the coalition, they have signed off on air strikes that have been going on for 12 hours. the air strikes continue. that seems to be a strategy that the international coalition is committed to. we are getting word that the secretary of state john kerry has said that it will be necessary to find ground forces to fight i.s.i.l. the battle will not be won from the air. do you agree with that? >> it's not a question that we agree with that. we have been saying that for ages. the americans and the europeans have been in denial. >> why so he's dants? >> they do not -- hesitant. >> they do not have a strategy. bombing is not a strategy. wishful thinking is not a strategy, it's not in one direction. to bomb or not to bomb is not a strategy or solution.
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those that say we should not bomb need to provide a solution. i.s.i.l. is a threat to the middle east. it is a threat to international piece and security. this requires action under chapter vii of the united nations charter. so this is notomething to be taken lightly. what we know thus far is the international coalition, and the russians, have taken the easy way out, meaning they have embraced bomb interesting the skies. okay, so now the british and the french and the russians and the americans own the skies. but the territories of syria are up for grabs so ground forces - whose ground forces? >> well, we have heard yesterday and the last couple of days from the british in the way of making their case for bombing, is that, for example, in their estimate i'm not sure that they are correct. but in their estimate there are 70,000 fighters working for the syrian free army. this is what they call the
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moderate operation. they are moderate. that would be ready to fight against i.s.i.l. and the bashar al-assad regime. >> there's a bunch of other groups, tens of themes like islam and others who are ready. but those who will not come together unless there is a political solution, or at least a political process like that we see in saudi arabia, where those groups, the military ones and the political ones work under one banner, one strategy or consensus on the one hand to oppose the regime and work for a political process. and on the other hand fighting i.s.i.l. this all gets... >> complicated. >> how this plays out, this is coming from secretary of state john kerry. i am sure, marwan, we'll call on you again today. still to come in the newshour on al jazeera, wounded in the war against i.s.i.l., how survivors are disabled boy the lack of
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support we find overwhelming evidence of global warming in the french alps and in sport, why real madrid may be knocked out of the cup despite winning the last match police in the u.s. are trying to determine the motive for a shooting attack on a social services center in california which left 14 people dead. the two heavily armed attackers were shot dead by police, and have been named as 28-year-old saeed farr ook and hashim malik. >> reporter: a pivotal moment of a mass killing in san bern and eeno. a vehicle with two suspects dead in side. the the suspects dead at the scene, one is a male, one a
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female. they were addressed in assault kind of clothing. they are arm said with assault rifles and handguns. >> a third person was detained running from the scene. police are not sure if they were involved. several hours earlier shooters burst into a holiday banquet for employees at the local health department, on the grounds of a center that serves people with learning disabilities. they opened fire, killing 14. 17 wounded, some critically. david johnson was walking nearby when the shooting started. >> that was going on for, like, a couple of minutes, man. it wasn't bang, bang, bang. it wasn't continued shooting. this was - it was bang, bang, and a different pitch. that sounds like a different weapon. >> none of the disabled clients
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or the staff at the center were shot. megan shia was one of those evacuated from the inland regional center complex when the mayhem erupted. >> we were told to come out with our hands up. that was scary, we came out. we cooperated because we wanted to get out. we didn't know for sure if there was anybody inside. we wanted to get out and get to our families. >> acting on a tip. police and fbi agents went to a resident in the nearby towns. people inside fled in a back s.u.v. and changed fire with police. police blocked them in. the deadly shoot out followed. one police officer was wounded. his injuries were not life threatening. police named the suspects. and said they were not sure of the relationship with each other. police emphasise that the pair's motives are not known. >> i spoke a week ago, yeah.
