tv News Al Jazeera December 17, 2015 6:00am-6:31am EST
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the russian president lashes out at turkey and speaks out about i.s.i.l. and the conflict in syria. that is happening now in moscow i'm jane dutton, this is al jazeera. coming up, a new report examines a fast cache of evidence of human rights abuses, allegedly committed by the syrian government on its own people. also ahead... >> i'm here with a story of mohammed azizi, the street
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vendor who sparked a resolution. >> china protests against a major deal against taiwan and threatens sanctions against companies involved the conflict in ukraine, the low-level conflict with turkey, the fight against i.s.i.l., and how to end the conflict in syria. russia's president is reflecting the enmerging status as a key global player. as vladimir putin holds the state of the nation press conference, all the while his jets have been pounding targets in syria, in the hours before the speech. russian jets killed 21234 el-raqqa, in an air strike there. it's hit, more than 200 i.s.i.l. targets across syria in the past 24 hours.
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as far as diplomatic efforts to end the conflict in syria, policy on the future role of president bashar al-assad has changed. i said on many occasions and i want to repeat it, that we'll never agree that someone on the outside. whoever it is, should impose of the idea of who should rule another country. it doesn't fit with commonsense or international law. secretary of state john kerry arrived about this. i said our position has not changed. the syrian people have to determine who should rule them. >> the position has not changed. there's more to say. let's bring in peter sharp. he's in moscow. talk us through what he hats to say about syria. >> basically, rhetorically he asked a question about what is asking. how long will the army remain in syria. he made it clear that russia's
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army will remain in syria, as long as the army continues its offensive, and will not pull out before then. talking about bashar al-assad. he said nothing has changed there. russia never agrees that anyone from the outside should determine who should rule another country and stressed in his alignment that vladimir putin has been making that only the syrian people can determine their future, and that will be part of the political settlement, the third stage of this, which is going be convened by sergey lavrov, the foreign minister in new york, tomorrow and friday. >> not budging when it comes to turkey, he lashed out at the turks. what is the resolution there. did he put anything forward as far as that is concerned in. >> i think, really, it's an icebox. no one is going near, despite
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the fact that the turkish president would like to sit and diffuse the issue, and n.a.t.o. is sending advisors and air force personal to ensure that turkey doesn't take any dangerous action against a russian aircraft in the area. and vladimir putin was very, very open, and really threatened turkey. he said basically we have moved the air defense system into syria. and that is the most advanced air defense system in the world, picking up aircraft 400km away. it is fully operational speaking to the turkish president. do not attempt to fly into syrian air space, as russia's position as the power broker,
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everyone wonders the impact that this is likely to have on ukraine. he was saying that it's an economic drain still. >> that's right. once again, vladimir putin cut to the chase and answered the question that everyone would put to them, are there russian troops in eastern ukraine. we never said that there are no people dealing with military issues there. this does not mean the presence of regular russian troops. feel the difference, he's calling on kiev, and on the militia in don bass to try to reach a political effort in line with the minsk two agreement signed earlier in the year. >> all right, thanks for that. vladimir putin is still talking,
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we are keeping an eye and ear out to what he had to say. >> representatives in morocco expected to sign a u.n. sponsored deal. the accord is aimed at ending years of chaos in libya, since the revolution in 2011. the president of the general national congress said none of its members have been authorized to sign the deal a ceasefire in yemen is in danger of ol apps, with each side accusing the other of violence. >> the fighting between houthi rebels is threatening to undermine the peace talks in switzerland tens of thousands of photos from syria are put forward as evidence of crimes against humanity committed by president bashar al-assad's regime. the human rights organization
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said it verified pictures smuggled out of syria, a warning that some of what we are finds it disturbing. the photos document the deaths of 6,700 people. over several years they died in government custody and in two hospitals around damascus, it's a case where 14-year-old was taken in to custody by a syrian intelligence officer, and his family spent years searching for him. finding the picture among the photos. >> welcome. >> it was him. it was akmed with a number. they put a number on him. akmed was a soul and he became a
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number. human rights watch showed the images to forensic pathologists. people were starved, beaten and tortured. it was systematic and on a massive scale. the president spoke about the photos and dismissed them as allegations without evidence and said they could have come from anywhere. the british government says it will intensify scrutiny of muslim brotherhood members in the u.k. the group was founded in egypt. it has been banded there. prime minister david cameron says the investigation concluded that the membership could be an indicator for extremism. lawyers say criticism is unwarranted, and it will be challenged in british courts. >> on this day, in my view years
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ago. event were set in motion saying that it would change the middle east and north africa. it was the beginning of what is soon called the arab spring. it led to anti-government protests, revolutions and law, starting with a man, a man who had enough - a man named mohammed. a street vendor, selling fruit in a small town of tunisia. he set himself on fire in protest against overbearing officials. we go live to that town. >> how is it being commemorated today? >> well, there's a carnival-like atmosphere. people celebrating. at the same time there are protests with people demanding jobs as they did five years ago. coming back since the revolution, and little here has
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changed. around half of the people that you speak to here are out of work, unemployed, and it's become a ce crudement ground for armed groups linked to al qaeda and i.s.i.l. i think people here are frustrated, but they are proud of mohammed and the fact that he came from here, and i spoke to friends and family about that day five years ago. >> reporter: he says his cousin was trying to sell fruit and vegetables, but the police kept moving him on. he didn't have a permit. there were no jobs. his family relied on the income. he had to take the risk. >> translation: the police decided to confiscate cart and scales. they refused to speak to him. >> his goals in life were simple. he wanted top earn enough money.
