tv Weekend News Al Jazeera December 19, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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>> we can not afford for one of us to lose a job. we're just a family that's trying to make it. >> a real look at the american dream. "hard earned". tomorrow, 10:00 eastern. only on al jazeera america. this is al jazeera america. with a look at today's top stories. >> does secretary clinton deserve an apology tonight? >> yes. i do bernie sanders gives an apology. a warning from the cdc, drug over dose deaths are on the rise. more law enforcement officers
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were charged with homicide in 2015 than any year in the past decade of the tonight a deeper look at who is policing the police. sparks were flying tonight as the candidates for president faced off. topics ranging from economic disparity, guns dominating the conversation. our correspondent, a lot of what we heard from the three not new, but it was a cordial, less ortial. >> reporter: there was more tension tonight. that may be good for the debate in the democratic party to get more focus on these candidates. they went into tonight with a back story, with a real fight brewing yesterday between the
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sanders campaign and the clinton campaign. the democratic national committee accusing a sanders staffing of accessing and downloading clinton information that the dnc held. that was the first thing that came up tonight. the first question out of the gate. bernie sanders called for an examination that all parties could sign off on. there was also this >> >> does secretary clinton deserve an apology? >> yes. i apologise. >> do you accept? [ applause ] >> not only do i apologise, and i hope we can work together on an independent investigation from day one, i want to apologise to my supporters. this is not the type of campaign that we run and if i find anybody else involved in this, they will also be fired. >> reporter: clinton was able to respond by taking a bit of a
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high road on this issue. it doesn't mean that they will be fighting about it off the scenes, but the debate tonight overall did have elements of tension and they were over policy points. we did not see the candidates fighting or sparring on a level that got personal or got nasty. it really seemed to be about the issues, differences in what they believed and how to deal with the gun violence, how to deal with rising health care cost, regime change in countries like libya is a good thing, what to do in syria, or whether i.s.i.l.,isise or president bashar al-assad should be dealt with first. there were moments where they were a scrapping back and forth but it stayed focused on policy differences. ultimately all three of them really turned a lot of their focus against fighting republicans and warning in americans that if one of them did not prevail come next november, that a republican in the white house would be bad for
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america so what did they have to say about the republican front runner, the most controversial candidate of all, donald trump. >> they certainly took him on and we will see how that plays out. the audience here appreciated those attacks. hillary clinton saying that donald trump's comments, saying things like muslims shouldn't be allowed in the country are not just flippant and irresponsible, but they're even dangerous. >> he is becoming i.s.i.s.'s best recruiter. they are going to people showing videos of donald trump insulting islams and muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists. i want to explain why this is not in america's interest to react with this kind of fear and respond to this sort of bigotry. >> reporter: it wasn't just clinton. we heard from sanders and martin o'malley who has been polling
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very low but he also gave us some forceful rebucks against donald trump tonight of the-- rebucks. >> we must never surrounder them to terrorist, our american values to racist, never to the fascist pleas will billionaires with big mouths. our enduring symbol is not the barbed wire fence, but the statue of liberty. >> reporter: billionaires with big mouths will be bouncing around thank you very much. just over five weeks the presidential election process begins when iowa goes to the polls. donald trump widening his lead on the republican need. he is hitting a high of 39%
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among republican voters. ted cruz increased his support to 18%. marco rubio and ben carson dropped to 11 and 9%. fifth place shared among jab bush, chris christie each at 3%. trump cam pained in iowa today. he welcome close ties with russia after receiving praise from vladimir putin who called trump "brilliant". >> then they're accusing me, putin called him brilliant. that's not good. you know, isn't it sort of nice if countries are fighting with, we get along and let them do, right donald trump has already been chided for embracing comments about him. john kasich calls it a bromance.
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marco rubio accused ted cruz of changing his position musculo-ligamentous tell times on immigration. ted cruz made the same charge against rubio. voters in spain head to the polls on sunday in a contest that may end the traditional two-party system in that country. the political landscape changed dramatically in recent years with the rise of two influential anti austerity parties. spain is one of the fastest growing economies in the european union, unemployment is at an all time high. polls show that the economy and corruption are the top issues for the country's 34.5 million registered voters. syria's top religious fish is expressing cautious optimism to the end of the agreement to end the war. the agreement needs to be drabs lated-- truants lated - translated into action he says.