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there's no comment. investigation is going on. you would know what it is. i have no idea. no idea why would he do something like this. i have no idea. i'm in shock myself. >> the fbi and other lawful agencies are investigating. >> is this terrorism. i'm not willing to say that. we don't know for sure. we are making movements that it is a possibility. we are making adjustments to the investigation. it is a possibility, we don't know that yet. >> reporter: the investigation is continuing with police processing multiple crime scenes, interviewing witnesses and chasing down leads. now, the shooting in san bernadino is one of hundreds of mass shootings. in october teacher and students
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died in an attack in a community complej in oregon. tennessee, five were killed when a gunman opened fire in a military recruitment center. in june, 9 killed in a black church in south carolina these are the worst examples. this year has seen more than one mass shooting most carried out by young white males. it prompted an angry response by prident obama. once again he urged congress to pass tougher gun control measures. >> for those concerned beside terrorism, you know, some may be aware of the fact that we have a no-fly list where people can't get on planes, but the same people we don't allow to flycan go into a score in the united states and by a firearm and there's nothing we can do to stop them. that's a law that needs to be changed. >> joining me in the studio, the
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vice president of a group providing security intelligence services. we appreciate you coming in, we hate we have to call on you for things like this. i know it's early on. what can you tell from what we no about the shooter's actions and the fact that it was a couple that did this, which is unusual. what have you been able to glean from that? >> you're right, it is early on to make assumptions, what is known now is at least one shooter was involved at the shooting where they were shot and killed. another woman, they are not sure of the relationship. could be his wife or someone he's engaged to, was with him during the shoot out with police. they have both been killed. listening to your earlier interview. indications that it could be terrorism reltedz. that would be early speculation. the motive will be more difficult in this case to determine. simply because one or both
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shooters are dead. other known people are dead. motive has to be established. interviews with relatives and other witnesses, things that may have been said during the incident for review of email correspondence. why is it so difficult to know when and how to use the label terrorism when it comes to something like this happening the united states. >> in the last 15 years, the term terrorism is probably over-used. there's a legal definition for terrorism. there has to be a id logical reason why can -- there has to be an ideological reason, you are trying to change a political system in nature. because you don't like someone and you kill them doesn't make it an act of terrorism. it has to be a political reason
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on ideology. it can be environmental. it can be a religious ideology. it can be a number of things. >> it's all true. it's very, as you said in the united states, extremely political. what needs to happen for the conversation about the shootings that continue to happen, for the conversation to be elevated. how do we elevate that conversation for is to be effective, for it to make a difference >> i think the discussion, rather than is it terrorism or not, the discussion is what happened, and why did it happen. this is an example of gun violence, the statistics that you showed earlier. 355th mass killing defined as four or more individuals killed. 355 so far this year, and we still have another month to go. when you look at the number of
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active shooter incidents, studying last year, 2000, 2013/'14 period. there were 160 active shooting incidents, where one or more individuals were attempting to kill people in a confined area. this is what you see in aurora colorado. which is a mass killing in the united states. sandy hook and the active shooters. 160, 2000, 2013, with over 1,000 people killed and wounded. that's an average of over 11 are a year. it's an issue of second amendment right to own weapons or guns. that's not going to change but it's a matter of who should own records. convicted felons, cannot. they can buy weapons illegally. that's not difficult. when you go to a gun shop in the
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united states to buy a weapon. there's a criminal background check. if you come back with other things, you can't purchase that record. there's a loophole that congress will not change. convicted felon can go to a gun show and provide whatever weapon he wants without a background step. >> president obama conditions to challenge them and push them on that. mr reardon, thank you for coming in and talking about this. >> you're welcome. >> let's hope you don't have to call them on this issue any time soon. >> thank you very much police arrest two more f.i.f.a. officials as part of the corruption scandal at the home of world football. they are from paraguay and honduras, suspected of accepting bribes leading to marketing rights to the copa america and other matches. the arrests before f.i.f.a.'s executive committee is due to meet to discuss reforms.
