tv Talk to Al Jazeera Al Jazeera January 15, 2016 3:30am-4:01am EST
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there's six weeks to wait and a lot of predictions and a lot of excitement still to come you can read more about the oscar nominations on our there you will find the day's top stories. >> this week on >> this week on >> this week on talk to al jazeera talk to al jazeera talk to al jazeera actor and comedian actor and comedian actor and comedian richard lewis richard lewis richard lewis >> my goal is to >> my goal is to >> my goal is to make people laugh. make people laugh. make people laugh. first of all, first of all, first of all, i'm not entirely-- not depressed i'm not entirely-- not depressed i'm not entirely-- not depressed a lot of the time, a lot of the time, a lot of the time, either, either, either, by the w-- lemme just-- i don't by the w-- lemme just-- i don't by the w-- lemme just-- i don't wanna paint this rosy picture. wanna paint this rosy picture. wanna paint this rosy picture. >> often described as neurotic >> often described as neurotic >> often described as neurotic and angst ridded, and angst ridded, and angst ridded, lewis reflects on his rise from lewis reflects on his rise from lewis reflects on his rise from early stand up comedian, early stand up comedian, early stand up comedian, to becoming a household name. to becoming a household name. to becoming a household name. >> i was broke for a long time. >> i was broke for a long time. >> i was broke for a long time. but i was still-- felt like a but i was still-- felt like a but i was still-- felt like a million bucks, broke, million bucks, broke, million bucks, broke, living in horrible places, living in horrible places, living in horrible places,
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come-- going into a club and come-- going into a club and come-- going into a club and seeing these famous comedians seeing these famous comedians seeing these famous comedians come over to me, come over to me, come over to me, go-- you have it, go-- you have it, go-- you have it, you're gonna make it! you're gonna make it! you're gonna make it! >> he's out with a new book. >> he's out with a new book. >> he's out with a new book. that showcases his jokes, that showcases his jokes, that showcases his jokes, illustrated by carl titolo. illustrated by carl titolo. illustrated by carl titolo. reflections from hell is reflections from hell is reflections from hell is richard lewis's guide on how richard lewis's guide on how richard lewis's guide on how not to live. not to live. not to live. it focuses a lot on his parents. it focuses a lot on his parents. it focuses a lot on his parents. > i had a-- not a great > i had a-- not a great > i had a-- not a great upbringing. upbringing. upbringing. was an alcoholic was an alcoholic was an alcoholic and a drug addict for and a drug addict for and a drug addict for a long time. a long time. a long time. i was with a lot-- i was i was with a lot-- i was i was with a lot-- i was in horrible relationships by my in horrible relationships by my in horrible relationships by my own doing. own doing. own doing. i wasn't-- wasn't i wasn't-- wasn't i wasn't-- wasn't always their fault, always their fault, always their fault, i own up to a lotta that. i own up to a lotta that. i own up to a lotta that. >> as an actor, >> as an actor, >> as an actor, lewis starred in larry david's lewis starred in larry david's lewis starred in larry david's curb your enthusiasim. curb your enthusiasim. curb your enthusiasim. the first met when they were 12. the first met when they were 12. the first met when they were 12. >> in-- a-- a summer camp, >> in-- a-- a summer camp, >> in-- a-- a summer camp, sports camp. sports camp. sports camp. hated each other, hated each other, hated each other, never saw each other till we never saw each other till we never saw each other till we were comedians. were comedians. were comedians. became inseparable became inseparable became inseparable best friends. best friends. best friends. that ran over a course of that ran over a course of that ran over a course of almost a decade. almost a decade. almost a decade. larry came over my house, larry came over my house, larry came over my house, you had asked me. you had asked me. you had asked me. and he said, and he said, and he said, "would you mind playing "would you mind playing "would you mind playing yourself?" yourself?" yourself?" >> and now he's staring in >> and now he's staring in >> and now he's staring in another television series called another television series called another television series called
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blunt talk. blunt talk. blunt talk. >> playing a psychiatrist is >> playing a psychiatrist is >> playing a psychiatrist is really a trip for me, really a trip for me, really a trip for me, 'cause i been in-- in and outta 'cause i been in-- in and outta 'cause i been in-- in and outta therapy and psychiatry for f-- therapy and psychiatry for f-- therapy and psychiatry for f-- almost my whole life. almost my whole life. almost my whole life. >> i spoke to richard lewis in >> i spoke to richard lewis in >> i spoke to richard lewis in new york. new york. new york. >> you been sober for 21 years- >> you been sober for 21 years- >> you been sober for 21 years- >> almost 21. >> almost 21. >> almost 21. >> --almost 21 years sober. >> --almost 21 years sober. >> --almost 21 years sober. >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> you're married. >> you're married. >> you're married. >> married, >> married, >> married, ten years, you know, son- >> and have a great career. ten years, you know, son- >> and have a great career. ten years, you know, son- >> and have a great career. >> it's been goin' on for 45 >> it's been goin' on for 45 >> it's been goin' on for 45 years, years, years, and all sorts of stuff. and all sorts of stuff. and all sorts of stuff. it's really been-- this is, it's really been-- this is, it's really been-- this is, like, like, like, a really great time. touring, a really great time. touring, a really great time. touring, and a new book, and a new book, and a new book, and a new series, and a new series, and a new series, >> i-- (tap) y-- you know, >> i-- (tap) y-- you know, >> i-- (tap) y-- you know, you've got all this great stuff you've got all this great stuff you've got all this great stuff goin' on, goin' on, goin' on, you're a household name. so you're a household name. so you're a household name. so then why in the world do you then why in the world do you then why in the world do you call your book reflections from call your book reflections from call your book reflections from hell: richard lewis' hell: richard lewis' hell: richard lewis' guide on how guide on how guide on how not to live? to li? i c'te atad i had a-- not a great i had a-- not a great i had a-- not a great upbringing. upbringing. was an alcoholic and a drug addict for a long was an alcoholic and a drug addict for a long was an alcoholic and a drug addict for a long time. time. time. i was with a lot-- i was i was with a lot-- i was i was with a lot-- i was in horrible relationships by my in horrible relationships by my in horrible relationships by my own doing. own doing. own doing. i wasn't-- wasn't i wasn't-- wasn't i wasn't-- wasn't always their fault, always their fault, always their fault, i own up to a lotta that. i own up to a lotta that. i own up to a lotta that. made a lot of amends
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made a lot of amends made a lot of amends to people. to people. to people. but-- so that was my sweet but-- so that was my sweet but-- so that was my sweet spot-- in comedy. spot-- in comedy. spot-- in comedy. my-- my father my-- my father my-- my father died before i was a died before i was a died before i was a comedian. comedian. comedian. my brother was ol-- my brother was ol-- my brother was ol-- that point-- i was really young. i was a mistake, that point-- i was really young. i was a mistake, that point-- i was really young. i was a mistake, there was no doubt in my mind. there was no doubt in my mind. there was no doubt in my mind. i-- w-- when i was born, i-- w-- when i was born, i-- w-- when i was born, my parents-- my father looked my parents-- my father looked my parents-- my father looked like moses, like moses, like moses, and my mother was already and my mother was already and my mother was already doing-- she was already in a doing-- she was already in a doing-- she was already in a eugene o'neill play, eugene o'neill play, eugene o'neill play, going down. going down. going down. my sister eloped my sister eloped my sister eloped when i when was 12. when i when was 12. when i when was 12. >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> and my brother >> and my brother >> and my brother was reading-- you was reading-- you was reading-- you know-- allen ginsburg poems in know-- allen ginsburg poems in know-- allen ginsburg poems in the village, the village, the village, and i'm there alone with my poor and i'm there alone with my poor and i'm there alone with my poor mother. mother. mother. it was like a it was like a it was like a combination of long day's combination of long day's combination of long day's journey into night journey into night journey into night and odd couple. and odd couple. and odd couple. >> and you write a lot about >> and you write a lot about >> and you write a lot about your family- your family- your family- >> so that's why >> so that's why >> so that's why my-- needs this book. here-- my-- needs this book. here-- my-- needs this book. here-- uthre--ig tth cha-l chasito a cha-- carl nicholas titolo in through an old buddy. through an old buddy. through an old buddy. and i was blown and i was blown and i was blown away by this guy. away by this guy. away by this guy. and he's a legendary and he's a legendary and he's a legendary professor at the school of professor at the school of professor at the school of visual arts in new visual arts in new visual arts in new york for 40 years. york for 40 years. york for 40 years. but his-- his art style but his-- his art style but his-- his art style was very close to was very close to was very close to my riffing, my riffing, my riffing, free associating. free associating.
