tv News Al Jazeera December 18, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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records. the force awakens made $57 million last night. shattering the previous preview held by "harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2". thank you for watching. watching. >> melissa chan is in san bernardino with the latest. melissa. >> we expect the president to arrive at where three hours time, local 8:00 p.m. he is not expected to speak publicly. he is expected to meet with the families of the 14 that were shot and killed. private meeting of about 90 minutes. private memorial has been around ever since the start of the incident about two weeks ago.
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this is very much a community that is still healing. more than two weeks after the mass shooting, the city of san bernardino, still finds itself at the center of national even international attention. what the fbi calls a terrorist attack in the your honor likeliest of places. >> it's sad, i'm completely shocked. this person is an american citizen, he's born here. >> new claims by investigators that the shooter syed farook had not only planned this for a long time but also with his friend enrique sanchez. >> they are disrespected and want to go out and join people like i.s.i.s, al qaeda, but we can't prevent this.
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>> of all mass shootings it was the san bernardino one at this social services one that prompted president obama to speak to the nation from the oval office. something he's done during his presidency. he has made his political points. now he comes with no plans to speak publicly but to spend time with those 14 families. some residents welcomed the visit. >> i think that it's nice to have that support for him to make the trip out here, to show the support to the families. it gives a little bit of peace that the president knows about the city and is making that effort. >> but san bernardino is a more conservative part of california. with many guns owners and for some here, the visit is too little too late. >> i think it needs to show strong leadership. i've never received a call from the oval office saying, what can we do for you. >> first amendment rights and
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regulations including at the local veterans of foreign wars hall. >> not everybody owns a gun or knows how to use a gun. president obama is trying to do the best he can about gun control. but it's so political. >> reporter: it's a strange time for this community. still overwhelmed by tragedy that happened to take place so close to the holiday season. and just to add a little bit more about the political makeup about san bernardino, john, talk about the fact that there are gun owners for example. it is also a very multiethnic community. i would say it's a purple county in blue state california, john. >> all right melissa thank you. the president also held his year under press conference today. cited progress on health care an the environment. mike viqueria has more.
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>> with 17 prisoners set to be trfd in the coming days, 90 still detained. president obama vowed to go around congress and do what he vowed to do seven years ago, close the military prison at guantanamo bay. >> we see how guantanamo has been used to create this mythology that america is at war with islam. for us to close it is part of our counterterrorism strategy that is supported by our military diplomatic and intelligence teams. >> the move is sure to insense republicans, along with another unilateral move that the presidential might make. one area republicans are willing to go along, the tap transpacifc partnership.
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>> the most pro-labor pro-environment progressive trade deal in history. >> other issues will be inescapable next year. at the top of the list, the fight against i.s.i.l. and the conditions that have allowed its rise. the on going civil war that's resulted in some 250,000 dead and 10 million displaced. mr. obama claimed vindication in his august 2011 strategy calling for bashar al-assad to go. >> five years later i was right. >> but in another revolt of the arab spring in libya, president obama offered a mea culpa. >> not moving swiftly enough and underestimating the need to rebuild government there quickly. >> reporter: but it is the aftermath of the san bernardino killings and how to stop lone
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wolves like the husband and wife accused of carrying out the attack that is front and center. mr. obama made a familiar argument. a balance must be found between a right to privacy and law enforcement's right to monitor e-mail. >> what we'll be doing is engaging with the high tech community to find out how we can in an appropriate way do a better job if we have a lead, to be able to track a suspected terrorist. >> reporter: mike viqueria, al jazeera, washington. >> congress passed a budget bill today, this time it came without threats of shutdown or partisan brinksmanship. the $1.1 trillion bill will fund the government through september. and $680 billion in tax breaks. now to the presidential race and battle within the democratic party. bernie sanders suing the
