tv News Al Jazeera January 11, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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peace talks with the taliban. el chapo's capture. mexican government releases dramatic video on the raid on the kingpin's hideout, it could take a long time before he's extradited to the u.s. and royal trial. >> i want them to be tried as ordinary people. they took public money at a time when people were struggling. >> princess christina makes history as the first member much the modern spanish monarchy to face criminal charges. good evening, i'm antonio mora, this is al jazeera's international news hour. tonight we begin with new developments in the growing humanitarian crisis in syria. in the last six weeks more than two dozen people have reportedly
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starved to death in madaya. today a convoy of red crescent trucks carrying food and supplies arrived this, the first delivery since october. the assad regime is disputing meanwhile the severity of the situation. the ambassador to the u.n. blames the fabrication of the media on the troubles in his country jamie mcintire john kerry. >> we need full access and we are raising it with all parties right now. we are pressing it very hard and it has to happen. >> some fowrched people ar 400 e brink of death. it is unclear who might help them get out.
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al jazeera's james bays reports. >> trucks carrying food and medicine finally arrive in madaya. a town of nearly 40,000 people where they have been eating their pets and after that survive on a diet of soup made from grass. >> translator: we witnessed a lot and suffered a lot. people killed cats to eat them. others ate grass, i see people sitting on garbage and eating it. we need to break the siege. >> reporter: it is reported that nearly 28 people have starved odeath but at the united nations the syrian ambassador seemed to dispute that. >> the information concerning the humanitarian situation in madaya is based on false information. >> we've seen reports of deaths some in the last few hours we've seen pictures of starving people. are those fabrications? >> yes indeed. >> so reports of mass starvation, issued by the united nations and other humanitarian agencies, and these deeply
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disturbing pictures of the town's population, including children, suffering from malnutrition are he claims fake. but he also seemed to have a different second explanation. >> the terrorists are stealing the humanitarian assistance from the syrian red crescent as well as from united nations, and they are keeping these assistance in their warehouse and then they use it as a leverage of political and financial gain for them. >> the u.s. ambassador samantha power told the u.n. general assembly she had no doubt who was to blame. >> look at the grotesque starve or surrender tactics. the syrian regime is using right now against its own people. look at the haunting pictures of civilians including children even babies, in madaya, syria. these are just the pictures we see. there are hundreds of thousands of people being deliberately bee
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besieged, deliberately starved right now. these images they remind us of world war ii. >> but on the ground in madaya one woman seem to back the syrian ambassadors's explanation. >> the situation is so bad. before the siege we used to live a proper right, they revealed their true colors. at the beginning people were deceived but it has all become clear now they are nothing but traitors of people's blood. >> getting to the truth in the chaos and turmoil of syria's long war is very difficult. the camera crew who filmed these pictures were operating under syrian government media guidelines. syria remains a country where it's difficult to speak free reply and where basic humanitarian needs, the access to food is being used as a weapon of war. the u.n. now says it needs the urgent evacuation of 400 people from madaya who need lifesaving
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treatment. james bays, al jazeera at the united nations. >> joining me from bethlehem, pennsylvania is hussein massaf whose mother and grandmother are in madaya. we appreciate the time you take to join us. i know you have extended family in madaya. how is everyone? >> well, just today, after waiting for over six and a half months, inside madaya without -- with being completely cut off from the outside, essentially it's a starvation prison that they lived in for the last six months, just today the first trucks of the food bank and the red cross and the international red crescent have arrived in madaya. the situation has begun to approve improve on that level
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but far away from being sofd. becausbeing solved. the town of madaya is still being besieged and backed by the hezbollah militia. >> i want to ask you about the hezbollah in a minute but some of your family members are americans. they have got no help from the american government? >> that's right, at least six of my family members are americans, stuck in plad yah, som madaya, e requests to beirut, and they got nothing. this dated back to october. so there was something or there should have been something, the american embassy or the state department could have done, and i believe they didn't do a good job on this. we are very disappointed that they had to endure this.
