tv News Al Jazeera March 14, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm EDT
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from london. >> welcome to the al jazeera news hour. the top stories. the u.n. brokers a new round of talks in geneva to try to end the five. year conflict in syria. funerals begin for the victims of a car bomb in ankara. turkey's president vows to crackdown on terrorism. and the coal miners defy authorities in china to take part of protests. and search for life on mars. we look at a new mission that
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has been launched to investigate the red planet. we begin this news hour with the latest round of talks in geneva aimed at finding a peaceful resolution to conflict in syria. the u.n. special envoy has called this a moment of truth for the country which has been ravaged by war for the past five years. he insisted the only plan b available would be to return to war. and they also said that they would like presidential elections to be held within 18 months. >> i don't know whether anyone else has had a plan b here. i'm only aware of a plan a, which is giving the maximum chances and the maximum pressure by the international community in order to insure that this type of talks and cessation of
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hostilities and the humanitarian task force is given the maximum opportunity. the alternative to that to my knowledge would be regretbly return to go where we are. which was basically ongoing conflict, which is going to be celebrated sadly and tragically until this time. >> a diplomatic he saidt editor james bays is following those conversations. >> bashir jaffry has been here at the united nations. these talks did start beginning this year. and i think it's worth pointing out where we were then because the talks collapsed because even though the government came here and the opposition came here, the opposition felt they couldn't stay and they would postpone the talks because as
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the opposition came here to talk about peace there was an intensification of the military action and bombardment by the government and the russians, which meant that the talks couldn't go on. so an achievement and every says an achievement, including the chief negotiation saying that it's good that they're back here. but already he's talking about procedural problems. when they said we need to get straight down to the substance. >> we want to have an interesting dialogue. a dialogue that is syrian led, and without pre-condition. going against this basic framework and method means that someone are trying to sabotage this round. >> james, what happens now? >> well, it's the turn of the opposition, the main opposition block, the high negotiations committee. they will be here on tuesday to
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discuss things with mr.. i suspect when you need to have some fairness of things they'll talk about the procedure and how this will play out over the next week or so. then i suppose you need to get to that substance, and that brings you to the idea of transition, which is this is all about, to bring syria to free and fair elections. that's where you get to the sticking points. part of the new syria, or is assad not. >> unicef aggravated that almost .5 million syrian children have been affected by the conflict for 3.7 million of them all they know is the conflict. they were born into war. nearly 7 million are living in poverty, and half of all syrian refugees are children. main of those have taken refugee in jordan.
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we went to one of the capers housing them. >> when the first syrian refugees arrived in jordan they never dreamed they would be here this long. five years later a new generation has been born here. in february the 5,000th baby delivered at the hospital in the jordan refugee camp. many here are from the province just across the border from jordan where the up rising gran with protests against the arrests and fortures of syrian teenagers. more than half a million more syrian refugees are in jordanian cities straining the country's resources. the government has closed hundreds of kilometers of its border with syria from its refugees except the wounded, and there are a lot of wounded. they include the children, and fathers and mothers whose lives are forever altered. >> we were in the battle. the plane hit us.
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we were about ten people. six were killed. and the rest were injured. i was then taken to a field hospital. >> he said he's going back to syria soon to meet his two-month-old son born after he was injured and named after the nephew. >> most of them at the beginning were gone shots, bomb blasts. but we have some cases of now mines. >> this ten-year-old boy was hit by shrapnel. surgeriens are trying to repair his chest. more than 9,000 seriously wounded syrians have been brought to jordan for treatment since the conflict began. a lot of them come here to a program that tries to treat their psychological as well as physical wounds.