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the end of the conflict is necessary for the safety of syria and other countries and the countries must ultimately decide on the way forward. for the millions of syrians displaced by the civil war, the united nations resolution does bring hope that they may be anal to return home. refugees living on the turkish side of the border with syria are spoken to. >> reporter: more than 30,000 syrians live in and around the ancient say city of marden. they're escaping the civil war but staying close enough that if peace comes they can quickly get home. this man is from aleppo. he thinks there will be no problem forming a transitional government that represents all syrians. >> translation: syrians are one people. there are no problems between us. we live together for hundreds of years when the revolution came everyone joined it. the wren people rose up was the
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bashar al-assad family. >> reporter: he says if the price for peace is letting bashar al-assad stay in power for now, then so be it. >> translation: let him stay if it means peace. we need to go back to our country, our schools and homes. we are tired of living in exile. we have had enough. >> reporter: this man thinks assad should go. >> translation: if he is allowed to stay in the country, so what would be left? every family in syria has been split up because of him and now we are expected to let him and his ugly regime stay? >> reporter: all of them want the fighting to end. >> translation: the roof of our home has fallen in on us. can it get any worse? we're scared for our children. >> reporter: i.s.i.l. control the territory on the other side of the border from marden and no-one here is thinking of going home until they have been
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cleared out. bernard smith. marden the u.s. and iraq are investigating a friendly fire incident that killed ten iraqi soldiers. speaking to reporters during a visit to the aircraft carrier in the persianful gulf, ash cart jeer said-- carter said it appears to be a mistake that involved both sides. >> we agreed that this was an event that we both regretted and that there would be an investigation of it, but that these kinds of things happen when you're fighting side-by-side a u.s. military statement says the air strikes were requested by iraqi security forces fighting i.s.i.l. near the town of falugia.
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a warning from the center for disease control tonight. the united states is experiencing an epidemic of deaths from drawing overdoses. -- drug overdoses. >> i lost my daughter sue to heroin on august 62013. >> reporter: from 2014 nearly half a million people in the united states have died from drug overdoses. but in 2014, the cdc says more people died from drug overdoses than during any previous craver on record. there was a significant increase in drug-related deaths from 2013 to 2014. in 2014 about 47,000 people died from drug overdoses compared with just under 44,000 in 2013. it is an increase of 6.5%. in both years significantlily
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more men than women died. the greatest increases were among 25 to 34 year old by 10.5%. next were ages 35 to 44, up 8.7%. perhaps most interesting, drug deaths among people aged 65 and older increased by 7.7%. in 2014 west virginia had the country's highest rate of drug over dose deaths with just over 35 per 100,000 people. far head of second place new mexico. new hampshire, kentucky and ohio led the top five. main had an over dose of 27.3%, a huge number but far lower. the other states in the top 10
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new mexico and others. opioids primarily prescription pain relevers and heroin are the main drugs associated with over dose deaths. the cdc says efforts to encourage safer prescribing should be strengthed. it also strongly recommends expanding access to a drug called naloxone, referred to often as narcane. it can bring an over dose victim back to consciousness there have been more police officers charged with homicide in 2015 than any year in the past decade. >> i have not received an apology from the police department or the city of clevelan cleveland in regards to the killing of my son up next a deeper look at who is policing the police.
