tv News Al Jazeera February 19, 2016 5:00pm-5:31pm EST
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>> you a training camp in libya said that it posed a threat to its national security. hello, i'm maryam nemazee. you're watching al jazeera live from london. also coming up, victory at last. david cameron said that he struck a deal to keep the u.k. in the e.u. deal is rejected by france and the u.s. the author "to kill a
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mocking bird" has died at the age of 89. >> airstrikes target fighters aligned with the islamic state in iraq and the levant. libyan officials say at least 40 people were killed in the attack in and around the west of the capital of tripoli. the pentagon said it is a training camp that is aimed at kill an officer in the attack. roslind jordan has more from washington, d.c. >> officials both at the pant gone and state department do not want to say whether friday's airstrikes inside libya means that the u.s. is ramping up its fight against isil inside that country. the obama administration has
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been very careful not to do any sort of escalation because it wants to b see the unity government take control inside libya. it is very much concerned about the perception that the u.s. may be carrying out unilateral attacks inside the country something which the president barack obama has been loathe to do unless his aides have felt it's in the u.s. national security interest. when asked what would be in the national security interest, they refused to comment. turkey blames wfg in the attack in ankara that killed 28 people. but in the last several hours the freedom falcons say it was behind the bombing in response to presidente president erdogan's policies. we have reports from the
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syrian--turkish border. >> turkey is targeting positions at the ypga syrian kurdish armed group. the government said it has evidence that a suicide car bomber who targeted a bus full of soldiers in ankara on wednesday was a ypg member, and that he received help from the outlawed kurdistan workers party or the pkk inside turkey. >> we have critical data on this attack. turkey's friends should stand with turkey against all organizations. >> security is increasingly a concern in turkey. the bombing in ankara wasn't the first. and since july the southeast of the country has been a battleground between security forces and pkk affiliates. officials want their western allies to sever their links with the syrian kurdish fighters.
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>> the u.s. must clarify its stands on terrorism. it's a sign of weakness to act with a terror organization like the ypg in a fight against daesh. but on the ground the u.s. continues to provide air cover to the ypg and it's allies as they push deeper into isil-held territory. in syria's eastern province the fetterers closing in on a main supply route that isil also known as daesh uses to move between its strongholds in syria and neighboring iraq. >> it's not about choosing sides here. there is no doubt about turkey's membership in the coalition. there is no doubt about our commitment to the fellow nato ally and there is also no doubt that some of the strongest fig fighters against daesh inside syria have been kurdish fighters. >> but the kurdish fighters and their allies have not only been taking territory from isil.
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in recent weeks they have been taking ground from opposition groups backed by turkey. for turkey that is a red line and ankara wants to prevent further ypg advances particularly in aleppo's northern corridor close to its border. ankara considers that a threat to its national security and it has made clear that it will take all the necessary measures to prevent it. it wants its western allies to stand by them in this fight. for now turkey's options are to continue the shells and provide support. the west has signaled it won't back turkey's call for ground operation inside syria, and the u.s. has signaled that it won't choose sides. the escalating tensions are straining long-time alliances and complicating an already difficult process aimed at ending syria's war. >> meanwhile, russia has submitted a draft resolution to the u.n. security council
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demanding an end to action which undermines syria's sovereignty. the document is aimed at halting military action in syria. daniel lack is at the united nations for us. no, sir surprisingly this draft resolution is facing stiff opposition. >> oh, absolutely. we've heard from the american ambassador samantha power who called it a distraction. the british ambassador who said that this resolution is going nowhere, and the french ambassador who said it was not going any with a either. interestingly before the meeting began he stopped and spoke to journalists and expressed a great deal of concern about the situation along the border between syria and turkey. let's hear what he had to say. >> this military escalation that's might second point is a direct result of the brutal offensive in the north of syria led by the syrian regime and
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here russia must understand that it's unconditional support is a dead-end, and a dead-end that could be extremely dangerous. >> so that said the french ambassador. the meet something over. the fate of the resolution not particularly clear but not really good with permanent members saying they don't really like it. their deputy ambassador spoke to the media after the meeting, but that's probably a fairly desperate move the fear of a possible turkish ground offensive weren't real. weren't going to happen. and they would take part in multi lateral activities. the security council and so on. no one is expecting that any time soon. there have been troop build up by occur at this concerns about
