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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 8, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EST

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g we begin with donald trump's call to ban muslims entering the u.s. he is not backing down despite widespread condemnation. john terrett is here with the latest. >> donald trump used a world war ii air force carrier now a floating museum to make remarks cheered on the night, but condemned almost everywhere else today. >> donald trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. >> we have no choice, he told the cheering crowd three times, and donald trump was up early
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for morning tv. >> we have to use vigilance, or we'll have more world trade center and our country will never be the same. we'll have many more world trade center, as soon as you are sitting there our country will never be the same. until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on, we have no choice but to do this. >> reporter: condemnation was swift. the white house said trump is not fit for the oval office. the fact is the first thing a president does when he or she takes the oval office is to swear on oath to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the united states. what donald trump said yesterday disqualifies him serving as president. >> reporter: many in trump's party were keen to speak out and say he doesn't speak for all.
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>> he's race, zeno phobic and big ol. you know how to make america great - tell donald trump to go to hell. >> on capitol hill, paul ryan doesn't normally comment, but this is not conservatism. >> what was proposed yesterday is not what the party stands for, and not what this country stands for. >> still, he stopped short of saying he wouldn't support trump if he wins the g.o.p. nomination in the senate. tobias rieder pushed back at trump from the floor of the chamber. >> donald trump is standing on the platform of hate. sorry to say hate that the republican party built for him. >> also on the hill. david joely, one of 11 house members, who in june 3rd thour wait behind jed bush, angling for trump to step off the political stage. >> i call on trump or to withdraw his candidacy for the
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white house. >> it's known how the concern affects the hopefuls, voting in iowa two months away. the chairman issued a statement condemning donald trump's remarks:. one foys supporting the stance, senator ted cruz, refusing to add his strois the chorus of -- voice to the chorus of criticism on donald trump. >> i commend donald trump for focussing america's attention on the need to secure the border. >> the next republican party national debate when the issue will dominate is slated for tuesday. trump says a report in the associated press that he was planning to travel to jordan is false. the billionaire sending out a tweet saying despite his report for king abdullah, he will not
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visit at this time. >> hedda is a professor at the naval wore college and an officer in the u.s. navy. he is in boston. welcome, thank you for being with us. >> you woke an op-ed in the "new york times" in response to donald trump. tell me why you did this, and did it quickly? >> actually, the op-ed is from last friday. >> my apologies. >> it is - no worries. it is in response to what mr trump stands for, which is this bigotry. unconstitutional criticism of an entire village and millions of patriotic muslims that have been working closely with law enforcement to single out the extremist within them. there is no doubt that there is a small but deadly cancer within the american muslim community that espouses terrorism.
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the solution is to work closely with the community that provides us with doctors, lawyers and service members, soldiers, intelligence specialists, not to ignore them or, worse, shun them by saying things such as banning them or banning their movement to putting them in camps. this is un-american, unconstitutional, and, frankly, the constitution that i have sworn to protect with my life does not allow tore something like that -- allow for something like that. this is the time to get together, not to be divided. >> let me read about what you said. you said:
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can you talk about this personally for you, your family and friends? >> my wife and my 1-year-old n son, we are americans by anyone's definition, law-abiding, patriotic love the county, grateful for what the country has given us. everything we have, the rights are protected by the constitution. let's imagine that we were not muslims, the common denominator for every american, no matter the hyphenation, jewish american, irish american, the common denominator is the constitution, that is the test, not a racial or ethnic test. the only test that we have to pass is the constitution.
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now, if there are things inside the koran, the holy book for the muslims, if there are people in mosques that are misinterpreting or taking things out of context. are advocating violence or terrorism, the test is the constitution. >> is this different than after 9/11? >> is it worse for you? >> i was here before 9/11 and after 9/11. and the rhetoric is certainly much more heated now than it ever was after 9/11. >> why do you think? >> profile because of the number of supporters of this point of view. and the ignorance that has increased rather than decreased about the religion about islam. and how many non-muslim americans know about what muslim americans do, where they live, what dreams they have, what kind of jobs they have.
