tv Super Tuesday 2 Al Jazeera March 15, 2016 7:00pm-12:01am EDT
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america, i'm tony harris in new york city, and it is another big night in the race for the white house. five states are holding primaries, and most of the polls just closed in the battle ground state of florida. marco rubio is hoping to pull off an upset in his home state. think about that for a second. just half an hour left to vote in ohio.
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and john kasich is in a tight race with donald trump. we're expecting results from carolina, illinois and missouri, also taking part in tonight's election. polls close there at 8 p.m. eastern time. we have reporters in the key battleground states, and analysis from ali velshi and marco rubio's headquarters in miami. but we start off with david schuster, who is keeping an eye on results for us. >> reporter: and tony, on the republican side, the winner take all, the biggest breeze in the state of florida. 99 delegates at stake, and all of polls, at least in most of the state have already closed based on exit polls. there's every indication that donald trump is going to have a good night in the state of florida, and as will marco rubio, but no call on it. again, if marco rubio loses
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florida, he's likely out of this race. in ohio, the other state that's winner take all, john kasich, it's a crucial night for the ohio governor, the polls suggest that donald trump is even with john kasich going into ohio's election today. another big of contest on the republican side, this will be in the state of north carolina. donald trump, according to the polls, was up about 10 points ahead of ted cruz on this election day. and again, donald trump is looking to north carolina, and proportional again, trying to get delegates in there. and another big contest, illinois, it's a state that should favor donald trump in terms of demographics, and it's one of those where the field seems to be chasing donald trump. and it's the same story in missouri. half of it, christian evangelicals, and you would think that it would help ted cruz, and he thought that he would have a good chance there,
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and again, chasing donald trump. you need 1237 delegates, and no super delegates on the republican side. and donald trump was up tonight, and at the end of the night, with the winner take all states, if donald trump is around 650 or so, he will then be able to secure the nomination, he'll have a mathematical opportunity to secure the nomination, by securing the delegates. even if he mixes out on most of the remaining delegates to ted cruz, he can stilt get the magic number that he needs, and that's why ohio and florida are so crucial. this is another night where hillary clinton is trying to add to her lead over bernie sanders, and she expects that she'll be able to run up the numbers tonight in florida. it's a state that generally favors hillary clinton, the oldest population in the
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primary. 240, and keep in mind, if hillary clinton wins by 20 pointes or more, she'll exceed her expectations and add to her lead in a big way. bernie sanders, he has been hammering the idea that hillary clinton favors all of these trade deals that democrats say cost jobs. and in they're even, they would likely splint those 143 delegates. hillary clinton is expecting to run up the score again in north carolina. this is a state that has a pretty large african-american voting population, and bernie sanders has not been able to break through with the election. but however, there are some indications that bernie sanders has been able to they're over the gap a little bit, for latino voters, and for him, able to keep the margin to 15, 20 points. bernie sanders is hoping for a dramatic victory today in
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illinois. it's hillary clinton's home state. 156 delegates. and not so much in terms of the math, but psychologically, if bernie sanders is able to win illinois, it's going to be a long way to the nomination. bernie sanders ahead. and in both illinois, bernie sanders is able to win 2-1. it might expand her delegate lead, but momentum is based on victories, and not on delegates. >> let's get to ali velshi, set the scene there for us, please. >> reporter: well, the scene is kind of small. this is an unusually small room for a party to celebrate what should have been a victory for the hometown boy, marco rubio, and it's not expected to be, but even though it's a small room. marco rubio saying that no
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matter what happens, he's off to uptied ut tomorrow. and there was even some speculation that he might pull out of the race before tonight because of the expected poor showing in his home state. it's very difficult for a presidential candidate to go before it in a state that you know best. and donald trump is expected to win in ohio tonight. ted cruz knew that, and he squeaked out a victory in texas and everybody says that if he didn't, he couldn't go on. marco rubio has lost so much momentum in this race, and to be battered in his home state it will hurt. the polls are mostly closed in this state. the panhandle, some of it is in a different time zone, and as a result, the polls are not closing until 8:00, and we're going to get those polls at that point. this should come in very quickly. and we should have a sense quickly on what's going to go on. and you'll hear marco rubio.
