tv Weekend News Al Jazeera December 13, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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this is al jazeera america. i'm randall pinkston in new york with a look at the day's top stories. protesters hit the streets of south los angeles after a video shows sheriff's deputies killing a gun-wielding man at an intersection. one month ago, mourners ponder the meaning of the deadly terrorist attack voting in saudi arabia - votes are in after women are
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allowed to vote and run for office. in "the week ahead", the fifth anniversary of the so-called arab spring, a revolt that helped change the political landscape of the middle east to begin, in south los angeles where the sheriff's department is investigating the police shooting death of a suspect. the killing of the 28-year-old was killed on video taped. he was armed and motioned towards them with his gun before the officers opened fire. bisi onile-ere joins us with more. >> the issue is how many times the officers fired their guns - 33 rounds in seconds. community activists and the man's family says the killing was unjustified and are calling for the justice department to investigate. >> they are images that feel
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familiar. sheriff's deputies caught by a bystander's cell phone during a deadly encounter. the victim was 28-year-old niklas robinson, an african american, his death sparks outrage, taking to social media, calling for justice, and family members asking why. >> you see on the video he's crawling away and they are still shooting. >> at a conference, the sheriff said the deputy responded o number of calls, reporting that robinson was roaming the area with a firearm, acting erratically. >> we have six, 911 calls received from businesses. he was armed and discharged the firearm several times. deputies yelled for robinson to put the record down, he ignored them. there were two people, women and children in a carat a gas pump.
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actually, we have interviewed the witnesses, and they expressed concern that the suspect was going to shoot them. >> according to authorities, the two deputies fired a total of 33 shots. they both have been reassigned pending investigation. >> among the questions left to answer, say investigators, is why robinson was acting to agitated we are not sure if it's because of circumstances, or there may be a drug nexus to it as well. activists called for an investigation. >> it appears to us that a black man once again was shot and killed by law enforcement. >> and urged patience and calm. >> let the investigation take its course, and wherever it takes us and leads us to, that's where we'll go, we are asking people not to make a decision based on a 10 second clip of a cell phone video.
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>> even though robinson was holding a gun, it was not loaded. they found bullets. witnesses told police they heard robinson fire six or seven shots before duties arrived. earlier we spoke with vincent hill. he said he believed shootings were justified. >> they don't know if the gun was loaded. guns kill. they kill. they maim, they hurt. for an officer to say it was not loaded. they had a 911 call of the man with the gun. police are trained to eliminate threats. eliminating the threat doesn't mean it's down. it has stopped. when we deal with an armed suspect firing at people.
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that could turn to the officers, they were justified in what they did. they don't want the next anton chichkan. transparency is key when you deal with cases like this. police are asking witnesses to come forward with additional footage or testimony to complete the investigation. tonight libya could be on the road to piece. since the arab spring, the country has been split in two with dozens of warring factions. thousands of fighters are taking advantage of the chaos. secretary of state john kerry is chairing a meeting in rome calling for a ceasefire and backing a government. as zeina khodr reports, they have 72 hours left to sign a
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deal. >> rome is where a united voice was expressed to bring about a government of national accord in libya, it was in rome where some of libya's rival factions showed support for the international community's plan. they are expected to sign the deal on wednesday, but there is opposition to the plan. u.s. secretary of state john kerry addressed those concerns. >> there's some inside and outside of libya. for their own selfish purposes, who are uninterested in reconciliation, unwilling to compromise, and who want this process to fail. those who are responsible for violence and those that obstruct and undermine the libyan democratic transition need to be held strongly accountable. >> libya has two governments - the general national congress in the west. and the house of representatives in the east. there are splits within the rival administration in the deal. the delegates that came to rome
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represent powerful groups from both sides, among them a demonstration from misrata, their forces are among the powerful, and they can guarantee the newly form government's security. >> the consensus of the meeting was to address the problem of security, security in tripoli, to bring the government, which must be based at the end of the day in tripoli back to the capital. institutions and government of national unity. the military conflict is taking a toll. lawletsness is worsening. it is not just that. world leaders gathered here amid concerns that i.s.i.l.'s growing are strength in libya will give it a gateway to europe. that's why the international community says libya's rivals are pressured to come together, stop fighting each other and focus on defeating i.s.i.l.,
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under the u.n. plan the government will be able to request international military assistance in the fight against the armed group. the military option is on the table, and the world is in agreement to prevent libya becoming a base for i.s.i.l. the threat that i.s.i.l. poses is significant. it's concentrated in the area around cert. the international community will tackle this threat in the next few months, the same way we tackle it in other countries. for now, this is a victory. libya seems to be on the road. and in the words of the envoy, the train left the station. power struggles and divisions means that the road ahead could lead to a turn for the worst in a few minutes the discussion about the arab spring and the discussions that remain.
