tv News Al Jazeera February 4, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EST
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world leaders have been unable to stop the conflict in syria. now they're trying to help the victims. in a conference today they pledged more than 10 million dollars to syrians. that will provide food, water and medicine as well as jobs and schools. our correspondent is in london with more >> reporter: the u.n. calls it the worst humanitarian crisis since the second world war and it is very difficult to see how it is going to end. the failure of talks in geneva made it this gathering-- this gathering all the more important. >> the suggestion inside syria is as close to hell as we are likely to find on this earth. if we are to stop the most able and qualified syrians from
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leaving their country, they need confidence that they can do more than just survive. >> reporter: there is a depressing assumption behind this conference, that the syrian crisis will be with us for some time to come and, therefore, donors need to look at long-term assistance, education and employment for millions of syrians in the long years before they can return home. from turkey, lebanon and jordan, stark warnings. they cannot carry on looking after millions of syrians without more assistance. >> reporter: looking into the eyes of my people, and seeing the hardship and distress they carry, i must tell you we have reached our limit. i represent the people of jordan, their well-being and safety are my first priority. our country will continue to do what we can do to help those in
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need but it cannot be at the expense of our own people's welfare >> reporter: donors give more aid to syria's maybes and in return they open up labor markets and ensure more syrian children go to school, but as the norweigian told me in pointed remarks about one of the participants in the syrian war, the real solution is peace. >> the need to have confidence-building measures in syria, that means the fighting has to decrease. russia has to take the responsibility to make sure that there is a possibility for this peace negotiation and it should be in their interests too. i don't think russia would like to stay on forever with military personnel and an expensive war in syria. >> reporter: but european countries in particular have their own reasons to give generously here, by making life
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tolerable for the region but perhaps less likely to see the issue. it is hard to believe it will be a lasting solution any closer the number of syrian refugees continued to surge. 70,000 people have fled from aleppo in recent days. many are immediated towards the border. >> reporter: many have fled their home in the countryside of aleppo as a result of the government advance in the area as well as the intense russian bombardment. pictures have emerged of hundreds of people, the turkish borrowed. we do not understand how many people have been displaced.
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according to the organization that monitors the situation on the ground, up to 40,000 people have fled their homes over the past time. thousands are heading to the turkish border and the people are appealing for help. we have lost families, and some are saying that this is not the first time, and one man said that he was first displaced from the central city, and he moved north and had to move from town to town, and he finds himself on the turkish border and these people are appealing to the authorities to open the border. turkey has an open dor policy, but over the last year, restrictions have been imposed. one is for security. and the other is that turkey
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hosts up to 2.5 million refugees, and it has been a lot of burden on the turkish authority. >> aside aside says that it's prepared to send ground troops to syria to fight isil. but only if asked. it's the first time that they have been willing to take part. they already belong to the coalition, launching airstrikes against the group. saying that they will shoot a satellite into orbit. >> this week, defense secretary ashe carter cited it as number three of the top five threats against the united states. calling the north korean
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missile technology, he didn't have any plan on what to do about it, but calling for what he called incredibly strong. this is a far cry from what ashe carter suggested a decade ago when h he was not at the pentagon. north korea has launched missiles before in 2019, and a less successful attempt three years earlier, and back in 2006, ashe carter knew how to respond to the threat. take it out with a cruise missile while it was still on the launch pad. along with his mentor, defense secretary william perry, carter argued forcefully that the united states should immediately make clear its intention to strike the north korean missile before it can be launched. he added that the multistory thin skinned missile is itself
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explosive, and it would cause it to explode. but late last time year h. i asked carter about the wisdom of a preemptive strike against a volatile regime, he made it clear that it's not something that he wanted to revisit. >> a few years ago, when you were in office, secretary perry advocated that the north korean missile be taken out on the launch pad before they could test it. are a you thinking about that change? >> where we are on that, we always are discerned about north korean behavior, and provocations of all kind. >> when i pressed him, carter gave it to another reporter. >> when you argue about the preemptive strike, you argued very convincingly. >> reporter: but this week, as he rolled out the pentagon
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budget, carter faced the question again, and his answer. >> that was a different circumstance then, and it was of a test missile, and our policy was that we were not to tolerate it. and we were trying to figure out how to not tolerate t that was then, and this is now. >> reporter: but then is now, and north korea was still seeking to put a nuclear warhead, small enough to put atop a long-range missile that would reach the united states, and carter argued that a preemptive strike would carry little risk, arguing that they could take the drastic step of the korean peninsula, but it's not likely to act on that threat of the it's a threat that secretary carter is not so quick to dismiss. >> i have to remind you, war on the peninsula, it's a very savage and intense war.