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a correspondent with the associated press is outside f.i.f.a. headquarters in zurich and joins me now. we appreciate your time. put in perspect tif. it's not as striking as the initial raid, but it's a big deal, can you put it in perspective for us. >> it's the next wave of the case that started in may. in some ways it's a mopping up exercise. part of the same bribery condpi si alleged in may. in some ways it's been expected. but it's the timing that is damaging and surprising because, again, you have got important decision makers coming to zurich to be part of discussions about securing f.i.f.a.'s future and showing the organization is
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secure about the problems of the past. in the morning. reforms, the future of the world cup, you have two officials that are led away from the luxury hotel. the bora-like hotel in zurich, and it's damaging to f.i.f.a. that people who are trying to take these decisions are dragged back into the past as potentially the people who have been taking millions of bribes that have almost destroyed f.i.f.a.'s f.i.f.a.'s reputation this year. >> i understand clearly that are things they have done, what have f.i.f.a. done? >> f.i.f.a. is trying to have a different reaction to events
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like this. you might expect defiance, some suggestion that the u.s. department of justice, the attorney-general was acting for political reasons, trying to interfere with feea and shunt get involved. it's a different reaction. they understand they need to show law enforcement that yes, they go have problems and will take it seriously. they are under scrutiny from the u.s. department of justice that said "we are watching you, we expect you to make the reforms, make the decisions to show that you have change said." the meeting that happened in the building behind me, they are addressing this. one of the stated aims of these reforms is to change the power structure of f.i.f.a., take decision making away from the executive committee that we have seen has been full of officials connected to bribery. and f.i.f.a. said that the aim is to protect the institution
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from corrupt officials. and, yet, some of these decision makers seem to be the corrupt officials that f.i.f.a. needs protecting from. >> at the moment f.i.f.a. could say that we are the victim in this, it's not our problem. it's a real danger that the u.s. department of justice will say you are part of a racketeering conspiracy, you enabled this. you are part of a problem, and f.i.f.a. is threatened with being charged as effectively a corporate defendant in this case. f.i.f.a. needs to get out in front of this, and show we take this seriously, we want to change, we are dealing with the people, within our ranks. >> graham dunbar, live from zurich, thank you very much. >> south africa's sop appeals court -- top appeals court found pistorius not guilty of murder.
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but guilty of manslaughter. he killed his girlfriend after shooting four times through a locked door. he says she thought she was an intruder. he says a minimum 15 year imprisonment an update from rod on the flooding. is it going away? >> it's drifting a little bit. chennai is just raining. it's a major event. it's not a 50-year flood, it's 1,100 years, the gap between them. we had 530mm of rain in the outskirts of chennai this month. we are talking about three days or just less. unsurprising the flooding is widespread. it's not the first time it happened. november is bad enough. this is the helicopter shot. >> looking at the fourth largest city in india. effectively, it's under water. >> as i said, it's raining in chennai itself, but not in other
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areas. the rain as you can see, a lot of it is out at sea at the moment. the feed is on land. further south. so in the last 24 hours or so, it's sat upon the cherry, that's a much more central figure, but likely to cause flooding. it may have stopped. the thrust of what appears to be the heart of storm. the circulation is the dark blue here. it's south of chennai. there'll be more rain and there's a circulation developed. we are talking about saturday by this time, sitting over the top of sri lanka there's more flooding to come. but further south of chennie. >> more ahead on al jazeera. including the red carpet rolled out in south africa as china's president arrives with billions
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shooting down of a russian jet over the syrian border a week ago. at the annual address, vladimir putin accused turkey of terrorism, promising a tough response. >> hours after m.p.s approved air strikes on i.s.i.l. targets. british planes struck oil fields. the aim to strike a blow on the oil reviews that i.s.i.l. depends on detectives are trying to find a motive for the latest mass shooting in the united states. a man and woman armed with rifles killed 14 co-worker at a social services center. the attackers were killed by police in san bernan dino californiaa an unlicensed cambodian doctor has been given 25 years in prison for infecting 200 people with h.i.v. he used dirty needles on patients in a remote village.