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one of the characteristics of marco rubio that's different than the other presidential candidates that we have covered, he tends to address the elephant in the room when he's there. he tends to say when he has made a mistake, and talk about how he's going to improve his performance, and so there's no way that he's leaving this state. he doesn't want to hurt the voters thinking about going out there tonight. and so he said no matter what, he's going to utah tomorrow to campaign there. but bottom line, you are not expecting a marco rubio victory tonight and that could mottly wound his campaign. >> and ali, if that's the case, if that was the issue here, what would have failed in the candidacy of marco rubio? are we talking about ideas or issues of character and personality? >> well, i think that there are a couple of other things.
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one is the case of momentum and slow down. he starts to look like the canceled date. and he got a second wind. and he went into the debate in houston, and he really went after donald trump. and everybody thought that he won the debate. and instead, everybody started looking at him saying instead of the young future of the republican party, he went nasty and that hurt him. the other thing about florida, it's a mixed state. there are a lot of interesting demographics here. it's the oldest state, a conservative cuban community. but a lot of people who are not cubans, and young people, and a lot hispanics who are non-cuban. there are a lot of transplants in the state. it's a cosmopolitan state, and it doesn't have the feeling that a lot of them have. so while marco rubio is a hometown senator, there are
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people who make florida their home for just half a year, and they don't have a lot of affinity to his conservative policies. he was the tea party darling, and he is not anymore. he's misaligned from the move. and where it is now. some of that movement has gone over to ted cruz. there are a lot of reasons why this hasn't come together for marco rubio. marco rubio's trajectory slowed down dramatically, but it's interesting to hear though that john kasich, as he comes out of the contested convention, numerically, marco rubio has a better chance in the turning point, tony. >> ali velshi for us in miami, and let's get to ran randall pinkston, and randall pinkston, what's the move there? >> well, in contrast to ali
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velshi's description of rubio headquarters being rather small, look at this room. 500 chairs have been sent up. we were here on the first super tuesday two weeks ago when it was a much smaller room, and trump deciding that he was not going to have a rally, but a news conference, but tonight, awful those seats are sent aside for his special invited guests. we doen anticipate any protesters. getting in here is almost as hard as getting into fort knox. there will be lots of screening for everybody coming into the grand ballroom of mar alago, where trump has staged at least two of his news conferences, talking about his intentions to win. but even as he expects a victory, he's still dogged by his rhetoric, and by recent conflicts at his rallies. today, an unusual event where
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the speaker of the house of representatives, a fellow republican, called on trump to call it. >> i think as candidates, all candidates have an obligation to do what they can do to provide an atmosphere of harmony, and to reduce violence, and not incite violence, and make sure that we unite the country on ideas, so we can fix our country's problems. >> that of course, house speaker, paul ryan, calling on donald trump to moderate his rhetoric, and maybe not call on the people protesting against him at rallies to be kicked out of the place. and that message was also echoed by the republican leader of the senate, senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell, saying that it doesn't really matter who is responsible, the canceled date owes a duty to keep people calm, and speak
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about ideas and not division. and we'll be hearing from donald trump in a few hours. >> randall, you've been following this, and is it merely celebrity? is it the chaos over any real concrete ideas, what is it? >> . >> so obviously, any donald trump poured, they get different answers, and there's one constant theme, anger at what they consider to be a government that's not going the way they want it to go. that's the administration of president barack obama. today, we were talking to a voter outside of a polling place in west palm beach, and he specifically mentioned the fact that he's upset about the fact that they voted for tea party candidates, and those tea party candidates were not able
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to overturn the affordable care act. and donald trump is promising to do everything that the tea party candidates didn't do. so i guess you might say that it's a reaction to people who never liked president obama. and they ever found someone in donald trump. >> that's certainly part of it. if you, and robert ray is in houston, and he is at a campaign rally for senator ted cruz. >> this is where ted cruz resides with his wife and children. and though the primary is not happening here, we're in another big room, similar to what trump is hosting tonight. by my count, there are four
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open bars, and carving station innings the loom, and people are filing in to show their support to senator ted cruz, who is polling closely and competitively in illinois and missouri. we know, tony, that ted cruz has won seven states, and he has 703 delegates already, and he's just shy of the amount of delegates behind donald trump, and clearly want number two player in this gop race now, so we'll see what happens when he comes out later tonight and what happens with the five states in the super tuesday, tony. >> robert, appreciate it, and we're going to be following you this evening as well. from, let's bring in david schuster as well. and let me start with you, number one, what's the issue for -- >> in most had places around want country, it's jobs.
