tv News Al Jazeera January 6, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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>> john siegenthaler has more of today's news starting right now. john. >> david thank you. we begin with alarm condemnation and doubt after north korea claimed it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb. fourth nuclear test in ten years. the u.n. security council condemned test, promised new sanctions against north korea and the u.s. has doubts that the test actually involved a hydrogen bomb. north korea made the announcement after seismic activity was detected in the northeastern part of that country. adrian brown reports. >> in pyongyang people stood to watch what they were told would be an important announcement. on cue they cheered. the country's latest military success. state media showed north korean
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leader kim jong-un signing off on the order. he's a man who likes attention. particularly close to his birthday which falls on january the 8th. so this may have been his way of celebrating early. but it could take months or even years to prove if north korea really has successfully tested a hydrogen bomb. it says it deserves to possess nuclear weapons to counter threats from the united states. around the region, leaders responded with familiar alarm. it was north korea's fourth nuclear test in ten years. >> our government has to take decisive measures against any additional provocations by north korea. and work with the international community to make sure the isolatecountry pays thisolated e for its latest nuclear test.
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>> japan has also promised a firm but yet unspecified response. >> translator: nortnorth kores nuclear test is a absolute threat to our security and cannot be tolerated. >> a friendship going through testing times, since the government is alarmed of the prospect of having a nuclear arms neighbor. at the daily press conference, china issued a strong rebuke. >> the chinese government has always tried to keep stability and peace in northeast asia. we strongly recommend north korea stop making further actions to make the situation worse. >> the north korean test happened carlos to the chinese city of jal gee. whatever was tested, it was felt
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here. al jazeera visited this tense border area three months ago where a series of recent murders and robberies have been blamed on hungry north korean soldiers. china's leadership has supported sanctions against north korea in the past. now it could be under pressure to do so again. adrian brown, al jazeera, beijing. >> the u.s. says it's skeptical that north korea tested a hydrogen bomb which is significantly more powerful than an tal atomic bomb. jamie mcintire has the story. >> the blast was strong enough to register as an earthquake it was way too small to be an h-bomb. the boastful announcement on north korean television claimed an ominous technological achievement. a successful test of not just a
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nuclear device but a thermonuclear device. a miniaturized hydrogen bomb, more powerful than any of north korea's three previous nuclear tests. it didn't take long for scoffing from washington to begin. >> the initial report is not consistent of north korean claims of a successful hydrogen bomb test. there's nothing that's occurred in the last 24 hours that has caused the united states government to change our assessment of north korea's technical and military capabilities. >> while seismic sensors registered a 5.1 magnitude earthquake the size of the blast was estimated at only about 6 kilotons, 6,000 tons of tnt, a tiny fraction of the yeestled even yield of asmall h-bomb.
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by contrast, when the united states detonated its first hydrogen bomb in 1952 as documented in this period news newsreel, the yield was 10 megatons more than a thousand times greater than the latest north korea test. >> the violence of the bomb is comparable by the energy released by the sun itself. >> but there was another part of the north korean claim that can't be so quickly disproved. meaning that the device was miniaturized. small enough to be put atop a land base or smar submarine basd device. something he has to take seriously. >> it is a threat that we cannot ignore as a country. >> reporter: shortly after the admiral's comment north korea
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released imagery reportedly seeing its leader, kim jong-un watching the launch of a nuclear submarine. traveling only a relatively short distance. but whether north korea has taken its nuclear might to the next level or it's just another exercise of bellicose bluster, the most rudimentary of nuclear bombs could keep a superpower at bay. >> a threat on a foreigner's soil is enough to deter a foe. you don't need thousands to do that. >> roughly the size of a previous test in twin e-2006 just not the are far more powerful and technically complex hydrogen bomb.
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so what does north korea accomplish with its seemingly overblown claim? well, universal condemnation, talk of he even tougher sanctions and a lot of world attention. john. >> jamie, thank you, john carol has traveled to north korea several times, studied its nuclear program. he is in san francisco. paul what do you think this was? >> our attention on whether it is a true h bomb or not is a little bit misguided. it certainly matters whether it was an evolution in the north's program but more to the point as you said in the beginning it's the fourth test the north has conducted in ten years. they are slowl slowly methodicay increasing their knowledge of nuclear weapons and we are ignoring them at our peril. >> what other science does u.s.
