tv News Al Jazeera February 22, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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it's not always pretty, but it's real... and we show you like no-one else can. this is our american story. this is america tonight. >> partial truce. >> we are baird t prepared to st the u.n. resolution 2254 and the cessation much hostilities that was agreed on in munich. >> the u.n. is prepared to say the cessation of hospital niltss will begin on saturday in syria.
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this carnage has to end. >> a new united nations report exposes how all sides play a role in the suffering. holding out hope. >> some people think my time has ended. they're mistaken. life goes on. >> bolivian president evo morales. organ trafficking. >> the doctor told me to ask a lot of money for my kid think so i can open my own business and someone else can do heavy work for me. >> al jazeera uncovers illegal trade in human organs in indonesia. >> good morning, thanks for joining us, i'm adam may in for
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antonio mora. lot of ground, starting off with u.s. and russia have agreed on terms for a cessation of fighting in syria. if opposition forces can debt on board. but some syrian rebels are voicing objections, because this new agreement allows for owner attacks to continue on i.s.i.l. and al nusra. there is a new u.n. human rights report, cites widespread attacks on civilians by groups such as i.s.i.l. it also describes a country where few have access to running water or electricity. al jazeera's diplomatic editor james bays has more so now. >> for almost five years the
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death toll has mounded every day there has been bloodshed and atrocities. now the latest attempt ostop all that. united states and russia have been working on plans for a lull in the violence. russian minister sphrof sergey . in the end russia got its way. >> translator: russia will work with damascus, the legitimate mat government in syria. >> the deal done by the u.s. and russia calls on all the warring parties with the exception of i.s.i.l. and the el nusra front which is on the u.n. security
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council's terrorism list to commit to a cessation of hostilities by this friday midday damascus time. 12 hours later that cessation is supposed to start on saturday. diplomats tell me if it holds there's a possibility that peace talks which collapsed in geneva last month could resume within seven days. the spokesman for the u.n. secretary-general welcomed the announcement of cessation of hostilities but everyone recognizes how hard it will be to happen. >> much work now lies ahead to ensure the implementation of the international community. the international support group and the syrian parties must remain steadfast in their resolve. >> reporter: an added complication though came from damascus. a statement announcing president assad wanted elections for his rubber stamp parliament in
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april. and given everything that happened in syria there's not a great deal of optimism about the proposed cessation of hostilities, particularly since observers fear there will be an increase in violence, with parties trying to make gains before the cessation starts. >> meanwhile, refugees are flooding north to the border between syria and turkey. the border town azaz at zena kadar reports. >> in a town that's gained international attention, logs azaz could be an irreversible set back to the rebels who have already lost a lot of territory in the aleppo province. it is a much needed gateway.
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the rebels are surrounded by the syrian led loingz an alliance ag and its allies much better after we received reenforcements from idlib. in a few days you will hear about our victories and things will return to what they were. >> reporter: last week's air strikes was a message that things could change. hospital, aid agencies have already warned that the devastated health system is close to collapse. >> translator: azaz is close to the border so people think it's a safe place. that's why a lot of internally displaced people are here. we provide not just care to people in azaz, other facilities in the rest of the country no longer operate, we lack staff. >> not going to wait to be
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besieged. they lost from the northern country side but from their positions inside the city they still have access to strongholds in western syria. >> we want to besiege aleppo city but we are using all our strengths to prevent this. the fact that their sad regime is using foreign militias to fight for it shows we are strong and they are weak. >> it's not just home to thousands of syrians, it is the opposition's last line of defense, they use it to receive supplies from turkey and could be a base to launch counteroffensive. >> reporter: the syrian democratic forces are not far away. they had threatened to advance into azaz but for more than a week there has been no movement on that front. there was a risk of a wider global conflict and it seems that battle has now been put on hold at least temporarily.
