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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  February 21, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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this is al jazeera america, liver from new york city. i'm erica pitzi. here are today's top stories. new details about a deadly shooting spree in michigan. the suspect an uber driver who police say drove around in his car while firing at his victims. >> i have a big advantage, but a long way from being won talking politics, the g.o.p. candidate hit the undertalk shows after donald trump's big win in south carolina.
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>> we did well with young people. i think we did well with working class people. >> for the democrats, bernie sanders staying positive after a loss to hillary clinton in the nevada caucuses. and the struggle to recover in fiji. no power and widespread flooding after a powerful cyclone ever recorded strikes the island nation. a candlelight vigil will be held to honour the victims of last night's shooting in kalamazoo. six were killed, two others wounded. michigan's governor rick schneider visiting with the victims. tonight uber confirmed that the suspect was a driver for the company. roxana saberi has more. >> reporter: the latest in a series of mass shootings rocking
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the u.s. this time kalamazoo michigan. >> this was so random. if it was gang violence, there's things to work on there. when a random individual decides to be evil. i don't know how you stop that at least six in the community are dead. two clinging to life and for now no one knows. yes. >> this is your worst nightmare, where you have someone driving around randomly killing people. >> the suspect was arrested on sound. >> he didn't struggle. he seemed unaffected by what was going on. they found that surprising based on what he knew or believed he had done at the time. >> reporter: place say dalton drove around town, opening fire.
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he reportedly picked up fares between each shooting, an allegation that police are investigating. he and pass a background check to become a driver. the company is horrified and will do what it can. the shooting industry spanned 15 miles. the first victim a woman shot outside the complex. her terrified children watching from steps away. neighbours came to help her. we checked out the back. i came out and saw a woman in between the truck and the kerbing, and she was coming through 911. >> the mother is expected to survive. a father and son gunned down looking at farce at a kia car strict. and the scene with the most victims, a cracka barrel parking
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lot. four women killed sitting in their cars. a 14-year-old girl in one car was gravely injured. >> i was shocked by it. >> dalton was arrested two hours after the last shooting and is expected to be in court on monday now to the 2016 presidential election, and the republican field is down to five candidates. jed bush announced last night he is suspending his campaign after getting less than 8% of the vote in south carolina. the candidates are setting sights on nevada, where the voters will caucus on tuesday, and 12 states where voters go to the polls on super-tuesday. randall pinkston and senior washington correspondent mike viqueira are in south carolina, where donald trump won the republican primary yesterday. let's start with you, good evening to you. how have the results changed the race, do you think? >> well, of course, it is a much, much tighter race at the
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top. and a virtual wash-out at the bottom. wrp dr ben carson and john kasich finished in single digits. the focus is on antiestablishment candidate donald trump, and the two men who hope to stop him. >> reporter: a record turn out among south carolina republicans, more than 7,000 voters gave donald trump his second primary victory, this one in a state where religious conservatives make up two-thirds of republican voters. >> when you win it's beautiful. and we'll start - we are going to start winning for our country. >> reporter: trump's victory puts an end to the campaign. the sun and brother of former president spend millions in a losing effort. >> people of iowa, and south carolina spoke. we respect their decision. >> tonight i am suspending the campaign. >> with bush's efforts, there are five contenders.
