tv News Al Jazeera January 25, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EST
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thanks for joining us this is al jazeera america live in new york city. i'm tony harris. digging out from one of the worst snow storms on record. daring escape, three inmates are on the loose after breaking out of a california jail. michigan's top attorney names a special council to deal with the water crisis. and why the des moines register is endorsing hillary
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clinton and marco rubio. ♪ the storm has passed but it left behind, snow, ice, slush, for millions of americans to deal with. the federal government called in a snow day in washington. at least 37 people died because of the blizzard over the weekend. john terrett joins us live from washington, d.c. with more. john? >> reporter: tony good evening. d.c. is on the verge of coming back full-time, according to the mayor, the district government will open on time tomorrow morning. metro is back at 5:00 am with pretty much a full service. all main artillery routes are now accessible, and the schools will return not tomorrow but on
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wednesday morning. snow-bound washington, d.c., the massive clean up starts small, gets bigger, and bigger still, but there is always room for the little guy making a difference. it's like this all over the nation's capitol, the city's mayor says removing all of the snow could take a week. >> the district has over 4400 miles of roadway and we are making our way through all of it. we have a lot of ground to cover. >> reporter: with the federal government shut down and schools closed monday, parts of the district resembled a christmas card. city officials don't mind snowball fights but they don't want to see many too drivers. >> we're doing everything we can to get the roads passable, to get folks where they get to need to, and to get the district back to normal operations. it is still going to take some
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time. >> reporter: many of the roads remain one lane wide. many subdivisions remain unplowed. metro service was extremely limited on monday. same story at reagan national, a gradual comeback for the airlines. the "washington post" reporting the weather team at reagan lost their snowfall reader. one reason d.c.'s official total is a fear 17 inches, whenever knows it is more like 30. in baltimore they have 5,000 miles of road to clear. there are teams the city is paying cash to help out, and she is turning to people who really know their snow for extra helps. >> i have been bringing away additional resources from as far away as canada >> operator: how much worse
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might it had been had this storm struck on a weekday, rather than the weekend? and there's rain in the forecast for tomorrow evening so that should wash away quite a bit of the snow. and monday the forecast is for the temperature to be 55 degrees. can you believe the turn around? and no votes in congress this week. they have all been canceled for a week because of the snow. tony. >> john terrett, thank you. the snow did not just bring snow it also brought major flooding. paul brennan joins us live from one of the most affected areas in new jersey, paul? >> reporter: tony, that's right. the story here is not digging out, it's drying out, because of that near-record flooding up and down the jersey shore. we're near the very tip of the long chain of barrier islands
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that stretch from here up to new york city. but if it were not for the loeszsons learned after hurricane sandy, this damage could have been much, much worse. >> cleanup is underway. >> oh, yeah. we have water. about 10 to 12 inches here. and it goes to completely submerged everything. >> reporter: marie's fish market is a local institution here. steve's family has run this place for three generations and ridden out hundreds of storms, but this weekend's blizzard was one for the record books. how bad was this? >> this was probably -- i don't know -- probably in -- i would say top five. >> reporter: yeah. >> sandy was the worst. >> reporter: marie sits on the bay. saturday morning the bay rose up, transforming these quiet streets into roaring streams. >> it was like a river. you couldn't actually -- at the
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highest point you couldn't stan there. if you didn't have something to hold on to, you would have gotten swept away. >> reporter: the bay came in, but the ocean did not, held back by miles of protective dunes built after sandy. >> this is our promenade, and now we're going to our recently completely petri replenishment. >> reporter: the dunne was just min initialled in november. this is what saved the town? >> this is it right here. and like i said, the dunes did their job of what they were supposed to do. it presented much damage. >> reporter: prevented much, but not all. this woman just opened her new fitness studio in september and has been cleaning up for two days. >> mother nature you have no control sometimes. we are in like a flood zone
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already, so it could be a lot worse. >> reporter: and that's when you hear over and over again here, tony, it could have been much worse, despite the bay coming in from the west, the atlantic ocean behind me did not overtop dunne. that dune cost about $10 million a mile, but if you ask people here it was well spent money. >> thank you. now kevin is here with a deeper look at the storm and what is coming next. >> that's right. we do think there is something coming next. this particular storm had so many elements that we eater broke records or came very close to breakings records. you can see the storm pushing out here. but all of this is the snow that
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was left by the storm. one amazing thing here is, look at the snow line right there. that is where ittened. some in massachusetts didn't see any snow, but if you went 25 miles south, they got four to five inches of snow. on saturday one of the worst days for the storm. we did have snow on friday as well, a little bit more down here towards the southeast. but look at some of the highlights from the storm. first of all, 31 states saw snow. this is all including mississippi, alabama, and the panhandle of florida. jfk had a record of a little over 30 inches. baltimore, washington, a little under 30. in lewis, delaware, their high tide was 4.6 feet over the normal tide. and one amazing thing about this particular storm, which is not like the next storm coming up, this one was so well predicted five days in advance f.