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we have seen people die and have their children die before their own eyes, and this is -- this is just crazy now, 21st century, we see it happening every day as it happens on facebook and youtube. and it's just crazy and unacceptable that a great country like the u.s. can't do anything to help their own citizens. >> now as you said, hezbollah which is supported by iran and which supports the government of bashar al-assad, is involved in the siege. why do you think there has been so little pressure to help madaya, until those terrible images came out last week? is it that the whole country is in such chaos that the international community can't figure out which fire to put out first? >> there is no excuse. the -- really we all have responsibility. the entire world, the entire free world have responsibility
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to help towns like madaya. it's not only madaya. there are towns like deir ez z zor, that is blockaded by the assad forces and their supporters. so you ask me why, i don't know why, we really have to stand up as communities, as organizations around the world. and form a solidarity movement with those people. because it's -- i mean war and politics is one thing. but when you have civilians and children and women involved in it, and you -- it just -- it's just not acceptable that we would let this happen. >> not acceptable and heartbreaking to see it. as you said other towns are besieged in syria.
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estimates are that more than 400,000 people are in dire lifesaving need, that doesn't take into account the millions of refugees in camps outside syria. >> that's correct, that's correct. more pressure should be put on parties and governments, especially governments, because they have legal obligation to protect the civilians. like -- and instead the kay of madaya for example, i mean, we have activists on the working on the ground, to deliver those pictures and those youtube and translate them and spread them out to the world. the campaign was quite successful. and it yielded a good results, so i wanted to see more of this type, i want to see more activists, more international activists, taking part of this and being in solidarity with
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people like the people of madaya. now the -- >> i was going to say please keep us informed of anything that you learn because we certainly are happy to try put this important information out there. i know it's not just starvation it is lack of medical supplies, the suffering is tremendous, hussein assaf, it's a pleasure to have you with us. attacks happened at a shopping center in baghdad, gunmen stormed the mall, detonating a bomb. i.s.i.l. later claimed responsibility. a security official denounced the attackers as cowards. >> translator: it was a cowardly terrorist attack at the entrance of the mall in baghdad al jadidah suburb. then another terrorist detonatehis suicide vest at another location.
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>> also today, a pair of suicide bombers detonatetheir bombs in a location about 50 miles north of baghdad. i.s.i.l. has also claimed responsibility for that attack. highly provocative attack by iranian attack boats recorded on december 26th in the straight of hormuz but the tape was kept under wraps until al jazeera requested it under the tree dox information act. jamie mcintire reports it comes at a difficult time i in relations between united states and iran. >> as it was passing through strait of hormuz the day after christmas. the video obtained by al jazeera under the freedom of information act shows there are several other vessels in the international shipping lane including what appears to be a commercial oil tanker then the camera focuses in on five small
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boats firing unguided rockets. the u.s. navy says it's the kind of live fire exercise iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps navy does all the time. but fired at the harry truman. while the rockets were aimed away t from the shipping lanes, they were extremely unprofessional and unnecessarily provocative. >> the proximity is highly unusual. not something responsible countries do with their navies in heavily trafficked places like the strait of hormuz. >> the response to the iranian rocket incident is another example of president obama turning a blind eye to iranian provocations for fear iran will
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walk away from his nuclear deal. even democrats want to know how and when the white house plans to recommend sanction he against iran for two recent bla ballistc missile tests. the white house insists the president is still reviewing the facts. >> we will issue the sanction he at the appropriate time, no question about it . >> there's no immediate plan to do so? >> we'll issue them when it's time. >> jamie mcintire, al jazeera, the pentagon. >> the battle between problem supreme court, the court had previously ordered three legislators not be sworn in until allegation he of election fraud be addressed, but today the court ruled any action he
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the assembly takes while the three are seated will be null and void. the u.s., china, afghanistan and pakistan meet to come up with a road map for peace with the taliban. coming up why the taliban is not involved at least not yet. and the deadly raid to capture the drug kingpin el chapo. ultimately they will make us safer. >> president trying to figure out just which course to take. >> this is how you can fight the republicans, and he's putting them where they have to respond. >> and after the address...
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canadian tourist taken hostage by the taliban. colin rutherford was called a spy when he was taken hostage in afghanistan. details of his release have so far being kept secret. >> typically in these cases and this case is no exception, very little is known about what went on. candace's foreign minister issued a statement that he was pleased that colin rutherford was released. thanking the government of qatar for an unspecified role in somehow arranging this or being involved in it. we're not expecting much more information to emerge because everything is very sensitive, whether negotiations took place, whether some ransom may have been paid or whatever. it's really hard to say. we do know that mr. rutherford was captured in 2010, october or november, he said in a video that surfaced about a year later, taken by his captors,
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supposedly an afghan taliban, that he was a tourist, had nothing to do with the government, he was in gosne, where the taliban are quite active. we're not sure when he's going to come home. we expect a media scramble to fill in the gaps. they'll also be concerned about the fate of joshua boyle who went missing in afghanistan with his wife, along with mr. rutherford. two videos have surfaced but not much more. the canadian government seem to have done something to see a canadian released. from the afghan-pakistan border.