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>> carter is second in the chain of command, he's privy to estimates of war on the peninsula, and it could result in 1 million casualties, and the destruction of the south korean capital of seoul. it's different than ten years ago, carter was an unsolis i wanted outsider whose advice could be easily ignored. and now he's in a place of responsibility where talk of war risks real lives, and es speculation could mean disaster. >> martin scorelli was on capitol hill today talking about pharmaceutical price gouging. he's best-known for buying a drug to treat disease, and hiking the price. and this scorelli character, he didn't have much to say today,
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de? >> no, he didn't, toney, and members of the oversight committee learned very little. he repeatedly invoked his 5th amendment right to avoid self incrimination, and his silence only made the committee members angrier, both at him and what he represents, and also this issue of drug pricein' jacking up the price from $13.50 to $750 a pill. >> you say that the pregnant woman who might have aids, although income, she needsdera prim in order to survive, and what do you say to her? >> i respectfully decline your
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question. >> it was one that skreli applied to over and over. >> do you think that you've done anything wrong? >> apply 5th amendment privilege and respectfully decline to answer your question. >> asked why he would be an advocate. >> you can go down in history against drug companies, or change the system. drug companies and the system we have today. and i truly believe, i truly believe -- are you listening? -- yeah -- i truly believe
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that you can be for g. >> we'll pause while mr. shkreli is escorted out. >> i don't think that i've ever seen the committee treated with such contempt. >> shkreli was quiet in the hearing, but took to twitter afterwards to mock committee members. writing, these imbeciles represent our government. and his lawyers talk to him. >> mr. shkreli will realize that he has saved many many lives by his brilliance. >> reporter: but shkreli at thursday morning's hearing didn't win him any fans in congress. shkreli is called pharma bro for his young age, and also for his active social media presence, and the attitude that
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he has with members of congress, they got what they expected today. but to dig into the substance of this very real question, what it's doing, and the oversight included documents from shkreli, talking about what huge profits the company will make jacking up the price of dara prim. and we're talking about $750 a pill. and 150 pills cost you $175,000. >> that's quite a performance from mr. screli, libby casei, thank you. a united nations group, arbitrary detention, he's being dapped. and that doesn't mean that he will not be able to leave. >> julian asan is holed up inside of the ecuadorian
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embassy. asan filed a complaint to the u.n. in 2014, claiming that his state is effectively a detention, saying that if he tries to leave, he faces immediate arrest. had from assange's lawyer. >> he has been detained for 3 and a half years by sweden, then i see no way out for this for freedom, and to prosecute him. to detain assange and to close the case. >> reporter: the swedish government said that it disagrees, and so does too the uk. it's unclear what difference the u.n. meetings are likely to
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have on the british government, saying that this is an unlawful detention, but instead a volunteer decision to evade arrest by the ecuadorians. and they said that they are obliged to extradite him because of allegations of rape. he believes that he will be handed over to washington if he's sent to sweden. and he faces questioning, only by the embassy and by ecuadorian prosecutors. thousands of secret documents on it, exposing classified and often embarrassing details about the world governments. assange always said that he would leave the embassy if he lost appeal. and now he's trying to go to ecuador, where he's granted asylum. but the police say that they will make everiest to arrest
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him. aljazeera, the ecuadorian embassy, london. >> hilliary clinton and bernie sanders will debate in new hampshire tonight, ahead of tuesday's primary. and aljazeera's lisa stark joins us at the university of new hampshire, and lisa, how would you describe it at this point? i heard the word combative used. >> reporter: i would say increasingly contentious, and you know, tony, this is the 5th democratic debate, but it's the first with just hilliary clinton and bernie sanders onstage. martin o'malley dropped out after iowa, and it will be just the two, and we'll see how that changes the dynamics, and as the candidates are preparing for the debate, and they have a lot of them skelled for next week, their campaigns have been marked for thousandsiches volunteers to help get out the vote next tugs. >> i'm a volunteer for hillary.
