tv News Al Jazeera December 7, 2015 10:00am-11:01am EST
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the news continues next live from doha. >> welcome to the news hour. syria accuses the u.s. of heinous aggression after three of its soldiers are killed in a coalition airstrike. germany says a million refugees have sought asylum this year. venezuela to beat the socialists in parliamentary elections for the third time in two decades. tourist attractions begin to reopen in sierra leone as the
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country is declared ebola-free. >> syria's foreign minister is accusing the u.s. coalition of killing three of its soldiers in an airstrike. the syrian government says four aircraft took part in the raid. it says it's written to the u.s. security council con seaming what it ascribes as heinous aggression by the u.s. the united states says it did conduct airstrikes against oil facilities on sunday, but it says it didn't target vehicles or personnel in the area roslind jordan is standing by in washington, d.c. it did target vehicles personnel in the crosshairs? >> well, as you said, the
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targets were oil-well heads into isil-controlled territory about 55 kilometers away from where it says the syrian military installation. the spokesperson said that it was--the coalition was not targeting any military installations, and did not have any people in sight when it was going into this part of on sunday to try to destroy those well heads. that, of course, is part of the overall operation of trying to deny isil oil revenues. but they say that they do take seriously any allegations that people may have been injured or killed. they get credible evidence of such they will investigate but they're denying the syrian government allegations that syrian soldiers were expressly targeted. we expect that we may hear more later in the day. for now they're saying that it
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just did not happen. of course it is the syrian regime forces responsible for the killings in syria. are they saying that this strike is not indicative to any military change when it comes to operations in syria? >> that's exactly what the u.s. government is saying, they're insisting that their airstrikes inside syria are against isil targets. they're not against the syrian military or against the civilian government of bashar al-assad. the u.s. has been very clear in the ongoing civil war of those opposed to assad's government and assad's forces is a very separate conflict from what isil has been doing, which is claiming territory inside syria as well as in northern iraq and trying to establish what isis is
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calling a caliphate. they're trying to liberate those territories from isil control. it is not, it says, trying to get in the middle of the syrian civil war. saying that that civil war can be resolved with policy not with military means. >> well, we'll leave it there for now. thank you so much, roslind jordan. now hundreds of syrian rebels are preparing to pull out of the syriaen city of homs. the last of several strongholds which has been under siege by government forces for over two years. >> for these children the arrival of this truck means the arrival of food and rations. the neighborhood has been surrounded by government forces for more than two years. four months ago they cut off the
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food. >> we suffer a loss. we eat maccarone without the means to cook it. we eat spoiled food, there is no bread, and children are dying of hunger. >> it has been a catastrophic situation. now we're happy and you can see children are happy. we thank god that after four tough months the aid has reached us. >> president bashar al-assad's forces denied they deliberately starved homs into submission. this is not the first time that a cease-fire has been reached in homs. in 2014 government troops took it over. a truce in february of that year allowed for civilians to leave the neighborhood to a safe corridor. but thousands left, including hundreds of fighters, and the siege continued.
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an estimated 2,000 people where the cease-fire has been olding, but they're unsure how long it will last. >> no end to the violence in syria, record numbers of refugees continue to flee. now german says it has taken in over 960,000 people this year, that number four times the total for all of 2014. from the european council for refugees in exile says that the rest of the e.u. is failing refugees. >> it is very polarized society. a very hostile movement, and on the other hand, let's say this is our hope from greece to
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germany, to u.k. stick to the principles, and these principles are e.u. rights, refugee rights, liberty rights. but the elite is not functioning at the moment. germany and others who tried to create the protection space in europe even if others are not ready to do this. >> the u.s. president barack obama has vowed to defeat terrorism and destroy isil. his address came in the wake of wednesday's mass shooting in california, in which 14 people died. white house correspondent patty culhane reports. >> on wednesday. >> the backdrop, the oval office. this is only the third time that president barack obama has used this setting for a national address used to send a message of seriousness.
