tv News Al Jazeera December 4, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm EST
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. >> hello, i'm maryam nemazee. you're watching the al jazeera news hour live from lone con. coming in up next 60 minutes, the fbi is now investigating the shouting round of rampage as an act of terrorism. as germany leads the fight in the fight, hollande leads the french offensive. the fears and frustrations behind so many acts of violence.
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>> in is now a federal terrorism investigation led by the fbi. the reason for that is that the investigation so far has developed indications of radical indication by the killers, and of potential inspiration by foreign terrorist organizations. and we are spending a tremendous amount of time, as you might imagine, over the last 48 hours trying to understand the motives of these killers and trying to understand every detail of their lives. >> let's go live now to gabriel elizondo in san bernardino. just listening to what they had to say earlier, the fbi make as distinction between possible radical indication of the suspects hinds the shooting, and potentially being members of any particular group or organization taking direct orders from any particular cell.
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>> that's right. the fbi being very cautious they're not linking this, least not publicly to any sort of isil involvement either directly or indirectly. that's important because there has been speculation as you can imagine here particularly in the u.n. media in the last several hours. the facts are the fbi has not found any links to isil that they're releasing public at this point, but nonetheless, significant developments that the fbi is now going to be investigating this as a terrorism investigation. it changes the dynamics of the investigation significantly, also, allows the federal government here in the u.s. to put a lot mor more resources into this investigation, and really indicates the seriousness of it as well. let's listen to a little bit more of what the assistant director of the local fbi office in los angeles had to say. >> as of today based on the
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information and the facts as we know them, we are now investigating these horrific acts as an act of terrorism. we have uncovered evidence that led us to learn of extensive planning obviously we've uncovered evidence of explosives, multiple armaments. you know that. you know the ammunition that was out there, the high-powered weapons, the explosive devices. we're continuing to go down path to ensure that we find all of the evidence that pertains to this matter. >> and one point that he seemed to dodge at press conference, gabe, which james clooney has brought more clarity to is whether or not the suspects were under surveillance from the fbi. and he indicated that they weren't on the radar screen. so presumably that will fuel
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concerns there in san bernardino, elsewhere in the u.s. for the ability of the authorities to anticipate these attacks. >> absolutely. and we knew that. the fbi had been saying that there had been no indication that either of the suspects were on any sort of watch list whatsoever, and even locally the police said they had no criminal record. beyond that the fbi was asked about that and said does that concern you? they said well, of course, we would have liked to have prevented that, but that leads to apprehension and a lot of trepidation in a lot of people the fact that these people were allegedly able to commit this crime without being on the radar of the fbi at all. and in that press conference here locally the fbi also didn't release much more information on what evidence they particularly have that led them to think or
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to go down the road of this being a terrorist investigation either. they talk about the extensive planning, the explosives, lots of weapons and ammunitions found in the suspects' homes. we knew that yesterday. what is this new evidence that they have uncovered that leads them down to the terrorism route, the fbi not going public with that. it is clear, clearly also not saying publicly any links to isil either directly or indirectly. >> all right. we weren't given much from the fbi on the evidence that led them to change this into investigation into a terrorism act. but we did hear him speak a great dear about the fit prints of these suspects. they found some evidence that was disposed of nearby. the police will be working very hard to track their movements online on the internet in
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efforts to establish the motive. >> yes, that's right. that's one of the small pieces of evidence that he did mention. he said that he was tracking digital footprints, any sort of social media post or online communications that the suspects might have had. the fbi said that they've recovered a couple of cell pho phones found in a trash can near the suspects' homes. they were able to get data or information indicating that they were trying to cover their tracks or destroy some of their communications either social media online or even perhaps telephone calls. the big question becomes who were they calling? or what messages were they posting on social media or who were they even talking to, and that's what the fbi is really trying to get to the bottom of,