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the jordanian therapist. she tries to make the children feel safe enough to cope with the trauma. >> we'll try to fix our feelings. >> it's a generational experience learning to live with the legacy of war. al jazeera, jordan. >> the regional director for unicef in the middle east and africa, joining us live from amman: i hear that you were in syria just last week. can you tell us what you saw as far as children are concerned? >> yes, i was in syria last week with our executive director, and what we saw was a mixture of cautious optimism, and of course, devastation that is actually very hard to comprehend if you haven't been to syria. we did participate in one
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mission to homs. there we saw how difficult it is for some of the population living in the sieged and hard-to-reach areas, to have access to basic medical and surgical care and the items required for a life of dignity. >> the children, many have been forced into labor. you see many pregnancies of many young girls. why is that happening? >> yes, we really are at risk of losing a generation of children. a full 3 million syria and surrounding countries are now out of school. of course, along with this, the ability to go to school are the issues associated with child labor. we know that many children in the region including here in jordan are working in hazard formous forms of labor. they're begging on the streets.
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we know there are other negative coping strategies. such as girl children being married off at a young age and many children are under pressure to join the armed groups and the fighting forces in syria. we know that is also on the increase. >> i wonder what the impact--the long-term impact will be of living under such fear? what do you think it is? >> you know, it's very hard to know what will happen in this generation of children. i think the jury is still out. on one hand if there is a peaceful solution to the conflict in syria, and we all have very high hopes for the restart of the talks in geneva this week, then we may be able to recover this generation. they may be able to return to syria with optimism, with some skills, and in order to rebuild the country as the future
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engineers, doctors, and teachers are syria, and the kids do give us hope and cause for optimism if we make them in syria and refugee capers in the region. on the other hand if there is no peaceful solution. if the war continues, if this brutal pattern of rights fo against children continues, if they're seeing their friends and family members maimed, whether it's being recruited into the factions, then it could be that we really do lose a generation of children. and the impact for not only syria, but the entire region is really hard to foretell. >> let's hope that they get their future back. peter, good to have you with us. turkey's president is about to crackdown on terrorism.
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president erdogan's words came as the funerals began of 37 victims. the car bomb exploded near a busy bus station near the capital. more than 100 others were injured. we have this report from the scene of the blast. >> as the turkish cab inspect holds an emergency meeting to discuss the results of the initial investigation into last night's deadly attack in ankara, the scene here is one of extreme worry and fear. one lady just a few minutes ago told us in light of the fact that there had been three such attacks to hit ankara in the last six months. she's surprised that she and her family aren't dead yet. that gives a sense of how much fear there is from citizens in ankara that have come to the scene today to check it out and have tried to figure out what the authorities are doing to secure their ate going forward. while the turkish government has not yet named who they believe
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is responsible for last night's attack. one official told us a few hours ago that they're looking into the possibility that perhaps there was a female suicide-bomber involved in last night's attack, and that suspect has links to the pkk. also of note we heard from turkish armed forces saying that 11 turkish warplanes were involved in raids against 18 pkk targets in northern iraq. also there have been raids in various cities across turkey today in which pkk targets have been raided and suspects that the turkish government believe to be affiliated with the pkk have been arrested. now we wait more word from the government. we await to find out who the government does officially believe to be behind these attacks. but again, a very palpable sense of worry and fear on the scene here in ankara. >> ahead on the al jazeera news
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hour including crunch time in the presidential race in the upcoming primaries. and trees worth more than gold. conservationists in hong kong are trying to save them from extinction. >> i'm going to sue her. i'm going to sue everyone because i'm tired of it. >> we'll tell how is upset. rafael nadal and why he's taking action. >> in ivory coast soldiers are trolling the beaches after an attack on a resort town. al-qaeda claimed responsibility. 18 people were killed as well as the six assailants. it happened at the unesco heritage site. popular with foreigners.
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>> it started oh then beach, and you can see attackers have explosive--there is a flag because security forces are going to try to secure this explosive. it's still here. attackers came from my right to the left. they saw two other hotels before entering this one. this is where they sprayed bullets right across here. midday on sunday. there were so many people sun bathing here, and they all fled inside the hotel. come with me here. this all fled inside the hotel to try to find a spot. a safe spot. this is where the security forces entered this hotel and neutralized all six attackers. now this hotel are now amounting an investigation team, a criminal investigation to figure out how all of this happened. of course, al-qaeda has slammed responsibility for this attack. and the choice of ivory coast is not a coincidence.