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>> daniel lak. as al jazeera's omar al saleh reports the tables's talis participation is not guaranteed. >> delegates from afghanistan, pakistan, united states and china but none from the taliban. they'll be invited later if a framework deal is eventually agreed. the aix monday's talk was to -- aim of monday's talk, the main objective is to get the most powerful group in the country to negotiate by given incentives to abandon violence. >> it is therefore important that preconditions are not attached to the start of the negotiation process. this in our view will be counterproducproductive. secondly, proper sequencing should be significant in paving the way for direct talks with
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the taliban group. >> reporter: in kabul the afghan group says the meeting is different and important. >> peace is going to be opened to all those groups that are willing to come to the negotiation table. but with those who do not come to the negotiation table, both countries have already agreed to work out some very practical and significant steps in fighting those groups with all available means. >> reporter: despite a relentless multinational military contained by nato for the past 14 years the taliban has recently increased attacks and seized more territory. most foreign troops ended combat operations and left in 2014, leaving behind a force of about 14,000 mostly u.s. troops and an afghan army which is still not ready to battle the taliban on its own. on the streets of kabul there is
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hope these talks could lead to a lasting peace, there is also pessimism and lasting mistrust. >> we hope this time it brings an outcome. >> translator: we are not even hopeful because they've been talking over the last 15 years with no result. >> reporter: reaching peace depends on a number of factors including the rise of the islamic state of iraq and the levant, in afghanistan, and the sincerity of the many regional and international stakeholders. the challenges facing peace are big. the taliban is not unified and it's not clear if they will attend future peace talks. the group has previously said it will not negotiate while foreign troops remain in afghanistan. the government on the other hand demands the taliban to denounce violence, recognize it and accepts the constitutional, omar al saleh, al jazeera, kabul. >> joining us now is bernard
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rubel, nyu center on international cooperation, he has written telephone on afghanistan and the conflict there and visited many, many times. the peace talks collapsed after mullah omar, who died a couple of years before. they have not been able to move forward since. is the fact that the group is now splintered going to make the talks more difficult? >> actually there have been several false starts at trying to get such peace talks started. last year was just the most recent when afghan and pakistani governments reached a certain agreement but without the agreement of the taliban. right now, we don't really know how splintered the taliban are, there is one splinter group. these talks are predicated ton belief the afghan president ashraf ghani that there is no one single taliban government. if the talks actually start
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we'll see how accurate that is. >> if pakistan had been a reliable ally to the united states and made things tough for taliban will the taliban have survived and thrived like it has? >> i think getting the support of pakistan for this process is an absolutely necessary condition. probably not a sufficient one. i wouldn't necessarily characterize pakistan as not being an ally of the united states, so that's accurate, the main problem it has is with afghanistan, a problem it's had since pakistan became independent. >> because afghanistan has gotten closer to india which is peter greste's traditional enemy. >> that and because afghanistan has never recognized the border between those two countries and has claims on pakistan territory. >> what do you say to american analysts, if pakistan is not willing to play ball and in fact
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supporting the taliban which then kills americans in afghanistan and forces the united states to spend billions of dollars keeping thousands of troops there? >> well, certainly, you can understand the weight of that argument. but if you go back to the beginning of this round of the war and the war has been going on 38 years not actually 15. that's just how long the united states -- >> back to the soviets right? >> whether the united states got involved in it. the united states had a choice at that time. afghanistan is a land locked country. it could have put its troops in there through russia or iran but it decided to do it through pakistan because of the neighborhoonatureof our relatiod russia. that would have required us to have a working relation with russia or iran, and we did not. >> we remind on the pakistanis
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for other things. >> to get into afghanistan. >> because it's a nuclear power and all different reasons why we have to keep on the good side of pakistan as well. does this mean if we're setting occupant this framework for talks that the united states has accepted that the taliban will have some role in a future afghanistan government? >> i think that everyone accepts that now that the taliban are a part of afghanistan, part of the afghan political scene whether they'll be in the government or in the opposition or whether they will dissolve has not been determined yet. >> quick final question for you. we heard the pakistanis say there should be no preconditions to all of there. but when other taliban groups saying they don't want any negotiations unless foreign troops are gone and they basically want no preconditions at all, how is that going to fly? >> well, the way they are, they hope to or the way the
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afghanistan and pakistan with the support of u.s. and china hope to organize these talks is for pakistan to identify taliban leaders who are willing to talk to the afghan government with no preconditions and then to use military and counterterrorist means against others. >> against the others. let's hope it works and that china is helping out and china's growing influence, barnett rubin, pleasure to have you with us. as another prisoner is released from guantanamo bay, a former detainee talks to al jazeera about what woe like to happen to the detention center and the people who were held there without charge. sexual assaults to one german city, could lead to tough new laws for asylum seekers.