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and if they simply released that information, that's why a lot of people here in san bernardino and even around the country probably aren't going to feel much more secure about this information that they're investigating as terrorism because they want to know as much information as possible. fbi officials saying this is a very complex case, and it's going to take a long time for them to fully get to the bottom of it. >> thank you very much, gabriel elizondo for us in san bernardino, california. well now germany is the latest country to take on a direct role in the battle in syria against the so-called islamic state in iraq and the levant. but crucially it will be a non non-combat mission. they voted to send the maximum of 1200 soldiers in support role in places such as turkey kuwait . the vote in germany's lower house was overwhelming. a margin of 445 in favor to 146
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against. and it reflects a wider mood broadly supportive of military action. nonetheless germ lawmakers faced emotive questions and debate. >> a war is also always about terror. >> there needs to be a damn good argument to vote no. to vote in favor of continuing to do nothing. ladies and gentlemen, there are no good arguments against taking action. it is time to now protect. >> they voted in favor of action. 63% believe the risk of isil attack on german soil will increase. but the vote stopped short of
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authorizing german airstrikes inside syria. ned, berlin is sending fort supports, including six reconnaissance jets equipped with technology. and german refueling aircraft and naval frigits and 10,000 personnel. >> we're making a very meaningful contribution to the reconnaissance systems. we can make highly detailed images of large areas in a short period of time. that's an ability that does not yet exist in the region. >> french president françois hollande met the french pilots and support crews who have been launching strikes against isil targets since deployment last month. but doubt lingers, the question of effectiveness of airstrikes is a french journalist who spent ten months in isil captivity.
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>> this group has considerable counter effects. if you listen to the syrian activity. they say we do not need more bombs. we need protection. we need less--decrease in violence and not more nations bombing us. >> if the bombing continues, the observatory for human rights says that heavy bombardment killed 26 civilians, nearly a third of them children. the coalition against isil is growing, but so are the casualties. paul brennan, al jazeera. >> well, britain's prime minister said that airstrikes targets in syria will take time and require persistence. david cameron was speaking for the first time since british mps gave the go ahead to go into action. >> they'll be very strong support from muslim countries that have asked us to take part
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of this action as part of the process that will help to deliver the political and diplomatic change that we need in syria as well. but we'll need to be patient and persistence. it will take time. it is complex and difficult, what we're asking our pilot to dos, and our thoughts should be with them and their families as they commence this important work. >> the russian airport said it has hit 1,158 what it calls terrorist tarts over the past week. this video is said to show the airstrikes taking place. russia entered the syrian conflict at the end of september in support of its ally bashar al-assad. well, russian authorities have warned of possible isil attacks against russian tourists in thailand. you suggestion of up to ten syrians with links to the group with the intend of targeting russian tourist the.
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the his said they'll step up security in embassies. the cafe where five people were killed since the paris attacks has reopened. once again it was welcoming customers to its doors three weeks after five people were shot dead and another three were injured. the cafe was one of several venues targeted in a series of attacks on november 13th in which 130 people lost their lives. the cafe owner said she had redecorated her establishment, quote, to erase the signs of this nightmare. there is much more to come for you on the al jazeera news hour. we'll be looking at a dispute sparking a deadly fire bomb attack at a night club in egypt. opec decided to keep oil production at its current level despite falling prices. and in sport. >> what has happened with the recent arrests in may and yesterday are related to th the
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confederations of the americas, nothing to do with fifa. >> defenfifa defends the world governing body. >> now it's been another day of violence in the occupied west bank with four more palestinians killed. one palestinian was shot dead after alleged stabbing attack. and a man was shot dead after ramming a car into two israelis who were both left injured. earlier israeli troops killed two palestinians who allegedly stabbed a soldier in hebron. the soldier is being treated for minor injuries. there has been more anger on the streets of bethlehem in the occupied west bank. palestinians protesters throw rocks at security force who is respond with gun and smoke grenades. this violence has come after friday prayers in the recent wave of unrest.
