tv News Al Jazeera March 4, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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debate was a disaster. overoverwhelming policy discussions. >> you can breathe, i know, it's hard. >> when they're done with the yoga can i answer a question here? >> i really hope that we don't see yoga on this stage. >> he's very flexible so you never know. >> and just when it seems front runner donald trump might try to sound presidential, the celebrity billionaire alluded to the size of his genitalia. >> he referred to my hands if they're small, something else must be small, i guarantee there's no problem. i guarantee. >> conservative media outlets affirm, gop implosion accelerates in motor city wreck. the christian broadcasted broady network. the only enthing that was missing was jerry springer.
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it made me it. 22 out of my 25 focus members said gop debate would hurt republicans in the general election. this has to stop, seriously. >> but stopping the tenor and tone in the gop nomination contest play be impossible. >> this little guy last lied so much about my record. >> this week before the debate donald trump vowed he will not unilaterally disarm. >> i like presidential, but if somebody hits me i'm going to hit them back harder right? >> and now in florida another coming primary contest, gop establishment groups are intensifying their attack ads against trump. >> he hides behind bankruptcy laws to duck his bills and kill american jobs. he even tried to kick an elderly widow out of her home through eminent domain. >> the gop establishment goal is to keep trump webbing in upstate
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contests and delegates so the nomination is up for grabs at the no nomination. >> what does it do for trump supporters at the convention? he will have a plurality, it would take a dramatic turn of events for that not to be the case. let's take 40%, these people don't care about the future of the republican party. >> reporter: the republican turmoil.only helps hillary clinton and bernie sanders. their jabs by comparison have been tame. take clinton's connections to wall street. >> if you are going to get paid $200,000 for a speech must be a pretty damn good speech! and if it's such a good speech you got to release the transcripts! let everybody see them. >> republican strategies believe democratic chances to win in
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november are increasing as the republican presidential contest gets uglier. >> you're the lying guy up here you're the one. >> david schuster, al jazeera. >> donald trump says he's skipping this weekend's annual gathering of conservatives called cpac. for many gop leaders it is open season on trump's conservative credentials. adam may is in washington tonight, adam. >> yes john you said it perfect. so many pundits are questioning whether donald trump a real conservative trying to make the case, cpac, political reporting that he's given them over $100,000 in donations. the division in the party has become so clear, donald trump's appearance at cpac was at risk of having him booed or ridiculed. >> god bless cpac. >> senator ted cruz gets rock
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star treatment after donald trump unexpectedly dropped out of the cpac event 24 hours after he was scheduled to speak. >> i think someone told him megan kelly was going to be here or even worse he was told there were conservatives that were going to be here. >> reporter: cpac attracts more than 100 conservative political-os and usually every candidate seeking the gop nomination. like donald trump, who spoke here in 2015. >> well, thank you very much. it's such an honor to be here at cpac. we've done this before. the response last been so great. i love you people, you're really my kind of people. you're conservative you work you love the country it's very simple. >> the trump campaign explained their about face in a statement. it read: the misspelling of
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wichita kansas was the least of the controversy. according to a report in the national review, the real reason for trump pulling out may have been the possibility of an embarrassing walkout, among attendees during his speech. cruz used the trump withdrawal as a chance to reinforce his main campaign message: that he is the only true conservative running for the white house. >> 65 to 70% of republicans recognize that donald trump is not best candidate to go head to head with hillary clinton. [cheering and applause] >> that if donald is our nominee in all likelihood hillary wins, we lose the supreme court for a generation, the bill of rights is lost and we're buried in debt. >> the american conservative union organizers of cpac also
