tv News Al Jazeera January 6, 2016 1:00pm-2:01pm EST
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i'm del walters. the news continues live from london next. ♪ >> hello, i'm david foster, it's 6:00 p.m. london, and wherever you are watching this al jazeera news hour. >> this is act is a profile stabilizing for national security. >> emergency u.n. talks on north korea's announcement it has tested a hydrogen bomb, although that claim is doubt bid experts. the fight for help. allegations of sexual abuse
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against u.n. peace keepers in the central african republic. >> and i'll be here with all the day's sport, including england's second test. >> now to the united nations security council in session an emergency meeting to discuss the body's response of north korea's claim of another nuclear test. pyongyang said it has successfully tested a hydrogen bomb. that would an jump in the country's capability. it's a claim met with widespread skepticism. experts say that the explosion was nowhere near large enough to
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be a hydrogen bomb. the bomb was more like an atomic one, and a group who has watched the test said it was nowhere near as the one just a few years ago, but any nuclear test would be a violation of the u.n. resolutions and the counci security council is discussing what sanctions north korea should face. >> in pyongyang people stood to watch what they've been told would be an important announc announcement. on cue they cheered the country's military success. it showed kim jong-un signing off on the order. he is a man who likes attention particularly close to his birthday which falls on january 8th, this may have been his way of celebrating early. but it could take months or
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years to prove if north korea has successfully tested a hydrogen bomb. it says it deserves to possess nuclear weapons to counter threats from the united states. around the region leaders responded with familiar alarm. it was north korea's fourth nuclear test in ten years. >> our government has to take decisive measures against any additional provocations by north korea, and work with the international community to make sure that isolated countries pay the price for its latest nuclear test. >> japan's government is also promising a firm but as yet unspecified response. >> north korea's nuclear test is a serious threat to our nation's security and absolutely cannot be tolerated. >> here in china there is also deepening concerns. china is just about the only friend north korea has, but it's a friendship going through testing times. since the government is alarmed
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at the prospect of having a nuclear-armed neighbor. >> at the daily news conference-- >> this is the japanese ambassador. we understand that the united nations following the completion that have special meeting of the security council. >> we've been asked to hold an immediate emergency meeting in light of the news we had heard yesterday of the nuclear test of the pdk.
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the four security council resolutions, and this is very clear and at grave violation of these resolutions. it is also a grave challenge to the international proliferation regime. we firmly condemn the fact and the we have seen not only the secretary general to the united nations, but the leaders of many countries have condemned the--this new act of dprk. as a reminder the last time the security council adapted resolution 2013, in its resolution the security council expressed its determination to take further significant
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measures in the event of a further dprk launch or nuclear test. we think if no further measures are taken by this security council, it is the authority and credibility of the security council will be put into question. therefore, japanese government will be asking for new security council resolution, which should be adapted swiftly, and whose content should be robust. as you have heard security council president issued th the statement which contains a couple of important elements in my judgment. number one, all the member countries strongly condemn this
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test and identify this as a clear violation of the past security council resolutions. and the second point, which is the action to take place from now is that council will begin to work immediately on further significant measures to take further significant measures that have been agreed upon before in a new council resolution. we'll be working with the--with all the other security council members to reach an agreement on the new security council resolution. i forgot to mention that the republic of korea also requested the emergency meeting. so this was jointly requested by
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japan, united states, and republic of korea. thank you very much. >> ambassador, what are the measures that you're suggesting the double to take, to take in future, and in a new national capacity what will japan do? what will be the next move for japan? >> as i have said, our aim is to have swiftly a new resolution which has robust content. if we speak about further measures, we'll have to discuss with the other members. >> thank you. on just a pursuing it a little further, are you thinking of more sanctions? are you thinking of freezing bank accounts in macao or asking
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china to? what would be the next steps? thank you. >> certainly it is easy to speak on the political and there will be a series of measures that will be considered under chapter 7 measures. that is the wish to present, but we have to work with all the members of the government to have an agreement. we want to engage immediately on those discussions. >> secretary of general. >> ambassador, to clarify on that, do you believe that additional sanctions are necessary against additional individuals, and what is the sense from the council that you've gleaned so far? >> today the discussion for the agreement that i have felt is that there was an unanimous
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agreement among 14 members, 15 members that the--we have to work on a new security council resolution. this is common--the agreement. now, what can be put into the contents of this new resolution has to be discussed. we agreed we will talk with this issue immediately. >> that is the japanese ambassador to the united nations, and listening to that along with me diplomatic editor james bays, who is at the united nations for us. i think an indication of how seriously the members of the u.n. security council, indeed, the international community are taking this test by north korea.