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free associating. and-- i always wanted and-- i always wanted and-- i always wanted to collaborate to collaborate to collaborate with him, with him, with him, but didn't know how. but didn't know how. but didn't know how. >> and then-- about-- two years >> and then-- about-- two years >> and then-- about-- two years ago i came up with an idea, actually, "look, ago i came up with an idea, actually, "look, ago i came up with an idea, actually, "look, i have some thoughts. i have some thoughts. i have some thoughts. they're not jokes. they're not jokes. they're not jokes. some of them may be jokes, some of them may be jokes, some of them may be jokes, but-- n-- i didn't care about but-- n-- i didn't care about but-- n-- i didn't care about them, them, them, i ca-- "any thought, i ca-- "any thought, i ca-- "any thought, and i'll call you with five and and i'll call you with five and and i'll call you with five and six--" he goes, six--" he goes, six--" he goes, "i got-- i like this one, "i got-- i like this one, "i got-- i like this one, and tene uldo nmage and-- s tuou there have been several there have been several there have been several collaborations like this. collaborations like this. collaborations like this. not to be grandiose, not to be grandiose, not to be grandiose, but edgar allan poe did the but edgar allan poe did the but edgar allan poe did the raven and manet illustrated it raven and manet illustrated it raven and manet illustrated it on each page-- on each page-- on each page-- >> but, you know, >> but, you know, >> but, you know, b-- but how 'bout a comedian's b-- but how 'bout a comedian's b-- but how 'bout a comedian's jokes being illustrated. jokes being illustrated. jokes being illustrated. is that original? is that original? is that original? has anybody ever has anybody ever has anybody ever done that? done that? done that? >> probably not. i think >> probably not. i think >> probably not. i think it'seay thtic, it's reall aheic áb--ounow-- f on'- if i don' i've had-- i-- i-- when i grew i've had-- i-- i-- when i grew i've had-- i-- i-- when i grew up, up, up, i had idols, i had idols, i had idols, you know, you know, you know, when-- in the arts. when-- in the arts. when-- in the arts. the arts saved the arts saved the arts saved my life when i was a kid. my life when i was a kid. my life when i was a kid. the family was really the family was really the family was really dysfunctional. dysfunctional. dysfunctional. and-- and so if and-- and so if and-- and so if i saw a movie as a kid and i i saw a movie as a kid and i i saw a movie as a kid and i couldn't believe how great it couldn't believe how great it couldn't believe how great it was, was, was, i-- maybe i didn't understand
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i-- maybe i didn't understand i-- maybe i didn't understand the art form. the art form. the art form. like, like, like y i-- en w 1or i would sit afteror i would sit after i would sit after te moviwaov-- dn'- obusly ei dn't-- i obioy didn't ge ttolioy understanding of-- of the-- understanding of-- of the-- understanding of-- of the-- the-- the russians and this, the-- the russians and this, the-- the russians and this, and the cold war and all. and the cold war and all. and the cold war and all. but i knew i saw but i knew i saw but i knew i saw something so something so something so spectacular that, spectacular that, spectacular that, in my head, in my head, in my head, something like that, a bar was set. something like that, a bar was set. something like that, a bar was set. but then i got but then i got but then i got older and i went to college, older and i went to college, older and i went to college, and i saw the-- and then the new and i saw the-- and then the new and i saw the-- and then the new wave of films came in, wave of films came in, wave of films came in, with-- with truffaut and with-- with truffaut and with-- with truffaut and godard. godard. godard. and then i saw and then i saw and then i saw cassavetes movies, cassavetes movies, cassavetes movies, and then i would listen to miles and then i would listen to miles and then i wldisn to mes then i head and saw richard pryor. and saw rchard pryor. i nt nt and that's just-- it's just, you know, and that's just-- it's just, you know, and that's just-- it's just, you know, one-- a few names. one-- a few names. one-- a few names. i said, "if i ever i said, "if i ever i said, "if i ever go on stage, go on stage, go on stage, and i did it about a month or and i did it about a month or and i did it about a month or two after my dad died-- i said, two after my dad died-- i said, two after my dad died-- i said, "i have to reach for th-- i have "i have to reach for th-- i have "i have to reach for th-- i have to unravel myself on stage, to unravel myself on stage, to unravel myself on stage, as fearlessly as possible, as fearlessly as possible, as fearlessly as possible, and see if i get laughs." and see if i get laughs." and see if i get laughs." because i really did feel pretty because i really did feel pretty because i really did feel pretty much like a chagall painting, much like a chagall painting, much like a chagall painting, you know, you know, you know, but i was sort of tethered to but i was sort of tethered to but i was sort of tethered to nothing. nothing. nothing. because they were-- i because they were-- i because they were-- i really didn't have much of a really didn't have much of a really didn't have much of a family life. family life. family life. so-- the audience became my so-- the audience became my so-- the audience became my
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family family family >> well, and all that led to what at >> well, and all that led to what at >> well, and all that led to what at times was crippling depression, times was crippling depression, times was crippling depression, you had serious problems with you had serious problems with you had serious problems with addiction. addiction. addiction. wha-- what do you wha-- what do you wha-- what do you tell people who think, tell people who think, tell people who think, "here's a guy who had s-- all "here's a guy who had s-- all "here's a guy who had s-- all sorts of successful sitcoms, sorts of successful sitcoms, sorts of successful sitcoms, movies, movies, movies, books, books, books, and all this, and all this, and all this, and they say-- h-- they can't and they say-- h-- they can't and they say-- h-- they can't understand-- understand-- understand-- >> i know. >> i know. >> i know. >> --how somebody like you >> --how somebody like you >> --how somebody like you coulda gone through that. coulda gone through that. coulda gone through that. >> i dunno even know what-- i >> i dunno even know what-- i >> i dunno even know what-- i know what success means, know what success means, know what success means, okay? okay? okay? i get it. i get it. i get it. and i've and i've and i've learned it-- i've earned it. learned it-- i've earned it. learned it-- i've earned it. i-- i-- nothing mattered more to i-- i-- nothing mattered more to i-- i-- nothing mattered more to me than be-- than finding myself me than be-- than finding myself me than be-- than finding myself on stage and becoming authentic. on stage and becoming authentic. on stage and becoming authentic. and i was broke for and i was broke for and i was broke for a long time. a long time. a long time. but i was still-- but i was still-- but i was still-- felt like a million bucks, felt like a million bucks, felt like a million bucks, broke, broke, living in horrible places, liin iorrible places living in horriblelas, come-- going into a club and come-- going into a club and come-- going into a club and seeing these famous comedians seeing these famous comedians seeing these famous comedians coe ero me, cmever to me, v to o-th-- "you have it, go-- ey "u vet, go-- they-- "you have it, you can't-- you gott d tse th- the greats telling me this. the greats telling me this. the greats telling me this. >> --has anxiety always >> --has anxiety always >> --has anxiety always been kind of the been kind of the been kind of the fuel to your comedy? fuel to your comedy? fuel to your comedy? you've been dubbed the you've been dubbed the you've been dubbed the "prince of pain, "prince of pain, "prince of pain, and you-- a-- and in the book, and you-- a-- and in the book, and you-- a-- and in the book,