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up with of the big problems is people see this on their streets. a lot of people's streets will not be plowed out in the next couple of days, and we're going to be seeing the temperatures rise and fall. right now it's a very sunny, warm day, but tomorrow morning those temperatures are going back below freezing. so if you did not have your streets salted or treated, you are going to be having slick conditions across connecticut, down towards pennsylvania, so a very difficult situation. later in the week, tony, we are going to be watching for the potential, and i always say the potential of another nor'easter. >> really? >> right now there is a lot of uncertainty. >> right. right. well, they move in quickly and move out quickly. >> absolutely. >> but they can do some damage. kevin appreciate it. a man hunt is underway for three inmates that broke out of a maxim security jail outside of
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los angeles. jennifer london has the latest. >> reporter: tony, it has been more than 72 hours since three inmates made that brazen jailbreak. authorities say so far they have issued more than 30 search war rents, two of the three are believed to have close tied to vietnamese gangs in the area, and authorities say they may be hiding in the community. it was an elaborate escape from a maximum security jail in orange county. investigators say three violent inmates cut through a steel event, got to the roof, and repelled down five stories using braided bed sheets. three days after the escape, authorities are looking to the public for help. >> we absolutely need the public's help. we need the public's assistance to look at these pictures. we know somebody out there knows something. >> reporter: they are considered
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dangerous. two both documented gang members were on jail on murder and weapons charges. this man was being held in connection with kidnapping ander to -- torture. >> we kidnapped a couple of co-defendants, an individual, tortured him by putting fire to his body. he dumped the victim in the desert and left him alone to die. fortunately he did not. we understand that you are in danger. we understand that you are fearful. >> reporter: how they pulled off the bold escape is under investigation, but authorities say they believe some inmates staged a diversion inside the jail friday night to detail the nightly headcount. >> was a disturbance amongst the inmates where a deputy was assaulted, and at this point we believe it may have been planned as to divert attention of staff
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towards that disturbance, so it would delay the body count. >> reporter: over the summer there was a 22-day search in upstate new york. but unlike the clinton correctional facility, the orange county men's jail is in the urban residential city of santa ana. home to over 300,000 people. some are scared. >> you feel like they are around you. they will do something to you. i don't know. it's just scary, a little bit of scary. and usually i walk at night. i walk around for a half an hour with my sister. and right now i'm not doing that. >> reporter: this has compelled officials to reassess jail security. a $50,000 reward is being offered by the fbi and the u.s.