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>> we need somebody like bernie. >> these are the campaign ground troops. >> i hope that you'll vote for hillary. >> reporter: the army of paid staffers who have one mission. they're working the phones and going door-to-door to roundup supporters. we went to the bernie sanders field office in manchester, one of 18 in the state. and hilliary clinton's office, one of 16 campaign centers here. with just days before the primary, they're buzzing. clinton has 10,000 volunteers here. she has pulled them in from all over, including 150 who trekked from the new york office for this final week. >> i really really want her to be president. >> 22-year-old lauren crep has put her life on hold to volunteer for hillary. college student, melissa robins, who came onboard just in time for iowa. >> my nails are gone.
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they were gone the night of iowa. but it's exciting to watch, everyone coming together for a common goal. and i'm so excited for the primary. i'm incredibly excited. i love watching them, it's like watching the super bowl to me. >> reporter: sanders has fewer volunteers working the state. about 7,000. one is halfway around the world, and he can't even vote here. >> i'm from australia >> reporter: michael quincy o'neil is heading back, mostly paying out of his own pocket. >> i think bernie is a great canceled date and i want to see him win the white house because u.s. policy influences australian politics. >> hello! >> reporter: this is how most voters see the candidates, but researchers say that behind the scene efforts can make a difference, most effective, knocking on doors, but phonecalls too. phonecalls and voters what time
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are you going to the polls? and they feel obligated to follow through. >> hi, i'm a volunteer for the bernie sanders campaign. >> reporter: working off voter lists, here florida, they're spending up to eight hours a day to convince others on the other end of the line first to not happening up, but second, to vote for sanders. >> when you get that one that commits, everything is worth it. >> if we can influence one person, i feel like i've done my job >> reporter: a vote in the bag. >> and in clinton's, a 95-year-old who wants to attend her inauguration. >> that would be wonderful. i hope that we get to see her, the first female president. >> reporter: cathy nutter has been a long time hilliary clinton supporter. eight years ago in the general election, she wrote in clinton's name, rather than vote for obama. >> i had to vote my conviction,
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and she represented me more than i felt was any other candidate. politics is a big thing in my family. >> reporter: to do this work takes perseverance, and in a few days, they will know whether it all paid off. and here in new hampshire, sanders continues to lead in the polls. he has about an 18-point lead over hilliary clinton. and nationwide, in fundraising, he's doing very well. for the first time, he has raised more than hilliary clinton. $20 million in january to her $15 million. tony? >> now, that's a significant development. so lisa, look. there's a discussion on whether debates like tonight make a difference, but i'll put the question to you. could tonight's debate make a difference there in new hampshire? >> well, as you know, sometimes
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there are pivotal moments in debates that can make a difference. bernihillary is a seasoned debar and so is sanders, but a lot of voters don't make up their minds until the last minute, and until they have the gut feeling, and they hope to help some of them make up their mind. >> still ahead, cheap oil, and the price that thousands of workers are having to pay across the united kingdom.
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>> as you know, oil prices have been taking a real hit since the summer of 2014, falling nearly 70%. well, today the global bench mark fell nearly 2% to $32 a barrel. and some analysts are predicting that it could fall below 20, to even $10 a barrel if you can imagine that, europe's largest oil company, shell is feeling the effects. shell is cutting 10,000 jobs as it reported, the most in over a decade. it's not the only company in trouble. the north sea industry, bp has already announced that it will cut 10,000 jobs by the end of next year. emma hayward is in aberdeen,
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scotland, where one-third of the workforce there is reliant on the oil industry. >> these rigs are redundant, waiting for the next job p. if it ever comes. with 30 years experience, kenneth little knows the feeling. he has dedicated his life to scotland's oil industry, but a few weeks ago, he was told that his contract with bp is finishing, his family is a casualty of the oil price slump. >> because it costs so much less to fill up the car and fill up the oil tank and everything else. and people don't realize that most of that fuel coming down has an impact o on the job. >> they began pumping oil from beneath the north sea since the 70s, and it creates thousands
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of jobs across the uk. the discovery of oil out there in the north sea 40 years ago, has helped to bring in billions of dollars in revenue for the uk. and it changed the fortune of some living here. it has been felt both on and offshore. further south, aberdeen, a city which became rich on black gold. briton's oil capital is suffering though, with jobs going more and more. >> the hotels are down and the taxi driver's business is hard. so it's very real and very present at the moment, the impact on the industry. >> we soon found that there were many other place that's we could supply material to. >> this company has been supplying pipeline since the 70s, but they're now diversified into new markets. >> we're looking at
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opportunities to grow our business, already in a more domestic market, and in the international sectors, but we're focusing on nuclear, other areas that necessarily are not affected by oil pricing. >> reporter: here, the industry is entering uncharted waters. believed to be about half as much oil left in the north sea than has already been extracted. but with a global oversupply of energy, it might be politics that determines the future of the industry in scotland. aljazeera, on the northeast coast of scotland. >> coming up, going bearish on wall street. why bernie sanders is getting down on hilliary clinton getting cozy with the big banks. and bringing the longest conflict in the western hemisphere to an end. how the u.s. is playing a role in columbia's future.