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you know-- you-- you describe you know-- you-- you describe you know-- you-- you describe yourself as "the best sparring yourself as "the best sparring yourself as "the best sparring partner-- i can have." partner-- i can have." partner-- i can have." so does beating so does beating so does beating yourself up defuse the yourself up defuse the yourself up defuse the anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, or does it actually make it or does it actually make it or does it actually make it better? better? better? >> that's a great question. >> that's a great question. >> that's a great question. god, god, god, i haven't seen my therapist in i haven't seen my therapist in i haven't seen my therapist in quite a while, quite a while, quite a while, >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> just reminded me. >> just reminded me. >> just reminded me. i am not as unhappy as-- i am not as unhappy as-- i am not as unhappy as-- people think i am. people think i am. people think i am. but my sweet spot, but my sweet spot, but my sweet spot, and there's-- and one of the and there's-- and one of the and there's-- and one of the lines is that "desperation is my lines is that "desperation is my lines is that "desperation is my sweet spot." sweet spot." sweet spot." that's a craft that's a craft that's a craft that i honed. that i honed. that i honed. and even though i and even though i and even though i got so-- i got-- even though i got so-- i got-- even though i got so-- i got-- even though i got sober, got sober, got sober, i got more grateful, i got more grateful, i got more grateful, i got more spiritual, i got more spiritual, i got more spiritual, in my old-- in my later years. in my old-- in my later years. in my old-- in my later years. still, still, still, when i hear, when i hear, when i hear, "ladies and gentlemen, "ladies and gentlemen, "ladies and gentlemen, richard lewis, richard lewis, richard lewis, and my goal is to make people and my goal is to make people and my goal is to make people laugh. laugh. laugh. first of all, first of all, first of all, i'm not entirely-- not depressed i'm not entirely-- not depressed i'm not entirely-- not depressed a lot of the time, a lot of the time, a lot of the time, either, either, either, by the w-- lemme just-- i don't by the w-- lemme just-- i don't by the w-- lemme just-- i don't wanna paint this rosy picture. wanna paint this rosy picture. wanna paint this rosy picture. but it's much rosier than being but it's much rosier than being but it's much rosier than being near death on crystal meth, near death on crystal meth, near death on crystal meth, let's put it that way. let's put it that way. let's put it that way. >> but you write in the book, >> but you write in the book, >> but you write in the book, you've got one that says, you've got one that says,
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you've got one that says, "happiness is overrated. "happiness is overrated. "happiness is overrated. there's nothing to fear but life there's nothing to fear but life there's nothing to fear but life itself." itself." itself." >> well, >> well, >> well, because life has dealt me a because life has dealt me a because life has dealt me a lotta bad blows. lotta bad blows. lotta bad blows. nothing close nothing close nothing close to-- majority of the world. to-- majority of the world. to-- majority of the world. and what bugs me is and what bugs me is and what bugs me is that when people that when people that when people say, say, say, "hey, "hey, "hey, hey, hey, hey, you hang out with the stones." you hang out with the stones." you hang out with the stones." or, or, or, "yeah you were--" you know, "yeah you were--" you know, "yeah you were--" you know, i used to work for the clintons i used to work for the clintons i used to work for the clintons a lot when he was running, a lot when he was running, a lot when he was running, and-- and gore, and-- and gore, and-- and gore, and-- "you're in the white house, and-- "you're in the white house, house,"you're in the whit ancan ybe--i , n you know, i suffer from depression. i suffer from depeson i have obsessiv-cpuiv disorder." disorder." i work my butt off, i work my butt off, i work my butt off, you know, you know, you know, for the-- i-- i have no for the-- i-- i have no for the-- i-- i have no children, children, children, so it's all th-- my art, so it's all th-- my art, so it's all th-- my art, until i met my wife. until i met my wife. until i met my wife. and then it was takin' care of and then it was takin' care of and then it was takin' care of her. her. her. and my sister has four kids, and my sister has four kids, and my sister fo kids, twogrt-ndildren, ni try bso kdaol model. bso kdaol model. model. >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> sort of frightening, >> sort ofritening, i understand. i understand. i understand. >> does she let them watch >> does she let them watch >> does she let them watch you? you? you? >> huh? well, >> huh? well, >> huh? well, not until they're 30. not until they're 30. not until they're 30. >> (laughter) >> (laughter) >> (laughter) you know, you know, you know, talkin' about your family-- talkin' about your family-- talkin' about your family-- your-- your-- your good friend your-- your-- your good friend your-- your-- your good friend larry david-- he says that you larry david-- he says that you larry david-- he says that you use "shrink"-- as much as use "shrink"-- as much as use "shrink"-- as much as teenagers-- use-- "like." and- teenagers-- use-- "like." and- teenagers-- use-- "like." and-
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>> yeah, >> yeah, >> yeah, i know. i know. i know. >> --so pardon me for acting like a shrink, but >> --so pardon me for acting like a shrink, but >> --so pardon me for acting like a shrink, but let's talk about your family. let's talk about your family. let's talk about your family. i mean, you really go i mean, you really go i mean, you really go after your parents after your parents after your parents in this book, in this book, in this book, especially your mom- especially your mom- especially your mom- >> i know. >> i know. >> i know. >> and you write, >> and you write, >> and you write, "the worst audience i ever had pre res.t audiene ev h y mother tredo swit switch me at birth." me at bh. yeah. myotr kehefrndto th aeder frieno breastfeed th aeder frieno breastfeed breastfeed (laugh) (laugh) (laugh) me." me." me." how how how much of a role did your mom play much of a role did your mom play much of a role did your mom play in-- in your dark years? in-- in your dark years? in-- in your dark years? >> well, what do you think? >> well, what do you think? >> well, what do you think? >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> listen, >> listen, >> listen, i-- here's the deal. i-- here's the deal. i-- here's the deal. i made i made i made amends with my mother when she-- amends with my mother when she-- amends with my mother when she-- my mother was very ill, my mother was very ill, my mother was very ill, she had a lot of emotional she had a lot of emotional she had a lot of emotional problems in her late 30s on, problems in her late 30s on, problems in her late 30s on, and until she got old. and until she got old. and until she got old. and-- i tried my best and-- i tried my best and-- i tried my best to-- understand to-- understand to-- understand it. it. it. but again, but again, but again, realize, realize, realize, back, back, back, you know, you know, you know, when she was having her when she was having her when she was having her problems, problems, problems, i was an active addict. i was an active addict. i was an active addict. so, you know, so, you know, so, you know, i couldn't have been easy i couldn't have been easy i couldn't have been easy either. either. either. so-- i mean, so-- i mean, so-- i mean, when she really lost it at the when she really lost it at the when she really lost it at the end. end. end. my sister made-- my my sister made-- my my sister made-- my older-- i have an older sister older-- i have an older sister older-- i have an older sister and an older brother. and an older brother. and an older brother. she was with her she was with her she was with her and made sure she would and made sure she would
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and made sure she would get the best care, get the best care, get the best care, and so did i. and so did i. and so did i. and-- all of us and-- all of us and-- all of us tried-- to do what we could do. tried-- to do what we could do. tried-- to do what we could do. and-- i remember something when and-- i remember something when and-- i remember something when she was in the hospital, she was in the hospital, she was in the hospital, and she was near death. and she was near death. and she was near death. and she and she and she really f-- didn't know who she really f-- didn't know who she really f-- didn't know who she was at that point. i-- and i was at that point. i-- and i was at that point. i-- and i grabbed onto her. grabbed onto her. grabbed onto her. and i said, "look, and i said, "look, and i said, "look, i was far from perfect. i was far from perfect. i was far from perfect. neither one of us were. neither one of us were. neither one of us were. but-- i love you, but-- i love you, but-- i love you, and-- and-- and please forgive and-- and-- and please forgive and-- and-- and please forgive anything i did. anything i did. anything i did. and if you-- and if you-- and if you-- and if you can-- 'cause i and if you can-- 'cause i and if you can-- 'cause i forgive you for everything." i forgive you for everything." i forgive you for everything." i mean, mean, mean, i did, i did, i did, and i do. and i do. and i do. what's the p-- i what's the p-- i what's the p-- i didn't ho-- i don't hold onto didn't ho-- i don't hold onto didn't ho-- i don't hold onto it. it. it. and i said, and i said, and i said, "just squeeze me." "just squeeze me." "just squeeze me." and you have and you have and you have to understand, to understand, to understand, this is at a point where she was this is at a point where she was this is at a point where she was dhe grabbed hd aueezed it, grabed my hand and squeezed it ad i'll-- (tap) yono i'll always remebeth. i'll alysembeth. but that dos mean that i can't mean that i can't mean that i can't mine those feelings, mine those feelings, mine those feelings, because we did have a pretty because we did have a pretty because we did have a pretty tough relationship. tough relationship. tough relationship. and i-- and i'm no comic if i'm and i-- and i'm no comic if i'm and i-- and i'm no comic if i'm not tellin' the truth. not tellin' the truth. not tellin' the truth. comedian, rather. comedian, rather. comedian, rather. i prefer that word. i prefer that word. i prefer that word. >> and one of the >> and one of the >> and one of the truths you like to tell is truths you like to tell is truths you like to tell is describing things as describing things as describing things as being "from hell." being "from hell." being "from hell."
