tv News Al Jazeera December 8, 2015 12:30pm-1:01pm EST
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example of what green really means. well, you can see that report and more on our website. we also have a lot of information of course about the climate change meeting takes place in paris. all of that and more on the website, we have no idea if they want to bomb us. >> donald trump taking his rhetoric to a whole new level calling on a ban of all muslims. we take a look at political fallout. the house getting ready to vote on the crack down of visas. all of this in the nation of nation the security. the supreme court tackles a voting rights case that could bring about a major shift in power. and once again dozens say they got six at eating at chipotle. ♪
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♪ this is al jazeera america live in new york city. i am del walters. donald trump not shying away from his latest controversial comments. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states, until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. [cheering and applause] >> we have no choice. we have no choice. we have no choice. >> in fact, trump spent the morning doubling down on those very words. the reaction has been swift. many take to go twitter. fellow republican jeb bush called trump unhinged. adding his policy proposals are
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not serious, lindsay graham sailing all fellow candidates should condemn trump's statements. bernie sanders says trump wants americans to hate all muslims. hillary clinton called it reprehensibly and comments like him make us less safe. ryan said it does not represent the views of conservative republicans. mike viqueira has more. >> reporter: joining the chorus of criticism coming from republican leaders both on the presidential trail and in congress is the brand-new speaker of house paul ryan. relatively rare comments for him veering outside the direct business of the house of representatives. he's loathed do that. but felt compelled to talk about the proposal. proving to be so controversial. put forward by donald trump n his regularly weekly news conference on capitol hill they have it every tuesday when the house is in session. paul try juan was asked the question and he was ready with an answer. >> this is not conservatism.
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what was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for. and more importantly, it's not what this country stands for. not only are there many muslims serving in our armed forces dieing for this country there are muslims serving right here in this houseworking every day to defend and uphold the cons tunes. some of our best and biggest allies in this fight defense terror are muslims. >> reporter: in fact, there were some 3500 american plaintiff muslims serving who served in iraq and afghanistan. some 2.75 muslim americans in total. one other presidential candidate also on camera today holding forth about this issue. ted cruz the republican from texas is rising in the polls. he was asked directly what he thought of trump's comments. he says he disagrees with that. he says it's not his proposal. but he says he won't criticize trump. >> certainly in the media there has been no shortage of criticism for donald trump.
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and i do not believe the world needs my voice add today that chorus of critic goes. and listen, i commend donald trump for standing up and focusing america's attention on the need to secure our borders. >> reporter: he is proposal a moratorium on refugees from country are yous where isil holds substantial ground that would be syria and iraq. and he says the governor's should be able to opt out from being forced to accept refugees from syria. muslim leaders also reacting to trump comments. a cofounder and senior faculty member beings trump is creating the same hateful atmosphere as isil. >> i think mr. trump is providing a mirror image of isis in the sense of saying that muslims don't belong in america. that's exactly what isis is saying, muslims don't belong in
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america and they are trying to stimulate or engage in actions that might stimulate the fear that we see and the hate mongering that we see that will make it so uncomfortable for muslims being here that some might begin to think that. so we have do think to together as a nation, as a country and realize we are a nation of immigrants. and violence is a problem that affects all of us. we have had 360 mass shootings in this country this year. two have involved muslims. they are tragic, they are horrible. and they are unfortunate. but we have to look at all of the causes of violence, the root cause and not single out a single group because of their religious affiliation. >> and saying what so many politicians have already said, he is saying that trump statements are inconsistent with american values. it's unclear whether his call for ban on his muslims will hurt his dealings in the middle east
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build through connections with the saudi royal family. in 1995 he partnered with an investment group look today a saudi prince to buy his new york hotel. his company owning a number of golf courses in dubai and looking at other investments in dubai, qatar and saudi arabia. the house voting today on whether there should be travel restrictions for some foreigners coming to the u.s. the bill would restrict travelers who have been for iran, syria, sudan, or iraq. even if they are from countries that usually can travel to the u.s. without restriction. currently the visa waiver program allows citizens from 38 country to his travel to the u.s. for 90 days without a visa. state department spokesman john kerby says even you were the visa waiver program visitors get screened. >> it's not a free pass, anybody that goes through the visa waiver program still has to go through the same very, very high-level of scrutiny and vetting to get in to the program and to be able to stay in the program. so it's not a free pass. that said, the secretary has made very clear that we are
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going to continue to review that program and any other program under which individuals can enter the united states. we understand the concerns. nobody takes the security and safety of the american people more important than we do here at the state department and we'll continue to look at these programs all around. >> and kerr saying the state department is looking at all screening processes in light of the san bernadino attacks. but there haven't been any major changes just yet. a muslim doctor on his way to texas says he was unfairly detained, a an anesthesiologist says he feels held back in november after he landed. he believes another passenger became suspicion because of his appearance. he blames what happened on fear. >> if we send a message or a signal to other muslim countries that we don't like your people in our country, it's a clear signal that, hey, it's almost like a shove and we need to be very careful.
