tv News Al Jazeera February 16, 2016 9:30am-10:01am EST
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and murals, leaving her colorful mark on an otherwise bleak landscape. al jazeera, kabul. so much more news for you on line from the middle east and around the world. keeping you right up to date, all at tornado threats, severe storms race up the east coast after impacting millions with snow, ice, rain and twisters. i came here for two reasons, one because i care deeply about jeb and two because i care deeply about our country. brotherly love in south carolina, george w. stumps for jeb, but will it help turn the tide in his bid for the white house. state of emergency, hawaii gears up against the mosquitoes carrying dengue fever and zika
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virus. this is aljazeera america live from new york city, i'm stephanie sy. the big melt is now underway in the east where temperatures are rising after a major storm rolled through. it brought snow, ice and rain. some areas could still see heavy snow today. some people are cleaning up from damaging tornadoes. john henry smith has more. >> a powerful 1200-mile storm will head off the coast today. it brought record cold to the east coast over the weekend. it began the work week with enough snow and wind to cause verge and north carolina to declare states of emergency. some parts of virginia got nearly a foot of snowfall and the traffic problems that go with it.
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hundreds of accidents occurred. >> i hit the inside rail of the bridge and spun around. the posted speed limit is 60. i was doing 55. >> the roads are block ice, they're iced over. >> this massive pileup in indiana. >> when the weather starts changing, people need to reduce their speed and they just didn't do that today. >> the storm also brought tornadoes across four gulf states, twisters in mississippi and the florida panhandle destroyed a dozen homes and damaged high school full of students. in louisiana, the winds ripped apart businesses. >> i seen it like coming at me. woo it was scary. >> now comes a major warmup. mamassive system is causing major headaches this morning. let's bring in nicole mitchell for more on what to expect. >> that system as it moved across the gulf coast, over 100
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reports of severe weather, with him pressive in february. a lot of that wind reports, as well. that system, portion of the system at least 20 through now the line of storms kind of through the keys pretty much but pushing off the coastline, it's the northern edge causing more problems now and of course it was doing the same thing yesterday with the freezing precipitation. right next to the coastline, an influx of warmer air. temperatures in a lot of cases in the 50's, that is definitely rain. behind the system where the cooler air gets in, 20's and 30's, meaning a mix of freezing precipitation and snow and that's sticking a little bit more than our prefers systems because of that last round over the weekend of frigid air froze to the ground. if you get the freezing rain, it really is sticking to the ground, making things slick. we have different winter weather advisories, including next to the great lakes, places that could go over a foot of snow because it is close enough to support the snow. here's that temperature divide. i was talking about that.
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fifty's by the coastline. interior, cleveland at 31. that really contrasts who's getting what in terms of temperatures. today is where it's at and then tomorrow goes back a little more to normal in the 40's and 30's. otherwise, the western side of the country through all of this has stayed mild. we have another system pushing on here bringing more rain into colorado by tomorrow. definitely no weather that would be maybe a little more appreciated. >> yeah, but the differential between last night when i went to bed and this morning when i woke up, like 20 degrees. >> from sunday morning, temperatures are 50 degrees warmer in just two days. weather whiplash, nicole mitchell, thank you. now to presidential politics. we are four days from the next contest. the candidates are trying to win over voters. hillary clinton is wrapping up a three day visit to nevada which holds its democratic caucuses this weekend. her rival, bernie sanders is busy in south carolina this morning attending a prayer breakfast. next hour, he heads to a town
