tv News Al Jazeera March 7, 2016 10:00am-11:01am EST
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from doha. hello, welcome to another news hour from doha. i'm adrien finnegan, our top stories, tunisian security forces under attack by armed men from libya. 45 people are dead. divisions over how to handle the refugee crisis in europe discussed at a meeting in brussels. protests in ramallah, thousands on strike for higher pay. i will have all your sport,
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including peyton manning set to give a press conference in a few hours to talk about his impending retirement. donald trump pace a visit to the wgc cadillac in florida. >> the assault was launched by armed men from across the border in libya. it happened in the town of ben gardan. a town that is usually bustling with traders. at the moment if is deserted. many people have been told to stay home. this one behind me just beyond
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this particular checkpoint we have seen a dead body. we've been told that is an armed fighter, one of the people who carried out this attack. now we understand that it was extremely organized, some reports are saying possibly dozens of armed men carrying out the attack on the army barracks along with the national guard. they spread out in various neighborhoods. local witnesses have told us what they've seen. there were armed clashes. things seem to be calm right now. there is a big question, where are these armed fighters, and also is the border area where they're close to libya's borders, 30 kilometers, is it safe. we don't know if these men were already in tunisia or did they infiltrate the border. but tunisia has built a fence along the border that they say prevents armed traffickers moving in and out.
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but it seems that last minute proposals from turkey has created an political en pass in bruce he wills are european leaders are meeting. let's take you live. jonah hull is in brussels. instead of unity, we appear to have anything but, what has gone wrong? >> unity and optimism. because the day started on a high note. they were talking, the e.u. leaders, about glimmers of hope and light at the end of the item, and even the turkish prime minister talking about a turning point in the refugee crisis. but it has gone all rather horribly wrong since then. with turkey, so we understand nothing has been officially briefed to us.
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putting new proposals to the e.u. leaders, which has extended this summit with the prime minister, who is now here for the long hall, certainly here for dinner, and well into the night. new promises. we don't know the details, but what is being reported is that these proposals are around the key part of the plan, which had been to get turkey to agree to readmit all the learned asylum seekers and economic migrants who have currently pooled into what could become a nasty humanitarian crisis in greece. turkey would take back all of them and repatriate them back to their countries of origin. there seems to be a deal along those lines before this deal began. turkey has come along with new proposals with new demands. demands for new money. potentially quite a lot more money that is already on the table. demands for visa-free travel for
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its citizens, which had been contemplated in any previous agreements, and sped up access plan to e.u. memberships. that's what they're going to be talking about. it could go long into the night. to say nothing about the divisions about the e.u. itself. the 28 leaders of what was a declaration of the so-called balkan route is closed. >> so that draft communique that you talked about would have been torn up. they have to start again. that optimism that you've talked about have gone away. how long will these negotiations take? will they result in anything concrete? >> nobody knows the answer to either of those questions, adrian. i wish i did, but we could well be here all night. another problem they've got as i've alluded is deep division over this whole refugee crisis. of course, there has always been since the beginning of it, but they have been ready to declare the western balkan route into
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europe was closed. that would have been a big signal to people smugglers and people wanting to make the journey. chancellor angela merkel said we will not have that language, we're not going to have that closed. they're not going to have that pillar of success which they have been looking for. they're looking unlikely to get everything they want from the turks. >> jonah hull, many thanks, indeed. we have reportersality every stage from turkey into europe. adam is on the greek island of lesbos, often the first point for many refugees who are hoping to make the journey, and then we have more from where the greek humanitarian crisis is unfolding. let's go to turkey, what's going
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on where you are, mohammed? >> well, even as the leaders are negotiating, president erdogan is critical of the e.u. complaining that money promised has not been delivered to turkey, but it should be delivered at soon as possible. turkey, of course, at the highest number of syrian refugees, 2.7 million. so the highest number of refugees of any country when it comes to the refugee crisis. this is the main launching pad for refugees who want to cross into greece. just behind me there, just about 50 kilometers, that's greece. this beach like this is one of the main areas where refugees, thousands of them every day try to cross the aegean to get to greece and then go on from
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there. tomorrow is going to be a big day, if the schedule holds, greece's prime minister, alexis tsipras, will be coming here and meeting with leaders. as of now we have heard there will not be any delay in that schedule. >> well, from where i'm standing, i can see the turkish coast, and the journey from there to lesbos is a short one yet a dangerous one on saturday the turkish coast guard has announced that they have pulled out of the water about 25 people whose boat had capsized.
