tv News Al Jazeera February 8, 2016 6:00am-6:31am EST
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angela merkel comes to turkey to discuss the refugee crisis, the two countries taking in the largest amount of syrians since the war began hello from doha. this is the world news from al jazeera. uplifting moments as survivors are found in the rubble, more than 48 hours after taiwan's earthquake also, political turmoil in haiti. protestor celebrate the departure of their president.
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but there's a hole in the leadership. plus... >> i'll jonah hull on a cross-channel ferry. the waters could separate the european union from breakaway brittin. joof so we v german and turkish leaders are holding talks in ankara on the growing refugee crisis. turkey with a large number of syrian refugees, and the latest violence in aleppo, more are trying to enter. and germany, taking in the biggest number of asylum seekers in europe, the majority of them are syrians. taking you through some of the numbers. the united nations says there are more than 4.5 million registered refugees. the actual number is higher. break it down. 2.1 million in lebanon, jordan, iraq. and egypt. almost the same number t 1.9 million are in turkey alone. that is syrian refugees there.
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stephanie dekker is our correspondent in the turkish si there near the syrian border. still waiting to hear from the leadership. we'll talk about that in a moment. what are you seeing there today. >> we are seek a cycle of trucks heading across the border, it is closed for the refugees, there seems to be a lot of materials going to the other side, building intensity. newsagencies saying there's around 10,000 people on the other side. 40,000 north of aleppo, and 30,000 in the surrounding areas. you can imagine huge numbers of people, and you can expect many more. and the captain backed by incredible powerful air strikes. matched by air strikes of an intensity that they have never seen. it will be a major impluck of
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people. we have heard from him, that said if needs be, they handle the numbers there. if needs be, that will happen, turkey hosting 2.5 million refugees, they say it's an incredibly difficult situation to deal with. what will lead into the talks, the geographical card. turkey saying they are on the front line and needs more help. >> absolutely that, is the message that recep tayyip erdogan is bringing to angela merkel. saying asking turkey to stem the flow. they can't do that. syria is a few kilometres from the border. hundreds of thousands over the years are coming here, caring in other ways. that is a trump card that turkey
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has to say, saying why should we do it alone. turkey had been afford 3.3 bill job from the u.s., turkey says it's spent 8.8 billion. there's camps set up. work permits. they will be requesting something in europe. they are not going to do that. things like european success, and travel to turkish citizens, that is discussed. we are expecting the conference. as you said, we'll wait to here what has been agreed upon if anything. it will not be an easy conversation hoping to hear from them in 25 minutes. marwan in the studio. a senior analyst. do you believe the argument holds water, that turkey says where on the front lines will it be hit first. where it's doing its fair share
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as well. >> there are problems, when it comes to discussing it with germany, but i think turkey is discussions it with the european union and the united states in general. inside merkel is in turkey, but so far it's the european union committing the $3.3 billion to help turkey. having said that, i feel uncomfortable. it's painful and saddening to see countries negotiate price per head sort of thing, you know. one european official coming to say give the turks what they need. at the end of the day it costs us 20 times more to incorporate syrians in the economy and societies. it will help turkey deal with the refugees, there's another aspect. it's true. at the end of the day. syrians in jordan, or the camps that you see along the borders,
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when they go to germany, they are not going to be in camps for a long time. they will be for german, french or whatever, and they'll be part and parcel of that society. they look at the palestinian refugees, they have been there for seven decades. >> it's not gotten better for them. >> and it's permanent. and that's why a lot of syrian refugees decided that once the russians intervene in syria, they need to get out from the region, they need solutions. >> can turkey, and again this is distasteful, but use it to its disadvantage. can they say hey, you are taking lots here, bearing the brunt. scratch our back. >> certainly turkey is behaving better as far as europeans are
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concerned. and the question or demand made out of turkey is interesting. what is demanding? in the end of the day, what are they asking? they aclose the boarders with syria or europe. the turks are obliged to open the borders. europe insists that turkey must close the borders with europe. it's not about open door policy. it's about here is some money, take care of the refugees until you figure out what's what. as we said throughout the month or year or two, there's no refugee problem. there is a war problem. and that war problem has, you know, deepened and escalated under the russian bombardment. russia is setting syria on fire, and europe is beginning to deal
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with the claims of that fire. >> don't go far, we are hoping to hear from the leadership in 20 minutes an air strike in east libya killed a woman, her child and two fighters, a member of the u.n.-recognised fighter and a medical college were hit. the parliament member believers the raids were carried out by forces loyal to the i.s.i.l. fighters. rescuers in taiwan are pulling survivors from the building, more than 100 are believed to be trapped. people have been known to have died and the mayor says the numbers are likely to ride. rob mcbride reports. >> reporter: a short distance from the collapsed building, this temple is busier than
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usual. >> they have joined some volunteers that have come to taiwan to help in the rescue. >> translation: the earthquake made us fearful, and we are afraid. >> translation: we pray to those gods for those who are trapped inside. >> this tragedy has overshadowed the lunar new year, and may have stirred others to join the communal effort. offering up prays in the hope that more lives could be saved. in the grounds of the temple, some have made their base. this rescue team came from central taiwan. on his first mission, he helped to save a life. >> he can't be with our families, if we save someone's life, it's worthwhile. >> at the apartment complex.