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of course, the wave of attacks that we've seen over the past two months began at the start of observe. of--october. since then 112 palestinians and 17 israelis have been killed in almost daily violence. israeli authorities say 65 of the palestinians killed in the last two months were carrying out attacks on israelis. the palestinian human rights organization said that the youngest person to carry out an attack was just 14, the oldest was 78. but the majority of the people carrying out attacks on israelis are in their teens or 20s. well, we've gone to meet some of the youngsters in occupied jerusalem to find out what is pushing so many of them to violence? >> i wish to wake up in a jerusalem at peace. for how long will our bloods run? it's the best way to express how
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he feels. >> life in the city has become very difficult to those of my age. we like to go out, but now we can't do anything. it's too dangerous. if we go out for a walk i will get stopped more than once. if a soldiers speaks bad to me i want to defend myself, but if i say anything wrong i will be detained. my parents don't allow us to leave home. they're too scared. >> this boys school is in the heart of jerusalem's old city. tensions are high and being a palestinian teenager is not easy. >> we take our precautions. we don't go to the jewish side. it can be dangerous for us. anyone can accuse us of anything. they could yell and scream that he's an arab. that's enough for the police to shoot at us. i'm sad and humiliated.
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>> most of the students here live in the old city or the occupied west bank. and coming to school has become difficult. >> a recent report that israel's interm security services say it is this lack of hope that brings around to so many palestinian youth. >> and that bottled-up anger and frustration sometimes translates to act of violence. that's what happened to two cousins 15 and 13, they stabbed two israelis. one died and the other was detained. >> he describes a situation while his older cousin tells him we should be--we should be martyrs because life is so bad.
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we have no future. i don't see any horizon. in his affidavit from the 14th of october, still in the opt in hadasa. he says, we know what will happen after the stabbing. they will break our bodies just like we're in now, or we'll be martyrs, meaning we all will die. >> he now face face goes to trial and may face 20 years in prison. >> education is my way of fighting. with this situation many times i'm prevented from going to school, and i miss out on a lot of classes. what is the point of being free if i'm educated. i tell my friends, but not many listen.
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>> he doesn't feel safe. his teacher walks him until the checkpoint before he's home. he went through this time, but tomorrow is another day full of worries. al jazeera, in occupied east jerusalem. >> for more on this let's speak to brad parker from the defense for children palestine park. he leads the legal efforts on behalf of palestinian children. thank you very much for speaking to us. just listening to the report there, hearing from a number of palestinian youth, students, many of them kids, really, the remarkable thing that came out of this are these feelings of fear and feelings of vulnerability, which you would not necessarily associate with an act of violence or stabbing. >> yes. the situation now is very dyer
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for palestinian children. they're extremely vulnerable due to systemic impunity and the inherent human rights violations of the pro longed military occupation. so i think the palestinian population is incredibly young. you have 50% 69 population under the age of 18, that means living in the occupied west bank and gaza strip. they've grown up in essentially in a situation where a peace process has demanded peace without justice. they've had no rights. they've had their livelihoods and their future basically stifled by systemic discrimination. they've been shotted. they've been jailed. they've been shelled. you see a lot of frustration being manifested out of fear, certainty, and the lack of
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livelihood and rights. >> one palestinian human rights organization said that the youngest person to carry out an attack was just 14. does that come as any surprise to you? >> no, i think you know, what we've been seeing in our documentation is that the alleged attacks that are happening throughout east jerusalem and the west bank and inside israel are allegedly carried out by incredibly young palestinian children, which is different than previous upsurges in violence from the palestinian actors. i think the important thing is to look at how the criminal acts are being treated by the israeli authorities. you have increasing youth--you have increased right to shoot