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deciduse to decide whether or nt was a hydrogen bomb? >> it's a great question. we're going to need time and a little bit of patience to determine that. the seismology that has come in has cancere ascertained this wal test. detecting at minute levels telltale radio isotopes what type of bomb there actually was. >> what message do you think north korea is sending to the world or the u.s? >> well, in this case, i don't think it was a concerted message. the message we should take away is this is a problem that is not going away. it is the opposite of the boy crying wolf. i agree with the skepticism on the part of u.s. and others that
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this is likely not a hydrogen bomb but by the same token if north korea is not quite a nuclear wolf, they are a baby wolf, a pup, and if we dismiss them, the threat is real and growing. >> how does china play into all of this? >> well, china a key. i think also it's a mistake to say that everything should be laid at china's feet but china has increasingly confided with u.s. officials and made clear that their patience is wearing thin. on the one hand, china does not want to see a collapse of north korea. you would have 23 million north koreans basically flooding over the border. that is china's main concern. whereas, with the united states, japan and south korea it is the nuclear program. in the past when we've been on the same page with china we've actually made progress in stemming the north's program. so if washington and seoul and tokyo can talk to beijing, if we
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can get back ton same page together we have the promise of an effective approach towards the north and containing its program. >> what else account u.s. do? >> perhaps at this point not a lot. it is the most heavily sanctioned country on earth. there's not a lot more we can do in terms of sanctions. what more we could do is targeted individuals in north korea. in the past when we've targeted the leadership and cut off their access to funds and money it's gotten their attention. other than that, as i said it's a matter of getting back on the same team with our allies and regional powers and make a unified front to the north, making a stark choice. it's more pain or a better path. we've seen that in respect to iran. if we could have a regional concerted effort things are possible. >> paul it's good to see you
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again, thank you for your insight, we appreciate it. u.s. led air strikes have cut major oil supplies to i.s.i.l. a coalition spokesperson has said this has reduced i.s.i.l.'s oil supplies by about 30% since october, before that, defense officials estimate i.s.i.l. was earning nearly $50 million a month from oil sales. qatar has recalled its ambassador to iran. it joins several majority sunni nations in backing saudi arabia against iran. kuwait, bahrain and sudan took similar steps after saudi arabia cut diplomatic ties with iran. that began as a protest of saudi arabia's execution of a popular shia cleric. al jazeera is funded by the
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government of qatar. now to the white house where the house has dealt twin defeats to president obama. the president promises to veto both measures. libby casey is in washington with more. >> reporter: john, this evening's vote broke down along party lines as expected and the outcome is already known. a presidential veto. but republicans say their base wants them to fight the affordable care act, and fight planned parenthood. frankly democrats see their own political opportunity here to show supporters they are willing to push back. one thing both sides agree on this fight may be determined on the presidential race. >> the motion is adopted. >> reporter: more than 60 republican attempts to roll back the president's signature health care law but this one is different. >> this is the first time in five years we will finally put a bill on the president's desk that defunds obamacare.