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democratic national committee. his campaign leaders say the party is trying to undermine h him. david schuster has more. >> on the eve of the final democratic debate of the year, bernie sanders presidential campaign on friday accused the democratic party of helping hillary clinton and engaging in dirty tricks. >> this is unacceptable. individual leaders of the dnc can support hillary clinton in any way they want but they are not going to sabotage our campaign. there the eruption came after dnc chair debbie wasserman schultz one of hillary clinton's top supporters announce they'd the bernie sanders campaign was being suspended, on information that the campaigns rely on every day. the dnc decided to block his access due to a software glitch that accessed information that
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belonged to the clinton campaign. >> would i askfully sanders supporters or anyone who is formulating an opinion about the actions that we've taken dom put the shoe on the other foot. fit were the clinton campaign that accessed the proprietary information of the sanders campaign you can be darned sure understandably that his supporters would expect that we would take the exact same action. >> but sanders people said they were the ones that told the dnc about the software problem and fired joshua oretsky. never viewed or shared the clinton files. >> we had to assume that our data was equally exposed. and you know, updated reports show that it was. and we just wanted to document and understand the scope of the problem. so that we could report it accurately. >> we didn't actually like use
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it for anything valuable, and we didn't take custodianship of it. >> wasserman-schultz says that doesn't matter. and she insists that agreements with both the sanders and clinton campaigns leave her little choice. >> the only available remedy for us is to make sure that we cannot have the information manipulated and the only way to could that is to temporarily suspend their access to the voter files. >> late friday the sanders campaign filed a lawsuit in federal court accusing the dnc of trying to tip the scales of the democratic presidential primary. >> the leadership of the dnc has used this incident to shut down our ability to access our own information. information which is the life blood of this campaign. this is the information about our supporters. our volunteers. the lists of people we intend to contact in iowa, new hampshire and elsewhere. >> and sanders supporters say this is just the latest episode of the dnc's improper support
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for hillary clinton. they site saturday night's democratic debate traditionally a low viewership broadcast as a way of shel sheltering clinton d giving sanders less access. >> libby casey is in manchester with more. libby. >> good evening john. we are certainly watching to see if this latest issue overshadows the latest debate. voters may tune in more because there's a little bit more drama infusing this campaign. this comes for a bad time for bernie sanders frankly. he was going to get some big endorsements, and ounion. this is a crucial state for
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sanders, right next to his home state of vermont and he has been polling pretty well. the last clear politics average showed him ahead of clinton, 48 to 44. that's far better than he's doing nationally or other states like iowa or south carolina where hillary clinton is ahead. both of these campaigns how they address this issue tomorrow. one thing that voters tell us they like about bernie sanders, the fact that he's down to earth they say, think think he's not your typical politician, so allegation about his campaign that they are messing around in the clinton's primary information is a problem. press briefing over the phone with reportsers they were really zinging the clinton campaign. she might be careful tomorrow not buy into a david and goliath narrative. puts them off a little bit in this state of new hampshire.
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john. >> libby, obviously new hampshire plays an important role in the primaries. search weeks away, it's an early primary. talk about what you heard from the voters. >> as we talk to people they're really focused on clinton and sanders. martin o'malley is polling single digits. he's not factoring much into the conversation. but there's been focus on the republicans because that is such a royaling field and it sucked a lot of oxygen out of the democrats' campaigns. now we are seeing a classic split here among voters. people who are a little older who remember the clinton years. democrats like hillary clinton. they like the idea of a bill clinton-hillary clinton team in the white house. younger voters don't have that memory. he's supporting sanders because
