tv News Al Jazeera February 18, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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that's it. i'm tony harris. adam may is up next with news now we begin with the battle for south carolina, the primary is two days away and the primary campaign getting intense. it is known for a rough and tumble politics, this year is no exception. lisa stark joins us from colombus, south carolina. hi, thinks are getting nasty -- things are getting nasty down there. >> you know republican can't dates are -- candidates are ratcheting it up.
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>> reporter: south carolinans are known for a gentile style. when it -- comes to politics, it doesn't matter. >> it's funny, we are people that smile, but when it comes to politics, we come behind your back with a knife. >> reporter: a candidate referred to it as a demolition derby. >> you are the biggest liar, probably worse than jed bush. >> this is a man that submits his way to the phnom nation. >> he's lying about -- nomination. >> he's lying about marriage... >> reporter: it's not just what you hear in public that charecterises politics. it's the dirty strikes, innuendos and whisper campaigns. it stems from the importance of the first in the south primary. >> when the stakes are high, that's when a lot of campaigns take risk and live on the edge and do things they shouldn't do. that's when the third party group decides it's time to pull the trigger on some of the stuff.
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>> rubio's campaign says he has been the victim have underhanded attacks. including a fake photo on the website. showing rubio shaking hands with president obama. >> they are making things up. literally making up a picture. >> there's a related facebook post claiming that the south carolina tray congressman was retracting his endorsement of rubio, and throwing his support to cruise. >> not true. >> don't mix my fell junior south carolinans -- fellow south carolinans and then photos and photoshopping pictures. you are better than that. rubio and cruz accused it other of push-polls, from pollsters and political operatives trying to mislead and way voters. >> the one hope of doing well is to make false attacks with no basis whatsoever. i will note that the one person we know has done a push-poll, is senator marco rubio.
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>> reporter: a fake telephone poll was used against john mccain in his race to the presidential race, claiming he had a black child out of wedlock. he and his wife adopted a daughter from bangladesh. there was suggestion that a mormon candidate supported polygamy. that was then, now there's time still for the low blows to be delivered. >> first of all, when you come to south carolina, it's a blood sport. you have to be prepared i wear heels, it's not a fashion statement. i have to be prepared to kick. and nicky knows first hand. when she ran first time, there was a campaign accusing her of infidelity. i have to say the strategist i spoke to says a lot of
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underhanded attacks begin in the final moments of the campaign, so his advice to the voters of south carolina - get ready to duck. >> all right. lisa stark live in south carolina. thank you so much. well, a war of words erupted between donald trump and pope francis. last week the pope does not understand immigration issues along the mexican border and on a flight back from mexico pope francis was asked about trump's immigration plan. >> translation: a person that thinks only about building walls wherever they may be is not christian. it's not in the goss trump spoke about this in south carolina. >> if and when the vatican is attacked by i.s.i.s., everyone knows i.s.i.s.'s ultimate trophy. i promise you that the pope
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would have wished and prayed that donald trump would have been president. >> donald trump said a religious leader questioning faith is disgraceful. moneying alistair is a political analyst. he joins us from pittsburgh. good to have you with us. what do you make. back and fourth between donald trump and the pope? >> nothing surprises me with donald trump, he's been doing different things that should have knocked them down. aside from coming in second place in iowa, he has been invincible with his base. he can say and do what he wants, and that can stay there. it's not a surprise to me. particularly in south carolina, where there's not that men down there. if we talk about pennsylvania,
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michigan. maybe he shouldn't take on the pope. in south carolina, it doesn't play the same way. he has seen in iowa, that he can get the vote, hang on to that and keep the momentum in south carolina. in some regards, to listen, i can separate my religion from my secular views in regards to keeping america safe. trying to spin that, people that are dealing with immigration issues in the state. eventually he is going to head to the states with a large catholic population. could it cap the long run? >> there are states that are further down the road in regards to the map as to who is voting when and how many delegates each can win. let's say it's him and cruz going into pennsylvania, that will not hurt them as much. if it's trump versus rubio, we have seen polls suggesting rubio
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will trump trump. so going in to peninsula. there should be a one on one, if it's rubio versus trump, what we are saying, it's 26 on the race. it will hurt him more. we have to see what it looks like down the road. >> we don't know when it will happen. so many candidates vowing to stick it out. i'm curious rubio with the endorsement of south carolina and at least went second now, does it give him the advantage that it needs? >> it does a couple of things, it will likely come in second place. cruz in second for a long time in iowa. and basically was able to link past trump. don't be surprised if he does that with the the hayley group.