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there are 500 french soldiers here and they're very popular with french expansionists here on ivory coast. >> a senior researcher for security studies said that the attack is a show of strength from al-qaeda in west africa. >> because of the competition that is currently going out between al-qaeda and the islamic state at the global level you there are some tensions between the outside movement that resulted in the creation of some groups of people coming originally coming from al-qaeda. so the administration of that competition going out. i think it's also the fact that
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they want to--they want to show this in position to conduct it is tending to the world. and key actor in the jihad. so even in the country. >> many remain stranded on the greece-macedonia border, but the deteriorating continues are taking its toll on the health of many young refugees. >> after days of waiting at the closed border between greece and macedonia, hundreds of refugees take matters into their own hands. they walk along the fence that keeps them back. in the hope that they'll find a way to macedonia. >> we are sick and tired of this life. we fled war and came here only
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to be humiliated again. >> this is what they're trying to leave hyped. the refugee camp that is becoming a by word for misery. many spent the night in small tent pitched around the filth. >> for thi many this is life of daily endurance. days of rainfall has added to their misery. the flimsy tents this live in offer little protection from the rain and cold. to stay warm they buy wood from greek villages. >> just look at how we're living. our children are sick. we have no tents. no assistance. all we want is to get to germany. >> health workers say they have treated more than 100 children for different ailments in the past few days. >> most of the cases they have respiratory diseases, upper
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respiratory disease, lung infections. we have some parasitecal disease. >> the case of a young girl who tested positive for hepatitis-a. >> what we don't know and we're worried are about vaccinations status of the children. because coming from a war area, the vaccinations are not complete or they are under vaccinated. we can have some sporadic cases of vaccine-preventable disease. >> al jazeera. on the greece-macedonia border. >> well, the german chancellor angela merkel will continue with her continuing refugee policy,
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this is despite her party suffering losses in the re-election. we have this report where a quarter of all votes went to the right wing afd. >> reaction in germany to elections in states has been clear. the headlines have spoken about the triumph of the alternative of deutsche land and it's right wing policy. they've persuaded one in four electors to endorse their view of what is to be done by the refugee situation. reacting on monday the leader of the party said that she believed her party had now become the people's party. and that they wanted to change the republic in germany. angela merkel has effectively accepted that it was a bad day
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for her party, and she has tried to refer to the refugee policies and said that she felt this was one of the defining issues of these elections. let's see what she had to say. >> the main subject force the refugee policy and the subject of the refugees and the fact that in the eyes of the people this subject has not been given a solution yet, and that has certainly had an affect on the elections. >> the truth is a big day in the u.s. presidential race delegate rich states are higher and a must-win for both republican and democratic candidates. the next few days will be critical in deciding who becomes the candidates for presidential election in november. as alan fisher reports. >> people are waking up and help is on the way. >> the campaigning is a little more desperate, the language a little more charged.
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>> let's show the world that democracy is alive. >> this could be the definitive week in the election campaign for republicans. two candidates of the states are up for grabs. john kasich in ohio and march do rubio in florida. the defeat for either and their race is over. and donald trump is leading in the polls there. >> you trump wins four or five states on march 15th. yes, you could come up with a mathematical reason as to why you clench the majority of the delegates, but practically speaking he would be ahead in the delegation. >> get out of here. go home to mom. many believe he is not doing enough to stop violence. but that has not prevented him from taking a leap in the republican race and it's difficult to stop. ted cruz, his main opponent, sand the texas senator might face a difficult tuesday. >> he's reasonably close no the
