tv News Al Jazeera March 2, 2016 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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>> the u.n. proves its toughest-ever sanctions over its recent nuclear tests. hello, i'm maryam nemazee. this is al jazeera live from london. also coming up. >> instead of building walls we're going to break down barriers. >> i'm going to go after one person, that's hillary clinton. >> donald trump and hillary clinton turn their fire on each other as they turn to the race in the white house. refugees young and old sleep outside in the cold hoping they'll be allowed to cross from greece into macedonia.
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and a russian cosmonaut and nasa astronaut returns to earth after almost a year on the international space station. the united nations security council has approved the toughest sanctions ever imposed on north korea after it denied previous u.n. resolutions with its nuclear test last month. they include mandatory inspections of cargo leaving and entering north korea by sea or air. a ban of the sale of small arms and any item that may be used by the armed forces and ban on coal, iron, gold and rare earth minerals from north korea. six individuals and 12 nations have been added to th the
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blacklist. >> our collective security demands that you stop north korea from continuing along this destructive and destabilizing course. yet we have to be honest while previous multi lateral efforts including the four previous sanctions resolutions adapted by this couple have undoubtedly made it more difficult for north korea to advance its weapons programs the regime continues to plow ahead. as it demonstrated the last two months. that is why the resolution we have just adapted is so much tougher than any prior north korea resolution and why it goes farther than any sanctions regime in two decades. >> diplomatic editor james bays is live for us in united nations. how important is china's role in this? >> china is very important. china is a neighbor. it's a key trading partner of north korea, and it is without doubt the country that has more
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influence on north korea than any other. china has been involved in negotiations with the u.s. about this resolution since the latest nuclear test. that was back on january 6th. almost two months of negotiations. and i think that one of the factors that came up in the end with a tougher resolution that might otherwise would have been the case is the fact that during these negotiations north korea launched noir satellite. again in defiance of international regulations. that's why i think you've got this tough new extensive set of sanctions that have been introduced and voted on by the u.n. security council following these bilateral negotiations between the u.s. and china. that doesn't mean the two countries agree on absolutely everything because one thing they don't agree is on the u.s. plans to deploy high altitude defense system to south korea. chinese don't like that as the chinese ambassador made clear
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during the security council session. >> sanctions are not an end in themselves, and the security council resolution cannot fundamentally resolve the nuclear issue on the koreanen peninsula. today's resolution should be a new starting point and a paving stone for the nuclear issue on the peninsula. at this moment all parties concerned should avoid actions that will further aggravate tensions on the ground. china oppose the deployment on the koreanen peninsula because such an action harms the strategic security interest of china and other countries of the region and goes against the goal of maintaining peace, security and stability in the peninsula. >> why are all these measures tougher than past actions? >> well, i think they are different aspects to this. part of it is trying to close existing loopholes because they try work around. they change the names of its front companies and changes the
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names of individuals it uses to try to bring in things to the country that are banned. but they've also extended the scope of the sanctions to areas that haven't been in place before. and they're doing things to deliberately target and annoy the leadership in north korea. let me pick out two examples. in one of the annexes at the end of the resolution it talks about luxury goods. and among the things that are now being sanctioned are jet skis and snow mobiles. that is thought to be something that will hit the very highest people in north korea because are things that they want and won't now be able to get. >> thank you very much, james, james bays diplomatic editor there at the united nations. >> donald trump and hillary clinton have moved a step closer to winning their parties' nomination in a race to the white house after super tuesday.
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in the republican primaries donald trump won seven of the 11 states. ted cruz won his home state of texas plus oklahoma and alaska. and marco rubio took minnesota. this pushes donald trump well ahead in the number of delegates won. 1,237 is the number needed to win the party nomination. donald trump now has 285. his closest rifle, ted cruz, has 161, and there are indications that ben carson is set to drop out of the race. meanwhile, on the democratic side hillary clinton won seven states while bernie sanders took the other four including his home state of vermont. clinton has 1,001 delegates with the target of 2,000--2,083.