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he doesn't find hillary clinton to be authentic. >> i don't trust her. she's very strict she's going to -- she's you know with obama right now and i'm not really supporting what he's doing. so that's just not going to fly with me. >> now, mike's mother a hillary clinton supporter so you sees that generational gap there john. >> all right libby thank you very much. al jazeera, jason johnson is al jazeera's political contributor. he's in cleveland tonight. jason an extreme move by the democratic national committee? >> i think it's an extreme move, i think it's terrible, it presents the party in a bad way, it empowers the bernie sanders campaign which we know the dnc doesn't want and it reflects a lack of trust and a lack of integrity on the part of how this campaign is being run on
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the democratic side. >> you don't think bernie sanders did anything wrong? >> no. what i think of this is as of now since we're still find ugh out all the information it seems the me that logic is that yes the sanders campaign probably looked at information they shouldn't have but it's very likely -- >> don't they deserve to be punished for that or not? >> not if they were the ones that revealed that to the dnc. i think the sanders campaign revealed that to the dnc. the clinton campaign didn't say we notice something missing. >> they have got to -- the cat's out of the bag they've done the damage. >> not really. it depends if they downloaded or manipulated -- >> conon jason you think they didn't look at it? >> no, no, if they looked at the information, looking at it is completely different than downloading and manipulating it. if they started integrating it
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with their own ground game that's a completely separate issue. we don't know if that's the case yet. that's why i think the punishment could be too harsh right now. >> it was bad enough for him to get fired. >> it's bad pr. >> it's a bad pr move to fire him. >> bad pr. to be honest, strategically speaking who cares about democrats seeing other democrats numbers? it's foolish and kind of lazy for the dnc to require all of their candidates to go to a central clearinghouse for data anyway. they should go to the states and hand it out, this is your own folder your own trapper keeper work with its. >> jason, if you oar democrat on the fence in the state of new hampshire does this affect you at all? >> probably not. if you like hillary clinton, you're going to say oh reply gosh she's being victimized. if you like bernie sanders, you
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are saying oh my gosh he's being victimized. i don't think that internal kera kafuffle is going to change the minds among ardent democrats. >> jason johnson, thanks very much. >> thanks john. >> coming up, ground control. u.s. special ops in syria but not fighting i.s.i.l. tonight a closer look at what they are doing. schooled closed. after a lesson involving air irc writing causes concerns. and can science create nature? .
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>> u.s. military is confirming a case of so-called friendly fire in the battle against i.s.i.l. in iraq. officials say a u.s. air strike near fallujah accidentally hit iraqi security forces. initial reports say a number of iraqi soldiers were killed. not clear how many casualties there are. defense secretary ash carter visited afghanistan today to assess i.s.i.l.'s growing presence there. carter pledged to support afghan security forces. they have been battling i.s.i.l. loyalists trying to gain a foothold in eastern afghanistan. >> they are trying to create little nests wherever they feel that there is an opportunity. and general campbell is reflecting the fact that we have some information that suggests that they seek to find an opportunity here in nangar. they're a very opportunistic
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group like all terrorists are and they will go where they think they will be safe. >> carter said the u.s. will focus on expanding afghan training this winter. predict difficult months ahead fighting both i.s.i.l. and the tackle. to talk about this is ramin asgard, former policy advisor to u.s. central command in iraq and afghanistan. ramin thank you for being with us. what does it mean that i.s.i.l. is possibly in afghanistan, how does that complicate matters. >> i.s.i.l. is a transnational terrorist group. they've opened up a version of their frash franchise in eastern afghanistan. taliban is still operating. they oar local insurgency, a national insurgency. this makes it a much more global conflict than perhaps it's even been up till now.
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>> i mean does it matter whether there's five, ten, 100, 1,000 i.s.i.l. members? i marine what's a franchise? >> they're setting up inial al . the reason they are setting up in georgi jalalabad is afghanisa poor country. they plan to take over the bribery network that goes on with transport, coming out of pakistan, and going through jalalabad. >> this sounds like a nightmare for united states. it spent time trying rid al qaeda from afghanistan, and later on in iraq, and now, i.s.i.l. has moved into iraq, syria and afghanistan. there seems to be no end to this. how does the u.s. stop it and does afghanistan change the strategy? >> well, afghanistan is a bit of a different challenge. we've been there for 14 years.