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policies. an these policies are not necessarily new, but i think with the climate of systemic impunity, you see children becoming more vulnerable and the response from israeli authorities becoming more violent. we've seen palestinian youth at demonstrations. that migrated from the west bank to jerusalem with israeli authorities loosening live fire rules for israeli military and police in east jerusalem to combat stone throwing and in palestinian neighborhoods. you see inclosure communities, and this all has an impact on palestinian children which the population is comprised of. >> to get some insight on the
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psychological mindset, what fuels these attacks. thanks very much. joining us live from new york. >> well now at least 16 people have been killed in cairo after an arson attack on a nightclub. a molotov cocktail was hurled into the nightclub in the egyptian capital. the police are searching for six suspects. they arrived at the club with the monthly to have cocktail after two was refused entry. a witness said it looked as if the wooden roof caught fire and then collapsed. >> three men came to the nightclub on a motorcycle. they wouldn't let them in. so they came in with molotov cocktails. >> saudi arabia has started an investigation into the doctors without borders when one clinic
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was hit in yemen. the united nations warned in a the food situation in yemen is rapidly deteriorating. almost half the country has been classified as being on an emergency level of food and security. while food programs say 14 million people are struggling to get enough food as violence continues across the country. >> clearly yemen' yemen is one of the hardest places in the world to work. massive security concerns and violence across the country. we're improving our reach and getting to more people every month. with half the country one step away from famine we need the international community to come behind us and support us particularly over the next few months. >> now reorganization of the petroleum-exporting countries with opec has decided to keep oil production at its current level despite falling prices. the average barrel costs $147.
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thinow the average price is less than $45 a barrel because the global market is heavily oversupplied. the issue of production divided the group with several members wanting to cut out production to push prices up. barnaby phillips reports now from vienna. >> this is a big meeting about energy taking place in europe this week. oil ministers from the opec countries gather in vienna. but in paris leaders spoke of leading the world's fossil fuels. here in vienna they spoke about the oil production. the weaker opec economies like
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venezuela went into this meeting arguing that saudi arabia should cut production to force prices back up. venezuela's oil minister told me his country was not alone in its financial difficulties. >> some people believe that this is a big mistake. all the countries are very worried about the price. all the countries, including the saudis and whatever countries. it is not only venezuela. >> but after seven hours of talks, opec announced there would be no cuts in production. it agreed only to monitor events in the months ahead. i asked the nigerian oil minister how many pain continued low oil prices will cause in his country. >> we'll utilize the opportunity of the pain, quote and unquote,
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caused by reduced prices, we'll look at efficiencies in the system, production, cost management, efficiency in transparency. this is something that out to have been done a long time ago. >> opec members have disagreements on how to achieve a higher and more stable oil price. but the fact is opec is not as powerful as it once was. most oil is produced by other countries. so opec's ability to fix the global oil price is limited. >> well, there is much more still to come for you on the al jazeera news hour. cameroon reveals what it believes boko haram had planned for hundreds of hostages before they were rescued. >> he may be heading towards
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>> at 9:30 - "america tonight" - top investigative reporting, uncovering new perspectives. >> everything that's happening here is illegal. >> then at 10:00 - it's "reports from around the world". >> let's take a closer look. >> antonio mora gives you a global view. >> this is a human rights crisis. >> and at 11:00 - "news wrap-up". clear... concise... complete.
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>> welcome back. live from london. a quick recap of these top stories. the fbi has announced it is treating the shootings in california this week as what it has called an act of terrorism. a pro isil news agency said that the isil operatives carried out the attack. germany has joined the finite in syria after the parliament voted overwhelmingly to send support to fight the group. it will an non-combat mission. and it's been another day of violence in the west bank. four palestinians have been killed after they allegedly attacked israelis in separate incidents. let's get more on our top story now.
