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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  March 13, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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>> this is one of the most important sites in the century. >> proudest moment of my life. this is al jazeera america. i'm rments in new yor randall pk with a look at the day's top stories. at least 34 people killed when a car bomb goes off in a busy square in the capital of turkey. so far no one is claiming responsibility. >> i will campaign as long as it takes. >> it could be a last stand for republican presidential candidate marco rubio. it is win or stay homen in
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florida's delegate rich primary on tuesday. one of rubio's biggest obstacles is donald trump. his popularity continues the grow, despite divisive comments. appealing to racists. coming up, the trump effect, topic of the week ahead. plus a million dollar prize, for being one of the world's best educators, a palestinian teacher teaches peace to students on the west bank. suicide bombers in a car brought death and destruction to the capital of turkey today. at least 34 people were killed, 125 more wounded, when a bomb exploded in a crowded bus station in ankara. al jazeera's mohammed jamjoom is in the turkish capital with the
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story. >> the second car bomb to hit the heart of turkey's capital in less than a month. the bomb hit a densely populated transport hub, the aftermath was chaotic. >> translator: there was a woman sitting behind me, her seat just blu bleu away. five died on the bus, the neck was completely severed. something pierced and i have something in my arm. >> reporter: the government says they haven completed their initial investigation and will announce monday who they believe to be behind the attack. military personnel were killed by a group calling themselves the kurdistan freedom falcons. as a result the country has been
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on heightened alert. >> tight security measures were taken, instructions were given but unfortunately terrorist attacks cannot be prevented 100% in any country. >> reporter: turkey is now facing multiple security threats, it's facing i.s.i.l. and pkk. now the country worries and waits as concerns about the overall security situation in turkey grows. also important to note: this attack comes just two days after the u.s. embassy in ankara issued a warning asking its citizens oavoid certain areas of the city. mohammed jamjoom al jazeera ankara. al qaeda has claimed responsibility for an attack on an historic beach resort ton ivory coast. at least two were killed along with security personnel and assail ants.
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caroline malone reports. >> reporter: a witness to the attacks on a popular beach resort in the ivory coast explains what he saw. >> translator: i heard shots coming from over there. then i saw the criminals. i was really surprised to see three people who were heavily armed, they had bullet rounds in their front pockets. >> reporter: this video shared on social media appears to show people running in from the beach where a number of people had been killed. six armed men had started shooting people, according to the government the attackers targeted people at three hotels. >> translator: some tried oswim away. they started shooting at them. i was about 60 meters away, i don't know how i managed to get out of there. >> reporter: security forces
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intervened after 30 minutes. by then a number of people had been killed. >> translator: i want to say that these cowardly terrorist attacks will not be tolerated on the ivory coast. we've taken significant action. >> reporter: it took another two to three hours to bring the situation under control. but it will take a lot longer for people to recover there this violence. caroline malone, al jazeera. >> in the race for the white house another big vote coming up on tuesday. there are primaries for democrats and republicans and caucuses in florida, illinois, missouri, north carolina and ohio. the gop also votes in northern marianas. 691 delegates are up for democrats, 367 for republicans. winner take all in florida and ohio, the home states of marco rubio and john kasich, are
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must-wins. some experts say a loss by either candidate to front runner donald trump could put an end to their campaigns. more on that now from al jazeera's robert ray in orlando. >> reporter: randall, it is the absolute crunch time for marco rubio. on the stage behind can hear the violed supporters on this final push. >> a weekend to remember for all the wrong reasons. voters, protesters and candidates, pulling out all the hammers, a take no prisoners mentality on what my the be the decisive moment in the election. >> we are going to the white house, we are going to win this nomination. >> donald trump could be unbeatable come tuesday night. >> millions of additional people are going to vote. it's not for marco, it's not for
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ted. it's for us. it's for us. >> reporter: and if the latest numbers of are accuratnumbers at appears to be the case. donald trump is leading, 44%, ted cruz, 24% and marco rubio, in his home state polling at just 21%. ohio governor john kasich, at 9% out of the running. >> i'm not going anywhere, i'll just stay here. >> in ohio another winner take all state with 66 delegates to snatch, trump and kasich are deadlocked, at 33% and cruz at 27% and rubio barely registering at 5%. despite literally crisscrossing the state with the hope of defying poll numbers senator marco rubio hasn't had much progress. he is well-known in the miami
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area but across the rest of the sprawling state his political base and machine are average at best. >> and virtually every poll that has been out there we beat donald trump and we beat him by big enough numbers to eclipse. >> meanwhile, bernie sanders continues to pressure hillary clinton but polling well behind the former secretary of state in florida and ohio, the two states that would yield the most delegation in the runup to the convention and nomination. >> please join me make it happen let's work together, thank you so much! >> randall, marco rubio saying he must win on tuesday. he must take his home state of florida so that trump doesn't hijack the republican party in his words. robert ray, al jazeera. >> hillary clinton and bernie sanders appeared separately tonight in a town hall in
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columbus ohio. one citizen asked clinton. >> i have 600,000 more votes than donald trump about and i am building a broad based inclusive campaign. that i think is the best way to defeat him. by convincing people that this really is the highest stakes election they've ever been involved in. >> bernie sanders said, the way to defeat trump is to expose him. >> and he can be exposed at many, many levels. not the least of which this is a guy who is a billionaire but doesn't think we should raise the minimum wage above $7.25 an hour. this is a guy who believes in defiance of all science that climate change is a hoax.