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in ohio, as governor kasich likes to say, 3-400,000 jobs here. and you can tell them all the figures you want about how the economy is improving, but -- >> germy jeremy, high has been g jobs since the 70s, so why is all of this frustration being galvanized behind someone like donald trump in this election cycle? >> well, part of it too, if you have something like obama or previous candidates who have given them a lot of home and promised to change things around from both parties, they're fed up with being told that. >> they have given people a chance, and they feel they have been let down. >> hey, jeremy, one other
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point, do people realize across the country how difficult it can to really bring about change, and how difficult it is to get legislation passed in a divided congress? i'm wondering if this is a lot of rage, and it's kind of rage over reason, i guess is where i'm going with this. >> that's my job, and not your job, all i know, i don't have a job, so we need someone to cut through things. and if things are not working now, well, we should find someone different to try to do something different. >> david, your opinion on this. >> well, tony, it's so interesting that you mentioned the jobs disappearing since the 1970s. if you think about it, in 1993, with the clinton administration, with so many opposing nafta, nafta is going to be a net create of jobs, and
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what a lot of folks say, maybe it created some jobs, jobs, but not the high paying jobs that we have been losing. it created service industry jobs and there were a lot of promises tha have not been kept. &as a result, you have bernie sanders on the left and donald trump on the right. and free had trade has been horrible for the sector. they continue to disappear, and replaced by service jobs that don't pay so much. >> so january, february, 2019, when president obama took office, and this country is losing 700 orbs jobs per month, you said at the time, seven years later, you'll be under 5% on unemployment. and i don't know what the unemployment rate is in ohio. what's the frustration here? that people have kind of lost their financial footing, the
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jobs that pay less as randall mentioned than the jobs before? and that's feeding the frustration? >> what's the old adage, if your neighbor is unemployment, it's a recession, and if you're unemployed, it's a depression. you can throw numbers at people all they want, but if they don't have the job, the statistics don't mean that much to them. >> are they willing to throw out their senators? are they willing to work down ticket and throw out sherry brown and important man, ohio senators as part of the problem here? >> that remains to be seen, but right now, they're not looking at the senate race. right now, they're looking at president, and they will throw down those ticket rakeses in november. >> based on reporting and people in ohio that you spent time speaking with, based on the polling? what would you expect? >> well, it's going to be really really close i think in
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ohio. because you have kasich, who has this great ground game, powered by the ohio republic party machine, and you put it against donald trump, who has been getting thousands of people to his rallies with a lot of free media, and it's going to be a clash to see who has the better organization. >> have we talked about the amount of free media in this election cycle? >> every time that you're up on cable or news or broadcasting, and typically that would go to the winner of iowa and new hampshire. and donald trump has gotten a lot of press. there have been a lot of crossover democrats in the exit polls, something like 70% of those who voted in wanted primary have identified as democrats. and in other words, democrats feel that donald trump is speaking to them, because he's a very different position on
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wall street and trade, and it could be good news for donald trump, but also good for bernie sanders. he has extremely committed voters on the democratic side. and hillary clinton not so much. so the trump factor neigh play out in both parties. >> jeremy, what have you seen in your reporting? >> the conventional wisdom, this is hillary clinton territory. she won the state here in 2018, and even a week and a half ago, the polls showed her up, but it has narrowed, and they used to call them reagan democrats, the blue collar, middle to lower class, especially white males, and they are idea looking at bernie sanders or donald trump. and it's kind of a surprise, but looking at those, and it's going to be fairly clobbers. i think that hillary might still have theidge, but it's going to depend on the back it
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went in the major cities, and the black turnout. >> what kind of campaign have ohioans been treated to? are we seeing a campaign that's about ideas, policies or personalities character? >> its personalities character, and the reason for that, it has been such a short campaign season. bill clinton was here the other day, and he said when i was here in 2008, i made 21 campaign stops, but because of the squashed primary schedule, it only rapped up him being here in the last two week. so they don't have time for nuanced policy messages, just rallies and securing to get people to vote. >> you only go with who you
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delegates to put away the challenge by vermont senator, bern better than. mike viqueira is live from west palm beach, florida, and what are the clinton's campaign's expectations for this evening? >> well, the expectations, tony, coming out of the clinton campaign, whether or not she wins states like ohio or not, adding to the delegate lead. in a sense that regardless whether or not these are not winner take all primaries. and reporting this evening, the bernie sanders campaign, he is perpetually playing catch-up. here in west palm beach, you can almost see the ocean outside of here in maralago. and i think that the subtle message from the clinton campaign, they're taking on donald trump in his home territory, literally.