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william porter which ended in a mistrial. he is one of dozens of police officers who have been charged in similar cases this year, more than in any other year in the past decade. as al jazeera's correspondent reports, while charges have become more common, convictions remain rare. >> reporter: the first legal battle against one of the six baltimore police officers charged in the death of freddie grey resulted in a deadlock jury and a mistrial this week. the death of grey who died in police custody of a spinal cord injury sparked mass protests earlier this year. it is one of a number of high profile cases that have raised what it takes for criminal charges to be laid against police officers. the choking death offeric garnerr was ruled a homicide but
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no charges were filed. the fatal shooting of an unarmed michael brown by a police officer last year set the stage for a national debate about policing in america. in cleveland 12-year-old playing with a real stick looking pellet gun is shot dead by an officer just two seconds into their encounter. more than a year after the shooting, no charges. a grand jury is reviewing the evidence >> i have not received an apology from the police department or the city of cleveland in regards to the killing of my son. and it hurts. >> reporter: the supreme court ruling gives police officers a great deal of leeway on the use of force saying it must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene rather than the 20/20 vision of hindsight. according to the washington post
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so far this year 944 people have been shot dead by police, but in less than 2% of those cases were officers charged with murder or manslaughter. that means an estimated 98% of the police shootings were found to be legally justified. what is different now, says university of history professor is that cell phones and other recording devices are allowing the nation to judge for themselves what happens during police encounterers beyond official accounts and reports. >> we have statements from police saying that they respect the rights of civilians and footage says they don't. >> reporter: a balance must be struck. prosecuting police officers to appropriately enforce the law joining me in the studio now for a deeper look is darn porter, a criminal justice professor and a retired new york
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lieutenant and defense attorney and district attorney. police have a difficult job. you have to make split life and death decisions and sometimes it requires the taking of a life, but now with that having been said, the question is in those cases such askeric garner where people saw on video what appeared to be the taking of a life while a person was in police custody, how do you explain no charges being brought? >> there are political reasons, the local district attorney was elected with the support of all local law enforcement unions. for those political reasons he did not want to go against those unions. there are also the human reasons that the district attorney works hand-in-hand with police officers every day.
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that brotherhood that they develop stands in the way of them acting objectively in the course of the prosecution couldn't the prosecutor have dleeflt brought minimal charges with respect to, say-- at least-- negligent homicide or some lesser charge. something? >> certainly we believe that there are charges in the penal code in new york that would apply to officer pantelea in his objection against eric gardner. we hope federal charges will be laid by state charges is by the board now >> yes you've seen the video. i don't know if you knew any of the officers who were involved in that case, but you certainly have familiarity with police department training. why aren't officers told about the appropriate use of deadly force in a situation where a person isn't armed? >> i can give it to you from two pe specktives.
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i was a lieutenant in the internal affairs bureau. i was training recruits. it was consistent in that officers are trained to use the minimal amount of force necessary that's the training >> that is correct. however, dependent upon what my assessment of minimal force can be. i could perceive something different to jason. when these cases come into the courts, it's in the hands of a jury. going back to gardner i understand the public outcry and i understand what jason is stating, especially when we have this sensationalism of video. video goes viral whereas years ago you had interactions between police officers and defendants and it was basically the officer's word against the person who was arrested. now we have these videos and
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that's what sensationales things beyond the sensationalisation, isn't it true that it provides the public an insight of what happens in the moment. not only did we see, but we heard garn, er saying, "i can't breathe", 11 times. that's not sensationalism, is it? >> i hear what you are coming from. i think video is necessary and it requires an element of transparency in policing. we look at the implementation of body cameras and dash cams, i think they're necessary in our society. the average person is videotaped hundreds of times a day. police should be held to a certain degree. the i agree the videotaping is necessary. however, we also have to take into consideration that's only one component when things move forward into a criminal case back to the prosecutor. you were at the island in the
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das office >> yes perhaps, if you would, imagine that you were there while the garner case is being investigated and the question is asked, well, wasn't the choke hold against police policy? >> it was. it was against police policy wasn't that something you could charge the officer with? >> absolutely there was something to charge the officer with. the problem is these decisions are made at the highest levels of the da's office, whether they want to go forward with a truly objective prosecution or they want to put in the witnesses in the manner in which they want to put them in, to lead to no prosecution lead the grand jury. in other words, as who was it, the chief justice of the new york supreme court many years ago said, you can get an indictment of a ham sandwich if the prosecutor wants it to happen >> that's the famous quote. if they want to, they could get an indictment no charges brought there,