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for years senate democrats have been blocking and filibustering these bills. >> republicans finally able to get the senate on board on a vote using reconciliation, a process that only needed a simple majority to pass. despite a veto threat from the white house republicans are still declaring a political win trying to focus on gop priorities in 2016. >> we are standing for life. we are confronting the president with the hard, honest truth. obamacare doesn't work. >> a woman's right to choose is her choice not their choice. >> but democrats say the fight over planned parenthood and health insurance is one they can win both in congress and in public opinion. >> every woman in america should just think of herself. her own decisions. and how they want to put themselves between that woman, her family, her doctor, her faith, her god. in decisions about family
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planning, this is a very personal assault. >> reporter: a battle over planned parenthood has been brewing for months after videos made buy group called the center for medical progress claim to show officials talking about profiting from selling of fetal tissue which planned parenthood dngs. ndenies. no are taxpayer money goes to fund abortions at planned parenthood. this goes to fueling the presidential race. >> i don't support giving planned parenthood $500 million of federal government money. >> i will defend the foorveght whicaffordablecare act which ths trying to repeal but they never tell you what they will put in its place. >> depending on which party wins the white house next november. president obama'president obamar
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on this comom a pro life rally begins here in washington washi. the march for life. you can bet the democrats will use the opportunity as well. they are trying to convince voters that this is an attack on women's health on working families health care and progress. john. >> all right libby thank you. the scope of a sex abuse scandal at a prestigious rhode island prep school has widened. more than 40 students have come forward with credible stories of sexual abuse and some cases rape by staff and pupils going back four decades. the school, st. george's in middletown has released an investigation. john terret is here. john. >> thank you john. abuse it failed to tell authorities about on several occasions. >> i was publicly raped while at
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st. george's at a freshman in 1978 by a fellow student by with at least five students. >> harry grooms kept his sexual assault by another boy hidden for almost 50 years. well-known and almost joked about in the class yearbook. >> my sole reason for being here today coming out in public is to provide a forum for the victims. many of who are male and don't have the comfort level to talk about this. >> groom said in 2002 he contacted st. george's current head master and outlined the graphic details of his rape but flog was done. dating back to 1970s other students said they were sexually abused. >> i was threat.ed, if i were to
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tell anyone, he would come after me and i would be in trouble. >> ann scott said she was in 10th grade when the school's athletic train are raped her in 1977. she remained silent for years while battling depression. >> they are very sneaky. >> presidential candidate howard dean and george h.w. bush's president alumni, did reveal sexual misconduct by 26 students and did fire some of the accused it admits it never reported any suspects to the authorities. attorneys for alleged victims have criticized the school's report which did not say whether those who were fired ever revealed sexual misconduct to their future employers. >> we want to know whether this was like the catholic church, where the bad apples got foisted
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off into other schools. >> taken steps to right the wrongs of the past. ann scott and others say they want the truth but they don't want to hurt the school. >> we want the school to do the right thing and come out stronger and part of that means being ever vigilant because they have the need of care to children. >> there is no statute of limitations for rape in rhode island. as we say the police are investigating. meanwhile the alleged victims awant the head master as you saw in the film to step down. john. >> thank you john. the chief justice of supreme court says the ban on same sex marriage is still in full force and effect. roy moore has issued the state not to issue licenses, the supreme court has ruled that the same sex couples cannot be
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deprived of that right. the lows of the stock market are being blamed on china's economy and sharp fall in their prices. lowest price of oil in years. the s&p and nasdaq lost each more than 1% today. coming up north korea, beyond the nuclear claim, a glimpse of at an isolated country. criminal protect, chipotle, the chain under bacterial investigation. an true crime.
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bandidos motorcycle club are now facing federal racket earring club.eering club. rivalry gained national attention back in may after gun fire broke out after a meeting in a biker group in waco, texas. nine people were killed. in california, the man accused of providing rifles in the san bernardino attack, enrique marquez, was charged, officials say he bought rifles for syed rizwan farook farook and his wife. (f). the sheriff of harney county, oregon says he believes the occupiers of the facility
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will face federal charges. allen schauffler is in hines, oregon with to report. allen. >> john, 500 or so people have turned out. we'll roll video of the activity inside the memorial haul insides the fair ground. many have stood up to say they support the concept, the cause that these people have taken over this property. they need support for land use and land management here in the west but also many, many people saying thank you for wake us up, we can take it from here, indicating that this community, a large portion of it anyway would like them to wrap it up and go home and end the occupation out at the refuge. we'll see if that bearsfully fruit at all. i want to talk real quickly here to merlin roop.
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a man who has ranched here for 70 years. merlin you have been out to talk to the people at the refuge. >> i have. >> do you think you've woken people up here and if it's going to translate into action? >> i don't know what's going to take place but they have woke.people up. everybody wants them to go home. they need oturn the hammonds loose and then they can go home. they're trying to make a statement. hammonds got a rotten deal. if there was ever anything wrong in our country they locked up hammonds for no reason. >> thank you so much. merlin roop, who has been ranching in this area for 70 of his 82 years. the issues have been raised here are complex and not well understood and for many people in the country most of the people in our major population bases just don't have to deal with them. but the people out here do. and here is a look at some of these issues through the eyes of a local rancher.