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south. that was supposed to be his region, and he didn't do well in it. in fact, donald trump won every state in the deep south, that's where ted cruz was supposed to do well in. >> on the democratic side hillary clinton racks up delegates vitally important to secure the nomination. bernie sappedders has put new life in his campaign. >> this gives him the right to stay in the race a little while longer at the very least. he did a couple of very good things for himself. he beat expectations. he did much better among black voters than he has done in any primary previously. if he can continue to do better among black voters, which has really been his achilles' heel in the primary, he can stay in this race and at least be competitive. >> still an fbi investigation into hillary clinton's use of a private e-mail server while she was u.s. secretary of state has some believe that could still change the face of the race. >> sanders has set himself up to
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be the kind who could inherit the democratic nomination if something were to happen to clinic. particularly if she were indicted. >> they're calling this super tuesday two, significant, and important and it may ultimately be the defining moment in the u.s. presidential race. al jazeera, washington. >> it was named the fragrant harbor years ago, but the tree that gave hong kong it's name may become extinction as gangs of poachers come in. >> this is one of the last lush country parks on the border of main atlanta china. the wood lands are protected, making the area popular for hikers. but these residents are not here to hike. they're on patrol looking for criminals. >> i think they will come back later on to cut the other part. >> he runs an ecofarm on the edge of the park. he and a team of local villagers
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are witnessing firsthand the disappearance of one of the city's most prized species, the fragrant tree. >> they cut down more than 50 trees within two weeks. >> the trees wood oil or resin is sought after not just for herbal medicine but for fragrance that is used in incense and perfume. surging prices are driving new demand with the oil fetching more than gold. and with the tree all but wiped out in china, there have been a new aim at illegal loggers. >> they have not only taken the wood out of this beautiful tree, they also take the root of hong kong out of our earth. >> the problem is not just in this park. it's in a number of country parks across hong kong.
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villagers are reporting signs of illegal harvesting of what they believe is the work of gangs from across the border in mainland china. if this kind of activity continues the fear is that this tree, which is threatened, will become extinct. this is the last commercial plantation of the trees in hong kong. there are just 6,000 plants here. most are young. but all are sustainbly grown. they hope to replace the illegal trade and feed an industry it says is worth up to $12 billion u.s. dollars a year. >> numerous examples in a shop very close to here valued at $1 million u.s. dollars about. >> but it's the older wild trees that are considered most valuable. it's also used for luxury wooden artworks. with demand falling well short of supply, conservationists want the government to step in and protect what is left.
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>> i think that within this few years, the trees will be disappeared in hong kong. >> with just 16 people arrested for illegal felling last year, the fate of this rare scented wood does not look bright. sara clark, al jazeera, hong kong. >> lots more to come on the al jazeera news hour. calls for kim jong-un to step down. we'll tell what you is behind this latest push. >> i'm gerald tan in doha. i'll tell you why one of the largest contemporary chinese art has come to the middle east. >> accused of running down a sled dog at the ey the iditarod race. that's coming up with jo.
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>> stopping the next generation of isis recruits. teaching the youth on the front lines. working towards a better future. >> this is one of the most important sites in the century. >> proudest moment of my life. >> welcome back to the al jazeera news hour. the top stories. the u.n. special envoy for syria described the latest round of talks in geneva as the moment of
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truce. the syrian ambassador to the u.n. said that his government was a political solution to the conflict. the syrian opposition said that it wants to see a political transition. funerals have begun for some of the victims of the bombing attack of turkey's capital. 37 people were killed and the turkish president is vowing to crackdown on terrorism. ivory coast is on high alert. security forces killed six gunmen. al-qaeda has claimed responsibility for the attack. >> more on our top stories. five years since the syrian conflict began. it all started with peaceful protests against the government. the bashar al-assad government said it had no choice to take up arms when it responded to their demands with a fiercebackdown. >> this is how the war began.