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and to many, there is a huge number of refugee who is are losing their lives. what the greece coast guard has been doing is going out with their boats, and try to rescue as many refugees as possible. while they were still on the rubber dinghies that they were trying to use to reach greece. once they arrive here and most of these rescue missions in the cost guard happen in the morning. once that happens they are taken to a temporary camp where they're given region station. and there are thousands here, about 15,000 of them at the greek macedonian border. >> people here are pinning their hopes on the meet negotiation brussels later today. one can say that the balkan route is effectively closed. even that trickle of refugees who have made it across this border were stopped as the
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northern border of macedonia in serbia where there is a few hundred people strand there had. and very few have actually made it further than that. now greece is changing from a country of transit where people were getting a registration form that allowed them to be in this country for a month, to a reception country. now there will be registration papers issued for six months from syrians to iraqis. all nationalities were given that one-month period where they have to either leave the country, or they will be deported. there is an agreement in place between greece and turkey since 2012 for illegal immigration, and that will be applied, according to greek authorities. now here at the border also some restrictions have been imposed on a daily basis. the latest one is the selection made according to your city of origin. for example, people coming from damascus were not allowed
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through. people also coming from the kurdish towns were not allowed through. and people coming from baghdad, from the south of iraq and from the north of iraq. for those who come from those areas, it is a big issue. because they have spent all their money. some of them have sold all their properties back home to make this journey, and now they're stranded here. >> let's hear now from the unhcr's regional coordinator for the refugee crisis in europe. he's live for us from geneva. we have a snapshot, a flavor of what people are going through. this is not a political problem. this is a humanitarian crisis that is everyone's responsibility, isn't it? >> absolutely, it is earn's responsibility to deal with that crisis, not only turkey. let's remind us that 94 persons of the people arriving in greece are coming from syria, iraq,
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afghanistan. they are migrants in search of a better area. >> the fuss is very much at the moment on europe, but what about the refugees who are in places like jordan, in northern iraq. in lebanon. the refugee crisis there dwarfs the one going on in europe at the moment. >> absolutely. i mean, the vast majority of the people fleeing those conflicts, i've mentioned, afghanistan, iraq and syria, are in the countries neighboring those countries of origin. and efforts must be made to stabilize the situation in those countries as much as possible. we've seen two months ago a conference in london. a lot of pledges were made. we need to make sure that those pledges translate into projects that stabilize areas of
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education, access to the labor market. we've seen progress in some countries, but it's going too slowly. europe should share its responsibility. there is no quick fix solution by returning everybody to turkey. this would not be conformity of international law. it has to be a balanced agreement between europe and turkey. we need more alternatives for syrians, afghanistanens who are fleeing their country. much more can be done in this area. >> the main problem is the war in syria. here we have got members on your organization who sit on the security councils, places like the u.s. russia, bombing parts of syria and causing people to flee. what responsibility do though nations have to accept for what is going on?
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shouldn't they be doing more to help? >> well, i belong to the united nations commission for refugees, and we're a non-political organization. i won't comment on that. but obviously the best solution is a political solution for those countries of origin. we should not think that bomba bombardments make people safer. people are leaving as we speak from syria. people continue to leave in large numbers. let's remind ourselves that the movement is not just linked to syrians. it's only 46 person of people come together groups are syrians. we have the larger number of afghans on the move. we need to look at those situations in a comprehensive manner. dialogue of origin and countries of destination. on all countries need to participant participate.
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it can't be just europe. it has to be the united states, the russian federation, the gulf countries, each country needs to take their share of responsibility and solidarity. not just providing financial assistance for people to stay where they are. it's also sharing the victims of those conflicts. >> good to talk to you. thank you for being with us. there in geneva. still to come on the program, this man changed the way the world communicates. ray tomlinson, the inventor of e-mail, signs off for the last time at the age of 74. plus, a search for malaysia airlines flight 370 continues two years after it a disappear disappeared. but in sport the nba sees one of the biggest shocks of this and any other season as the golden state warriors take on the lakers. details coming up.