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marshall's service for any information leading to the capture of the three inmates. tony. >> jennifer london for us in los angeles. hundreds of inmates who were sentence as juveniles to life without parole can now have their sentences reconsidered. jonathan martin has our report. >> reporter: more than 1,000 u.s. prisoners convicted of murder as juveniles have been serving lifetime sentences without chance of parole. but now they will have a chance to be released. >> all of these men and women now get an opportunity to make their case to a judge or to a parole board for why it is that it's safe to send them home. >> reporter: in a 6-3 decision, the high court determined its 2012 ruling giving all teenagers
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sentence to life without parole should be applied retroactively. >> kids are kids everywhere, no matter what the accident of geography and time. >> reporter: the case involved henry montgomery who spent over half a century behind bars. at 17 years old he killed a sheriff's deputy and was given a mandatory sentence of life without parole, but in 2012 the supreme court ruled states can no longer automatically sentence someone under 18 to life without parole. factors like their maturity and social development must be considered. montgomery's attorneys argue that that decision should be applied to people sentenced before the 2012 ruling. >> the sentences are unconstitutional across the board. >> reporter: in his opinion
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antonny kennedy wrote: justice scalia decenteding, saying this decision was for the states to make. many states have already been applying the law retroactively since 2012. seven, including louisiana have not. along with montgomery, about 300 louisiana inmates could now be eligible for parole. up next, in flint, michigan, what they are saying and planning to do about it. and it may be happening in ohio too. growing concerns about the water in the small town of sea bring. ♪
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so your business can get back to business. sounds like my ride's ready. don't get stuck on hold. reach an expert fast. comcast business. built for business. ♪ we should tell you that sea bring, ohio, might be the next flint, michigan. residents of the town were reportedly not told about the lead and copper found in the town's drinking water. sebring's city manager said high levels of lead were found in homes last summer. michigan's attorney general has named a prosecutor to lead the investigation into flint's water crisis. the city's residents are still receiving water bills.
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bisi onile-ere has the latest. >> the tragedy of flint is a tragedy of immense proportion, and words can barely describe this tragedy. things went terribly wrong, those were the word tsz of michigan attorney general on flinth's water crisis. as i have stated many times, i would certainly not bathe a new-born child or a young infant in this bad water, and if you can't drink the bad water, you shouldn't pay for it. >> reporter: one week after launching an investigation into possible wrongdoing, the state attorney general announced two high profile appointments to lead the probe. former wayne county assistant prosecutor, todd flood, who has contributed cash to rick sneijder's campaigns will serve as special county, retired detroit fbi chief will also help
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determine what if any laws were broken. the attorney general calls the team a firewall as his office also defends the state and lawsuits brought by flint residents. >> this is an investigation, i can assure you we're going to open up every door. >> the facts will lead us to the truth. we go in this with no predispositions. >> reporter: in 2014, in, the financially strapped city, began pulling water from the flint river. chemicals added to clean the polluted river water were corrosive, and caused the pipes to leach lead. >> it has been very hard. we worry constantly about the kids' health. >> reporter: i know the government has been under five who do you hold accountable? >> i think it starts with the
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city first. they are the ones that switched over. and that the pipes were bad. >> pipes that would cost the cash-strapped city more than $1 million to replace. the michigan national guard has spent weeks handing out bottled water. jake ward put together a visual guide to help us better understand the magnitude of what is happening to flint's water. >> reporter: in 2013, the city of flint decided to join a new water system connected to lake huron, but they could not make that connection until 2016, so in the meantime, flint decided to draw from the flint river. the river was home to general motors and other companies that produced enormous amounts of lead and toxins.
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lots and lots of that went into the river. when they switched over to the water ts of the flint river, residents could immediately tell that something was wrong. the new water was corosive. in an ironic twist, general motors stopped using it because of damage to its machine components. corrosive water can leach lead out of old pipes, and since 2011, the city of flint knew this. in its report it cited a need to treat the water with phosphates to reduce the corrosiveness. the epa knew this too. in july of 2015 an internal report from the michigan department of health and human services revealed that children in flint were suffering elevated
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lead levels as early as the summer 2014. the reading for lead was 27 parts per billion, that is almost twice what the epa allows, and their limit is widely considered to be too loose. one home read ten times the epa limit. and the highest level recorded was 13,000 parts her billion. and 5,000 parts per billion, the epa considers water to be toxic waist, and this was the stuff coming out of the pipes in that home. since then a flood of reports found that everybody that drink the water have been exposed including over 8,000 children under the age of six. so now what can the city do?