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syrians demanded freedom. they demanded reform and they did so by holding peaceful protests. among those who took to the streets in the hope for change and a better future. five years later he speaks to us behind one of the many front lines that have divided his country. he is now commander of one of the many armed groups on the ground. >> i join the revolution because we were living under oppression for years. we used to see people getting arrested for no reason and never leave prison. when protests began i was university student. at the start it was peaceful. we wanted an end to the emergency law, but they responded with violence. they asked for the fall of the regime. there was more violence and we were faced with no other choice but to carry on. >> it didn't take long before the images of peaceful protests disappeared. a fierce government crackdown and the bombardment were about violencing the voices of the
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opposition. like many other syrians, they found themselves under fire and the popular up rising descended into an all-out civil war. they say that the goal has always been to achieve regional and world powers. >> we didn't think the struggle would last five years. we didn't expect all this bloodshed. we didn't expect the whole world to stand against us. we didn't think we would reach the point that we are today, a divided syria. we didn't go out on the streets to divide syria. we took to the streets for a free syria. it was a great feeling back then. we were saying what we wanted to say and we felt free. >> a partial cease-fire that reduced the violence allowed
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them to return to the streets. these demonstrations in rebel-held areas were a reminder to the world of the popular up riding that began in 2011. the slogans and chants were messages that said that there is still an opposition that refuses to reconcile with the government. al jazeera. >> the attempts to find a solution to the syrian conflict began in late 2011. that's when the arab league first attempted to convince the government to negotiate with the opposition. let's take a closer look at the diplomatic efforts since then. in 2012 russia wanted to sponsor informal talks but it's overture was rejected. the fighting continued and that led to the holding of the geneva one talks, which failed to see ape progress. in 2014 president bashar al-assad held an election. he won a third eternal in office. war continued across much of the
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country. earlier much diplomatic wrangling, the geneva talks got under way and once again failed to pro duties any results. a yeaany--failed to produce any talks. last year russian-backed offenses in aleppo province. then the big break this year. the u.n. and world powers brokered a deal in which the two sides agreed to stop fighting. a deal that does not include isil or the al nusra front. here with the latest talks. we rerated that the people of syria cannot expect president bashar al-assad staying in power. and they need to see a serious political transition. >> we only say what we promise our people to say. and we only say what we were sent here for. to say for our own people for their safety, and to end this
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blood shed in syria. what i mean we'll do anything for them, in fact, we'll do anything for them. and for them i believe assad being in pow again it's not acceptable. and really, we stick to that. we will start negotiation with the position and governing body. and we'll discuss all steps that follow that. but this is what the syrian people want in syria. they want to see the free syria, the democratic syriaout assad, without terrorism, without these militias. without terrorist that is have been recruited from outside. it is time to say no to this regime, and to say no to these crimes in syria. we are here to see political
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shot at people. and a third person was shot dead after a car was rammed into an army vehicle injuring the two outpatients. since the beginning of opt there have been a wave of attacks 199 palestinians. 28 israelis have been killed. we have reports from the occupied west bank. >> they might look carefree but these palestinian youngsters are becoming more and more used to seeing violence on a daily bas basis. recently they witnessed forces shooting dead an 18-year-old in this reaching camp in bethlehem. >> i was just ten meters away when they shot him, said the 14-year-old, he fell to the ground. there was blood coming out of his mouth. then the soldiers ran towards us. we all ran away and they shot two other boys in the leg. of the roughly 200 palestinians killed since the wave of attacks started last october almost a quarter have been under 18.
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this showed this 18-year-old after his arrested. he carried out a stabbing attack along with his cousin who was shot dead "p" in some cases they're younger. a 12-year-old was arrested at the entrance for allegedly carrying a knife. she's serving 4.5 sentence in an adult israeli jail. her family have no direct contact with her. >> they withdrew her father's work permit. her sentence is disproportionate. four and a half months is a long time. we miss her whenever we sit down for meals. it's very different in the house now. >> her family this is clearly a difficult time. at the age of just 12 she's the youngest palestinian in an israeli jail, but there are around 400 other children behind bars.