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they look at what is happening outside the united states, and automatically connect that to what an american muslim will do. it's shocking when the president talked about up to 6,000 service members. tempters, intelligence and law enforcement. and like myself, fighting, liberally fighting the enemy of i.s.i.s. and other groups like that, in going after the terrorist organizations. those people are americans. and they happen to also be huss limb. this is the. this is the time for unity, rather than division. and it is sad that our country is divided more than ever. >> good to see you. thank you for telling your story tonight. >> thank you. thank you from the speaker of the house to the head of the
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republican party, the g.o.p. is making a concerted effort to distance itself from donald trump, that doesn't appear to matter to donald trump or its supporters. david shuster has more. >> reporter: in the wake of the san bernardino attack, and amidst concerns of more attack, president obama sunday night urged americans not to overreact. >> let's not forget, freedom is more powerful than fear. soothing public fears about violence can be difficult. less than 24 hours later donald trump went the other way. >> we could be politically yect or we could be stupid. it's going to get worse and worse. >> as dramatic as trump's rhetoric about muslims may seem. in this campaign, the exploitation of fear has been growing. >> i want surveillance of certain mosques, okay, if that's okay. i want surveillance. and you know what, we have had
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it before, we'll have it again. >> i would not advocate that we put a muslim in charge of this nation, i would not agree with that. >> some political analysts point out in the nomination contest, the sentiment could be beneficial. >> i think particularly in states like iowa and south carolina, where you have a lot of white evangelical christians, a lot of voters are likely to be among the voters who are most suspicious of islam not just as, you know - not just islamic terrorists, but the religion was a whole. >> after 9/11, the bush administration sold america on a war against iraq by warning of potential attacks on the u.s. homeland involving weapons of mass destruction. >> we don't want to smoking gun to be a smoking crowd. >> we cannot wait for the final proof. the smoking gun, it could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.
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>> during the 2008 presidential campaign, democrat hillary clinton seemed to stoke false claims about president obama's faith. >> you don't believe the islamists. >> no, there is nothing to base that on. as far as i know. >> and clinton tried to ratchet up public fears about the lack of experience. most famously in this television ad. >> it's 3:00a.m. and your children are safe and asleep. but there's a phone in the white house, and it's ringing. something is happening in the world. your vote will decide who answers that call. >> reporter: the danger for donald trump in this campaign is that fear can go both ways. and he now faces a republican establishment that is arguing americans have reason to fear him jason johnson a political contributor and professor of
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political science in cleveland. what does the republican party do with donald trump. >> they do nothing. they sit and ring their hands like they are doing now, and claim they are offended and disgusted. i promise you at the core, the only real concerned is because they recognise that donald trump can't probably win a presidential election. >> lindsey graham says tell donald trump to go hell. >> right. >> they are not just sitting around and the house speaker gets up and says - condemns what donald trump says, and then he says he supports the nominee, right. >> exactly. that's the whole point. it's like everyone can claim that they are offended by this, but how c you be surprised. is it that different to say we'll build a wall to keep out mexicans that are racist and drug dealers. this is a continuation of the same think. donald trump is not ratcheting up the rhetoric. i don't believe the crocodile
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tears or rendering by the republican party. this is a monster created and now they are pretending to but the genie back in the bottle. you saw trump's tweet. he said:. >> is he going to leave the party? >> no, donald trump is leading in iowa. south carolina, new orleans. donald trump has no reason to lead the republican race for the nomination at this particular point lay this out. how is this. is he having the delegates going into the convention. republicans, who many of the establishment oppose? >> they are all going to have to rally around them. here is the thing, this is the difficult part for establishment republicans in washington d.c. they are two months away from staring down the barrel of a
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horrible set of choices, either donald trump, who can't win a presidency, ted cruz who they hate, or marco rubio, while he has a chance to beat hillary clinton, is inexperienced. they have a difficult field to choose from and there's nothing they can do to stop these folks, they have to stop the figure. >> you are almost grinning from ear to ear over this. >> i find it funny. >> why do you find it funny? >> because in is what happens when you engage in irresponsible political rhetoric for an extended period of time and have to pay the consequences. john casey... >> wait, wait. there are people who are supposedly, according to some polls, supporting donald trump. it's not just the politician, himself or the rhetoric, there are people that - i saw someone interviewed this week, who went to trump's event, and they agreed with them. >> yes, yes. lots of americans do.
