tv News Al Jazeera January 26, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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codes, and they say the outcome will determine which way the clock moves next. aljazeera, washington. >> and finally, the legendary character actor, abe bagota has died. he's best-known for his role in the godfather. he's remembered as saturday fill fish in the 70s sitcom, barney miller. his passing is attributed to old age. john seigenthaler is back. thanks, we begin with a fall out following a racially charged police shooting in cleveland, started by a police chase and ended in a hail of bullets, 13 officers firing more than 137 rounds into a car killing two inside. they were unharmed. today the department issued its findings in the disturbing case. richelle carey has the latest. >> i promised the community at
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that time that i would find out. >> cleveland's public security director and former chief of place michael degraft vowed to get to the bottom of a police chase that ended in a barrage of fire. killing two people, unarmed occupants of this vehicle. >> 127 shots were fired, 60-plus cars, went through three districts. >> reporter: tuesday, the police department shared its findings, the details of an internal investigation into the actions of 13 police officers involved in the shooting. and announced the firing of six officers, including michael valelo, the only officer charged in the incident criminally. he was acquitted last may. the equatal lead to demonstrations that were peaceful. >> the officer climbed on a trunk car. >> reporter: he was accused of
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standing on a police cruiser and firing 15 shots. >> the officer fired into the suspects vehicle. >> police recreated the shooting incident using trial testimony and forensic analysis. >> officer d arrived officer j to retrieve the shotgun from car 217. officer j refuses due to the gun fire. another six officers have been suspended for their role, and a 13th will retire early. >> it's not criminal, and it doesn't rise to the level of firing anyone. >> the police union defended the actions of the officers, saying their lives were threatened when russell refused to heed warnings. >> we fired at guns when they use cars as deadly weapons, we have the right to defend ourselves. >> the police union is vowing to appeal the dismissals. >> paul is a civil rights
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attorney. he's in kiev lant. i understand you were meeting with city officials today. what did they say? >> they told us what the discipline was, it was part of the press conference, they laid out the discipline and why they came to those conclusions. >> do you have a sense of why the officers were let go as a result of that conversation? >> i think it was a result of what a complete and utter disaster this pursuit was that ended in the death of two unarmed people. the six worse shooters of 13 have been terminated. >> have you spoken to the russell family, what do they say? >> i have spoken to them. they arrived me to come down here to be their voice, and they are - they are happy that some accountability is taking place, but they are hugely disappointed. this happened in november 2012, so it's over three years ago, and i tell you the truth, i think we feel that t a
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cultural problem within the department. >> what does that mean? >> well, i think when you look at all of the officers involved in this pursuit. all 67, and how many of them refused to stop the pursuit, and how many of them shot - you know, 137 bullets at the two people, it doesn't say that you have one rogue officer. it says that you've got a department that has too many cowboys in it. >> other than cowboys, what else does it tell you about that police department? >> well, i mean, it tells me that right now it's fractured, between the administration and the union. i mean, when this happened, it shined a light, national exposure on the city of cleveland police department. now you have the administration saying that we have problems with the officers, and you have the unions saying that it's not your problem, it's the administration and a lack of resources. >> and the fact that the union wants the officers reinstated.