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>> striking teachers have held a sit in at the office of the palestinian prime minister. a million students across the occupied west bank are missing class. we have reports from ramallah. >> well, a big crowd of palestinian teachers did gather here in the center of ramallah. that's despite reports that many were turned back at check points by palestinian security forces. the teachers are angry because they say that they haven't been given a pay raise for years. some are getting by or trying to get by on just 500 u.s. dollars a month. they have second jobs to make ends meet. some say they have to rely on charity hands out. >> if they rely on me, they hardly get any new clothes. my neighborhoods give us hand me
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downs. that's the teacher's daughters. that's the definition of bitterness. >> there were talks on sunday between a temporary commit representing the striking teachers and politicians, but the government was not involved. it says it will only deal with the official teachers reunion. but many of the striking teachers reject that union saying that it's far too close to the palestinian authority. the head of the union has accused some of those mobilizing these protests of being politically manipulated by different parties. but many people we've spoken to say they're not interested in politics. they just want to get a decent living wage. what is clear is this is a the largest grassroots mobilization of palestinians for a long time. >> the hamas leadership in gaza have denied and condemned egypt's accusation that it was involved in the assassination of
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the country's top prosecutor. he was killed in a car bomb explosion in cairo in june of last year. >> we stress that these figures showed by the egyptian have never been in gaza strip in any time, and they have no relations whatsoever with hamas or with brigades. >> now to the u.s. presidential race, contaminated water has dominated the latest democratic debate. bernie sanders and hillary clinton went head to head in flint, michigan, where the local water supply has been polluted by lead. kimberly halkett reports. >> the headline at the flint debate. almost two years later the water in this city is still contaminated with lead. and i what each candidate would do about it. >> they would fire anybody who knew what was happening and did
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not act appropriately. >> i know the state of michigan has a rainy day fund for emergencies. what is more important than to help and the well-being of the people, particularly children, it is raining lead in flint. >> flint's water became tainted with lead when the officials switched the water supply to a contaminated source to cut costs. the state has tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs as a result of globalization and trade agreements that bernie sappedders said that hillary clinton supported. >> hillary clinton has discovered religion on this issue, but it's a little bit too late 37 secretary clinton supported every one of these disastrous trade agreements. >> if everyone voted the way did he, i believe the auto industry would have collapsed, taking 4 million jobs with it.
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>> clinton already positioning herself as the presumptive nominee. >> thank you very much, everybody, i greatly appreciate it. >> ready to challenge the republican frontrunner. >> as of last night donald trump had received 3.6 million votes, which is a good number. there is only one candidate in either party who has more votes than him, and that's me. >> still person yes sanders did collect another victory in the u.s. state of maine. but lags far behind to win the delegates needed to win the nomination. that's why the upcoming contests in ohio, illinois will be critical to close the gaps necessary to win the democratic presidential nomination. >> president barack obama has described her as the woman who redefined the role of first
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lady. nancy reagan, the wife of ronald reagan, has died at the age of 94. hour white house correspondent patty culhane looks back at her life. >> at this moment nancy reagan symbolizes the grief of a nation, burying her husband after battling alzheimer's. her devotion to ronald reagan is clear. born in 1921 in new york, nancy was a nickname, she became an actress but when she was mistakenly put on the blacklist as a suspected communist she turned to the president of the screen actor's guilt ron reagan for help. they married a few years later. they did one movie together, but then she put her career aside to raise their two children and to help his political career from governor of california to u.s. president-elected in 1980. >> i think i may have helped a little, maybe. >> there were often questions
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about how much she helped. this incident reinforced the idea that she was really running the show. >> we're doing everything we can. >> she denied having that much control but later admitted she played a role in her husband's presidency. >> i was more aware of people who were end-running him, and he wasn't. so i would step in and say, you got to watch out for him. >> she often clashed with his staff, much more after this assassination attack when she demanded more on his schedule. it made headlines when it was learned she was consulting an astrologier first. she was often much portrayed as an elitist. targeted for renovating the white house and updating the