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the town is important to all sides including international and regional stakeholders such as turkey. azaz has lost its military importance since rebel supply routes have been cut just south of the town. jeopardizing u.s. and coalition efforts to negotiate. zeina khodr, al jazeera, southern turkey. >> report describes repeated attacks on civilians hospital he and medical clinics and it blames the increasing number of parties in the conflict for an escalation in hostilities. >> the fight for control of areas in the hands of enemy forces is carried out with blatant disregard for human life, not a single warring party respects international humanitarian law, the geneva
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convention, all the conventions of human rights. there is an encompassing disrespect for the rules of engagement in this war. >> a u.n. panel says five years of fighting has destroyed much of syria's civilian infrastructure, leaving many syrian at fear for his life. >> joining us international law professor also a member of the independent international commission of inquiry, formed by the human rights council. thank you for your time tonight. >> good evening. >> you have bend involved looking at human rights case he around the world. first, can you put this into perspective for us? give us the scale of the problems in syria that are outlined in this new study. >> there is one sentence which is very pertinent and this is the sentence it reads like this. the horrors of the war are pervasive or ever present, so that describes the horrific
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situation facing the country in terms of devastation and destruction. >> we have all watched this unfold on television for six years now. and looking at the report, it is so detailed in many different categories, the atrocities that are happening there on the ground. could you give us a sense of what you have seen change in the last year or two since we really started looking into this? >> definitely the multiplication of belligerence, the fighters, previously in the early years it was the government and various opposition groups. today, many, many actors fighting including the terrorists, such as el nusra and i.s.i.s. and of course we have external actors, also bombing. so it has become very complicated. and likewise, the intensification of the fighting in terms of the intensity all over the country between the different groups. >> in the report you go through and you talk about fracturing of
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communities, the devastation of basic conditions of human life. could you summarize for us that section of the report on how this is really affecting people there on the ground and how it might be different than how we perceive it to be? >> civilians are being impacted upon most. families are being split, women are being taken, children being taken, girls being taken as pawns hostages to be exchanged for the men who are otherwise fighters. so commercialization of human life in terms of clandestine marketplace. likewise, the impact of the terrorists coming in in terms of their horrific practices, stoning women, throwing gays off buildings, and the sectarian elements that have come to the fore much more strongly in recent years, particularly the different groups exploit the conflation between sectarian
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differences and their perceived political loyalties. >> i think world is watching with baited breath right now as talks are finally beginning to take shape. and russia has been heavily criticized this this report for some of their involvement in this. but i'm wondering the talks may not have happened if russia didn't get involved at all. is there a bit of a double standard there? >> in fact we cover all sides. we cover all sides. the state authorities, those who are pro-government, their allies, the non-government around groups, the terrorist groups, and the others. so it's not a partial report at all. it covers all sides in terms of violations. the report was actually finished at the end of last month just before the peace negotiations that had been taking place over the last two weeks. >> and elections. civilians have obviously taken a toll, it's well documented that
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nearly half syrians are displaced, civilians and military. is this the report bringing human rights to justice? >> we have collected information ton alleged perpetrators throughout the five to six years. there are two parts that are important. one is the documentation of eyewitness interviews of over 5,000 persons who relate their stories, make allegations, give details. and these details are documented in our database of over 5,000 and we're sharing some of this information to initiate or help prosecutions at the national level today. the second one is, we have, like many other commissions of inquiry a list of alleged perpetrators. to date we have kept the list confidential but we pla may rele that. >> thank you so much for your time tonight.
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>> thank you for your kind support. >> i.s.i.l. has released a group of 43 assyrian christians. hostages were abducted last february, the last of more than 200 christians to be freed by i.s.i.l. according to the associated press their release comes after mediation that was led by a top assyrian priest. the an diction caused thousands of others to flee the villages in the northern syrian town of tal tamar. others have been told that i.s.i.l. is tampering with the rate of u.s. dollars and iraqi dinars asto a way to bring in more revenue. attacking iraq'sing currency infrastructure. staging a sit in tonight, they are demanding passage hoping to continue their journey
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into western europe. around 400 afghans have gathered at the crossing joined by syrians and iraqis. al jazeera's hoda abdel hamid is there. >> reporter: they first raise a peaceful protest, raising their national flag, calling for the border to be lifted. but frustration was higher among afghan nationals. many had been here for days pleading to get into macedonia. only syrians and iraqis are able to continue their journey. some took desperate measures only to be sent back into greece. afghans have become the lates victims of tougher border controls, imposed over the weekend by the balkan states. restricting the daily number of migrants streaming through the country. about 600 afghan refugees are stranded on the northern border with syria.