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oregon's harney county is a big place. bigger than maryland and eight other states and the biggest property owner is the federal government. >> this is a very large geographic county. >> tom sharp owns a relatively small can cattle herd here, make it easier for him than most. >> to support one cow you better have 30 acres ber cow t per cowt the forage requirement of that one cow. it a takes a lot of land. >> many ranchers have to lease federal lands, have to face rules designed to protect water quality, wildlife and the environment in general. >> well, it sometimes feels as though we are being squeezed out. because of the issues and new
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regulatory measures that are imposed upon us. >> reporter: to survive, ranchers and farmers have to learn to deal with all that and sharp says most do. but those restrictions are at the core of the case being made by the armed group occupying federal property and have been a source of friction between the government and the hammond family, friction that led to dwight and steven hammond being sent back to prison under arson charges. >> we would really like to see the hammonds released from federal prison as soon as possible, i think that would go a long way in appeasing the concerns of this community and ranchers nationwide. >> reporter: it's a particularly western type of friction. the fight over water and grazing and grasslands. east of the mississippi the federal government owns about 4% of all land. but in the 11 western states, it's 47%. and in harney county it's 73%.
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>> the land mass on this planet is limited. we have what we have. we're not make more land. but the population is growing. and the multiple uses of our lands whether they be private or public, continue to expand also. >> reporter: many issues, many stakeholders and certainly more conflict and compromise ahead. >> sometimes we forget that food just doesn't come off of the -- off the shelves of the convenience store, but is actually being produced upon the land. >> reporter: very complicated issues and issues that will continue to be debated in this community and many others like it around the west. john. >> obviously, some cheering going on behind you in that crowd tonight. so there are these issues that you discussed. what about the concern that there may be a confrontation between law enforcement
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authorities and these folks at that federal building in that county? >> reporter: yes, that's the biggest concern of everybody here. in the four days that we have been out there, we have seen no, zero, visible law enforcement presence at that site. if they've been there they've been plain carlosed and they have been very subtle. the -- plain closed and they have been very subtle. given the sentiments expressed at this community meeting tonight i would imagine that authorities would sit tight and let this thing kind of stew and develop on its own. we'll see. still a fluid situation at the refuge john. >> coming up next on the program, north korea's disputed bomb test. what kim jong-un is trying to accomplish and when the international community can do about it. plus, why the food poisoning problem at chipotle is now a criminal investigation.
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>> hi everyone, this is al jazeera america, i'm john siegenthaler. fest test case: north korea's h bomb claim, is it real? >> is not consistent with north korean claims of a successful hydrogen bomb test. >> what the u.s. says and how the world could respond. criminal investigation into the outbreak at chipotle restaurants. why the feds are taking action, now. plus american crime: we'll talk to the creator of the groundbreaking series. >> the sad thing is it's happening out there. unfortunately if we are talking about it other people are already living it. >> oscar win are john ridley. >> the u.s. says it has doubts about north korea's claims it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb. initial evidence does not support those claims. u.n. security council condemned those claims, pledged to pursue
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further sanction he against north korea. >> this test once again violates security council resolutions despite the united call by the international community to see such activities. -- cease such activation. are defies normts defies norms d seriously undermines international nonproliferation efforts. >> north korea's neighbors expressed alarm over what could be the fourth nuclear test in ten years. gordon forbes, in our studio, welcome. >> thank you so much. >> how sophisticated is north korea's nuclear program? >> well, it's maybe not as
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sophisticated enough to produce a hydrogen bomb but nonetheless what they're doing right now is shrinking they're war heads to where they can put them on their kn 08 missile. that is sharp enough to hit the northwestern united states. it is easy to laugh at north korea because they have missiles that blow up and the rest of it but they have been making steady progress and that's the most important thing for us to keep in mind. >> what does that mean for rest of the world. >> it is an internal issue. kim jong-un has been in power for more than four years but yet to consolidate his position. this is good regime politics though to detonate what he says is an h-bomb so therefore i think it's internally focused but on the other hand, what they're saying look to china we don't care what you say to denukdenuclearization.