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the fight is focused on a single question - who can run against trump. ted cruz claims he is tough enough. >> a lot thing donald trump is not a right guy to go head to head with hillary clinton much 70% of republicans believe that. we see people coming together. we are the only campaign that has beaten donald trump, and can beat donald trump. >> cruz who failed to carry an until county is locked in a battle for second place with former senator marco rubio. he insists his policy decisions will sway voters. sounding strong is not enough. you have to know how to do it. if you look at the policies, they would not make america stronger. marco rubio's arguments are not winning against trump. on the morning after his
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victory, trump, known for bragging, was modest about beating the can't says. we are competing against a lot of people. i don't want to say it's mine. i'm leading. we have a long way to go. at some point donald trump may be challenged on his experience. >> we'll make america great again. thank you everybody. >> supporters say some republicans see trump's outsider status as an asset. >> we have presidents with little or no experience in government. sometimes a pair of fresh eyes, if they are stuck in a man with plenty of understanding, and drive, and some good help. that's how you get things done. >> that was lieutenant governor mcmaster, the only state-wide elected official in south carolina to endorse trump. despite a hard-knuckle campaign
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where some called him a liar, despite all of that. they think republicans will unite if, in the end. donald trump is a republican party nominee. >> let's talk about ted cruz. he reportedly has a well-organized ground campaign. does that make a difference in a tight race. that's why he won in iowa, right? >> yes, that is what the political analysts say, and it does make a difference in a tight race. look at yesterday's results. donald trump out polled his nearest opponents by 10 points. also there's an indication that there was ballots and a lot of them on unusually high number for trump. >> interesting. all right. thank you so much. let's go to senior washington correspondent mike viqueira, who is live in south carolina tonight. he is looking ahead to next saturday when the state holds a democratic primary. how much of an impact will
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hillary clinton's victory in nevada have on the next contest? >> well conventional wisdom pretty much went out of window. it appears to be reverting to the mean. going back to normal and a measure of conventional wisdom. the caucuses showed hillary clinton shows strength among black voters, and she is counting on the voters and throughout super-tuesday, a few days after that. while nevada's vote was small compared to what it is in here. more than 50" of the electorate. that is part of the fire wham, stopping the bernie sanders insurgency. >> it's a race that bernie sanders hoped could win. hillary clinton consistent come to south carolina. she went to texas. one of the super-tuesday states,
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a popular state, holds a lot of delegates, but she struck a theme of race relations in houston, later today. >> it's a blast from the jim crow past. i thought we won that battle in the 196 #s. -- 1960s. to see it rear its ugly head is a disappointment, it's a barrier i intend to knock down. >> hillary clinton will do fundraising in california after texas, and on tuesday night there's a town hall, televised town hall where both candidates are in state let talk about her opponent. we wrapped up a large rally, had he changed his speech at all to cater for voters there? >> not at all. we are talking about minority voters, we talk about the tone of campaign. there's no question that both
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candidates because of the insurgency have been pulled to the left. we are talking about traditional liberal issues, no question about it. bernie sanders came to josh starling, and on the morning shows he insisted that he not skip over the state even though few are given a chance. there are states where he's competitive. but he too today in his speech was talking about the issue of race relations, just tonight in greenville south carolina. >> american, black, latino or white. should be fearful of walking down the street and getting shot by a police officer. when a police officer breaks the law like any other public official, that officer must be held accountable now, super-tuesday, just after the south carolina primary on saturday, they are calling it the south-east conference after
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the football conference primary, because of all the southern states in this part of the world. alabama, arkansas, georgia, texas and virginia, hold primaries and caucuses. >> thank you so much i.s.i.l. is claiming responsibility for attacks that killed more than 100 syrians on sunday. multiple explosions reported in damascus and homs. the attacks coming hours after secretary of state john kerry announced a professional truce with russia in the region. zeina khodr has more from the border it was an attack in the heart of homs. the government held city in central syria. two near simultaneous explosions, killed and injured dozens, many women and children. the neighbourhood is where alawites lived. they have seen similarly attacks in the past. the bombing has been described. the government managed to regain