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hall in south carolina. the republican candidates busy. monday, donald trump targeted ted cruz over his eligibility to become president. he said he'd sue if cruz doesn't take down his anti trump attack ads. marco rubio accused cruz of false attacks. >> when both trump and cruz scream just liar liar liar, i'm not sure how they would handle putin. now to be honest, putin and many enemy was this country are liars. >> both cruz and rubio are trying to gain support from evangelicals in the state on saturday. >> another candidate is trying to capitalize on his family's popularity in south carolina. george w. bush head lined a rally for his brother, jeb. randall pinkston reports. >> if jeb bush eventually wins
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the republican presidential nomination. the vent here may be the turning point. former president bush joked that he has stayed out of sight after leaving the white house to work on a tree farm to work on a stump speech. turns out it was good practice not for himself, but for his brother, jeb. campaigning at an enthusiastic rally in north charleston. >> thank you for your hard work for jeb and thank you for what you are going to do, which is to vote for him on saturday here in the great state of south carolina. >> polls suggest many south carolina republicans are turning their backs on jeb for donald trump, which launched withering criticism of both bush brothers. >> we do not need someone in the oval office who mirrors and inflames our anger and frustration. we need someone who can fix the problems that cause our anger
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and frustration and that's jeb bush. >> i always said in fact i would tell him, i said why don't you use the name bush? you're bush, use the name bush. >> donald trump still leading the polls was also out campaigning, repeating his causistic criticism of jeb bush, who insists his brother kept america safe. >> the world trade center came down during the, you know within reign of george bush, right? it came down. so during the ronald reagan, if you remember, the debate, he mentioned about how we were safe. we weren't safe. >> i never thought in a republican debate we'd be talking about impeaching a republican two term president. >> jeb bush didn't speak trump's name but there was no doubt who he was talking about. >> while he was building a reality t.v. show, i'm sure it was a fantastic one, i've never seen it, i'm sure it was great.
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seen it, i'm sure it was great, george bush brought together team to build the security apparatus that to this day is one of the reasons why we haven't been attacked. >> a year ago, jeb bush made a speech in chicago, attempting to separate himself from his brother. >> i'm my own man. >> some political analysts say jeb bush has not gained voters on his own. >> i think it's clear south carolina is pivotal on the republican side and jeb being in the low teens to single digits he's got to do something to break out. it's not surprising that he is relying on his brother and mother to generate support. >> they did campaign for him in new hampshire. it didn't help. he's hoping for better luck from his brother in south carolina. >> south carolina voters have put two bushes in the white house. come saturday, the republican presidential primary will determine if they will help a third bush on his way. randall pinkston, al jazeera, north charleston, south carolina. four american journalistses
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who were arrested in bahrain have been released. they entered the country on tourist visas to cover the fifts 2011 uprising. the ghost said they didn't have the proper visas and accused them of taking part in a riot they were covering and providing false information to police. bahrain is a u.s. ally. the navy's fifth fleet is based there. world powers push for a truce to take effect this week. staffan de mistura will meet with the syrian foreign minister today. that's something syria's president says is highly unlikely in the current circumstances. this morning, russia is denying claims that its war planes struck a doctors without borders supported hospital in northern syria. the bombing left seven dead at that hospital. dozens more to do in strikes that hit four other hospitals and two schools. zeina hodor has more. >> the opposition increasingly
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losing ground in the northern aleppo countryside, particularly in the northern corridor close to the turkish border. it is not just coming under attack from the skies, russian airstrikes, the government and allies on the ground are also advancing, as well, as the kurdish armed group y.p.g. and allies government forces, the opposition lost one of the remaining strongholds yesterday. it was a major blow. they promise that their advances will continue and for them, they have no red line. turkey had said that the border town is a red line. they will not allow the y.p.g. and their allies to advance. turkish shelling of their positions resumed but it hasn't stopped the advance. the border town of azaz now a front line.