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but when charges are brought, it's difficult to get a conviction. walk us through that. we just saw the freddie grey case. maybe that is not a good example, but we have that one. >> i've had many cases that traditionally whenever an officer is - there's an allegation of misconduct that's criminal, the first thing that the internal affairs bureau is that they will reach out the county's district attorney who will make an assessment as to whether they want to prosecutor, they want to move further and prosecute this case or they would rather kick it back to the police department and have them handle it as an administrative proceeding. i saw something earlier in that we had these overwhelmingly high number of shootings this year, but there has only been 2% of officers who have engaged in sfanss of deadly force 944 shootings and less few
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than the 20 officers charged. by the way we should also say that it could be because not all are reported. >> when an officer uses physically force, deadly physical force, that's a last resort. that's an aberration, believe it or not. it may appear to be a large number of shooting. we live in a country with 365 million people. that's a lot of people. when we think of these street encounters between police and individuals in the street, the numbers are low i saw you nod in agreement there. >> well, you know, i was think along the lines of why is it so difficult to convict police officers when they bring prosecutions of the along those lines officers are given an enormous level of benefit of the doubt. they should get that. it's a difficult job. they're protectors of the community. we don't want them second
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guessing. we want them to protect the community and themselves. that being said, when the evidence is there, when the videos are there, when the witnesses are there, we want prosecutors to keep our communities safe by prosecuting bad officers. good police officers want it and the communities want it do police officers actually get more of a break, if you will, for committing homicide than the average citizen would? >> i have never experienced preferential treatment. however, in our discourse, jason states that he has. it may be accurate. i've never had that experience. one thing that i will say moving forward in a state like new york, it was put forward that a special prosecutor was to investigate these because what it does is it provides an additional layer of transparency
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are you staying that-- saying that there is, by some police officers, a sense of impunity a, that they know based on past experience that if they shoot somebody on the line of duty that they are likely to be able to walk away from it without being charged because that has been the case here >> i've never experienced it. however, i'm sure there are instances like this that do exist. when we think about an officer that shoots someone, this is aborigine aberration-- an aberration. this is not the average police officer that worked for 20 years. i've never shot someone in my 20 years did you have the option? >> numerous times i've been in instances where my gun has left my holster, an individual had a weapon and i said police, don't move you could have shot him >> yes. however, i was fortnight enough whereas -- fortunate that that didn't happen. there are a small number of officers who do fire their weapon now we talk about the case
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of officers who have not seen charges, not been prosecuted, but this past year a couple of swift justice. the case of the shooting and killing of walter scott, the man running away. that officer was facing charges less than a week later. almost the next day. explain that. >> the video. it's all about the video. for years the community has talked about these instances of unjustified shootings. for years these shootings have been swept under the rug because the evidence hasn't bent p been there. police agencies, prosecutoring agencies rely strictly on the word of the police officer and say, we don't have concrete evidence. we can't prove that the officer did anything wrong. you look at the scott case and the officer falsified records, lied about what happened. the video contradicted everything. the prosecutor brought a prosecution. the videos are changing the way we're looking at this you were in internal
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affairs, what do you say about the mcdonald case in chicago where the video was kept out of public view for a long time but when it appeared, the police officer was charged some 14/two years later. >> we spoke about this offset. i think it is a bigger picture here. i genuinely believe this was something that was done by, as i say, the mayor was running for re-election. he in his re-election campaign felt that this would have been a slight towards his election. therefore, he kind of put this to the back-burner you're blaming the mayor >> absolutely not the prosecutor. >> no. i'm blaming the mayor because what happened was the city settled for $5 million, and the corporation council would have had to present this to the mayor. look, we had a police shooting
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worth a $5 million pay out. this is one of the highest in the city. to are him to come across now and say i can't believe that the superintendent did nothing is a crack on this. he knew about this. however, he was running for re-election and he knew that he could get a year in keeping this video couched. after he was elected, then the stuff comes out. i blame the mayor. i don't blame the prosecutor nor do i blame the superintendent of police because ultimately it's the elected official that drives the machine in closing, if you could assign some three-step process or even one-stop process to try to make this better, what would you do? >> i think it starts with leadership, supervision training, but ultimately it has to come down to discipline and accountability. we need to have a system in place where bad officers are rooted out. where good officers are encouraged and treated as heros
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when they call out bad officers. weep don't have that now. bad officers are getting away with what they're doing the blue wall of silence >> the blue curtain covers them. we need and independent agency, prosecutors and investigators who don't work with local police officers and who are charged with finding justice, with pursuing justice against police misconduct i thank you, my guests, for joining us and sharing your insight how much does it cost to become the next commander in chief. an inside look at the big money behind the presidential election and locked up for tweeting? nigerians protest a new law that could land them in prison for speaking out against the government on social media.
