tv News Al Jazeera January 8, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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increasing criticism of south africa's relying african national congress. many say it hasn't delivered on its promise he especially to the poor. and pleas for help. protests in and around syria calling attention to those trapped by war, as the u.n. mobilizes to help 400,000 people cut off from food and medicine. >> good evening, i'm antonio mora. this is al jazeera america's international news hour. tonight we begin in mexico where the infamous drug lord known as el chapo is once again behind bars. joaquin guzman loera, was captured by police in the town of lost noches. the sinaloa drug lord had
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escaped from prison, an embarrassment of enrique pena nieto's government. is in a mil military base in meo city. given that wasn't the first time he had broken out of prison the u.s. is expected to once again seek to put him on trial here. al jazeera's courtney kealy reports. >> reporter: mexico's president celebrated the capture of joaquin el chapo guzman. >> translator: this morning in the municipality of a town in sinaloa the capture of joaquin guzman. >> reporter: six months ago he staged a daring escape from one of mexico's most secure prisons, underhigh surveillance he stepped into a prison wall into
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a prison shower, then into a small hole that led into a mile long tunnel that ended at a construction site. >> the turchl ha tunnel has pvc. >> some engineers estimated it took a year to built and cost about $1 million. similar to tunnels used to smug drugs into the u.s. he was recaptured on friday. an anonymous phone call tipped off the marines. under guzman's leadership the sinaloa cartel named after his home state, made billions on running drugs. he made the forbes list of top billionaires for over four years. responsible for nearly a quarter of the illegal drugs that come into the u.s. through mexico. whenever there's a community in the u.s. where you can find the
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presence of drugs such as heroin, cocaine marijuana, methamphetamine, even designer drugs, those drugs are connected to el chapo. the sinaloa drug cartel operates in all states, the u.s. had issued a request for his detention. the escape of el chapo is scheduled to be released as a movie next week. courtney kealy, al jazeera. inside the hunt for el chapo, you wrote the book on guzman and the mexican drug wars. a lot of analysts thought the mexicans would never capture el chapo alive. are you surprised?
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>> quite frankly, yeah, i always thought -- i started looking into guzman in 2007. when basically, most people in mexico had written him off and started thinking well no, this is going to be the last guy standing of his generation. the last narco, of his kind, and i always thought he would be the type of person to go out sort of guns blazing. he vowed never to return to prison. after escaping in 2001. but then, you know he was caught in 2014, escaped again, in that ridiculous fashion, building a tunnel, which to my mind, must have been planned before he was even caught. and now, captured again, the capture this time doesn't surprise me as much. as perhaps last:00. >> it was quite something to watch the pomp and circumstance
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of the mexican government announcement of the capture. a big ceremony headed by president pena nieto where he argued that mexicans can trust the country's institutions. given all your reporting is that just wishful thinking? >> well, no. i mean the pompous ceremony is at this point laughable. it's, you know i was a big critic of our own in the u.s. mission accomplished, those sorts of grandstanding. it does more for military, for law enforcement, for their morale than anyone else. for the general public they're saying, will he escape by monday? >> right, and that raises the question of the institutions. you know because i know your book highlights people who have the courage to stand up to the cartels. but also, how the cartels have corrupted every aspect of mexican law enforcement. so is that why the operation against el chapo had to be conducted by the military? >> yes, i mean that is -- the
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marines and navy have been conducting over the last few years have been conducting effectively the special ops operations, the boots on the ground, the guys in the hills of -- the mountains of mexico are not -- they're not always corrupt but they've learned to turn a blind eye. they're tired. they just do their daily job of routine patrols. >> finally, talking about the possibility of his escaping again. extradition to th to the u.s. wd solve that issue. but the mexicans said he needs to serve his sentence there. do you think that might change now? >> they have two options. try him and if found guilty of all charges, imprison him. and make clear, make sure that he is -- you know kept under wraps. that means you know putting the military in charge of running the prison and perhaps show the public every two months that he's still there.
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this is not too hard. let the press in. the other option is, extradition which i think would just you know forget national pride when it comes to this. which mexico has and rightly so. but you know it would be great for u.s. mexican counter-drug operations. the extradition of la barbie, recently, another drug trafficker who works for el chapo, was another step forward. and you know, extradition is always a good -- the better option i think. in large part, also, because through chapo, we might find -- we might learn more about corruption than we've ever known. and although it would be horrible for state in mexico to admit it, you know, admit those lengths of -- that network of corruption, it can only help if you admit it. and then work on it.