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tens of thousands lived there already, families have started to flee towards the border. there i also no sign that this offensive by the government is going to end anytime soon, and hopes for a breakthrough on the diplomatic front look increasingly unlikely. the syrian president making it very clear that he sees an end to the conflict with national reconciliation agreements. for the opposition, that is unacceptable, because those agreements are just a form of surrender, because the government lays sieges on certain areas. people starve and are forced into submission, a very complicated situation on the ground, and war rages on. >> that is al jazeera's zeina hodor on the turkish-syria border. saudi arabia and russia agreed to freeze oil output at january's levels. al jazeera's bernard smith
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reports from doha. >> this was a fairly short meeting called unexpectedly, but we know that saudi arabia, russia, the world's two biggest producers are crude oil, along with venezuela and qatar agreed they want to freeze prices at january levels. oil producing economies are feeling the pain. the challenge is to get these other oil producing countries to at least agree a freeze, as well. that will be the next step for these four ministers, particularly trying to persuade the iranians to freeze production. ran has only just started increasing production after sanctions were lifted on it in january. saudi arabia's oil minister said that this was the beginning of a
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process. he said that we'll assess in the next few months. he said that we don't want any significant gyrations in oil prices. >> oil prices have fallen more than 70% in the past 20 months. >> still ahead, a state of emergency, hawaii moves to protect itself from mosquitoes that carry dengue fever and could transmit zika. the risks and the worries.
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to try to stop the mosquitoes that spread disease. it's dealing with an outbreak of dengue fever and to worries over the zika virus. >> hawaii's governor calls it a state of emergency to deal with the mosquitoes caring deng five the mosquitoes caring dengue fever and possibly the zika virus. >> hawaii is a perfect place for dengue fever because it has the vector mosquito present and dwellings withstanding water. >> more than 250 cases of dengue fever have been detected in hawaii over the last several months, most are residents, two dozen are visitors and 26 children under 18. >> dengue fever is a much more
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dangerous disease than zika in many ways. it kills thousands of people every year. it is a disease that is spread by the same mosquito. it causes fever, muscle aches and pains, rash and has severe forms, going into shock and having hemorrhaging. >> the mosquito that carries dengue fever can carry the zika virus, linked to birth defects in south america. the cases in the continental u.s. have been contracted by travel but have been contracted locally in puerto rico and the virgin islands. >> it would not be surprising at all if just like chickengunya and just like dengue, we do see isolated clusters of locally transmitted zika. >> in hawaii, officials say the state is still safe to visit and number of the dengue fever cases on the decline. they are trying to break the cycle of transmission. dr. skinner, the director of global disaster response said hawaii's response is the right one.
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>> this declaration of the emergency is very smart by the mayor and supported by the governor of hawaii. that's a good decision. why on the islands of hawaii, they have this mosquito, this particular mosquito, it transmits three diseases, the zika virus, dengue fever and chickengunya. it's hard to differentiate when someone is sick. they have fever, muscle pain and joint pain and they may have to rash. the decision is the right one. they need more stuff to control the mosquito but also to detect and triage patients that show these symptoms. as the temperature warms into spring and summer, those populations of mosquitoes will explode. because we know the eggs of these mosquitoes are resistant, they can over winter, if you
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have a cup of coffee in the morning and take a coffee mug, you can put 3 million eggs of these mosquitoes in the mug. their waiting to hatch, as the temperature increases, these mosquito can breed in just a bottle cap of water. we have to decrease the population. as the temperatures increase in the u.s., mosquito increase in numbers. when people come back from south america, central america, or the care bean, they may not have symptoms, but it on the takes one mosquito to bite someone with active virus in their blood to bite a person and transmit it to another. poach francis is visiting the heart of mexico's drug country today. these are pictures of him live. the pope will meet with young people he says are the key to a
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better future. another focus of his trip has been making amends with mexico's indigenous people. >> pope francis' visit was all about the indigenous community. they make up most of population in mexico's poorest state. the people have been misunderstood and excluded from society. some of considered your values, cultures and traditions to be inferior. money and market trends have stolen your lands or contaminated them. >> few expect his visit alone to change things, but for manuel
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mendez, one of the survivors of a massacre in which paramilitary killed many people, including six of his family, the fact that the pope has come means something. >> i feel this is the real pope in favor of the indigenous communities, the marginalized and survivors. i lost six of my family in the massacre. i'm very happy that he came. >> mexico's government may feel differently. chapas is famous for an army of farmers who rose up against authorities in 1994 and are still active. pope francis' more conservative predecessors preferred to visit more properous heartlands when they visit mexico. in choosing chapas, he's taking a different line. >> he is using his visit to show indigenous languages can be used in mass.