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the fact that they even mentioned chapter 7 of the united nations, which allows for the use of force. >> potentially, david. but just because something is passed under chapter 7 does not mean there is automatic military authorization. it does depend on what exactly is decided in the resolution if it does have the force of chapter 7. i don't think, to be honest with you, any members of the security council want to go to any sort of military options because they know that they are dealing with a man who has pretty total control in this country, who makes pretty rash decisions, has a large military, and has some form of nuclear capability, although the experts argue on what that is, and what this particular test is. the security council deeply concerned about this, and what you now have is a press statement from the security council saying they're going to
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take new measures. why can't they come out straight away and say what those news measures are and what they're going to do. because as ever with the u.n. security council this needs to be negotiated by all of the parties and all the country that sit on the security council and the individual ambassadors representing those 15 members don't have the power to decide what they're going to do, what will happen is all the ambassadors will go back to their capitals and discuss the perimeter they would as accept under the resolution puerto rico this is quite a drawn-out process. the last time there was a nuclear test by north korea, it took some time, it took weeks, and most of the negotiations were between the u.s. and china. china's role here cannot be understated because china is the country that has the most leverage over north korea. it has the most concern about what happens on the korean
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peninsula given that it is an ally, although it, too, is unhappy with what has happened in recent hours. >> point taken very clearly about chapter 7, but to hear the words sometimes makes you wonder where it could eventually go. more on china because it wasn't consulted about this test that north korea carried out, and the chinese government spokesperson at that press conference sounded thoroughly fed up and very ann annoyed by what north korea had done. >> yes, the spokes woman, foreign minister of china, i think there is frustration in beijing, and there is head scratching of what to do next. remember what you normally do to get a country to back down when it is doing something wrong is
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you consider sanctions, and then perhaps you name some individuals on those sanctions. all those steps have been tried. you have one of the most sophisticated sanctions regime rain where in the world. the problem with the sanctions regime regarding north korea is not necessarily the system in place, but perhaps some countries are not enforcing these sanctions. having said that the relevant sanctions committee from the security council came out with its most recent report in the last couple of weeks, and noted no violations at all. it does beg the question that was put to some of the ambassadors here, what is left to write sanctions on? >> indeed. for now, thank you very much, james bays at united nations. north korea has claimed it has developed a hydrogen bomb is particularly alarming because h-bombs are so much more
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powerful than conventional atomic bombs. atomic bombs explode and it's the sort of reaction used in nuclear power stations. h-bombs, hydrogen particles fused together, which requires more energy but results in an explosion thousands of times more powerful than a conventional atomic bomb. it's the same process but with the power of the sun. h-bombs, hydrogen bombs can be made small enough to fit on a missile as opposed to atomic bombs, which are designed primarily to be dropped over head by bombers. the the seismic data from the earth under th from where the
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bomb was tested suggests that it was not a h-bomb. to our guest, first, to you think this could possibly be an h-bomb? >> well, nuclear weapons exist in different shapes and sizes. it should not be ruled out that it is a hydrogen bomb, but i doubt that it is. >> what if it is? >> that means that north korea has developed the capability, and because they range in different shapes and sizes there is no guarantee that they've made it small enough to fight on a missiles. >> could it be an asomi atomic bomb? >> there are a range of shapes and sizes. the western powers tend to have
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plutonium-filled weapons, but what they have in particular are guidance systems. so when we have nuclear-armed submarines we have a thing called multiple independently target vehicles. this means that they are steered to particular targets. they can be small in their yield because they're directionible. >> so north korea would not nobody the position at the moment to make a device, a, that was small enough, secondly, powerful enough to be used from the ground? >> no, i don't think so so, no. it'any north korea capability to use nuclear weapon, u.s. guarantee was stop any offensive action of a nuclear weapon.