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here is the problem. this is not a wise plan, and this is not good strategy for winning the presidency. you have lower candidates like lindsey graham, like rand paul saying for a long time, we can't win this way. this works in the primary, but this is not how you win the white house back. people like ryan, as sincere as he is. out of one side of his mouth he says yes, yes, yes, we want to expand the party. he condemns them. but says we'll support him. he condemns them. but acquiesce. this is what will happen. as an american it concerns me. >> when they compete, the republicans are in a firing scat and no one is obvious about the problems. >> good to see you. thank you. trump's plan is condemned by
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leaders around the world. british prime minister david cameron, the french prime minister and ban ki-moon spoke out against him. michael is a member of the israel's parties and ambassador to the u.s. and says these comments play into i.s.i.l.'s hands. >> the first thing i thought of when i heard the rocks by donald trump, it was this is what i.s.i.s. wants. they want to portray the west as sort of - as opposed to islam. to all muslims everywhere, and can go stronger through this. and, therefore, i think it's important to make that distinction between the extremist forms of islam that do want to cause harm, we have seen it happen in california, and in the streets of israel on a daily basis, and, again, the countless millions of muslims who deplore terror and want to live in
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peace. >> you can see more of antonio mora's discussion with michael oran on the news at 10 eastern time. oran it not alone in worrying that i.s.i.l. can use trump's words as a recruiting tool. jamie mcintyre is here in new york. >> if donald trump wanted to hand i.s.i.l. a propaganda victory he could hardly have done better than last night calling on a ban for muslims to enter the u.s. >> they can never, ever come back. it's over. >> at the white house, donald trump's anti-muslim rhetoric was tantamount to aiding and abetting the enemy. a spokesman said it would make it harder to recruit allies to battle i.s.i.l. on the ground in syria. >> anything that creates tensions and the notion that the united states is at odds with
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the muslim faith and islam would be counterproductive to our efforts right now. and totally contrary to our values. >> in iraq, trump's called for a total and complete ban on muslims entering the united states, as this baghdad shopkeeper shakes his head. >> such an idea and remarks are wrong, increasing a risk between muslims and christians there. they have no report for human life. president obama said the talk of religion is based on refugees entering the u.s. was giving i.s.i.l. a tactical victory. >> i cannot thing of a more potent recruitment tool for i.s.i.l. than some of the
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rhetoric coming out of here during the fours of this debate. muslim groups are outraged. >> he and others are playing into the hands of i.s.i.s. this is what i.s.i.s. wants from americans, to turn against each other. for that. they are doing great service to i.s.i.s. the ones that we fine as a common enemy. >> homeland security secretary, jeh johnson appearing with a local imam at the same time donald trump was addressing supporters, he says the vilification of muslims was damaging, because it comes not from a fringe candidate, but a front runner. >> when a leading candidate proposes something that is irresponsible, illegal, uncan't state usual.
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un-american, and will hurt our efforts at homeland security and national security, we have to speak out. >> there's another dynamic at play. the president obama administration believes i.s.i.l. is spoiling for a ground war with u.s. troops, because it would fulfil what some think are prophetic texts predicting a victory for islam. after an apocka liptic battle -- apocalyptic battle. and donald trump's demonization of muslims plays into it. >> good to see you face to face in new york. thank you very much. thank you coming up, breaking his silence... >> there was a distinct bias toward police officers. a former chicago police officer speak out about police shootings, and the review board signed to investigate them dr recommended - from cholesterol to depression -
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sweeping and controversial guidelines protecting children plus - message to trump dash... >> let's not forget refugees from syria are refugees because they stood up and risked their lives to voice what this country american is founded upon in our first person report, a muslim american shares his thoughts on the candidate.