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several people infected have since died. >> brazil's president is facing impeachment proceedings. dilma rousseff, faces charges. the speaker of the lower house commenced the proceedings. lucia newman has more. >> reporter: in a brief address to the in my submission and looking serene, president dilma rousseff denied wrongdoing and called on calm and to have faith. she added that she had never stolen money or anticipated bribes, a jab at the president of the lower house who hours earlier had accepted the opposition's call for an impeachment proceeding to begin against the president. what comes next - first of all, it goes to a committee of all
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the political parties in the lower house, which must decide whether the impeachment call has any merit. it must go to a full vote of the lower house. it is not a given. it has to be passed by two-thirds. if it happens the president will have to step down while an inquiry takes place in the senate. all this could take months and increase in stability in the largest economy in south america, which fell further into recession, according to the latest data montenegro has been invited to join n.a.t.o., 169 years after the alliance bombed it in the 1990s. n.a.t.o. foreign ministers gave the green light to start accession talks. the head of the alliance stressed the importance of the move. the balkan countries, important to n.a.t.o., because it had the coastline on the adry attic sea. the -- adry attic sea. the move angered moscow saying it could result in retotalitiry
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actions china's president xi jinping is in south africa ahead of a summit on friday. announcing billions in trade and investment. as tania paige reports, there's a push to strengthen cultural ties. >> reporter: president xi jinping has deep pockets and china has been willing to spend in africa. >> translation: china-south africa relations are in the best shape ever. now we this fruitful talks, witnessing the signing of many agreements. >> reporter: he is here for the forum on china-africa donation, the chinese dragon has been hungry for africa's raw materials. trade has risen in the past 16 years from $11 billion to 250 billion. investments slumped 40% compared
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to the same time last year. that's because china's economy is slowing. it hit prices. many african countries were overly relied on. >> that's one side of the story. china has a need in terms of resources. >> it's a changing economy. it's increasingly becoming consumer driven. i wouldn't say china needs african countries. >> chinese investors are developing the site. it will have hotels, hospitals and 50,000 new homes. >> reporter: at this stage most african countries are developing slowly. we see similarities with how china performed 30 years ago. we have great hope africa can grow as we did. >> china's role in developing the country is needed. interests are broadening. in recent years the tender of the cooperation forum expanded
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to include strengthening ties. which are good. during aboard eyed chinese -- apartheid chinese people were oppressed. this was a white only person. but now, in fact, president zouma officiated when the gate was unveiled. from most year mandarin will be fought in some public schools, with china providing the teachers. the idea has critics, bus it is a sign of how important the government's knew each other afghan president vowed to bring militia's under control. the fighters protect part of the city with the taliban of the iran. it was the first time the armed group took control of a prove shall capital in more than 14 years. the taliban freed more than 600
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prisoners, including taliban fighters, three days before the afghan government forces launched a counter offensive backed by western allies. five days into the conflict the u.s. mistakenly bombed a doctors without borders hospital killing at least 30. on october, the afghan government regained control of a central part of the city. as jennifer glasse reports, the taliban has a presence and it created an uneasy alliance between afghan forces and independent militias. >> reporter: these fighters set up a new checkpoint outside the shattered house of their commander. he's a local power broker. another and guarding the front line. half the the 50 men in this group are connected with the afghan local police. a loose collection of local men authorized to fight on behalf of the government. the other half are the private
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militia of this commander. >> when we lived in our village, the taliban forced us to give food and money. every family, my father had to fight them. they attacked our house, injured my father and mother. we had no choice but to fight them. >> he says his many are loyal to him personally, not the government. and they'd follow him, even if he decided to fight on the side of the taliban. >> translation: our situation is critical. the government does not care about us, they don't give us clothe or food. the taliban about 200 meters away. >> there are civilians living here saying whenever there's fighting, they are caught in the crossfire. they say the taliban could retake the city any time they want. >> translation: day and night we are worried, concerned that the taliban would attack. we are all in danger, our
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children are in danger. the government ran away from here. >> the acting governor says he shares people's returns, including lack of discipline among militia members. >> these people are effectively standing against the enemy. if the afghan government wants the them to stand against forces, they need rules. they should be managed in a way under the command of the police. >> residents say they are abusing powers, collecting taxes and harassing people. >> there are different...