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we're going to do what we want to do. >> another country that has had a nuclear program that says it doesn't want nuclear weapons, iran do you think there were connections between iran and north korea in your opinion? >> yes for about two decades they have conducted a joint ballistic missile program and joint nuclear program. iranian officials on site in north korea to witness this. >> what does that tell you? >> essentially the iranians are paying for north korea's r&d and selling the equipment to the iranians. >> you suggested it could be deeper than that, is that right? >> it is a partnership not just nukes. >> should that terrify the rest of the world or not? >> i think that we should really be concerned. because the iranians then have then explicitted that out to for instance the syrians. the reactor the that was
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destroyed in 2007, that was a north korean reactor. which meant that tehran probably paid for it. >> it's an internal thing but it sure sends a message to the rest of the world that north korea is pursuing nuclear -- some sort of nuclear weapon and -- but what does it say beyond that in your opinion? >> well, i think it also says that the united states, which has a great stake in preventing proliferation, has not been able to do so. also i think the north koreans have just sort of given the chinese the equivalent of the finger. and i think that that's important for chinese because they are saying oh my god, the north koreans are not being obedient. that is a problem in beijing. the chinese have been to a certain extent humiliated. they have told us that they were
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able to rein in the north koreans. now they vice president been able to do that. >> how could they have an impact on that? >> because china supplies diplomatic support in the security council. if the chinese could make the north koreans come to heel they could very well do that. but they don't think it's in their interest to apply that kind of pressure. the north koreans know they can defy cloin chinese. community college doesn't like the leaders in beijing. >> thank you very much. on top of the hour, ali velshi will have this. ali. >> if a country like north korea did deploy a hydrogen bomb,
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human survival could hinge on a secret vault hidden inside a mountain. i'll take you inside, at 9:00 eastern, john. >> thank you ali. in addition to the much needed rain, storms in california are bringing flash flooding. the second powerful storm to hit california just this week. as the president moves to tighten gun restrictions with new executive actions, california's become the only state to enact gun violence restraining order. under the law citizens or law enforcement officials can petition to prevent someone from getting guns or take guns away, jennifer london explains. >> well, this is my last video. it all has to come to this. tomorrow is the day of retribution. >> chilling words in a haunting video posted online recorded the
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day before 22-year-old elliot roger stabbed and gunned down six people near the university of santa barbara in 2014. minutes before the shooting, roger posted the video on and mailed a lengthy manifesto to several people, including his therapist, my orchestration of my day of retribution is my attempt to do everything in my power to destroy everything i cannot have. i will kill them all and make them suffer just as they have made me suffer. it is only fair. warning signs of roger's troubled mind and plans of violence began to surface weeks before the shooting. in a number of videos he recorded and posted online,
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roger at the urging of concerned family members, sheriffs deputies conducted a welfare check on his residence. >> that he was probably not going to continue in school and told them it was all a misunderstanding that his relative and this other person had taken things the wrong way and he really wasn't going to hurt anybody or himself. >> reporter: the deputies didn't know that three legally purchased handguns and more than 400 rounds of ammunition were stashed in his room. >> because i'm emotional it doesn't mean that what i say is irrational. nobody needs to own three semi automatic hand guns. it doesn't make sense. >> richard martinez's sun christopher was killed in the shooting. at the time of the welfare check authorities had no legal right to search roger's apartment. since then martinez helped champion a new law in california
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that seeks to change that. >> i do think it would add to the tools that law enforcement could have used in this case. and it comes down to how difficult it is to remove someone from their weapons. even if they pose a threat to themselves or others. >> co-authored by state assembly member doss williams the new law went into effect on january 1st. it allows police, family members and even close associates to ask a judge to produce a court order to those they feel will pose a threat or to prohibit someone from owning purchasing or possessing firearms and ammunition. >> we think this will save lives, particularly we think this will not only prevent at least some possibility of mass shooting, particularly from mental -- for mental health reasons but probably each more
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importantly will save lives from domestic violence disputes and from suicides. >> this time out is an unconstitutional lifting or banning of the rights of the person whose rights are being infringed upon. >> california already has some of the strongest gun control laws in the country. some say this will do little to prevent further amass shootings. >> this bill had it been in place would not have affected the shooting, the automobile ramming and the knife killing of the individual down in santa barbara. the parents didn't even know he had a gun so they couldn't have asked for a gun violence restraining order. >> still by more communities affected by gun violence, many families have grown tired to ask for congressional action.