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what do you make of that? >> i think they'll push hard to get it reinstated. it could be another two years, and i tell you the truth, the arbitration process could end up in all six officers coming back. >> what is wrong with the cleveland police department? >> i think we got away from working together. i think we got away from it being the community. i think the cleveland police look at packets of the community, people in the community as containing them, controlling them. i think we got away from the community policing. i think it's a problem across the country. >> good to have you on the programme. thank you very much. >> thank you the chicago police department has been under fire after several high-profile shootings, two fatal shootings apt the hands of the same officer received little publicity. the officer was not charged in either case, but the parents of the victims don't give up their
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fight. they spoke with andrew rowan. this is video cam of this farmer being shot dead in 2011. farmer was a suspect of domestic disturbance. >> he put the three shots in the back of the hand and neck. >> was that guy armed. >> lorenzo davis, a former lead police investigator agreed with farmer's family that this was a case of murder. but his bosses at the independent police review authority overruled him, and the state's attorney declined to prosecute. even though he made a mistake his actions were not criminal. he had shot and killed another man six months earlier in an an
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are -- a case of mistaken identity. the families of the men continued to demand justice for the victims, and following november's release of the police shooting video, a spotlight is being shined on these cases. >> it's like i told you so. i've been saying it all along. for the other matters, i hear what they said. don't let nobody tell you nothing about your child. >> it hasn't come to a climax yet. it's a lot of relief knowing that something is starting to be done. >> the family of flint farmer settled a civil case with the city for 4.1 million. the family sued the city for excessive force and lost. this month a federal judge ruled attorneys with the city withheld evidence and ordered a new trial. now those two city attorneys are out along with the police
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superintendents at the home. and the head of the investigative unit who clashed with investigator lorenzo davis. >> it makes me feel better that i got people to resign. all the crooked people. i did that. >> whether the point develop family -- poindex family moves ahead, the attorney says in this is no way for a city to operate. >> it doesn't do any good to keep releasing videos of teenagers shot and killed in the streets. the city of chicago paying people. >> the attorney for the former officer tells us he was as wrong as the attorneys that held evidence. he could face criminal charges and now face a federal civil rights charge because after the edmonton video was released the city asked federal investigators to look into all of the police-involved killings, just as the families always wanted.
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>> black people don't have litters, we have children, you know, people that care about them, you know. >>. police say three men that broke out of gaol could be hiding among the vietnamese community. hundreds of officers focused on orange county. where they could be holed up. they were awaiting trials for violent felonies, the reward for their capture was raised to 200,000. president obama banning solitary confinement for juveniles in federal prisons, in an op-ed peace president obama said the punishment can have long-term psychological consequences. executive actions include limiting time, expanding solitary for a first offense to 60 days. the counter limit is one year now to the presidential race
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and the critical first battle ground of iowa. the first presidential battle will be held in 10 days. there's controversy over the republican debate. michael shure is in l.a., our political contributor. donald trump is not going to appear, why? >> he's not going to appear after a feud with the fox noose moderator and anchor, megyn kelly, has had problems with donald trump, and he has had problems with her. he did not think she was a fair journalist, should not be on the panel or participate. everything he has done thus far hasn't worked. if you have to look at the decision not to participate in the debate as something that is tactical and in iowa may have points to make with the voters
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who see him going rogue. the race is closing and iowa is the focus of the political world today. >> it's basic commonsense. live within your means. >> 7 stops with six days left. texas senator chris cruz is making a pitch o iowa was. on the republican side iowa has been a virtual 2-man race between cruz and donald trump, the two jostling for key endorsements. tuesday the texas senator picked up support from a favourite target of trump. >> there is not a candidate asking for your support, that reflects it any better, more power fully nor consistently than the next president of the united states, senator ted cruz. >> backing up perry were pro-cruz superpact ads. the ads slam trump and try to
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soften a back flash that cruz may have suffered during remarks during the last debate. >> i live in new york city and manhattan, my views are a little different. the ad is aimed at winning back anklical support. >> president trump - would he ban... >> i am pro-choice. >> for trump, cruz's strategy has the hallmarks of desperation. any headway cruz hopes to make with undecided evangelicals, especially with sallin's endorsement -- sarah palin's reendorsement. may have been thwarted. >> trump picked up support. >> his polls have gone down like i have never seen. >> support comes as a video obtained by the christian broadcasting network emerged revealing a surprising emission.