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>> instead of getting angry he rope awrote an o p.e.d. piece cautioning against innin imflamy red rick aimed at muslims. trump's comments following the san person dearn owe shootings. it's now been a week since the attack and we know the shooters had target practice days before they opened fire, al jazeera's melissa chan has more. >> we are continuing to be ex-treatmently ma showed cool extremely methodical. we have transported a number of pieces of evidence to washington, d.c., primarily to our fbi laboratory. to our bomb lab. >> reporter: among that evidence, documentation that the couple, syed farook and tash mean malik had been honing their shooting skills. >> we have evidence that both of the subjects did -- participated in target practice in ranges
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within the metro area or los angeles area. that target practice on one occasion was done within days of the events. >> reporter: this comes from more than 400 interviews investigators have conducted and atf. the bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives say it now has more details about the guns seconded to syed farook. >> i hem civil purchased the pistols that were recovered at the scene as well as the savage .22 caliber rifle discovered during the search warrant of we have the federal documentation and the california documentation to establish that he actually purchased the firearm. >> reporter: much of the focus appears to have shifted to tashfeen malik. her background was big one big question mark. aipac stan i who lived in saudi arabia. at the moment there is precious little information and the fbi says it's working on overseas partners to find out more. as for san bernadino after a
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weekend of memorials and vigils, local leaders say what's important is trying to get things back to normal. >> the purchase of terrorism is to make ordinary people afraid to do the ordinary things. last wednesday was an ordinary day in san bernadino county. it was a day when a group of our employees were gathered, these were dedicated public servants, to honor them, to express our gratitude for their unmanageable sacrifice, we have to fight to maintain that ordinary we can't be afraid. >> reporter: that may be easier said than done with each new development in the investigation a dramatic turn for people here following every step of the story. melissa chan, al jazeera, san bernadino, california. prosecute verse rested their case against a baltimore police officer charged in the freddy gray case. officer william porter charged
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with manslaughter, assault, misconduct in office and reckless evening daner. prosecutors called 15 witness to his testify he faces up to 25 years in prison. the defense will begin its case likely on wednesday. a south carolina judge rethinking to let a police there charged with murder out of jail on bond michael slager requested a second bond hearing on monday, the judge rejecting his first back in september saying he was a dang tore the community. he's the officer charged with shooting and killing walter scott an unarmed black man in april. he's being held in isolation at the county jail and has been held there ever since. new concern about any co lie outbreak, dozens more say they got sick in the chipotle in boston, and in kentucky the aclu getting ready to do battle with the state's newly sworn in governor
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30 boston college students are sick after eating at which i chipotle over the weekend among them members of the boston college men's basketball team. the restaurant is temporarily closed while health officials investigate. it's unclear whether it's tied to the recent e. coli outbreaks at the restaurants. a spokesman for the company called it isolated. kentucky has a new governor matt beavan was sworn in just after midnight. a parade and public swearing are plan today later. bevan has already promised to stand behind kim davis the county clerk who refuse today issue marriage license to his same-sex couples.
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he says he willish awn executive order to remove clerk's names from their certificates, some activists are gearing up for a fight. >> we are preparing battle some potential things from the new governor. waiting to see what he pushes and what the general assembly puts forward. >> bevan promises to undue the state's inning horns exchange. the supreme court getting ready to tackle several big case this is week. whether every american gets a vote. >> it's important to equalize voters or people. >> reporter: that question is before the supreme court as it venture to his settle the constitutional meaning of one person, one vote. in texas, as in many other states, legislative districts are created based on the state's total population.