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and we've tried a whole bunch of different solutions, there's a persistent nonec insurgency the. the challenges in afghanistan have been historically demanding for any power that wades into that theater. the challenge is, counterterrorism and counterinsurgency are not the same thing. and how you deal with them when you're dealing with an insurgent group in the taliban and oterroa terror group in i.s.i.l. is a complicated mix. >> you can imagine that the american people wonder about this given the fact as you said that the u.s. has been in afghanistan for 14 years. and they haven't gotten rid of the insurgents, whether we call them insurgents or so-called terrorists. i mean you know you have to have the confidence of the american people i would assume to move ahead with some sort of strategy. and yet i think the question of this country is, what's going to work? >> it seems like where we're
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headed is to pick the lesser of two evils. in the case of afghanistan, working to figure out some way to build some kind of reconciliation process between the afghan unity government and the taliban. >> united states spent all this time fighting the taliban and now we're talking about joining forces with the taliban. >> i don't know that we're talking about joining forces. we're talking about the afghan government trying to figure out a way to get them to lay down their arms and join in developing afghanistan's future. >> clearly, this is a complicated matter and difficult for the united states and its coalition to try to fight i.s.i.l. as they continue to spread with franchises like afghanistan. ramin it's good to have you on the program. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> the u.n. security council has adopted a resolution aimed at ending the wore in syria. the peace plan calls for the
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syrian government and opposition leaders to take part in formal negotiations. that would begin in early january. the new u.n. resolution also calls for ceasefire, no agreement was reached on the fate of syrian president bashar al-assad. the u.n. has a small number of special operations force he on the ground in syria. their role is often misunderstood. american commanders are not fighting i.s.i.l. directly. jamie mcintire explains exactly what they are doing in syria. >> at his year end news conference, said it's the tough combat to deal i.s.i.l. a lasting defeat. >> the forces on the ground sometimes are spotty, sometimes
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need capacity building, need our assistance need our training. >> defense secretary ash carter regularly explains the search for reliable partners especially in syria is frustratingly slow. >> such forces are hard to find but they do exist. >> when the white house announced president obama was ordering a few dozen special operations forces to syria back in october it provided virtually no details of their mission. >> the less than 50 number is accurate. i cannot be more specific than that primary reasons related to operational security. >> leads many to ask what can a small number accomplish? namely that the troops in syria would not advise and assist in the same way u.s. troops do in iraq. instead the officials said the point is to get some guys on the ground. get eyes on, see what more is possible. adding we need to get on the ground, meet them, you know there's nothing quite like face to face contact. in other words the u.s.
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commandos are not on a mission to fight i.s.i.l. but rather to find locals to fight i.s.i.l. who can be trusted. during his visit to the base of u.s. special force he in erbil this week, exploratory missions of special teams into syria were bearing fruit. >> their mission was to identify and link up with local forces. in this case especially syrian arab forces that were willing to fight i.s.i.l. but needed our help. and they were, i was very encouraged to learn, able to find them, find some local forces of that kind. and that suggests that we may be able to yet find more. >> reporter: jamie mcintire, al jazeera the pentagon. >> the war in syria has forced
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more than 4 million people from their homes. we've learned some of their stories through social media. we first heard about rafahi homus story. he is a scientist battling cancer. now he's in michigan where he hopes to start over. hundreds of people have offered help online. in fact actor edward norton has helped raise $400,000 for him and his family. coming up next on this broadcast, controversy in the classroom. the assignment on arabic that prompted the entire school district to cancel classes. why addiction might be a hot topic whether the democrats face off in new hampshire tomorrow night.
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>> hi everyone, this is al jazeera america, i'm john siegenthaler. drawing fire, anger over an arabic assignment in a virginia classroom. how a lesson shut an entire school district down. putting children's safety at risk plus under threat, the race to save the world's coral reefs before it's too late. in new hampshire, a quarter of residents say drug abuse is the most important issue facing that state. some say it's an epidemic.
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one that is expected to take center stage at the democratic presidential debate on saturday. libby casey reports. >> this picture, this smile, this kid, that's the kid that i, you know -- i want that. >> tammy is zeal dealing with something no mother expects, her son is in jail at age 20. first he got involved with marijuana then other drugs to deal with adhd. >> did he experiment with drugs? >> to find a way of him feeling happier. >> she says new hampshire's mental health system failed her son. >> i.tit's like a lottery to get them, do you have the money to
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self-pay? those beds are given to the 1%, basically. >> reporter: her son is part of a remaining drug crisis and he's one of the lucky ones because he's still alive. here in new hampshire the number of people who have died from opioid overdoses shot up 76%, and stroifts emergency rooms fos for heroin overdose nearly tripled. the centers for disease control says more people die from drug abuse than car accidents. the boom in addiction and deaths prompted new hampshire's governor to call the legislature into special session this winter. >> the urgency is normally there. we're normally not in session. >> jeb bradley chaired the resulting task force, fighting drug abuse by 75%.