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if donald wins iowa, he now has a substantial lead in new hampshi hampshire. if he won new hampshire, he could be unstoppable and be our nominee. >> as for the rest of the field. they gather in the hawkeye state one last time to make their case during a fox news debate. >> where donald trump announcing that he will not participate, it's looking like a 3-man race. chris christie and john kassig have virtually pulled out of iowa to concentrate on the new hampshire primary. as for the democrats, monday was a chance for closing arguments. hillary clinton and bernie sanders faced off in iowa. the independent senator in some polls have been edging out clinton. monday, sanders talked about his
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plan for universal health care and how to pay for it. >> you are going to raise taxes? >> yes, we will raise taxes. >> for clinton it was a chance to push back at sanctions that are new to the economic news. >> i've been on the front lines of change and progress since i was your age. i have been fighting to give kids and women and the people left out and left behind a chance to make the most out of their own lives and, john, ahead of the caucuses, hillary clinton goes to new york tomorrow for fund raises. bernie sanders goes to the white house to meet with president obama many candidates that win iowa caucus don't necessarily win the nomination. rick santorumion four years ago. why is much emphasis place on
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this. >> mike huckabee won in 2008. the iowa caucuses have been a win-win process, getting rid of the candidates. it will not be that way this time. looks like new hampshire serves in the role it has. the republicans and kassig and christy are fighting it out there. if one of them appears to be winning or ahead of the others, some will fall by mike huckabee. they may lose felipe santana out of iowa, not the role that it plays. >> lincoln mitchell is a national reporter for the new york observer, he's in our studio tonight. what is your reaction to donald trump, who decided not to participate in the debate. >> why? >> people will watch the debate. they see that donald trump is not there. he's the rest of people, ted cruz and others who have the opportunity to speak. we know trump doesn't like
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making tellie. this is an opportunity, if he's on the stage he wan instalment her and say what he wants. the moderator doesn't fight back. >> i ran into a commentator that suggested donald trump is not that good a debater. he hasn't done well in the debates, why risk it. throw the poll that shows trump 31%. cruz 26%. marco rubio 36%. doesn't he get more attention? >> he gets more attention today. they'll gun for him in that debate. he'll not be there to defend himself. a better strategy is to have fewer debates, but to have debates go on without him, televised nationally, and watched closely in iowa, that's a mistake. >> let me switch gears and look at the latest poll when it comes to democrats in iowa. sanders 46, clinton 44 and
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martin o'malley. let's play a sound bite from a question hillary clinton got. >> reporter: it feels like there's a lot of young people like myself who are passionate supporters of bernie sanders, and i don't see the same enthusiasm from younger people for you. in fact, i've heard from a few people my age that they think you are dishonest but i'd like to hear from you on why you feel the enthusiasm is not there. >> dishonest. she took a long time to answer that question. does this representatives a theme, a problem, a big problem she's got in iowa. >> it represents a problem. one thing to note is not all young democratic voters are white. if you raised that when with younger african-american, latino voters, you may get different responses. it's true, hillary clinton in 1992, if you were old enough to remember, hillary clinton was
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the liberal wife of the democratic nominee. today she is part of the establishment. conservative in some areas, and the base of the party moved considerably to the left from where hillary clinton is. that's very natural. >> what has bernie sanders got going for him. why is it now, why is it strong. bernie sanders has it going for him, that he is speaking in straight forward and ambiguous terms to an electorate in the primary state that have been focused on an issue of inequality. he has the advantage of not being on outsider or the policies of the bill clinton administration, which bill clinton defend, which has seen as center right policies, not the progressive policies that hillary clinton would like to present them. >> let me ping-pong back to the republicans again. we have donald trump, who gets
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an endorsement from the son of falwel. >> what is going on with the endorsements. how much is the endorsements that matter. >> i don't think it matters that much. rick perry is known to the person, the member of the third cabinet. so what matters more here is can you get some of them, do you get some support, if you have no endorsements. no one is supporting you. if you get sarah palin and john rocker. the strange right wing former relief picture for the atlanta braves to endorse you within a week, on the one hand there's news there. there's erratic behaviour there as well. i wouldn't put too much stock in endorse: you have to get some. >> for bernie sanders, a high
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profile position. in general, it's a mess. >> i'm not sure it was a mistake for donald trump to drop out of the debate. i wonder if he holds a competing press conference during the debate, before, or after, whether it attracts more attention than anyone else. >> he may, he will go on television saying i have higher ratings. >> and the polls surged. >> and he'd site the latest polls, we never know. >> next on the broadcast. evidence that syrian evidence bashar al-assad is gaining military strength over rebel forces. and from sitcoms to oscar winning dramas, we look at the life of character actor abe bagota.