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>> this is such an unstable regime, we should be worried about anything that it does in this particular field. but how far in your estimation, first division nuclear powers such as the united states, france, britain, but countries such as pakistan, india, israel? >> well, the probability of creating enough uncertainty in your opponent's mind that you could credibly destroy a large part of a city or inflict damage to it. so in terms of damage that can be done is quite academic. there is a strong believe in diminishing the terms. how much more damage do you need to be able to do? >> i suppose to wrap up this up, the fact that it is testing nuclear devices we should not really care at all whether it's
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a thermonuclear device or atomic bomb, the fact that it has this particular man in charge is worry enough. >> yes, any capability to destroy a large city, town or damage a section of a country is worrying. we do need to concern ourselves with the intent of north korea, and the unknowns are speculation at this point. >> thank you very much, indeed. >> thank you. >> well, another matter involving the united nations. it says it is investigating a suggestion for thi alleged that four underage girls were assaulted in the capital of bangui. >> there are around 11,000 u.n. peace keepers in central africa republic. their job is to protect people in a country that's been mired in religious violence.
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but new allegations suggest some soldiers may have failed in that mission. four underage girls say they were sexually abused by u.n. peace keepers. the u.n. has launched an investigation. >> over the past week unicef staff have under taken four visits to meet with the four alleged victims. unicef is working with local partners to help the girls receive medical care and is assessing psycho-social needs. >> this theory of sexual abuse made against pace keepers, a a report criticized the u.n.'s response to allegations of abuse. and the report said that the u.n. failed to carry out investigation on peace keepers and need to do more to protect children. >> there are more things that need to be done to prevent this type of abuse.
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troops can be vetted, and they can be investigated properly. as much as anything, most importantly of all those who are deemed fully responsible for those kinds of crimes can be prosecuted or should be prosecuted. >> thousands of foreign peace keepers were send to central african republic after a coup in 2013. in april of last year a peace agreements with signed between seleka and anti-balacka groups. votes for the new president are still being counted, but many want the votes to be suspended because they say there are irregularities. people in central africa republic have suffered years of violence. they have zero tolerance of peace keepers who abuse civilians. >> 20 iraqi soldiers have been
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killed in ramadi. airstrikes against isil have killed 15 of its fighters. it's been cleared that the aircraft hit targets north of ramadi and in the city center. well, terrible winter weather has arrived, and thousands of refugees are suffering. we go to the turkish border with syria. >> these arctic conditions in southeast turkey and across the border behind me in syria are having a grave impact on displaced people and refugees who are trying to live in very harsh conditions. one family who had taken refugee in a test in the southeast of turkey, well, their four-month-old son could not
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cope with the freezing temperatures and the family could not keep the tent warm u enough, and he died of hyperthermia. conditions are even more severe inside serie-a and across the border. in latakia mountains they're talking about a lot of snow and freezing cold conditions, and many of them don't have the money or resources to find fuel to keep warm. in idlib they're demonstrating for the people further south of the country. 40 kilometers south of damascus 40,000 people have been besieged in that town for over 170 days by the syrian forces and hezbollah. one of the activists told me they have managed to get some
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money through. one of the ngos would get money through for the people. but prices have been heightened. a kilo of rice now costs as much as $250 u.s. dollars. the negotiations, the lifting of blockades and humanitarian aid cannot come soon enough. >> qatar has recalled its ambassador after a week's attack on the saudi embassy. he said his country wants to prevent the crisis from spreading. relations between iran and saudi arabia were inflamed after a shia cleric was executed. >> iraq is at the heart of the
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region. we have used our broad relations with arab countries and other countries so iraq can play its role and eye leavate tensions between iran and saudi arabia. this responsibility has been given to us and we've been active from the early moments to prevent disaster from happening that could affect the entire region. >> saudi arabia's signal that the break down with iran will not effect its peace talks over syria. they made the comment. another round of peace talks is scheduled for geneva this months. and kenya's garissa university has reopened nine months after gunmen stormed the campus and killed 148 people. security understandably tight. the police carried automatic weapons and trolle patrolled the grounds. students are expected next week
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and malcolm webb has more. >> the first students since the attack have come here and register at this deaths. they came in through the gate. and it was the same gate that five men from al-shabab and 150 students were killed. now the situation has changed and they've gotten the security they have been asking for all along. they say they have asked that armed police were deployed here. but their talks about were unheeded. nine months later they got what they're looking for. that means that the university is now secure. students who are enrolled.