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the harassment. corruption and povertied him from achieving his ambitions. >> reporter: perhaps he felt humiliated after a police woman slapped him. whatever his reasons, mohammed decided he wanted to die, outside the offices of the officials that treated him badly. his friend was close buy. >> he set himself on fire because he felt discriminated against. >> i was in front of the municipality building. i saw him on fire and saw people surround him, trying to put the flames out. >> mohammed felt lonely, suffered a lot at the time and had problems. no one was there to listen to concerns and worries. his friends and family took to the treats. he was the first to upload
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videos on facebook. >> we were able to raise slogans like employment is our right. a gang of thieves, and we spoke out against injustices and mohammed's fate. that was the beginning. >> within weeks, there were protests across tunisia. the flight resonated because of frustrations. >> after staying in hospital. mohammed died on 4th january, 2011. 10 days later the president fled the country. >> i remember how things were after the revolution. people food together. unfortunately politicians make promises and fail to keep them. we are asking for more national unity. we hope our region gets its share of development and the state roaches out to people here. people here are tired of the slow pace of change since the revolution. many say that hive is more
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difficult now. but the deaths of mohammed gave tunisians the freedom and dignity that allowed the young man all of his life. >> that report from nasreen. the image was not great. we have a lot more ahead on the programme. the u.n. secretary-general warn warned central african nation of burundi is on the brink of war. and a jury fails to reach the verdict in the case of a police officer charged with the death of a black man. ck man.
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hello again, a reminder of the top stories, russia's president says he's ready to improve ties with the u.s. he didn't have hope for better relations with turkey, after downing a russian fighter jet. he says the policy on the future of bashar al-assad in syria has not changed. vladimir putin was speaking at the end of the year news conference in moscow tens of thousands of photos from syria are put forward as evidence of crimes against humanity, admitted by president bashar al-assad's regime. the group human rights watch verified pictures smuggled out of syria, and says they are authentic. >> the british government will intensify scrutiny of the muslim brotherhood members, it's been
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banned. government investigations concluded that membership could be an indicator for extremism. jonah hull joining us from london. tell us more about the decision. >> well a long-awaited government internal review into the workages of the muslim brotherhood. considered by some to be the headquarters of the muslim brotherhood. david cameron commissioned this review in june 2014. it was due for publication this march, denied for no specific reason. he has now laid the findings before parliament. we have not seen the report in its entirety. what i have are the prime minister's own findings and recommendations based on that report. i'll run through them brief with you. you mentioned some of the main points and he notes the report was commissioned to establish the muslim brotherhood's
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ideologies, putting at risk risketss or damaging interests. he notes to this day the organization characterises muslim societies as decadent and immoral and has what he describes as an ambiguous connection, and connection to others among them in gaza, despite a number of public condemnations of violence my muslim brotherhood leaders. the finding as you mentioned there, that the membership of the group, or association with it should be considered a possible indicator of extremism, and the prime minister goes on to stipulate a number of policy positions, reiterating a status quo. visas associated with the muslim brotherhood, on record as having
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made extremist remarks to ensure charities don't see the money diverted to the brotherhood, and the views and activities of the brotherhood in his work overseas. overseas, you talk about u.k. interests. how closely is this aligned with the relationship with egypt. which has got closer? >> i think egypt is one of a number of countries that will be looking closely at the british report. egypt has a troubled relationship with the brotherhood. so does saudi arabia, and the u.a.e. they would have been hoping, giving the economic ties to the u.k. and others, that the british government may have come down harder on the group. on the other side of the coynes,
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others don't see the brotherhood in those terms, all are major contributors to the british economy. the government in a sense was damned if it did, dammed if it didn't. it will have to hope that findings are open and straightforward enough not to upset too much any of those countries. >> thank you for that, jonah hull america's top diplomat in china has been summonsed to explain an arms deal with taiwan worth a billion. they oppose the gale. amphibious assault videos. it maintained security in the region, our correspondent has the latest. >> it's been a while since a u.s. diplomat was summoned to the foreign ministersry for a rebuke. on this sayings it was a towedry affair, not the ambassador.