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the only way to get better is to challenge yourself, and that's what we're doing at xfinity. we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around.
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after weeks of fighting the syrian army says it captured a strategic army in the south. it links towns with critical supply routes. gerald tan has more. >> a syrian flag flies again. it's taken the army weeks of intense fighting with rebels to retake the town in the sworn province of deraa. state television shows military forces after securing supply lines. they are reported to be continuing on the outskirts. the importance of the ruined town cannot be understated.
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it lays on the main road thinking the capital damascus with deraa. the city where it began. government forces gave up much of the territory until russian armed forces began the campaign last september. the intervention has been seen as a game challenger. >> things have changed around. last summer, the - the al nusra front, the al qaeda affiliate was making gains, and now there's the significant reversal affecting -- affecting the rebels logistics. >> russians carried out thousands of missions helping the government regain control. it recaptured a town, a key base for rebels in latakia. the russian aerial bombardment is being criticized for being
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indiscriminate. i.s.i.l. and other armed groups are being targeted. some human rights groups say the air strikes killed more civilians than fighters. >> on the diplomatic front - talks about syria's war is set to begin in geneva. fighting on the ground is on the rise. james bays reports. the. >> over five years of warfare in syria, whenever there has been the prospect of a diplomatic initiative. we have seen an increase in the fighting on the ground. we saw it two years ago when last time there were talks in geneva, and we see military initiative days before the talks start, stefan de-mistura, the u.n. envoy said that one of the first things on the agenda is trying to get ceasefires in place, and places in syria, as
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well as humanitarian access. >> when the various parties, and in this case the syrian government hearse a ceasefire is coming soon. they clearly try to make military gains before that ceasefire, because they know that once there's a ceasefire, the military situation will be frozen. what you see on the ground in syria, and in particular in the last few hours. is linked to the fact that there is prospects of the talks at the end of the week starting in geneva. >> that was james bays reporting. iranian president met with the pope. they talked about the middle east, fighting terrorist. arms trafficking and interreligious dialogue. it was the first meeting since 1999. italy is hassan rouhani's first stop on the tour. aimed at securing international investment in iran after years of sanctions. sop far hassan rouhani signed trade deals worth $18 billion.
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illness is spreading. it's suspected of causing brain damage in infants. the focus is on containing the disease if and when it comes to the u.s. courtney kealy has more. >> o >> reporter: zika is a relatively new virus, spread through mosquito bites. it's spread through 20 counties. c.d.c. urged women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant not to travel to 20 destination, and releases guidelines for investigations. >> the laboratory confirms there's a handful of cases, the huge increase of zika is in north eastern brazil. and the rise of zika cases gives
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a lot of reason for conzern. and the big task is to try to establish the link here. the world health organisation said it suspects there's a link between the zika virus in brazil and microself alley, children born with small heads and brains, other countries that have had outbreaks have not reported cases of microcephali. >> in brazil. the upcoming carnival parades will be held is part of an effort to contain the virus. >> during the kearney varl there are people from different parts of brazil. it's the kind of virus that gets in. you could have an epidemic in this place. >> puerto rico's embassy confirmed 18 cases the majority in the south-east, and the victims elderly. >> united airlines, and latin
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america's airlines will wave cancellation or flight change fees for people that want to change from countries where the virus is pref rant. as more -- prevalent. as more people come back to the u.s. with cases there could be more prevalence. >> we could have small clusters, but i'm confident we will not have widespread zika virus. >> it's hard to spot. >> there is no treatment for this virus, we - if you get infected, we can't give you a drug to cure you, there's no vaccine yet. the whole trip is to stay away from infected mosquitos, it may become more difficult. health officials expect the virus to spread to every county in north and south america
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health officials say pregnant women should be screened for depression during and after pregnancy. new guidelines were appointed. evidence suggests that cases of so-called post-partum depression start during pregnancy. other researchers suggest maternal depression is far more common and could affect one in three mothers. this is the former president of post part 'em support international. she is in indianapolis. >> it seems to me this is an issue, a topic that has been talked about in medicine for 25-30 years. why did it take so long to take access on this? >> you know, i have been specialising in this field for 20 years. when i started, there was little research, very little - i could
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name all the books that had been written on it, and own them all. there has been more and more people going into the field - i say more movie stars coming forward. brook shields wrote her book - when was that - early 2000s. that brought a lot of information out. also post part 'em support international started to do national and international trainings, more and more women coming forward, being open and trying to get rid of the stigma. so that the word got out more and more each year, which i say we've come a long way. we have a long way to go. there's much stigma. >> and i understand what you are saying about that. there was a lot of anecdotal evidence. there were stars that came uch. whether -- who came up, who came up and had the guts to say what was going on with them. i'll push it one more time.