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investigators looking into whether the killers were inspired by the islamic state in iraq and the levant. the president telling americans that he has a strategy to defeat the group. >> the threat from terrorism is real, but we will overcome it. >> he has had a tough time convincing the majority of americans. 57% disapprove of how he's handling the fight against isil. 72% say the effort is going badly, and 60% say that it's time to send more troops to iraq and syria. his strategy is facing criticism from republican presidential candidates. >> for god sakes, come up with a ground force that go in and destroy the caliphate before we get hit here at home. >> the president had his own criticism for the u.s. congress saying its time for new gun control legislation. that is unlikely. just last week the senate voted down a bill that would have kept
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people on the no-fly list from buying weapons. >> that, too, is what groups like isil want. isil does not speak for islam. they are thugs and killers, part of a cult and death they account for a tiny fraction of more than a billion muslims around the world. >> before the speech, hundreds of advocated rallied outside of the white house to send a similar message. >> the basic thing is to make the world realize that they are not representative of islam. >> the president used the speech from the oval office to calm fears, to assure americans that he has a strategy to defeat isil. >> all right, let's bring in our analyst. he's live with us in doha. good to have you with us. he's going to crush isil, but
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how? >> rhetorically it sundays very good. i must say that president obama is one of my favorite commanders in speech. the more sober people especially these days. but when it comes to defeating isil, one, diplomacy, two, special forces, three, continue the bombardment of syria, and three, rely on local allies. my problem is that is the last part especially. because they keep saying that we have local allies, we have syrian allies, syrian opposition and they have to call it moderate as well. the problem is for the last four years they have not supported this syrian opposition. >> the last four years. >> the last four years.
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>> the handful of people trained only a few made it back in syria. >> exactly. they really did not invest in the syrian opposition nor in protecting the syrian people. the united states bombards isil because it thinks that isil is evil. but 85% of the people who die in syria is because of machine barrel bombs. the at least they could have done a long time ago is protect the syrian people by offering no-fly zones and safety zones in syria so people would have some protection. and unfortunately, none of that has been happening. >> if we don't know what is going on, the vow to crush isil at a time when actually none opposition groups are being driven out of homs. so the battle field is not going in the direction that they
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wanted. >> absolutely not. and the russians added to the complexity of this situation. russia went in under the pretext of fighting terrorism, fighting isil, but in real terms they were prepping up president assad, trying to help him win back some of the territories he has lost. in fact, although they have been bombarding in the western part of the country, despite the russian help and the iranian help and hezbollah's help, a lot of syrians do not support assad. >> they don't want hezbollah or any of these other groups working. this needs each other. we have though allegations from the u.s. officials. i think it was last week that some syrian middle men are helping the regime to buy, trade and help and deal with isil.
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the more you have non-imopposition crushed this syria, does that not only help the assad regime but isil? >> president obama has a different bet. i agree with you if the situation continues isil will continue to grow and the assad regime will be prepped up. much of the allegations o of the assad regime is today he feels emboldened. we know that the assad regime is basically owned by russia and it's difficult for them to maneuver internationally without russia's okay. having said that, president obama is betting on that the prepping up of assad fails. unfortunately, this is going to take a long time. in the process a lot of syrians are going to suffer. >> thanks for that. well, in yemen there would be peace talks i next week.
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>> we have a number of good signs that we will have the cease-fire including my discussion with president hadi, but also my discussion with the other two parties and everybody seems to be welcoming the idea to have the sees fir cease-fire. it may take long for put in place, but we're sure of a cease-fire. we're very optimistic. >> stay with us on this news hour because still to come on our show, the far right french national make big gains in its first election tests since the paris attacks. hoprotection were pirates.