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>> sanders called trump a pathological liar. donald trump says he may foot any forthcoming legal bills for a 78-year-old supporter who is charge with vawld. the elderly man punched a supporter in the face at a rally in north carolina on wednesday but trump says a bystander may have provoked him. >> from my understanding he was sticking a certain finger up in the air and that's terrible thing to do in front of somebody who wants to see america are great again. i'm not condoning what he did but you know what, not nice for other side either. >> it's possible you could help him with legal fees? >> i've instructed my people to look into it yes. >> donald trump was back in
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illinois, two days after the chaotic cancellation of his rally in chicago. the republican candidate campaigned in bloomington illinois. andy rosegen says his reception was different than chicago. >> do we love illinois? we love illinois. >> donald trump says his representatioexception was the e one in chicago. squaring off against thousands of trump protesters. >> they showed up at the same time. it was all organized. trouble americas, troublemakers. >> reporter: betty was in bloomington and chicago. >> i didn't like it, i didn't like it at all. it was very scary and i think they shut down our right to hear him speak. >> reporter: she saw a more
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sympathetic crowd here in rural conservative down state illinois. and just a few trump critics toot outside in thstood outside. >> we don't want his values in illinois. >> reporter: and what's become a trump rituals, shouted down by the crowd then mocked by trump. >> get them out of here, get them out. >> and led away. >> seem to be a lot of what was taking place was people trying to get their name out there, their face, their word out. >> reporter: matt langhurst said he had a serious reason to come here. that was it. the mitsubishi plant closed last fall putting him and others out of work. they moved to southeast asia. >> companies sucking away our
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money, sucking away our jobs. we're going to keep our business here. >> trump struck out on fairness 50 media, his promise to make better trade deals, his promise to build up the military. he richard into integration, a man wearing a tee shirt that said legal immigrant for trump about. >> reading a poem about a snake, about a woman who takes in a wounded snake and nurses it back into health. >> instead of saying thank you, that snake gave her a vicious bite. >> there is no plan to reschedule that postponed rally. it's down state voters like these that have given hinl a hia
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state wide lead and victory in tuesday's primary. andy rosegen, al jazeera, bloomington, illinois. if no candidate locks up the nomination before the convention, the convention will be held in cleveland in july. roxana saberi reports. >> when the republican national convention kicks off at this arena, some are worried that with uncertainty growing in the republican race, tensions here could rise. this is cleveland city leaders want the world to see, when the republican national convention accommodation to town in july. >> we can showcase a city that can come back, a city that can take a punch and knows how to reinvent itself. >> a return of an nba superstar.