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it seems to me that a lot of women were ignored by their doctors when they complained of having these sorts of problems, is that fair? >> it's absolutely fair. i hear story after story from women saying "i think i might have post part 'em depression," they say "get some rest, go for a walk, and come back in a couple of weeks", it makes me sad. in our offices, sometimes they still, themselves, don't have the information about a parry natal mood disorders, and women are ignored. >> is that because they were men. >> well, that used to be the case, of course, it's not any more in o b. we have many more females, but that would have been the case, yes. years ago that would have been the case.
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>> so what are the new - what are the new recommendations suggesting. new recommendations say that women should be screened. they don't give whens, we can work it out. when we talk about screening, we are not talking about a piece of paper, as the executive director says, we are talking about education. that gives the provider and woman a chance to talk about a perry natal mood or disorder, what it looks like, and what can be done about it. opening up that conversation with every single woman. because the women themselves don't know what it looks like. if you think about what we taught for years was if you find yourself crying, be sure and call your doctor. what if she wakes up with anxiety. what if she wakes up with irritability and anger.
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obsessive compulsive disorder or she has anxiety. she doesn't know what she was, her care provider doesn't know because they haven't been trained. >> what do men and women that don't under the issue need to know. >> the term post part 'em is a term people know. and it says it's only depression in the last area. the blow us last two weeks, from hormonal drops. depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder. post traumatic stress or psychosis can start any time. but the other anxiety and depression can start any time in pregnancy and look, so many different ways, not just crying or sadness, make not sleeping or
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eating, maybe irritable and angry. to know that there's many ways for it to look. we should teach na in all officers, all the bedside nurses to teach mums before they go home. there are many places not doing that. important work that you are doing. good luck in continuing to get the message out. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> arrest warrants have been issued for two activist film-makers, who target planned parenthood. the pair is planning to travel to houston, a grand jury cleared the health group of any wrongdoing. >> this is a legal win, not just that the organization was not charged, but the focus, the scrutiny is the anti-abortion activists attacking planned parenthood. republicans are intend in going after planned parenthood.
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>> state officials in texas vow to investigate planned parenthood. but the announcement that a grand jury will not charge the organization and charge the activists who went under cover changed the debate. the leader of the anti-abortions rights group is accused of violating is texas law on performing human organs, and he and another are accused of using fake i.d. cards. a planned parenthood spokesman reacted with a statement saying the only people that engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind the fraud. the investigations began after a center released undercover video online claiming it showed a planned parenthood official trying to sell abortal tissue. it's been the subject of congressional hearing, and republicans threatened to shut the government over funding for the group. >> we ought to ban funding of
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tax dollars. >> planned parenthood went on the offensive. suing the center for medical progress in san francisco, accusing it of targetting planned parenthood in a criminal enterprise. the political fire works conditioned, including on the presidential campaign trial. mike huckabee tweeting it's a sick day in america when the government punishes evil with a smartphone while accommodating those that perform it with a scalpel. and carly fiorina selling a radio show that:. >> carly fiorina attended the rally against apportion rights, the match for life. focus demand those that test access to league at abortion, and is tough enough to stand up to anyone, denying women the right to make their own decision. >> democrats have been eager to defend planned parenthood.