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the only truly effective remedy is what is called a reverse osmosis system. it is how you desal nate ocean water. and it's a very expensive process. an appeals court today declined to order teachers in detroit to end their sickout. the protests that caused several schools to close. the judge said there was no proof that the actions were part of a job action organized by a union or its leaders. a trial began in north carolina today that could effect voting rights nationwide. more now from al jazeera's robert ray. >> reporter: in north carolina voters are required to show one
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of six specified kinds of ids. >> we see voter suppression tactics that we haven't seen since the 19th century. the photo id portion of these laws, the first bill was the worst in the country, worst in south carolina and alabama. you can't even use a college id. >> make sure that you are registered. >> reporter: supporters of tough voting requirements say the laws are designed to combat voter fraud, even though there is no evidence of massive voter flaws in the u.s. >> voting impacts and effects everything that you do, everything from education, from your medical issue, everything from your groceries. >> reporter: the department of justice and several rights groups say north carolina
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deliberately sought to suppress african american and elderly voting. north carolina's governor disagrees. >> let me be direct, many of those from the extreme left who have been criticizing photo id are using scare tactics. they are more interested in divisive politics. >> reporter: the naacp says the divisive politics in the state are taking them back at least 50 years, including the governor that dr. william barber says has been interfering since the beginning. >> we want everybody to vote. but this crowd is afraid of fally engaged democracy, because they can't make their case in the public square. >> we win we will stop legislators from rolling back voting rights all over this
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country. they will understand that they cannot do this. >> reporter: the trial deals with only the voter id requirement. other parts were trailed last summer, but have not been decided yet. robert ray, al jazeera, raleigh, north carolina. up next, counting down to the iowa caucuses, the democrats host a townhall meeting with one week to go. and syria's peace talks postponed. why negotiators are having trouble bringing everyone to the table. ♪
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a texas grand jury investigating allegations that a planned parenthood was illegally selling fetal tissue has decided not to charge the organization with any wrongdoing. but instead they indicted the anti-abortion activists who recorded the undercover video that sparked the investigation. they are charged with tampering with governmental record and face up to 20 years in prison. one week from today, caucus goers in iowa strike the first blow in the fight to see who takes over the white house. and don't democratic candidates will appear in des moines. michael shure is live for us in los angeles, and look, michael, iowa polls, you know, i'm not much for these things, but they have been all over the place
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when it comes to hillary clinton and senator sanders. what has happened to this race over the last ten days to make a difference? >> reporter: well, they have sort of heightened the attacks on one another, picking things apart from one another's record, so tony, yeah, these polls in iowa, which you dissi dissize -- despised so, have favored hillary clinton. bernie sanders has been up by as much as 8 points on this poll. but the point is that everywhere, he is closing the gap, and hillary clinton has been forced to campaign, so campaign she has in iowa. she has gone after bernie sanders on issues ranging from immigration to what his stance are on black and minority issues, on issues that have to do with not necessarily iowa
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voters but liberal voters that might not be comfortable with bernie sanders's ab -- electability. >> the president said this: what are your thoughts on this comment from the president? >> reporter: well, if you took bernie out and put barack in there, it would be the same story. i'm sure there is a part of him that feels a little sympathy. but by the same token, i think he knows that hillary clinton has learned lessons from that, in ways that she is taking the
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bernie sanders insurgency a little bit more seriously than maybe she did with barack obama, though, you know, this is the first time we have heard any analysis any kind of in-depth thought from the president on this race, and it's clearly one he is looking at. i think he feels good about both candidates, in that he sees the role that sanders is playing, but knows that hillary clinton is the front runner still. >> why is the former governor of my home stayed, maryland, martin o'malley, why is he still in this case? it pains me to ask the question that way, but why is he still in the race? >> reporter: well, it pained me to ask him the other night. i said is this the end of the road? and he said no. but he is in it because he does want to be president. he also, tony, wants to be there in case something happens to the front runner, he is the in case