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>> this makes it more likely that donald trump will be the republican nominee for the president of the united states. >> he tells the truth. he just says what is on a lot of people's minds. what people are afraid to say. and it is just blatant honesty. i think that's great. >> i'm hopeful that he won't be the president. i think its hard to understand that he harnesses a lot of the anger in this country for how the country is being run. but i think there is someone better than him to run the country. >> make america great again. remember that. >> the end trump won seven states. he'll march towards the nomination leaving republicans little chance to stop him. >> if he's close or if there are questions about some of his delegates or some of his supporters or there has been a tremendous amount of buyers remorse that he is the purported
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nominee by say april. then come july it wouldn't be all that surprising to see the republican party try to maneuver things to their favor. >> the party's fear trump can't be beat hillary clinton. >> senator, you seem to be saying that hillary clinton will beat donald trump. >> no, i don't seem to be saying that. i am saying that. like a drum. >> after super tuesday the former secretary of state is continuing her march towards the democratic nomination. [singing] but her rival vermont senator bernie sanders did better than expected, winning four states, and he's giving little indication that he's willing to bow out. >> what i have said is that this campaign is not just about electing a president. it is about making a political revolution. [ cheering ]
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>> super tuesday moved the process along but did not change any of the dynamics. up next, big states, florida, ohio, the candidates have two weeks to win there. in what could be the deciding factor in who gets to run for president of the united states. patty culhane, al jazeera, washington. >> let's get more news from kimberly halkett, who is live for us in miami, florida, and as patty was saying, kimberly, all eyes on ohio and florida, where you are. what is your sense of the feeling on the ground there? >> well, the assistance--the sense on the ground is that the voting has already started. senator marco rubio, republican candidate, this is his home state where he is the u.s. senator in the u.s. congress, this is a much-needed win for him in this state. he has encouraged his supporters on the democratic side, hillary clinton was among three of the
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major presidential candidates who were here in florida on super tuesday to underscore just how important it is to them in this campaign. the other is marco rubio, and then of course, donald trump. why are they all here? well, this is what is known as a delegate-rich state, if you will. 99 delegates are up for grabs for republicans, in a winner take all situation. on the democratic side there are 246 in proportionate representation. that means that both hillary clinton and bernie sanders could pick up delegates based on how they do in the numbers of supporters that come out. it's very, very competitive. i have to tell you on the democratic side what this means for hillary clinton, she's really trying to get out the same people that supported her on super tuesday overwhelmingly. this is a southern state and hillary clinton had a bit of a sweep in super tuesday in the southern states. namely it was african-americans, latinos. women and older voters who came out to support hillary clinton on super tuesday.
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that's basically describing florida. she has already got the edge in this state. she's ahead by 30 points. when you look on the republican side again this is marco rubio's home state it is critical for him, a must-win. if he doesn't win here it's really difficult to see how he can continue, and right now i have to tell you that this is donald trump who is leading on the republican side by double digits. >> thank you for following all the development there is in time florida. well, with super tuesday over attention turns to other crucial states. as we were saying one of the biggest battle grounds is the state of ohio which is voted for every candidate who has gone on to become president in the past. from the state capital of columbus john hedron reports. >> every serious candidate who has been here and will come again. >> i always loved ohio. >> i love you folks. >> i love you, folks. thank you. >> ohio is a microcosm of the
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country. we have every part of the country represented in ohio. >> the state mix of urban, rural, wealthy and poor, black and white makes it a state more than any other is known for picking presidents. >> now is one of a dozen battleground states from the presidency. only a dozen. out of 50 states there are only about 12 where there is a real contest going on. that's been ohio for years and years and years. democrademocrat graphdemographiy it mirrors the country. >> ohio has become the gateway to the white house. since 1964 every single president that includes johnson, nixon, carter, reagan, the older bush, clinton, the younger bush. they all won here. >> this year marks a turning point in ohio and the nation. for the first time millennials,
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those born after 1980 will match baby boomers as a share of the electorate and they bring their own since. >> we've grown up in a time where there is not a lot of economic hardship. >> that goes for young democrats. >> i can afford a republican president to be in office. i'm white, male, straight, middle class, but for a lot of people who are part of marginalized communities they cannot afford four years of a republican. >> the reason why i believe it should be bernie sanders as president of the united states there has been 40 years of consistent progressive policies. >> millennials like they are very vested in making sure that we protect gay rights and protect the ability to marry someone you love. >> and so it goes for young republicans. >> i'm for donald trump because i want to make america great again and build a wall. build that wall, donald. >> he's going to make america great again. >> all of the candidates will
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campaign here aggressively because they know if their dream of the white house is to become a reality, they must-win here. john hedron, columbus, ohio. >> still to come this half hour, jordan says seven men killed in a raid by special forces were linked to isil and were preparing attacks. and a new report showing the misuse of prescription drugs is killing more americans than car accidents.