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people sang and prayed in their own togues. it may help slow down the russia of followers to other religions, like evangelical christianity and even islam. the state now has the lowest percentage of catholics in mexico. this brief visit has at least encouraged the faithful and those suffering in this poverty stricken state. the white house signed off on letting an alabama company build a factory in cuba as part of a special economic zone started by the cuban government to attract foreign investment. the representative of the company talked about how the decision came about. >> i've been traveling to cuba for the last few years, starting in about 2007, just going back to my roots, i'm originally from there, born and raised in cuba, came to the states and lived the american dream, after i retired
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from my decides stance, i started going back. i learned there were some changes happening in the economy, and then when i heard that president obama was going to open up opportunities for trade, my partner and i decided that we wanted to join and see how we could help to bring the two peoples together. we figured out that helping agriculture through a tractor would do a lot of good for them. >> the plant is expected to be up and running next year. utah has become a model for ending homelessness for duties but getting young people off the streets is posing a much bigger challenge.
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e utah has become away model for fighting homelessness, reducing chronic homelessness by 90%. the city is fighting the problem on another front. we have this report from salt lake city. >> we are in palmer court, which is a converted former holiday inn. >> lloyd pendleton used federal funds to convert former hotel rooms into apartments for the homeless. >> it's small, but it works, so you can see the small kitchen that's using the plumbing on the back of the bathroom. >> the strategy was so
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effective, it helped reduce the number of chronically homeless in salt lake city from 2000 to 200 in a decade, but pendleton, now retired, said the state has an even bigger job ahead, getting young adults off the streets. >> their issues are genuinely different. they've been abused at home so find it safer on the street than at home, so they've run away, they've left home, they're being kicked out. >> homelessness is a growing problem in utah for the young. young homeless adults hang out on downtown streets and on cold days inside the public library. an annual homeless count found their numbers increased nearly 15% last year. the state admits that estimate could be low. tracking homeless youth is harder than tracking homeless adults. oftentimes, they'll be couch surfing in somebody's living room or living 10 to an apartment. >> teens avoid shelters because they don't trust adults. utah is trying to find creative ways to get them off the streets.
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>> on the fourth floor, we have our community room with instruments, games. >> this is one of two transitional homes for teens and young adults in salt lake city managed by utah's volunteers of america. young adults can get rooms and live here for up to two years but have to work or go to school. while it sounds like a much better alternative than living on the street, v.o.a. president kathy gray said it can be a tough sell to some. >> to have them come in and have their own bedroom, and start to talk about employment in jobs, there's a pretty big gap in there, so we have to work with the youth for months to help them reorient their own thinking. >> but it can be done. joseph noble's father was homeless and so was he, until the 24-year-old moved into an apartment for the chronically homeless last year. he lives with his girlfriend, two sons and dog. noble says the transition has
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been tough, but worth it. >> there's always that fear of, you know, what's going to happen, what, you know, if i put myself out there, am i going to, you know, am i going to fall again, am i going to lose everything is really the biggest fear, but at the same time, it's something to strive for. i just don't want my kids to have to worry about the things that i did as a child and a young adult. >> homeless advocates say the state and others have an obligation to get people off the streets. >> we see those homeless individuals as our brothers and sisters. they're one of us. they're homeless citizens. they're not those people, they're us. >> he said utah may never end homelessness completely, but he thinks it can at least try. al jazeera, salt lake city. thanks for watching. i'm stephanie sy, the news continues next live from doha.
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