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that collapsed in saturday morning's quake, trapping hundreds inside. rescuers find survivors, time is running out. rescuers have to decide whether to bring in heavy lifting gear, to reach anyone below the mountain of rubble. the danger of causing further collapse that might endanger lives. for relatives of those inside, it may be their only hope three afghan soldiers have been killed in a suicide attack in the northern province. they were trapped on a bus near the army base. 18 military staff were wounded, some seriously. taliban claimed responsibility the united nations is urging haiti to quickly form a new government after the president stepped down on sunday. parliament house has to choose a caretaker president until an election can be held, in a political crisis that
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sparked months of unrest. >> reporter: hatians were supposed to be celebrating carnival. and hand over to a newly elected president on sunday. instead, protesters filled the streets near the presidential palace, and carnival fest istize was cancelled due to threat of violence. yet again, haitians do not have a president. protesters say they won the next battle. president martelly stepped down after five years came to an end. they accuse him of cronyism. the next fight is to ensue a delayed presidential election is free of corruption. it took the deal between martelly and the hatian
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parliament will clamp down on violence which left a former soldiers dead. the parliament will elect an interim president. the hope is that the government will be sworn in. >> this is a major step protestors question the time frame, the last transitional government lasted two years. one thing is certain. haiti's next president faces a population struggling with a lack sense of jobs, staggering poverty and hopelessness in the news ahead. those trying to keep the peace in mali. and china welcomes the lunar new year. the prospects for its economy is not looking bright.
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we're still human. >> how harsh conditions affect people on both sides of the bars. >> why did scott take his own life? >> the jail. >> some people might be scared to speak out but i'm not. i'm telling the truth. back with the top stories, german leaders meeting in ankara, seep as crucial too the -- seen as crucial to stem the flow of refugees into europe parliament has to choose a caretaker president in haiti, until a run off election can be held. japan says it's preparing tougher sanctions against north
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korea. there's tension at the border between north and south coreca -- south korea. warning shots have been fired. the u.n.'s mission in mali is considered one of the most dangerous, troops trying to bring stability in the north. last friday a group linkeded to massimilano allegri attacked a post in timbuktu. our correspondent on patrol with peacekeepers operating under threat of attack. >> reporter: the sun fulls on timbuktu and the night shift start. we were given rare access to the patrol police. the unit came under attack on friday.
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when al-qaeda exploded a car bomb. u.n. provided support. >> translation: when there are strange things, they call us to verify what is going on. >> reporter: the city is in lock down, no vehicles are allowed in or out. after 6. : 30 in the evening -- 6:30 in the season. there are constant outages. this is one of the most important mosques. we can't see anything, they are watt rolling for a short block. they are scared to do this one. >> the mission in maui has 10,000 soldiers, and is helping to stablilize the country after a fight for independence in the north. the mission is one of the most dangerous in the world. 60 soldiers have been killed. >> we are equipped. we have good equipment and training. the swedish contingent replaced some operations with drones.
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timbuktu's glory days of gold markets and merchant caravans are gone. the city has armed groups. hotels are empty and a third of the city is gone. a peace deal was signed between the government and coalition. al-qaeda-linked groups are not part of the deal. there is no development. there will not be peace. what are the young men armed supposed to eat. they sign a peace deal. they cannot eat sand to five. there's nothing more than sand in this desert. >> reporter: blue hepments keep an eye on the port outside timbuktu. the police commander says she is aware that the u.n. mission is a target. we say hello and explain what we are doing, and if we need anything and get the feedback. the mandate includes protection of civilians.