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attacked trump stating we are very disappointed donald trump has decided at the last minute to drop out of cpac. senator marco rubio felt the fire of conservatives just a few weeks ago. when it was unclear if he was going to attend. and various right wing media outlets roasted the senator for stalling on a commitment. rubio is now slated to speak saturday. ohio governor john kasich steered clear of the side show. instead, predicting internal fighting and a lack of consensus among the gop will go all the way to the convention. >> let's go through your scenario if you think it's going to be a broken convention. >> i do. >> sean, it has to be done fairly. >> but cruz says a fair brokered convention is impossible. >> any time you hear someone talking about a brokered
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convention it is the washington establishment in a fevered frenzy. they're really frustrated because all of their chosen candidates all the golden children, the voters keep rejecting. >> reporter: a darling of the conservative movement retired neurosurgeon ben carson announced he is suspending his campaign, after falling from first to nearly last in the polls. >> now that i'm leaving the campaign trail -- [ boos.] >> yeah. >> so intks officially out of the race but he says he -- so ben carson is officially out of the race but he says he's still going to stay in the campaign. it's not always an indicator in 2008 be john mccain made a speech at cpac, was not
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predicted to take the nomination and got booed while make a speech. >> eric snyderman, says his lawsuit against trump university is pretty straightforward. he says students who pay thousands of dollars expecting to learn business secrets from donald trump, are coming away missing. >> he had nothing to do with developing the curriculum, not his personal secrets. people were lured in with the idea they were going to learn from mr. trump. we've got the transcripts of the sessions, people who work in retail, fast food, if you tell people we're going to teach you donald trump's secrets and he's never had any part of writing the curriculum that's fraud. you can't take money from people making false representations. >> snyderman called it a bait
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and switch scheme. this weekend is a big one for the presidential contest. on saturday louisiana will hold proirmprimaries for both partied maine will hold, on sunday, democratic caucuses and puerto rico will hold a gop primary. lnlz ilouisiana is heading into recession. economy will be the number one priority. jonathan martin is in new orleans at a donald trump event that ended just a while ago. jonathan. >> and i can tell you this rally just wrapped up just a few minutes ago and donald trump said this is a wild night. 30 to 40 protestors were thrown out and at one point donald trump seemed to criticize law enforcement for taking so long to get these protesters out of here. he spent about an hour talking
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about helping veterans getting rid of common core and getting rid of obamacare. but he spent at least four or five minutes talking about his lead in the polls. donald trump says he feels very confident about his lead, and he's apology 38% at this point. he knows evangelical voters in louisiana love him. thanking voters in advance for what he thinks will be a landslide victory tomorrow. here's what he said. >> we're doing great and this is so important you have this beautiful day the world is going to be focused largely on louisiana so let's keep it going big league. and i will be toasting you tomorrow night from wherever i'll be. from wherever i'll be. >> reporter: and so among the things that are voting tomorrow, louisiana you could say is the biggest prize, there are 46 delegates on the gop side. now ted cruz also has not given
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up on louisiana. he spent some time here today. he was -- been about a hour north here in louisiana, marco rubio was supposed to be in louisiana but he decided to forgo his stop, cancelled his appearance and is in kansas campaigning. >> democrats also have their primary tomorrow and hillary clinton has a strong lead right? >> reporter: yes, she does, in fact she has picked up a few key endorsements, the mayor of new orleans endorsed her. while hillary did not make a stop in the state, she did send her husband. state officials say louisiana is in a recession, facing a $900 million budget defendant and a lot of oil workers are losing their jobs as the price of oil dropped.
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that is what bill clinton said, the economy. here's what they said. >> louisiana companies alone and companies doing business here had openings for 75,000 welders. i said it can't be right, he said oh it probably is. because we can't match our unemployed people with the openings, because we have not provided the skills. and that's a big part of her program. >> all right so this donald trump rally here just wrapping up here, so this donald trump rally just wrapping up here in new orleans, as donald trump said a pretty wild night with so many protesters being thrown out, just wrapping up, has 59 delegates at stake ton democratic side and 46 for the republicans. back to you. >> all right jonathan thank you. elroy sailor is the kerry of j.c. watts companies.