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of emergency break glass guy. i asked him point blank, is this then of the road? and he said, no let's see what happens in iowa. they said there are three tickets out of iowa, the top two and the third place, but when there are only three candidates running, it might just be two. >> hey, michael, is anyone concerned on either side of this about michael bloomberg possibly jumping into the race? >> reporter: i think gun rights activists are concerned. i think new york -- not a lot of people are talking about this, but all of a sudden the democrats are going to have to spend money in a state that they have in their back pocket right now, and that is going to cause democrats a little bit of unease, because they didn't think they would ever have to campaign in new york this soon. and mike bloomberg, he would
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change the democratic. but he is sort of like donald trump. you get that self funder, and an outside candidate, that's what people want it seems this year, and it might be the right year. >> michael shure good to see you. michael shure joining us from los angeles. a columnist for the des moines newspaper said she has seen a revolution in the candidates, particularly bernie sanders. >> when i first did a one on one interview with bernie sanders very early on, at that point it was all about he was trying to gauge the territory, and whether there was an appetite for a revolution, and he was a little bit cautious. he didn't have the fire in the belly that he has subsequently developed. and now you see him in front of a group, and he speaks with
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absolute self confidence that there is this type of appetite for a revolution that he is talking about. so that has been striking. and he says he has gotten this from being out and about and talking to iowians. >> have iowians warmed up to him? is that your sense? >> very much well, they have warmed up to him partly, and initially there was a 9-point gap in the previous iowa poll done by the des moines register, and that gap is down to a 2 percentage point difference according to our last poll, but what the analysis of the poll takers shows is it wasn't so much that people were thinking more favorably about him, but rather that they were thinking a little bit less favorably about hillary clinton. and i think from pushing her from the left, he has been able to sew some seeds of doubt about her authenticity, about her speaking fees, and whose side
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she would really will been on in this economic meltdown situation. >> let me go to the editorial for a moment that endorses hillary clinton. let me read a line from it, and let me ask you whether or not it sort of captures the ground on the iowa as you see it: >> uh-huh. >> does that get it right in your opinion? >> absolutely gets it right. in that phrase completely summarizes what i have been hearing on the ground here. even among my own circle of friends, people are really torn, because they think hilary would have a better chance of getting elected in the general, but bernie speaks to their hearts. they feel that he doesn't say anything with a view to getting
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elected, but rather because he really believes in it. i have some friends who are supporting bernie. they are upper-income people, the progressive liberal people, and so, yes, i think that that -- that is what the decision is going to come down to for a lot of democrats who are caucus goers. >> how do you see the race on the republican side? and we're talking i suppose of cruz, trump, and rubio. >> the fact that donald trump has done so well so consistently in iowa and across the nation has stunned everybody, probably most of all, donald trump himself. >> why does it surprise you as someone who has been doing this for a while now? forget about everybody -- i want to know why it surprises you? >> because donald trump doesn't really stand for anything, for one thing. he doesn't have very wedded
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beliefs in everything. he has changed his tune about abortion, about gay right, he is not a evangelical christian, but is trying to cater to that vote. everything about him is sort of flip flop, and the fact that he doesn't say very much, and i think there was exsimplified by the speech that sarah palin made about him. in that what he does. he makes grand announcements but never follows through on how the plans to built this wall, and so forth. so people are willing to take it on faith that what he says is what he will do without any evidence, is almost like a kid in school that would yell out a stream of obscenities and be
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hauled out by the teacher, that the rest of the students will silently cheer him on. >> what is it like to be in the room as smart people columnists, editorial writers and you are talking to someone like trump who doesn't say much, and refuses to be pinned down and has been all over the place in its views and opinions? >> well, tony, that's the million dollars question, because he didn't agree to meet with us. donald trump and ted cruz refused to meet with us, in part because they were not seeking the registers' endorsement, but as you know the register supported rubio. >> yeah, let's talk about that. here is the line from the endorsement. and again, i want to know if the endorsement in your view gets it right.