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china. but the money was donated. she would pair the elderly with at-risk youth and famously urging kids to-- >> just say no. >> her message brought numbers a bit, but in the long run made very little difference in the statistics. out of the white house she promoted stem cell research feeling that it could have helped her husband. and it was enough to press president george w. to find a compromise, allowing some research to be done. her intense love and devotion to her husband and his legacy will in many ways define her own. >> one of the world's technological pioneers has died. ray tomlinson is credited for e-mail. he mate thmade the @ symbol
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what it is today. >> he worked out how to send a message from one user to another on computers that look very different from what we use now. he worked on e-mail standards and chose the @symbol to separate the users names. now 200 billion e-mails are september every day. tomlinson was inducted in the internet hall of fame in 2012. >> now, i'm often asked did i know what i was doing? [laughter] the answer is yeah, i knew exactly what i was doing. i just had no notion whatsoever of what the ultimate impact would be. what i was doing was providing a way for people to communicate with other people. >> well, he certainly did that, and his work has inspired others to create more messaging
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systems, giving us the many options we have to communicate with people all over the world. >> kate is a technology and social media analyst, she's live with us from our studio. he was pretty modest about it, but he really did change the way we all communicate, didn't he? >> absolutely. and he also changed the way--and paved the way for lots of other ways that we communicate as well. i can't imagine life without e-mail, instant messaging, ways to communicate with people instantly is amazing. >> caroline did a pretty good job of it then, but try to explain to us, if you can, what it was that he actually did? he wrote some sort of computer program, yes? >> yes, apparently they were playing what used to be open net the predecessor of what we now know to be the internet. it was not even on their schedule of work to do. but he came up o with a way to get a message from one computer to another.
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and that was the break through, and then helped develop the standards for that for the behemoth of e-mails that we use today. >> he changed the way w that we all communicate. is e-mail in popularity on the wane as social networking becomes more popular, particularly among the younger generation. >> i think we all use different methods of communicating. i still use e-mail a lot. it's a great way of using longer form communication where you don't need an instant response. but if you want to have a chat with somebody, then we've got message, and other apps. we have evolved ways of using things, using different communication platforms for different uses. that's what is interesting, actually. >> i was going to say what is it particularly about e-mail that makes it still so attractive today when you've got all of these instant messaging apps
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available. you know it's going to get there most of the time. we call it e-mail because it was a digital version of mail when things like kick and messenger where you're chatting to people. >> what about the scourge of modern day e-mail, junk mail that ray tomlinson didn't for see that, did he? >> no. >> i mean, my inbox says hardly use e-mail because it's just full of junk. >> well, that's when you need to get quite clever about it.
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i've got my primary e-mail address which i used to help set up this interview today. and i don't mind if that gets clogged with junk. you can manage your e-mail quite cleverly but that's quite a complex way of doing it. that's why i think people tend also to move to the instant messaging platforms. >> kate, really good to talk to you. kate in london. >> thank you. >> we're approaching the midway point on the news hour. a dasseling display of the northern lights to northern europe. >> i'm in rural zimbabwe. i'll introduce you to a community who is trying to keep their language alive. >> and in sport is it all over for five-time grand slam champion set to make an announcement about her future. rahul will be here with more on
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>> celebrity chef, marcus samuelsson. >> i've had the fortune to live out my passion. >> his journey from orphan to entrepreneur. >> sometimes in life, the worst that can ever happen to you can also be your savior. >> and serving change through his restaurants. >> we hired 200 people here in harlem... these jobs can't be outsourced. >> i lived that character. >> we will be able to see change. >> hello again.