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vermont senator today. the former naacp leader has formally decided to endorse sanders for president, and he's going to make it official tomorrow. heading into tomorrow's democratic debate, some of the sharpest differences between bernie sanders and hilliary clinton include their policies toward wall street. david schuster reports. >> reporter: in new hampshire this week, for bernie sanders, it has been a huge theme. >> together, we're going to create an economy that works for everybody, and not just the 1%. >> reporter: and by 1%, sanders means wall street. and the nation's most powerful banks. he says the agreed is out of control, and their political influence must be rained in. >> the story is that the business model of wall street is fraud.
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the story is that wall street has unlimited sums of money to spend on any way they want, including campaign contributions and speaker fees. >> reporter: three years ago, those speakers included former secretary of state, hilliary clinton. invent banker, goldman sachs, clinton received $675,000. and sanders has leveraged the issue in campaign ads. on wednesday night during a cnn town hall, clinton was asked about her ties to gold an sacks. >> did you have to be paid $675,000? >> well, i don't know, that's what they offered. every secretary of state that i know has done that. >> reporter: but not every presidential candidate has given those kinds of speeches, and federal campaign contributions underscore that clinton and sanders have vastly
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different wall street relationships. o'underscoreing the financial services sector accounts for 12% of clinton's contributions. and for bernie sanders' campaign, the ratio is one-tenth of one percent. and the clinton and sanders plans are also very different. sanders wants to break up the biggest banks, tax wall street transactions and strengthen government regulations. >> if wall street does not end its agreed, we will end it for them. [ cheers ] >> thank you! >> reporter: clinton would not break up the biggest banks. she said that it would put an economic drag on the u.s. financial sector, but she would break up some trades, and she said that compared to sanders, her government oversight effort would be more effective in preventing a big collapse.
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>> it was not just the big banks, it was the insurance company, aig, it was lehman brothers, and it was wachovia. there were a lot of bad actors. >> reporter: the broader philosophical fight. clinton wants to work with wall street to change it. >> i take seriously the obligation that i would have as president once again to try to get the debt unstacked. >> reporter: responders is demanding dramatic reform. >> will the folks on wall street like me? no. will they begin to play by the rules if i am president? you better believe it. >> reporter: david schuster, aljazeera. >> well, the white house is pledging to help columbia as it begins what it hopes will be a neweeanew era of piece.
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president obama met with juan santos today. and mr. obama told him that he would ask congress to earmark $450 million in aid for coal openby a. >> just as the united states has been colombia's partner in time of war, i told president santos that we'll be a partner in peace. our partnership is going to be called peace columbia. >> president obama said that an additional $33 million will be used to help remove landmines buried in the country. >> reporter: this was colombia in 2000. with a spiraling and shaky economy. and in the meantime, the u.s.' war on drugs raged on.