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because there are people who are willing to help and work on it. >> malcolm, it's good to have your insights on things i know you've worked closely on, thank you. >> thank you very much. >> authorities in egypt says one of two men who carried out an attack at a hotel today wore a suicide belt. two tourists from tra an austrid sweden were stabbed. this was the chaotic scene outside the bella vista hotel, recently, egypt has seen a series after tacks o of attacks. fired bird shot at a security post outside cairo's three birds
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hotel.arabs officials were staying at the hotel. an i.s.i.l. affiliate has claimed responsibility for yesterday's suicide bombing, blast occurred near a police training center in the western libyan town of zleitan. libya has faced chaos since the 2010 ousting of moar moammar ga. >> we will have to ask the international community as we asked them before with the tyrant gadhafi. we will ask them for help for these criminals who are murdering us without mercy, there were many places that witnessed explosions. >> the european union is calling that lawlessness the greatest challenge libya faces. today the eu's foreign policy
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chief, frederica mogherini revealed a $109 million package to support the 98 sent military. logistical support but no ground troops. >> we agreed that a libyan response determined by the libyan unity that can be supported in the way the lynnians will determine by international union and also by the european union but it has to be libyan led and based on the libyan oournt. united nations. >> the libyan unity government is turnlgt base currently baseda because of security concerns. an i.s.i.l. fighter has apparently killed his own
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mother. in raqqa, i.s.i.l.'s de facto capital in syria. fingerprint belonging to the main suspect in the paris attack. investigators said there is no way to tell when fugitive salla abdeslam left the print. drove abdeslam after the attack. officials seized vests and found traces of explosives at the apartment. 130 people were killed in the november attacks. an arab israel citizen was killed in a shootout today. authorities tracked him to an abandoned building in his northern home town of arara, al jazeera's imtiaz tyab has the story. >> the eight day man hunt came to a deadly end when police tracked him down at a building in the north of israel. they say melhem tried to flee
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building and opened fire. that is when police returned fire and when he was killed they say immediately police also reporting that none of their officers were injured in the exchange. now, again, in the background of all of this there's been an awful lot of criticism of security forces for their failure to track down melhem for so many days while police and indeed intelligence services have not described the attack on new year's day as nationalist motivated or terrorism they do describe mr. melhem himself as a terrorist. that of course is very interesting. it comes as a very dense time across israel and the palestinian occupied territories, we have seen months of violence, stlienl violence ts claimed over 150 palestinians.
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but it's seeming that security forces aren't connect egg the violence carried out by melhem to this latest unrest. still many israelis are breathing a sigh of rethat he was captured and still questions remain over his motive. >> held without charge for 14 years, the pentagon alleged that he was a recruiter and probably served as osama basha bin ladens spiritual advisor. president obama says he wants to close the facility before he leaves office. the u.s. military accidentally sent an advanced missile to the cuban government, hasn't been able to get it back.
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the hell fire air to surface plifmissile was sent in 2014, it wound up on an air france plane to havana. the missile does not contain any explosives but advance technology that the officials do not want shared with havana. south africa's african national congress facing into this year's elections. and ratcheting rhetoric, propaganda across the dmz.
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>> south africa's ruling party the african national congress is marking its 140th anniversary, born in the early 20th century became a liberation movement and became powerful with the electric of nelson mandela in 1994. for tonight's in context segme segment, al jazeera's hawrms hau mutasa has the story.
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>> homes jobs, better services, and a better life when it came into power in 1994. since then, she says nothing has changed in the shanty town she's called home for more than 20 years. >> we thought anc would change things when they took over. we thousandth aparthei thought r but look where we're living now. >> reporter: to try and appease an increasingly agitated poor black majority waiting for decent gomps. the angovernance. president jacob zuma could face replace many. the rand is still struggling to recover after president zuma
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sacked two finances ministers. >> the anc needs to prove to the world that it knows what it's doing and that with just a brief moment, an accident, let's put it that way. that's what it has to prove. so that is a very big challenge that it is faced with. >> reporter: the anc inherited a divided society, the living standards of the majority black population were inferior to whites. a lot more people have access to running water and electricity but millions still need basic services. the anc says delivering them is a huge task. >> the economy isn't growing and therefore can't create jobs. the anc will find ourselves in 2016 at a time when we need oapply austerittoapply austerit.