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insurance reforms, drug courts and stronger law enforcement. >> i think it's taken longer to get to the recognition we have now. but when you know people that have had these victim problems, and have become a victim it's staggering. so it's probably the top issue in everybody's minds. except for the presidential primary. >> reporter: in an october poll by manchester's wmur tv, voters named drug abuse as new hampshire's top issue and presidential candidates are talking about it on the stump. >> it is all over the place, extraordinary, heartbreaking. >> reporter: both republicans and democrats are addressing the problem. donald trump saying new hampshire has a huge librarian problem. hillary clinton weighing in saying, for too long we've had a quiet epidemic on our hands. and bernie sanders saying, we have a really, really real
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crisis on our hands with opiates. >> i can't talk much longer. the death toll is rising. >> alisa knows about addiction both with her own struggle and with her wok at hope recovery center. her hope is that the subject doesn't fade after the primaries are over. >> candidates are fixated on i.s.i.s, we need to be protected but we need to be protected against domestic terrorism, right? that's what i feel cartels are, bringing heroin into this country are killing our children. >> leaving families feeling like they're fighting both a system and the drug epidemic tearing them apart. >> you can feel the place where kids like your son end up? >> here they are, that's where they're ending up you know, because they don't know what
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else to do. >> tammy says jail won't solve her son's problems or new hampshire's drug crisis. libby casey, al jazeera, manchester, new hampshire. the number of deadly drug overdoses in the u.s. is rising in record numbers. the cdc reports more than 47,000 overdose deaths last year. 60% of those deaths were caused by opioid pain relievers and heroin. that is a 14% increase over the year before. there were more than 10,000 fatal heroin overdoses in 2014. a judge has ruled against mandatory flu shots for children at preschools and daycare centers in new york city. the judge said the city could not add flu shots to its list of required vaccinations without action from state lawmakers. the new rule was set to take effect in january. the city's health department says it will appeal that ruling. dr. lee norman is the chief
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medical officer at the university of kansas hospital. he studies naturally occurring and man made biothreats. he joins us from kansas city, kansas tonight. so doctor abad move by the city of new york or by this judge? >> you know there's a lot of controversy. people don't like being told what to do. there's no question that immunization of children for innoninfluenza is safe. but i can't back not innoculating people for inflooun is a. it's so safe and so effective. >> doesn't it put children and their parents at risk? >> there's no question about it. hundreds of young children die of influenza every year, 30-plus thousand people in the united states die of influenza and influenza vaccine is without question the most effective way to prevent the infection of
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influenza. >> you are saying as a result of this some kids will die? >> yes, there's deaths every year for kids six months to five years of age preventible by the vaccine. >> you say people don't like to be told what to do, is this part of this whole questioning about vaccines, the evidence has not proven any connection between autism and vaccines. >> yes. >> is this because of the belief on the part of some people based on no scientific evidence that that's the case? >> i think that's true. you know, people vaccinate their children out of fear that they'll become ill. peel don't vaccinate their children out of fear of the vaccine, so i think we have to understand what people's fear is. and you're right autism is one of them. >> have we always had this fear or is it knew? >> it's an old fear. the fear is very, very old. injecting a foreign substance into my body.