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welcome back to al jazeera america, i'm antonio mora, coming up in this half hour of international news a look back at the life and music of rock icon david bowie. but first a look at the stories making headlines across the u.s. in our american minute. the first of several civil suits stemming from general motors faulty ignition switches went to trial in new york today. the faulty ignition switches
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prevented air bags there deploying. gm paid $900 million to end the related criminal probe and has settled 1300 civil cases. new york city investigators say 29-year-old brendan gren was on his stomach when officer proctor shot him in the back. a grand jury will decide whether the officer will face charges. wildlife refuge in oregon, organization is now destroying property on land, tearing down a fence keeping cattle from grazing on the land. the pentagon says it has transferred one more detainee out of guantanamo bay. the saudi arabian native was sent home after 14 years of
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being held without charges. 17 prisoners have been cleared for release this month. he is the fourth released so far. a group of u.n. human rights experts is calling on the united states to close the facility. they say the u.s. is transitioning often a war on extremism but ahas not made amends on the so-called war on terror. 118 men remain detained without charge. protests in london mark 14 years since the arrival of the first detainee. shakir alar sat down with al jazeera to discuss what he think should be done about guantanamo bay. >> we want justice, we want these people to go home. if they did something okay, tell us what they did. if they didn't do something they should come home tomorrow, not
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after one day, one year, no, tomorrow. i think britain have a big role to play in this because they were the american allies and they are their partners in everything. so i mean if you really want to help they can help with it. except some people you know because there are brothers who are suitable to be here. i'm not going to say everybody but there are a few brothers who are living in the west all their lives. and i believe if they go back to where three belong and close to where their family is they will settle down and i think they should be compensated so they have a live on them. that's why i call for all the gulf area, qatar, saudi arabia, oman, at least you can't go back to yemen their family can come and visit them, they can live with their families safe in their countries and these countries they are wealthy countries. they are not going to ask america to give them anything to support them and they are
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willing to take them. american government deny us our humanity for 14 years but not anymore. i still going to show the world, don't hold so happy to walk around the streets talking to everybody because this is me. >> the mexican government says it plans to extradite convicted drug lord el chapo to the united states but that process could take at least a year. the authorities captured the leader of the sinaloa cartel last week more than six months after his most recent escape from prison. he's now in solitary confinement. al jazeera's adam rainey has more from mexico city. >> a deadly raid caught on tape by mexican marines, the most wanted man joaquin el chapo gufsman. guzman. a voice can be heard, we have
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the man. el chapo though wasn't to be found. these marines call out, where is he? look for him. this woman says i don't know. he had slipped into the sewers and crawled for a few hundred meters before surfacing and stealing a car from a woman driving by. mexican authorities soon caught up with him. he's now under heavy guard at the same maximum security prison he escaped from in july. the latest turn in the story mexican officials now say it could take at least a year to extradite him to the u.s. where he faces charges of drug trafficking money laundering and murder. his lawyers will file as many motions as they can to delay the process. mexican authorities are keen to get el chapo into the hands of u.s. authorities as soon as they can, a dramatic turn around from 2014 where they refused to extradite him but now there's pressure on mexico to hold onto him as long as it takes to make sure that extradition is successful. adam rainey, al jazeera, mexico
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city. >> a new report from congress's watchdog agency, stopping illegal gun running from the u.s. into mexico. according to reuters, the government accountability finalized its effort after el chapo's arrest. adding most of the blai blame ss on lack of cooperation. germany's chancellor is supporting new laws to expel law breakers among asylum seekers and migrants. al jazeera's dominic kane reports from berlin. >> the political storm raised by attacks on new year's eve shows
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little hope of subsiding. 40% of the allegation he relate to sexual assaults and where at first officials seemed hesitant to identify those who carried out the crimes now the state interior minister says foreigners were to blame and this was not acknowledged soon enough. >> translator: i support an error culture which means that if mistakes were made, the mistakes are named and if this happens openly honestly and transparently, the analysis does indeed hit others. this is what happened in this case. this has nothing to did with deportation is but to say honestly where the reasons for that night lie. >> reporter: the questions of how to deal with the number of refugees that have come to germany in recent years have grown even louder. demonstrations were held in