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hillary clinton earnt the first ever primary endorsement. republican officials in eight states tried to fight planned parenthood through actions like stopping medicare reembersment. 11 states launched investigations. two are open. so far the others found no wrongdoing despite legal wins for planned parenthood, you can bet this issue will stay in the political cross-hairs. it's not coming up in the primary fight for presidency, once the general election begins, you'll see it flare-up seeing democrats and republicans have different opinions about planned parenthood's future. >> now to canada where more than 1,000 indigenous women have gone missing or murdered. many cases have gone unsolved for decades. after years of calls, the new prime minister is launching one. melissa chan has more on the
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victims. >> reporter: five years ago kyle's sister amber disappeared. >> she was seen getting into a red truck. and that's as far as we know. a guy in his mid 30s, short stubbie hair, stocky build. >> gabosh was 20 years old. >> there are so many women going missing in indigenous communities, why are they more vulnerable? >> they are easy prey. a lot of people don't believe they can get away with it. >> winnipeg has the latest indigenous population in canada. many. indigenous in the city are poor. poverty makes people vulnerable to the point to the point where they are more attractive to the predators, and there are many predators out there. >> bodies sometimes turn up in the river. the indigenous feel that the
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government ignored the violence, there's public awareness and a movement to change things. >> it seems like the people have had enough. that - yes. >> the campaign to find out what happened to missing women picked up momentum with the support of the government. the prime minister justin trudeau keen to improve relations with the great eindigenous community. >> we have made the inquiry a priority for the government. those touched by the national tragedy have waited long enough. >> by their own administration police say they have 1200 cases of missing or murdered indigenous women over the past 30 years. they are over-represented, more likely to go missing or murdered, making up 16% representing 4.3% of the total
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population. bernadette's sister was another victim. >> having a criminal record, a known drug user, and someone known to free went the streets of the all played a role. if these were nonindigenous women, i am sure it would have been done a long time ago. >> the problem people had was a sense that law enforcement was not to prioritise cases. >> this intersection was the last known election. police didn't bother looking into the case until 10 days after she went missing. >> 90% are solved.
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limited resources required them to focus on what cases to focus on. >> winnipeg handles 20,000 missing person cases. on a daily basis, officers are coordinating, assessing... >> feeling powerless, some took matters into their own hand. smith and kematch drag the river hoping to find clues. they will not give up their search. >> time heels, but it doesn't get easier when you don't have answers. it feels like yesterday she went missing. >> it's unlikely a national inquiry will solve cases. the mood led to a tragic trend. proponents hope at the least that it will make the system more fair, raise awareness, and
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make canada safer for the indigenous women. >> with threats to the earth, including climate change and nuclear proliferation, the doomsday clock is set 3 minutes to midnight. the group behind the clock says it's not good news, citing global threats and a rise in attacks. the threat is the closest it has been over the past 20 years patty culhane reports from washington. >> it's been a year of breakthroughs, of climate change agreements, the iran nuclear deal done. but according to the bulletin and the atomic scientist, the people that set the clock, it's not enough to move their hands of time. they say the world is three minutes in utter catastrophe, nothing changed from last year. in part because more nuclear weapons are made.
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>> nuclear missiles continue. china north korea and others are increasing the nuclear articles, and others are modernizing the arsenal. it is hard to reduce the reliance when you expect to spend more than 350 billion modernizing them. >> this has been getting fangs for 69 years. it has encouraged countries to get nuclear weapons, and it had real and deadly consequences. >> the major case in point is the war in iraq, beginning as an anti-proliferation war. the danger was sudan didn't have nuclear weapons the result is thousands dead, more than hiroshima and nagasaki combined. >> what is worse is the impact on the planet.
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the doomsday clock scientists want people to push their politicians, but acknowledge it's unlikely in this u.s. election year. >> it will be a long and somewhat - put it this way. disillusioning year. as we elect a new president. >> my hopes are that we will elect a president who is fitted for the job. >> it is still an open question as to who will be the next one to hold the u.s. nuclear codes, and they say the outcome will determine which way the clock moves next coming up next - detroit's glory days and what went wrong. my conversation with author david merins after this.