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in washington today. elroy, let's look back at the debate last night of the republicans. what are most americans supposed to take away from what they saw last night? >> john thanks for having me on this evening. i liken it to a sandpaper discussion. what do i mean by that? when you rub sandpaper on a hard surface it gets smooth. what i hope americans and independents and democrats i talk to around the country, they see wages over the last eight years have gone down. they see housing prices have continued to plummet, they see where we're spending 6,000 dollars to educate a child and up to $60,000 to put a person in prison. you are seeing uneasiness and frustration. they say i hope when we're getting through sully season and that sandpaper discussion, we'll have a smooth nominee going into
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the general election and we will get some real issues on the table. >> if the candidates keep talking like they did last night and call each other liars and names, how are they going to talk about the issues? >> that's a good question john, it's a contact sport. unfortunately they are having a little too much contact with it. it's not serious. i think last night's debate was not what many americans, what many republicans would have liked to have had in that particular debate last night but it's a contact sport. >> a brokered convention, in your opinion? we've heard discussion about it. heard john kasich suggest that's what's going to happen. >> you know, that's a possibility. but when you look at the numbers, you know john, i started looking at these numbers a year and a half ago whether i sat in a room with a group of folks around rand paul and we started charting our direction for victory.
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you have 236 for cruz, 112 for rubio, trump's going to need 899 to win, cruz is going to need about a thousand to get to the 1239 and rubio is going to need 1237. over the next 12 primary and caucus dates, you're going to look santa situation where trump is probably going to pull that out. just tomorrow you have 155 delegates up for vote. what happened in 2008 and 2012, mitt romney lost two of those states, santorum won two of them. so the pro time of those states now, where you're looking for tomorrow's delegate count, those states profile very well to trump. i don't think this will go to a brokered convention. i think more of the establishment crowd in washington tends to push on a favorite candidate and try to
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push for trump. trump is probably locked in at 40, 42% of the voters, you got 10% in the middle and 60% of the people the number like that that says they're not going to support them. but when you get folks like mitt rom fully and the establishment folks pushing back on the guy i think the people in the middle those 10% say, if that is establishment i'm going so go that way. >> this sounds more like a battle for the soul of the party, instead of a battle for the nomination. >> you're absolutely right. the thing i like to say i've been in the republican party for 20 something years now. right now donald trump is not the catalyst, he's a recipient. back in 2010 we had the tea party movement. folks were frustrateout there, wages were low, gas prices were high, tough to buy a home, tough to get credit, tough getting pell grants, tough getting your
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kids in school, 19 trillion and 21 trillion national debt, you had major problems starting back after the bush administration and obama taking over, you had the tea party come in in 2010, two, three, four years later you saw the rise of the freedom caucus which was another group of constituents in the republican side that says you know we're not pushing far enough we're not fighting hard enough for the american people. what you're seeing is an uneasiness of it, trump is a recipient of it. you see the rise of bernie sanders going up against ultimate recipients and you see donald trump leading in the polls because he's not viewed as a politician. >> i see the divide in the democratic party and i understand it. but the real divide seems to be in the republican party, where there seeming to segments of the gop that won't vote for other candidates under any
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circumstances. i 19 candidates pledge their -- i mean the candidates pledge their support to the nominee but i'm not sure the voters will pledge their support to the candidate, am i wrong about that? >> i traveled the country with rand paul, we led a pathway to victory. you are starting to see folks coalesce around a particular candidate. >> which one is that? >> you look at the numbers. >> donald trump i guess you're saying. >> trump -- yeah. trump is leading at 338 delegates right now. you are seeing folks coalescing around trump. whether or not trump can pull it through, we'll see. but the numbers are on his side and i'm not a trump supporter. i haven't decided what i'm going to do now that my guy has dropped out and is going back to the senate but the numbers are on trump side. you are right, there is somewhat
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of a civil war going on in the republican party, peggy noonan said, the republican party is in shambles now. you saw boehner step down, eric cantor was taken out, there is a little bit of a revolt going on across the board in the republican party right now. >> some might call it a rather large earthquake. but we'll see what -- >> it is seismic. that's for sure. >> elroy, great to see you. thank you for talking to us tonight. >> thank you john appreciate it take care. >> and now to turkey and a small step to justice. ilan and his mother and brother drown trying to get to europe.