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taking on the brooklyn nets looking for their 22nd consecutive win in nba sports. >> swepbz center right opposition winning control of the national assembly. the coalition landslide victory was confirmed when president nicolás maduro recognized defe defeat. >> the expressions of the socialist party headquarters confirm supporter's first nightmare as election results were announced. for the first time in nearly 17 years opponents of the nation's populist revolution succeeded in breaking the government's
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monopoly, winning a majority in the national assembly. true to his word, president maduro recognized his party's defeat. >> it starts now. we should take this as a slap in the face to wake us up so we can work towards the future. >> the results should have come as no surprise. spiraling inflation, crime, and chronic sportages of basic goods and services had become too much even for many diehard supporters of the revolution. >> it's a total change. that's what i want. because what we're putting up with is unbearable, intolerable, accused here, accused there, crime everywhere. enough. >> the legislative north the opposition can set the congressional agenda approve the
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hold over the president's budget and collect the president and investigate public officials. in theory this would oblique the president to negotiate. but only in theory. >> the government still contro controls, and control the supreme court. the institutional chamber of the supreme court did declare any of these laws unconstitutional. >> but an i am boldened opposition has other options, including organizing a referendum against the president. if the government does not change its attitude we'll have to change the government. >> in a normal democracy the division of power is considered healthy, but in a country where it is polarized as venezuela will build a consensus and work together for the common good
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does seem like a long shot. >> let's cross over now. >> where do the results stand? does the opposition have the three-fifths majority? >> we don't know yet. which is quite surprising because the government said this is one of the more perfect electoral systems in the world. we're at the same numbers as we were monday morning. 99 seats to the opposition and the remaining to the government. this puts the opposition one seat short of a majority, of a qualified north, and 13 seats short of a super majority. we're still waiting to here on 22 seats that are currently being contested. if the opposition were to rema win the remaining 13 seats, they would be ahead of the scenario where the opposition could push
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for a complete reform or drafting of a new constitution. it would be a huge transformation for this country. >> we're looking at pictures next to you of people celebrating, and it looks like happy scenes on the streets let's put in perspective of what is at stake. is there a threat to undo the revolution and a lot of the policies which were brought out since the days of hugo chávez? >> certainly, but i think those threats are coming more from the fact that oil prices have plummeted. they're currently facing an oil barrel worth $30. and because of that we've seen
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social programs reduced considerably. we've seen food shortages and the lack of any service here collapse of the health system. i think all in all the revolution is probably on its course to expiring even because of the economic model that it is based on seems to be unsustainable. >> thanks so much for your analysis. france's far right national party has received a record number of votes in the first round of regional elections. it took 30% in under assess vote, the first since the attacks in november. jacky rowland reports. >> jubilation at marie la pen's headquarters. they have swept the border in the northern stronghold with 40% of the vote. it's a political landslide, and
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she is savoring the moment. >> the truth is that the national front maintains french people's trust more and more. election after election and once again if you have analytical capacity and connection with the people you realize there is no surprise in yesterday's results. >> close behind of the national front are the republicans and nick lie sarkozy. he has words of warning for people who voted for the national front. >> i want to tell those who made that choice that we can hear their worries, they won't obtain any answer from a party that would create conditions of dangerous disorders in their regions and in our country. the socialist leader has seen his personal approval ratings
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jump since the paris attacks last month. but that popularity does not seem to extend to his party. the socialists are trailing and they say they'll withdraw from the second round in the north and southeast. the national front is currently in the lead in several reasons. but that's when voting kicks in. in the second round people may choose to vote for a candidate not necessarily from their preferred party simply to keep the far right out. >> for now the national front is celebrating. this is only round one and the turn out was low at 50%. the second and decisive round will take place in one week's time. jacky rowland, al jazeera, paris. >> now business is booming for armed security firms employed to protect cargo were pirates and southeast judiciar asia.
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in the second part of our special series on piracy, we have reports from singapore. >> armed guards to protect ships against pirates, security companies are flourishing because of the number of hijacks and robberies at sea. a singapore-based security company said that it regularly provides armed guards to shipping companies. >> easily 55% to 60% in this vicinity when they're traveling south of singapore are away from the tours south china sea. >> they know the threat very well. his oil tankers have been hijacked by armed pirates three times in recent years. >> it's happening every two weeks, and of course we're very concerned. we've started out own sop
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in-house. >> the ship owner is reluctant to carry armed guards. he relies on the malaysian navy to protect his ships and crews. but they say that ship owners should be more alert. >> i request all--please observe the good practices. should they continue security firms are offering equipment to scare off pirates with sound or water. than important solution to
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combat piracy in southeast asia, here the leader of pirate syndicates are able to evade arrest. >> perhaps singapore wants to deny its citizens or residents may necessarily may not be involved in piracy activity. the financial sector in singapore is very strong. it's quite influential, and it's always been slightly autonomous of the singapore government. so perhaps also there is a degree of reluctance to open up that pandora's box. >> lack of law enforcement
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continues to create uncertainty and fear. the thousands of sailors who pass through southeast asia every day. >> let's bring you some breaking news that we're getting in al jazeera. two afghan police officers, we're told, have been killed by gunmen in appears wha to be an assault in direct nine. the afghan special forces have been decloudy provide and called into action. the taliban is reclaiming the area. th in kandahar city in the south, two police officers have been killed and the taliban claiming responsibility for it. we'll bring you more details when we get it. >> climb talks heat up as
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>> water pressure hitting faults and making earthquakes. >> there were a lot of people that were telling me i need to be careful how i say things. >> how many lives have to be lost? >> "faultlines". >> what do we want? >> al jazeera america's hard-hitting... >> today the will be arrested. >> ground-breaking...