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forced to take drastic action. the afghans first blocked the refugee crossing point here and tore through fence and decided to hold their sit in here on the rail tracks hoping this will take enough pressure for the borders to open again. tamin and his travel companion have set up their traveler tent and plan to stay here for as long as it takes. >> our aim is not just to open this gate. our aim is to open all borders that we are facing. >> reporter: greek officials say they are using diplomatic channels to urge macedonia to reconsider its decision. in the meantime no one is going through, so resilient as ever to the twists and turns of the life of a refugee they are ready for a long wade. hoda abdel hamid, al jazeera on the greek-macedonian border. keeping a close eye on the
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lost the vote for him to run for a third term. but morales is hoping for rural votes to turn the tide for him. daniel schweimler reports. >> apparently the people have decided enough is enough. morales however remains a popular president. >> translator: evo morales has been a popular president, he has transformed politics. >> well lady in the opinion polls but a strong opposition campaign allegin alleging corrun the governing party. >> they have shown an an evo
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morales. >> came to power in 2006, promising radical change. he nationalized the oil and gas industries, even evo morales enemies would accept he had a huge impact on the country, that nothing would be the same again. c c. c thacc, the yes campaign le country. that was no surprise. but it was also defeated in reedges where previously evo morales had enjoyed massive support. with the very people that brought him to power. >> translator: there is no equality there is no jus justicn
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this country. we have to change this government. >> translator: a lot of people have seen how things are in other countries and that has really influenced their decision. >> reporter: president morales will remain in power until 2009 where the changed constitution rules heel have to step down and take a rest. daniel schweimler, al jazeera, bolivia. be patient and wait for the final result. >> translator: i have asked all social groups those that took part in both the yes and the no campaigns to show great serenity and responsibility in waiting for final result from the supreme electoral tribunal. i have spoken to some people who feel my time last ended but they are wrong. the fight goes on, i have so many opportunities and there is no need to despair no matter
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what the results is. >> eric farnsworth is joining us live from washington, d.c, eric thanks so much for joining us. thanks for having me. >> evo morales is a popular leader, the economy has grown steadily, the results of the election are too close to call. but i'm wondering if the voters are torn, is it indicative for having the same president in power for nearly two decades? >> i think that's exactly right. there is a real question in bolivia right now, a president of the stature of evo morales, does the country want to see him in power until 2025? he seems to be governing in an authoritarian manner,
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increasingly authoritarian manner. there are other indicators that people are starting to get weary of him, not the least of which are allegation of corruption swirling around him. contributing to a vote that is a lot closer than certainly the president anticipated and may even go against him. >> the president has accused the right wing of waging a dirty war, warned of the potential for fraud here. i wonder does bolivia have a record of free and fair elections? >> well, i guess it depends on who you talk to. certainly they have the capability of hosting free and fair elections and by all accounts the election results that come out of this election that were held yesterday, sunday, will be respected. the question is, what happens in the rural areas, what happens in some of the strongholds where the votes haven't yet been counted where they haven't yet been tallied. there is potential for fraud there. we have seen similar activities
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in other latin american countries, venezuela comes to mind. based on the results at this point it does seem that the results will go against the president. >> if this is not a referendum for ideology but rather on one man in power if voters don't change the constitution he'll still have three more years in office. i wonder if he would take time to groom a successor to continue the socialist agenda or will the country move more to the right? >> that's an important question, with three years to go he does have the opportunity to groom a successor to help ensure the continuation of a socialist project. which is interesting, if we look at socialist leaders or leaders from the left croot south acrosh america, they don't groom
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successors in office. >> why don't they do that? >> because oftentimes the issue is really built around themselves. it is an issue of power. it is an issue of strong man politics and populism is a way to guarantee themselves and their party in power. often ideology is an excuse to do that. at the end of the day what drives a lot of these leaders, i think president morales in bolivia has been characterized this way, they want to stay in power and you have that opportunity to see this. >> placed like argentina, i wonder if the trend means for latin american-u.s. relations is there a potential for closer ties if they move away from that ideology? >> we are seeing a trend across latin america. each country is different, different circumstances et cetera. but we are seeing what appears to be a trend with people