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>> it seems that he is the establishment candidate. if ben doesn't get the eadvantagelicsals, he may not go. jed bush may be going. cards are bernard cazeneuve did well in new hampshire. i think that the best ticket for the g.o.p. is rubio and john kasich. that's the best now. g.o.p. rubio. and if he outlatters jed bush, you can look to that happening. he excites everything and it looks like the 2008 eight bomb ticket. and instead of looking at illinois, which is a blue state.
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now you are talking about two swing states where the republican made latino a 2-term governor, going to ohio. you look at all that combined. that's a winning formula. >> where does ted cruz fall into all of this, astopped by a campaign event. and his groups was energized. do you feel that his campaign is on the beginning of fizzling out. >> he will keep it for a while. rick came from 1% polling to be in second place throughout the process, being the true conservative. so he'll carry the mantle all the way through. the problem is there are too many criticising the campaign. it's one thing that you get used
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to that. but everyone is pointing at you being the dirtiest politician. during a primary he is stuck with that label that doesn't play well, especially when it comes from a campaign who has seen it above. and it is not coming from marco rubio, the establishment candidate and trump. he is making accusation, he'll have a base as a true conservative. he may not have the momentum to say number one. despite what the polls are saying. >> itting analysis, the imagination of marco rubio-john kasich. thank you so much. live for us in pittsburgh. >> thank you, god bless. >> switching gears to nevada, where the democratic president is locked in a tight race. an hour from now hillary clinton
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and bernie sanders will take calls from voters. they hold democratic caucuses on saturday. a senior correspondent with more from las vegas. >> good evening, as the democrats sit down in the town haul in las vegas this evening, the people that work for bernie sanders and hillary clinton are concentrating on a latino outrea outreach. latinos picking up 20% of the population, 44%. the sanders campaign wanting to appeal to millennials. it's a big part of the success. look at the hillary clinton campaign. trying to capitalize, going to iment brands. saying i hear your call. i want to make sure that it is a centrepiece of the campaign.
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another conversation that they are having here is over the minimum wage. a $50 minimum age. it is feasible. striking at $8.75, and is still an increase, she is saying it's doable. it's the practicality versus i dealism. both resonating groups. you are registering the same day of the caucus, how many will come out. between 20,000 and 120,000 people have shown up. they don't know what will happen, it makes it a difficult state to poll. by all accounts it's close. again. they are not always reliable in the states. hillary clinton is confident but neath to put an end to the band
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winning streak. he didn't win in iowa. but he has been caused to have a lit the momentum. they want to stop that. >> mike sure in las vegas. news from president obama - they are planning to visit cuba, they are the first u.s. president to set foot in the country in 88 years. al jazeera's washington correspondent mike viqueira has more on what president obama plans to do in havana good evening. president obama has been laying the ground work on the trip for more than a year. now going forward, ignoring critics and making a visit to cuba. >> erl thursday, president obama made it official with this tweet: ♪ ♪ >> approximately de fun when we go. >> reporter: it will be the
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first time since 1928 that a sitting u.s. president visited cuba. the trip coming after president obama's historic opening, agreed to in talks brokered by the vatican. and after a handshake. at an international summit in panama. all leading to the moments last swummer. bringing normal diplomatic relations for the first time in 54 years. >> president obama says the trip is part of an overall effort to force the regime to loosen its grip. we are in a better position to support better candidates. he plans to meet raul castro, but there are no plans to meet with brother fiddle, citing a lack of time. most opposed normalization.
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>> i think the president should push for a free cuba, to go there and act as an apologist. >> the human government is as oppressive as ever. and has access to millions if not billions in sources. >> opponents say the number of distant arrests in cuba has gone up, not down since predictions of war. the white house concedes the castro regime has not movement quickly enough, saying the other way had 54 years to work, and failed to change anything. >> we believe greater connectivity to the united states and the community will be the benefit of the people. >> in response to the critics, the white house insisted it was a precondition of the trip that the castro regime allow
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president obama to meet with dissidents. the meetings will go forward. mike viqueira in washington. the number of hate groups in the u.s. on the rise after several years of declining, according to reports that came out. al jazeera's roxana saberi has that story. >> in charleston south sudan, a white sooup rex sift is accused white supremacists are accused of killing nine at a bible study. >> we have no idea his motivation behind the shooting chattinoogoa four officers were kill. and in the springs three were killed. the poverty law center says the examples are of political violence sees a rise in hate groups. it coincides with the number of hate groups across the u.s.