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>> they're firing canisters of gas at us. >> emmy award-winning, investigative series. >> welcome back. let's recap our headlines here in the news hour. syria says that the u.s. has killed three of its soldiers in an airstrike. it's written to the u.n. security council in protest. the u.s. against isil denies the strike. germany said it has taken over 960,000 people this year. that number is four times for all of 2014. record 200,000 arrived last month alone. warring sides in yemen have agreed to hold peace talks in switzerland next week. the u.n. envoy has called to
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observe a humanitarian cease-fire. beijing has issued it's highest ever magazine warning. the red alert on th the 40th scale means three days of smog is expected. schools are advised to close. restrictions are also imposed on factories and traffic. it's just this kind of pollution that governments are trying to address in tackling climate change. now in their second week, delegates are aiming to reduce global warming by cutting dependence on fossil fuels that produce green house gasses. it's a bit smoggy in beijing. >> there is still a bit of fog around the proceedings.
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the draft is 300 pages long and there is a sense of gloom. now there is a bill more optimism here. the ministers have arrived, and they're trying to figure out a way to reach that deal by the end of the week. within this text there are a lot of brackets, like 1,700 brackets, and each bracket denotes disagreement. they have to sort all that out. there is a sense of optimism that there will be a deal at the end of the week, but the question is how strong or how weak will that be? >> it's a big fight. the news has not been exactly positive. we came in to the paris negotiations with the bar set very low. whatever the outcome, it was not going to be sufficient to keep the temperatures low. so the bar was set low.
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will they provide the finances. that's a big sticking point. at the moment developed countries are final. what they want to do is shift some of that responsibility on to other developing countries, and then there is a big question of the damage, which is ordinary people's terms, support for people who have been impacted by climate change. >> there will be a huge caveat. as long as it doesn't mean loss and damage. the united states particularly is blocking any recognition that this will be about liability or compensation. what they're say something that we'll accept the word as long as it doesn't mean damage. the impacts of climate change around the world. people are losing their homes and livelihoods and even their
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countries. and the united states is saying even though we feel responsible for causing the climate crisis we won't pick up the tab for that. >> how do they we solve that. the small island nations won't be happy with that. the poor developing countries won't be happy with that. how do they balance that out and come to an agreement by the end of the week? >> it's a complex set of negotiations. you have negotiations between negotiators, and then ministers are having conversations, and then i'm sure behind closed doors there are bilaterals going on as well. by wednesday we are meant to see a text emerge. in that there will be winners and losers. and usually the losers are the poorest people. and for the poorer countries can we make sure that the first disagreement is equitable, and second, is everyone doing their fair share, and does it provide
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the kind of support for poorer countries? >> we'll see how it pans out as the week goes on. thank you very much, indeed. now in 2013 typhoon haiyan hit the philippines. the moment it did they've given up negotiating, and walke walked from rome to paris as a march of protest. i caught up with him. >> typhoon haiyan made landfall in my family's hometown, and the devastation is staggering. i struggle to find words. i struggle to find words to describe how i feel about the losses. >> he was making his opening remarks to the conference in
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warsaw. in the philippines the typhoons are wreaking havoc and killing thousands. anyone who wants to ignore the realities, i dare them to get away from the comfort of their arm chairs, i dare them to go to the islands of the pacific, the caribbean, the indian ocean and see the rising sea levels. >> the speech brought standing occasion. his words, though, made no impact on the protests. little was achieved in warsaw. this year he has not been involved in all the negotiations. he resigned from his delegation giving up on the political process focusing instead on activism. he's walking from rome to paris
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a march of protest. >> this is day 34. >> i joined him o on an ancient pilgrimage route. >> this is paying homage to people who are facing climate change in a very real way. every step that we take on this journal is meant for people who have curved from the ravages of climate change. >> celebrations as he crosses the border from italy into switzerland. in the party. >> the men were crying. children were crying. nobody knew what to do. >> he believes the death toll was much higher than the
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official estimate of 8,000. >> we lost more than 15,000 people. and nobody is crying for justice. who will provide justice. who will take the blame? no one will take the blame. scientists all over the world know exactly who to blame. >> there is not much faith now in the negotiations but they still feel a deep responsibility to react. >> my position is quite simple. i have children, and i want to look in their eyes and tell them that i did my best for a better future. >> another daytime to get back on the trail. >> he plans to make his mark outside of the process. >> now he's fighting his fight
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from the outside. before i go i want to bring details of the report that has been around the global climate risk index that shows half a million people have died in climate-related disasters as a cost of 3 trillion-dollar since 1999 when the first conference took place. you can't categorically say they're all related to climate change, but it does illustrate the scale of the problem at hand, and how important it is to reach a good conclusion by the end of this week. >> definitely those numbers are high enough to make you stop and think. nick clark our environmental editor. the leader of the failed coo coup, led of security when he was assassinated in 1987. he was killed by a group of soldiers but the exact circumstances of his death are still unknown.