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>> want president zuma to resign. the anc enjoys much support because it helped end apartheid, but perhaps the oldest liberation movement is in trouble if it doesn't deliver faster on promises made. haru mutasa, al jazeera, johannesburg. >> deputy assistant secretary of state for african air force. ambassador it's always good to have you with us. the problem for the anc goes beyond failing to fulfill promises. south africa has a weakening economy, growing inflation and all sorts of corruption allegation against the anc leadership. >> the growing resentment is fundamental and reflects the anc in the 20 years or so it's been in power has lost its way in
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many ways. it does not have a clear cut economic philosophy, it's divided within, it's been saddled with sadly a good deal of corruption and poor appointments and lost some of that idealistic spirit with which he came in i it came in. >> how much of the credit could laid at the feet of jacob zuma? >> he last not provide the kind of leadership that the country needs. he has been very concerned and schooleconsumed with his own si, protecting himself against charges of corruption, surrounding himself with a lot of very loyal people. but he hasn't provided clear leadership on the economy. and unfortunately, has done very little to stem the corruption. and i think it's left the anc in
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some disarray. there is unhappiness there. but there are elements in the anc that brought him to power against tabo nbekke and don't know what to do. >> and his predecessor resigned as a recall process beginning and there are some noises being made about recall zuma, especially the anc does poorly in local elections this spring. do you think a recall is possible? >> it is a sad commentary when you have a one party largely one, one and a half party state that the only action against an incumbent is to recall him. rather than having a more vibrant electoral system. i think there will be a very, very serious discussion in 2017 anc questions about what to do. they may -- convention about what to do.
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they may not depose him from power, recall him but they may curb some of his powers and strengthen the hand let's say of the vice president. >> how do you expect the anc to pomp in the elections? is it pretty clear that it will continue to see a decline in its hold on the electorate? >> i think that's true. it may be to some extent from people not coming out. there's no single opposition party. but there are several communities, even the johannesburg community and other communities, where opposition parties will do very well. and i think it will reflect a decline in that hold that the anc has had on the populace for so long. >> how soon do you think that south africa will become a two-party or a multi-party democracy? >> well, it is in general a multi-party in that there are a number of parties operating. but there is no party that is
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really commanded a large share of the black population the way the anc has. i think that will not happen until there's a more serious break away of elements from the anc, eventually joining up with the democratic alternative, or some other combination. i think it will take time. maybe another five years or so. before you see that happen. >> former u.s. ambassador to south africa, princeton lyman, always good to see you sir. >> my pleasure. the united nations is mobilizing aid for syria, where hundreds of those are starving. people are coming together to show solidarity for those suffering. also a look at human rights in saudi arabia, as protestors call for release of a 81 blogger sentenced to ten years in prison
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welcome back to al jazeera america, i'm antonio mora, coming up in this half hour of international news the fallout from new year's eve sexual assaults in germany including the ousting of a police chief and calls for callr action from the european union. but first a look at the stories making headlines across the u.s. in our american minute.
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>> a philadelphia police officer is in stable condition tonight after a man fired at least 13 shots at his police cruiser. jesse hartnet was wearing a bullet proof vest but suffered shots if his arms, he was able to run off the shooter and shoot at him. the suspect was caught and said he was inspired by i.s.i.l. the leader of the occupation in oregon says he's still not ready to leave. offered safe passage, ammon bundy says he is not ready. the protestors took over the wildlife refuge last week. commonwealth violated the u.s. constitution because of the way it makes bond payments, puerto rico has said it will not be
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able to make a $37 million interest payment this week. governor said the puerto rico's $70 billion debt is unpayable. syrian rebels are expressing doubts about the u.n. led peace negotiations that are scheduled for later on this month. u.n. special envoy staffan de mistura is in geneva, does not address the issue of syrian president bashar al-assad. 5 year war has killed 250,000 people and displaced millions. in the last 48 hours images of starving children in madaya syria have been seen around the world. but the u.n.'s world food program said even in the best case scenario trucks with desperately needed aid would not arrive in the city until monday.
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250 people there have asevere acute malnutrition, ten need immediate hospitalization and dozens have died. al jazeera's rob mathison has the story. >> a starving victim of siege. he says he has been forced to eat grass. >> translator: i was brought here because i got poisoned. i was eating herbs from the ground. >> reporter: in the grip of winter, plad yah i madaya is owy has is cut off, towps in the north heltowns in thenorth thate government and their allies. >> are we not arabs as well? i swear to god, we are arabs! these children, what wrong have they done?