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a global view. >> this is a human rights crisis. >> and at 11:00 - "news wrap-up". clear... concise... complete. >> good to have you with us. these are our global top stories. the united nations has condemned north korea's latest nuclear test and said it will try to get new sanctions. this is after the claim that it had detonated a hydrogen bomb. winter weather has hit syria's latakia refugee camp, where thousands have sought
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emergency shoulder. claims that four u.n. peace keepers sexually abused four underage girls. part of a special edition marking a year of the french attack. >> a year on from the attack on charlie hebdo the french president unveils a plaque outside of the newspaper's headquarters. it was on january 7th last year that two armed men killed 11 people inside, and a police officer on duty outside. the attackers were later named, both brothers had been known for brutality, but were not
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considered a high priority. the government rushed through new security measures in the aftermath of the attacks. those agencies with were faced with an overwhelming task bearing in mind the hundreds of french citizen who is went to fight in syria or iraq and returned home. >> because these people know very well the terms prevail. >> government also promised to tackle the causes of radicalization by focusing on young people in disadvantaged neighborhoods. a year on leading members of the muslim community say that if
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anything the government response is making matters worse. >> look how we are behaving day, a completely fragmented society. government acting with security measures and does not address the much deeper social issues that lead to radicalization. >> what should authorities be doing to attack the radicalization. >> more jobs and more opportunities. do we have any of that? absolutely not. >> so this fatal combination left the way open for the attacks of november 13th. much deadlier and wider reaching than the events of january. jacky rowland, al jazeera, paris. >> the governments of germany, swisswitzerland and denmark
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hope to lift border patrols. sweden introducing checks on people traveling to denmark. the european union passport schengen areas as countries deal with the number of refugees arriving in the european union. >> we all agree that the schengen and free movement must be safeguarded, both in exemptions and equality. we agree to keep the minimum, and return to normal as soon as possible. this means that the flows have to be slowed down.
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>> let's bring in a political analyst. they say they want to make these border controls but nothing has really changed. is that likely? >> no in the short tomorrow, i don't think so. we've seen many countries clamping down, germany, france, sweden, much of northern europe has border controls in place. what they've done if you look at it legally is actually permissible under the schengen agreement. but i think these border controls will continue to be in place because it looks like the migration crisis is going anywhere. >> what difference does it has it made having these controls in place? >> the interesting thing is that the e.u.'s response to the migration crisis was to impose a quota so that each country would take a relative share of averages in asylum seekers. in practice that did not work at all. what happened is that many people flocked to someone countries where they thought they would be welcomed. as it turned out these countries, the overwhelmed
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countries have been overwhelmed. >> these were before the schengen agreements were suspended. since they've been suspended what difference does it make now? >> it makes it more difficult for e.u. citizens to travel around. economically there could be some stops although this is not stopping the goods in capital, but it will be more inconvenient. >> is that it? >> yes, there may be clamping down of cross border movement of arms, which is relatively easy in the schengen zone, but in reality it makes life more inven inconvenient. >> it makes it more difficult for you and me, but also makes it more difficult for someone who carries ak-47s across the border, that will make it worthwhile. >> yes, what we saw in paris was
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the easy terrorists could travel from one count country to another, and that may add a security element, however, that's not the answer to the security risk in the e.u. >> it might be one little brick in the new wall that countries want to build. is there a possibility, nina, rather than, as he had said, that more countries will set up border controls? schengen will be changed in such a way that it isn't the free movement for people that it is now, that it is fundamentally altered? >> i think schengen is under strain and needs to be reformed. however, in terms of whether this is the end of schengen i would disagree. it's been such a fundamental project of european integration and has given advantages as we well. >> sorry to butt in. you said it will be changed in your opinion, in what way? >> obviously we're seeing these temporary border controls which
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don't look to be temporary. i think they'll be there for the short and medium term future. that makes travel more difficult. but the e.u. is starting to view how they bar the external borders as well, including the idea of having an european border force policing the e.u.'s external border. this raises issues of sovereignty if you're greece and you have an european border patrol. >> indeed, they may be vested in that, that group could go into a country that it doesn't even want you to go into. that's for another day. >> that's for another day. >> thank you very much. well, the mayor of co cologne has sparked anger when it said that women should create a code of conduct staying an arm 's length away from people to prevent attacks.