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many are looking to states to keep guns out of the wrong hands. jennifer london, isla vista, california. company said it was asked to produce documents related to a noro virus outbreak. chipotle said sales reduced 30% in november, after the company shut down restaurants. areva martin is with us. areva, how unusual is this? >> very unusual, john. what we know about this case is a federal subpoena has been issued for documents that will be presented to a federal grand jury which tells us that there's a possibility of indictments either of individuals or perhaps this company, for something that
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happened in that simi valley restaurant last summer. highly unusual for a case of this nature. >> are you sayingth that executives with chipotle if convicted could go to jail? >> that's a possibility. the u.s. attorney has been very quiet about what they're looking for and what the possible charges are. my suspicion is that someone inside that restaurant is acting as a tipster has given information to the federal authorities that have caused them to believe that something more than negligence has happened, an accident, usually it is an infected employee or some kind of virus that is associated with the food handling that causes the outbreak in simi valley, not kind of actions that give rise to criminal intentional acts such as we're seeing in the simi valley case. so i'm suspecting that someone has said something to these federal authorities to suggest
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there's intentional conduct that happened in this particular restaurant unlike the others that have had similar viruses. >> so explain to me what would push this into the criminal really? >> ireally -- realm? >> if there was intentional act on the part of the employee or representative, to cause a defect in the food or the maintenance of the restaurant. what we are finding is the county health department went into the restaurant and cited it with respect to pest control and maintenance. you wouldn't expect to see federal subpoenas and a grand jury empaneled. but when you are talking about intentionally doing things that could cause harm to customers, those are the kinds of acts that would typically get the attention of federal law enforcement. >> explain the legal process. what happens next to chipotle? >> what we have been told is that chipotle is cooperating
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with federal employees. they have turned over lots of documents from that particular restaurant. throws documents become part of a larger investigation. this information at some point will be turned over to a grand jury. what we know about dprurs is they operate in secret. we don't know what, they will then review the information as presented by a u.s. attorney and either indictments will be issued by this grand jury or a in bill which is a determination that no criminal conduct has occurred with respect to the virus. >> all right areva great to see you. great to see you. >> thanks john. >> ososcar winning producer john ridley, on true crime. >> if we are talking about it, other people are already living it. >> my conversation with john ridley, right after this. that's going on, not just in this country, but around the world.
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>> up to four out of five sexual assaults go unreported in america according to the national research council, male on male rape is even more taboo. however, it is at the center of the nn season drama, american crime. take a look. >> i don't know what happened. had a couple of beers. >> you were drinking. >> kept shoving it into my face.
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>> who was doing this? >> guys on the team. said it would be fun. i got a beer and everything got messed up. >> messed up how? where was evie well, no one was helping you when you were down there like that? >> i don't know. i don't remember. >> john ridley is the executive producer of the emmy winning series american crime. he also won an oscar two years ago as the writer ever 12 years a slave. i don't want to give anything away on this but do you take on the issue of sexual assault, execution of class. why were these issues important? >> largely they were issues that we didn't get to focus on on our last season. last season was on race and addiction and faith. there were stories we wanted to tell. for us in american crime i don't think there's a limit to the issues that we should look at and unfortunately in our society a lot of issues are intertwined.