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this child? what wrong did he commit? >> reporter: the united nations says hundreds of thousands of people are being prevented from getting humanitarian aid in syria. aid organizations have been allowed by the government to deliver supplies to some of the besieged towns. the international committee of the red cross said the trucks for madaya could start to arrive soon. >> we expect that humanitarian operation, the joint operation of the syrian operation and the u.n. should take place in the coming day. >> again in madaya a plea to the world. >> let the world see this and hear about this and know that there are people here who are dying of starvation. >> for those trapped in these besieged towns, the hope is that whatever help they get won't be the last. rob mathison, al jazeera. >> despite syrians. too long the international focus has been on air strikes and not
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on the innocent people affected by the civil war. al jazeera's karen lyon maloney haal jazeera's caroline maloney. >> marching in solidarity with people marching nearby, including some from the areas where people are trapped. >> translator: we came to lebanon because of the regime air strikes. they destroyed our homes. they burned our fields. there is nothing left in zabadani. they put them in a big prison. >> reporter: there have been marches here as well, making sure their fellow syrians get access to aid as soon as possible. there are 40,000 people in madaya alone who have been without proper food for months. the last time the u.n. was able
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to get aid to them was in october. al jazeera spoke to a resident in town. >> after witnessing such tragedy, civilians including women and children are being killed because of the use of this cowardly weapon. >> unfortunately there are many places under siege in syria's war and more than 400,000 people who have been cut off from food and medical supplies. that's things that other syrians in lebanon say they can relate to. >> we lived in the same situation as madaya, we came to stand in solidarity with the families there because the hunger and the suffering is the same for all people. >> the u.n. says it will be able to send some aid from damascus to the villages, as well as to zabadani and madaya on the border with lebanon. >> we expect the humanitarian operation, and the u.n. should
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take place in the coming day. >> reporter: the aid will help the small number of people, out of the thousands who are suffering through this five-year war. caroline malone, al jazeera, on the syrians lebanon border. scores of women say they were groped and sexually assaulted in the city of cologne's main square. today cologne's police chief announced he was stepping down. technically he's taking an early retirement but local media says wolfgang albers was forced out. today slovakia's prime minister called for a close on immigration. most of detained are women
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and children who came to the united states doour the migrant sirnlg isurge in 2013. al jazeera's heidi zhou-castro reports. >> galore yah diaz and her 12-year-old daughter are back in detention awaiting deportation to el salvador. the group had crossed the texas-new mexico border last summer in a wave of women and children claiming to be escaping violence in el salvador. her daughter was not safe in el salvador she says. she couldn't go to school because gangs would attack the school bus. the family had to pay extortion fees and when the money ran out diaz says, the gang killed an uncle and said the others were next. that's when they fled. once in the u.s., an asylum officer determined there was
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enough evidence for mother and daughter to pursue their claim in court. they were released on bond to stay here with diaz's sister in atlanta. diaz's sister said they had salvadorian police reports to prove the family had been in danger. but an immigration judge denied the case and on the the 2nd of january, diaz's nephew woke to ice agents pounding on the door. >> we're going to come through and look for her right? >> diaz was not at home. her daughter told the ice agents she was at work. she was arrested and taken to the airport along with her daughter. the room they shared still had their things. they weren't allowed to pack. diaz's sister says she understands when ice targets immigrants who are drunk drivers
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or dlents delinquents. but why a mother and child trying to live a normal life? >> the scenes described to us are nothing short of awful. >> in a statement, homeland security secretary jeh johnson said the raids targeted recent border-crossers who had exhausted their legal remedies. but now last-minute emergency orders from the nation's highest immigration appeals court have temporarily halted the immigration of 12 families including diaz and her daughter. >> the board of immigration appeals have stayed the immigration on every woman we have filed a request which is a message to immigration that they are wrong. that these women do have options and they do have rights. >> the government says it has the rights to enforce the country's laws and values.