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no moderator, cruz issued the challenge after announcing he would boycott the news debate staying fox moderators treated him unfairly, specifically megyn kelly, no word on whether donald trump will accept the challenge. >> pulitzer prize winner david marion is known to do research. his latest book looks at the glory days of detroit and covers the decline, it's called "once in a great city - the detroit story", and i asked him why he wrote the book. >> i wasn't expecting to write a book until super bowl sunday, 2011. i was in a bar in manhattan, during half-time, watching the super bowl, and saw a commercial. first i saw a highway sign that said detroit. it made me pay attention. the great heavy weight champ,
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the wonderful diego murals and m&m. driving down woodward avenue, the main thoro fair. walking into the fox theatre. rising in song, and em&m pointing to the camera saying this is the motor city. it meant so much to me i was worn in detroit. it got me to think about what detroit gave america. >> you focus on the year, 1963. tell us why is this. >> this was a period when detroit was booming, and they are four themes. music, mo town, the sound track of my generation, the labour movement in americas, the unit autoworkers was really the heart of the labour movement. and civil rights. detroit was key to civil rights
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during the period of the '60s, it allowed me to focus on the four themes. i use the metaphor of my work where i set up an oil rig and dig as deeply as i can. it allowed me to show what detroit gave america, and the seeds of its own collapse. >> this was, i guess, one of the golden years for detroit. the cracks were beginning then? >> absolutely. >> sociologists at the university that year issued a report largely ignored that said that detroit was on its way to losing half a million people by the end of the 1960less, and the depopulation would continue for the foreseeable future, stripping the city of the a tax base. part was the auto industry, the industry moving away from detroit. part was the history of racial detention, and the unwilling aspect which blacks in detroit,
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called nig roe removal. they were showing the signs of weak innocence. what did the mood by the auto industry to leave, to get out of detroit, what did it do for the city. it was short-sited. the movement was out of detroit. it began before 1963. moving plants to different cities and states and really into the world, but importantly leaving detroit emotionally. that was the key. when we talked to autoexecutives, they regret they left behind the heart of detroit. they built the auto industry. they were left behind to sink or swing, and they sank.
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detroit had ha long ongoing collapse and the leading of the industry is key to that. >> we have seen the pictures to that city, and the houses have been abandoned and the damage done by the recession and the auto industry leaving. is detroit back on the road. i'm a journalist and a story. i'm skeptical and optimistic. since the book came out. i've been back and fourth. every time i have seen the energy. >> david, once in a great city, a detroit story, thank you for being was. >> thank you. >> coming up next. the passing of a beloved character actor. a look at the career of abe bagota. the only way to get better is to challenge yourself,
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age of 94. his roles on screen, stage turned him into a legend, and will not be forgotten. >> reporter: he had a face for the ages, loveable, durable and recognisable. for decades abe bagota made looking old look easy. that is abe bagota at 50 playing the mobster tessio in the godfather. >> can you get me off the hook. for old time's sake. >> i can't do it. >> getting rubbed out was the best career move he made. the brooklyn born son of jewish immigrants from russia found his greatest fame with the hit tv sitcom "barney kevan millar", and played bill fish, a cranky
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cop full of old man's aches and pains and one-liners. >> movie reel: come on, criminal. >> reporter: a short-lived spin-off follows. as did scores of roles on film, tv and the stage. it was the stage where abe bagota began, from william shakespeare to a revival of arsenic. in the 1980s, the first report of abe bagota's death surfaced and would turn into a running gag for the actor and comics. there's a punk rock band named after it. abe bagota poked fun at himself. >> that hurt. >> in the snickers commercial with betty white. "i've always been content just to work and make a modest living for my wife and child. he did that and more." >> that's the broadcast.
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thank you for watching. i'm john seigenthaler, see you back here tomorrow. ali velshi "on target", is next. next. i'm david shuster in for ali velshi, on target, the invisible threat. a natural gas leak lead to a nationality disaster such as the oil spill, and so far there's no way to stop it. a water crisis in flint michigan sparked outrage and focused attention on ignoring ageing infrastructure. in flint's case it was old lead
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