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control of much of the city from the opposition. bombings like these are a reminder that a military solution will not end the war. there seems to be progress towards a truce. >> we have reached a provisional agreement in principal on the terms of a cessation of hostilities that could begin in the coming days. it is not yet done, and i anticipate that our president's, president obama and vladimir putin may well speak somewhere in the next days or so in order to complete this task. >> kerry was speaking in jordan, a member of the syrian support group. also the country given the task of putting together an internationally agreed list of who was present in syria. there was no mention of whether
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a consensus had been rax. secretary of state john kerry said a deal on cessation of hostilities is closer than ever. hours earlier the syrian opposition said they'd be are the to accept a ceasefire, the government doesn't want the rebels to exploit a truce, to remarm and regroup. and the -- reharm and regroup. they made positions clear. but it is the u.s. and russia who are the main players. one of those details is the presence of the al nusra front. fighters who are linked to massimilano allegri. the u.n. designated terrorism organization, but it fights along side opposition groups that participate in the process. the opposition says excluding al nusra front would give them an excuse to target rebel positions. a pause in the fighting will bring relief to syrians trapped in battle grounds, but will not
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peen an end to the -- mean an end to the conflict. there are differences between the regional backers and warring sides about what comes next. >> the answer to the syrian civil war will not be found in a military alliance with bashar al-assad. let me make that clear. i am convinced it can be found in a broadly supported diplomatic initiative aimed at a negotiated political settlement with a transitional governing council on the ground, the syrian led government alliance changed the balance of power in its favour, following offenses in northern syria. the opposition's hand may have been weakened. the general thought is that the government cannot win the war. a truce is still being worked on syrian president bashar
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al-assad told a spanish newspaper that refugees that fled his country are welcome to return. of course, this is the right to come back. unless it is someone that is a killer. a good number are government supporters. from the government. because of the standard in the area through the last few years. they can come back without any action from the government. we want people to come back to syria. >> reporter: bashar al-assad called on syria to lift the embargo on syrian people and turkish troops would be treated as terrorists. the fight would be a topic of discussion during meetings between president obama and the king of jord jordan , king abdu
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willist the u.s. -- will visit the u.s. the two world will discuss the civil war in syria and the influx of refugees into jordan. joining us is professor of history in u.c.l.a. and an expert on the middle east. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> what do you think is the marnt topic king abdullah and president obama should address this week. >> they'll address a number of issues, what is important is off the table. what is going on in the jordanian economy. it's not been helped by 680,000 refugees that have crossed the border. we know that jordan is an ally in the fight against i.s.i.l.,
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what is the role. should they do more? >> well, jordan's in a bad spot. it's a small country with limited influence. and prank lie. doesn't want to antagonise neighbours, but went over. the american program to train rebels came to an end. when it was proven to be ineffective. >> so you were talking about syrian refugees, jordan has taken in hundreds of thousands of refugees, and you were talking upwards of millions, the number stands at 630,000. king abdullah says it's straining his own culture, he's asked for aid. will he take it opportunity to press from head from the u.s.? >> he may, but decisions were
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made at a donor conference, united states upped obligations to jordan, it had been about 600 million, and it's up to a billion for a variety of things. jordan allowed refugees to come in. there's no camps that had been set up until a year after the outbreak of the rebellion. many ended up unregistered. there's 630,000 registered by the united nations. what we see is jordan is near the boiling point because of large numbers of refugees, many cared for by jordanians because
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of infrastructure, schooling and so on. >> what does that mean. how much is their life on a day-to-day basis affected by the crisis. >> to start off with jordan had an a 30% unemployment raid. jordanians are convinced that the syrians are taking their jobs. the argument is that syrians are taking jobs. that they don't want to do themselves. similar to the argument about the united states, in terms of mexicans crossing the boarder. the problem is that jordan did not escape the arab uprisings of 2010-2011. jordan had uprisings in 2012, around economic issues. there's a problem of corruption, the king has been through four prime ministers in 2011.
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now there's a sex scandal involving the monarchy as well. it is not in very good shape at the present time. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> it's the most powerful cyclone to hit the southern hemisphere. up next, the destruction left behind in fiji as the long struggle to recover begins. and investigators not able to unlock the iphone of one of the san bernardino killers have many questioning whether the government will keep up with technology, we discuss privacy versus security in the week ahead.