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your thoughts? does the editorial get it right? and then i have a follow-up? >> i mean, i think that those points that they raised are true. i think that were i writing a piece about him, the main point i would make is which rubio would you get? would you get the ultra conservative rubio, who south there trying to match up his conservative credentials against, you know, the ted cruz's, or would you get a more moderate main stream rubio who has said he favored some sort of immigration reform, and what is what is vexing. >> and last one, just because i want to stir it up. the first votes should be cast in a primary, not a caucus,
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and -- and two different states should get picked to -- to host the first primary every four years, it shouldn't start every year in iowa with a caucus. what do you say to do that? >> this is your opinion. [ laughter ] >> i say that there's a lot to be said -- i mean, i have myself in my column questioned whether iowa was the appropriate place to have the very first one of these, and the reason i requested it is because it is over 90% white and not very representative of the american population. we have seen so much tension over police brutality, but not an issue you have seen a lot of activism around in iowa, even though it exists. and muslims you don't hear their voices very much, so it's not broadly representative. on the other hand, i would argue
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against myself and say, but we have a very educated populous that really studies the issues and pays attention to the positions of the candidates. we're not taking enough advantage of that as voters, and they should be. as far as the caucuses themselves, i think it's a very interesting exercise in democracy. some people have a hard time with the fact if you are a democrat and you go into a caucus, your vote is open. it's not cast behind closed doors. you have to actually physically separate yourself and stand on a side of the room that represents the candidate that you are supporting, and if that candidate doesn't prove to be viable in that particular caucus precinct, then you have to decide to go with another candidate, and this is all played out in public.
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i think it's great that people should have to argue for why they are supporting a different candidate and why you should go over to their side, unfortunately i don't think that often there are such substantive arguments. i think sometimes it's just a matter of pure numbers. >> i have really erin joyed this. appreciate your time so much. >> thank you. the armed protesters who took over the national bird sanctuary in oregon, met with the federal government today. this comes as a native american tribe is calling on the justice department to stop the group from moving arrange the sanctuary. they are concerned some of their artifacts will go missing. still ahead, five years after the revolution, the new protests in egypt. plus border control, after years of lax restrictions,
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>> we're here to fully get into the nuances of everything that's going on, not just in this country, but around the world. getting the news from the people who are affected. >> people need to demand reform... >> ali velshi on target. a new warning about the mosquito-born azeka virus. it is now present in 21 countries and has been linked to brain damage in brazilian
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babies. in egypt, thousands today are celebrating the five-year anniversary of the so-called january 25th revolution. the protests lead to the overthrow of president mubarak. our correspondent has a look back. >> reporter: it was supposed to be a new dawn as millions of egyptians came together. people from all faiths, backgrounds, and ages, united in the call for change. nearly 50% of egypt's population is less than 24 years old, so the youth were the driving force of the revolution. even opposing football fans, joined the protests. and it started with a tech-savvy generation that galvanized crowds through social media and mobile phones. >> the youth were the leaders of what was happening. and also we were not into politics. we didn't really care about
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politics. we just knew this is wrong, and we should speak up to that, and that's exactly what happened. >> reporter: it was a period of demanding political freedom. it was much later that organized groups and political forces joined the protesters, all calling for an end for decades of tierney and injustice. hundreds of protesters were killed. since then an elected government has been replaced by the military, and new stricter laws restrict protests. many of those who were iconed of the revolution are in exile or in jail. >> the same tool that united us to topple dictators eventually tore us apart. >> reporter: people like any bell peace prize winner, are now living outside of the country.