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and-- and-- and-- >> yes, >> yes, >> yes, which is now-- literally-- n-- c-- >> --yes, which is now-- literally-- n-- c-- >> --yes, which is now-- literally-- n-- c-- >> --yes, and i was gonna say, and i was gonna say, and i was gonna say, on o t fniest headlines i othfunit dlines i have ever readwasothing have vrea setng fth sd, "yale university iv rhad auh) >> i know. that's-- >> i know. that's-- >> i know. that's-- (laugh) yeah. (laugh) yeah. (laugh) yeah. >> --and what it was referring >> --and what it was referring >> --and what it was referring to is the fact that the yale-- to is the fact that the yale-- to is the fact that the yale-- book of quotations gave you book of quotations gave you book of quotations gave you credit for that phrase. credit for that phrase. credit for that phrase. anything being "from hell" is-- anything being "from hell" is-- anything being "from hell" is-- now- now- now- >> well-- well, listen- >> --you are the-- >> well-- well listen- >> yoarth- > wl-el listen- >> yoarth- the author of t. >>lien is-iniglht- p tfa tt e orsat the wld gone --aseeinne one in-- has been insane gone in-- has been insne forever, we're-- now-- we're-- now-- we're-- now-- we're living now, we're living now, we're living now, and we see what's going on. an w s what's going o it means very little to me, it means very little to me, it means very little to me, except in a very small swath except in a very small swath except in a very small swath of-- of humanity in my life, of-- of humanity in my life, of-- of humanity in my life, i popularized a phrase back in i popularized a phrase back in i popularized a phrase back in the '70s and '80s, the '70s and '80s, the '70s and '80s, when i did about 50 or 60 david when i did about 50 or 60 david when i did about 50 or 60 david letterman shows. letterman shows. letterman shows. and ev-- and i-- and i chose and ev-- and i-- and i chose and ev-- and i-- and i chose that metaphor, that metaphor, that metaphor, like-- and i was-- probably-- like-- and i was-- probably-- like-- and i was-- probably-- yes, yes, yes, i was an active alcoholic, i was an active alcoholic, i was an active alcoholic, so i never took responsibility so i never took responsibility so i never took responsibility for my actions. for my actions. for my actions. so it was like, "oh, so it was like, "oh, so it was like, "oh, i just came from-- a wedding i just came from-- a wedding i just came from-- a wedding from hell, from hell, from hell, or "a family reunion from or "a family reunion from or "a family reunion from hell." hell." hell." 'cause i always felt like, 'cause i always felt like, 'cause i always felt like, "i'm the victim." "i'm the victim." "i'm the victim." so i used that all the time. so i used that all the time. so i used that all the time.
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and it was then-- but then i got and it was then-- but then i got and it was then-- but then i got bummed out, bummed out, bummed out, because i saw in ads, because i saw in ads, because i saw in ads, like in movie ads, like in movie ads, like in movie ads, "boss from hell." "boss from hell." "boss from hell." i said, i said, i said, "this is-- this is startin' to "this is-- this is startin' to "this is-- this is startin' to bug me, bug me, bug me, 'cause they're startin' to-- 'cause they're startin' to-- 'cause they're startin' to-- market it." market it." and-- and i know i and-- ani ow i and-- and i k pularized it, oparedt,d it, so i tried to geto >> 'casearet(s) id no to you. y. >> said no to me. this editor >> said no to me. tisitr >> said no to me. this editor said, said, said, "nah, "nah, "nah, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, my-- my nieces--" he was-- he my-- my nieces--" he was-- he my-- my nieces--" he was-- he was probably 60s at the time, was probably 60s at the time, was probably 60s at the time, he says, he says, he says, "my nieces just came back from "my nieces just came back from "my nieces just came back from college after their semester, college after their semester, college after their semester, and they said t s semester from hell.'" i went, "oh, i went, "oh, no kidding. no kidding. no kiddig. thy idha they-- then they must-- you know-- you mean they weren't watching letterman late-night know-- you mean they weren't watching letterman late-night know-- you mean they weren't watching letterman late-night shows in college, shows in college, shows in college, back in the '80s and is-- in the back in the '80s and is-- in the back in the '80s and is-- in the nine--" you know. nine--" you know. nine--" you know. so i finally couldn't take it so i finally couldn't take it so i finally couldn't take it anymore, anymore, anymore, and outta the blue, and outta the blue, and outta the blue, yale saved the day, yale saved the day, yale saved the day, and-- and-- and-- > and you've been > and you've been > and you've been immortalized as-- immortalized as-- immortalized as-- >> and bartlett's-- >> and bartlett's-- >> and bartlets- >> -gomel >> what? >> what? >> what? watidou say? lncfrom hell... lunch from hell... lunch from hell... >> where did you hear rhat expression? >> where did you hear rhat expression? >> where did you hear rhat expression? >> girlfriend? >> girlfriend? >> girlfriend? >> you see what i mean? >> you see what i mean? >> you see what i mean? kills me... kills me... kills me... richard lewis and larry david richard lewis and larry david richard lewis and larry david are now the best of friends, but it it wasn't always that are now the best of friends, but it it wasn't always that are now the best of friends,
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but it it wasn't always that way. way. way. more on their more on their more on their bro-mance bro-mance bro-mance ahead on talk to al jazeera. ahead on talk to al jazeera. ahead on talk to al jazeera. >> "inside story" takes you >> "inside story" takes you >> "inside story" takes you beyond the headlines, beyond the headlines, beyond the headlines, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the soundbites. beyond the soundbites. beyond the soundbites. we're giving you a deeper dive we're giving you a deeper dive we're giving you a deeper dive into the stories that are making into the stories that are making into the stories that are making our world what it is. our world what it is. our world what it is.
