tv Inside Story Al Jazeera February 22, 2016 11:30pm-12:01am EST
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106 look at the moves. hope we can all be so lucky. i'm adam may, thank you for batching. for the latest news head to ray suarez is next with "inside story". have a great night and a good week. [ technical difficulties ] >> big racial and ethnic minorities. after mitt romney was thrashed among minorities by barack obama in 2012, losing latinos nearly 3-1, this was going to be the year to change those numbers. but until any republican can really begin a general election conversation with votersruz
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and rubio, have to walk a fine line when presenting themselves that's the "inside story." ♪ welcome to "inside story," i'm ray suarez. from outside it might look pretty simple, heck for many it looked simple from the inside, the republican party does badly among latino voters, get some latino candidates, do better. it's not as simple as that. cruz came to adulthood far from the hot beds of cuban political
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>> look this is a disturbing pattern -- >> cruz's comeback is pretty effective. for spanish speakers, it's clear, as he himself has admitted he is no servant. but just a couple of lecterns over stood jeb bush, fully spanish speaking. his wife lived in latin america, who early handicappers predicted would have an edge among latino voters, and he was not part of that conversation. >> ted cruz at a committee hearing passionately said i want immigration reform to pass. i want people to be able to come out of the shadows and proposed an amendment that would have legalized people here.
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he proposed a 500% increase on guest workers. now his position is different. now he is a passionate opponent of all of those things, so he wasn't telling the truth then or he is not telling the truth now, but to argue he is a purist on immigration is not true. >> marco supports citizenship for 12 million people here illegally. i opposed citizenship. marco has a long record when it comes comes to amnesty. >> with donald trump calling the tune, republican candidates who had previously spoken about fining a new approach to immigration reform, and the futures of 11.5 million people who have come here to live illegally, well those candidates had to run away from past positions, and mute their criticisms of the promised 1400-mile border wall. the g.o.p. front runner may not
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be setting up his party for a successful appeal to latino rotors in the fall. >> we have to take care of our people in this country. we have no border. we have no control, people are flooding across. we can't have it. we either have a border, and i will build a wall. remember this, the wall will be paid for by mexico. we are not being treated right. [ cheers and applause ] >> we are not being treated properly. if we don't have borders, if we don't have strength, we don't have a country. we have to take care of our people, believe me. >> as with so many conversations in american life, especially in politics, there's one kind of conversation you have inside the family, and a different conversation you have with outsiders. is there pressure to demonstrate
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your cerd eye among voters? do the largest single number, mexican immigrants think of cruz and rubio one of their own? is there someone latino enough to reach out, but not too latino, risking core votes, when you are appealing to voters who, quote, want their country back, is all of this more complete indicated than it sounds? [ speaking spanish ] joining sus a senior advisor to jeb bush's campaign and president of the latino partnership for conservative principles. alfonso we have talked about these kinds of things in the
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past, is a republican latino candidate in a particular kind of bind? is there a structural difficulty race? >> look, i don't think so. i think an hispanic republican makes sense. ronald reagan used to say in simple terms as he tomorrowally used to, he would say hispanics are republicans, they know it. and he meant that they are generally very conservative, they believe in faith, so it's easy for any republican to connect with latinos. there is one issue that perhaps unites the majority of hispanics, and that's immigration. i think to appeal to latinos they have to be construction and positive on immigration, but latinos are going to vote for a candidate based on his or her ideas, not based on whether they
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are hispanic. that is attractive to them, but that's not the main reason they are going to support them. but a hispanic republican has a good chance of competing, as long as they are constructive on immigration. they have many views on -- on social issues, life, family, on the economy and school choice, where they can voters. >> i would like to hear you on this in particular, because i'm wondering, the people who have been writing in columns and saying it on television, that those two candidates are not building their candidacy around that identity are right. >> well, look, obviously there's a primary, and then there's a general election. a lot remains to be seen, the eventual winner of the primary, who will they select to be on
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the ticket, what will they say, and this whole road starts into congress, and i think there's a sense that they want to deal with immigration the first hundred days of the 2017 session. i think paul ryan and mitch mcconnell are both reasonable of the immigration issue. and so i think you'll see emanate from the house and senate a healthy discussion on the issue. hopefully reach out better than this administration has reached out to republicans. we have been at this since bush 43 [ technical difficulties ] >> played by the house and senate. i do believe the
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eventual nominee of my party will end up doing the right there. >> but you just heard cruz and rubio trying to out do each restrictive. >> well, i don't believe that will be the final say. i have talked to both of them in the past, prior to the primary season, and i believe that reason will prevail. since 9/11, this whole issue has taken on a new look, and the new look is about americans feeling secure at home. so both sides of the aisle even immigrants in the united states want to see security on the border significantly improved. everybody agrees we have a system that is not working. so everyone wants to see that resolved. the only issue that remains how do you treat the 11 million immigrants who are here without
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documentation, so-called illegals? and i believe at some point in time our party is going to come up with an balanced good decision on the subject, and that's certainly by november of this year. >> there's so much more to talk about in this community, 55 million strong then immigration, when we come back from this break, we'll start with you. the 21st century politics
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it was a watershed in american politics. it was the first time a latino politician has won a primary or caucus, and there was a kind of ho hum. is it because they are republican? is it because they are cuban in we're trying to get to the bottom of this on today's edition of the program. our experts are still with me. what did you make of it? >> it was -- i agree with you, it was fascinating that here we had two latino candidates, finishing really -- finishing very strong, not even one primary state, but multiple primary states in different regions of the [ technical difficulties ] >> secure votes.