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that is in the "the week ahead" segment. right here on al jazeera tensions escalate between russia and turkey after an encounter at sea, in the northern part of the agean sea. russian officials say a military ship was not able to establish contact with a turkish fishing vessel. the captain of the russian destroyer fired warning shots to avoid a collision. the actions were called provocative. last month relations deteriorated after a jet was shot down the u.s. department of state is telling americans not to travel to burundi. at the same time nonemergency u.s. government personnel and depends are ordered to get out. violence that broke out of the capital left nearly 90 dead since friday. riots erupted this year, when the president announced he would run for a third term.
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>> secretary kerrry says the climate deal reached in paris will spurr investment in clean energy using american technology. many disagree with the likelihood of achieving the world vision for thousands of delegates and many world leaders that spent the last two weeks in climate talks, joy and relief at a deal. but once the cheering subsides, the tougher job of turning promises into actions begins. paris agreement sets out a target to limit warming to below 2 degrees. and to strive to keep global temperatures at a maximum of 1.5 degrees above levels. the commitments by 187 countries are not enough to do this. it's estimated that if they are achieved, they'll hold warming to between 2.7 and 3 degrees.
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>> we are of the opinion that the agreement could have been more ambitious. we share concerns that it does not put us on the path to prevent temperature rising. >> the agreement asserts that greenhouse gas emissions must peak as soon as possible. to do this it relies on voluntary plans. as they stand, thi will see global emissions rise, and by a significant amount. it's an outcome that brought protesters to the streets of manila. parties like the philippines - they have not been adequately addressed. leaving for countries and not having a well-defined target for emissions makes it more dangerous for countries line the philippines. >> the overall agreement is
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legally binding, some elements to curb emissions are not. this means the success of the agreement depends on political will. with each country setting its own goals and deciding whether to sign up to a 5-year check-up pore what progress is making. one of the leading scientists puts to this way. the fraud, a fake, worthless words. there's no words, just promises. as long as fossil files are the cheapest out there, they'll continue to be burnt. >> the agreement recycling a pledge of 2020, for rich to help poor transfer their economies. overall success rests, as it has, on the shoulders of individual governments, it up to them to honour their good intentions, turning their words into actions
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at the vatican pope francis praised the climate agreement, but challenged richer nations to commit to helping poorer ones. muslims gathered in st. peter's square, and the success requires the dedication of us all, urging the community to move urgently with the steps laid out. last spring the pope dedicated ace encyclical to warming. >> women are allowed to vote and run for office. that story coming up. also, it was one month ago when gunmen went on a rampage in paris. tonight the world tries to make sense of it all. plus the friendliness of donald trump and ted cruz evaporation. >> al jazeera on the campaign trail next.