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another disturbing police video out of chicago, and another apology from mayor rahm emanuel. this video was shot in 2012, showing 38-year-old philip colman tasered in a gaol cell. he was surrounded by officers. they say he was combative. he died after being taken to the hospital. the mayor calls the officer's behaviour unacceptable. rahm emanuel says the officer's actions will be reviewed by the same group that cleared them before. they had an independent police review authority resign. fallout from the la can
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mcdonald. a former police officers said it was far from week independent. >> john, lorenzo spent 23 years as a cop before calling the independent police review authority. he said it's wrong that that agency investigated 400 police controlled shooting and came out with a recommendation that the officer would be fired, twice. >> reporter: when lorenzo davis joined the independent police review authority in 2008. a year after it was formed, the work was straightforward. >> we go to the scene of the shooting, and we begin to investigate. we get what is known as a walk through by the officer-in-charge. >> later came the interviews with the officers and interviews. davis claims ipp ra was, as the name says, independent until
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january 2014, when scott ando took over as the chief sflor. >> when they came in. it changed into one where there was a distinct bias tort towards police years. it game pot independent at all. it was like an arm of the chicago police department. davis says on about half-a-dozen police involved shootings, he felt the officers used excessive force. >> i was told to change the findings of my cases. i refused. >> in july davis was fired from his 92,000 a year job, and he was told it was because of a marginal performance rating. davis didn't buy it and is suing ipp ra and the city.
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ipp ra was born in 2007, in the fall out from this video. there was a beating, costing the officer and the police superintendent their jobs, and the city 900,000 in a settlement. and a federal judge criticized a code of silence among cops. the city's investigating body was criticized for its handling of the case. it was replaced by ipp roe. and the attorney for the family was killed by an officer in 2014 says ipp roe never interviewed that officer that did the shooting. sunday night-scott ando, the chief that fired davis abruptly resigned. monday, the mayor named sharon as ando's replacement. i promise you i bring no agenda other than the pursuit of
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integrity and transperty in the work that ipp ra does. this is what the chicago police deserve and chicago citizens demand. >> davis agrees with the first degree murder charge against van dyk. but he also says he thinks there was a cover up. and he disagrees with the decision not to charge the officer who shot johnson, a decision that was announced on sunday. there's no rule that says a police officer couldn't shoot an armed suspect in the back, if the officer feels the suspect is a threat, but... >> if it is not absolutely necessary to kill a person, why would you. >> we reached out to scott and he can't comment and ipp roe will not comment as it's pending litigation. >> coming up next. the trump fall out.
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what american muslims are saying. and the cuban americans who hope improved relations will help them get back what they lost in the revolution after this.
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hi, this is al jazeera america, i'm john seigenthaler. us verses them. donald trump's divisive message. >> for a total shutdown of muslims entering the united states. >> tonight, america's muslims are speaking out. dollars and diplomacy, sorting out the billions of land and property seized from americans in the cuban revolution. plus, pre-emptive strikes, screening kids for adult conditions like high cholesterol and depression - guidelines and the controversy donald trump's plan to bar muslims from entering the u.s. has outraged many in america and around the world. in the city of dearborn michigan, where americans make
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up a third of the population, the issue is more than political, it's personal. we have more on that. >> john, muslims are seen as part of the fabric of the community. 300,000 in the south-east. many have been following the comments made by donald trump, we spoke with some about their reactions to trump's latest statements. >> hey, good buddy. >> mohammed says he doesn't have to leave his father's middle eastern bakery to fear he's under scrutiny as a muslim. >> makes us look bad. everyone will be scared of us because of what two people are saying. >> in the largest community, reaction to presidential candidate's call to block muslims from entering the united states was swift. many were alarmed at the new tone in the campaign. >> it's scary. if he is elected, it will affect
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us all. >> the comments are a stark departure from the ideals that they believe america stands for. it stands for everybody, everyone, every division. >> rashed works with the community in detroit. >> it dehuman ices us. when you talk about a database of americans that you muslims, when you talk about targetting someone based on their faith, you are making them less equal. >> donald trump is playing into fears that muslims will carry out more attacks on americans. this scholar says that marraive of fear is unfair, and mask killings pale in comparison to murders committed by others. white muslims, or situations that happened in colorado, or
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movies or school halls, et cetera, testified that there is a problem in the united states when it comes to mass killings. the fact that muslims committed those acts is not something that should be avoided or dismissed. one has to look at the percentages and see what the broader issues are facing the country. communities like these have seen a rise in threats against muslims. >> i am not scared for myself, my family and sisters. >> he doesn't see things getting better any time soon. >> they go downhill. >> what will you do. >> thinking what i would do. we can't live like this for the best of our life. >> trump's comment could be a set back with efforts to bring syrian refugees to the other. the cor in the pass was supportive of refugees. he put the plans on hold, and activists say they were afraid
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of the comments, and fears that they would be tapping into. let's talk about dear born, the police chief says the townsman facing threats in recent days. how is the city responding. >> well, the police chief is saying they have plans in place, they have deployment plans and intelligence in this community. the chief of police following up on every threat, and the police department has no tolerance. dean is a comedian and radio host and columnist for daest. and he's -- "daily about beast". you made comments. and you and i made comments. what happened, what changed about the discussion in the past 48 hours? >> i don't think it's just the 48 hours, to be honest. over a month ago.