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>> i'm antonio morra >> i'm antonio morra >> i'm antonio morra you're watching you're watching you're watching talk to al jazeera talk to al jazeera talk to al jazeera my guest this week, my guest this week, my guest this week, is comedian richard lewis. is comedian richard lewis. is comedian richard lewis. >> who's-- who's your >> who's-- who's your >> who's-- who's your favorite comedian of all time? favorite comedian of all time? favorite comedian of all time? >> well, >> well, >> well, there's-- there's two. there's-- there's two. there's-- there's two. lenny bruce, lenny bruce, lenny bruce, for what he did for the for what he did for the for what he did for the first amendment and his-- first amendment and his-- first amendment and his-- body of his work, body of his work, body of his work, but perhaps the greatest standup but perhaps the greatest standup but perhaps the greatest standup comedian other than, comedian other than, comedian other than, i think, i think, i think, lenny-- and maybe the-- lenny-- and maybe the-- lenny-- and maybe the-- arguably, arguably, arguably, the greatest standup comedian, the greatest standup comedian, the greatest standup comedian, is richard pryor. is richard pryor. is richard pryor. because richard pryor because richard pryor because richard pryor had so many had so many had so many tools. tools. tools. so richard pryor, to me, so richard pryor, to me, so richard pryor, to me, is the greatest individual is the greatest individual is the greatest individual standup of all time. and-- and standup of all time. and-- and standup of all time. and-- and lenny bruce, lenny bruce, lenny bruce, the most important. the most important. the most important. >> you became successful >> you became successful >> you became successful pretty early.
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pretty early. pretty early. you started-- goin'-- you started-- goin'-- you started-- goin'-- >> i was on the tonight >> i was on the tonight >> i was on the tonight show, show, show, i was on with carson in two-- i was on with carson in two-- i was on with carson in two-- almost two and a half years, almost two and a half years, almost two and a half years, and that's not-- that's pretty and that's not-- that's pretty and that's not-- that's pretty fast. and-- fast. and-- fast. and-- i had a lotta breaks, i had a lotta breaks, i had a lotta breaks, too. too. too. i had-- letterman gave i had-- letterman gave i had-- letterman gave me-- he came over to me, me-- he came over to me, me-- he came over to me, and he says, "you know, and he says, "you know, and he says, "you know, you're-- you're good with johnny. you're-- you're good with johnny. you're-- you're good with johnny. some nights are better some nights are better some nights are better than others. than others. than others. but when you do standup, but when you do standup, but when you do standup, the camera's right there." the camera's right there." the camera's right there." and if i was-- and and if i was-- and and if i was-- and i w-- i'm real i w-- i'm real i w-- i'm real f-- kinetic, f-- kinetic, f-- kinetic, and-- and-- and-- no, i-- no, i-- no, i-- what did you ask me? what did you ask me? what did you ask me? >> (laugh) w-- you were >> (laugh) w-- you were >> (laugh) w-- you were talkin' about-- >> it was so talkin' about-- >> it was so talkin' about-- >> it was so prof-- oh yeah, prof-- oh yeah, prof-- oh yeah, well letterman says, well letterman says, well letterman says, "oh--" >> yes, "oh--" >> yes, "oh--" >> yes, he did, he did, he did, exactly. he's-- called me in in exactly. he's-- called me in in exactly. he's-- called me in in '81, '81, '81, before his late night show, before his late night show, before his late night show, for-- and he said, for-- and he said, for-- and he said, "you can come on as often as you want, "you can come on as often as you want, "you can come on as often as you want, in fact, in fact, in fact, you can write for the show, you can write for the show, you can write for the show, if you wanna move back to new york." i wt, yk. i wenpo. i just had moveto.a five years osoefore. five s sbef and i id-- t ss, on tv. on tv. on tv. i mean, i mean, i mean, specials is one thing, specials is one thing, specials is one thing, and concerts and everything, and concerts and everything, and concerts and everything, you know." you know." you know." but-- he says, but-- he says, but-- he says, "when you come on my show, "when you come on my show, "when you come on my show,
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he tells me, he tells me, he tells me, "you're just gonna sit." "you're just gonna sit." "you're just gonna sit." and he and he and he set a precedent for me, set a precedent for me, set a precedent for me, which i never broke. which i never brke which i never broke. ve never done stadu o nevedone standupon when nw ows co o a they say,-"o --e nt do five, we-- we want-- do five, we-- we want-- do five, six--" i says, six--" i says, six--" i says, "no, "no, "no, no. what-- what is this, no. what-- what is this, no. what-- what is this, open mic night?" open mic night?" open mic night?" you know, you know, you know, b-- been doin' it 45 years. it b-- been doin' it 45 years. it b-- been doin' it 45 years. it doesn't happen often. doesn't happen often. doesn't happen often. >> ooh i finally got >> ooh i finally got >> ooh i finally got black k-swiss black k-swiss black k-swiss that's a whole other story... that's a whole other story... that's a whole other story... paway.. >> yu' gfy... -oi g.... >> 'm-. >> yeah...ou from->>ea..ourom one little thing fom then you start talking about then you start talking about your shoes... your shoes... your shoes... >> which by the way... >> which by the way... >> which by the way... i know you mreant that- i know you mreant that- i know you mreant that- in yiddish goofy means- in yiddish goofy means- in yiddish goofy means- quite a man... quite a man... quite a man... >> what do you think-- after >> what do you think-- after >> what do you think-- after all those years of-- being on all those years of-- being on all those years of-- being on lerm, ttma and himt w tyo career, aer the fact tha hs cid hang it up? >> well men, that was his decsi. we were that was his decision. we were that was his decision. we were never close friends, never close friends, never close friends, i was just lucky that he was a i was just lucky that he was a i was just lucky that he was a fan. fan. fan. >> how important was he to >> how important was he to >> how important was he to you and to other comedians? you and to other comedians? you and to other comedians? >> he was the most important-- >> he was the most important-- >> he was the most important-- show to be on - show to be on - show to be on - so then i, py kw, autioned for a shw afterautied r somewhat of a known, somewhat of a known, somewhat of a known, you know-- comedian. you know-- cmean more than that, more than that, more than that, after eight or ten years, after eight or ten years, after eight or ten years, and 50 or 60 shots. and 50 or 60 shots. and 50 or 60 shots. and i auditioned for a sitcom and i auditioned for a sitcom and i auditioned for a sitcom and i got the role opposite, and i got the role opposite,
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and i got the role opposite, you know, you know, you know, jamie lee curtis. jamie lee curtis. jamie lee curtis. and, you know, and, you know, and, you know, me being, me being, me being, you know, you know, you know, her l-- her lover, her l-- her lover, her l-- her lover, ultimately, ultimately, ultimately, was-- you know, was-- you know, was-- you know, i got ridiculed by j-- i would i got ridiculed by j-- i would i got ridiculed by j-- i would say over 100,000 say over 100,000 say over 100,000 cabbies cabbies cabbies >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> in america. >> in america. >> in america. and before we had television and before we had television and before we had television sex, sex, sex, they used to-- the cabs in they used to-- the cabs in they used to-- the cabs in new york go, new york go, new york go, "hey, "hey, "hey, why don't you sleep with her? why don't you sleep with her? why don't you sleep with her? >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> it's jamie lee curtis." >> it's jamie lee curtis." >> it's jamie lee curtis." i went, i went, i went, "it's a sitcom, "it's a sitcom, "it's a sitcom, you moron. you moron. you moron. i'm not the writer." i'm not the writer." i'm not the writer." but then i used to get but then i used to get but then i used to get paranoid and i used to fax and paranoid and i used to fax and paranoid and i used to fax and e-mail. e-mail. not e-mail, not e-mail, not e-mail, it was then f. "when do-- "when do-- "when do-- when do i sleep with when do i sleep with . rt? o i sleep with this is-- i'm g-- i can't take it. can't take it. can't take it. i'm walking around i'm walking around i'm walking around in diuises all over in disguisealover >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> so that was great. >> so that was great. >> so that was great. >> and so now you're back in the sitcom world as you were >> and so now you're ck in the sitcom wrlasouer stc wld as you wree bak saying... >> well, then larry-- well, then i-- then, larry david-- >> well, then larry-- well, then i-- then, larry david-- >> well, then larry-- well, larry david-- >> well the y d, rse yo d-- curb your enthusiasm-- >> yeah, >> yeah, >> yeah d that lasted-- that ra-- ran decade. and i cou-- and larry came over my house, came over my house, came over my house, you had asked me. you had asked me. you had asked me. and he said, and he said, and he said, "would you mind playing "would you mind playing "would you mind playing yourself?" yourself?" yourself?" i-- because he knew i-- because he knew i-- because he knew that i-- i did a scene in that i-- i did a scene in that i-- i did a scene in leaving las vegas. leaving las vegas.