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destroyed their hard drive cellphones to hide information about the attack on the center some tributes in paris to mark a month since the attacks. crowds left candles and flowers at the place de la republique, and outside the bataclan concert hall where 89 were called. some suspects were on the loose. they came to send a message "we continue to live, we do not hide." hull already has more the i.s.i.l. attacks in paris that targeted sports fans, concert goers and diner's happened a month ago. a month in which life from the banks of syria changed dramatic will >> i think in the short to medium term the world will be more dangerous as a result of the things that are happening. and that is a consequence of the fact that islamic state has
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become strong and global jihadism is so strong. it was friday the 13th and at least eight attackers opened fire randomly with several vests. all european citizen, some returning with battled experience, others living as social outcasts. there's an umbilical chord between the wars raging in iraq and syrian security. you have radicalized the networks in the heart of europe. i.s.i.s. could not have carried out the attack in paris, without having local, local recruits. >> paris followed a string of i.s.i.l. attacks on civilian targets. including the bombing of jets over europe. killing 224 a fortnight earlier.
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western capitals responded to the rhetoric of war. amid the creeping fear of attack at home. >> the western powers will not send boots on the ground to syria and iraq. it means that the response, in terms of rhetoric, we were at war, the reality is given the same strategy. air strikes and local forces, it leads to a long gradual strategy. it could take years. it's a bad month more refugees filing into europe by the thousands. >> with two of the attackers believed to have entered europe. border controls have been tightened it support vass grown for anti-immigrant parties.
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for this man whose army is the dominant force. with the spotlight on eradicating i.s.i.l. he may benefit from the ain't proverb, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. above all the emerging coalition of bashar al-assad and western countries in the wake of the paris attacks signalled a new reality. a constant threat to innocent life from washington to moscow. possibly for years to come to saudi arabia, where for the first time ever at least 19 women have been elected to political seats. al jazeera's correspondent reports on the advancement in women's rights there. >> reporter: the doors opened to a new era in saudi public life, with two milestones reached. women gaining the right to vote
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and stand in local elections. >> i feel happy that the king salman has given us this opportunity to vote. now we are equal to men. >> reporter: the journey has been a slow one. the monarchy provides islamic law, and so far saudis voted in three local elections, to choose councils that are the only elected bodies in the kingdom. >> i want to see the woman, to be more involved in every institution in the government and private sector. to be part of the planning, the execution, performance, evaluation. she has to be there. >> behind the scenes, suede saudi women have powerful positions. they sit in the country's top advisory body, the ashura council, with the stride.
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the women did not drive themselves to the polls on saturday, a freedom elsewhere enjoyed. new jersey governor chris christie is moving to the main stage at the presidential debate. during the last debate he participated in the under card panel because of low polling numbers. tuesday, cnn will allow nine candidates. the network requiring poll numbers to be included. the under card features mike huckabee, pataki, senator santorum and graham. a jump from ted cruz. his support 10% higher than donald trump's. fox news released a poll,
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showing him holding 28% of the votes. trump took aim at the senator arguing that crews is unqualified to be president. >> i don't think he has the right temperament. i don't think he has the right judgment. >> what is wrong with the temperament. >> look at the way he's dealt with the senate. going in there like - frankly like a mainiac. you'll never get things done that way. >> i built a phenomenal business. i have some of the greatest assets. you can't walk into the senate and scream and call people liars, and not be able to guage ole and get along with people. he'll never get anything done. that is the problem. >> comments varying with previous compliments, adding that his own judgment has bun founded in business decisions, noting that he was against
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inviting iraq in 2003. this week they are expected to raise interest rates for the first time. business and government leaders will be watching the impact of a rate hike. there are two sides to the rate hike story. >> 3. 2. 1. >> reporter: after nearly seven years of near zero interest rates. the federal reserve is primed for lift off. the u.s. economy recovered substantially since the great recession. >> reporter: in testimony, said chair janet yellan described an economy right for a hike. with the labour market adding 30 million jobs since 2010, and an unemployment rate cut in half. rosy numbers, but not the whole story. >> unemployment has fallen in part because the percentage of people participating in the labour force shrunk.