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donald trump talked about surveillance of muslim americans, without a warrant. which is more troubling. >> talking about a registry from muslims. we'll have less rights because of our faith. it's escalated to this. he's using a tragedy to engender more peer. people are fearful. as opposed to what real people would do, instead of appealing to the worst of people. instead, the message is it's islam versus america. it could not be more clear. islam verses america. it's a message i.s.i.s. wants. experts tell you that. i.s.i.s. wants to frame it as it is islam versus the west. telling muslims they don't want you in the country, you are not part of that society, join us. >> dean, do you think you are getting through to jump's supporters when you say that? >> i don't think it's possible. i say the reality is a poll of
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the republicans shows 30% of republicans think islam should be banned as a matter of law. banned as a matter of law. there's nothing i can say to those people. talk to me a little bit. what is this like. >> last night watching donald trump reading from a poll. from an islama fob sayiphobics % of a poll says americans want to kill you. i felt a sense of sul accounting. it's frustrating, angering. i'm concerned for young muslims. >> you are afraid, concerned about violence against muslims, people with names that sound muslim, or look like muslims. >> it's not unfounded.
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>> look at our history, civil rights movements. george wallace. within weeks, birmingham is known as bombing ham. the words of politicians legitimize hates. >> but this was going on before donald trump and has been building, he's cashing in on it. what was it that took us from post 9/11, from iraq to afghanistan and syria, and the middle east caught up in this. how did we get here, why do so many americans feel this way. taking republican americans out. 30% of americans... >> is there any part you understand. >> if i wasn't muslim.
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if all i saw was i.s.i.s. and al qaeda. i would think - i don't know muslims. i would think it's islam. i get that. that is why it's important for muslim americans to go out and meet people we have had that discussion. muslims stand up. and are saying it. they are not heard. >> i literally begged producers to have other muslims on to tell people what we are about. we are too small to treat people. look at the reality. the model is railing. what sells. the understand that there's people out there. there are people in i.s.i.l. that infiltrated mosques, and your communities, and will heart them. >> it's a fear for certain
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people. donald trump didn't create the fear. he is cashing in. >> there is a fear, we have to address this. there's more interfaith work. getting involved in activities. >> it plays a role. critics would say muslims have not stood up. they are not strong enough. there's not a big march down the street. in new york city they are saying we opposed this, we are mad as hell about it. is that unfair? >> i think it's a common point. if 100,000 people march to the street. what will that do? it won't do anything. to me, it's fighting the battle. saying i'm not about terrorism. it's about charity, helping people in need, defining our
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faith so when you see a terrorist. there's nothing we can escape. that's the exception. what would you say to donald trump. >> there's nothing i can say. >> no one can advise donald trump what or whatnot to do. i was so hartened. senator lindsey graham... >> tell donald trump to go to hell. >> tell him to go to hell. >> not one republican said, you know what, it's an idea worth looking at. it sends a message that donald trump is out there. polls show support that are more conservative than g.o.p. >> the question is how many are in the country. >> 67% would follow them. it's donald trump, the personality. >> it's good to see. >> thank you
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house of representatives voted to tighten the visa waiver programme, and it allows citizens from 38 countries to enter the u.s. for up to 90 days without a visa. the new restrictions would not apply to all of those citizens. mike viqueira has more. >> in the wake of heightened anxieties and perceived vulnerabilities, it's provoked congress to do something it seldom does, act together, and act quickly. >> in an often divided u.s. house, rare unity on closing what many regard as a loophole in the law. >> we cannot get people from other countries special access to our country if we don't have all the information that we need to ensure they are not a plaid to our national -- threat to our national security. >> at issue, the visa waiver programme, allowing households entry to the u.s. without taking the step of getting a visa, it would require people from