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it jumped from 800 to 900 last year. an increase of 14%. the group include the klu klux klan erupted after a church shooting in south carolina. numbers more than doubled to 190 groups. the report also says the number of black separatist hate groups are growing, energized by shootings of black men. the groups are motivated by racially based hatred and seek a separate nation. they reported a rise in anti-muslim behaviour. like faeces on the door of the mosque. the group says it follows the attacks in paris as well as fiery rhetoric by some
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candidates like donald trump. >> donald trump is calling for a shut down of muslims entering the united states until our company representatives figure out what the hell is going on. >> we reached out to donald trump's campaign but did not get a response. the fbi says reported hate crime dropped in the u.s. it's warned that the statistics could be lower than the actual figure. roxana saberi reporting. next - a show of force, a u.s. plan to stop a north korea missile attack into south korea. and capped - the challenge of stopping a 4-month-old methane league in los angeles, forcing thousands out of their homes.
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charged with voter fraud. the government shut all social media sites saying they had concerns. the president has been in power for 30 years. turkey wasted no time retaliating against those held responsible for the deadly suicide bombing. within hours of the plast killing -- blast killing 28 people, the planes struck conditions in northern i can. >> reporter: it took the eporter: it took the it took a few hours. officials are blaming the kerrish group. they are denying involvement in the explogs. a separatist group joining kurds fighting the turkish
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government. the investigation into the attack continues. so far people linked have been custody. others have been identified. stll be other arrests in due course. there'll be information on this now. in october close to 100 people were killed outside the train station. i.s.i.l. claimed responsibility after a man blew himself up at ab historic site popular with tourists. all linked to the war in syria, turkey has supported the fight against those terrorists. as far as the u.s. and others are concerned, the y.p.g. are their allies in the war against i.s.i.l. now the international community must rectify that policy.
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>> the links with the p.k.k. in turkey we touched upon. there's a strong link between them. obviously it will help our allies to understand. we have been seeing this, and sooner or later allies will understand. evidence of thinks, and the terrorist organizations to support them will be judged. turkey's war planes and targets in northern iraq. ankara has been shelling y.p.g. forces inside syria. it wants to send in ground troops across the border with syria. so long as the russian allies controls the sky. that option is off the table, left n.a.t.o. and turkey's partners support them. >> with the attack comes increased attacks. the governments feel that it's let down bit the u.s. and n.a.t.o. now, the latest attack could
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provide justification across the border. but the position towards syrian based kurdish groups continues to be at odds with that of its allies. the difference of opinion looks likely to remain a problem today president barack obama signed in to law a measure expanding sanctions against north korea over its nuclear programme. the sanctions come weeks after north korea launched a rocket into space and carried out underground tests. it is designed to keep north korea from getting the money it needs to develop miniaturized war heads and the missiles used to deliver them. >> the u.s. flew flour s 22 fighters jets over south korea. the u.s. and south korea are set to begin talks with missile defense systems. as jake ab ward explains, it's a system signed to bring down a
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missile. >> chad turns for terminal high altitude defense. it has three parts. a series of radar unit, fire aerial control communications, and a launcher that fires an interceptor, basically a big stick. the idea revolves around the word terminal. a missile travels from one place to another. after it has touched the apex. it enters the terminal phase, in which it essentially it falling. that is when the system seeks to intercept the missile, striking at it before the war head. >> this system used to be fantasy, and the idea is complicated. in rint years the tech -- recent years the technology is reliable. they been able to accept small
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missiles, struggling with a similar type. the system is almost entirely automated. you have 90 seconds between launch and missiles raining down. it's effective with 1,000 interception, and 90% success rate. that'd has been similarly successful according to the states. the 41 scientists installed on gaum and the tests there. u.s. military reporting 100 success test rate. if numbers are accurate, if means that those installed, almost anything that north korea could fire. it's the sale of the system that makes it complicated. it has a radar range of 600 miles. the radar may recover 1800 miles or 3,000 kilometres.