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cologne city center, of supporters of pegida, one of around 1300 opponents of the far-right group. then on monday night, another pegida rally was held, this time in the eastern city of leipzig. although the number of followers pegida has is small there are increasing numbers of people with more moderate views who are beginning to question the government's policy on refugees. the chancellor angela merkel has been at the forefront of those calling for tolerance and for both germans and refugees to embrace the challenge of integration. but she has also said that refugees who commit crimes should face full force of the law. >> translator: we know since the terrible events that night of cologne, we need an openness in society but the refugees need to be willing to follow our rules as well. >> if there are to be tougher
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pleasures for asylum seekers, they have to first be agreed at the federal level in the german capital. we understand the interior and justice ministers are already discussing what practiceal solutions can be found. dominic kane, al jazeera, berlin. stockholm police ordered an investigation into allegations, 50 young men targeting teen aged girls. reports of the alleged attacks have sparked public outcry in sweden after a record 163,000 refugees were allowed into the country last year. poland's recent move to enact policies that restrict press freedoms. thousands of people have been protesting the new law that
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gives poland broad powers over its state broadcaster. officials website able to hire and fire the channel's management and supervisory boards. potential debates will happen on wednesday. on wednesday night we'll take a look at how nationalist are weakening. spain's princess christina goes on trial accused of embezzling money meant for charity. david bowie. and tomorrow night, al jazeera america has extended coverage for president obama's final state of the union address beginning at 8:0 8:00 eastern.
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>> now or global view segment with a look at how news outlets across the world are look at the sexual assaults in cologne germany and sweden, paper says if germany wants to protect its way of life the country should increase checks on incoming migrants and make sure they want to integrate into society. britain's the independent says the left ought to be realistic
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about refugees and admit that some are bad people, it should not demonize the entire immigrant population, but says europe needs to implement smart pragmatic policies to integrate refugees into society and that starts with admitting they are different. and the swedish paper dogges mieter says in the case of cologne and last summer's music festival in sweden the paper says it was important for the paper to say exactly what happened but the paper argues that every person is an individual and removing personal accountability. the independence of catalonia, plan to secure independence from spain had been
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on hold since last september's election and did with no clear majority. now that mas has stepped down, queg de mont plans to move ahead with independence. a member of spain's royal family is on trial. princess christina, sister to the king, takes embezzlement charges. >> reporter: the spanish royal family has been dreading this day for years. a princess comes to court in a case of alleged corruption and dpreed at thgreed at the top ofh society. princess christina listened as charges were read out. tax fraud, potential jail sentence of eight years and amongst the 17 other defendants,
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her husband, form he olympic hand ball player. accused of money laundering, in essence, the couple are accused of using public money a charitable organization to fund a lavish lifestyle. they and other defendants deny the charges. it's been a difficult time for the spanish royal family. two years ago the frail and increasingly unpopular king juan carlos abdicated. his son felipe here on the right became king. since then felipe has tried to distance himself from his sister. he won't be seen with her in public, he's removed her title of duchess. this is embarrassing for the royal family and the wider class of the elite.
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dubiously acquired wealth, oblivious to spain's precarious economic situation. >> translator: i want them to be tried as ordinary people. they took public money, at a time when people were struggling. >> they only want to live at the high level. and they don't see the problems from the people. in spain. >> reporter: princess christina's lawyers argue that she should be acquitted because the case dependence her has been brought by a private anti-corruption group not state. but even if this happens, her husband's trial is likely to last months and present a series of life of privilege.