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but the plaintiffs, two residents from a state senate district near houston say that's not fair. and that people who don't or can't vote shouldn't count when deciding on the size of a district. >> what the challengerser are saying is we want our votes to count just as much as those of our neighbors across town. and the way that you do that is by equalizing citizens of voting age or eligible voters. >> reporter: state representative rafael is a democrat who represents northwest dallas. he says if the plaintiffs win, there will be fewer districts like his in poor urban areas that tend to have fewer eligible voters. and fewer districts means less representation at the state capital. >> in district 103 we have a larger percentage of low socioeconomic status. we have more persons who speak spanish. and languages other than english in the home. >> reporter: a reflection of the many new immigrants who live here. he says about two in five people here are noncitizens, meaning
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they are not eligible to vote. >> they can either be legal permanent residents, they can be visa holders or some undocumented. >> reporter: next door is a republican district encompassing the wealthy white community of highland park. the contrast is stark. though nearly equal in population, the wealthier district has almost twice the number of registered voters. if the lawsuit prevails the wealthier district may conceivably split in two, doubling the number of representatives for the area. if fewer people are voting in your districts, don't those few wheeled more of a voice than perhaps their neighbors in the district where more people are vote something. >> i don't think so. in fact, you can argue that the opposite is true. because there are more voters in these other districts, that candidates are more often going to be campaigning and devoting resources in those districts. >> reporter: districts with more eligible voters also tend to be more white, rural and republican. the aclu says the lawsuit is an
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effort to shift more power to the right. >> if this were to succeed i think what you would see is that more rural counties would have more representation than they do now. and fast-growing metropolitan areas that are much more ethnically mixed, much younger, that have many more immigrants from all over the world, those places would have much less representation. >> reporter: heidi joe castro, al jazeera, dallas. the united states announcing plans for an international summit on the war on syria. secretary of state john kerry announce that go meet ago long side u.n. second general ban ki-moon today in paris. >> it's our plan to have a meeting in new york on the 18th of december. but, again, it depends on the flow of the events over the next week. that's our plan and we hope very much to do that. >> kerry talks about the need for u.n. negotiations to begin and a ceasefire to take affect. the hacking group anon miss
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declaring this friday isil trolling day. asking people to mock the group as part of its operation isis campaign. they are encourage being people to publish insulting posts and photos of isil on facebook, twitter, instagram and youtube. aisles respond to this threat by calling the hackers idiots. french authorities are said to be getting ready to pose a crack down on internet use following the paris attacks. the proposals which were published would end anonymous and untrace am ute of the internet and cell phones. including a ban on free wifi in public areas during state of emergency and would also require internet cafes to keep records of all visitors and their data. >> would you welcome the eagles of death metal. [cheering and applause] >> that triumphant return to the stage in paris the eagles of death metal performing when the bat can concert hall was attacked last month. last night they were pack on stage joining you two for a concert. this morning the american group
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went to the scene of the attacks to pay the respect to the 89 victims who died in that concert hall. analysts saying the attacks in paris and san bernardino are pushing more and more americans to buy guns and stock in gun manufacturers is soaring as more and more americans headed to the gun store. al jazeera's john henry smith has more. >> reporter: gun shops say they have been unable to keep up with demand. >> we have sold out of just about every nine-millimeter pistol that would we sell. >> reporter: the fbi says background checks are up nearly 8% from a year ago. >> people that are kind of on the fence or want to go buy a gun and maybe putting off that purchase, a significant portion of them was like, you know what, now is the time. >> reporter: and stock prices for major gun makers like smith & wesson and ruger are soaring. >> people are scared. the situation in california, i think has really alerted a lot of people. >> reporter: industry analysts say these shooting massacre in san bernardino is driving more people to buy guns.