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leaving las vegas. and i did-- and i did-- and i did-- i played a junkie in this i played a junkie in this i played a junkie in this indie which i really ovcad -ani keoi s- me and-- iikdoing se-- se seousf. i mean, it wasfubeibeg a mel book sff but i enjoy doing other stuff. but i enjoy doing other stuff. but i enjoy doing other stuff. >> so what did larry tell you? >> so what did larry tell you? >> so what did larry tell you? >> larry says, "i know, >> larry says, "i know, >> larry says, "i know, does-- 'cause it do-- it's-- i does-- 'cause it do-- it's-- i does-- 'cause it do-- it's-- i was typecast-- plenty by then, was typecast-- plenty by then, was typecast-- plenty by then, not getting-- "oh, not getting-- "oh, not getting-- "oh, that richard lewis, that richard lewis, that richard lewis, he's-- oh, he's-- oh, he's-- oh, he's .... he's.. he's ....>>soouig as >> so youmihts >ye, llwell, but i hd mae e de-- first of all, of all, to turn down larry david would to turn down larry david would to turn down larry david would have been a huge career-- at-- have been a huge career-- at-- have been a huge career-- at-- at 49-- i was 50. at 49-- i was 50. at 49-- i was 50. i said, you know, i said, you know, i said, you know, "who gets this opportunity?" "who gets this opportunity?" "who gets this opportunity?" and who knew it would be such a and who knew it would be such a and who knew it would be such a cult hit? cult hit? cult hit? so i said, "i'm in." so i said, "i'm in." so i said, "i'm in." but i made-- but i m-- you know, but ma-- but i m- you kw, we werebo ihe sam pspal i h th rht ask him for anything i wan kimornyini nt, ande had others-- >> other weird, >> other weird, >> other weird, mystical things happen in our mystical things happen in our mystical things happen in our life. life. life. met when teenagers, met when teenagers, met when teenagers, hated one another, hated one another, hated one another, didn't know each other till we didn't know each other till we didn't know each other till we were comics, were comics, were comics, and then we-- i recognized him. and then we-- i recognized him. and then we-- i recognized him. i went, i went, i went, "you're that (bleep)?" "you're that (bleep)?" "u' tt leep)?" >>you're that ass?"-- ->> "yor >> you became friends and en yo rlizeyhwath- e >> ouece ies d en yorealizyd he was the-- te >> i-- we were enemies in -ic ernemiesin >> --from-- from camp. --in a day camp. in-- a-- --in a day camp. in-- a-- --in a day camp. in-- a-- a summer camp, a summer camp, a summer camp, sports camp. hated each other, sports camp. hated each other, sports camp. hated each other, never saw each other till we never saw each other till we
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never saw each other till we were comedians. were comedians. were comedians. became became became inseparable best friends. inseparblbe fen. te.ooe sery by la mic." alf a sheep, half a comic." half a comic." whatever i say, whatever i say, whatever i say, i was drunk. i was drunk. i was drunk. and he gets and he gets and he gets nervous-- he's-- he wasn't a nervous-- he's-- he wasn't a nervous-- he's-- he wasn't a drinker or a drug guy. drinker or a drug guy. drinker or a drug guy. and-- and then-- and i-- we and-- and then-- and i-- we and-- and then-- and i-- we realized that we were the same realized that we were the same realized that we were the same two kids. two kids. two kids. not to mention, not to mention, not to mention, born in the same hospital, born in the same hospital, born in the same hospital, and i had to stay around, and i had to stay around, and i had to stay around, 'cause i a-- pmie so he asor o he was born so he w n t asti ter gong going, >> hurry up." >> hurry up." >> hurry up." you know, you know, you know, >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> "wha-- what can i be? i >> "wha-- what can i be? i >> "wha-- what can i be? i don't wanna live with a don't wanna live with a don't wanna live with a caterpillar." caterpillar." caterpillar." >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> so things worked out, >> so things worked out, >> so things worked out, fortunately. fortunately. fortunately. but-- he was but-- he was but-- he was mocking me then, mocking me then, mocking me then, ther's umbilical cord. with my moer uilal cord. we fought-- we stilfit-we we fought-- we still fit-we still fight. but he said, "do you wanna play yourself?" i went, i went, i went, "yes. "yes. "yes. with you, with you, with you, i'll do anything." i'll do anything." i'll do anything." and thank god i did. and thank god i did. and thank god i did. because the show-- because the show-- because the show-- >> did it-- did-- s-- >> did it-- did-- s-- >> did it-- did-- s-- > --was such a b-- > --was such a b-- > --was such a b-- groundbreaking groundbreaking groundbreaking sitcom. sitcom. sitcom. i'm-- i'm a fan of the show. i'm-- i'm a fan of the show. i'm-- i'm a fan of the show. >> i think it's the funniest >> i think it's the funniest >> i think it's the funniest lesi,&that'se bn personal personally. cngthwapeleerceiv-yo you, py, the fact that you were playing yourself? yourself? yourself? >> well, >> well, >> well, i-- i was more narcissistic on i-- i was more narcissistic on i-- i was more narcissistic on that show than i am, that show than i am, that show than i am,
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believe it or not, believe it or not, believe it or not, >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> because-- they-- they >> because-- they-- they >> because-- they-- they were-- that's the kinda were-- that's the kinda were-- that's the kinda characters that they were. characters that they were. characters that they were. and sometimes i was a little and sometimes i was a little and sometimei s a little uomrtable,-unmftae, and teyou me ga ltl dpento my-- into little deepein m- to ik y kw-ou kno--ut like, you know--yokn--ut was so hilarious, was so hilarious, "you know what? "you know what? "you know what? let it go." let it go." let it go." you know, you know, you know, "let me just be-- a real jerk." "let me just be-- a real jerk." "let me just be-- a real jerk." like, like, like, well, well, well, beautiful g-- he always gave me beautiful g-- he always gave me beautiful g-- he always gave me the most beautiful girlfriends. the most beautiful girlfriends. the most beautiful girlfriends. of course-- and he never let me, of course-- and he never let me, of course-- and he never let me, you know, you know, you know, ever ever ever >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> (laugh) eve-- not even the eve-- not even the eve-- not even the slightest kiss f t yrs. for te rs i mean, i mean, i an these wee drop-dead killers. 3 the reopdead killers. >> any chance you culcoineph dm? >> i don't know, >> i don't know, >> i don't know, i-- i-- but we discussed it, i-- i-- but we discussed it, i-- i-- but we discussed it, and i-- i had never asked him and i-- i had never asked him and i-- i had never asked him how many episodes i'd be in, how many episodes i'd be in, how many episodes i'd be in, what-- what is the ending. what-- what is the ending. what-- what is the ending. i asked him practically i asked him practically i asked him practically nothing, nothing, nothing, i-- really, i-- really, oncu. p w--ess is way more wucabt at don't know much about whats happ- "atth snegain? happ-- "what's the scene again? happ-- "what's the scene again? (snap) action." (snap) action." (snap) action." you know, that's-- and it came out better you know, that's-- and it came out better you know, that's-- and it came out better that way. that way. that way. and-- when r-- actors who weren't comedians would come and-- when r-- actors who weren't comedians would come and-- when r-- actors who weren't comedians would come on the set of curb, on the set of curb, on the set of curb, they were freaked out. they were freaked out. they were freaked out. >> was it more fun for you? >> was it more fun for you? >> was it more fun for you? >> well, >> well, >> well, they eventually, they eventually,
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they eventually, after one take, after one take, after one take, realize, realize, realize, "wait a minute. "wait a minute. "wait a minute. i can just say whatever i want, i can just say whatever i want, i can just say whatever i want, kw what the expoitn'- has to be." that's all ya that's all yakn. "ussai veo t "just say i have to geta haircutbui'afraid of scissors. scissors. scissors. >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> just-- that's your deal, >> just-- that's your deal, >> just-- that's your deal, and i don't care how you say it, and i don't care how you say it, and i don't care how you say it, but get it in." but get it in." but get it in." >> just go with it. >> just go with it. >> just go with it. >> "just get it in there." >> "just get it in there." >> "just get it in there." and then they would do it until and then they would do it until and then they would do it until they were-- larry was happy, they were-- larry was happy, they were-- larry was happy, and the producers, and the producers, and the producers, and they'd move on and they'd move on for a comedian, for a comedian, for a comedian, it's a dream come true. it's a dream come true. p sllah oad on, richard lewi richard lewis richard lewis talks about his talks about his talks about his next role, next role, next role, playing a shrink. playing a shrink. playing a shrink. stay with us. stay with us. stay with us. sage then?