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al jazeera, majorca. >> south africa's government says it will provide more than 400,000 college and university students with financial aid. protesters say that's simply not enough. >> until everyone is able to register for free that is when we all register, as it stands no one must register we know that the country has the money. we know that the government can pay for it, there is no political way to change the conditions. >> students are also protesting a shortage of spots at the universities. teachers a at bangladesh's universities, 15,000 feemps had all the country's 37 public universities are on strike. last year, the deposit created a new pay scale for all civil servants and teachers say that discriminates against them. they vow the strike will go on
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indent. millions remember the legendary rocker david bowie, remaining an influential icon for decades. al jazeera's emma hayward looks back on the life and career of david bowie. >> icon innovative, visionary, david bowie was no ordinary artists. he transcended the music drawm drama. most recognized performers in the world. one david jones born in 1947, bowie rose to fame with the 1969 single, face oddity. -- space oddity. in the area of london where he was born, fans paid tribute. >> 1977 when i walked into a disco, and heard heroes, i heard
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him obviously but that just charmed me. >> he threw out the rules chucked it out and start it again. >> in a career spanning six decades he became a global success and the master of reinvention. >> not more than as ziggy stardust. >> i'm an actor. >> changes notes. >> with bowie became ziggy one of many of his incarnations, flamboyant bowie never stood still. he constantly transformed his image and reinvented himself musically. he also carved out a successful career in film and on the stage. >> what is remarkable as well about this extraordinary trajectory is that it's
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basically, it's an album a year, an album every 18 months. so he's writing, recording, touring and, at the same time, moving on to the next project. it's incredible, incredible speed, incredible kind of dedication to himself and to his conceptual ideas. ♪ put on your red shoes and dance the blues ♪ >> in all david bowie released 25 albums can, a string of new material brought limb new fans, helping him stay one step ahead of his rivals. david bowie was 69, released his final album, black star, on friday. emma hayward, al jazeera in london. >> joining us now is matt
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penfield, now has a show on serius xm radio. >> what was david like? >> david was a gentleman, he was a very intelligent man. he also he had that grace and he had that swagger. i mean everything you can imagine about david, every part of that was very real. he was one of a kind, no question about it. >> talking about one of a kind though, he was also many personalities. he even described himself, it struck me as i was looking at obituaries, he collected personalities, all throughout his career. the first who did that. he has been much imitated ever since. >> lady gaga and other performers took the lead from
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david, he was still trying to find himself in the 1960s. he came out in the old r&b scene, anthony newley, stop the world i want to get off, then he tried a bunch of different things, space oddity, first big hit. and he was a little worried, all right am i a one hit wonder, everything that he did, he finally realized that it was okay to change direction. and it became his mantra and everything he worked for and did over the years. so then when ziggy was successful, he inspired thousands of bands and solo artists that just blew people away. he wasn't just satisfied with that. the beauty of what david did was he never reston those accomplishments. >> talk about that lack of satisfaction, an interview he
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did with charlie rose back in the '80s, he said having to say i'm a musician in any way, is an embarrassment, so he was modest as well? >> he was, the thing about david was, because he was so influenced and he was of everything that he loved, david his whole thing was that he really believed in incorporating his love of all things art into what did he with music. so he saw himself as an actor and an expressionist. >> you said he inspired all these bands. >> yes. >> what do you see as his legacy? >> i see his legacy as one of the most important artist of 20th century and the 21st century, obviously an uber fan, grateful that i actually became a part of his life and became friendly with him and david confided in me and asked me for
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ideas, we spent time together, invited me into his home and into the studio which was a dream come true, a young man who loved him as a teenager and loved the records he made but wow. we had a conversation once about the fact that he said i love the fact that you remember so many things about what i've done that you know i can't remember. i said david if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have pushed that hard further because he always saw that the boundaries of music and art were limitless and that was the beauty he did. >> he died just days after the official release of his album and his producer described it as a self epitaph. especially one song called lazarus. in the song david said, look at me i'm in heaven oh i'll be free just like that bluebird, oh i'll be free ain't that just like me?
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>> looking back as lazarus, the story of what was in the bible. but what david did that was so incredible is he always took what was going on in his personal life and found the way to wave tha weave that through , the films he did, the videos he did, that was the kind of man he was, left us with incredible music that i was very grateful for, grateful to become a part of his life and he of mine. especially he of mine. >> a great musician even if he didn't want to admit it himself. >> a great songwriter, they will live on forever. >> great for you to come on and sharing your memories. >> antonio, thank you. it's a pleasure. >> that's it for there hour ever international news for al jazeera. in the next hour, general motors faulty ignition switches is now
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