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>> we really have transformed. we think it's a great story to tell. >> reporter: but another story may steal the spotlight this summer with divisions clear in cleveland and across the country. over issues like race and police, poverty and politics. >> here's a guy throwing punches, nasty as hell, screaming like everyone else when we're talking. >> hot and heavy, people are upset. >> he says he'll lead more demonstrations during the republican convention and he expects the they'll grow as the anti-trump movement intensifies. >> we want the people to be safe but we want to express our constitutional right which is the freedom of speech. >> reporter: others have struggled to strike that balance at past conventions. >> if you break the law you should be arrested but just because you get arrested doesn't
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mean you have to stay in jail until after the convention is over with. >> reporter: cleveland city officials say they're preparing for thousands of protesters, as well as close to 5,000 delegation and alternates who arrive at the quicken loan arena in july. they are worried that tensions if they rise can boil over in cleveland especially if there is no clear front runner after tuesday's republican primaries which means the convention can be contested. >> now convention gets longer, hours get longer, tension grows not only inside the venue but outside the venue. i don't think anybody's prepared for that. i don't think anybody is. >> reporter: but convention organizers say they will be. >> when you are putting on a 50,000 person plus event, we do plan for a lot of contingencies. the possibility of contested or open convention is one of those. >> all the city council are
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failures. >> reporter: activists worry with or without a contested convention, security officers and convention goers could clash over the acquittal of a police officer in the shooting deaths of two unarmed people. >> that's a real worry because that's when you get people incarcerated, wrongly incarcerated. >> bail money and you know -- >> the city is giving its police special training, looking to buy 2,000 sets of riot gear. city officials say they are trying to provide the right balance between protecting public safety and allowing people the right to free speech. what do you think about that? >> i believe that's a great public relations statement but really the city's number one and really full concern is to have a convention that makes the attendees happy.
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>> this arena is surrounded by streets like this. activists are concerned that the police won't allow them close enough to get their word heard. roxana saberi, al jazeera. >> coming up. trump and race, a look at the visible and sometimes violent rise of racism among his supporters. that's tonight at 8:00 earn. angela merkel answer refugee policy is hurting her politically. taking key position he from her today, that story is next. and in brazil, protesters take to the streets of rio de janeiro. demanding the removal of their president.
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>> an unofficial tally shows hundreds of thousands of brazilns held rallies across the country today, calling for the president dilma rousseff's
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resignation. >> upset at the poor state of the competent but most of all they want an end to corruption and a cleanup of the government. >> we want to change it for better life of the brazilns. >> the politicians, the burglars, they are killing and we are here for justice. >> reporter: numerous corruption allegations have surfaced over the last two years involving high level politicians and the state run oil company, petrobras. rousseff's pred sayrousseff's ps arrested for high level corruption. more people want to see him in
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jail. >> organizers put that down to brazilns growing tires of politicians and their lives and the judge that is pursuing the corruption investigation is being hailed here as a national hero. millions turned out across brazil's largest cities including rio de janeiro where the olympics will be held in august. other political parties partly of the rooublg coalition says r, say they are using this as a gauge, it play be time to break away from her government. but the sentiment goes beyond political affiliations. >> our cause is brazil. our cause is the corruption. >> reporter: it's anger they say towards a deeply entrenched system of corruption. they know it will take years to correct but they are out on the streets to demand a move towards change.
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marga ortigas, al jazeera, sao paulo. >> set back for german chancellor angela merkel. she has faceintense criticism since opening germany's borders to millions of rfqs. al jazeera's dominic cain reports. >> the focal point for opposition to angela merkel's refugee policies, on sunday at a opposition brought it electoral success across germany but the high point was in zaxen anhaut. >> translator: the results are fantastic across the board, on all states, in zaxen anhelt it's across the board. >> talks straight into parliament. >> reporter: the problem no matter how successful they have
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been in saxony anhault, no other main party is prepared to work with them in coalition. the vote they've received is just a protest vote against the policies of the coalition government. for ruling ceu, there was consolation in remaining the largest party. the premier is from the ceu. he hailed his party's showing in his own state. >> translator: we managed to win with a good margin. we have roughly the same result in absolute votes as five years ago when we were in a different situation, a totally different party landscape. >> reporter: this election campaign has been dominated by the refugee crisis with many suggesting the vote was a referendum on the policies of angela merkel. her popularity has slumped, in
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recent weeks though her recovery rate has improved somewhat but not in time to save her is partners. one seats at the expense of the established parties. one political scientist told me why he fest voters chose the rfd. >> i don't think that added a real threat but do people feel threat? and therefore they voted for these anti-refugee party. >> reporter: the questions for the federal government will be what to make of the voters' verdict and where it leaves their policy on refugees. dominic cain, al jazeera, saxon are-anhelt. >> donald trump may have redefined how elections are
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conducted in america. >> if you see somebody, with a tomato, knock the hell out of them. i promise you i will pay for legal fees. >> the topic of the week ahead, how donald trump appears to some racists.