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diaz says if they are sent back to el salvador, they have no future. heidi zhou-castro, al jazeera, atlanta. north korea's successful test of a hydrogen bomb earlier this week, north korea staged a celebration on tri, thousands danced in pyongyang's main square and watched fir firework. al jazeera's scott heidler is in korea near the border with the north. >> it's a tactic not used since august and once the north koreans call an act of war. exactly at midday friday south korea restarted its loud speaker propaganda broadcast. kim jong ah deeffected to the south years ago. she says the broadcasts are
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effective. there are people that defect after listening to the broadcasting. the soldiers at the front line, soldiers equipped with fully armed weapons, these soldiers get a lot of ideologic education but now they're exposed to propaganda broadcasting. >> those broadcasts aren't just antinorth korean government. they also include global news weather even kpop popular music from south korea. there are more than ten speaker locations and some are mobile. the south korean government here says the broadcast will continue indefinitely. british foreign secretary phillip hammond urged south korea to exercise restraint. >> these guys are sometimes sort of taking hostage and picked up for sort of pseudo crimes
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against the state so north korea may respond like that. >> oso for now the military and people of south korea wait for response from its northern neighbor along with the rest of the world. scott heidler, al jazeera, south korea. global stock markets have suffered a brutal start to the new year. stocks across the world plunged this week. wall street posted its worst-ever start to a new year despite a strong jobs report for december. nasdaq 7% drop, dow 5%. far worse in china. the two main causes of all this china's economic slow down and the slide in oil prices. the week did end on a brighter note in china where stock desms indices were up by 1%, despite desperate efforts by the chinese government to stop the bleeding. al jazeera's adrian brown reports on how chinese investors are reacting. >> in china, red is a lucky
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color. it tells you shares are up. nine months ago, there was a lot of red, the share market was at its highest level since 2007. but for now, that winning streak is over. the market's in a slump. since june, stocks have lost more than 40% of their value and some small investors are less than happy. >> translator: don't film. we don't want to talk about it. we want to go back to play cards. >> reporter: they blame their problems on foreign speculators, as well as a measure that was supposed to calm markets but actually had an opposite effect. >> the government is trying to protect individual investors but to be honest the system needs to be improved. >> the authorities have responded to that criticism suspending the circuit breaker rule which halt which halts tran
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shares drop sharply. the start of 2016 has set a pattern for what is expected to be a very difficult year for the world's second largest economy. >> we do think that there is a chance of a hard land, of course just as in any economy, there is a chance of a substantial slow down. in china right now we put it at one in four. >> the stock market i is an indicator but not the indicator of the chinese economy, an overcapacity of state controlled industries like coal and steel couple which may show widespread job losses in coming months. and what china can't control beyond its borders. in north korea, the government claimed to have successfully tested a hydrogen bomb. last week, china's president seemed to allude to the
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challenges confronting his country. he told the nation that fruitful gains come with persistent efforts. his way perhaps of saying, it's going to be a tough year. adrian brown, al jazeera, beijing. tonight u.s. officials are accusing volkswagen of stonewalling a probe into emissions cheating. car maker is citing privacy concerns when refusing to share documents with prosecutors. the attorneys general are leading an investigation on behalf of more than 40 states. an investigation that involves more than half a million diesel cars. in london amnesty intlcial received international held a ve 31 blogger was charged with insulting islam, his sentence includes a total of a thousand
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lashes and ten years in prison. >> raif is still in prison. still serving a ten year sentence and those 950 lashes are still outstanding. nothing has been withdrawn. i hope that we can at least stop that but we need to see much more. we need to see him released, this is someone who has done nothing except exercise his freedom of expression. >> amnesty international is critical of the you descrain executiosaudi arabianexecution g a shiite cleric. jasmine heist is amnesty international'international's s. he and others criticized saudi
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officials without doing anything. how extensive the saudi crack down is on speech? >> absolutely. thank you so much for having me this evening. yes. absolutely. badawi's case in many case has become a lightning rod for the international community to understand what the crack down on freedom of expression has looked like in that country. and the international community again very literally saw it when just about a year ago tomorrow, a video surfaced of raif badawi being flogged in public space simply for his work on the blog, saudi arabian liberals. >> i know there are concerns about badawi's health especially if he is flogged again and he is sentenced to many other floggings. they threw his lawyer into prison and gave him an even
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locker sentence. >> looking at this case we do hope that the international outcry on raif's behalf will continue. as you note however he is due to 950 more lashes and a ten year prison sentence. his wife and children are waiting for him in canada, every day, every friday when he is due to be flogged, are agony for them. and so we continue to call for his un unconditional release. >> he is only one of the human rights protestors who are in prison. >> his lawyer is the first person imprisoned under a 2014 law to criminalize human rights work and tree speech. his detention, as the international community has been looking at raif's case and
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horrified in speaking out we have also seen a distressing acceleration in the way that the saudi arabian authorities are cracking down on human rights. >> and the saudis are likely the country that executes more people per capita in the world. is the judiciary independent at all? >> it's an interesting question. i think when you look at cases like walida waher, "like" raif badawi, they are operating in a space where they can have very little trust that the law will protect them. beyond that there are often people who are detained for organizing protests who are never even given access to the courts, to challenge the charge against them. >> if u.s. saudi relations at a fairly low point, does the u.s. on the one hand have much leverage on the saudis to improve their human rights record and on the other hand, is the u.s. inclined to use whatever leverage it has?