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max abrams. thank you for speaking with us. we've been hearing from the fbi director about the san bernardino shooting as an act much terrorism. what might have prompted this change? >> sure, well, there are really three components for it to be a terrorist attack. you need to have a non-state actor, so we're talking about an individual sometimes called a lone wolf, a small cell or an larger organization that attacks a civilian target, so not a military target for some sort of presumed political goal. whatever that goal might be. it's communist goal or right week extremist goal, and when the story first broke, when the attack first happened it was obvious that the first two criteria applied. this was a couple, so fairly a
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non-state actedder. they shot up their work environment, which was a civilian target, but it was not clear if they were politically motivated. over the past 24 hours we've gotten confirmation that, indeed, they appear to have been radicalized. the strongest evidence, the smoking gun, if you will, is that the female perpetrator apparently in the midst of the attack or right around that time period posted on facebook the pledge of allegiance to the leader of islamic state baghdadi. that has been verified by the associated press and facebook itself. assuming that that's true, and it certainly seems to be, that a strong evidence for me that there is, indeed, a political motive-- >> if you don't mind me interrupting, why then given the post on social media that you describe it as a strong piece of evidence, why has the fbi been
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so cautious, very reluctant to make explicit any connection to isil? >> well, that part of the story only was made public today. it was today that the fbi said that they were investigating the incident as terrorism. but you're right, prior to that piece of evidence, they were very sort of elusive about whether or not the attacks was terrorism. i did an interview last night where i said i was reasonbly confident that the attack was terrorism, but now we have even more evidence. there are reports that this couple was researching online jihadist websites. they had traveled to saudi arabia. there were some indications physical indications like growing out the beard, for example, becoming quieter that they may have been under going some radicalization.
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so then there is some evidence that this couple also tried to tamper with the evidence. they broke their phones. they threw them out. they may have messed around with the tribe. all this suggesting that they were covering their tracks. of course, they were using very serious weaponry, which would not be associated with workplace violence. it showed a high degree of planning when law enforcement went to their home they discovered 12 bombs. >> on that particular point, how--how difficult will it be for the fbi to establish the involvement of others either inside or outside of the united states, particularly when it comes to supplying those weapons, and the training and capability to use them? >> my assessment at this point is that they were supplied these weapons. i do not think that the attack was so-called directed.
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i think rather it was inspired. i think the leader baghdadi has basically given the green light to anybody in the world to have tactical autonomy. to attack whatever targets they want with any weapons. in the united states it's not that hard to get guns. it is true that california has perhaps the most stringent gun control laws, but nonetheless it's not hard to get guns. my understanding is that the four guns were all procured legally, and the materials to build pipe bombs also are widely found in society. so i think that this was a local operation that was inspired probably online, but their own tactical choices and tactical elements in terms of the weaponry were local. >> thank you very much. max abrahams in botch.
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almost 2,000 refugees and migrants have pulled off 11 different boats. it's the largest number of people saved in the mediterranean for more than a month. refugees and migrants have been clashing with police at borders of macedonia where they've been held for several weeks. many have been kept there because of a policy that only allows refugees from syria, iraq and afghanistan. hundreds of men, women, and children have been taken to safety after being freed during an operation against boko haram on the border between cameroon and nigeria. some of the hostages were trained to fight and act as suicide-bombers. al jazeera's emma hayward now reports.