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>> welcome back to lansing. here is a looal jazeeraamerica. here is a look at our top stories. turkish officials blame prokurdish political party, condemning the bombing. ivory coast town on sunday,
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attackers apparently targeted beach goers at three hotels. security forces killed three of the assail ants. french air accident investigators have published the final report of the deadly crash of ging germanwings 9525. andreas lubitz flew the plane into the alps. on tuesday voters will cast ballots in 5 states. donald trump is leading in some polls by as much as 23 points. the real estate developer's meteoric rise, caught many by
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surprise, particularly in the coarse language he used. it often seems like the more controversial trump's opinions are the more his support grows. trump insists he is not racist regardless how his comments are perceived but if he wins voters who harbor racist beliefs, his private views pay not matter. david schuster reports. >> reporter: the anger expressed by donald trump's supporters reached a boiling point this week, a supporter rescued from a north carolina rally got sucker up pub muched. john mcgraw a 78-year-old man was later arrested and unapologetic. >> you deserved it? >> every bit of it. yes he deserved it. the next time we see him we play have to kill him. >> the victim rakeem jones an african american man. it is not first time a trump
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supporter has been forced out, in las vegas when a black man was removed the shouts included this: (bleep). >> reporter: trump now regularly urges his supporters thought to hurt protesters. but critics say those statements are half hearted at best especially since he has made several that seem to encourage violence at his rallies. >> this guy start ed screaming by himself.and i don't know, rough up -- maybe he should have been roughed up. >> reporter: on one occasion he was has offered to pay the legal fees of any of his supporters. >> if you see him throwing a tomato, knock the hell -- i will pay the legal fees i promise.
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>> did little to quell the hostility among his supporters. >> we have a problem with muslims, we know our current president is one. >> high school basketball game where students from a mostly white school tawntded thei taunr mostly hispanic opponents. >> there have been incidents of white kids at basketball games holding up signs to teams saying, we're going to build a wall to keep you out. are you proud of that, is that something you have done in american political and social discourse that you're proud of? >> i think your question is a very nasty question and i'm not proud of it because i didn't even heavier it. >> reporter: some journalists have called trump a racist but his opponents have refused to go that far. asked point blank where they think trump is a racist, both
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hillary clinton and bernie sanders gave less than direct answers. >> his be rhetoric his demagoguery, his trafficking in prejudice and paranoia have nothing to did with our political system. >> my dad was born in poland. i know much about the political experience, nobody has asked me about my birth certificate. maybe it has something to do with the color of my skin. >> and when he is asked about comments like this and actions like this. (bleep) (bleep) (bleep). >> we may see this kind of behavior continue. david schuster, al jazeera. >> joining me in the studio is dante berry, executive director of million hoodies for justice. in atlanta, sean king, the senior justice writer at the new york daily news and in
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milwaukee, arnold miskele, former skin head and author of "my life after hate." sean. >> i think it's a white supremacist message and we see white spre supremacists are lovg donald trump. referencing going back to the good old days of america, when he says that those are dog whistles of wanting to go back to former times and to me is appealing to the ugliest aspects of our country's history. i don't think it's an accident. he's a professional speaker. he speaks all around the world, he chooses his words very wisely and when you call him out on these things he refuses to back down even to -- go ahead man. >> let me ask you this question, can you give me one or two
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examples of what you see as donald trump speaking to white supremacy? >> absolutely. i could give you a laundry list. and i've written about them at great length. i think there are two instances that really stand out to me. first and foremost, again, the constant revenues of going back to the good old days. okay? or prior times in american history. when you push donald trump on that and say exactly what times in american history are you talking about? he won't answer it. but we know that when we go back at prior times in american history it is very ugly particularly when we're dealing with overt racism. but i think even greater than that he really staked his entire campaign on being ugly toward latinos, comparing them to racists and then his campaign cacatapulted when he said he wanted to ban all muslims from
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entering this country. it's overt bigotry. i say it like this. i don't think he is popular in spite of his bigotry, he is popular because of it. he has no policy proposals no brilliant plans out there -- yeah it's ugly. >> thank you mr. king. let's come to our studio and dante berry. do you think -- perhaps he has addressed this to some extent, do you think that trump message be triggers violence or the violence is in his message? >> the fact that he is using rhetoric to isolate muslims and black folks and latinos, that is violent right? and being able to demonstrate the different protesters that their lives don't matter within the space right? but second i don't necessarily think that this moment in particular is so significant, right? if we look back ten years from -- ago when barack obama