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a super cyclone ripped through the island nation of fiji killing six people. humanitarian groups are warn of a crisis if severely damaged power and water lines are not restored. as al jazeera's caroline malone reports, authorities are assessing the damage. >> a glimpse of the damage in fiji after a strong cyclone. a town on the main island escaped a direct hit. the storm left its mark. it brought rain and 300 k/hr winds. flattening homes, industries and electricity cables. there's damage to other parts of
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the island, even though it's part of the country with strong infrastructure to withstand wind and rain. >> it's vital everyone remain in their homes while officials carry out the important work of preparing historical and critical infrastructure. powerlines will go down all over the country. and glass, live trek -- electric materials pose threats. phone and powerlines are down. it's difficult to contact people living there. some deaths and injuries have been confirmed. relief work makes it difficult to get around because of trees across the roads. >> i've been offered support, and we have in place pre-positioned supplies in suva that are available.
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i have offered the adf to send a p3 orion to carry out aerial civilians, particularly in the outer lying islands and do a needs assessment. >> fiji relies on the tourist industry. there's about 1,200 australians registered there, and other nationalities affected. getting home will be difficult, because airports have been closed. many of the low-lying alds are flooded. res -- lying islands in are flooded. the fijian government declared a 30 day state of emergency. because many of the islands in are remote. it may be time before the full extend of the damage is known today u.s. secretary of state john kerry urged calm as he met with palestinian president mahmoud abbas to discuss tensions in the west bank and jerusalem.
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he told the president he'sed committed to a 2-state solution. secretary of state john kerry called for a de-escalation of violence. more than 160 palestinians and 28 israelis have been killed since october. many in shootings and knife attacks. >> in dubai, a prominent saudi prince commended the formation involving 34 islamic nations. . >> it's no secret, unfortunately, that in our world today the majority of terrorism-related acts, its victims are muslim. east or west, north or south. it is our responsibility as muslim countries to play the primary role in fighting the disease that impacted us all. >> muslim countries need to take the lead on fighting terror. and the coalition should have been fighting sooner london mayor boris johnson
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is breaking ranks. even though the prime minister opposes it. >> it's my view that after 30 years of writing about this, we have a chance actually to do something. the last thing i wanted was to go against david cameron or the government. but i didn't think there was anything else i can do. i will be advocating to leave. >> prime minister david cameron urged johnson to support staying in the e.u. the british people will vote on june 23rdrd. coming up, the fight for a college student's rights in india, accused of inciting rebellion, and attacked. this week's election of a new f.i.f.a. president begins a new era. issues like accusations of human rights - have they been addressed in we'll talk to an
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expert about it. stay with us.
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welcome back to al jazeera america, here is a look at the top stories. a mass shooting in kalamazoo yesterday leaves six dead and two others wounded, including a 14-year-old girl. the 45-year-old suspect jason dalton is in police custody. he eingd adly car -- allegedly carry outside shootings in between fares as a uber driver hillary clinton in texas looking to super-tuesday when
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texas and 11 other states hold their primaries. her and bernie sanders visited a church in south carolina, where the democratic primary is being held. on the republican side front runner donald trump spoke at a rally in georgia, ted cruz and marco rubio attended event in nevada explosions in two syrian cities left more than 100 dead. dozens killed in aleppo and homs. i.s.i.l. claimed responsibility for the attacks, coming hours after secretary of state john kerry announced a provisional truce with russia in the region protests spreading across india following the arrest and attack of a student, accused of inciting movement against the government. he was beaten by a group this week. >> reporter: he is in judicial custody until march the 2nd.