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>> in the back of a packed truck there was relief and desperati desperation, exhaustion, too, when women and children were freed during an operation led by the cameroon military. now they are in need of food and water. in this group there were hostages held by boko haram along the border of cameroon and nigeria. two were killed in the operation, which also left 100 fighters dead. >> i don't think the enemies neutralized we can count the head of operations for boko haram, he led several attacks in our territory. large amounts of weapons and ammunition were confiscated during these operations. >> boko haram roughly translates as western education is
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forbidden. the campaign in northern nigeria has left thousands dead during the last six years. earlier this year it allied itself with isil and has been operating beyond nigeria's borders carrying several across-board attacks in cameroon over the past few months. >> it's not quite possible at the moment to put an exact estimate on the amount of fighters on the boko haram side now. but one thing we know for certain is that they obviously lack in manpower at the moment. in comparison to the numbers on the side of the task force. >> it's unclear whether any of the women and girls freed this week were among the more 200 feed from their dormitories from their schools norma more than a year ago. now these girls will be released
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to their families. >> in the taliban seize the kunduz in september and held it for two weeks. even though the government is back in control, those who left their homes is too scared to return. jennifer glasse reports. >> in the center of kunduz city, this restaurant owner is struggling to make a living because this city was under taliban control for two weeks back in september and october. >> because of the insecurity of kunduz, rich people have left the city, 70% of people have left. they're not here any more. >> while he still gets a few customers at lunchtime and early evening his working day has been cut short by six hours. he used to stay open until
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midnight. now he closes at dark because of security. >> after dark no one can go out in kunduz city. some areas there is government, in some areas no government. >> while the government now controls the center of the city, the taliban isn't far. it's fighters control villages and countrysides just a few kilometers outside of the city. jupes are open, but many other businesses aren't. >> there are people who are working, making money and spending money. but no there are no offices, no work, everything has collapsed. offices are closed. people have left. >> every day dozens of men line the streets hoping to find work for the day. but they say the jobs have dried up. most construction projects have halted. >> after the fall of kunduz,
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people don't trust the future here. that's the reason why investors have stopped investing, and poor people can't find work. >> in a country that survived 40 years of war afghans have learned to be resourceful. but the taliban's capture of the city has made people nervous here. many are concerned that kunduz will never be the same again. >> rescued helicopters dispatched to help thousands of stranded people have been grounded by more rainfall in the indian city. water levels start told recede but rose again after another down fall. more than 280 have died in the last month. riot police have been out
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in ecuador's capital. after nine hours of debate a motion passed 100-8 with people arguing that leaders could become authoritarian. joining me now live from washington, d.c. the president of the think tank inter american dialogue. thank you for speaking with us. what is the implications of this change with the president's hold on power in ecuado ecuador? >> it seems that's running into a few problems, and ecuador now, particularly economic issues with the economy slipping, with the price of oil at low point, of course. and he's faced numerous demonstrations on th the streets. he still remains reasonbly popular, and what he wants to do, i think, is cement that
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power over the longer run, and he's taken a few steps, including these constitutional amendments, which will allow him to do so, basically. he's a man obsessed with power and control, and he feels it is slipping a bit, and i think he wants to reinforce it. >> people of ecuador are not happy about this. they're out in protest on the streets. is there anything that they can do to stop this change? >> not a whole lot. let me say that people are out on the streets, that's a traditional form of governmental change in ecuador, at least before raphael correa took power. but the fact that these constitutional amendmented passed by 10 100-8.
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he has lost some popularity, but no, there is not a lot they can get done. he's really the strong man, the first president in many, many years that has been able to governor that country. i think he's giving up the possibility of running in 2017 for a longer term grip authority in that country. >> ecuador is not the only country to improve presidential terms. we've seen the same in venezuela, nicaragua. what is behind this trend? >> i think is wanting to hold on to power. there is not much else. there is no ideology behind it. there is simply, you know, this president-for-life syndrome. those countries that have declared lifetime are probably
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the more authoritarian and auto contractic governments these days. strong democracies have allowed election where in the past election was not very well--not in many countries allowed. so i think what you're seeing is people who have power want to hold onto it. and correa certainly fits that profile. >> thank you very much. really good to get your insight, from the think tank inter american dialogue. campaigning has wrapped up ahead of venezuela's parliamentary elections on sunday. which could see the opposition making gains. the oil price of oil has hit the country hard. food shortages and high inflation rate has damaged
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nicolás maduro's socialism party. but they're not going down without a fight. >> the cry is that chavez will win. many gather to support one of the most powerful men in venezuela. he is head of the national assembly, which polls suggest could be won over by the opposition. but in his home state as a campaign heads to an end, he insists that they will sweep, and that a victory will not lead away from the economic model that so many people blame for the country's problems. >> we're going to deepen the revolution. we don't have a pact with th
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borshaze. >> they'll had to share power. >> now the powers support might have dimensioned. but only sunday's vote will tell. >> the is strong and still widely accepted. >> i was unemployed for a very long time. so this taxi comes as a blessing. it ended my bad spell. >> back at the rally crowds shear cheer, but above all for memory of their late leader.