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there are 100 protesters in cologne demonstrating against violence towards women. women have come forward to say that they've been assaulted as well. >> all of a sudden these men around us began groping us. they touched our we behinds and grabbed betweenous legs. they touched us everywhere. me and my girlfriend wanted to get out of the crowd. when i turned around one man grabbed my bag and ripped it off my body. i thought if we stayed in this crowd they could kill us. they would rape us and no one would notice. i thought we would to simply accept it. there was no one around us who would help us or was in position to help us. i just wanted to get out. >> amy, i know you weren't there when these assaults took place on new year's eve, but you've
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seen this type of harassment yourself. >> absolutely. i've been working in the music and culture sector for radio for 20 years now. obviously that means having to travel a lot and being on trains all over germany and sometimes abroad. especially in train stations in germany it's awful. i have to also say i'm partially sided. i think that probably a blind woman would defend themselves. i got so many people trying to grab my face, trying to grab my breasts. i had one incident on a train station where a guy tried to drag me off the platform and into his car. i obviously defended myself and hit him with my cane. he then started shouting lou
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loud on the platform that i was cursed and i was going to hell. and nobody did anything. >> when the mayor said that women ought to adapt this check list not to go out on their own, is that simple commonsense, or is she being patronizing. >> i think she meant well, but what she said doesn't make any sense whatsoever. because at the end of the day it's not us women who need to do anything. it's these people who need to be punished no matter who they are and where they're from and what they're doing. they need to go to prison. >> are these attacks being tolerated by the police. the police are criticized for not doing enough to stop the assaults. what are they saying in the way the authorities behave. >> i was shocked, to be honest. all that police--the guy who is
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representative of the cologne police said that they didn't know who these people were. all they knew was that there were thousands of people in front of the train stations on new year's eve. they said they could have been north africans. well, that's not enough. you need to find who did that and not just some vague idea of who it was. >> amy, you say you you travel quite a lot considerably in your business. is this, in your opinion, a problem consigned to this particular corner of germany, this city in one particular part of germany, or is it a national problem or, indeed a europe-wide problem? >> i can only compare the u.k. and germany. i think so far i have noticed it more in germany than in the u.k.
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but that's just a personal opinion. i don't know what is the case. particularly in cologne province it's a problem of men in particular, any men, you know, who think that a woman will do that no matter who they are whether in cologne, germany, london. >> well, good luck to anybody who gets on the wrong side of your wide stick. it sounds like you can protect yourself very well. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> a belgium railway workers have staged a two-day strike. the government is proposing to cut the railway's budget over
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five years and demand greater productivity. politicians have been quick to condemn president obama's latest gun control proposal. the national rifle association says that obama's use of executive powers to control gun ownership is in its words a political stunt. andy gallagher is our correspondent in florida, which has one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the united states. >> at the national armory business is booming and across the state it's a similar picture. gun sales in florida were up 14%. and with three times as many gun dealers as there are post offices, buyers don't have far to go to pick their weapon of choice. >> and i think there are some give and take that has to be figured out. >> worried about how some
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weapons change hands, he's deeply concerned that president obama is acting alone. >> you can't make just make a that changes the constitution of the united states. >> it's a sentiment echoed by gun enthusiasts and backed by the national rifle association, nra. many were tourists from places with tighter gun regulations, and the gun culture is a an alien concept. >> without a gun you can't protect yourself. but if people don't have guns, they won't shoot each other. >> president obama is bound to deepen the rift for those fight between those proponents of the
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guns. >> we've always had gun control. the founding fathers had gun control. president reagan had gun control. george bush sr. and jr. supported gun control. this is not an issue over whether or not someone is going to take your guns. it is sensible regulations of a dangerous product. [ gunfire ] >> it's likely that the president's actions will slow business down here. enthusiasts in florida and across the country is not whether the president has done to upset them but how he has done it. andy gallagher, al jazeera, florida. >> landslides and mudslides caused by heavy el niña rain has
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destroyed an important road in the center of bolivia. thousands of cars, trucks and buses have now been stranded for two days. heavy rains have been causing damage for a week and forecasters say that the country will continue to feel the effects of flooding throughout january. birth rates in cuba are falling faster than anywhere else in latin america. lack of jobs, political uncertainty, they're being blamed by many people for chewing to delay starting a family. we meet a young couple in havana who have put the hopes of children on hold. >> they married three months ago. they live with his grandparents in an tiny apartment just outside of havana. they're saving for their own home and one day bring up children. >> the economy here makes it hard for us to fulfill our dream of greatin great--getting our