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autism is one of the things that's gotten a lot of attention but that's been debunked years ago. it was bad science, it was fraudulent science. >> doctor, people come to you and say i don't want to give my child a vaccination. what do you tell them? >> i tell them you're putting your child at risk for not doing it. we don't like to stop for stop signs, we don't like d.u.i. laws, there are a lot of things we don't like but it increases the safety for your child. i don't remove that from my practice, i've been doing it for 35 years, i'm going to stick with the vaccines because they are very, very safe. >> have you heard more from parents in recent years? >> definitely so. i hate to use the term anti-vaccinators, it sounds like an organized group but in reality people don't like to be told, don't like the fear of what's going to happen to their child, some are just contrarian
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and don't like to be painted into the corner. but science shows the vaccine is very safe. >> you see more people coming in and saying i don't want to give my child a vaccination. if i could push that a little bit, you suggest they should and they they do what they want to do, right? >> they do -- i think a lot of times people have to be invited to a party three times. sometimes, they'll say well i understand that, but i'm not going to get it now. and then i'll say well you know we have lots of different kinds of vaccines, we have the injectable kind the nasal spray the inter-dermal. there are all modes of getting it. people will come back with common sense and reason, getting more experience with their friends. people are set in their ways and will not get it. i hate to see that. it helps whether our whole population gets immunized. when a small percent, five to ten percent don't, makes it more
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dangerous for everybody. >> dr. norman, thank you, good to see you. >> good to see you too. >> an entire school district in virginia closed down today after an angry backlash over a high school assignment. it asked students to copy an arabic script that turned out to be a muslim declaration of faith. it was supposed to be a simple calligraphy assignment in a high school geography class. a long time teacher said she was using a standard workbook written by other he teachers used to introduce students to state's religious. here is the, in the space below trying copying it by hand.
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the students were not asked to translate or recite the statement but the assignment created a national fire storm. >> i will not have my children set under a woman who indoctrinates them with the islam religion when i am a christian and i want to stand by christ. >> imert herndokimberly herndone world geography class. >> why couldn't we learn to say hello, going, normal words not that. >> thousands too many to social media to express their outrage. a typical tweet using #shihada for calligraphy lesson, bad idea any time. in response school superintendent dr. eric bond said shihada will be removed from the curriculum and replaced
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with a different nonreligious calligraphy sample. he said: officials say there was no specific threat but on friday they cancelled classes in every school in the district citing the tone and couldn' conf phone calls and e-mails. the information reads, enough with the negative and ignorant. let's see some common sense and support. the group is closed but so far has over 3,000 members. >> zara billu, is in mountain view california tonight. zara, what do you think about
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this story? when you heard it what was your reaction? >> honestly, i'm appalled that people would take objection to learning about a major world religion. one in five people in the world are muslim and yet you have these parents who want to shelter their children from understanding the muslim declaration in faith or just tracing it in arabic? how does that make any sense? >> let me play devil's advocate. you shouldn't have a child write a declaration of faith about a religion they don't believe in. you agree? >> they were tracing it. they weren't professing their own belief. they weren't converting. they weren't even -- there was no pro it led to closing the sc, is unbelievable to me just
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beyond reality basically. >> what does it say about what's going on in this country right now? hopsly i worry that any arabic phrase would get the same reaction with some of the islamophobia going on. many airbus say, i could planning antimuslim activists, seizing on that and saying that's too muslim a phrase. >> for someone like you it's easy to identify you as muslim or people might assume that you were a muslim because of what you wear. have you felt this personally, since san bernardino, since paris? >> i work for one of the care
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offices that was evacuated after we received a suspicious substance in the mail last week. it has everyone on edge. unfortunately, no one is immune from the rising level of islamophobia. >> and what can -- how can you and other nonmuslims change that? >> i think it's important that we continue to call out antimuslim rhetoric as exactly what it is. unamerican. counter to the values we want to the values that we all are working towards better. by marginalizing that instead of different communities of whatever background we can hopefully make it less socially acceptable for people to send hate mail to a school because they don't like a lesson in arabic. >> zara, thank you for being with us tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> one man's mission in a city that some call the american
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teresa. two miracles are required for canonization in the catholic church. the roman catholic none spent her life taking care of the sick and poor in india. now a wakeup call of hiv in america. the cdc says a quarter don't even know they have it. young people are especially hard hit. one researcher is on a mission to reverse that trend. jonathan betz reports. >> reporter: at mime-dade juvenile detention -- at miami-dade juvenile detention center, alex is in charge of testing and at times telling kids their life is changing. how big of a problem is hiv here? >> i think it's bigger than we all think it is. >> reporter: in florida a disturbing trend.