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for this organization for palestinian rights it's part of a disturbing cycle of events. >> so children are forced to pass through check points. they're forced to interact with settlers, soldiers all the time. >> her brothers and sisters are looking forward to having her home againer but it's hard to say what the long-term effects are going to be on her and her family. al jazeera, in the occupied west bank. >> new u.n. report that outlines human rights abuses in north korea has prompted calls for leader kim jong-un to step down. they say that vast amounts of resources are spent on nuclear arsenal while people go without
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sufficient food and working in poor details. it includes the use of torture, murder, enslavement, rape and prosecution and say that people are subjected to state surveillance and use of severe punishment for any political dissent. they're pending findings to the u.n. human rights council. it makes for quite horrific reading. do you want to tell us more about your findings? >> good afternoon, yes. i presented my final report summing up work that has transpired. the high point was the commission of inquire find negotiation 2014 that crimes against humanity wer, and
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focusing on the existence and operation of prison camps. families are incarcerated, religious persecution, the whole gamut of violations that amount to crimes against humanity. after two years nothing has happened. we have been genius. the international community has been patient to allow the regime at least to manifest good will in improving some of the immediate to redressing the violations in the country. but nothing has happened. it is time for accounting. i've been calling for the establishment of an expert group to look into modalities of mechanism to be put in place to start even now. >> and what is that protest, and how realistic is it considering
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how difficult it is to get them in the country. you're not going to get them out to try them outside of the country. >> well, we have in archives all over the world at least the testimonies of around 28 to 30,000 asylum seekers that have resisted the testimonials in various constitutions. if you remember the truth commission in south africa had addressed 20,000 plus grievances. it's along those lines of a mechanism that the international community can start with the process which then will eventually lead us to full accountability in a legal sense. >> why do you think, briefly, if you will, these abuses are
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happening on such a large scale? >> well, the regime has had to survive, and therefore the only way to do that would be to deny rights to her own people. so that they continue to build up the military capability at the cost of denying basic rights to its own population. resources have been allocated for that purpose. at the expense of near starvation effecting the health conditions of the most vulnerable groups, even the armed forces are affected. therefore, this of course reflects the fact that military build up and denial of human rights in the country are two
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trace of life on the red planet. now russia and the european union have launched a new mission to do just that. our science he hadt he editor explains. >> we know more about mars than ever before. there are seven active rovers, on or above the planet from u.s. india. they have found liquid water some blow the surface of the planet and it sheds light on mars atmosphere was destroyed by solar winds. but whether there is life on the planet remains unanswered. that's why the european and russian space agencies are sending an or bitter to the planet. they'll use highly sensitive instruments to explore its atmosphere and it will look for the presence of methane whether
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it's produced by volume cane knows or microbes. >> trying to understand the origi origin of the methane and how it is produced and how it is destroyed is very important. >> water has been seen on the planet surface before, but it's not known how much exists and whether it forms into lakes under its surface. >> i think we need to understand better what if the water infantry because if you want to land people on there, they're going to need drinking water. you don't want to carry it with. >> you the mars mission will drop a small lander on to the martian surface. this will give an opportunity to test its landing technology particularly in dusty conditions before a planned rover is sent to mars in 2018. along with existing spacecraft, another two from the u.s. and
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india are expected in the next two years. the flood of data will tell us more about the red planet and it's role in the formation of our solar system. >> now to jo with the sport. >> thank you very much. russian hopes of being allowed to compete later this year hang in the balance. now the world anticipate doping agency said that it will consider broadening its investigation from track and field into other russian sports. the russian athletes remain banned from international competition from its report uncovered systemic state-sponsored doping in the country. they said they would reanalyze the original report a week after maria sharapova admitted she tested positive for banned substance at this year's australian open. she was only banned at the start of january but since then 90 athletes from various countries have tested positive for the drug. sports fans are demanding answers.
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>> public confidence in sports was shattered in 2015 like never before. the public mood has soured, cynicism has prevailed, and there is a general feeling that there are all at it. >> rafael nadal has threatened to sue a french minister who has ause accused him of doping. >> there are a couple of times i've heard comments like this, that's what this is going to be the last one. because i'm going to sue her about this. to listen to her those comments from a person that should be serious because from a great country like france. i'm going to sue her and sue everyone who is commenting like that in the future because i'm tired of it. >> nadal spoke at the second
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this competition is all the more important because the sport will be included in rio. jordan spieth has come work to do for his master's title next month. he did have bright moments including this birdie on the final hole. it was 2011 masters champion charles schwartzel what came out on top. beating the american at the first extra hole. schwartzel win was just his second on the pga tour. dog sled teams on this year's ey iditarod, a driver ran into dogs at speeds of 160 kilometers killing one and injuring three others. he was arrested and charged for the reckless driving. he said it was an accident.
