tv Inside Story Al Jazeera December 3, 2015 6:30pm-7:01pm EST
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brand of islam is incompatible with the i.s.i.l. killers they condemn ed. saudi officials and religious scholars standing up tore tolerance and the value of human >> the president raise dz eyebrows when saying no over development country has shootings like america. are there countries with more gun deaths. yep. but with wealthy populations are rarely as violent as the united states. ever wonder why? bleeding red, white and blue, it's the "inside story."
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well to "inside story." i'm ray suarez. when the president said that other developed kwunts don't have the mass shootings that the u.s. does, the krcritics rushedn to dispute the data. there are higher murder rates but none of the countries as educated and wealthy as and industrialized as the united states has as many murders as this country. first to the investigation into the latest mass murder in america. jennifer? >> ray, we are learning more about what happened at the mass
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shooting and the shootout with the police that ultimately killed the two suspects. police saying that the married couple stormed the offices and fired 65-75 rounds killing 14 people. the event happening inside of the office space was described as a holiday type of party. 14 people were killed on the scene. and 23 officers fired 580 rounds and killing the couple inside of the rented s.u.v. late yesterday, a tip led police to a home in redlands, california, it is there that police discovered the extent and the amount of planning that went into carrying this attack. >> i will confirm that the search that took place revealed
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12 pipe bomb type devices found in that house or in the garage to the house. there were hundreds of pools, many used to construct ied's or pipe bombs and in addition to that, they had other materials to produce additional bombs as well. >> and police say that clearly the couple meant to go much further. say say perhaps more attacks were planned but the police stopped them when shooting and killing the couple, the suspects, and ray, fbi not indicating motive right now. there are a lot of questions is this a terrorist attack. they are going where the evidence leads them and it is too early to say if in fact it was a terrorist attack. >> even, jennifer, with the things we know about the couple,
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with each new layer of the story, the mystery grows. what have we found out so far about these two people? >> we know that syed farook was a u.s. born citizen and married tashfeen malik, she was in the united states on a pakistan passport. they were engaged. they since married. we do know they have a young infant. there are questions about motive, again, what drove them to the attack, given the amount of an munition armed with and the pipe bombs found at the residence, it is unclear if the couple was living here or merely using this as a staging area, but they are all questions yet
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to be answered. >> aljazeera's joining us from san bernardino. bleeding red, white and blue. there are plenty of countries that are not like the united states and a few dozens of ways of life similar to that in america. canada is as close as you are going to get. some differences sure, but wide similarities, well educated, high income, wealthy, a lot of canadians own gun, but the homicide rate in the united states is six times of canada. every other rich country has even lower rates. everyone. joining me for a look at why, professor cornel teaches at fordham and author of well regulated militia, and aubrey
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fox from the office of institute of economics and peace, and franklin, a professor of law at university of california berkeley. author of crime is not the problem. aubrey, we are going to start with you. this is your area, and this is one part of american exceptionalism that no one likes to brag about, what is the american difference? >> you are right, ray, america stands out. out of 1 # -- 62 countries, when i comes to gun violence it is particularly striking when you look at both gun violence related to homicide and in suicides america stands out. 33,000 gun related deaths in
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2013. yush uk had 1 # 50. >> are the guns the big difference or a level of violence daily in this country and has nothing to do with fire arms but making it different from spain, france, germany? >> well, the clear difference in american rate is not that we have more criminals, and not even that we have more violence, you are just as apt to get beaten up in a bar in sydney, australia if you have too much to drink as in los angeles. but sydney has about one-eighth of the lethal violence that the united states does, and that is where the use of guns
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predominantly concealed handguns make the difference. it is not that we are more violent or the rates of violence are higher, it is that when violence occurs in the united states, it kills much more frequently and the explanation for that is both simple and overwhen he will when he will ming discreptive. >> professor, was it ever so? >> what makes america different is a lethal violence and to pick up on the theme of canada, it is a gun culture, but not a handgun culture. of course, what is amazing, dur the kol nil period and after the american revolution, america had the lowest homicide rates in the western world and really what we have seen is steady and increasing violence and part of
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the problem has to do with the availability of guns, they make crime more lethal and culture factors and there are other frontier societies like australia, like canada, which had issues about you know conflict with indigenous populations and a society of english common law and they choose a path of less gun violence. there is a group of countries that butted off from the english system and legal culture. >> aubrey, what about the particular crime that is getting so much attention, these mass lethal events, where someone intentionally wants to not just a person, but a lot of people?
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>> we don't know the motivations behind this recent shooting. we look at trends and terrorism in the west is actually a relatively infrequent phenomenon. in the united states last year 18 people died as a result of a terrorist act. but we are seeing a rise in the number of gun related homicide, as all the guests have pointed out, and that is something to be concerned about. >> we'll continue the look at what makes america different. bleeding red, white and blue. it's "inside story."
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>> you are watching "inside story." i'm ray suarez. bleeding red, white and blue on tonight's edition. why us, why is the united states a home to more homicides and violent crimes. in the wake of repeated mass shootings, including yesterday's attack in san bernardino, we figured it is time to ask. you all identified the centrality of the gun in this story, but professor, the number of gun owners in america as a portion of the whole population is on the decline.