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>> these people have decided that today they will be arrested. >> i know that i'm being surveilled. >> people are not getting the care that they need. >> this is a crime against humanity. >> hands up... >> don't shoot. >> hands up... >> don't shoot. >> what do we want? >> justice. >> when do we want it? >> now. >> explosions going on... we're not quite sure - >> is that an i.e.d.? >> welcome back. let's take you to the top
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stories. president obama has welcomed the u.n. decision to impose the toughest sanctions on north korea in 20 years. the u.n. security council voted unanimously on the resolution after pyongyang's nuclear test and rocket launch. donald trump and his rival hillary clinton have pulled further ahead in the race to the white house after 12 states voted in primaries on super tuesday. jordan has foiled what it said would have been an major isil attacks on civilian and military targets in the country. the overnight raid on what has been described on a sleeper cell was the biggest organization in years. we have this report from amman. >> jordan has worried about isil on its door step. now it says that the armed group is trying to put down roots here. officials say that the security operation in the north of jordan stopped planning for a major attack by an isil affiliate.
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jordan's special forces and police backed by attack helicopters descended on an apartment building in jordan's second biggest city. they killed seven suspects. some wearing suicide belts. a jordanian police captain was also killed in the raid. >> this group is misguided and misleading. there are terrorist groups connected to terrorist organizations, and they plan to discorrupt the security of the country and it's people. [ sirens ] >> the operation continued into the morning as security forces sealed roads into the area. the crackdown follows the arrest of 13 people a week ago in the same neighborhood. they were allegedly linked to the group that was targeted on tuesday. the camp has been home to palestinian refugees for more than six decades. jordan's official news agencies said that authorities had broken up a cell linked to isil that planned to carry out attacks on civilian and military targets.
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destabilizing national security. it's impossible to confirm that the targets were said to have been restaurant, government buildings and even school. >> they can work with more freedom there. it's not a place where authorities would expect to find isil followers. >> the bid is just oh 20 kilometers from the syrian border has more than 100,000 syrian refugees. but those killed in the raid are believed to have been from jordan. supporting jordan for groups like isil existed long before the syrian conflict. the leader of al-qaeda and iraq was from jordan. the armed group attacked hotels in the kingdom in 2005. jordan has closed all by two of its border crossings with syria and it's only crossing with iraq. there are now almost 20,000 refugees amassed at its eastern border with syria. the government said it needs to make sure that isil fighters aren't among them. jordan until now has been
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relatively stable. but it's a small countries with volatile neighbors and pockets of support for isil. hundreds of young jordanians have gone to syria to fight for its armed group and afail yets. the risk of violence spreading here is one of jordan's biggest fears. al jazeera, amman. >> the syrian kurdish ypg said that more than 40 of its fighters have been killed while defending a town from an isil take over. isil fighters launched a three-day offensive on saturday, but the ypg said that it managed to keep control of the area. 23 civilians are said to have been killed in the battle. macedonia has briefly opened its border with greece to let in 200 refugees, but 10,000 more are still stranded. the balkan countries have restricted the number of people they let in each day. the e.u. has set aside
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$600 million to deal with the crisis an. >> they escaped the violence in their homeland, but they're still struggling to find a stable existence as they try to make their way into central europe. now a potential lifeline as the e.u. announces an emergency financial package to deal with the largest influx of refugees since the second world war. >> this is to provide basic necessities. including food, emergency care, shelter, clean water, etc. >> a significant portion will go to greece. it's the main entry point for the migrants. more than a million have entered the e.u. via greece since 2015. as the balkan countries tighten their borders, it's struggling to cope. migrants are stranded in mud soaked fields. the u.s. is warning of a critical shortage of food, water
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and aid. refugees sleep anywhere they can as they wait to cross into macedonia. >> there is not enough because this is very small. two person inside, and you see all the people outside. they sleep. >> macedonia allowed 170 refugees on wednesday, little comfort to the thousands still waiting to get through. volunteers try to help. here in the port of prayers in athens food and drink is distributed, but it is still not enough. >> people bring food, but food is not the problem. we need blankets, services, and a place to stay. >> the aid package still needs to be passed by the e.u. parliament and member states. the european commissioner for humanitarian aid said that the root causes of this crisis still needs to be addressed.