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>> well, i think what's important to remember here is, regardless of where we are at this particular moment, with u.s.-saudi relations, we will continue to have a strategic partnership, or a so-called strategic partnership, that involves billions of dollars in arms sales and oil wealth. the u.s. is not only implicitly sort of giving a green light to saudi arabia to continue to commit human rights abuses but in some ways explicitly supporting them in doing so. >> right especially this being so important in the fight against i.s.i.l. do you see any inclination on the u.s.'s part to push the saudis toward more respect of human rights? >> what we have seen is some willingness from the u.s. government to speak out on certain cases. cases like raif averages, cases like briefly like wallid
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waher's, however, we have seen a case of double speak in some of these cases. what we continue to call for push for and hope for is this sort of dual approach in our relationship with saudi arabia will cease and we will continue to put human rights at the very center of u.s. foreign policy rather than relegating it to the periphery. >> jasmine heist of amnesty international a pleasure to have you with us. thank you. >> thank you for having me. part of the chinese embassy was bulldozed, the problem doctors say they were still treating patients inside. a hong kong in jeopardy, the battle brewing between street vendors and food carts. taliban gains ground in afghanistan.
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weeks, sometimes months. >> what's your message then? >> we need help now. >> you're watching al jazeera america. now to our global view segment with a look at how news outlets across the world are reacting to various events. >> the jordan times argues is that nobody to keep the two countries in check, because they are the two muslim powerhouses in the ream. the actors including u.s. and russia are already spread thin in trying to pull back in
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engagements elsewhere. australia's the age warns, the pull back in the stock market does not mean the end of china's prosperity but instability to come. china society is based on trading personal liberties for prosperity so a downturn would put pressure on the regime making a volatile financial market more than just an economic problem. and canada's globe and mail has this cartoon of north korea's claims for a successful hydrogen bomb test. it shows north korea sitting out in the cold with an empty food bowl trying to warm its hands by the image of a nuclear blast by a television set. demolishing a hospital while people were inside. the hospital's radiology and morgue were on land that was ordered evacuated before the demolition but one patient and
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three doctors were still inside. some injuries were reported. tonight a battle over hong kong street food is our off the radar segment. traditional street vendors are getting a new challenge by the city. the introduction of mobile food trucks. rob mcbride reports. >> his nickname is the iron chef, able to use two woks at once. operating in the same location for 50 years, lam chi singh took over operating it from his father. >> hong kong is the birth place of the dai pai dong. it's important to keep your life. >> but it is proving harder to do. the number of stalls has declined steadily. long hours toiling over pots in rough and ready street venues is far less attractive to a younger
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generation. although the government stopped issuing licenses for new daipaidongs, years ago, it has relaxed its regulation, allowing them to be passed on. enter the food trucks. the government is planning to introduce mobile street food outlets similar to ones operating in the united states. as a way of increasing tourism. >> translator: it's good for western food butter hard to cook traditional chinese food from a van. >> but some critics say they promotes foreign food instead of home grown cuisine. like many in hong kong crystal young and her friends welcome the are vans and say they will try them. >> we are not in a five star
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hotel, we grew up here. >> for many in hong kong the dai pai dong still offers the food of comfort in these fast changing times. rob mcbride, al jazeera, hong kong. chief medical officer of britain says drinking anything regularly, enough to increase the risk of cancer. bees have been mysteriously disappearing from around the world for more than 20 years. this time for the first time, a federal agency has warned pesticides are part of the cause. the new peap each report is fueling new demands the government needs to do a better job of regulating pesticides. that is the it for the
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>> good evening, i'm antonio mora. this is al jazeera america. the bravery he demonstrated was absolutely remarkable. >> a philadelphia police officer survives a shooting caught on camera. the man accused of pulling the trigger says i.s.i.l. inspired him. also. >> we're like okay we're going to come through and look for her. >> the fears of people targeted in immigration raids and the court ruling that could allow some
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