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he's charged with complicit with the murder, the most senior official to be charged in the case. floodwaters are beginning to recede in a southern indian city. there are shortages of food, drinking water and shelter for those made homeless by the flooding. and health workers are increasingly concerned now by the spread of disease. >> a few household numbers, this woman prepares a meal for her family. it's not much but better than nothing. she has struggled to find the basics to keep her family alive. >> when the floods came suddenly we ran out of this place in safety. the water kept rising up to the second floor. i've been wearing this sari for the past five days. we lost everything. everything was washed away. we don't know how we're going to continue our life. our future is a question mark. >> powers restored in the
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surrounding areas, but until the lights come on, all they can do is wait. his home is dark and damp. the perfect breeding ground for disease. the dangerous are growing by the day, but he says no one has answered his call for help. >> so far no one from the parties have visited us. there is need for help, but no one cares. >> floodwaters have receded in this neighborhood but residents still have a lot to worry about. piles of rubbish and fears that water sources are contaminated are raising concerns about possible outbreaks of illness. rain continues to threat this city's recovery, but where they can, the community is beginning to clean up. >> we urge the government to provide drinking water and milk, but first they must clean up the
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garbage and create clean living conditions. the government needs to create medical camps, and then we urge the government to estimate the loss and compensate half of it. >> for nearly a week millions of people have waded through these waters. the height of destruction along this river bank serves as a poignant reminder of how bad things were. while the worst may be behind these people, dryer conditions have brought with them desperate times. >> the united nations humanitarian agency has launched a record appeal for $20.1 billion to help people affected by disasters around the world. but it has not even received what it has asked for for this year. the agency appealed for just under $20 billion in 2015. that money to help 82 million
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people across 38 countries. but by november over half of that funding had been delivered leaving a shortfall of around $10 billion. most people are effected by violence and lack of security in their countries, millions have been displaced. many more have been left homeless by natural disasters such as earthquakes and after jacques in depaul back in april and may. we have reports from kathmandu. >> in the village on the edge of kathmandu, they make a small amount of money by preparing wool for knitting. he lost six members of his family after the quake when the house fell. now we have no help from the government. they only take care of themselves. but this government and the one before. >> there is no reconstruction.
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before we got some relief tha. >> 800 houses were damaged, now people have been told that they are no longer allowed to take refugee on government land. people face the additional extense of renting land to build temperatur temporary shelter. >> they have not reconstructed th committee, but it has allocated $700 million for reconstruction, but that has not been spent either. now the cabinet is saying that the national planning commission is responsible for spending that money. >> the head of the existing planning commission said that it all plays a temporary role in getting destruction movin move--construction moving. >> since there is happening at
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the moment, and our job has been to get programs approved by the ministries and ask the ministries to implement them by themselves. >> but those working with quake victims are getting concerned. bureaucratic delays within the ministries and some say there is little transparency when they will finally receive their funding. raising funds for friends and family and distributing it begins the quake. >> in the mountains people are suffering from the cold. they need food, clothes, and blankets. children are getting sick. little reconstruction, some have received no relief. >> some have said that they started to spend their money without the government. while the government has been focusing on political deadlocks, quake victims, who lost
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>> their intelligent, playful, and don't mind posing for the camera. locals and tourists visit for orphaned and abandoned chimps, which closed down for safety reasons during the ebola crisis. now they're working for survival. since reopening, visiting numbers have fallen by more than half. pre-ebola sierra leone was starting to develop a stronger tourism industry. >> thbacks at the sanctuary visitors are starting to return. >> i think we can learn a lot from them. they're genetically close to us, obviously, it is important that
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there are sanctuaries like this where people can come and learn about them. >> that's the goal of the sanctuary. educating people about conserv conserving chimps. in the 1970s it was estimated there were 100,000 chimps. now there are about 5500. despite the set back the goals of the sanctuary remain high. creative ways to attract visitors are being discussed, and there is optimism that everything will bounce back. al jazeera, free town, sierra leone. >> let's catch up with all the sports news with rahul. >> thank you very much. staying in sierra leone, the country has been cleared to host football matches for the first time in 18 months after being declared ebola free.