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looking for change. starting to lose faith in the populist movement, argentina has had election where change has been promoted and with that in mind as well as with the fact that the united states economy is growing now, latin america's economy is slowing and latin america's other chief trading partner, china, is also slowing. this may be a good opportunity for the united states to really step in and improve relations with latin america. at the same time, we have a certain capacity in our own country to bo bol bollox things. >> i was going to ask you about this eric, i wonder how close leaders in latin american countries are watching. >> the leaders and the elites are watching our elections very closely because what happens in the united states like it or not
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does impact latin america to a very certain extent and rhetoric about immigration or foreigners or trade restrictions that's really not helpful. people do acknowledge -- they do see that, they watch it in latin america and they internalize that. they say if the united states doesn't want a relationship with us, let's look for other partners. i don't know if that drives elections in latin america, probably didn't have much to do with bolivia's vote yesterday but the overall stream of things, what we say in the u.s. matters and we have to bear that in mind. >> tone and the effect on policy, eric farnsworth, thanks for joining us with a perspective. appreciate it. absolutely, thank you. >> uganda's opposition leader has been arrested for the fifth time in eight days. why officials are and al
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after a four-year-old is sentenced to life in prison on false murder charges. but first a look at the stories making headlines across the u.s. in our american minute. >> first off, the uber driver going on a rampage, appearing in court 45-year-old jason dalton was arraigned in kalamazoo on six counts of murder and six counts of attempted murder. the fbi is defending its order for apple to break into the cell phone data of one of the san bernardino terrorists. fbi director james comey says it's quote about the victims and justice not about setting a precedent. in springfield, massachusetts today the wife of bill cosby was deposein the deaf nation suit of her husband, lasted nearly search hours. this is believed to be the first deposition by camille cosby
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since dozens of women publicly accused her husband of sexual misconduct. part 2 of her deposition is coming up in mid march. the opposition of ugandan elections is being held behind bars, kizza besigye has said he was not told why he is being held. held under house arrest and later. >> later they said it was rigged. the electoral commission denies it. police say any proaflt to be violent, besigye and his people say they will peaceful.
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besigye and his supporters say they want to possibly challenge the election results in the supreme court. besigye wanted to go to the electoral commission to try to get paperwork necessary to do that. he wasn't allowed to do that by police. they said it would have turned into a procession and caused unrest. they decide decided to deliver e papers to his home instead. >> in niger we won't know the results of the election for five more days. the polls are closed. they stayed open after several cities did not get ballots. the president is running against 14 other candidates. called for britain to pull out of the european union. over the weekend, johnson joined those who support what is called the brexit movement and that didn't sit well with the prime
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minister. cameron laid out his plan for an in-or-out referendum. >> in exactly what way this deal returns sovereignty, over any field of norm making to these house he of parliament? >> because it carves us forever after make union, taking power away from this country cannot happen in future. >> the british referendum is now set for june 23rd. president obama tonight asking congress for $1.9 billion to fight the zika virus both here and abroad and in cuba, president raul castro is dispatching 9,000 soldiers to keep zika from spreading across the country. there has been not a single case of zika in cuba.
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after a cyclone swept across fiji, winds as high as 200 miles an hour battered the region over the weekend. crops have been wiped out, at least 29 people have been killed. al jazeera's andrew thomas is on the main island. >> reporter: the word being used around fiji in response to this aerial photography is flattened. these were villages on remote islands. on fiji's main island is bad enough. phone lines have been cut, boats haven't reached them yet, officials have warned people to expect bad news. >> worst storm on record in the southern hemisphere category 5 when it reached our shores in the last couple of days. the damage that i has been wide,
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homes have been destroyed. many low lying areas have been flooded and many people have been left stunned and confused about what to do. >> reporter: the cities of suva and nandi escaped the full force of the storm but north of the tourist area of nandi, vast destruction. this was a restaurant with a spectacular view down the valley. you can see now half the roof is gone it's destroyed inside and the debris is everywhere. filling this swimming pool full of broken wood, and there a guest house totally destroyed. nearby, house he have been strewn down the hillside. nazira's house did survive but only just. she and her friends are now cleaning up grateful to be alive. >> it was terror. you know it was horrible. like we heard about hurricanes
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and all that and we have been through so many of them. but this one was terrible, it was horrible. >> in this part of fee yee fijis are climb ilg up ting up to rese mobile masses but parts of the country restore communication. andrew thoms, al jazeera thomasi fiji. >> students are wanted on accusations of insighting a rebellion. fez jamil has more. >> five students accused of sedition against india came on to the campus last night. they are accused of yelling