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the number of people diagnosed with hiv has been climbing, with miami and fort lauderdale leading the nation. and among those many are children. >> we've kind of let it slip into this age of complacency. the parents aren't talking about it, the schools can't talk about it. so what's left? >> quintara was born with its. >> schools influence are not best. it was very hard. >> reporter: the university of miami has been leading tests to treat kids. going to schools and juvenile detention centers, offering counseling and warnings. experts worry with all the progress made, treating hiv for some, the fear has also faded. >> but why are we seeing so many young people become infected with liive? ihiv?
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it seems this is an awareness. >> they have no discourse no knowledge of the 80s and the 90s. before we had excellent therapy, triple therapy and we saw a lot of people who were dying from hiv and complications related to aids. they have no knowledge of that and feel like it's no big deal. >> quintara lane is here to tell them otherwise. now a mother herself the 29-year-old is on strict medication and grateful both her children are not infected. you know a lot of people feel hiv is not a big deal anymore. >> it's a sawr sad thing. i don't want to continue having to take medication my whole life. i don't want to go to the doctors and get blood drawn every single day. >> it is a hard life. >> it is a very hard life. >> a hard life alex moreno is
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looking to prevent. especially for those who are just beginning. jonathan betz, al jazeera, miami. >> warning for tanning beds, may be soon off limits for anyone under 18. the food and drug administration is suggesting a ban. saying they understand the risks. al"ali velshi on target" is takg a closer loo closer look, davids in for ali tonight david. >> john, "on target" tonight, bernie sanders versus hillary clinton. the sanders campaign erupted at the dnc after the campaign was suspended for accessing a crucial database. we'll talk about the dust-up. and democratic debate and look at charlie hustle, pete rose, he
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below, scientists say much of the world's coral reefs are in danger of disappearing. "techknow"'s team looks at the fight to save them. marita davison reports. >> amy eggers prepares a sample of coral. the resulting images reveal an amazing world. this is what live coral samples look like under the hood of a laser scanning focal microscope. in a world determining coral samples like this which are brimming with life, even more so in bleached coral such as this one. around the world, coral reefs are in crisis, facing a multitude of events, a bleechg crisis, affecting 35% of the world's coral reefs. i've come to hawaii to see the
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bleaches, almost immediately, i see it brilliant white coral an unmistakable signed of bleechg. bleaching. and more and then more. >> signed of bleachininging thes much of brilliant white corld here. bleechg, despite the process of bleaching is still teaming with life. >> dr. ruth gates is director of the hawaii institutes of marine biology. she spends most of her time here in these waters, studying what's happening under the surface. >> if we don't have coral reefs. we will have people who don't have food. who will have to move. whose lands and their entire islands will be eroded and the tourist economy of many of these places will be completely obliterated. >> and from her lab in oahu,
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dr. gates is working on a creative if somewhat controversialing scoousk controversial scientific experiment. >> it's like you're training them withstand the the condition the future might hold. >> and what the future might hold in the eyes of dr. gates and her team is the ability to breed what they call super-corals, these are essentially corals that are conditioned literally from birth to withstand rising sea surface temperatures, ocean acidification, and hold up to climate change and other pressing trends. >> so marita, how dire is the situation for corals? >> john it's pretty dire. the projection he state that if we do nothing, that 100% of the
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world's coral will face severe degradation or total loss by the year 2050. so that's only 35 years away. doesn't paint a very pretty picture at all. >> and talk about the value of corals. why people should care. >> well, i think a lot of people when they think of a coral reef think that it's a pretty place to go when they're on vacation and it certainly is. they are exquisitely beautiful ecosystems no doubt but they provide a lot of benefits to people as well. food with the fish that live there, they provide protection for storms and erosion for coaflt communities and they provide income for people that thrive on the tourism industry. over 500,000 people worldwide, that's a pretty big impact. >> that's a fascinating story. tomorrow, 5:30 eastern, 2:30
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p.m. pacific. that's our program. "ali velshi on target" is next. >> i'm david schuster in for ali velshi. "on target" tonight. a dangerous challenge. bernie sanders accuses party bosses are trying to clear the way for hillary clinton. plus big league hypocrisy. gambling still keeps pete rose out of baseball but as any fan can tell you not all bets of off. in a presidential primary season dominated by donald trump and a
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