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even if one of cruz or rubio, in my sense does get the no, ma'am makes, it would be difficult to tack back to the middle and get votes, because there are memories here. it's like where you are taking advantage of people who are really unable to defend themselves. and if we get comprehensive immigration reform we can deal with these things. are a certain amount of principals and values that we latinos share with americans across this country. >> you heard him suggest that this will get taken care of under a republican president. but how does the party, which widely agreed that it had to reach out to latinos, change its tune when we heard senators cruz and rubio, saying what they said, just the other night.
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say. it would be nice [ technical difficulties ] >> sort of build a list and say these are the ways that latinos believe on the issues, and we all believe in the same thing? >> yeah, no, i do agree, different parts of the region. but the fact is immigration and the lack of immigration reform has really put this -- that it's overwhelmed all over issues particularly among latinos, and certainly we have concerns about education and the economy, even to some degree terrorism, but when -- when it gets mentioned in this these kinds of contexts, it -- it's almost like everything goes out the window. >>
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so the bread and butter issues, like employment, like getting raises, these are huge. and it doesn't matter if you are answering the question in san diego, or the bronx. the answer are pretty similar. yet we end up always talking al. >> well, that's true. i mean look, all of the polls have seen -- and i have seen a lot, the last three months -- indicate that immigration is the top issue for hispanics across the country. but it is a edge issue, and and -- hispanics wanted to be respect. in the large state of texas we have a state-wide elected
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official who happens to be jeb's son. we have a u.s. senator from florida, u.s. senator from texas. we have a lot of statewide hispanic officials in my party, which demonstrates that my party welcomes minorities and pays respect. our party has a different. than the democrat party. democrat party has successful once in getting elected statewide, and that bob menendez. and they do very well with a hispanic majority. but in the democrat party you don't seem to be as successful. so we must be doing something right. because we have a 5-1 lead in terms of how many hispanics have gotten elected to important positions either as governor or u.s. senate. so you can't discard us. we're doing our best. we're recruiting the right
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candidates and we need to do better, but so far we have made significant strikes. >> alfonso go ahead. >> let's realize the majority of his -- hispanics do not identify as democrats. they end up voting for democrats because of immigration. immigration is a gateway issue. it's an issue that allows you to talk to the community, talk to people. you have positions that they don't agree with you, like school of school, right to life, and other issues, but they are not going to listen to you if you don't get it right. on immigration, look, both parties have played politics with the issue. we know democrats, president obama had a democratic congress the first two years of his administration. he said he is going to pass
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immigration reform. he didn't do it. clearly, they have been using the issue for -- for politics. now i think to generalize and to say that every single republican candidate in the primary field has been against immigration is just blatantly false. trump has used offensive language. ted cruz opposes any type of legalization. that's why i disagree with him. but ted cruz has been consistent in saying he believes in legalization. he has never changed in that respect. and the debate he has had with ted cruz has been over legalization, whereas ted cruz has been saying i have never been for legalization. in the end the question is how to you get it done.
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ted cruz and marco rubio made history, didn't you hear? professor roberto laid it out in the pages of the "new york times." how is it that not being celebrated as historic or at least where is the headline for a day or two? the answer is not that complicated, neither mr. cruz nor mr. rubio meets expectations on how elected politicians are supposed to behave. neither of these candidates claims to speak for the hispanic population, or derive a crucial portion of their support from hispanics, and neither bases his identity on being latino. my experts are still with me.
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and gustavo you heard the crowd in that debate room cheer the more exclusionary you could be, the louder than would cheer, and when the two cuban american senators were whacking each other about who would exclude more people, the cheers got louder and louder. conventions? >> certainly it is interesting, the amount of latinos getting elected. but when you take it nationally, it will be very difficult, because it's clear by barack obama nationally supported with the -- the support of latinos, and getting a certain percentage of the latino vote that helped carry him over in certain states. and when you look at george w, he was able to capture 14% of the latino vote, which propelled
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him to win the election. and particularly with mall - millennials, by daughter is a millennial, and she identifies across the board, and she feels that they are picking on them. she doesn't resinate with either rubio. >> your guy, jeb bush, suspended the campaign, but he didn't get very much -- this was the guy who was going to turn all of that around, and it seems like he never even got the chance to latinos. >> well, for jeb, it was the -- he is the right candidate in the wrong cycle. jeb bush wanted to unite america, bring us together, be a problem solver, at a time when
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having a louder perspective and angrier perspective seemed to get more at -- attention. and jeb said in the beginning, i'm not going to compromise my principals in order to win an election. he didn't compromise, and he didn't win the nomination. but i hope he won the respect of all americans. i believe jeb's approach of uniting our country is critical to our well-being and good health. i will miss him terribly in this arena. i wish he would have succeeded for our country. i believe he's a uniter, a problem solver, at a time when both parties are headed in a different direction. i pray that both the candidates who win the nominations in their respective parties gain the wisdom and respect for the
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office in order to get our nation headed in the right direction, but people are going to have to show me a lot. look, i can't disagree with what has been said here. our party seems to be putting itself in a more difficult precarious position in terms of appealing to candidates. >> i have to give alfonso a last shot. they are saying the successful republican candidate has to get 35, 40% of the latino vote. can any of the field as you see them, do it? >> yes, absolutely. i think it would be wrong for us to oversimplify. and this is a democratic talking point. in that democrats are good on immigration, and republicans are bad. i don't think we're going to be able to win enough latino votes to win battleground states. but i think at this point, if the candidate is marco rubio, i
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think latino voters will seriously consider him, and all of the polls show that he beats hillary clinton. >> i want to thank my guest s. join us tomorrow when we look at the latino state of the union in 2016, nevada, texas, florida are coming up in the next few weeks. how will latino primary voters see their own prospects. join us for the next "inside story." good night. ♪
12:00 am
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