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that makes china ready to install the system. it gives them a radar coverage not just of the korean peninsula but areas of china. it was south korea that could monitor the air space. maybe it would be acceptable. the idea is rather than buying the system, south korea would co-own the system with the u.s. the system could be extremely effective means of countering missiles fired from north korea, but could create a new level of tension with china a war without breakdown. next - pope francis - a question of contraception for women threatened with the zika virus. easing their suffering. visiting one of a few hospice facilities, open for the homeless.
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pope francis made headline on two fronts. first an issue on immigration, and suggesting that birth control might be prevented to help stop the zika virus. the pope reignited the opposition to abortion, calling it an evil. the pope says there's a difference between aborting a foetus and preventing a pregnancy. like many lat yij american countries why -- latin american countries where zika is found is
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a catholic country. our guest joins us from marylands. tom, good to have you with us. >> good evening how groundbreaking is the comment from the pope, opening the doors to possible contraception? >> well, it follows on mower comment made in november. someone asked a similar question about the spread of aids in africa. there are so many concerns, then i had nothing, and people in the slave trade. when those things are solved, then we can talk about the need with the law. he didn't abandon the law. so in instances, some months apart, what he's saying is birth
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control is not always an absolute evil. he says it in accessible terms, and thinks it's a remarkable comment, and has long-term implication. >> it has been when we look at the newer younger american athletes. some catholics disillusioned by the catholics. do you see this trickling down and affecting american catholics for pregnancy prevention or spreading h.i.v. in the u.s. >> in terms of the practical use of contraception, it's been a nonissue for decades. polling showed consistently that up to 85 pore 90% of catholics.
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i think what this may have an effect on is the pastoral approach of priests in the confessi confessional when they see circumstances saying there may be areas where you can make it judgment. they may soften the stance where women, for seer reasons, cannot have a child at the moment. or want to avoid pregnancy. he's not going to say it openly, but the inclination in approach is a softer tone than we have been used to for the past 30-35 years. >> i want to ask you about the war of words between the pope and donald trump. the pope has been criticized by some for jumping in the american political fry. even if he was pulled into it. what do you make of this?
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>> in my 30-plus years of covering the church, it's unusual. i've never heard of the poem addressing a candidate. trump was mentioned in the question. i think that if you look at the contents of comments, even to his own bishops, and to other crucial questions, he is speaking out of the gospel, and what he is saying is it's an instance on the gospel meaning welcome the stranger. would make the words pretty logical. he is all about encounter. welcoming. he's certainly not about putting up walls, so this - while it sounds severe, and is, i think it's consistent with what he said before, and i suggest if mr trump looked at what - you know, what is said by his own
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culture, he is getting off easy, the pope has been clear on those, even those that he considers of not proper christian witness. >> i was thinking back to when the pope was visiting the u.s., the amazing crowds that supported him. does the pope making a comment like this have an impact on the politics. is he popular, and is he influential enough here in the u.s.? >> i don't know that. what i do know is probably inadvertently he didn't will it, he didn't mean to. but giving mr trump another couple of cycles. >> we are talking about that here, is how popular is the pope. maybe you can put it in perspective for us. it's one thing for people to show up and attend the differentent, buts do they continue to listen to the pope after he's gone, after he flies
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back overseas. do americans respect his opinion enough that it could change him politically. >> i don't know that. i think it conflicts or they are affected by him in a strong way. in a way i hear anecdotally, i haven't been here for a while. i may come back because of this guy. i want to hear more about what he says. i certainly don't think he'll affect much of the base of donald trump's support. but i don't know anything more than that. it will be interesting how this plays it out. >> south like you are as curious as we are. tom, editor from the national catholic reporter. thank you for your time tonight. >> pleasure switching gears - state officials in california say a methane leak in porta ranch has been ceiling. south carolina california gas says it will do all it can to
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mitigate the damage caused by the leaks. jennifer london reports from los angeles. >> it's the long-awaited news thousands ever families have to waited in to hear. >> we have good news that division oil and gas confirmed that the leak in the storage field is permanently sealed. >> for nearly four months methane has been fouling the air of the upscale community of porta ranch california. after a massive week at the storage facility. 12,000 people forced to move. two schools were shut down, residents say the stench made them stick. >> this is for my little boy. this is what he's taking to -- for migraines. this is my younger son's inhaler. he's had asthma attacks. >> today state officials sought to reassure residents. >> air quality has returned.