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we have a lot of opportunity to look at seismi socioeconomic is. >> not just sexual assault but the whole idea of kids passing information around on cell phones. >> yes. >> of class in schools and i don't mean academic classes. but haves and have nots. in the school setting. so for actors, you know they get to do one season in one character, and then they're off to the next season in another character. are you trying the flip things upside down sometimes? >> certainly with what we were doing last year because we had actors like tim hu hutton, feliy huffman and others. >> not in the way hollywood portrays people yes? >> it's meant to be in some
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regards unflattering. oftentimes for good reason. the characters we see on television or movies they're heroic in nature. but for most people you are trying to get through our lives. you're talking about your family, you hope you instill values in your children. but sometimes the values we instill are our values, not of our world. the choices we make, our families make, we hope they are the correct ones but what is correct for us is sometimes two different things. >> reality, how do you create that? >> hopefully it starts with me listening. you read that statistic at the beginning of the program about sexual assault. the thing that surprised me about assault are the things i didn't know. >> you brought in victims of crime, you brought in people who are involved in this particular problem in america yes? >> we tried to bring in as many people as possible. to be clear no matter how many we bring in are still
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representative of certain perspectives. if you don't start from, there is something we have to learn, i don't think we can put in the public space, there is value to it, over and above one person stating one thing, there's plenty of that already. >> how far ahead of the headlines are you in a series like this and are you conscious of this or not? >> to be honest with you, i think we're behind the curve. there are moments they were happening, how could you predict it? we were behind it. over the holiday weekend, there was a report of sexual assault of a basketball player that happened in tennessee. we were asked, how did you know that was going to happen? if we are talking about it, other people are already living this. >> i have talked to you about this before, i want to go back to it. it's been a year. what needs to change about hollywood in your opinion?
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>> hollywood has been good to me. but the lack of representation, not only in front of the camera but lind the camera -- behind the camera, the number of women who are allowed to direct, people of color, not in the art, in science, working in cameras, postproduction, those are real science jobs. and when you are saying to people, look, we want you to watch these shows, we want you to be involved in the enjoyment, but there is a line that is often drawn, that does need to change. it's a great community and it's out there. >> how do you change it? i mean you've changed it personally. >> there's a space that i've been afforded and within this space we and all of us on this program -- >> you can characterize it in any way you want but you have changed it. >> there are people in the show that will be work long after i'll be out of the business. and in the correct way there are things that they will take with them not just about art but on
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baseball immortals. piazza considered one of the greatest hitting catchers of all time was elected on his fourth try. now, to tonight's first person report. jamie lynn knighton experienced a random act of kindness that changed her experience of the world. now she's getting a first person experience. >> i needed to go to groceries. i took my five-year-old to the closest trader joe's. what should have been a 20 minute trip ended up being an hour and a half. i got in the check out line and realized i left my debit card at
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home. the man behind me said may i? may you what? may i take care of this. >> what was your name? i'm nice to meet you. >> where do you work? i work at fitness down the way. about a week goes by and i call and i say hi, my name is jamie, i'm looking to speak to whoever runs the club. i just want to tell you something about one of your employees. she was kind of hesitant. she was like who was this, what was his name what did he look like when was this? the big thing she focused on, when was there? my heart was in my throat, you know something is wrong at that point. she says i'm sorry to tell you this but matthew passed away in a car accident last wednesday. less than 24 hours, less than 24 hours after i met him, she had another employee call me one of matt's managers and we talked for about an hour. he was able to tell me kind of who matt was as a person.
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tell me you know that he -- what he did for me, wasn't anything new. that was how he lived his life. he had a lifestyle of random acts of kindness, never asking anything in return, never telling them he does them. i took to my facebook page and saying, if he can't know, at least my family can. the response was more than i could ever imagine. i started to think about it and thought you know there must be a place where people can share their stories of kindness. and so i formed facebook page for that reason. at first i was happy that we had 100 people on it. in a day it was a thousand and then the next day it was 4,000 and it kept going and going and getting messages from all over the world. all over the world. every day we're getting a new story from a different country and all these people just saying, wow, you know, this is what -- this is what we need to hear.
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>> great story. that's our broadcast. thank you for watching. i'm john siegenthaler. i'll see you back here tomorrow night. "ali velshi on target" is coming up next, don't go away. >> i'm ali velshi. "on target" tonight, explosive claims by north korea. how a hydrogen bomb could shape the balance of, and doomsday, go inside the bunk they're could hold america's last chance of survival after a nuclear war. north korea reminding the world
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