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there's millions working part-time. that would rather have full-time jobs. and there are indications that wages are picking up, most americans are waiting for a meaningful raise. evidence of a labour market that has too many workers with too few jobs, that could get slacker if the rates go up. >> do you think the federal reserve is justified for hiking rates for the first time in nine years. >> i think reserve showed they have to wait until the american market is higher. >> a senior policy analyst. >> the larger concern is full employment. we are not there. yellen is concerned waiting too long could force the fed to wage interest rates. >> it would risk disrupting financial market and perhaps even inadvertently push the economy into recession. >> does janet yellen have a
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point? >> the reality is the american economy is not delivering for american workers, and it's a danger at this point. job creation at this point is a real danger. >> reporter: american firms reeling from slowing exports are likely to suffer from interest rate hikes because it will make a strong dollar stronger. making u.s. goods that much more expensive to buy abroad while other central banks around the world are holding rates down, and cutting them, janet yellen signalled the fed will press ahead, but cautiously, emphasising that when it does start raising rates, it will do so gradually tonight, al jazeera's up next, a revolt changing the political landscape of the middle east. in tonight's "the week ahead", the fifth anniversary of the
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the federal bureau of investigation says it had finished searching a lake in san bernardino california. divers had been looking for clues into deadly mass shooting at a civic center. authorities spending three days search, hoping to find a missing hard drive that belonged to the couple that killed 14 in the attack secretary of state john kerry is chairing peace talks in rome to try to end the war in libya. kerry is trying to broker a deal with the united nations between the warring factions in libya, and says they are on the verge of forming a unity government to stop i.s.i.l. from increasing its influence in libya, but there's much disagreement between the libyan rivals that have until wednesday to sign a deal. >> it's sunday night and time for the look at "the week ahead". this week marks the fifth anniversary of the beginning of the arab spring uprising. the pro-democracy movement that spread, 26-year-old tunisian
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fruit seller crediting with beginning the revolution. mohammad set himself on fire after accusing police officers of mistreating him. protesters spread across tunisia, egypt and other countries. forced from office, and others were killed in clashes. in the five years since the dramatic action, free elections have taken place in some countries, but with ongoing conflicts in syria, iraq, libya and yemen, the work that began in 2010 is far from complete. >> al jazeera's courtney kealy has more. >> nearly five years after the arab spring began, the dreams that set loose remained unrealized. some countries managed to oust their leaders. change of government brought few closer to democracy. >> today, the country has two
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rival governments, and the fight now looks more like the first act of a long civil war. >> in the chaos of libya, they continue to cease crowned. it has 2,000 and 3,000 fighters, and i.s.i.l.'s central leadership sees libya assist territory for staging attacks. >> two presidents have been overthrown, wakasi mubarak and his success -- hosni mubarak and the latest president. >> abdul fatah al-sisi has come down hard on decent. he is reviving the state that the revolution tried to change. >> the protests were hijacked by powerful groups with political agendas. the president of 33 years was deposed during the arab springs, but is a powerful figure.
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loyalists battled the party, an affiliate of the muslim brotherhood for control. rebels overran large parts of the country in 2014, including in sanaa. now there was a battle for power. saudi-led coalitionses and air strikes, it's seen as a regional conflict between saudi arabia, sunni allies and arch rivals. still, the arab springs tragic results is the almost complete disintegration of syria. more than 200,000 syrians have been killed. millions displaced. causing an exodus. part of the worse crisis. president bashar al-assad remains in power supported by russia and iran. the islamic state of iraq and levant or i.s.i.l. grew in this chaotic environment.