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kurdish advances. this is just another phase getting a little bit more confused. and meanwhile talks in geneva brings an end to this. while the political testaments are going in where, we're waiting to see what happens over there early next week. >> watching those negotiations very closely as well. thank you, live for us at the united nations. am necessary tit international released report that is critical of turkey's role in the crisis. but turkish authorities have denied entry to civilians who were in need of medical care after fleeing aleppo. forces have shot and injured civilian who is attempted to cross the borders unofficially, and they've called on the community to step up its support for turkey and other countries dealing with a massive influx of refugees. they said that turkey and the
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rest of the world need to do more to help refugees. >> turkey, of course, has taken in over a million refugees, and we know it's under strain, and we should live up to the obligations. that would allow people who are fleeing all of this violence to be alloweed into turkey. they can't do it on their own. we need to see the international community stepping up. they need to be providing the humanitarian support to ensure that turkey can care for the refugees who are fleeing this relentless violence. >> developing news out of the e.u. summit in brussels where david cameron said he has reached an agreement to give u.k. special status in the e.u. emma hayward is in brussels for us. what do we know about the contents of this deal? >> well, david cameron is about to give a news conference and we'll find out what they'll
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achieve in these negotiations that started at 11:00 and went on until 5:00 this morning. he came back at 11, and he's been talking since then. he said that the deal will give britain that will give special status, that is something that other leaders have fought against. but we know they'll be able to apply this emergency break. and there will be other details emerging soon. but this is being hailed by many people here at the e.u. it has brought you man must support and the foreign affairs representative said it is a good deal. this is something that at times during the summit we thought we might not get an agreement because the negotiations have been perhaps much tougher than people expected them to be. >> it has been an uphill struggle with long days and nights there in brussels.
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but i suppose now the hard work really begins ahead of the referendum in the u.k. in june he knew he needed to take home what he called perhaps a good deal to try to persuade those undecided voters to stay in the e.u. we know that there are many who are undecided which way they'll vote june 23rd is the date we expect them to announce tomorrow. he was supposed to meet them tonight. but that was delayed because the talks have gone on so long. >> what do we expect to see happen in the next couple of hours. i suppose we'll be hearing more
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about this deal. when will it be ensigned. >> we should be able to hear from david cameron. he's on the podium now. we should be able to get more details about what he's thinking and feeling after these long negotiations. >> within the last hour i've negotiated a deal to give the united kingdom special status inside the european union. i will fly back to london tonight and update the cabinet at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning this still has delivered on the commitments i made on this process. there will be tough new restrictions for e.u. migrants. no more something for nothing. britain will never join the euro. and we've secured vital protections for our economy. and a full say over the rules of
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the free trade single market while remaining outside the euro. i believe this is enough for me to recommend that the united nations remain in the european union having the best of both worlds. we'll be in parts of europe that work for us, influencing the decisions that effect us in the driving seat of the world's biggest market, and with the ability to take action to keep our people safe. and we'll be out of the parts that don't work for us. out of the bailouts and out of the you row and out of the screams that britain wants no part. we'll go through the details of what we agree to and why. i began this negotiation to address the concerns of the british people and today all 28 member states have signed up to concrete reforms in each of the areas i've set out. british jobs and british
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business depend on being able to trade with europe to remain on a level playing field. our first negotiations were to get new protections for a country like ours that is in the single market but not in the euro. let me take you through what we secured. we've permanently protected our position and our right to keep it. the e.u. has more than one currency. responsibility for supervising the financial stability of the u.k. remains in the hands of the bank of england, so we continue to keep our tax payers and our savers safe. we've insure thad british tax payers will never be made to bail out countries in the eurozone. we've ensured that the u.k.'s economic interests are protected. we made sure that the eurozone cannot act as a block to undermine the integrity of the free strayed single market, and we guarantee that british business will never face any discrimination for being outside of the eurozone. for example, our financial
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services firms can never be forced to relocate inside the eurozone if they want to trade in euros just because they're based in the u.k. not only do these rules set out in legally binding agreement, we also agree that should the u.k. or another non-euro member state feel that the rules have been broken, they can activate an emergency safeguard unilaterally to insure that these rules are enforced. let me be claire because there has been debate about this. britain will have the power to pull this hereof on our own. a second name in these negotiations was to make the euro more competitive. so we create jobs and make british families more financially secure. we outline a number of commitments in this area. for the first time the european union will now say that the competitiveness is, and i quote, an essential objective of the union. this is important because it goes to the very heart of what europe should be about.