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accused of holding an event at his university in which anti-indian slogans were used. he is facing charges of sedition, which could lead to live in prison. students boycotted classes and held protests in support of their student union president. this university is one of the liberal and socially diverse, and produced some top diplomat, journalist and academics. opposition party and free speech activists are linking the crackdown on students at the university, to what they say is a rising tide of intolerance. the protest in support of freedom of expression spread across the country. despite warnings from government ministers that anti-indian sentiment will not be tolerated. the biggest march took place on thursday. thousands taking to the streets of delhi. students, academics, took part
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demanding for the release and the anti-sedition law to be repealed. violence disrupted proceedings, and his case hat not been held. kumar himself was assaulted on the way to the courthouse, despite being flanked by police. lawyers lodged a bale application saying they feared for his life joining me now from mumbai, via skype is a journalist and activist. thank you for joining us. >> thank you let's start with the student president arrested. what exactly did he say that was considered anti-nationalist? >> well, it was a travesty of justice when a student is arrested on charges of sedition, when he spoke about freedom from injustice, freedom from poverty, earlier the delhi police
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arrested him. inciting communal sentiment on the business of a forged video. they were the world's largest democracy. everything - all the charges slapped against him are un-democratic. i wish our sedition laws - certainly it's not in great company. this is a travesty of justice. more so because he was beaten up by the members of the ruling coalition right outside the high court of delly, which is -- delhi, which is considered a temple of india. it's unfortunate. also, because the says of sedition which is slapped against him is one of the oldest
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charges. there's no evidence is there such a thing as free speech in india? >> the constitution of india gives us the right to free speech. over the last couple of months there has been intolerance to those critical of the president. the prime minister of the country who rose to power, based on his free thinking libertarian attitude, you know, has been silent on what has taken place in the last two weeks, it's not just the present day government. the previous government also arrested cartoonists for drawing caricatures of political world, it's not something knew to india. what we are seeing is a version of the attempt to stifle free speech.
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>> you bring up the current administration. the rests have been happening under the current prime minister. you heard students say in the story before the segment, that they feel the government is intolerant of free speech, as you are also saying. is narendra modi the reason, or is this the norm there? >> well as the prime minister of the country, narendra modi should have spoken out against a student thrashed in public by allegedly his party members. one of his own party has been caught on the front pages of most papers across india, beating up a left wing activist. narendra modi is not doing much to the cause of students, because just about last month he cry add at the suicide of his student. who alleged discrimination from the present day government.
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the fact that the families refused to speak on the issue, especially at a time of increasing intolerance you have mentioned this case, essential as it being tried in the media. you said that they labelled him, kumar, as a traitor, do you think it will negatively impact a fair trial for him? >> absolutely. i think a section of the media has been skewed. it's behaving like a government hand out when it is labelling them as a trial dater, before the charms against him can be lexed up -- levelled up. they are asking to shut one of the universities, a prestigious university, calling it a hub. i think the media has played a part in aggravating the situation and fuelling sentiments as we see now
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real quick, where do you draw the line between speaking freely and inciting rebellion. >> every citizen is given the right to speak unless it incites hatred, a violent situation. every citizen of the country has been given the right to critique the government. every one has been given the right to speak on contentious issues. whether it's extreme ties. as long as it does not in cite violence, that should be in the realm of free speech. >> thank you for joining us from mumbai tonight. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> 15 candidates on the ballot from presidential elections in niger. voters spent the weekend picking from the hopefuls, including the
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incumbe incumbent. we have more from a capital city voting center. >> we are here in a voting center. people are queueing outside the room. when they come they do the verification. after that, they vote for the parliamentary members. we have 171 seats to choose here. after that we go to the side where we have the ballots for the candidates. they go to the corner you have this box for the president and parliament members. we have not seen major violations. we can see people cueing outside the voting center. there is another here. this is a high school. we ask people if they think it will pick up.