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be three men were sentenced to four years in prison, acquitted of deliberately causing their passengers' death. european union's holding a summit on refugees next week. greece says it will seek more eu aid to patrol its coastline. its shores are a main entry point for refugees arriving from turkey. public opinion has appeared to have turned against the refuge refugees. dominic cain has the story. >> instead it's now a wreck. whether the fire was raging the emergency services reported that some people could be heard cheering the burning. and that a few people
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deliberately hindered their efforts. those people have since had charges brought against them. the mayor of bautsen says such incidents will not deter him from providing a welcome to refugees about. >> we're not going let arsonists decide who is going to come to bautsen, what number of people and under which circumstances. we're not going to give way to these arsonists. >> but in saxony such incidents do not happen in isolation. 20% of all attacks on asylum seeker centers are in this state, there are fewer asylum seekers in saxony than in any other area of germany. just one for every 238 people. perhaps half an hour's drive from bautsen is clausnits.
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refugees are given shelter. just a few weeks ago, a crowd gathered outside, shouting insults and intimidated refugees trying to get off a bus. this video of the event went viral and ministers announced what happened. given that relatively few refugees have come to saxony, why is there such anti-refugee sentiment? i put that to a resident. >> people are getting more anxious about people coming in the country. and so they feel themselves justify to some kind of resistance. and that's why some of them even take refuge to violent attacks. >> reporter: back in bautsen, the market is underway. this is a prosperous and picturesque town that germans might call cozy. the local player says, refugees
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are still welcome here but it seems a growing number of people do not agree. dominic cain, al jazeera, in saxony. >> coming up next, testing new evidence. the knife allegedly found in o.j. simpson's former home, that could be tied to the murders of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman. and why el chapo guzman wants to be extraditeto the united states. extradited to the united states.
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>> it's been more than 20 years since o.j. simpson was acquitted of murdering his former wife nicole brown simpson and ron goldman. melissa chan reports. >> i would have taken him to trial. >> the new fx mini series, the people versus o.j. simpson, recalls the facts that unfolded during the trial of the century. simpson, the former nfl football star had been accused of the murder of his former wife and
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ron goldman. >> we find the defendant not guilty of the crime of murder. >> in 1985, simpson was found not guilty of the murders. but friday his former los angeles estate took center stage again. during the initial police investigation years ago, the initial search turned up empty of the rockham estate. but now it's confirmed that a knife found on the property is being examined by the l.a.p.d. >> what we know, within the last month l.a.p.d. became aware of an item that was allegedly recovered by a citizen at the rockingham property, possibly during the demolition of the site. the actual item is described as a knife. i'm not going to go into the description of the knife. >> reporter: that knife was
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initially found by a construction worker in 1998. he gave it to an off-duty police officer working security on a movie set across the street. police are baffled why it took that 94 retired officer almost 20 years to give them the knife. >> i with was really surprised. i would think that an l.a.p.d. officer if this story is accurate as we are being told would know that any time you are -- you comment into contact with evidence -- you come into contact with evidence that you should and shall submit that investigators. >> reporter: the l.a.p.d. is currently running forensic tests on the knife. the simpson-goldman murders remain an open case. since simpson was committed. hcommitacquitted. he ask not be charged again if the knife is in fact found to be the murder weapon. >> my understanding of being a police officer for 20 years,
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that double jeopardy is in place, we cannot charge simpson with the homicides that he has already been acquitof. >> melissa chan, al jazeera. >> joaquin el chapo guzman wants to come to the united states. he slipped into california last year while he was on the run. his daughter says he paid off senior politicians, and now he wants to be extradited to the u.s. natasha guinane has the story. >> it's been almost two months since joaquin guzman or el choops chapchapowas incarcerate. his extradition has long been
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sought. originally, his attorney and he fought extradition. now they are begging for it. >> he's emaciated. i'm not kidding, i am sad the mexican government can't guarantee his right to live. >> with the interamerican commission on human rights. the 61-year-old is in the same maximum security prison he escaped from through a tunnel underneath his cell last summer. he believes he would be treatbetter in an american prison. he's prepared to cut a deal, his hope is a reduced sentence in exchange for providing information. his attorney would also like to see guarantees of protection for his wife and four-year-old twin daughters. guzman is in the process of looking for an attorneys in the united states. analysts tell us the extradition process could take about a year. >> natasha guinane reporting. and still ahead, replacing
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>> in flint, michigan, the e-crews are finall finally staro replace some of the city's corroded pipes. a debate in detroit, members of the house were there including minority leader nancy pelosi, bisi onile-ere reports. >> what is happening in flint challenges the conscience of our nation. >> house minority leader nancy pelosi was joined by mks members omembers ofcongress. the federal lawmakers heard from the city's staff, over the problem that has plagued the city for over two years.