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president bill clinton said that the u.s. needed to step in to give billions of dollars to target cocaine producers, and in the 15 years since, the u.s. has given colombia $10 billion, most of it to fight rebel groups, and now with peace between them on the horizon, the president of colombia is coming to the u.s. to ask the money to keep coming. >> peace is expensive. you have to demille tarrize zones, and train, and you have to put the institutions of the state in place where they haven't necessarily in the past. and that takes money. >> reporter: the u.s. is likely to continue to provide colombia with tens of millions of dollars, some of it to target the drug trade. the estimates are that half of it is gone, but production has
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been increasing. in large part, because over u.s. objections, colombia stopped putting herbicides on cocoa fields, the u.s. hasn't pushed enough to curb human rights abuses. they argue that it could be worse. >> there has to be investigation and prosecution, and those who perpetrated the human rights of violations need to be held accountable. and that has not really happened. >> reporter: colombia looks of different now than when the aid started. they will try to convince president obama. >> special courts for the mentally ill are spreading across the united states. the courts have helped many defendants get treatment and they are also facing criticism.
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more from florida. . >> that's one of josh's tortoises >> reporter: stein keeps only a few of the tortoises that belong to his son, josh. >> sometimes i think that he likes reptiles than people. but not so. >> a few years ago, josh stole a tortoise like this from a wildlife center, and he returned it. and within days, the police said that he was under arrest. >> they said that the turtle was worth thousands, and it's worth 100 to $200. >> reporter: josh stein ended up here at the drug court, it was set up to treat mentally ill defendants, and instead of helping the defendants, the court is hurting them. when court psychologists find
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clients like stein, they have to be deemed incomp tent and ready for trial. and cases like kidnapping are piling up. judge ari says that it takes an average of three years for low level felony cases to wind their way in this court, compared to six months in regular court. >> we have 1200 pending cases, is that too many? >> it's certainly a full day's work. >> as the defendants prepare for trial, they might be locked up. >> ideally, jail is not the right setting for somebody that's mentally ill. unfortunately, the jail iset largest mental health provider in the county. >> and there's not enough room outside of the jails for that mental health help? >> there are not enough services for the mentally ill.
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>> reporter: howard howard helpo set up the court. and he's the prosecutor at the broward office. >> they refuse to let anybody out of system, and what happens, the system becomes completely overloaded and overwhelmed. >> reporter: state attorney, mike saps, declined an interview with us. he wrote, he's hesitant to drop charges to get treatment, so want person doesn't commit another crime. and he said some of the defendants pretend to be mentally incompetent in hopes of staving off lengthy prison terms. the steins say that their son got stuck in the system. he didn't go to his competency hearings. and the judge placed him under house arrest. josh's case was transferred to a regular court. but they say that by then, he was emotionally scarred by the
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mental health court. >> i saw the decline of my son's mental state. i saw him worrying constantly. >> reporter: one day, just over a year ago, they came home to find their 38-year-old son dead. overdosed on painkillers. >> i went in and i saw my child lying flat on his face, with blood coming out of his mouth, and he was dead. and i wanted to die too. i really did. >> madge, do you think that had he not gone through this court, he would be alive today? >> yes, this pushed him over. >> reporter: the state attorney's office told us that stein's death was tragic, but they handled it appropriately. the steins want the court shut down. >> what does it say? >> in loving memory of josh stein. >> i think he would have liked
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that. >> yes. >> roxana joins us now, and i'm wondering whattest have they made to address some of the criticism that the court is now facing? >> well, there are efforts to change the law in florida, so the prosecutors dismiss some of it early from the court. if the defendants are considered mentally incompetent after going through treatment and classes, and there's a plan to send some mentally ill defendants to treatment programs instead of getting charged with a crime. >> i'm wondering, did you get a chance to speak to anyone who felt they were helped by the court? >court? >> reporter: i did, a man at the court said that going through the treatment plan helped him to fight his drug addiction, but if he had gone to a regular court instead, his case would have been resolved by now, but he's going through the process at the felon mental
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>> the italian government is demanding answers following the death of a graduate student in egypt. investigators say that there's evidence of torture, and we have more on that. >> reporter: on thursday, the italian foreign minister as summoned following the death of a student in cairo. he disappeared on the 25th of january, the first anniversary of the uprise in the opposition, and his body was found on a beach on the side of the road. in alexandria, with signs of torture, and the prosecutor said that he had signs of cigarette butts and stab wounds, and a slow death. the italian foreign ministry has asked for a joint investigation calling to make sure that it will be fair and thorough, especially after