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it drew thousands of the fighters to its ranks. a multinational coalition continues air strikes, and more countries are embroiled in the conflict. they have gone further down the path to democracy than any other arab spring country, the fledgeling democracy is not secure. this year's nobel peace prize was awarded to a coalition of labour unions. the nobel committee credited them for staving off a civil war. two attacks this year killed dozens, and virtually shut tunisia's tourism industry. and tunisians believed to be exporting fighters to syria and iraq than any other country. >> joining me in the studio is professor, an assistant professor of political science, and in washington d.c., a solar
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at the middle east institute. let us begin with you. you have said that the arab springs is a misnomer, that what americans and the west saw as an explosion of democracy was something else. what was it in your opinion? >> there clearly was an element of democracy of people moving towards democracy, wanting values in the region, and that was important. there was another element that people don't talk about. there was an evolution in the region of identity that had changed. but a hard line authoritarian government suppressed that. when i was teaching at the university of beirut, 45, 50 years ago, you asked the average person who are you, and they say i'm an arab. over the last 40 years, the identity changed and the most people say is i'm a sunni, shi'a and a muslim. it was not recognised by the societies. when the arab spring came up and pushed aside the authoritarian
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government, people turned to their own identity throughout the region. >> i'm going to give the other guys a chance to respond to that. let me ask you a question. let's talk about some of the nations impacted by the arab awakening. let's talk about whether it began. it has not been perfect, it's better off than other areas. why has tunisia been somewhat successful? >> i think there has been success throughout the region, first of all, most governments today in the region realise they have to take popular opinion into account, where in the past they ignore it. secondly, you see bright green sprouts throughout the region, where the women could participate. or the elections where 73 women were elected, and 36 christians, the numbers were unheard of. all of this was positive. but they are little beginnings. >> tunisia was important. the muslim leadership.
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it was different to everyone else. in the beginning they shared power. when they realized the time to rule was over, they were willing to step down. it was unusual for everyone in the middle east. and they get a lot of credit for that. they faced significant problems. >> we'll talk about the tunisian quartet that received the nobel peace prize. now to our guest, professor, do you agree with professor bannerman that there has been a shift in identity from people in the middle east. from being more arab to shia sunni, more islamic in their i.d. >> if we look at the conditions that led to the revolution, there was a protest against three things, political tyranny. countries for example like
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egypt. 54% of the operation, and the last was technology by, for the first time we saw young people with access. we saw them, tunisia and the death by the police in egypt. what we saw was people coming to the square in egypt. calling for transparency, political participation. now, teuvo teravainen included people from all walks of life. we saw fem in any events, islamists. calling for change in the game of one hand. it may be disingenuous to insist this was an ideological moment. when that was the birth of social pluralism in the space of teuvo teravainen. why did it not.
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did it work in egypt. to what extent is it it succeed in achieving the object difficult. >> if the objective was to see the fear barrier broken, people were calling for a stepping down of the leader, which they hadn't down before. >> mubarak. >> people came to the square saying they would not leave until the change happened. the biggest thing was that the fear barrier broke. it continues to be broken. people come out and protest today. that may be the biggest positive of the arab spring. >> what happened since then, for example in egypt. there's an elected government, oppressive under the counter government. we see 230 deaths apping in police custody.
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>> this is the outgrowth of return to authoritarianism that is it impressive today. currently needed through the 40,000 political prisoners, we have a wered who, until the -- president who, until the last election, was legislating under the fiat. we saw most of the wars pass, for example, the terrorism war, the freedom of assembly, aind n.g.o. laws, all coming to dismantle the structures. >> let me ask you to pause and give mr bannerman a chance to reference this. you referenced parliamentary elections in egypt. on the other hand we have the guests saying there's so much repress. let's talk about syria. what happened with the arab spring in? >> well, syria is a tragedy beyond belief for all of us that watched it. what was amazing in syria is the
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forces of identity are still there. the question we never here arrived in the west is why is bashar al-assad still there, and who still supports him among the syrian people. why is this man still there much. >> what is the answer? >> because of this new identity or this reassociation of the islamic identity, people who weren't of that group felt more threatened by the islama sifts than they do by the government of bashar al-assad. they may dislike bashar al-assad, they recognise a tire able to. they are too dominant. they are better than the threat of islam. by those people you are talking about the minorities, the christians, the drews, the alawites. if you are a sebbing larist. do you want the islama sifts to take over. if you are an arab nationalist. bashar al-assad appears to be better than the other people, as bad as he may be. >> are you suggesting the u.s.