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was elected as president, this has been a manifestation to barack obama as president of the united states. so when we've seen every type of situation from the conservative right to push back on policies that barack obama tries to lead whether it's health care reform or something else, it really is kind of mefg i manifesting at ts moment. when barack obama was president and donald trump says where is your birth certificate, there was no conservative on the end condemning had a language or that rhetoric. they are permitting it. >> we do have to say that john mccain, did say -- >> he has been very against donald trump in this case today but for the large majority of those folks right now that are either condemning donald trump right now, where were they ten
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years ago? >> now let's talk to arno merkalis who was some years ago mr. merkalis you would have been one of the people at the donald trump rally when you would have been a full fledged skin head. i want to see what you were thinking some years ago but first let's take a listen at some of their comments. >> i think his willingness to speak out and speak his mind i think that's very important. >> i do like it when i hear somebody that just will tell me exactly what they're feeling and thinking. >> he doesn't care what people think. >> uncorchoreographed. >> he is honest. >> i like his honestness. >> you either accept it or you don't. >> i'm telling you he says what i'm thinking! >> okay mr. mikalis. i'm going to guess that none of trump's supporters will say they're racist but thinking back to a day when you might have
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been one of his supporters can you speak to the attraction? >> i think appeal of trump to many of his supporters is that he cultivates their own sense of victim-hood and that feeling of victim-hood that feeling of being oppressed is essential to the white supremacist narrative. and from what he's talking our country has been taken away from us and the evil muslims are coming to get us. he is very much adding fuel to the fire of fear that is driving people in his direction and while he is doing that he has the bluster and bravado of how puffy he is and how he is going to build a wall and stop muslims from coming in. as sean pointed out, he has absolutely no substance policy-wise. he is saying all kinds of ridiculous things that even the republicans agree are not
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feasible. but for a white supremacist or someone with that kind of leanings that's a very appealing message. >> tell me this. as a point of reality, why do they feel victimized? what is it? what -- okay, so everybody's wages haven't been going up but that's not just white people. that's everybody. why is it that they feel so much more victimized? >> it's interesting that feelings of oppression are really what's behind all this behavior. not only from trump's supporters but from his detractors. and that -- whether or not the oppression is deemed valid, is deemed real, back when i was in the movement i would have said white people are oppressed and there's a jenseends a genocide ,
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it is the feeling of victim hood, a dilution, and a common practice of social progress. when a person in the position of power in centuries now see those that have been marginalized are achieving positions of power, perhaps no better example of that than president barack obama, it's kind of a typical reaction for, especially for less educated people who are kind of a myopia about what happened in this country and throughout the world, for them to feel like they're being oppressed and that their rights are being taken away even though really all that's happening is that people who haven't had rights are finally obtaining rights after a very long time. >> mr. macalas, hold that point. want to go to you sean king, maybe it's a devil's advocate
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question, you decide. >> sure. >> we see anti-trump protesters showing up in his rallies, can we say getting in the face of his supporters -- >> not even that, not necessarily -- >> i think you see what i'm getting to, do the antitrump protesters bear any responsibility for the violence that erupts? >> absolutely not. no. our country is founded on the principle of protest. it is a beautiful thing that we can protest. it is what our soldiers and military and others fight for. it is a fundamental right of an american to be able to do it but donald trump has consistently mischaracterized what these protesters have done. two people in particular, the young lady in kentucky was a very peaceful sweet woman who was not in anyone's face was not violent was not loud and she was shoved and pushed and called every possible ugly name.
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rakakee beings manufacture jones never got in anyone's face in north carolina. john mcgraw came all the way down an aisle to punch him. never in his face. >> he claimed that rakeem was raising a finger, not true. >> people get flipped the bird all the time, not something i do but john mcgraw who punched him assaulted him, donald trump had an opportunity to this morning denounce it but instead suggested he was going to pay this man's legal fees which is only going to continue to cause people to feel empowered and enabled by trump pfn and i hate to say that i'm shocked at it but we've never quite seen anything like this in american political history. >> there is no doubt that donald trump's rise has put the entire republican party in somewhat of a tight spot. mitch mcconnell, shortly after
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trump was endorsed by david duke. of the ku klux klan. >> not something that has been rebuked by the united states senate. >> to hear senate majority mitch mcconnell who said he would do everything possible that the newly elected president barack obama was not going to succeed. maybe barack obama had brown eyes, maybe he was a so-called liberal, who knows what mitch mcconnell's justification was, but we know barack obama is an african american president. he has stepped in the way of almost everything barack obama
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has tried to do. but he has done everything but reject the endorsement of david duke. >> one because of the obama coalition first of all, the comments were made earlier about the decline in power, right? we have an eplernlging majoritieemerging majoritieseved trump down are building in demographic shifts right? so we have the obama coalition building real power in elections real political power. so there's a fight for political power right now. but second i think, to mitch mcconnell, i think that right now, we're also seeing a very split within the republican party. right, and right now the next couple of years we're really going to see what type of parties that emerge out of first the donald trump type of organization or the traditional