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>> now is the enormous job of moving families back home. under an agreement between socalgas and the attorney-general's office, they'll have weeks to return home from hotels. residents that moved into rental stay until their lease ends. for some and amonja forced to move. it's taken its toll. >> it's very difficult. i had a 3-year-old saying mummy, i want to go home. every day it's hard. >> the leak could be over, but the gat company's trials are beginnings. four criminal charges have been filed against socalgas, including for waiting three days to report the leak and releasing contaminants into the air. the company saw dozens of lawsuits by residents, where shutting down a ruptured well was not good enough. they want the storage facility shuttered for good.
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>> i will not be happy until the entire facility is shut and the wells moved to some other place, where it's not a community like anyone. >> the leak has been called the worst environmental disaster since the b.p. oil spill. it's called into question the safety of all underground storage facilities. after visiting the site on tuesday, u.s. energy secretary said new preventative regulations are needed. we have to push on what the president put into his climate action plan in 2013, looking at reducing leaks across the entire system as investigators work to figure out what caused the blow-out. lawmakers call for 24/7 monitoring of the site. one well is capped. there's 140 more potentially dangerous wells in the neighbourhood the department of health and
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human services secretary travelled to flint michigan. sylvia burwell with local world and members. she announced $500,000 in funding for two health centers. they are working on expanding medicaid for children and women. it's not known how many of flint's children were exposed to toxic levels of led. >> what is likely to be the last criminal case in 2010 from the gulf of mexico is under way. the supervisor of the deep water horizon was facing 11 counts of manslaughter at one stage. now he's charged on a misdemeanour of violating clean air act. jonathan martin is live in new orleans to explain why. good eveninging. >> good evening to you. so far in this trial prosecutors say that he is partly responsible for the b.p. oil disaster from 2010 saying he
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ignored serious red flags, specifically pressure tests on the well. they say that the well had sealed off leaks. the tests showed that it was upword pressure from oil and gas. we remember that the macondo well exploded off lucyiana's coast. sending oil spewing. the attorney said that he did not make the choices to set off the explosion, he was the day time supervisor, and the decisions were made before his shift starred. and said the owners should be responsible because they did not perform proper maintenance checks. it is initially a pollution charge, and now a misdemeanour. he could face a year in prison
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or fines. as mentioned before, this is likely the last criminal case related to the b.p. oil spill. the other men charged. b.p. workers, they saw their cases unravelled. no one has gone to prison. we'll see what's. it's expected to last a week or so, farce as the oil refinery, billions in landmarks were played out. we'll be here, following the trial. it is expected to last another week or so the federal communications commission voted on a new regulation, saying could it have cut your cable bill. customers can by cable boxers from companies like google or amazon. the f.c.c. hopes it will lower
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bills, they have been paying an average of 231 every year to rend cable boxes the rising use of opioids in the united states is quickly becoming an epidemic, one that is not exclusive to adults. the nature institute of drug abuse shows between 2000 and 2010, a baby suffering withdrawal was born every 25 minutes. >> every day for two weeks, they made an hour-long trip on transportation, the first stop to a methadone clinic, part of a treatment to withdraw from addiction to heroin. the second is to see a daughter, also supplying drugs. >> i have to leave here, it hurts. i don't want to look in the mirror, i don't like the persons in the mirror. his daughter bella was born hooked on heroin and other
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drugs. >> i will listen to her. >> reporter: after two weeks in hospital, isabella is still suffering from tremors, feeding disabilities and stress. >> when you see your baby withdrawn, it does. in the united states, the number of drug dependent babies is soaring, quadrupling in the past decade. the reason is a number of prescriptions written for pain-killers. in 2012 doctors wrote 259 million prescriptions for opiate pain-killers, considered the gateway drug. the costs were as little as a pack of secrets. >> the past year we admitted 100 babies with withdrawal. that end up to be 8% of the total of the population here. >> at baltimore's hospital. special units are equipped to
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help babies wean off opioids. they are spent in agony. >> i felt so bad. i didn't stop to think what i was going to my child. when she was born, it opened my eyes. michael is now job s, facing gaol time for drug use. demanding drug tests, if she tests positive, she can lose custody of her child. despite years of drug use, sobriety is the only goal. >> i want the best. i have to keep myself out there so she can have that. >> still, isabella faces challenges, and remainlies in intensive care, spending another night in the hospital without her parents, adjusting to a life without drugs. a number of americans are choosing to die at home with the
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help of hospice care. in salt lake city the option has been extended to those without a home. we are taken to the in between. a place where homeless people end their final days. >> chaos and pain. salt lake city's homeless. but for the most vulnerable, there's comfort inside the former convent. jim adams struggles with pain caused by stage 4 bladder cancer. the 60-year-old was diagnosed last fall. the same day he lost his apartment and wound up on the street. >> i was just in shock. you know. for a little bit there. and i accepted it, you know. i asked to come here.