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>> they cannot and will not solve our problems. there is no magic for this. >> political cooperation that is desperately needed with more refugees continue to make the arduous journey to europe. al jazeera. >> at least two civilians and a policeman has died in an attack on the indian consulate in afghanistan. a suicide-bomber blew himself up at the entrance in jalalabad. four gunmen then entered the compound but were killed by afghan security forces. 19 people were wounded in the attack. the indian foreign ministry said that none of their diplomats were hurt. a tsunami alert has now been lifted for the indonesia island of sumatra after a major earthquake 800 kilometers off the coast. the quake came in relatively shallow water, but both
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indonesia and australia adopt graded their alerts within two hours. the news did start pani panic reaction and then would retract reports that people were killed. >> there is a fierce global debate on how best to tackle the world drug problem. since the 1970s the u.s. has led a military-style zero tolerance war on drugs, but the latest u.n. report urges a balanced approach meaning punishment and treatment. according to the report the scale of the problems is huge. especially in the west. last year one in every five drug-related deaths worldwide occurred in the united states. that's an average of 45,000 per year. an increase in heroin use has had a big impact, but the biggest factor is the misuse of
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prescription drugs that in many u.s. states is killing more people than car accidents. the problems are also growing in europe. in the last year 600 new psycho active substances were reported, double the year before. in germany alone at least 100 new recreational drugs emerged in the past few years and many aren't covered by law. tracking, monitoring and controlling these new substances is a major challenge to the authorities. in afghanistan the cultivation of opium decreased for the first time in six years. whoever, production is still very high, and still a major problem. meanwhile, drug addiction in west africa is increasing mostly in the area is being used as a transit point for drugs into europe. the report also addresses the lack of useful drug availability especially painkillers in south africa and south asia pain relief is very limited while
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europe and north america consumed 95% of all pain medication. the report offers a survey of the drug use around the world. they will come up with tailor-made solutions to these challenging global problem. >> joachim el cha po guzman said he wants to be transferred to u.s. prisons because thinks guards won't let him sleep. he wants to be transferred to a medium secure system. mexico is holding him in a max security jail. he has twice escaped from vowed he would fight extra dix for as long as possible. facebook latin american vice president spent 24 hours in this jail after defying a court order demanding data from the
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company's what's up messaging service in a drug trial. it follows apple's refusal to hand over data in a san bernardino shooting. debris that washed up on a beach belongs to a boeing aircraft. they found a piece of its wing on reunion island. after a year in space, a russian cosmonaut and nasa astronaut has landed. >> they bid farewell to their colleagues and then close the hatch on their time on board the international space station. the 340 days in orbit are seen as a vital stepping stone to a
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future measures mission. >> one of the big unknowns about any kind of inter plan tore human exploration, sending humans to another planet like measures, how well will the human body stand up to weightlessness. we know from studies on board the space station astronauts undergo bone loss and muscle loss. >> after their journey back to earth, they safely land in a snowy wilderness of kazakhstan. they were supposed to exit the capsule themselves like they would have to after landing on measures, but the debilitating affects are so long in space were clear, and the men were too weak to do this. scott's body will now be compared to his earth bound twin brother mark to analyze any
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genetic changes. any serious enthusiast will tell you the record belongs to a russian. >> we should say it's not the first such lengthy flight. in 1994-95 our compatriot set the absolute world record of 437 days almost enough time to fly to measures and back. he carried out many experiments, and his work was very important. >> of course, nothing replicates the experience of re-entry. that's one of those things that you have yourself. in this simulator it shows how cramped it is in this tiny capsule, the only thing keeping the men alive, and it shows how the vacuum and extreme temperatures of space are just centimeters from their heads. museums like this and media coverage of missions like the one that has just returned to earth are testament to how much
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excitement space flight generates, and maybe among these children there are future visitors to mars. >> there is more to be found from this program right here, >> this week on "talk to al jazeera" -- artist, author and reporter molly crabapple. >> what i think my art brought to my journalism is that i didn't come to journalism with the sort of bias towards faux objectivity... i deeply believe in having an extreme bias towards reality. >> in her youth, she traveled europe and the near east, and worked as a nude model and danced burlesque. >> so much of women, so much of
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