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a prominent blogger has been jailed for five years for violating the laws. most of us remember the crackdown at the square and its aftermath. >> we also blamed the previous generation, how they never really moved up to -- to what is going on. they never talked about the -- all of the corruption about the mubarak regime and all of that. i think there will be a revolution happening in the next five years. >> reporter: five years on a blood-stained chapter continues to overshadow what many egyptians saw as the people's revolution. the latest talks aimed attending the war in syria were supposed to begin today. james bayes is in geneva with more on why they were delayed. >> reporter: the delayed talks are now due to start on friday,
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but still the controversy is over who will represent the opposition. the u.n. special envoy says the decision in the end is his. he says his agenda will be based on the u.n. security council resolution passed in december, but he knows which issues should be discussed first. >> the agenda will be already set up, the governance, the new governance, new constitution, and new elections. the first priority will be the focus of the talks of what most syrians, if not all want to hear, the possibility of a brood ceasefire, and the possibility of stopping the threat of isil, and therefore, and thanks to a broader ceasefire, an increase
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of humanitarian aid. i'll give it now to al jazeera, thank you. >> james bayes from al jazeera, most important question here, clearly you are not going to read the list of who you are going to invite, but who you are going to invite. how many rooms will be you be shuffling between? how many delegations are there going to be? >> the issue about rooms and delegations will be part exactly of the creativity of these proximity talks, and you will see it yourself. because there will be, in my opinion a lot of shuffling, because there is not only different delegations, but there are also civil society, women and others who deserve to be heard. the issue is they will be meeting me and my colleagues and those we will be assigning as facilitators or negotiators. so you could have a lot of
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simultaneous meetings taking place. >> reporter: so a significant amount of action happening here starting on friday, but that of course, is if the talks start on friday, and that depends whether the main fighting groups, those on the so-called riyadh list decide to attend. the european union is running out of time. leaders are in the second day of meetings trying to figure out a way to reduce the flow of refugees entering their borders. it may mean the end of the schengen zone. al jazeera's barnaby phillips has more now from germany's border with austria. >> reporter: it's free movement across europe gradually coming to a stop. on the austrian border, the german police have been controlling arrivals since september. this is not what the schengen zone was meant to look like.
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but as the refugee crisis drags on, governments are putting national interest first. in amsterdam european ministers held talks again on how to manage the flow of refugees and migrants. some governments increasingly frustrated with greece, which they say has failed to control its borders with turkey, are now talking about suspending it from the schengen zone. >> reporter: if it is not possible to protect the border, then the external border will move towards central europe. greece must strengthen its boarders as soon as possible. >> reporter: the greeks say they have played an unfair burden compared to the rest of europe. and all the while, refugees keep on coming. these people, mainly syrians and afghans are being processed in austria, before crossing into
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germany, all ages, all hoping to start a new life far from where they were born. and finally, on a dark, cold, winter's night, they arrive in southern germany. the last country, they hope, in their long journey. >> reporter: the german authorities say between two and 3,000 refugees and migrants are arriving every day. everyone expects the numbers will increase when the weather gets warm again. europe is in a race against control to control its borders and preserve its unity. they wait to find out where in germany they will be sent, while their asylum claims are being considered. they need to rest and recover. but they are grateful to have gotten to germany while it was still possible to travel across europe. a street artist is using his art to display his unhappiness
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with france. he drew the child surrounded by gas. it also contained a bar code that links to a video showing french police using tear gas in a calais raid earlier this month. and iranian president is wasting little time capitalizing on the removal of economic sanctions against his country. he flew to europe today. over the next two days he and a huge delegation of iranian business leaders expect to sign deals worth up to $18 billion. he heads to france on wednesday. up next, a tragic end to an historic journey. ♪
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a british explorer died yesterday after attempting the journey of a century. he was trying to cross antarctica, alone. he pulled his sled packed with food and supplies more than 900 miles, until exhaustion and dehydration kicked in. he said he was unable to slide one ski in front of the other. he was air lifted off of the ice, just 30 miles from his finish line. thanks for watching. john siegenthaler is back with more of today's news right now. hi, tony, we begin in
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southern california where a manhunt is underway tonight for three men. the dangerous trio escaped on friday. investigatorss say they were al awaiting trial for violent crimes. jennifer london is in los angeles with more. jennifer? >> reporter: john, where they are, and how they got away, those are the two big questions tonight. authorities say two of the three escaped inmates have strong ties with vietnamese gangs in the area, and they don't believe they have fled southern california. in fact authorities say they may be hiding in the community. it was an elaborate escape from a mechanics mum-security jail, in southern california's orange county. three violent inmates cut through a steel event, got to the roof, and repelled down five stories using
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