5:41 am september and october. people say there are months when the capital was threatened. the government ignored their plight in part 2 of a report from kunduz, jennifer glasse will look at the security situation. tens of thousand of afghans, when the taliban briefly took control. many are worried about their safety. for more on that tune in to al jazeera thousands in iraq have been disabled in the war against i.s.i.l. many are struggling. >> reporter: this man was caught in an i.s.i.l. cluster bomb. he was on patrol in the town a year ago. it's a moment he remembers like it's yesterday. >> there were three of us in the
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vehicle exploded. we had just cleared the village of i.s.i.l. fighters. in the days after i lost hope that they'd ever walk gain. >> reporter: this rehabilitation clinic is a private foundation. and a life line. they received aid from the peshmerga ministry. most are not fortunate. even here, the conditions are far from ideal. getting into the building requires effort. one of the founders of the institute says it's not just soldiers that need help, but civilians, and says the biggest challenge is no one knows how much injured victims there are. >> the first nine months i saw more. maybe more than 200 people. i don't know what is the number. this is what we saw. we knew it. we started a few months before, four months before. to people, maybe we received
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2,000 per year. i don't know. >> registering and getting a figure for how many victims there are. aid and agencies can provide services and have an idea of how much money is required. most get basic treatment and are left to fend for themselves. >> all across iraq and the kurdish region, the injured are brought to the hospitals like these. there they are given basic treatment and let go. what rehabilitation centers do is offers mope and way of living -- hope and a way of living with injury allowing them to fulfil life. >> for every 300 injured. there may be one place in a rehabilitation clinic glaciers around the world are disappearing at an ever increasing rate. their flight is in the spotlight in paris, where diplomats are trying to hash out a global
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agreement to stop climate change. high up in the alps, the effects are plain to see as our environment editor found out. >> yes, you join us at an iconing glacier, the sea of ice. it is a remarkable sight. it's a visible demonstration. effects of climate change. because this glacier, like glaciers around the world is losing ice at a remarkable rate. here you see it clearly. we pan across to the ridge line. that point was the top of this glacier 200 years ago. a lot has disappeared in that time. that recession is to be expected, but it's the rate of change over the last 15-20 years that is alarming glaciologists. >> the winter season is about to get into full swing. challahs are ready for the -- chalets are ready for the
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christmas rush. all around things are changing because of global warming. to see the evidence you have to take the tourist chain to the mountain. there lies the longest glacier, one of the longest glassiers in the alps. this glaciologist has been studying them for years. you can see what a force thousands of years compacted size going down the mountain. it's losing volume every year. >> the glacier makes the invisible visible. we are talking about temperature, energy, greenhouse gases. we are seeing a result of all these things. the climate is unfavourable. the landscape is changing. we have to protect it for ourselves. >> here is a photograph taken in 1910, showing the station with the glacier. joining on 100 years, see the
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difference. >> it's apparent the volume of ice that has disappeared. this level was the top of the grassier in 1820. right now, it's several hundred meters down there. >> we see the glacier. >> i meet a mountain guide, pointing out a glacier on top of the ridge, when 15 years ago it reached to the trees. it said global warming is a problem, and a danger. >> it's a bit more unstable. we have a little more risk with avalanche, and it's a crevice the changing conditions threaten not only life and limb but the economic prosperity of a region that relies on tourism. it is a stunning show of nature, one that is slowly disappearing
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before our eyes. as the seasons come and go, you have to wonder how this mountainous world may look in 100 years time. it's believered that the alpine -- believed that the alpine region could lose half its glaciers. it's lost half. and 20% of that since the 1980s, and reported that this glassier lost 1.3 meters in height. statistics like that must inspire and motivate the negotiators in paris still ahead - they keep our feet firmly on the ground, and the space mission seeks to better understand gravity in space. >> in sport - more on the latest arrest of f.i.f.a. officials in zurich. zurich.