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countries that have been to syria, iran, iraq or sudan in the past five years. since the start of syrian civil war and the rise of i.s.i.l., to go through the visa process before coming to the u.s. >> the overwhelming majority of travellers are not a threat in any way. however, a small numbers of individuals can do us grave harm. >> backers of the bill point out that 9/11 plotters and shoe bomber came to the u.s. with waivers. it was the attacks in paris, and concerns over the foreign fighters that have gone to syria to join i.s.i.l., and held passports from france and belgium, galvanising the will of congress. >> there are islamist terrorists looking at aspects of the policy to find ways to exploit it. we learnt it on 9/11, and last week in san bernardino. >> reporter: the bill requires
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passports to contain a traveller's biometric data, and for countries to share information about known or suspected terrorists with the u.s. the european union objects hinting that tourism could suffer, costing billions. and some civil liberties groups reject. >> i think our focus should be on behaviour, not just country of origin. >> in the end the voices were in short ply. >> on this vote the yeas are 407, the nays 119. it passed in a land slide. the senate acts in the coming days. president obama could make it law. a suspect in the san bernardino shooting came through the country not through the visa programme but through the k 1 or the fiancee programme. and president obama told the nation he wants a close look at
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that programme as well mike viqueira, thank you. the u.s. and cuba have started discussions on a major sticking point that is holding up the removal of the u.s. trade embargo. after the revolution the canadian government seized $11 billion from american citizens and companies. now they want compensation. jonathan betz reports. >> of all the photos and memories... >> that is my daughter. >> among the things they find most precious is far from view. >> reporter: you still have it. >> of course. >> old property titles locked in the vault, proof what was his was taken, and hope that some day he'll get it back. with those documents, i can approve that it was ours. >> when he fled cuba, he left behind a vast estate, home, ranches and a cigar factory.
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its photo to that day hands on this wall above his ancestors who built it. how much did you lose behind? >> over a million dollars. >> now, all these decades later, he hopes to get some back. as the u.s. talks with cuba. >> through the changes, some see as opportunities. >> such as returning some of the properties seized and nationalized during the cuban revolution. the u.s. government says americans lost 7 billion worth of assets. sugar mills and a home was lost. >> this is your family's house. >> absolutely. >> how is it used. >> according to the sign. it's a school for teachers. >> now he's a consultant in the miami, fighting to get back. >> what was done to us, not just to us, the whole country was a barbaric wrongdoing.
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justice cries out. cuba would have to cooperate. the u.s. embargo cannot be lifted until the claims are settled and properties are among concerns for negotiators. >> the regime does not hide the fact. it is more optimistic. if cuba will pay, perhaps companies might. >> if american tourists stay at hotel built on land, stolen from people who are american, there'll be litigation over that. >> reporter: already, time took its toll. long ago they gave up on claiming the bakery in havana. "to no, no, no, it's long gone. it's been half a century, what is left to find." at 80, this person hopes to pass on more than photo. his family's old cigar factory
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stands renamed in cuba and under government control. why do you say that. it was a loss. so much lost, but it's hope. >> why is it going away? whatever will we... >> jonathan betts, al jazeera. >> coming up, paediatrician's new guidelines to catch adult diseases before adulthood.