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they believe it will pick up. at the moment people are busy with daily work. this is about many, many issues. including security, democracy and stability in a country that saw a lot much coups. the last in 2010. the most pressing need is a need for posterity. we have many complaints by beam, walking about the issues, they want a new government to take care of the population f.i.f.a. will vote for a new president this friday. the former president appealed
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the suspension. joining us from silver spring is dave zirin. sports editor. also, the author of the book "brazil's dance with the devil - the world cup, and a fight for democracy." thank you for joining us. f.i.f.a. plagued with corruption, is there anyone at this point that could clean up the organization. >> no, no one is pledging to clean up the organization. they are pledging lip service, points of agreement about addressing future concerns about human rights, opening up the bidding process, making it more transparent. the thing about f.i.f.a., they have not earned trust. and you'd have to be so poly anaish, you'd have to have not a
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single ounce of cynicism so accept f.i.f.a.'s word at face value, we'll have to see how they do the bidding process, the concerns for human rights. early returns as far as who is putting themselves up there, it's like twiddle dumb versus tweedle dumber versus the dumbest. it's not a good collection of folks. >> you mention the human rights violation, it happened when the sporting events take place. you were in brazil and wrote a book about it. what did you see there? >> i saw debt, displacement and the militarization of public space to an unprecedented degree. i saw stadiums built. people kicked out of their homes, and people kicked out of their homes to build parking lots for stadiums, and they were not built. and what you have is rubble strewn areas blocks away from some of the most famous soccer stadiums on the face of the earth.
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in it you see the broken dolls of children and family heirlooms, and sometimes getting people out at gun point. being shuttled into government homes. a lot of people thing the homes are slums. people put decades of their lives into building up the properties, it meant nothing when it came to the needs of f.i.f.a. in 2013, 2014 - they were some of the largest protests. it's not a brazil problem. >> do you think f.i.f.a. is sincere? >> i don't know. it's interesting to speak about
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house it's a u.s. presidential election. the power of soccer may be stronger than that of the white house. in terms of an ability to control hearts and minds throughout the world, and its role on issues as important as economic development. and bringing people closer together. i mean the power of soccer is utterly profound. it is important ... all right, looks like we lost dave zirin there, he was giving good commentary, the sports editor at the nation magazine. thank you. still ahead on al jazeera america - building 10. doctors are hoping to solve some of medicine's biggest mystery. >> after a quite and milled weekend. things are about to change. we'll see another storm in the making. i'll break the timing down for you when i return, after this. fter this.
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>> our american story is written everyday. it's not always pretty, but it's real... and we show you like no-one else can. this is our american story. this is america tonight. >> reporter: building 10, a complex in america gaining attention for what is going on. it's a large hospital, and patients show up with some of the most extraordinary and unexplainable symptoms. lisa fletcher introduces us to a young patient whose rare disease is taking away her memory. >> this is building 10, as surprisingly generic name at the
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epicentre of research for rare, unidentified and untreatable disease, and here scientists are scrambling to find a cure for a fatal defence etic condition, a -- genetic condition that destroys memories, motor skills and the lives of kids like julia cane. how does it make you feel? what does it do to you? >> it bind up collest ral and membrane that causes me to forget things a lot. and not memorize things like other people memorise things. and it causes me to not walk right. like my walking is not stable. my hand writing is sometimes sloppy. >> reporter: do you remember life before neiman pick.