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>> what's your message then? >> we need help now. >> we need help now. >> we need help now. >> you're watching >> you're watching >> you're watching al jazeera america. al jazeera america. al jazeera america. >> this is talk to al jazeera, >> this is talk to al jazeera, >> this is talk to al jazeera, and i'm antonio morra and i'm antonio morra and i'm antonio morra joining me today is joining me today is joining me today is richard lewis richard lewis richard lewis from curb your enthusiasm. from curb your enthusiasm. from curb your enthusiasm. >> how 'bout the new sitcom >> how 'bout the new sitcom >> how 'bout the new sitcom you're in-- which is gonna-- you're in-- which is gonna-- you're in-- which is gonna-- >> well, >> well, >> well, this is-- yeah, it premieres august 22nd, this is-- yeah, it premieres august 22nd, this is-- yeah, it premieres august 22nd, it's-- it's-- it's-- >> --be on starz with >> --be on starz with >> --be on starz with patrick stewart, patrick stewart, patrick stewart, as you said. it-- it's kind of gone full circle, you're playing a shrink? >> yeah, as you said. it-- it's kind of gone full circle, you're playing a shrink? >> yeah, as you said. it-- it's kind of gone full circle, you're playing a shrink? >> yeah, but i'll tell ya, but i'll tell ya, but i'll tell ya, full circle in another way. full circle in another way. full circle in another way. for-- as playing a psychiatrist, for-- as playing a psychiatrist,
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for-- as playing a psychiatrist, you know, you know, you know, i run into a lot of these actors i run into a lot of these actors i run into a lot of these actors on-- i don't watch a lotta tv, on-- i don't watch a lotta tv, on-- i don't watch a lotta tv, i like to watch the news and i like to watch the news and i like to watch the news and foreign films and documentaries foreign films and documentaries foreign films and documentaries a lot. and-- but, a lot. and-- but, a lot. and-- but, you know, you know, you know, i know-- i know the c-- the i know-- i know the c-- the i know-- i know the c-- the actors, actors, actors, certainly, certainly, certainly, and some of these shows have and some of these shows have and some of these shows have been on for-- and i run-- "hey, been on for-- and i run-- "hey, been on for-- and i run-- "hey, mr. lewis." mr. lewis." mr. lewis." "don't call me mr. lewis, "don't call me mr. lewis, "don't call me mr. lewis, r-- please. richard." r-- please. richard." r-- please. richard." "hey, you're doin' great, "hey, you're doin' great, "hey, you're doin' great, you won five emmys. you won five emmys. you won five emmys. the show's fantastic." the show's fantastic." the show's fantastic." and-- and i-- and they say, and-- and i-- and they say, and-- and i-- and they say, "what are you doin'?" i-- and "what are you doin'?" i-- and "what are you doin'?" i-- and i-- and i-- i-- i don't wanna i-- and i-- i-- i don't wanna i-- and i-- i-- i don't wanna mention his name, mention his name, mention his name, but-- because i've forgotten. but-- because i've forgotten. ut-- because i've forgotten >but he's a igta been on sw r, lke 10 yearunk-prab 3 n t-- 40, .-0, he says he says he says "richard lewis. "richard lewis. "richard lewis. oh, god, oh, god, oh, god, i grew up on you." i grew up on you." i grew up on you." "oh, thank you." "oh, thank you." "oh, thank you." and, and, and, you know, you know, you know, that makes me wanna, that makes me wanna, that makes me wanna, like, like, like, you know, you know, you know, drink when i hear that. not drink when i hear that. not drink when i hear that. not really, really, really, but-- but-- >> you know what i >> yoknow what i mean. mean. so i say so iay what a success what a success at an early age." at an early age." at an early age." and-- and i say that, and-- and i say that, and-- and i say that, then i'm starting to feel like then i'm starting to feel like then i'm starting to feel like i-- you know, i-- you know, i-- you know, my grandfather on the railroad my grandfather on the railroad my grandfather on the railroad in russia, in russia, in russia, drinking whiskey, drinking whiskey, drinking whiskey, playing a playing a
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playing a psychiatrist is really a trip psychiatrist is really a trip psychiatrist is really a trip for me, for me, for me, 'cause i been in-- in and outta 'cause i been in-- in and outta 'cause i been in-- in and outta therapy and psychiatry r - almost my wholif --ut when i got this o-- offer to do when i got this o-- offer to do when i got this o-- offer to do this role-- jonathan ames is a this role-- jonathan ames is a this role-- jonathan ames is a brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, eccentric writer. eccentric writer. eccentric writer. and he created this show, and he created this show, and he created this show, starring sir patrick stewart-- starring sir patrick stewart-- starring sir patrick stewart-- he doesn't like to be-- he he doesn't like to be-- he he doesn't like to be-- he doesn't need to be called "sir." and a great cast. doesn't need to be called "sir." and a great cast. doesn't need to be called "sir." and a great cast. an-- an english newsman who's a an-- an english newsman who's a an-- an english newsman who's a drunk, drunk, drunk, d-- druggie, d-- druggie, d-- druggie, womanizer-- bad father, womanizer-- bad father, womanizer-- bad father, you name it. you name it. you name it. and everyone and everyone and everyone involved in the show has involved in the show has involved in the show has problems, problems, problems, so i'm the network psychiatrist so i'm the network psychiatrist so i'm the network psychiatrist who comes in to try to save the who comes in to try to save the who comes in to try to save the show. show. show. and-- it's-- it's laughable, and-- it's-- it's laughable, and-- it's-- it's laughable, only in that of all people, only in that of all people, only in that of all people, after 45 years after 45 years after 45 years >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> of beating myself up, >> of beating myself up, >> of beating myself up, i'm trying to hel-- as-- in a i'm trying to hel-- as-- in a i'm trying to hel-- as-- in a role. role. role. and i'm enjoying the hell out of and i'm enjoying the hell out of and i'm enjoying the hell out of it. it. it. >> having been in comedy >> having been in comedy >> having been in comedy for all these decades now-- what for all these decades now-- what for all these decades now-- what do you think about the state of do you think about the state of do you think about the state of comedy in-- in the u.s.? comedy in-- in the u.s.? comedy in-- in the u.s.? you know, you know, you know, the old days in new york, the old days in new york, the old days in new york, you had comedy clubs in all the you had comedy clubs in all the you had comedy clubs in all the neighborhoods. neighborhoods. neighborhoods. now, it seems like it's-- now, it seems like it's-- now, it seems like it's-- >> changed >> changed >> changed pretty dramatically.