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childhood check-ups could be undergoing a shift. health tests for adults and low-risk kids are recommended for all children. bisi onile-ere reports the recommendations appear in the journal paediatrics, all children, even if they are not considered at risk, should be tested for high cholesterol, depression and h.i.v. the findings are based on years
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of studies showing that many adults issues start early in life. due in part to the high rate of obesity and young children, the academy of paediatrics, the leading group of paediatricians recommend that children be screened for high cholesterol as young as nine. for depression, the academy suggests doctors start screening children. >> this is an attempt to deal with suicide, which is one of the leading causes of death among adolescence. >> regards to h.i.v., the group suggests teenagers should be screened between 16 and 18 years old. the group's finding is based on previous research showing that one in four new h.i.v. invections are in young -- infections are in young people 12-24. it also calls for testing for
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heart disease, anemia and others. it may not sit well with some parents, it could save lives by catching major health problems before it's too late dr swanson is a paediatrician and director of health at the seattle children's hospital. and is in seattle. >> why now? >> well, you know, just as your reporter said, we are accumulating more and more data about how to prevent disease. we can get in early. change before and identify risk and change lives. when it comes to the screening, we know that it is the collection. >> cholesterol in your blood. that starts when you are in childhood. that lead to things like stroke and heart disease. if we can start identifying kids with high cholesterol, we can change diet and exercise.
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>> i am sure some parents will say that the suggesting of testing for h.i.v. is a bit extreme. h.i.v. recommendation is controversial. it's a test that could lead to a fault. >> i see to this way. we want kids to know this they are negative and stay negative. and the data driving this. one in four teens, the age between 13 and 24, one in four h.i.v. cases is coming in teens. 16% of teens do not know they are positive. the routine screening, it tells kids that they know they are negative. they can get access to treatment. i have a teenager that paediatricians visit change. talk about the depression, and the importance about what paid
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electricians are going it. how do they do it. we want to screen. they can have signs or diagnosis of depression. up to one in eight teens can. starting at age 11. we do multiple things. there are screening questionnaires that we have kids fill out. we know kids are comfortable sometimes telling kids about their lives and feelings. we ask follow up questions about how they feel, behaviours, how they wake up, how they are treating their body, and if they have signs of self injury and harm and suicide. the goal is to get kids connected. to get access to behavioural health, and to put children on medications. and prevent the development or the risks and suicide. there are teens bisexual and
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lesbians. we want to make sure we are screening kids routinely. >> tonight, ali velshi "on target" is looking at the sequences of donald trump's remarks. david shuster is in for ali. >> tonight on target donald trump's rhetoric about muslims. critics say trump is helping i.s.i.l., we ask a former head of the british intelligence service mi6. >> and the republican party is looking for ways to kill donald trump's candidacy, we'll examine efforts and so if it's the g.o.p.'s own fault and why is the government good at eliminating child pornography on the internet but challenged in tracking terrorists online. all that and more in "on target." next, in the aftermath of
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trump's comment, what it means to be muslim in america.
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we heard the reaction to donald trump from politician and pundits. there are other voices like that of mosunmogad. >> ne. his persons came from kashmir, they are americans, so is he. he has a message for donald
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trump. this is his opinion, commentary and tonight's first person report. >> mr trump, as an american i am terrified at your rhetoric because having worked with refugee youth and followed the middle east in your work, i see little distinction between what i.s.i.s. is promoting in terms of discrimination and lack of pluralism and what you are promoting in my own country. land of the fry, home of the brave. i feel so disheartened now as a muslim in america. every time i turn on the tv, i'm being made to feel like i'm on trial, that i'm not good enough tore doing enough. every time you see something on the tv and it looks like a terrorist attack.
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the first thought is oh, my god, are they muslim. that is sad and speak to a greater problem in muslim communities that, yes, there are spaces of extremism, but at the same time, the majority of the 1 billion of us every day are fighting unseen battles for humanity, hope, resilience and piece. peace. it makes me emotional. when i look at my parents, who risked everything to come to this country, and they drived in this country, and they have given back to this country and give back every day, and i see the fear and the anxiety in their eyes, and, mr trump, and to other republican candidates that are demanding religious test for refugees, let's not forget that refugees from syria are refugees because they stood up and risking their lives to voice for the rights that this country was founded upon.
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>> he is currently working with young refugees on a project called "me, we, syria", more on that in the coming weeks. that's the broadcast. thank you for watching. i'm john seigenthaler. ali is next. on target tonight the politics of fear. donald trump stands in his rhetoric against muslims. once again, donald trump is in the news again and this time