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>> what we've heard today, we know we have to act, we've come here to listen to learned, to act upon what we put together after this, so we can give hope and healing. >> reporter: outside a home on the city's south side the first sign of action. >> my mission is to totally get the lead out of flint. >> flint mayor karen weaver on friday kicked off her fast-start initiative, the goal, to replace all lead service lines and restore safe drinking water in the city. as weaver pleads for more funding, thousands in the city are doing what they can to get by. >> you ready? in the hallway. >> reporter: jaden sawyer is three years old. today he is among dozens of children in flint who will be tested for lead poisoning. for more than a year flint's tap water was tainted with lead.
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sawyer is among thousands who were exposed. >> mom? grandmother? okay. >> yolanda stewart learns of her grandson's test results within minutes. >> i have good news for you, jaden tested 4.3. that means he has a low level. >> but others aren't as fortunate. as the city began pulling tap water from the flint river in 2014, the percentage of children with elevated lead levels in the city increased. >> we're seeing various levels. there are certain areas in the city that have a higher level month so than other areas. >> ef linevelyn robinson says, r cognitive and behavioral problems. now at the center of a criminal investigation. >> children are still growing so their brain is still growing. so they might be a little slower than usual to learning certain
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things. >> reporter: residents in the predominantly blook and poor city have -- black and poor city have depended on bottled water for months. governor rick snyder has been held responsible. >> we failed to connect the dots like we should have. >> questions about flint's quality of water were raised early on. >> that's where i'm kicking myself every day, i wish i would have asked more questions. >> yolanda stuart hopes a resolution to flint's water crisis comes soon. >> i'm hoping praying that pipes get fixed then i really believe in my heart that it's going to be all right. >> bisi onile-ere, al jazeera, flint, michigan. >> now to what can be the
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strongest ling yet of zika virus to birth defects. the world health organization now says zika could potentially affect 4 million people in the americas. the obama administration and cdc are holding a summit next month to come up with a plan to fight that virus. and scientists now say a zika vaccine could be ready for human trials by september. so far about 100 americans have been diagnosed with zika, all of them returned from foreign countries where the virus is spreading rammedly. former mexican president vicente fox says donald trump is a racist, he made the statement to medi hasan. >> is that what mexico is going to do, it's what united states is going to lose. for instance, he says he's going to build a wall and going to a
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trade war with mexico. he's not understanding that with trading we both win. but either he's not understanding that mexico buys from the united states, every year, millions of u.s. dollars, this means, millions of jobs for u.s. citizens. where is he going to replace that market and sell those products? he's very stupid, what he's saying. he says he's going to tax automobiles, manufactured in mexico, coming into the united states. i mean, what is the consumer of a car will say when the car price increases 20%? >> fox says trump has offended everyone from latinos to be african americans to muslims. long point of convention between the japanese government
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and local officials. harry fawcett has more from okinawa. >> this on the face it of would seem to be somewhat of a concession by the japanese president shinzo abe. on oklahom okinawa. , it centers often a residential area, the japanese government calls it the most dangerous air base in the world, destined to be relocated to northeastern oklahoma flaw island, in a bay known as hanoko bay, close to a current u.s. military base, but there have been protests by the residents of okinawa, a dangerous thing to reclaim the land in that bay, also they bear too much of the burden of the of the u.s. military presence in
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japan and they want to see the residents, the government of okinawa wants that base taken outside of the prefecture, potentially outside of japan. there's been a legal challenge to revoke the permissions given for that work by his predecessor, now shinzo abe is saying he will submit to a court mediated process, they will drop their protests and dom some sort of peaceful settlement. there is no alternative in the long run other than this plan so that's still being a hard line in the long term from the japanese government. the real core of this issue still remains as it was before this decision. >> that's harry fawcett reporting. coming up next my conversation with legendary talk show host dick cavette, and be how she's