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statements in egypt, the local authority of the province in italy said it was the consequence of a road accident. >> that's from rome for us. french investigators have no idea what caused one death and five men to fall ill after an inquiry last month. they were slow to react. but the report said that nothing was breached. the victims were just released from the hospital. the rise of anti-islamic represent rick, for many women, the islamaphobia has galvanized them to take protective measures. we caught up with two women who are teaching self defense classes to provide a sense of security. >> 1, 2, 3. >> i had a fear of walking outside with my headscarf, and
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i thought that i was going to do something to somebody or somebody was going to do something to me. >> after the unfortunate paris attacks, and then leading up to the california attacks, we started to feel a little bit paranoid about going into crowded places, like the subway platforms and things like that. >> and we just felt like, you know, a little bit more paranoid than normally what we would feel. and we thought, okay, what are we going to do? because we can't live like this. >> growing up, -- from the age of ten or 112, my dad was teaching me how to box. i wasn't expecting that i would ever use, or even think about the using any skills that i had
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when i was little. i just used to get into the cycle of hate that happens after certain events, and that feeling definitely led into doing something about it in terms of self defense. >> i don't care how hard you push me against the wall -- >> for example, one of the incidents that i experienced was, while just grocery shopping in the produce section, i had two individual men, two males come up to me and make fun of me and call me a terrorist in front of my face in front of people. and i said i'm not going to walk away or do anything. and i walked up to them and told them what you're doing is wrong, i am not a terrorist. and you should not be doing that. >> it's not so much that i was afraid of identifying myself in public as a muslim, than being
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a bit paranoid about what might happen to me, or who might feel like they have to attack me today to answer for things that happen around the world. it's really important for people to understand that most hate attacks come from people who are not looking for an opponent. they're looking for a victim, and when you're able to carry yourself in a way that says, i'm not afraid when it comes to situations where you have to be ready. so it's not that we don't have fear, it's just that you're much more aware of your surroundings, and you're able to observe and understand that if something is to happen, you need to be ready. >> good! 4! >> and you can learn more about how these two muslim women are trying to make a difference on america tonight. a day after visiting a u.s. mosque for the first time since
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he became president, barack obama teamed his first national prayer breakfast in the nation's capital during an election season rife with fear, and he told people to look to for faith. >> for me, and i know so many of you, faith is the great cure for fear. and what more important moment for that faith than right now. >> every president has attended this event since 1953. up next, a controversial recommendation from the cdc. the latest backlash about women, alcohol and birth control. ♪ and remembering the life of the founder of the super group, earth, wind and fire. maurice white.
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>> president obama today welcomed the reigning nba champions to the white house. the golden state warriors presented mr. obama with a number 44 jersey, and he responded by challenging league mvp, steve kurry, to a rematch of their golf game. >> by the way, for the record, i heard during the summer, after our golf game, that seth
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was using the excuse of secret service being intimidating for why he lost the match. that is not the case. but he will have another opportunity. >> the president told the warriors that he enjoys watching them play, but said the chicago bulls are still his favorite team. nfl officials are promising to hire more women for executive positions in possible. the commissioner said today that the league will require teams to interview one minority candidate for each coaching position opening. there is growing controversy over new guidelines involvingin' pregnancy and drinking. the cdc recommendations are supposed to remind women of the risks involved. but critics say that they are shaming women. >> alcohol and pregnancy do
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not mix. for years, the medical community has warned women against drinking alcohol while pregnant, and the new guidelines from the cdc take it further, recommending that 15-44-year-old women don't drink any alcohol unless they're on birth control. we know that it's associated with even small amounts of alcohol in pregnancy. >> developing babies before the mother knows she's pregnant. the cdc said that most won't know they're pregnant for the first month or so, while they're still drinking, the risk is real, and why take the chance. but the announcement is generating a slew of criticism, mainly for leaving men out of the equation. why doesn't the cdc recommend that men it stop having sex with women if they're not using birth control. and why don't they show prove
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. >> one hour from now democrats hillary clinton and bernie sanders face off in a fine debate before the new hampshire primary on tuesday. clinton is working to close a lead by bernie sanders. lisa stark has more. >> reporter: john, this is the fifth democratic debate, it's important because it's the first one with just hillary clinton and bernie sanders going toe to toe. of course, after martin o'malley dropped out of the race. we'll have to see if it changes the dynamic on the stage. as the candidates are getting ready and they are holding lots of events before the primary, the
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