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>> i turned around because i was concerned, and i just had so much adrenaline. it may seem like i was driving erratically, but i felt really bad. i don't know how i can possibly make it right for jeff and ally, but i hope they can forgive me. i didn't mean it. >> now children from one of the toughest townships in south africa are getting on their bikes. a cycling academy prides an escape from poverty and crime for many of them. taunya page went to a look. >> it's soccer not cycling that most south africans youngsters are inspired by. but here there is a small and passionate following. the cycling academy is a safe place for at this point kids to hang out--for township kids to hang out after school. it's in one of the biggest townships in south africa. many youngsters come here with
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physical and mental scars and in need of guidance both on and off the bike. >> the patience and perseverance of the kids in terms of living in his or her household hungry, and coming here to train. some will have issues at home. maybe the guardian or whatever was drunk last night. he'll make sure that he's here at 4:00. >> this is more than just a cycling academy. there is emphasis on academic achievement as well. the excitement of riding and potential to be sports stars that draws these children in. but if they don't maintain good academic standards they could have their bicycles taken off them. before they're allowed to ride they have to study. the academy provides tutors on saturday to help kids who are struggling with their lessons. the walls are covered with inspiring photos. this is the academy's biggest
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star. both his parents were killed by the hiv virus and he grew up in a shack. now he rides with a team. >> his mother died when he was a baby. he's healthest on his bike. >> there is lots of gangster, tragedies, lots of violence. especially here. that's why i chose to be at the academy. definitely a way out. >> last year he was stabbed in the back by a gang member who thought he was someone else. he feels much safer on a bike. training with friends who all have the same dream. the academy kids say they're determined life's obstacles won't ruin their futures. tanya page, al jazeera. >> that's all the sport for now. >> thank you, jo.
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a new exhibition featuring the works of contemporary chinese artists is opening here in do ma. it focuses the creativity and craftsmanship of chinese art and keeps politics out. >> at first glance the peace resembles a famous painting from the imng dynasty, but turn the corner and new picture emerges. waste materials have been arranged to cast a shadow on the scene. it's called "background story." >> we first saw the transparent glass, and then we attached the rice paper and it creates the special effect that we see. i call it light painting. >> the exhibition in doha coincides with the year of culture an annual exchange program qatar increased to deepen ties with other nations. held in the qatar museum
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gallery, the show features 15 chinese artists, the largest of its kind in the middle east. the masterpieces range from sculpture to painting, film installation and even video games. and playing the award-winning video game called "journey "that will move the player around, and with the other i can change the magical beautiful universe. the artwork part of the vast creative landscape of china today. >> we're pushing for elevating the video game from just entertaining people to actually communicating a message that could be relevant, that is pushing art. >> they have called the
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exhibition, "what about the art." >> for the past 30 years contemporary chinese art has attracted attention from around the world. but a lot of attention has been given to the skyrocketing prices. when chinese artists are approached, the art is neglected which is pure craftsmanship. the work of prominent artists ai wei wei is in the present here. the art speaks of generation of chinese exploring the topics. of change and conniver against, up bringing, upheaval and the expression of eastern and western styles have formed an unique brand of art and beauty. al jazeera, doha. >> we'll leave with you those beautiful pictures. thank you very much for watching the al jazeera news hour. london will be taking over with julie m mcdonald. thanks for watching.
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>> these people have decided that today they will be arrested. >> i know that i'm being surveilled. >> people are not getting the care that they need. >> this is a crime against humanity. >> hands up... >> don't shoot. >> hands up... >> don't shoot. >> what do we want? >> justice. >> when do we want it? >> now. >> explosions going on... we're not quite sure - >> is that an i.e.d.? >> coming up tonight, we'll have the latest... >> does the government give you refugee status? >> they've marched to the border. >> thousands have taken to the streets here in protest. >> this is where gangs bury their members. >> they're tracking climate change.
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>> the u.n. brokered talks in geneva tries to end the five-year conflict in syria hello there, i'm julie mcdonald. this is al jazeera live from london. also coming up, refugees stranded in france wave a river in an attempt to reach macedonia. victims of a car bomb in ankara, turkey's president vows to crackdown on terrorism. and worth
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