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an ambitious goal to maintain peace in a theatre of war. today, month old, is the international day of zero tolerance to female genital mutilation, f g.m. we'll tell you the numbers, they are shocking. 200 million girls and women worldwide have undergone female genital mutilation, mostly carried out on young girls between a year and 15 years old. putting it on a map. we have a few countries highlighted. over 50% of girlfriend un the age of 15 have had f g.m. these are counties, somali, # 8% of women cut. guinea, 97, jibuatedly 93. f g.m. causes severe bleeding,
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heath issues, cysts, infections and infertility and complications in childbirth. we'll talk about this now, with the f g.m. programme manager for equality. joining us from nairobi. loep fully you can hear this time. >> i can hear you. >> we have been hearing about f g.m. numbers are bad. i wonder if there has been progress. >> yes, there is progress. because right now f g.m. is a priority in the international development agenda. it has been frame. we have seen many countries move forward to pass laws that back fdm. there are about 24 countries passing legislation, and behind that. f g.m. is a global issue. we have in the u.k. and in the
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united states. >> would you mind clearing up for the viewers and telling them why it happens in the first place, what is the tradition and culture leading to it happening in the first place. f g.m. is mainly perpetrated to control women's sexuality. it is also done in some communities to include elegibility for marriage. and it is practised as a rite of passage from childhood to adulthood. in other communities it is wrongly determined to be relative to religion, and is practised to give a sense of femininity, modesty and cleanliness. >> is there enough focus on it. we talk about it today because it is zero tolerance day against genital mutilation, presumably every day should be zero
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tolerance day. do you think there's enough focus on it. >> yes, we should wows 200 million girls have been acted and the population is increasing. numbers are increasing. in 2013, we only had 135 million affected. so we are seeing progress in some countries. but also we can see in some countries there's no progress. in somali. in gip uty, in given -- guinea, the prevalence is 90%. we need continued political will, momentum for change. executing perpetrators, investment data and more accountability by the government. ensure that the... >> ultimately, how do you change mind-sets, it's good to have international pressure and for us to talk about it.
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there's a mind-set to be changed. >> yes, we need to use a multipronged approach to change the mind-set. we need to enforce laws, it's a deterrent. and a protective mechanism. we need to protect the government at risk, and educate the public about the harmful effects. and we need to engage the traditional leaders, religious leaders, and especially to be able to reach out to the communities using social change. what we need now is behaviour change, and the good thing is most communities that practice it. it indicates that there's overwhelming rejection of the practice. if it's sustained, if services are provided for the survivors, and we protect those at risk we stem the tide
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thank you for your time to the third part of our four part series, widening cracks in the european union. enlargement has been the goal. it's grown to 28 members in the pursuit of economic stability, it's lead to integration and closer unions, they may be no more in the situation as jonah hull reports. >> reporter: in a matter of months britain is expected to hold a referendum to decide the country's future alongside chief trading partners in the european union. waves of crises battering the e.u. bolstered euro sceptic opinions pon oath sides. a boost for pop u lasts like the u.k. dependence party. >> the e.u. is diminishing economic area, the whole area of
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world trade is diminishing. there's an enormous and exciting opportunity for countries in particular. obviously talking about britain, outside of the e.u. why would you be in this declining area. >> reporter: no one can predict the consequences of britain's exodus. for britain it could equal a scotty referendum and the brake up of the u.k., but it is likely to be an encouraging news for the growing populist euro sceptic parties. not least of which is france's national. it, along with european parliamentary partners in the netherlands, belgium and austria are thought to have made gains in the 2015 attacks in france. it's no longer holder voters swept up in a public discourse
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that rolls immigration and terrorism into one. since the terrorist attacks last year, they have a new plague. simply because they are afraid of radical islam, and the ability to kill. >> selling carr foon satire, i imagine a france where marie ley men becomes president. she and her party are no friends of the e.u. >> there is a french nation, an english nation, an american. that's when things are best. in that context the euro is bad. the destruction of borders, in europe and at the outer edges is a bad thing.
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it's a view that resonates and commands a sizeable chunk with the european parliament. parties push to break up the e.u., the al nusra front and others work from -- national front and others work from within to degrade its policies and together undermine the e.u. vision of a closer union final instalment european disunity will be in al jazeera on tuesday. finland, a county in a 4-year long recession, many asking if it's time for a referendum on leaving the european union chinese communities welcome the lunar new year. this is the biggest important festival. as adrian brown reports, the ancient tradition is changing. >> the annual explosive
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illumination. still a dazzling spectacle. but not what it was. firework sales in the capital are down by half this year. the reasons pollution concerns, or possibly just fading interest in a country that prides itself on inventing gunpowder. >> the economy is not good. it's difficult to make money, only business people spend money buying bigger fire works. ordinary people use fire work. >> other traditions are changing, like the giving of red envelopes, filled with cash that are challenge the. smartphone allows users to send mobile money, deposited into mobile phone payment account. this is a time to spend.
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at least the government hopes so. a beijing wholesale market popular with shoppers. where there's an air of desperation to the sales pitch. people are spending but very carefully. >> people are cautious finding stuff, i have to look around to compare the price. turn over is strong, say retailers. that's down to discounting, leading to narrower profit margins, amid the news. retail sales within the one bright spot. and economists say that consumption is to be sustained to prevent the downturn worsening. >> superstitious chinese flock to the temples to pray for good luck. after a year of natural disaster and financial turmoil. the predictions are for more of the same in the year ahead.
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don't despair, depending on the sign, the year of the monkey is a good year to give birth, or look for love so much more international news for you online, 24/7, wherever you want it. it's at welcome everyone to the promise of progress. i sort of struggled saying it because i can't say that i love the title of this session. largely i think if i had my way, i would have called it the threat of progress. i don't mean to be debbie downer, but i want to make sure that at a place at the world
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