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conversations. >> when it was inevitable -- >> do you remember falling in love, not quite. when you grow up, we don't want to be the crazy gang over here, or the marx brothers, or asthma or tuberculosis, here they are again yesterday, all my troubles -- >> dick cavett, great to have you here. >> you too. i remember him. >> highway do you prepare for an interview with john le lennon ad yoko ono? >> i went over there on a rainy afternoon, they were on the bed, so were fouledders and projects. they weren't using the bed in an odd way. i think i broke the peace, when
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john said, we've been watching you, you have the only half way intelligent talk show. i said why would you want to be on a halfway intelligent talk show? john laughed, yoko might have. >> how did you -- >> i don't remember preparing anything for them. i think, if i can't think of saying anything to lenon i ought to quit. i overprepared for katherine hep hepburn. >> speaking of hepburn, this is my favorite interview. take a look. >> women and men are simply not the same.they're just not same. women, u, have to bear the children and what are you going to do with them? and i think there are men who are all the same, and all --
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well. and then there are -- there are women like me. who have lived like men. >> i mean, people reeventually things about themselves to you -- reveal things about themselves to you that they won't reveal to anybody else. >> i am glad to hear that because it's true. they say after the interview, how did you get me to talk about my divorce or my epilepsy, sad things things they'd forgotten. >> the audience, that's other element. after watching these afterwards, they are on the digital channel decade so people can watch. >> bob hope would say, isn't that great? >> they are. some of the best interviews ever done in the history of television. but i do think that the audience played a role in some of these interviews as well. >> oh they played 50%, yeah,
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often. when they booed when they laughed, when they went oh god, it was -- made it live drama. >> you mentioned the sad passing now of another music legend and music icon. take a look at this interview. >> bowie? >> yes. >> there is a lady who said i wouldn't want to meet him, he'd make me nervous, into black magic and that sort of thing. others feel you're a great performer, changes from one thing to another. >> yeah (laughing) [applause] >> i never -- a person of diverse interests but not -- >> you are. >> not really very academic but i'm -- i glitz from one thing to another, a lot. >> it's like what do you do sometimes when they -- >> well have you noticed that it relaxes you when you realize the guest is nervous? >> well, he looks nervous.
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>> hepburn was at the very beginning when she lost it all. david was, i call him david, i had never met him. and it's a little off-putting. i got a lot of credit for getting through that interview but he got better. he settled a bit. he had a bit of the sniffles as hip people pointed out. and -- but he's a great, great artist. and that made it happy experience. >> it also seemed like people got revved up. and maybe it's the time because we're looking at interviews that have been done many, many years ago. but it seems like they had passion about topics and they were willing to share them with you. >> yes. and you like that because it gives the show an energy. because you look out and the audience is really listening. and then there's just always doing what we're doing, that sense of danger. something awful might happen next. >> did you plan? did you plan some of those
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dangerous moments? >> never planned one. they came without any bidding at all. when th segregationist governor walked off, when i called him he said a bigot. lily tom lynn left protesting one time. >> walked off? >> yes. >> this is another unexpected moment. take a look. >> i tell you what happened. we talked on the phone and at one point in the conversation, you reeled off about seven or eight things you had observed about me watching the show about how i sometimes don't like people and pretend that i do and vice versa and about a dozen more and they were so uncanny and on the nose that i decided i could never work again. [ laughter ] >> now i feel it. would you like a glass of water?