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do you remember running around or remember things easily or do you remember life being different? >> if i looked at something, or someone brought something up, i would probably remember it. but just sitting here i can't think of anything that i did when i was little. >> reporter: julia says she doesn't worry about the future, for now, she's looking forward to her upcoming 16th birthday and her first prom hosted by the tim tebow foundation for teenagers with special needs. is it hard sometimes to stay positive? >> yes. >> reporter: but you are determined? >> yes. >> so give me the next five years for julia, what do you see? >> i'm grown up and a pretty
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grown up. and i'm going to have a bunch of adopted kids. >> why? >> because i like kids. >> reporter: why adopted? >> because i don't think i would be able to have any without this disease. >> reporter: those will be pretty lucky kids. wow. >> wow, that was a powerful story. adam may here now. we'll look at what is coming up in the next hour. no doubt you're taking politics. >> maybe a little. there's so much to discuss in this whole thing. the presidential candidates are on the road. at the top of the hour we show you how intense the campaign is getting. we are tracking candidates from coast to coast. we explain why they are where they are, and the normalization of u.s. cubans igniting a flood
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to the situation. nation. fbi versus apple. the government wants the company to unlock the cell phone of the san bernardino suspect. apple says no, privacy versus security. that's the topic this "the week ahead", and we'll dig deep into this one, with a couple of experts in technology. their perspective will be interesting. >> we look forward to it. see you soon. >> now for a check of the weather. let's head to joy mccorvey. >> there has been no complaints about the weather across the country. we have seen temperatures above average for many people. let's talk about what we have seen of what is going to happen. it's a mild weekend. thunder storms popping up, as well as a new system that will bring a combination of snow, rain and icing conditions here. look at the temperatures across
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the north-east. we are well above average for this time of year. they'll come down in terms of temperatures. most of the area is above average. that will change as we go through the next couple of days. we'll be wet as we start the day on monday. we have an area of low pressure, coming closer to the gulf of mexico. we could see a problem with flooding. as we go towards wednesday, the area of low pressure about develop. getting intense. we have the potentialful thunder storms here across the panhandling and southern parts of alabama and into georgia. the system will make its way to the north-east. as we go towards thursday, we'll see snow, rain and clearing down to the south.
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it will be making messy situations across the north-east. for new york, not a big problem until we get to wednesday. it will get messy towards the end of the week greece is well-known for a countless antiquities like the parthanon. less well-known is a small ancient tradition of worry beads, a tradition many find useful. >> reporter: the convo lorks y museum >> reporter: this museum has barely a wall that is not covered in amber beads. it's not just the variety of hues in this tree resin that fasinates. it's the warmth and softness of its touch and quiet, arresting music. >> a person has a sort of dialogue. it's with the convoloy. it's a personal meditation that brings him close to his worries
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and his heart with preoccupations. it's a companion and tool to help him focus, not to do with god, but himself. >> reporter: both galties led greeks back to the beads during stressful years of joblessness and debt. this chain of shops saw sales to greeks jump during the crisis. >> we saw younger people coming into the area who might have snubbed it. they snubbed it of something of their grandfather's. people find all sorts of ways to relieve their stress, fingering cigarettes, tinkering with their mobile phones, and an pure one starts at $200, and can run into the thousands. persistence is hard to explain. it goes back to prayer beads, greek orthodox adopted them, and so did catholic crusaders. in modern greece, the congolese lost it.
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the religious provisions. it's used for stress release. >> they have been put to the ultimate test of solitude. >> i used it regularly when i stopped smoking. before that i was a seaman, we used it to start the time. we sale for a month, with nothing but sky and sea. >> reporter: both the secret and -- both the cigarette and t the congoloy were symbols of male domination, they were seized upon to show women challenging that patriotism, as is the film, where the wealthy single woman cerenades the men that manage her companies. it's not about gender politics, wealth or health. it's isolation from the distractions of the world. and in a world full of distraction, the appeal is growing.
7:57 pm
that does it for me, i'm erica pitzi in new york. the news continues next with adam may. have a good night. night.
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7:59 pm
>> these people have decided that today they will be arrested. >> i know that i'm being surveilled. >> people are not getting the care that they need. >> this is a crime against humanity. >> hands up... >> don't shoot. >> hands up... >> don't shoot.
8:00 pm
>> what do we want? >> justice. >> when do we want it? >> now. >> explosions going on... we're not quite sure - >> is that an i.e.d.? this is al jazeera america. i'm adam may, live in new york. randall pinkston will be joining us in a moment. here is a look at the top stories mp. >> we'll move forward. we have a national campaign, and i feel great about it, especially after last night. >> they are on the road. candidates for president hitting the talk show and the campaign trial. we are tracking them from coast to coast. >> a random individual decides


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