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liberia had its ban lifted in september but remains in place. >> crowned chile's premiere champion, and they did it without kicking a ball. fans riots, supporters from both teams eaggravated the pitch before kick off. it did make a difference who were crowned champions any way when they lost. now one of the oldest teams in north americaen soccer th soccer.
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portland would double their lead, and it wasn't enough. portland winning 2-1 well, golden state warriors can't stop at the moment and they have not been beaten in regular-season games for 26 matches. they'll face the nets on monday. scoring a game behind 26 points. 16 of them coming in the third quarter. they won 113-93. in the news once again after involved in a dramatic rescue surfer. he was surfing the pipeline in hawai'i when he was crushed by a
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wave. he smashed his head on the reef knocking him unconscious. he remains in fair condition in hospital. after making headlines around the world after he fought off a shark attack. at the time he admitted to quitting the sport but soon after he was back in the water competing. next up is fanning helping to pull an american surfer in the water after knocked unconscious. and finely a wednesday, picking up a title, saying it's his greatest achievement in sports. the high wave in maui has been taking place. the break commonly known as jaws produce waves 12 to 15 meters.
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>> bubba watson winning in bahamas, the event organized by tiger woods. it did carry world ranking points and a prize purse of $3.3 million. the american making seven birdies and 66 of the albany course to win by three strokes in world number one jordan spieth finished five shots behind in fourth place. wrapping up the series in south africa 3-0, the fourth and final test match in delhi. they did enough to savage a
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draw. they capitulated and losing five wickets and 31 balls. olympic organizers have received thousands of ideas for a new logo, the public competition to find one ended on monday, and it came after the initial logo had to be scrapped that it had been copied. we have reports from tokyo. >> since the celebrations viewed very much as a way of showing japan could rebound from th the 2011 triple disaster of the earthquake tsunami crisis, there have been varying missteps. one included a logo of an artist who sued for the similarities to his design. that's why that design was scrapped.
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they asked everyone over 18 in japan to submit an alternative. it's not clear whether those two are in the competition, but the submissions will be evaluated in early january, narrowed down in the selection will be made. perhaps the bigger problem is the stadium. it was grandiose and spectacular but it's project swells to more than double the originallettes mate, and it was scrapped earlier this year by prime minister shinzo abe. we still don't have a final design. it's expected to be decided on by the end of this year. rebound will bground will be broken for construction. but the rugby world cup that is scheduled to take place in 2019 now won't have its centerpiece.
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the tokyo government has committed to a quarter of the funding necessary to build this stadium. totaling it's estimated $1.3 billion. >> lindsay vonn has won a sweep of world cup races for the third time in her career. the american finished 1.3 seconds faster than her closest rival. she was pretty pleased with herself. robin adams will have more spo sport. >> we've come to the end of the news hour, but we've come back with another full bulletin in just a couple of minutes. don't go too far.
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>> coming up tonight, we'll have the latest... >> does the government give you refugee status? >> they've marched to the border. >> thousands have taken to the streets here in protest. >> this is where gangs bury their members. >> they're tracking climate change. >> water pressure hitting faults and making earthquakes. >> there were a lot of people that were telling me i need to be careful how i say things. >> how many lives have to be lost? >> "faultlines". >> what do we want? >> al jazeera america's hard-hitting... >> today the will be arrested. >> ground-breaking... >> they're firing canisters of gas at us. >> emmy award-winning, investigative series.
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