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pretty dramatically. pretty dramatically. >> you know, >> you know, >> you know, i don't-- i don't-- i-- i made i don't-- i don't-- i-- i made i don't-- i don't-- i-- i made it a point not to watch a lot of it a point not to watch a lot of it a point not to watch a lot of comedians when i started getting comedians when i started getting comedians when i started getting into it, into it, into it, because i didn't li-- i'm-- i'm because i didn't li-- i'm-- i'm because i didn't li-- i'm-- i'm ethical, okay? ethical, okay? ethical, okay? in a ruthless field. in a ruthless field. in a ruthless field. >> you didn't want to steal? >> you didn't want to steal? >> you didn't want to steal? >> no, >> no, >> no, i didn't wanna hear other people i didn't wanna hear other people i didn't wanna hear other people talk about their grandfather's talk about their grandfather's talk about their grandfather's sweater, sweater, sweater, 'cause i would block out 'cause i would block out 'cause i would block out "grandfather's sweater, "grandfather's sweater, "grandfather's sweater, even if i had nothing funny to even if i had nothing funny to even if i had nothing funny to say about it. say about it. say about it. maybe forever. maybe forever. maybe forever. it's just the way i am. i-- i-- it's just the way i am. i-- i-- it's just the way i am. i-- i-- i-- i really am in love with the i-- i really am in love with the i-- i really am in love with the craft and treat it like gold. craft and treat it like gold. craft and treat it like gold. but the state of affairs, but the state of affairs, but the state of affairs, you know? you know? you know? there's more edgy there's more edgy there's more edgy comics right now, comics right now, comics right now, you know that's-- these roasts, you know that's-- these roasts, you know that's-- these roasts, i'm not a fan of roasts. i'm not a fan of roasts. i'm not a fan of roasts. i would roast myself, i would roast myself, i would roast myself, but that's about it. but that's about it. but that's about it. you know, th-- you know, you know, th-- you know, you know, th-- you know, i'm a first amendment guy, i'm a first amendment guy, i'm a first amendment guy, so anything goes, so anything goes, so anything goes, you know. you know. you know. but there's a difference but there's a difference but there's a difference between being an edgy comic, between being an edgy comic, between being an edgy comic, and a brilliant edgy comic-- i'm and a brilliant edgy comic-- i'm and a brilliant edgy comic-- i'm not talkin' 'bout myself. not talkin' 'bout myself. not talkin' 'bout myself. but-- younger comics coming up but-- younger comics coming up but-- younger comics coming up who think they're edgy, who think they're edgy, who think they're edgy, but there's no premise or really but there's no premise or really but there's no premise or really
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nothing profoundly funny about nothing profoundly funny about nothing profoundly funny about what they're saying. what they're saying. what they're saying. and if they're getting laughs, and if they're getting laughs, and if they're getting laughs, it's because the audience is-- it's because the audience is-- it's because the audience is-- getting a lotta that, getting a lotta that, getting a lotta that, maybe, maybe, maybe, sometimes. sometimes. sometimes. and it's sort of and it's sort of and it's sort of dumbed down-- dumbs down the dumbed down-- dumbs down the dumbed down-- dumbs down the audience, audience, audience, and the-- it sorta makes it and the-- it sorta makes it and the-- it sorta makes it easier to get laughs. easier to get laughs. easier to get laughs. on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, i think there's a majority of i think there's a majority of i think there's a majority of comics now who are comics now who are comics now who are brilliant and are edgy. brilliant and are edgy. brilliant and are edgy. and-- and i'm glad and-- and i'm glad and-- and i'm glad that there's moments when, that there's moments when, that there's moments when, "whoa, "whoa, "whoa, he said that? he said that? he said that? she said that?" she said that?" she said that?" because i-- i would ne-- i would because i-- i would ne-- i would because i-- i would ne-- i would be the last person on the planet be the last person on the planet be the last person on the planet to say, to say, to say, "you can't say that, "you can't say that, "you can't say that, you know. le-- i-- if there's you know. le-- i-- if there's you know. le-- i-- if there's gonna be a consequence, gonna be a consequence, gonna be a consequence, let 'em have it. let 'em have it. let 'em have it. but, you know, but, you know, but, you know, let 'em say it, let 'em say it, let 'em say it, and then see what and then see what and then see what happens to them. happens to them. happens to them. so-- but in terms in of so-- but in terms in of so-- but in terms in of the clubs and the-- the-- the the clubs and the-- the-- the the clubs and the-- the-- the promoters, promoters, promoters, the buyers, the buyers, the buyers, the club owners, the club owners, the club owners, they should all live on they should all live on they should all live on devil's island. devil's island. devil's island. as far as i-- no-- none of as far as i-- no-- none of as far as i-- no-- none of that-- it's all about money for that-- it's all about money for that-- it's all about money for that-- we-- and we-- you know, that-- we-- and we-- you know, that-- we-- and we-- you know, the artists, the artists, the artists, we're all about bein' funny and we're all about bein' funny and we're all about bein' funny and makin' people laugh.
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makin' people laugh. makin' people laugh. >> in his foreword-- >> in his foreword-- >> in his foreword-- larry david says larry david says larry david says that, that, that, "knowing you could cost you a "knowing you could cost you a "knowing you could cost you a job, job, job, a relationship, a relationship, a relationship, (laugh) and quite possibly, (laugh) and quite possibly, (laugh) and quite possibly, your life." your life." your life." should th-- i and should th-- i and should th-- i and all of us in this room be all of us in this room be all of us in this room be worried? worried? worried? >> no. >> no. >> no. larry should be larry should be larry should be worried for saying that worried for saying that worried for saying that publicly. publicly. publicly. i might kill him. i might kill him. i might kill him. but i love you guys. but i love you guys. but i love you guys. and you're and you're and you're very pre-- you're one of the very pre-- you're one of the very pre-- you're one of the most prepared journalists i've most prepared journalists i've most prepared journalists i've ever known. ever known. ever known. >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> (laugh) i'm gonna use that-- i'm gonna use that-- i'm gonna use that-- >> even though i came >> even though i came >> even though i came in and you called me carlos. in and you called me carlos. in and you called me carlos. >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> (laugh) >> really a pleasure, richard. >> really a pleasure, richard. >> really a pleasure, richard. >> right back at ya. >> right back at ya. >> right back at ya. >> thank you >> thank you >> thank you >> every monday night. >> every monday night. >> every monday night. >> i lived that character. >> i lived that character. >> i lived that character. >> go one on one with america's >> go one on one with america's >> go one on one with america's movers and shakers. movers and shakers. movers and shakers. >> we will be able to see >> we will be able to see >> we will be able to see change. change. change. >> gripping... >> gripping... >> gripping... inspiring... inspiring... inspiring... entertaining. entertaining. entertaining. no topic off limits. no topic off limits. no topic off limits. >> 'cause i'm like, "dad, there >> 'cause i'm like, "dad, there >> 'cause i'm like, "dad, there are hookers in this house". are hookers in this house". are hookers in this house". >> exclusive conversations you >> exclusive conversations you >> exclusive conversations you won't find anywhere else. won't find anywhere else. won't find anywhere else. >> these are very vivid, >> these are very vivid, >> these are very vivid, human stories. human stories. human stories. >> if you have an agenda with >> if you have an agenda with
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>> if you have an agenda with people, you sometimes don't see people, you sometimes don't see people, you sometimes don't see the truth. the truth. the truth. >> "talk to al jazeera". >> "talk to al jazeera". >> "talk to al jazeera". monday, 6:00 eastern. monday, 6:00 eastern. monday, 6:00 eastern. >> --be on starz with >> --be on starz with >> --be on starz with patrick stewart, patrick stewart, patrick stewart, as you said. it-- it's kind of gone full circle, you're playing a shrink? >> yeah, as you said. it-- it's kind of gone full circle, you're playing a shrink? >> yeah, as you said. it-- it's kind of gone full circle, you're playing a shrink? >> yeah, but i'll tell ya, but i'll
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