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the latest example of gun sales ramping up in the wake of a mass shooting. >> if it's busy in here and we don't have the news on we can tell when there is a headline about a mass shooting by the influx of people. >> i am doing it to me. i got my wife one. >> reporter: percentage protection may not be the only reason for a spike in gun sales. >> it seems to be coming out that defense in the political area and this aspect of what's going on socially is what's driving it. >> we also need to make it harder for people to buy powerful assault weapons. >> reporter: analysts say calls from politicians like president obama to tighten gun restrictions stoke fears in gun rights advocates. >> criminals are not necessarily going to go through legal means to obtain firearms for illegal purchases. >> reporter: but gun control advocates say those worries are overblown. >> what we are talking about is very simple, we want to prevent criminals and domestic abusers from owning guns. >> reporter: still for many who crowd gun shops these days, guns are seen as protection against
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movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. tand that's what we're doings to chat xfinity.rself, we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. the athlete known as the blade runner will stay under house arrest as he appeals his murder conviction. oscar pistorius the former olympian was in court today just days after another court upgraded his manslaughter
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conviction in the killing death of his girlfriend receive a steenkamp. he already served a year under that prior sentence he now face a minimum of 15 years in jail. the government saying the number undocumented minors cross are the u.s.-mexican border has been cut in half over the year but that's not the case everywhere. a report from the recipients grande valley. >> reporter: that's the voice of 18 age girl named maria from el salvador. maria is not her real name and it's a shame we can't show you her lovely smile. she is 17, a minor in the custody of mexican authorities and they say they need to protect her identity before they deport her back home. she told us why she left. >> translator: because there was a tragedy in my family. they kill my brother. i saw who it was and how he was killed. >> reporter: maria says nobody knows why her brother was shot. but it happened right outside
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her family's front door. maria heard the gunfire, within outside and when she fell down beside her wounded brother he moved. >> translator: and the man notice that had he moved, and that's when he shot him again in the heart. >> reporter: oh, my god. the gunman pointed his weapon at maria but then ran off without a word. that was october 10th. her uncle was gunned down a week later, though the family isn't sure if it was related. >> translator: i was never afraid that the man would come after me. but my aunt said it's too dangerous for you to be in el salvador and i agreed. i will leave and live in dallas with my aunt because she's a u.s. citizen and will worry about the paperwork later. >> reporter: maria's aunt sent money for her to pay coyotes, human smugglers, to bring her from el czar doerr to the u.s. and it was a harrowing journey, but she made it to where the
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coyotes stashed her in a safe house with other migrants, like many mexican border towns, reynoso is racked by poverty and cartel-fueled crime and violence, human rights experts say this is part of the problem shaking migrants down for money co lieutenanting with the cartels and coyotes. the plan was for the smugglers to bring me rhea and the other to his the rio grande and then they would swim or raft across to texas to a place like this. but before that could happen, maria says the smugglers stole everybody's money and cell phones and then disappeared just moments before the safe house was raided by mexican police. >> translator: no more than 10 minutes later the police arriv arrived. when we letter the police we all hit the floor. >> reporter: maria's journey ended before she became a u.s. border patrol statistic. but when you look at border
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patrol records of minors caught at the border and compare them with this year, you see much higher numbers and rising at a much faster rate. the engine driving that increase is violence. in october about the time maria left home, the united nations put out a report warning of a looming refugees crisis as gang violence speared out of control in el salvador, guatemala and honduras. women are especially vulnerable. according to the u.n., this year el salvador moved in to first place in the world for the rate of murders of women. guatemala ranks third. honduras has the highest murder rate overall. sister norma run a migrant shelter. dozens, sometimes hundreds of people pass through here every
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day. and what are they saying, what kind of stories are they telling? >> the stories are that the violence in their country is really bad. the women of saying that they fear for their lives. that they are afraid. and so this is what we are hearing. >> reporter: maria says she won't say in el salvador. she hasn't everybody been deported yet but she's already making plans for the next time she leaves home and heads north. paul bieber on the an, al jazeera, ray nose, a mexico. ninely it appears that jeb bush is not the master of his own domain, so to speak. anyone trying to visit jeb redirect today that, of course, is the campaign site for his opponent. bush does own and operate an official website. it is thanks for joining yo us, i am l walters. the news continues live from london neck. you can find us 24 hours a day by going to where the news -- where the --
1:00 pm where the news never stops. >> this is al jazeera. hello there. this is the news hour, live from london. coming up in the next 60 minutes. as ever more foreign fighters the u.s. announces plans for an international conference to end the fighting. >> donald j trump is calling for a total and complete shut down of muslims entering the united states. >> donald trump called for ausmus limbs to be banned from entering the united states. there is furious reaction across the political divide. >> a
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