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tonight was the third democratic debate and the american economy was the topic front and center. both hillary clinton and bernie sanders had comments. >> i want the buffet rule to be in effect where millionaire has to pay 30% tax rates. >> will corporate america love a bernie sanders. >> no. i don't think they will: the ceos and multinational ain't going to like me and wall street is going to like me less martin o'malley says america needs to be tougher on bank. wall street money is a tricky one for politicians. while the democrats were talking tough about the banks, not all
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of them are opposed to taking some of the banks' money. >> reporter: they're running to be president of the united states, but also in a race for the hundreds of millions of dollars needed to pay for it. the start and finish line of the money race is wall street. big banks and their employees, the largest contract jobs to-- contributors to campaigns. in a six month period this is what they have contributed. 636,000 to democratic party front runner hillary clinton; 606,000 to republican jab bush. the most an individual can contribute to one candidate is $2700. here on wall street wealthy banker types get around this by collecting individual campaign contributions from their equally wealthy associates and co-workers and then bundle all
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those contributions together to deliver to their candidate of choice. >> they are hoping to support somebody who would be amenable to their interests or somebody who would have an open door or an open ear to what they have to say, policies they might support. >> reporter: others are getting in on the act. marco rubio pushes rival on the republican side was in new york for a private fund raiser with bankers. he has already received from bankers more than $150,000 in contributions. but taking money from an industry responsible for the economic meltdown of 2007 is not something the candidates go out of their way to publicise. that was evidence at a funds raiser in a new york hotel where some of the wealthiest streamed in after paying more than a thousand dollars to have breakfast with bush. the candidate arrived through a back door. the event was off limits to the press.
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but it did attract the attention of a small but vocal group of protesters outside who said they're being left out >> in this system, it is being flooded with money and that money is drowning out the voices of poor people. >> reporter: there are two candidates who refused wall street money. bernie sanders want to break up the big banks. billionaire donald trump doesn't need their money. it's the only thing the pair have in common. they are the exception, not the rule, in american presidential politics awash in money from the wealthiest nigerians have been protesting a proposed new law to limit the use of social media. under the anyone could face prison time and be fined thousands of dollars for spreading bah the government determining-- what the government determining to be false information. a report from the capital.
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>> reporter: hundreds of people demonstrate outside the nigerian parliament. they say they want to stop the so-called antisocial media bill becoming law. if does, nigerians could face two years in prison and a $10,000 fine for making what the government considers to be a false statement about government officials and public institutions on social media. citizens would have to produce a court affidavit along with their petitions saying they're telling the truth. this woman is against the proposed law. she has been critical of the government's response to the kidnapping of more than 200 girls by boko haram last year who have still not been rescued. >> it is not a bill that is in the interests of the people. it is in the interests of the senators. it is a tool that citizens have been able to use for their voices to be heard. >> reporter: this man is behind the law.
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he says millions of the dollars in public money is being wasted by the government investigating false and frivolous people on social media >> we want to curtail that situation. if you believe in what you have doing, you can have freedom of information bill which entitles you to look for whatever facts you want from any government office. if you have those facts, we have not seen any wisdom in allowing you to continue to write false hoods. there are tons in the social media. >> we need to get more people. >> reporter: these people who run a social media club called fix nigeria, say the new law is to stop citizens from showing corruption and mismanagement. they started the hashtag no to social media bill to fight the proposed legislation. >> reporter: the law in itself has the potential to violate so many human rights that the nigh
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yearian con-- nigerian constitution accepts. >> reporter: those against the proposal law also say it would be impossible for the nigerian government to enforce it. >> reporter: before the bill can become law, it will have to be approved by members of the house of representatives and then sent to the president. if he doesn't approve it, it can still become law. given the controversy it has generated, many groups say it is unlikely to pass in its current form a united nations report finds that sdpl violence against-- sexual violence against women is often acceptable in some parts of south africa. tania page reports from south africa. >> reporter: candy was raped by a traditional healer who said she need to be cleansed of an evil spirit.