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adrian in doha with the news hour from al jazeera. the top stories at least 45 people have been killed in tunisia in a raid from fighters across the border in libya. the attacks of army barracks where curfew is being imposed. striking teachers with higher pay held a sit in. thousands of teachers came on strike for nearly a month now forcing a million students across the occupied west bank. emergency summit over europe's refugee crisis. angela merkel suggests that the communique that the route to the balkans is now closed and more talks are needed before any agreement is reached. for more on that story. a new camp for refugees has opened. it's the first to provide proper shelter for the hundreds who have been sleeping out in the
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open. al jazeera's jacky rowland joins us now. just outside dunkirk 40 kilometers to the east of the jungle camp in calais. jackie, tell us exactly where you are and what's going on there. >> well, i'm at a transition stakes where buss are pulling up where refugees want to move from the filthy cold, muddy stents they've been living in, they're able to board the buses and move to the new camp. we've been talking with the local mayor who said they've been making progress. 400 people have moved and they're hoping by the end of the day there can be as many as 500 people moving to the new camp. the move will continue on tuesday and wednesday. the objective is to move all of the people out from really
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disgusting conditions to the new camp before thursday because there has apparently been mention by the authorities that in fact, on thursday therer they're coming in and clean out the main of the camp. and they explain optimism where people will move to cleaner, more humane conditions to live in, warm chalets with washing facilities instead of the mud people are living in here. >> thank you. in dunkirk. north korea has threatened to launch nuclear strikes against south korea and the u.s. in retaliation of their joint military drills. the exercises include 300,000 south carolinaened --south koreaen and u.s. troops. tension has increased since the
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launch of a long-rank missile in february. relatives of images from malaysia airlines have met the deadline to start legal action in china. it's been two years since the tripl 777 boeing disappeared. some families have been torn apart because of the wait for answers to the mystery. >> the world's greatest aviation mystery has touched so many communities, rich and poor. this village is one of them. adverts for men to apply for construction jobs in southeast asia. that's what it this than did. he's one of the 154 passengers on the flight. last march on the first anniversary of the jet's disappearance, his younger brother tells me that he
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believes the plane had been hijacked. he still thinks that today. >> this has had a huge impact on our family. this is endless torture and pain. we'll remain in this pain as long as the truth is not discovered. >> a year ago we met his missing brother's wife and their young son. the family home was adorned with happy memories, but she has since left the house after a row with her airlines over the airlines initial compensation offer. now the child is a pawn in the bitter family feud over money. >> she wanted to accept the compensation but my parents did not want to. so she took the son away and did not let my parents visit unless we gave her money so we grabbed the son back. >> this means that his sister-in-law could now end up with nothing. >> the deadline to file a claim
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is march 8th, two years since the plane disappeared. now on the eve of this anniversary this family has lo filed a claim seeking $1 million. multiple lawsuit have been filed in australia, malaysian and u.s. courts, but the campaign for compensation is taking its toll on already broken families who may also never know the real cause of their grief. adrian brown, al jazeera, in northern china. >> a tiny marshall islands in micro nearby have a shah are taking on the world's powers. the islanders say their lives were ruined by dozens of nuclear tests. laurence lee reports. >> people pay a lot of money to go on holiday to places like this, but in decades gone by the world's nuclear powers use these beautiful atolls to test their capacity for global destruction.
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>> the united states government now wants to turn this great destructive power for something of a benefit for mankind. >> for one, the u.s. went to the island to persuade the locals that the tests would be for the global good. for nine years it was 67 nuclear tests. along the chain of islands. the marshallese islanders from past and present suffer the effects. >> i can go down the list of my wife's family. you don't have to go very far. and almost every marshall islander can do this. my wife' mother died from cancer. my wife's uncle died from thyroid cancer. >> and now it seems that national criminal court in the hague has to decide whether the nuclea international powers have to answer. on the argument that they've
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breached a legal duty to disarm. similar logic is being used intense the u.s. russia and china. essentially what they're asking is what the nuclear arms states are currently doing and what they've doing for decades, is that a good faith implementation of disarmament? for example, there are mans to renew trials for decades to come. there is very little willingness in these states to participate in multi-lateral disarmament. is that good faith? >> when they go to congress to talk about their illnesses they can't get anyone to listen to them. in this davi david and goliath case do they have a case, and apparently not. >> if they have established what india and pakistan are doing.