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everyone and everything on earth feels it every moment of our lives. little is known about how gravity works, especially in space. that's why the european space agency launched a spacecraft into orbit. we have the details. [ count down ] launching from a spaceport, an experiment that could change the understanding of the universe. >> translation: the craft will orbit for two weeks stopping before the sun, stopping a point
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a million and a half kilometres away. >> reporter: here. the gravity of the sun is cancelled by the pull of earth, making it an ideal place to test. >> the idea is to test in a different way and detect something of einstein's theory of the relativity, and predict gravitational waves. >> reporter: the spacecraft has two identical cubes of solid gold alloy, free falling at the same speed as the craft. and a laser is used with unprecedented accuracy, movements as small as a billionth. >> we see a large mass, the sun or the air through a black hole. it doesn't want to start changing shape. when a gravitational waive is produced. when two mass holes are the
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center of gravity, smashing into each other. it creates ripples. we have to have a precise implement allowing us to pick up minuscule changes. >> reporter: the mission will not be able to confirm the existence of graf additional waves, it will help scientists test technology and approach. >> gravity is a common force around us. it's the first we knew, even as babies, we know little about it. the results of the experiment will have enormous applications that we cannot imagine. >> if the test mission is successful a large-scale experiment involving three satellites placed a million kilometres of each other is planned for launch. it's hoped it will reveal dell tails about the formation of
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galaxies, early universe and confirm and einstein predicted, the existence of space, time official corruption scandal at the home of world football. more than a dozen are expected to be charged as part of the swift and u.s. officials. the men that haven't been identified are suspected of accepting bribes linked to marketing rights for the copa america. i imagine the rests came before the executive meeting are due to meet. f.i.f.a. president is serving a 90 day suspension. our sports correspondent lee welling has more. >> american and swiss attorney generals are working closely together and promised a new wave
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of rests at some stage. it was far from done, despite the vests. >> now, these arrests are slightly surprising, they are as many as 12, at least, so it's material on the scale in terms of the people involved of the swoop that happened in may, which started so many of f.i.f.a.'s problems, which currently leads to a situation where we apprise them that blatter is one figure and michel platini is the other big figure. two quite senior figures arrested in this swoop. they are both heads of their confederation. this is really targetting the
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americas, central america, south america, the caribbean. this is where the alleged racketeering money laundering is said to have happened. and these men are both on the f.i.f.a. executive committee. it's day two that goes ahead. ironically it is a beleaguered f.i.f.a. >> south american football, the first leg finished goalless between hurricane and sante fe. the columbian visitors come closer to scoring in argentina. daniella's header hitting the box. the second header is next wednesday in bogota. >> real madrid face being kicked out. real were 3-1 winners were ahead on wednesday. the scorer of the opening goal. dennis shouldn't have been playing as he was suspended. he picked up three yellow cards.
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and they were playing for villa real. and according to reports, it was supposed to be serving a one-match ban liverpool manager jurgen klopp has recorded his biggest win since joining the club. liverpool beat south sudan 6-1 to win the semifinals of the league cup. they weren't a goal down. liverpool fought back with doubles, and a hat-trick. jordan added one more in the quarterfinal win. >> i think the manager showed me confidence today. he let me start, and i thing that him and the supporters, i think from the beginning, as we arrive in england, it's never easy, i work hard in training, today it pays off. i'm happy. >> here is how they'll line up.
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everton holds manchester city, and stoke at home to liverpool. the first legs taking place on the week commencing 4 january, with the second leg ties playing two weeks later. >> in n.b.a. the golden state warriors extended an unbeaten start to the season to 20-0. the reining m.v.p. players scored 40 points in three-quarters and won six of the games. 1986-1987. one of the warriors beat the hornets 116-99. >> he's been around for a long time. they know what we are doing. that's special. we are sitting on the bench. that number sounds a little different in 15, 16, 17 whatever. we will be proud of that. we remember how we got to the point and bottle it up for the rest of the season.
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spurs remain undefeated with a 95 to 70 victim. tim duncan the star of the night scoring 16 points. san francisco improving the record at home 10-0 rugby union use, and hinicy decided to step down. after leading the springboks to the semifinals, despite a surprise defeat to japan. he had been in charge since 2012 and his contract finishing at the end of the month. south africa may have lost their series against india, they have not made a good start in the fourth test. they have taken seven wickets so far. four of them, but rouhani is bottling back from india with half a century.
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the hosts 277/7. >> thank you, keep it here. >> they believed in what they were doing but they were not scientists. it wasn't science at all. >> there's a lot of lives at stake, a lot of innocent people. >> how many are still locked up? >> the integrity of the criminal justice system is at stake, plain and simple. >> "faultlines". >> what do we want? >> al jazeera america's hard-hitting... >> today they will be arrested. >> ground-breaking... >> they're firing canisters of gas at us. >> emmy award-winning, investigative series. >> we have to get out of here.
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strong words from moscow. vladimir putin says turkey will regret more than once the shooting down of a russian jet. i'm repair your in doha. also ahead. british bombers striking i.s.i.l. targets hitting oil fields in syria. >> we look into the culture of gun violence in the u.s. after more than a dozen people die in the latest shooting. f.i.f.a.'s corruption drama
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