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stop the opposition to bashar al-assad, and let event take their course? >> i'm saying that the united states is interceding in syria, and we have not the slightest idea what the outcome will be, we don't control the opposition or the government. it's a dangerous policy for the united states to be too involved. >> what do you say about that? there has been under-300,000 killed. i think it is true that most syrians are contend with this. the fear the alternatives. the initial moments, coming to the tail end. a few schoolchildren spray-painting children.
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and it was a prodemocratic protest movement, not an aind islamist movement. to couch it in ideological terms, really is not capturing the heart and the spirit of the revolution. >> let's move to yemen. the u.s. thoughts it was a stable ally. the leader complimented by obama, and now we have a proxy war in yemen. to what extent did the arab spring trigger that or has any association with what is going on now. >> the removal of the leader led to a vacuum. change doesn't mean removing leadership without alternatives in place. coalition formation, and a roadmap to change. we saw it happening in yemen. we saw a struggle between the
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houthi and syrian rebels, and yemeni. now is a proxy war between saudi arabia and iran so the future of yemen and other arab spring counties can't be used. >> mr bannerman, i'll give you the last word, and in the last word, would you talk about long-term, specifically the u.s. engagement involvement post arab spring. let me say something about yemen, from 897, not 2011. the leader, through its association, the saudi arabia influenced the president of the yemen for the first time. for anyone that did not thing
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that would cause distress in yemen, they were naive. that was going to be a battle of identity. many who are idealistic, with the best of the region, a catalyst for change, the people in syria, egypt and tunisia. what happened is an identity crisis replaced those days. we can only be seen as an outsider, and it would have negative impact for our region. >> thank you for joining us. thank you for your insight on the week ahead. before we go. here is a look at other stories making headlines in "the week ahead". closing arguments set for monday in the first trial in the case
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of freddie gray, who died in baltimore police custody. city officials preparing for demonstrations as the trial of officer william porter ends secretary of state john kerry in moscow on tuesday, meeting with officials about the syrian war and the night against i.s.i.l. also, the pass of millions of dollars. >> next, the street art: so popular thieves take his work down as past as he can put it up. >> 2013, pretty much every piece that he put up was stone the only other way to get it - pay hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> it's been a stormy weekend across texas, we have seen tornados, and damage. the severe weather is not over yet.
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north-east established cold conditions. snow, 2 inches on estate. in the rockies, some areas recorded 7 inches, traffic delays along interstate 70, where the opening of a new express laneways delayed. kevin corriveau with the rest of the letter. >> we are looking at a snow storm. it caused a lot of problems, and a lot of rain to the east. let's look at that now. since the last hour, i was telling you about blizzard warnings. those were cancelled. the rest of the warnings were in place here across parts of kansas sass, oklahoma and texas. that is an area we could see, 12 inches of snow, with winds gusting up to about 20 to 30 miles per hour. if you go further back to sierra, we are looking at a bit of snow out there. i'll bring you that later in the evening.
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>> let's look at the big system. you see the area of low pressure. ahead of me you are seeing a lot of rain, we saw problems in texas, we want to show you the tornado damage that came out of the storm. >> two tornado reported, one in the panhandle. disease is not normally one of the big months there. we saw about 50 homes damaged. many without power, and still without power. the next threat with us is going to be flooding. take a look at d.c. you see a lot of flood watchings and warnings. here in oklahoma. even though the rain is ending. the flood warnings will stay in effect. because it's along the rivers and streams that will be a problem. randall mentioned the temperatures, new york city reaching 66 degrees, now we are down to about 56 degrees.