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she is only 13. the green door center is one of the few places rape victims can go for counselling. >> translation: he helped me by giving me clothes and soaps and by introducing me to other victims for support. we share experiences which stops me from getting depressed. >> reporter: it is one of the places the special group on violence against women went on a recent fact-finding mission into the country. physical and sexual abuse is often accepted as a fact of life. she says the government must do more. >> does the government need to put it's money where its mouth is? >> yes. this is very important. understanding that adoption of the law for different services is recognition of governmental responsibilities to provide such services. if they are not there, then there is human rights
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violations. >> reporter: this man keeps the green door open despite a lack of support from government which helped set it up. private donors bring food, clothes and health care products for him to sdrnt. >> it is sad that you do so-- to distribute. >> it is sad that you do so much appeared no support is given to you. >> reporter: most of the residents live in poverty. there are so much crime. the police refuse to patrol some dangerous areas. that adds to the sense of lawlessness and impunity for the perpetrators of rape and other violence. a government official says it is not as simply as funds >> we have competing challenges. in my view, the issues of violence against women cannot just be addressed on the basis of reaction. it is developing programs which will make sure that women can empower themselves. >> reporter: he wants to start offering sewing classes to learn
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skills to support themselves. it is likely that he will have to rely on private donors got the government to make it happen the country of costa rica will suspend visas to migrants. cubans are trying to pass through central america on the way to the u.s. regional summit ended yesterday without any agreement to allow the cubans through. athletes in cuba are taking to the basketball court to express themselfs. >> reporter: it began with a group of friends on the street corner. it has grown to a well organized league independent of the influence of the cuban state. >> translation: our level is very, very good. which is why the authorities have been questioning our existence. we're now as good as them. that caused us some problems,
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but our ideas to one day join with the organized basketball, with them incorporating some of our ideas. >> reporter: the street league has received support from full court peace, one of the growing number of u.s. organizations rekindling ties with cuba, this one having solidarity. >> >> translation: we are americans, they are cue bans but on the court we can be friends. >> reporter: the league helps keep young people out of trouble. >> translation: when i play barked ball, i'm in tune with myself and how my body works and i'm away from temptations of vice and society. we're always creating. >> reporter: they use that creativity to establish courts where there is adequate space. and to adapt the rules to a tougher, more aggressive game.
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this is street basketball, raw basketball played for the players, for the neighborhood, with a passion of freedom in expression, free of the constraints that some feel can be imposed by the states. the states is beginning to notice the street scene. this again from the national basketball school. >> translation: this league is very well organized. this is street basketball. while ours is state run and organized. my kids study basketball and have technique >> reporter: they're all learning with one another with the position and power of the street basketball scene, dip to contain. -- difficult to obtain -- contain coming up smog so think it's hard to see or breathe. what is becoming a common occurrence in beijing. details next.
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an air quality alert has been issued in for the sicked time in two-- second time for two weeks. it will last through to wednesday. it called for dangerous smog particles to be 20 times the level the world health organisation considers safe. the first read alert for smog was just two weeks weeks ago. the u.s. is entering a new era of deep sea research which has the help of a new ship. >> reporter: a new 90 million dollar ship, the rn neil armstrong built just for science. this is the world's most exclusive cruise line. it takes years to get a ticket, you have to than a federally funded scientist and you have to earn a lot of money.