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it means europe will complete the single market in services. this will make it easier for service-based companies like it firms to tray in euros. nowhere will this be more of an opportunity than in the united kingdom where thousands of service companies makeup two-thirds of our whole economy. it could add up to 2% of our economy each year. that's a real improvement. the european union will complete the single market in capital. this will mean u.k. start ups will access more sources of finance for their businesses and present new opportunities for the u.k. financial services industry. europe will complete the single market in energy. this will allow more supplies in the u.k. energy market, lowering bills, and increasing investment across the continent. that's a real improvement, too. in addition we complete trade and investment agreements with the fastest growing and most dynamic economies around the world, including the usa, japan
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and china as well as our commonwealth allies, india, new zealand and australia. these deals could add billions of pounds and thousands of jobs to our economy every year. and because i know one of the biggest frustrations with the you row, especially for small businesses is red tape and bureaucracy we have europe to introduce target to cut of toilet burden of e.u. regulation on business. that means the cost of e.u. red tape will be going down and not up. our third aim in these negotiations was to reduce the very high level of migration from within the e.u. by preventing the abuse of free moment and keeping the welfare system from acting as a magnate for people coming to this country. first, the new powers against criminals from other countries including powers to stop them from coming to britain in the first place and the powers to deport them if they're already here..
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we've secured break through agreement for britain to reduce the unnatural draw that our benefit system exerts across europe. we've made sure that e.u. migrants cannot claim the universal credit while looking for work. those coming from the e.u. who have not found work within six months can now be required to leave. today we've established a new emergency break so that e.u. migrants have to wait for years before there is full access to benefits. this putsen end to the idea that people can come to our country and get something for nothing. the commissioner said unambiguously that britain already qualifies to use this mechanism. it won't be some short-term fix. once activated this will be in place for a full seven years. we agree that e.u. migrants working in britain can no longer
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send child benefit home at u.k. rates. these changes will apply to new claimants and insure that they will apply to existing claimants to the start of 2020. i came here to end the practice of sending child benefits overseas at u.k. rates both for current and future rates, and i've got them both. our fourth negotiation was to protect our countries from further integration and breeze powers for our national parliament. ever since we joined europe has been on the path of something that is called ever closer union. we never liked it, and we never wanted it. we've carved union out of it so we cannot be forced into political interrogation with the rest of europe. the text of legally binding sets out in fuel the u.k. position and says that the treaties will be changed to make clear, i quote, the treaty references to ever closer union do not apply
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to the united kingdom. let me put this as simply as i can. britain will never be part of an european super state. we've also put power back in the hands of westminster and other national parliaments and the red card will mean the u.k. parliament will work with others to block unwanted legislation from brussels and at long last we have an agreement that wherever possible powers should be returned to member states and we have a new mechanism to make this a reality. every year the e.u. now has to go through the powers that exercise and work out which are no longer needed and should be returned to nation states. in recent years we've seen attempts to by pass our opt out on justice by bringing forward legislation under a different label. for example, attempts to interview with the way the u.k. authorities handle fraud but brought under the guys of legislation of the e.u. budgets. we have made sure that this can
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never happen again. we've established once and for all in international law that britain's national security is the sole responsibility of the british government. for instance, we can never be part of an european army. these are significant reforms. but i've always said if we needed to go further to put britain sovereignty beyond doubt then we would. in addition to these changes i'll shortly be bringing forward further proposals that we can bring together as a country unilaterally. i thank all the leaders for their patience, for their good will, for their assistance, for all the work we've done not just in the last 48 hours, but in all the months since the election of last year. the changes that we've agreed will be legally binding in international law, and will be deposited at the united nations. they cannot be unpicked without
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you man must agreement of every e.u. country, that include's britain. when i said i wanted reforms that are legally binding and irreversible, that's what i call. and the council was clear that the treaties will be changed in two important respects. first to manage the relationship between countries inside and outside of the eurozone. and second, to carve the u.k. out of ever closer union. i think it creates a more flexible union. i'm first to say that this organization needs to improve. the task of reforming europe does not end with today's agreement. far from it. this is a milestone on the
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journey. not the end point. there is nothing in this agreement that stops further reform from taking place. as long as we stay in the european union britain will be in there, driving the market, bearing down, championship championing the cause of free trade with this new agreement i believe the time has come for me to fulfill the promise i made when i stood for a second term as prime minister. i will present this agreement to cabinet and on monday i'll present it to parliament and commence the process under the referendum act. the british people must now decide whether to stay in this reformed european union or to leave. this will be an once in a generation moment to shape the destiny of our country. there will be lots of arguments
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made in the months ahead. there logical be people in my party, and in other parties arguing on both sides of the debate this is an historic moment for britain. in the end this is not a decision for politicians. it will be a decision for the british people. and we'll need to look at all the facts and searching questions of what either choice would really mean. simply being in europe does not solve our economic problems. far from it. and i've always been clear about that, just as i've always opposed britain joining the erow. but turning our back on the e.u. is no solution at all. and we should be suspicious of those who believe that leaving europe is a fast track to milk and honey. we need to step back and consider carefully what is best for britain. what is best for our future.