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how come, is it this much smaumer group that's responsible for all of this death? >> well, actually there's a good deal more good news than that, not only the number of gun owners and handgun owners as a percentage of the population declining, and that's house hold ownership, and we'll get back to that, but of course, lethal violence and fire arms violence as a general matter are down and down by almost half in the last 20 years. so that the tracking on ownership rates and the tracking on gun use in most private violence are all generally very benign trends. now, the thing about mass shootings however defined and
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the typical definition that is used by statisticians is four or more deaths in the same event. these are discontinuous. they are not looking like ordinary homicides. sometimes there's a great deal of anger involved and some background in terms of prior personal relationships and we may be finding this in san bernardino. but often there isn't. and these are less intimate relationships and more unusual in both on the psychology and motivation. the better view is that the numbers of these are up slightly. but in a funny sense it is ridiculous to have a debate
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about whether you have had more mass shoots in 2015 than in 2009. the point is that when you compare the united states on this pattern with any where else, the answer is we have got a lot more of it. mass violence isn't political most of the time in the united states, and when mass violence is political in the united states, we tend to import it as in seventy 11 #. >> if you ask the people straight up why is the united states different in this regard, you get the story of the colt 45, smith and wesson, the parts of american history that did involve a lot of violence, slavery or the pushing of people
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to the west through western expansion, what does that have to do with shooting today in miami or atlanta or dallas? >> well, the first thing, this is a powerful set of culture ideas. during the time of the second amendment, america was not a frontier society yet the stories of davey crockette and the stallone movies, that reenforce. that a lone person with a gun changes the system, that is a cultural myth that doesn't exist any where else in the world. the other thing, if you loob at the places of high level violence, they are places in the deep south where the slavery was part of that system. the legacy of slave any terms of
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violence in the united states is still there. >> do we know you can draw a line somehow, from somebody's imagination to the actual act of pointing a weapon at somebody, is there a line going from gary cooper at high noon to someone in the alley in detroit? >> obvious, there is not a line. the most interesting evidence of that is violent video games netherlands and japan have the highest use of the violent games. the availability of the games is a unique factor. when we talk about terrorism, what i find fascinating you call it terrorism and people are willing to take off the shoes at airports and intruism into your
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our life. we have constructed the debates in a way they are not really reflecting what is going on and the legal and constitutional options are. we have had robust regulation. in the wild west you had to check your gun at the border of the town. they had tiekt controls in dodge city. >> yes, stay with me. we have been talking the differences between the u.s. and other countries. coming up i want to look at the differences inside of the united states. bleeding red, white and blue. it's the "inside story."
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of measurements, homicide, suicides, violent crime rate, the number of police, the gun related prices, the least peaceful states are algebra al and louisiana. and the most peaceful vermont and maine. when you take stock of the shootings, why us, we are looking at differences inside of the country as well. aubrey, this is up your alley, what can you say about the patterns of violence and what makes some places in the country different from others in this regard? >> the first point, ray, there's extreme regional variation in the united states. the northeast states are peaceful and many of the southern states much less so. there are a number of reasons going to that, the access to
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government services, whether you grow up in a single family home and broad measures of economic access. i think that going back o to the pointover the panelists, we have made progress on gun violence and we can continue to make the progress. >> it is funny, we have a close association when we discuss these things as americans between cities and violence, for instance and here is maine. they don't have big cities, neither does alabama, one of the most violent versus the most peaceful. maine has a lot of poor people as does louisiana. is there something about life in some parts of the country that just allows for the level of violence that is higher? >> i think these are difficult
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questions and we go back to very deep historical questions about the legacy of slavery. so i do think that the basic point is that every day we have 88 gun related deaths in our country. that is a huge number. one thing that we can do is do more research on the safety measures and other related issues related to guns. that is a very good starting point. >> franklin? >> yes, in the first instance, all we know about mass shooting episodes, that is the context for this discussion, is that there's a relationship between the incidents and prevalence of mass shooting episodes and handgun availability and handgun use by other dimensions, but
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that's a very small part of the explanation, and the reason that i would be very reluctant to jump to conclusions about those phenomenon from the general culture or from the cross sectional differences that we see in patterns of interpersonal violence is they tend to be different enough so that while the availability of stuff like guns and ammo can at the margin make them a little more risk where everything else is, they are also are separate enough behaviors with separate enough kinds of particular motivation that i don't think we can jump to conclusions from the study of
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violence generally to the incidents and prevalence of these particular kinds of really problematic events. >> we have a minute left, one thing a lot of the mass shootings that have in common, it is not in times square, it is not this chicago's loop, the kinds of things that we are seeing in the community colleges and other places, columbinecolu they are excepts. >> well, it is interesting, new york city is one of the safest cities in the country. when you adjust for chicago's population, they are not as deadly as houston or miami. we are still with a regional history with the south they have much higher levels of gun violence than no the northeast. >> that is all the time we have.
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thank you, sal from fordham. aubrey fox from the office of institute economics and peace. and franklin, a professor of law at uc berkeley. we are back in a moment with a final thought and a modest request. stay with us. it's "inside story." and sends your thoughts at twitter and forme and get in touch at ray suarez news or visit our facebook page and tell us why you think america is the most violent in the richest and developed nations. we would love to hear from you.
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once the borders were set, the modern states established and greater affluence, well, it is not likely that a man in milan or prague or dublin with walk into a school or a building and start shooting people. i will never forget the surprise of working in london and finding that a killing any where in the british isles will lead the newscast for a chunk of the day. it was national news. here in the united states, it is hard to imagine a killing in miami even making the news at all in georgia and a murder in massachusetts getting attention in arizona. america is different and the most discouraging thing is how unwilling we are to begin to conversation that starts with asking ourselves why. i'm ray suarez.
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that's the "inside story." america, live from new york city, i am tony harris. it could have been worse, that's what officials are saying about the san bernadini rampage. what we are learning about the 15 killed in the attack. a new policy, and more protest in chicago, demanding the resignation of another top city official.
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