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[ laughter ] >> a bug just flew out of my glass. >> i know it -- >> was there ever a greater million dollar grin than the grand old face? >> absolutely. absolutely. he detected that you didn't like people even when you pretended that you did? >> that man had so many antenna out and experienced things that none of us ever will. yeah, somebody said it's as if they put an angel in him and there were things broodish and one great critic said he was miscast as stanley in streetcar. my wife, her favorite, i said to brando, godfather, did you know it was going to be so successful? he said i don't want to talk about movies.
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al jazeera america. be you. >> dick cavett not only interviewed celebrities musicians, authors, he also took on the vietnam war, which didn't go on too well at the white house. >> what was the worst interview? >> spiro agnew. >> why? >> he was a dumb clod. everybody thought he would be amusing, they put up a bunch ever cartoons about herb lock,
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and i thought he would have something funny to say about that. he didn't say anything funy about anything. >> we heard afterwards, nixon didn't like you that much. >> that showed good taste in nixon. >> did that hurt your career? >> the agnew thing? >> that nixon didn't like you? >> i was per sona n washington. >> we have complained bitterly,
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musky. >> what can we do to screw him, that gives me courage to go on every time. >> what do you think of the current crop of candidates? >> i i'd rather not say anything about donald trump, you know how venge full he can be. but changing the subject, i do hope that some day we will not have a mis misogynist puffer fae vuvulgarian in the white house. >> somebody you like in the place? >> i like -- what worries me about hillary clinton is that -- and it must be hard on her -- the number of women saying you know, i was all for her. once. but i'm not sure now. i don't know how you overcome that. even with bill. looking like marley's ghost, coming out and advising her, i
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like clinton, i met him once, way back at democratic convention. he recognized me, out in the lal way. hallway, came ownership, we is had a great talk. he signed my badge that hangs around my neck. i thought it would be just a signature, but he wrote, "you made my day." somewhere that was aplaysing. i hate nixon did i say that? >> not yet. how has tv changed since you did those interviews? >> i once jokingly said and some took it seriously, these guys like colbert and what's his name on the daily show, i said to amuse him, they're sissies, i did 90 minutes some days twice in the same day, 180, they do 26, four times a week, it took
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ream men to talk most in my day. that's changed some. a lot of people say nobody does what you did. i don't know exactly what they mean by that. i must say i was one of the first in print, in my new york time blog, watch colbert. for this format, he got everything. >> and if you could interview somebody today, do you have a favorite interview subject that you would like to talk about? >> i see people now and then, a radio interviewer today said i have before you your dvd called hollywood greats from the cavett show, i said read them. >> he said bethe davis, katherine hepburn, marlon brando, the great robert mitchum, and he said
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insightfully now, who are their counterparts? reply god i know what he means, we have meryl streep . >> you saw dick cavett with john lennon. george harrison was also a guest. his sister louise joined us to talk about her famous brother. here's paul beban. >> february 12th, 1964. the where birth of beatle mania. the beatles performed at carnegie shall, be george was her kid brother. nearly 60 years later she is speaking out sharing his legacy and at the same time, protecting
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him. >> it's been a very, very great privilege to be part of a family of those four guys but it's also i think a great responsibility. >> louise arrived in america a year before the beatles. she moved to benton, illinois where george paid a visit in those early days but theirs was a bond that started in day 1. >> he was my baby brother. i was 11 when he was born and i first met him when he was eight hours old. i remember holding him in gorgeous little brother. i thought wow. >> when the lads got to be popular, louise played a part of getting them on the ed sullivan show by harassing brian epstein. >> i wrote lots and lots of letters to brian, you can't always have something good and not push it. get them on the ed sullivan show. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> louise lives in america but her accent hasn't changed. she manages the liverpool legends, a beatles tribute band that performance tomorrow night at carnegie hall. even though george was known as the shy one, louise knows him as special. >> being impressed, the way he handleds to groups of people, making sure nobody ever felt left out. he could be a ready great diplomat, you know. >> what made them really special for louise, the answer may be in the stars. >> they were like the comet that was flashing across the galaxies and i don't think any individual or half a dozen individuals would really have changed the path of that comet. i think it was going where it was going, regardles wh regardlr
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