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whatever the british public decide i will try to make work to the best of my ability. but let me tell you what i believe. i do not love brussels, i love britain. my job as british prime minister is to do all in my power is to protect britain's interests. when it comes to europe mind is a hard-headed assessment of what is in our national interest. we should never forget why this organization came into being. 70 years ago our countries were fighting each other. today we're talking. today we're trying to fix problems. today we discuss around a table how we're going to sort things out and we should never forget that. we should never take that achievement, peace and stability on the continent for granted. today our world is again an uncertain place with threats to our security, and our existence coming from multiple cultures. this in my view is a time to stick together, a time for strength in numbers. like many i've had my doubts about the european union as an
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organization. believe me i still do. but just because an of course is frustrating, it does not mean that you should necessarily walk out of it, and certainly not without thinking very carefully about the consequences. the question that matters for me as prime minister is what it best for my country. how is a country are we stronger, safer, better off? this is something that i've given a huge amount of thought. and now we have this agreement. i do believe that the answers lie inside a reformed european union. and let me explain why. first, britain will be stronger remaining in a reformed union than we would be out on our own because we can play a leading role in one of the world's largest organizations from within, helping us determine our future. yes, there are frustrations, and no, we don't always get our way. but time and again british leadership at the top table gets
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things done whether it's imposing sanctions on russia or iran or tackling people smuggling in the mediterranean. because the truth is this: throughout our history our strength as a nation has come from looking beyond our shores and reaching out to the world. and today the e.u. like nato, like the u.n. is a vital tool for britain that we can use to boost our nation's power in the world and multiply our availability to advance britain's interest. to protect our people, generate goods, raise people's standard of living. that's one of the reasons why our closest friends outside of europe from australia to new zealand, the united states and canada, they all want us to stay inside the e.u. we should listen to them. people who want us to leave will take us out of this position of influence, and they can't tell you what that would mean for britain's ability to advance our interests. second, i profoundly believe
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that the british people will remain safe remaining in a formed europe than being out on our own. let me tell you why. we would always depend on nato, but today we face a myriad of threats for our security from terrorism to organized crime, human trafficking to cyberattacks. we defeat these threats by working together. by the closest possible cooperation between countries especially with our closest neighbors with europe. let me give you one example from the way we share information. when terrorists tried to bomb london for the second time in 2005, one of the culprits fled to mainland europe. because of an arrest warrant we could bring him back in just a few weeks. previously that would have taken years. when i say we're safer, i really mean it. by contrast those who want to leave cannot tell you how this cooperation would continue, or how long it would take to
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replicate these country one by one. third, britain will be better remaining in a reform byu row. because we would have access to the free trade single marks of 500 million people. it brings jobs, it brings financial security to our country. those who want to leave can't tell you if we should have access to this. let's be clear if we were to leave-- >> british prime minister david cameron.
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britain will never be part of moves for a closer union. britain will never be in the euro, he said. britain will never participate in the future bail outs of countries. and there will be restrictions on welfare payments made to e.u. migrants. let's go straight to emma hayward because she has been following all of this. emma, how important of a deal is this? how might it change britain's relationship with europe? >> he said that britain would never be part of a future european super state. he said there would be tough new restrictions on access to the welfare system, and he also said that there would be new protection for countries which don't use the euro. that being britain, of course.
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