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>> whether or not they think there is any chance of winning their case in the hague is hard to argue that they haven't suffered enough from the actions of the world's most powerful countries. lauren lee, al jazeera. >> two years of erratic weather and declining destruction has been taking its toll on tea industry in india. it produces 17% of all the world's tea. the minimum temperatures across the tea-growing region has increased by 1.5 degrees celsius. at the same time the annual rainfall has dropped by 20 centimeters. we have reports.
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>> meet a professional tea taster. his job is to assess quality. but he says that tea is subjective like whiskey or wine, one man's drink is another man's poison. >> it has become more challenging. in areas where you never needed irrigation, now you need irrigation, and that's an added cost. >> they say that global warm something having a serious affect on the industry. secondly. >> there was a time when these sprinkler were not needed.
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when rainfall and sunshine were just right. but the tea plants is sensitive. unlike annual crops which dominates the system like rice, tea is a perennial crop which grows all year around. you plant it once and you can harvest the leaves for 50 to 60 years, but that makes it especially vulnerable to temperatures and water levels. >> a senior member of the tea board say unpredictable rainfall has forced tea gardens to install irrigation. >> we have become completely independent on nature. you cannot forget your production from irrigation. it's only when there is rain.
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then you get good harvest. >> indians consume a third of all the tea produced in the world. nearly a billion tons every year. and millions who dedepend on it for their livelihood are looking anxiously for the crop searching for a sign of two leaves and the bad. >> remote communities in zimbabwe are struggling to keep their languages alive. 16 languages are recognized in zimbabwe's constitution, but most are not widely spoken, written or taught in schools. we have been finding out how the dialect is now in danger of dying out. >> these men are in their 70s. they are speaking a language spoken by this area of zimbabwe. it has various tones and click sounds. one of 16 official languages here but it is facing extinction. >> currently there are about 11
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between the ages 45 to 97, and we can say that the language is critically endangered because there are no youngers at the moment. >> they want to save the language, so they're teaching young people in the community. >> we used to stay in the bush. the language was all we spoked about we never mixed our communities. but today our children grow up in societies where there are many people speaking many languages. our language is dying white settlers looking for land moved them from their natural habitat hunger and unemployment forced them to leave their homes. they would marry into other tribes and their language was forgotten. >> it's too late for me to learn how to write it but i want to
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speak it. if my children also learn maybe we can speak it more. >> there are no written records. it's not taught in school and the vocabulary are also limited. the elders are creating a dictionary but it is difficult. for instance there are no words in the language for the fork, the spoon and the car. [singing] telling stories and singing old songs is one way of passing the language from one generation to the next. the elders want the language taught in schools. the government said it is working on that but even though the 11 fluent tribal speakers may not have much time left they seem determined to keep their cultural identity and old language alive among the next generation so that it will still be spoken long after they're gone. al jazeera, zimbabwe. >> just ahead here on the news hour. nfl great peyton manning set to officially announce his retirement in a few hours. we take a look back on his
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>> what will become the norm rather than the exception? >> rahul here with the sport. >> okay, sport now, tennis star maria sharapova could be calling an end to her career. she's scheduled to speak at a los angeles press conference in a few hours. the five-time major champion has not competed since losing to serena williams back in january. now, the l.a. lakers have pulled off one of the biggest upsets of this or any other nba season sitting bottom of the
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conference, the golden state warriors 112 to 95. the warriors sixth lost of the season compared that to the lakers. they've been beaten 51 times this season. golden state could still break the record of 72 is the back in 1996. athletics world governing body said that the iaaf will investigate claims that russia continues to break anti-doping rules. russia was told it needed to reform its doping rules. but in a report on supplied said that coaches are still doping athletes.