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establishment candidates right? but i should not even go even further and say we should also be concerned about ted cruz to an extent as well, because ted cruz and donald trump are very much in the same ideologic category and if we're not carefully we could see -- careful we could see a very dangerous phenomenon going forward. >> it brings to mind another politician about 40 odd years ago named george wallace who seemed to organize his political movement around white rage, would you agree with that? >> i think trump's message is absolutely founded on the disgruntled white guy demographic. and of course, the more things like chicago happen, the more disgruntled white guys are going to be coming out of the woodwork to vote for him. i think what happened in chicago
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pretty much sealed the nomination for donald trump and it was what he was trying oprovoke. he wanted to see violence, he wanted to provoke conflict, and that needs the narrative that white people are under assault and we are the victims here and his freedom of speech is being infringed upon. not -- never mind that that has nothing to did with what the first amendment is about. and i agree with sean and protest is absolutely a fundamental american right. but the issue is, is that when we allow trump to proi advocate uprovoke us andwe respond with r aggression no matter how righteous it may be we are playing into his hands and playing his game and that's something he is going to win at. >> sean king. responding to arnold macellis
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perspective. >> i hope that people continue to peacefully protest. i think the overwhelming protesters have been peaceful. the opposition to them has been ugly. and donald trump has deliberately and specifically encouraged people to retaliate and be carried out on stretches. it's crazy to see it but i'm hopeful that moving forward he will not win the nomination. >> thank you three gentlemen for sharing your perspective on race and racism in campaign 2016. before we go, here are other stories we will be watching in the week ahead. the senate committee, will release its report, on encrypted
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data. thethe xomars will be liftig off towards mars. and michigan governor rim rick snyder will testify before congress about mistakes that led to the flint water crisis. 8,000 applicants but only one winner. up next a million dollar prize for being the world's best teacher. a palestinian teacher awarded for presenting peace to west bank students.
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>> an unmistakable show of force
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in korea's backyard. the u.s. put its military might often display by moving an aircraft carrier into south korean waters for exercise. rob mcbride was there. >> nothing does power like the aircraft carrier john c.stennis. , its exercise in the korean waters has been planned for months, says the u.s. military. but it corresponds to relations being as tense as they can be. and the example of power that the united states can deploy if it wants to. >> we are trying to deter such provocative acts and the presence of the john c. stennis
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and its strike group is an example of that deterrence. >> hotly contested south china sea, very much in line with pivoting military resources towards southeast asia, heading on china's military expectations, much has been said about china acquiring its first aircraft carrier, joining a small exclusive club of nation, who is presidential of that club. >> in alaska, questions remain about a fatal crash. at the world's largest dog sled race. as al jazeera hermela argawi reports, a man accused of driving a snow mobile into of dogs admits it.
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>> crashed a snow mobile into a team of dog sleds. one of jeff king's dogs were killed in the crash and at least two others were injured. >> so sorry this had to happen to him. >> we wanted to come down and give jeff our condolences. was very tragic for what happened. we're all in shock. >> something like this kind of affected the whole community. >> reporter: the associated press reported demoski not remembering the accident but snow mobiler turned around several times,. >> i turned around because i was concerned about them. >> ali zerkel was okay but one of her dogs was injured in the crash. >> it makes me emotionally emot.
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i don't want to think bit because i keep going back to it in my head. >> the iditarod will continue for another week or two and both teams are committed to seeing their task through. parts of the region near mississippi have received feet of rainfall in the last few days. and finally, recognition and riches for a palestinian teacher who promotes peace, hana haru was awarded prize in dubai, the prize comes with a prize of $1 million u.s. after salma hayak and matthew mcconaughey presented the
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prize. >> fantastic, the pope said my name some amazing. this is somethingth credible, not normal. i feel amazing, it's incredible that the pope said my name! >> she was selected from 8,000 candidates. thank you for joining us, i'm randall pinkston in new york. stay tuned for more news from doha next. beyond the headlines, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the soundbites. we're giving you a deeper dive into the stories that are making our world what it is. v
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a powerful car bomb in ankara. hello, this is al jazeera live from doha. i am adrian finnegan. also at program. gunmen kill more than a dozen people in a be ivory coast resort town. al qaeda claims responsibility. rah components of german chancellor angela merkel's policy make themselves heard in elections. as they lose


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