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own home. a house, a car, children, that's our dreams. in this country it's only a dream and hopefully we'll get there. >> they're typical of many young cuban couples who are delaying having children or deciding not to have them at all. >> i would like to have my own house and the conditions to do that, but i have to work three more years until we can fulfill our dreams in that time. >> in 1970, 30% of the population was under 14 years old. now it's just 17% and decreasi decreasing. with less births and long life expectancy the population is growing. normally awayyer copy where the
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berlusconi rates fall >> the comprehensive health system insures healthier infant mortality. the uncertain political situation some couples leave the country and others choose to wait and see. >> this is a challenge for cuba. what it has is an uneven age structure. if you look at the age structu structure. >> young cuban couples continue to fall in life and marry. but until the economic and political situation changes many choose to put their dreams on
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cape town. >> england started day five in this position that they seemingly could not lose. but after the rapid departure of captain alastair cook england was wobbling. it scored 600 in its first efforts in cape town but batting was looking a whole a lot more complicated wickets tumbling and south africa with a chance of an unlikely win. ben stokes with a century first time out but his hitting had a different outcome this time. james taylor was the sixth man out. and the third victory. they were able to dig in and shortly after bad weather intervened to bring an early end to the match, a draw of the final result. it was the key to announce south
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african's captain was quitting. the team has recently suffered a heavy series loss in india, and they're 1-0 down in this four-match series. the third test gets under way in johannesburg next week. al jazeera. >> pakistan captain has given his backing to mohammed amir upon his return to the team. the 23-year-old has been selected for the one-day series in new orleans this month. he completed serving a five-year ban from the game for spot fixing during pakistan's tour of england in 2010. >> amir has served his punishment. he's playing cricket now so i think he should be given a chancer, i've always had a soft corner for him in my heart. >> barcelona are expected to give debuts in the cope at a del
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rey against he is pan joel. they are only now allowed to play as barca's transfer ban has expired. manchester city play everton in the english league. it saw liverpool in the first leg of their tie with stoke. city manager manuel wo pelligrini for the club. >> it's beautiful when you finish, and we get the win. >> we're going to get far in this competition. when you do that, you have to face a team like manchester city. they're expected to win any
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competition they go into, but i feel that playing at home with our fans, it is very best we can face anybody. >> clay thompson scored 36 points as the warriors least the lakers. and damarcus cousins score for the kings to win ove against mavericks in overtime. the kings have not won in dallas since 2003. the world's two best golfers are i in hawai'i for the start of the pga season. jordan spieth joined the top of the rankings after winning two majors, the masters and the u.s. open. >> i'm not thinking of this as anything different. we're just continuing the month
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changes, the year changes, you write the date. that's about it in my mind. we just had a little bit of a break, and i've had plenty of playing and practice to be plenty ready to travel in this week, and take our game over to asia in a couple of weeks. then i'll come back here and get to my normal schedule. >> well, world number two jason day could replace spieth at the top of the rankings with a good performance in hawai'i. the australian briefly had the top spot after winning the pga championship. top seed djokovic is through to the quart finals of the qatar masters. he beat spain in straight sets. and two-time slam winner murray lost to kurios.
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murray on the receiving end of all sorts of unexpected shots that contributed to his defeat. two-time australian winner is through to the quarterfinals of the brisbane international. winning in straight sets. the former world. one has had two injur injury-interrupted seasons but looks fit for the australian open. that's all your sport for now. it's now back to david in london. >> thank you, thank you farrah. you've been watching the al jazeera news hour. felicity barr is coming up in just a moment with continuing coverage of that nuclear test by north korea. there is a white house press conference going on at the moment in washington, d.c. we're keeping an eye on that and the rest of the world.
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>> i've been asked to keep my voice down cause we are so close to the isil position >> who is in charge, and are they going to be held to accout? >> but know we're following the research team into the fire >> they're learning how to practice democracy... >> ...just seen tear gas being thrown... >> ...glad sombody care about us man... >> several human workers were kidnapped... >> this is what's left of the hospital >> is a crime that's under reported... >> what do you think... >> we're making history right now... >> al jazeera america >> meet the unsung hero of social change. >> i feel like i'm suppose to do something, >> breaking down barriers. >> sometimes i have to speak when other people say be quiet. >> shaping our future. >> i actually am committed to a different, better, stronger, healthier america. >> i lived that character. >> we will be able to see change.
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>> the united nations promises new sanctions as north korea claims it has detonated a hydrogen bomb. hello there, i'm felicity barr, and this is al jazeera live from london. coming up, syrians with an appeal for help. >> you can't just make a rule that changes the constitution of the united states. >> what the u.s. weapons will be concerned about president obama's plan for greeting gun patrol also ahead.
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