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>> this is the culture of doping, manipulation and cheating and russia. it's not finished yet. and to be honest i don't understand why people can assume that you can get rid of within a few months. it doesn't work. it means that russia wants to get reinstated in sports it has to do their home work that takes a much longer time than a few months. we don't talk about adapting the rules and regulation. we talk changing the culture. >> adam scott has won the championship by just one stroke ahead by bubba watson. trump made a low key entrance as he paid a visit to the final day. the golf authorities are rather uneasy about continuing their relationships with trump. if there is a course known as the blue monster it is a memorable final round adam scott
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finding the day three shots over rory mcilroy. and he would get back-to-back wins after the wins from last weekend. mcilroy finished tied for third 10 under following a disappointing round of 74. now in a few hours time one of the nfl's all-time greats will announce he's walking away from the sport for good. peyton manning won two supers in a 18 year career. he was named mvp record five times. winning second of super bowl ring with the broncos last month amonth. the only quarterback ever to win the franchise. >> can you give us some idea how
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massive peyton manning was to the nfl. this is not just another player retiring. >> no, it isn't. he was a trend setter. he was the guy so many nfl players look up to. you look at greats at this time. tom brady that he looked up to throughout his drear and continues to look up to. but peyton manning he set the bar with five mvps to let you know that he is a quality football player, and he's surely missed. i miss him already because he's my favorite player in the nfl. >> people are talking about what an intelligent player he was. he's described as being an on field coach. can you see that being a future career? can you see him being a head coach one day? >> i think not. so many players in different professional sports in america who were outstanding players great players, if you like, have had a very hard time converting from being the great player to successful coach, so i think payton is more of a front office
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type. very cerebral as a person. very cerebral as a player. i don't think they want to be the kind of guy who will spend 16 hours a day looking at film. >> what a massive impact he has had. he has been winning for the denver broncos. but what a massive figure he was in the city of indianapolis. >> you know, you talk about indianapolis, indianapolis was a basketball city in the state of indiana is a basketball state. peyton manning turned from his historically being a basketball state into a football state. that's the effect that he had while he was there. he took them to a couple of super bowls only winning there. and then was able to get another in denver. but the impact on what indianapolis, what state of indianapolis has become as been immense. >> okay, thanks for your thoughts. it's great to have you hear. we'll leave it there for now.
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>> now green land is getting ready to host it's largest-ever sporting event. the arctic winter games get under way. the multi sport event is designed to bring communities from across the world most isolated region. there are nine teams from remote regions of scandinavia, siberia, canada and alaska. they'll take part in winter sports and traditional events from their region. >> now the arctic winter games are tiny when compared to a winter or summer olympics, but the very fact that it is in the arctic makes it a huge and very uncertain operation. the games begin on monday here in the capital of green land, but so far it has been very hard to spot an athlete because there simply have hardly been any. there are no roads between the towns and cities in green land.
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the only way is by boat and by plane. on saturday a huge snowstorm blue in meaning the athletes from northern russia, sand navy i can't and northern america were san franciscoed to get here. that demonstrates why meese games are so important to people in the region. athletes just never would normally get a chance to compete against their peers. they live thousands of miles apart yet they share the same culture. the weather has cleared up, so planes are coming in, bringing athletes bit by bit, and if it stays like this then on monday they'll get the chance to compete in what for most of them will be an once in a lifetime experience. >> now they call the it the last gray race on alaska's iconic annual dog sled race. 85 matches set up for a journey that will take them 1,000 miles. the first place finish time for the last year has been about
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eight and a half years. they competed 80 miles. now rugby is due to make its return to the olympics in rio this year. fiji is one of the favorites to win gold, and you're about to see why. they won the las vegas on sunday. this is the highlight of their 21 to 15 over australia in the final. that's for now. many thanks, indeed. now dazzling displays of the northern lights lit up the sky across parts of the u.k. spectacular colored lights from visible in scotland, northern ireland and as far south as northern england. david foster standing by in london with another full bulletin of news. i'll see you again.
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>> these people have decided that today they will be arrested. >> i know that i'm being surveilled. >> people are not getting the care that they need. >> this is a crime against humanity. >> hands up... >> don't shoot. >> hands up... >> don't shoot. >> what do we want? >> justice. >> when do we want it? >> now. >> explosions going on... we're not quite sure - >> is that an i.e.d.?
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>> one in, one out. the e.u. could admit a syrian refugee from turkey for every syrian that is sent back from greece. good to have your company. i'm david foster. live from london. also coming up in the next 30 minutes we report on 45 people killed in a shootout involving tunisian security forces and unidentified gunmen on the border with libya. report on better battle for compensation over the malaysian
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