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you see the warm pocket of air. chicago, 57 for them, at the system moves east. a lot of rain across the region, tomorrow's temperatures going down. 53 for new york city, 59 for parts of washington d.c. records are broken because of this event. as we go towards tuesday, you see the rainy conditions moving to the middle east. heavy with snow. look at this. on tuesday it will be warm. it's not going to be towards the weekend that we start to go back to normal temperatures. anton chichkan will see 45 degrees, you'll see about 69 degrees for you there. >> thank you. >> all this week al jazeera is taking a closer look at violence in chicago. our serious "five days in
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chicago" - ashar quraishi shows us what divides the windy city. >> reporter: weekend after weekend, shooting after shooting chicago is infamous for gun violence. >> 10 dead, 54 injured. >> reporter: it dominates the headlines, giving rise to the nickname, sharaq. the city is safer than it has been in decades past. violent crime is down. in 1991, there were 928 homicides, compared to 425 in 2013. safety is rely tif. >> it starts from the top down. >> city worker is fed up. he took the day off to protest. >> it has been divisions, two anton chichkans. we have known that our whole lives. everybody is on pins and
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needles, and after a period of time. you become numb to it. i don't want us to be numb to it any more. >> a closer look at the identity, some say the disparities of decades past are catching up with the leadership. >> director of spike lee's latest film is about gang violence in anton chichkan. shirak is a satire based on an ancient greek drum erp. it's believed to speak to the epidemic of gun violence. we sat with sara hoy for an episode of talk to al jazeera. he was asked what he believes it will take for things to change. >> let's be honest. if young white infants and kinder garden first grade are slaughtered, and nothing happens right away. >> you know that it will take a
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minute. i thought for sure. i put money on it, president obama felt the same thing. but it hasn't been the case. we are 88 people - where 88 people die every day due to gunviolence. 88 every day. it's like 32 thawed. i was never that good in maths. but it's a profit. profit. >> catch the episode of "talk to al jazeera" with spike lee on monday following that you can see the special series five days in chicago 5:00 p.m. eastern a french speech artist
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making a name for himself by beautifying public places has left his mark on new york. as gabriel elizonda reports, he is elevating street art to new heights. >> reporter: all over new york, some artistic works have people looking up. works by a parisian artist is appearing on the scene. new york city was the latest target of this artist, installed in 65 other cities around the globe. it catapulted them into the top ranks of street artists, works selling at an auction for hundreds of thousands. it meant some original works disappeared from the original lots. >> i enjoy what he does and stuff. i want to see him. a lot of people like to destroy the stuff. you have to act quick to see him. >> 2013 when he visited us every
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piece that put up was stolen. now he has to go higher. >> reporter: sometimes as high as the top floors. graffiti and street art may have started as a reaction, but more often street artists are gaining worldwide attention. >> i think of street art of growing up in a different moment, a moment of gentrified cities, where the experience people have on the street of adds and brands, and people are coming along doing stencil based. image-based stuff. it's doing their own brand, taking back space in that way. >> classic art collectors may look down on street artists, people here continue to look up at the next piece of art to appear and thank you for looking at us. i'm randall pinkston in new york. next - earthquakes on the rise
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in oklahoma. a "faultlines" investigation tries to find out why. i'll be back at 11:00pm eastern, 8:00p.m. pacific. number then keep up on >> water pressure hitting faults and making earthquakes. >> there were a lot of people that were telling me i need to be careful how i say things. >> how many lives have to be lost? >> "faultlines". >> what do we want? >> al jazeera america's hard-hitting... >> today the will be arrested. >> ground-breaking... >> they're firing canisters of gas at us. >> emmy award-winning, investigative series.
9:00 pm
>> it will wake you up before you'll feel it. it's just like a pressure or a force that's coming through your bedroom. >> kind of a weird jolt, or-- a feeling that something's getting ready to happen. the-- the dogs can kinda get funny right before a big one. >> the primary is the one that's, you initially feel. you don't know it's coming. >> all of a su,
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