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once out on the boat is you're able to do big science. the federal funding for ocean research has taken a big hit in recent years. just as that science has become so much more important. >> we know more about the surface of mars than the bottom of the earth's ocean. >> reporter: climate scientists, for instance, have always assumed that the ocean would absorb roughly half of our carbon emissions. the sew shan may stop doing that as the climate changes. if that's true, it will change all our calculations. >> the human influence on our planet is detectible everywhere from the depths of the ocean to the north and south pole. this is a time when we need to understand how our ocean is changing and how it is going to impact life on earth. >> reporter: that's why this ship operated by a con sort um of universities and agencies
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will go. >> we work in nastier places. the ship rejust retired spent a good, most of its last 15 or 20 years in some presenting rugged environments. certain groups were looking at the air/sea interchange with the exchange of stuff between water and air. the best mixing happened in storms so they wanted to find storms in really rough weather. not exciting for us to hear that, but that's the job i guess, you know. >> reporter: the diesel engines here can take this boat to almost any part of the world except for actual ice portion of the arctic. it has six miles of cable. it could put something on the bottom of the ocean floor. the limitation is whether you want to put stuff in the ocean can survive the place that it goes. a new competition could jump start the creation of better,
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tougher robotic systems designed to withstand pressure at deep depths. a competition announced this week will award millions to the best robotic survey systems capable of surviving at depths of 4,000 metres. the prize will create a market for the technology as ex-prize competitions have done in other areas. >> the prize which was awarded in 2004 was pay private space flight competition to get three people up to 100 kilometres in the atmosphere tries in two weeks-- twice in two weeks. that spurred the private space flight industry. >> reporter: between new ships and new technologies the rv kneel armstrong will reveal the mysteries of the deep seas, 95% of which is entirely unknown to us. the launch of this ship and this prize is a rare opportunity to do good work at sea.
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jacob ward now the weather with kevin. >> reporter: well, this december we have seen many, many storms coming out of the pacific, bring some very heavy snow to elevations but also heavy rain to the lower elevations. i want to go closer and show the regions we're talking about here. along the coastal areas of washington and into oregon. towards newport, i want to show you how they were dealing with the rain there. the rain that came down was actually deadly. we saw one person died because of land slides across the region. many homes were destroyed as well as power outages, widespread across the region. now this is one area that is extremely susceptible to mud slides because of the way the geography works in that area. towards tomorrow, we expect to see more heavy rain across the
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region. that does not change at all as we go into monday as well. look at all the snow. we're expecting anywhere across the sierras into the rock eaus. if-- rockys. if you are doing any skiing, there will be no problem. we are getting some know, believe or it not, into the north-east. we call this lake effect snow. notice how it begins at the lakes and then it trails off here towards the east. we don't expect that snow to last any time soon because those temperatures are going to be going back up. tomorrow we are seeing back up to 51 gettings. things are only-- 51 degrees. things are going to get warmer the new miss world. the first time in the competition's 54 years that a winner has come from spain. the event which was held in china was marred by controversy after china blocked ms canada from attending.
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she has been an outspoken critic of china's human rights. olympics will cost over 13 billion dollars, but some parts of the city not tied to the game are already benefitting. >> reporter: this future flower jutting over the port here is the newly opened museum of tomorrow. >> translation: when i arrived here, i had the impression i was in a different country. is it is so clean and pretty eau. >> reporter: the exhibits, a journey here will compel visitors to ask questions about mankind and to remind us that we're caretaker of the earth >> the museum is conceded around a philosophical concept,
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tomorrow is not ready, tomorrow is not done. tomorrow will be built. >> reporter: it is an iconic sill bol of the port-- symbol of the part. it has been in the midst of a make over. this is the largest urban development project in the country. it has benefited from money that poured in for the 2016 summer olympics. >> we have a lot of synergy between the joint interventions that is making us to have advantages, to take advantage on this process because the visibility is here. >> reporter: this woman has worked here for three years and has watched the transformation. >> translation: i used to be scared walking in this area. no-one used to come here. now you can come any time of day and you will find lots of people. >> reporter: a light rail will move through the area.
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there will being apartments catering to low and high-income earners thanks for joining us. stay tuned for more news from our colleagues in doha. goodnight. to be strong. >> i can't get bent down because my family's lookin' at me. >> to rise, to fight and to not give up. >> you're gonna go to school, so you don't have to go war. >> hard earned pride. hard earned respect. hard earned future. >> we can not afford for one of us to lose a job. we're just a family that's trying to make it. >> a real look at the american dream. "hard earned". tomorrow, 10:00 eastern. only on al jazeera america.
12:00 am
must never vendor our american values to race assists. must never surrender them to the fascist pleas of billionaires with big mouths. one rival unites them all. the democratic candidates for the u.s. presidency gaping up on dawned trump. ♪ ♪ hello, i am darren jordan in doha with the world news from al jazeera. burundi rejects an offer of african union peacekeepers saying this won't let them in the country. footage from the kurdish peshmerga, they say they have killed 100 isil
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