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antiindia slogans. a sixth student that is been in judicial custody since that time but the five students over there say they went into hiding after receiving death threats against them and their families. despite video evidence that allegations against them could be false. sparking an outrage across the country. particularly right wing and nationalist groups, now, the whole issues though, those on the other side, though, say this things has been blown out of proportion. they say that freedom of speech in india is being threatened. now the students here have been holding a vigil since last night and are meeting with faculty and the vice chancellor on whether the police should be allowed onto the campus to make the arrest. the five students say they do want to surrender to face
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charges against them. >> that is fez jamil. >> staying in india, a resolution has been reached, regarding a farming community. al jazeera's divya gopalan has the story. >> their anger and determination could not be swayed by the government's attempts to appease them nor the thousands of troops sent to confront them. the protesters want reservation status and they want it now. >> translator: the young generation of the jat community, the government should immediately grant us reservation status. >> reporter: 18 million members of the jat community live across india, they complaim about missing out on jobs
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opportunities. they are not part of the organization, though the government has told them it will give them the status they want the protesters say it is not enough. at the heart of the matter is trust. they say their community has been promised this many times before and this time they want written confirmation, until then they will carry on with blockades like this. the impact has been felt across the state and further. trucks remain stranded in longs queues. their drivers say they are not getting paid and are unable to leave their cargo. >> translator: i have been stuck here for four days. i can't even go out and get food or tea. people are trying to rob vehicles. >> reporter: many tires have had their tires slashed, the destruction has hit businesses hard, many business ves had to shut down hundreds of factories
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have also closed. economic losses are estimated to be close to $3 billion. mohammed wants his family tire shop but hasn't had any customers for days since the protests started. >> translator: i only make a small profit usually but this is impossible. how am i supposed to pay my employees and my suppliers? my debt is growing. >> previous governments have tried to grant the jats reservation status but it's been quashed. argue if they are granted reservation status the neighboring states will also fight for it. divya gopalan, al jazeera. an egyptian four-year-old boy was sentenced to life in prison for murder. now the spokesman said it was a
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mistake. a person with his similar name should have been sentenced. the boy's father spent four months in jail for refusing to hand over his young child. egypt's judicial system has come under repeated criticism since the military overthrow of president mohammed morsi. lawyers for jn julian asang, hotelled up in the ecuadorian embassy since 2012. earlier this month, the united nations panel says that stay amounts to detention and he should be set free. al jazeera has discovered evidence of illegal organ trafficking in java. al jazeera's sphaival jazeera'ss
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the exclusive report. >> at least 30 people who live here and nearby community have just one kidney. police say they sold their other kidneys to middle men for $5,000 each. >> translator: i was in bad situation, i was in huge debt and i didn't have a house, i couldn't pay my rent for four months already. >> reporter: organ selling is illegal in the community but can donate their organs to their family members. he had no problem passing the screening at the public hospital. >> the doctor told me to ask a lot of money for my kidney so i could open my own business and someone else can do heavy work for me. >> police say they have so far questioned six doctors for possible conclusion with organized criminals.
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>> translator: if we find the syndicate works together with the hospital of course the doctors will be prosecuted. >> the government hospital denies any involvement but its director says that the screening process is designed to weed out any cases of trade in organs. >> this is part of the process that needs to be refined. we need to look at it from case to case. this needs to be further investigated. if there are possible mistakes, which could be the case, then this should be part of the investigation. i agree with that. >> reporter: according to the health ministry 150,000 indonesian kidney patients need a kidney transplant. dondonny has been waiting for te operation for four years. >> set up the community of kidney patients, and send e-mail of people who want to sell their kidney. >> he can't pay a middle man up
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to $25,000 for a kidney. it is a story not many in this village are willing to share. they are ashamed that poverty has forced them to sell their own kidney, a deal that many now here regret, police say that will likely deter other poor villagers. this man said he sold his kidney when he was 17 years old. like others, we interviewed, he only received $5,000 of the $25,000 received for his kidney. he has received bad health. >> what can i do? i don't know the law. what can i do to file a case? i have nothing, i can only suffer in silence. >> in an effort to stop the sale of kidneys, parliament have urged the donors to start a donor bank.