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>> here is the in between, a hospice for the terminally ill homeless, one of a few like it in the u.s. >> dinner is ready, robert. >> this 16-bed nonprofit opened last summer. residents have their own rooms. they get home-cooked meals served by volunteers. and a calming companionship rarely found on the streets. [ singing ] >> reporter: it runs entirely on donations. local food pantries keep the kitchen stocked and cash donations keep the lights on and pay staff. it covers hospice care, but not housing. in utah and other states. many terminally ill homeless are not treated for the pain. >> they require medication, medical equipment, hospice care. that are tough deliver in the shelter environment where it's a
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three-high bunk bed. and the person may be on the bottom bunk. >> homeless people face the same issues at the general public, sometimes 3-5 times higher. illnesses like hypertension, heart disease and diabetes can be made worse, and in some cases exposure to the elements. sometimes hospice care can reverse damage. the once strapping 42-year-old arrived at the in between have few months ago, dying from liver failure. but medical care from a doctor. abstaining from alcohol and a nutritional diet put him on the became a path to recovery. >> i have bad liver and kidneys, i'm functional.
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before you could barely talk to me, i was out of it. for those patient that reached the end of life. family staff and volunteers gathered to celebrate their lives. on this day they remembered cow else. >> i was honoured to get to know candice in the last stage of her life. she was very special. jim adams said the in between provided him comfort, a chance to reconnect with his daughter and a sense of peace. >> how important is it for you to be here? >> i would be gone if this wasn't here coming up next - 20 years after the unibomber's capture, a conversation with a woman who helped police identify them. ted's own sister-in-law.
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it's been almost 10 years since ted, the unibomber, was captured. his brother has written a memoire. in it every last time the story of the unibomber and his family, talking about a decision to turn in his brother. but it wasn't him that first suspected him, it was david's wife linda, who never met ted. john seigenthaler spoke to her and asked how the fbi figured
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out what it couldn't. >> dave and i married in 1990. so i was just beginning to learn about his family. and i was the kind of outsider whose father was already dead. but whenever david and his mother came together, they would spend a couple of hours talking about ted. i was an outsider listening to what they were talking about, and they were always worried about ted, that he had cut off communications with his persons, that he might have heart problems, and his letters to david and his personality were filled with anger and they can't understand this. they would talk trying to figure out what they did wrong or what they could do to help ted.
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it seemed that ted was mentally ill and his family did not want to acknowledge that. i was leaning to the motion that this person was mentally ill. >> how difficult was it for your family? >> i think for david's mother it was very painful and for dave. not only because ted cut off communication, but to thing that here was someone they raised, raised to be intelligent and raised to be thoughtful about other people. and yet somehow, turning in a family member, it's very
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best in the dead of the night, a daring chance for freedom. through barbed wire a baby is passed one migrant to another along the serbian border. it was chosen as the world photo of 2015. selected for more than 82,000 solutions. the winning images are heart-breaking and life affirming. a family of syrian refugees posing for a portrait. a moving minor, a break. they do more than capturing moments. they tell a story. like that of this 7-year-old, burnt from a bomb dropped next to his home. photographer reveals the palpable anger on the streets of chicago during a protest over the fatal police shooting. quoum mcdonald.
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in a series, the crossing of the mediterranean is documented. an overcrowded fishing boat heads to italy, and hundreds on the tech of a rescue ship. from sweeping scenes to single shots in black and white and in colour. here a young experience sits at an altar, celebrating in spain. also on display, a volcano eruption in mexico, a menacy ar anninga tang. you'd think this was photo shops. a massive cloud tsunami, approaching sun bakers in sydney australia. but it is real. as is the feeling of fear and uncertainty caught in the face of this young girl. covered in a rain coat.
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>> some pictures of powerful emotions. that's it for us. thank you for watching. ali velshi "on target" is next. i'm david shuster in for ali velshi. tonight - two political parties in danger of being overrun. donald trump on the righted. bernie sanders on the left. and the pitch fork brigade are getting stronger tonight there are more indications that both democratic and republican parties, revealing a populous
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