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>> maryam thank you very much. real madrid has been thrown out of the copa del rey for fielding an ineligible player. russian winger scored a goal in their 23 3-1 win, and it turns out he was serving a game suspension. real will appeal the band. one of the candidates for fifa's next president has been defending the governing body since the latest arrests. there have been the arrests of 16 more people as part of an investigation. they said that the incidents shouldn't reflect on the work being done in fifa. >> what happened in the recent arrests whether in may or yesterday, they're related to the confederations of 9
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americas. it has nothing to do with fifa. when you talk about fifa as an organization, the staff, i don't think there is any issue within fifa has been found guilty of wrongdoing. nobody has talked about other sports. the focus is always on fifa. the fact that there are people looking into activities. believe me if they look at others. they're much worse. but i think what fifa is doing in the past few months with the ethic--with the new regulations that are implemented, and with the new recommendation it shows that we're going into the right track. i hope that after the election things will be clear with elected president who can put his views and put his agendas clearly. >> the arrests by twis swiss police, they're looking to
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>> ththe top man from the north and central american body, arrested at a swiss hotel as fifa--there is corruption in latin america. there is not a surprise to the millions of long-suffering fans here. what is new those being accused are now being arrested and charged forcing bodies like this one, the argentine football association will show to clean up their act. are they or is this just for show. a vote and ruined ballot paper with chaos and confusion.
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they've been investigating corruption in latin american football for many years. >> as a trend emerging here when one is arrested, he confesses. another one is arrested, and he gives up more information. the original fbi report said that all top officials were taking bribes. >> argentina continues to produce great players who are seen around the cold, football here is hostage to violent fans and corrupt officials. there is a need to work closely with whoever emerges as head of the argentine football corporation where football, politics and business are inseparable. >> well, fightin cycling has just emerged from its own crisis
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from a doping scandal. chris froome has produced test results showing that he does not use performance drugs. during this year's race froome was targeted by fans who threw urine at him following accusations of doping. danny willett lost out to rory mcilroy, and now his defense at the challenge in south africa looks shaky. willett was hampered by a back injury, the englishman finishing nine shots off the pace and needing treatment from physio. henrik stenson battling the flu, he takes one-stroke lead at the half-way stage. in the nhl the colorado
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avalanche beat the new york rangers, but there was a scary moment in the second period when rick nash clipped eric johnson's vicar. luckily it missed his face as they went on to win 2-1. that's all the sport for now. back to maryam in london. >> europe's most active volcano is back to life for the first time in two years. throwing up an ash column some seven kilometers wide. the eruption sent ash 100 kilometers north of the volcano. it's one of the most dramatic eruptions for the past 20 years. well, more on everything that you're covering. you'll find your news, sport, everything right here, all the latest analysis. video on demand and background information on all of our stories. i'll be back with a full bulletin for you. stay with us.
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>> the only live national news show at 11:00 eastern. >> we start with breaking news. >> let's take a closer look. >> this is al jazeera america live from new york. >> at 7:00 - "news roundup". tony harris gives you a fast-paced recap of the day's events. >> this is the first line of defense. >> we have an exclusive story tonight. >> then at 8:00 -
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5:00 pm
>> the fbi said it is now fleeting the california shooting as an act of terrorism. hello, i' i'm maryam nemazee. you're watching al jazeera live from london. also coming up, germany joins the fight against isil in syria while hollande françois leads the french offensive. [ gunfire ] violence across the west bank. four palestinians shot dead after allegedly attacking israeli soldiers. pumping huge
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