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the foreign minister told the diplomat that china regarded what the united states had done as someone that threatened the sovereignty. by that he meanings sanctions i gains the u.s. defense contractors involved in the construction the elderly warships. china regards taiwan as a breakaway province, that will one day return to the mother land. it comes at a time of heightened tension in the south china sea, where china has been building islands in, something that concerns washington, and next month we have presidential elections in taiwan, at the moment opinion polls show the pro independence candidate is in the lead. all of this coming at a time of warming relationships. the leaders met in singapore. the latest row over the sale of
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arms from taiwan to the united states was a reminder. the relationship is fractious and complicated a proposed center for asylum seekers provoked riots in a dutch town. police fired warning shots making 14 arrests. earlier rioters forced a halt to a town meter discussing a center for 1500 asylum seekers. >> after being grounded for 50 years, airlines are to restart regular flights between cuba and the u.s. a formal agreement to be announced soon. the latest sign of improving relations between the cold war enemies. diplomatic relations restored. the crippling u.s. embargo remains. >> burundi is on the brink of a civil war, according to the u.n. secretary-general. ban ki-moon is calling for talks to prevent mass violence. a u.n. envoy will visit the
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region to press party for talks. the president sought a third term in office. and won the election. 80 people were killed after attacks on military sites last week. our correspond has more from the capital bujumbura. >> the u.s. secretary's comments are parts of a course of action in burundi. event of the last few days, where people were killed on the streets, the capital, as chilling. and said there was a need for urgent talks to - between the government and its opponents. he is sending his official advisor to melbourne. to talk to his opponents, who are opposed to him having a third term in office. now, there are plans for the deployment of u.n. peacekeepers, something the burundian
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government rejected. those that are educated for the deployment of foreign peacekeepers have ulterior motives, and state that the military and police conduct themselves in a professional way as they carry out security operations in bujumbura, and other parts of the country. >> baltimore's mayor is calling for calm after a jury was unable to reach a verdict. the 25-year-old man dying after sustaining spine am injuries whilst in police custody. we have the detail. >> reporter: freddie gray's death hit a raw nerve in a country with racial tensions. a hung jury has been unable to reach a veric. baltimore's mayor is appealing for calm. >> if some choose to protest. they must peacefully demonstrate. that is their right. i want to be clear about
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potential disturbances in the city. we are prepared to respond. >> reporter: 25-year-old freddie gray suffered a spinal injury after being arrested. particulars say officer william porter caused freddie gray's death when he didn't secure him with a seatbelt. the video shows porter looking on as gray is shackled and placed in the van. >> the family's position is that they want justice, and the only people in a position to bring about justice are that judge and that jury. and you have heard that the jury could not reach a verdict. you know now that doesn't mean anything about the future according to findings, the driver of a police van stopped and asked for a check. according to a report, gray asked for medical help. the van made another stop to pick up another suspect.
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paramedics were not called until 9:24 when the van reached the police station. his statement will likely raise legal questions when the jury resumes and five other officers' trials get under way. rioting forced authorities to deploy a curfew and deploy the national guard. at the heart of this uproar people asked a simple question of their country. who will police the police. civil rights campaigners saw the trial as a deft of whether the justice system in the u.s. valued black lives or not hospitals in nepal are facing a shortage of life-saving drugs that need to be deported from india. millions of patients, particularly children can suffer. we have more on what is causing
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the shortage. >> in this hospital. this doctor faces a challenge. there is not enough medication for their patience. >> there are medications for the dynamics of the patients. used as resuscitated drugs. >> families of patients have to find drugs from local pharmacies, but many have been unable to do so. according to u.n.i.c.e.f. all facilities have less than half the required amount of drugs, including the vaccines. a situation that is affecting other essentials has been developing for three months. that's was pro-testers have been occupying border crossing areas.
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violence killing at least 50 people. this has restricted it into the landlock country. the truck drivers won't feel safe. u.n.i.c.e.f. says shortage could have an impact. children under five years of age, and they are vulnerable to the situation. >> reporter: government officials say all the necessary drugs have been sent to hospitals. >> i spoke with them, he mentioned that we are dom patsible. >> we have been given the medical scribss, and we have to find whether or not they are available. >> we are to go to 15 farmsis to
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find the first five medications needed. we could not find two drugs for increasing drug pressure in kathmandu. >> they are not produced in nepal. they have to be airlifted. government hospital suppliers are putting the profit margin, supplying medicines to private hospitals, creating a crisis. we asked hospitals to submit a list of suppliers. >> suppliers say they are doing their best to distributed drugs. in the meantime volunteers are helping patients find drugs. >> this is a platform to help crowd source availability of drugs. you find it updated so people don't spend more time looking at it. some have to rely on themselves to find the drugs they need. the government sets up a telephone line to find what they need. doctors say if it does not
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address the crisis, the health of the nation will be at stake. >> there has been a lot to digest in na bulletin. if you care to find out more about the stories that we've been broadcasting to you, go to the website, in a world that seems unpredictable, the federal reserve headed by janet yellen, did a strange move, not everyone
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