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governing body for soccer fifa is expected to roll this week on appeals by former fifa president sepp blatter and the head of european football michel plantini. plantini was found to have accepted a questionable payment from blatter. the election to replace blatter is also happening this week, and on friday world football's associations will clues from these candidates, gian tirvetioi thrvetionbettini is expected top candidate. >> won or lost, almost a quarter of world football's 209 member associations are on the continent and every country gets a vote.
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something sepp blatter was always aware of. >> when blatter's predecessor came to power in 1974, did he so on african votes. it was greater fifa investment here. blatter went even further. he brought the world cup to africa and oversaw the contribution of hundreds of millions of dollars of fifa cash in fif fifa's organizations. >> free access to sports and education. for the kids who have been hopeless, now with the center, they know that tomorrow is the future. in africa where we have centers like this, it's the gift from fifa. >> rawpped'rwanda's national teo
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trained at a facility funded by fifa. no wonder this country is not looking for radical change from fifa organization. >> the level we have is not the same level we had, so long time few years ago, we hope that the new one will follow the same relationship between africa and fifa. >> blatter's long term ally and presidential candidate sheik salman al cha chalifa, his arris fontino, hugely critical of blatter, whit comes to trying to win votes in africa now, infantino is far more
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diplomatic. >> first i have to recognize and very openly, the huge work and benefits that mr. blatter has brought in particular as well to africa not only with the world cup but with the development programs and i think these development programs need not to be maintained but to be increased. >> reporter: with this presidential race almost over, africa is again poised to play a match winning role. andy richardson, al jazeera, kigale, rwanda. now to our global view segment with a look at how news outlets across the world are reacting to various events. >> starting with the japan times, the most peaceful decade in more than a century, arab spring has not only failed but actually made things worse in most countries involved, a major change in thinking and messages in the muslim world before the numbers goin fal going to fall .
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germany's deutsche vein, paper says even throw rubio won second place in south carolina he has a hard battle ahead of him to take away momentum from trump. and britain's the sun says london mayor boris johnson's back, the sunday followed -- the sun followed that up with an editorial fef effectively endorg boris. leaders of the tech industry are gathering in spain showing off their latest products at the world mobile congress. but things are a bit different. tarek bazley reports.
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>> the best mobile. >> it is the first android smartphone -- >> it is a hard sell these days. >> that's what lg 5 fantastic. >> for years, they have enjoyed increase in sales, smarter and smart he tones. but now the industry has gone through purr pressure. there there was always reason to upgrade. that started to diminish, you can get softer devices on your phones, the reason to upgrade is getting tougher. >> it is these that are the issues. dozens of handsets that are largely indistinguishable from last year's models. phone makers are unable to come up with smartphones with significantly new and different features, that means customers are willing to hang onto ones
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they already have. why not put the technology to other uses. if your dog has a ten dances to run off, this high tech device has the ability to track him at all times. >> for instance your animals you can put them with a collar, you can follow them. the batteries in those devices last up to ten years. >> mobile operators are also eager for your phone number to become the main way you are identified online. installed at bus and metro stops in dubai. louse you to shop on the way home from work. >> a couple of pairs, a little bit of tea, you have them in your basket, check out here, just simply putting your mobile homnumber in, the service knows your address and knows where to
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deliver it. >> some of the smaller companies are still trying to pack more into less. this is but a high powered video projector inside the hand set. endless innovation, sales of new mobiles down, breathing new life and functionality into existing models seems to be the focus. tarek bazley, at the mobile conference in barcelona. >> now you're up to date on what's happening around the world and that is it for international news hour on al jazeera america. in the next hour, donald trump is aiming for a repeat in nevada tomorrow. we're going to have a preview and analysts, talking about how the remaining candidates are jockeying for that position. that's next, more news here in two minutes.
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good evening, everyone. i'm adam may sitting in for antonio mora. this is al jazeera america. >> we are fed up with the establishment politics. a republican field wowed jed bush, as donald trump tries to win a third state. we'll look at the battle between marco rubio and cruz, shaping up in nevada. in south carolina, the african-american vote has baaned trying a new strat -- bernie sanders trying a new strategy hoping to catch up with hillary clinton. the kalamazoo gunmen and the questions police are asking and
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