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he owns the resort, a stone's throw from there. and on tuesday, hillary clinton trying to create this expectation, this perception that he's inevitable, and these the one who is going to take on the republican nominee in the fall. and talking about strengthening the delegate lead. but inevitably, the clinton campaign is going to be talking about it. strengthening the lead is different than strengthening her standing in the general election. and western saying a couple of weeks ago that the bernie sanders challenge was whipping the clinton campaign into shape. to sharpen their ground game and doing all of the nuts and bolting and things that hillary clinton needs to do to be the better candidate in the fall. at some point, to strengthen the campaign. i don't think that there's any question about it. she's forced to take stances on
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the left, trade, something that we reversed on the tpp. and so most conventional wisdom has been thrown on the the window this year. it would dictate that the further she goes to the left, the further back she's going to be coming in the general election. >> so mike, let me ask you a question here, what happens if things don't go as well as the campaign might hope tonight? if she doesn't do as well in illinois or ohio, and maybe loses in ohio? we know the field day that people in our business made over the loss in michigan and what happens then? >> again, there is some truth of contention from the clinton campaign that the delegate count happens in the end. a 214 delegate lead now for hillary clinton, but inevitably, we're going to get echoes of 2008 and the rap on hillary clinton, she had an
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enthusiasm gap with her supporters. clearly now, with the big turnout in caulk uses and primaries around want country, that improves the bernie sanders benefit. and that echoes with what we're seeing on the republican side, with donald trump, and with record turnout in many of the primaries, which has benefited donald trump immensely. so a fascinating year on both sides, and hillary clinton, ohio, missouri, bad news no matter how you look at it, but again, the clinton campaign, hillary clinton, they're going to be, we're going to turn around here, more results flashing on the screen here in west palm beach. >> okay, mike viqueira, and mike is in that noise dome there in west palm beach, florida with the clinton campaign. and appreciate that. bernie sanders is already
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looking ahead to next week, and the arizona primary, melissa chang is joining us from phoenix, and how is the campaign feeling about next week? >> well, i think that the campaign is feeling pretty good if you look at the crowd behind me here. the people have been gathering since 10 a.m. local time, since the event started in order to participate. i think that the sanders campaign, he was back here in july of 2016, where bernie sanders held a rally, and at that time, a lot of people didn't take him seriously. well, 11,000 people showed up at that rally back in the summertime last year, and it was really interesting, tony. as i was walking along the lines, i kept asking, did anybody go to the rally last summer? and i didn't come across one. and that means that so many of
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them are new supporters, and that's a good sign for him, tony. >> so melissa, give me a description of the feel the bern supporter, and they're young, and why are they in his corner? >> well, i think it's really interesting. i asked everyone, why are you supporting bernie sanders, why are you not supporting hillary clinton? and it's kind of funny, because a lot of people were driven by emotion. a lot of people spoke in the abstract, big ideas. and i kept talking to them about policy, and they were talking about health and education, and the middle class, and the economy, but not so much policies which is kind of weird if you think about t the sanders campaign is a lot about policy, and they rarely show him as the individual, but they show a lot of people and the individuals and things that he cares about. but in arizona, a lot of the young people, we know that a lot of people in the bernie camp are young supporters,
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driven by ideology. and a lot of just strong hope really, tony, more than anything. >> all right, melissa chan. i wanted to pause and here a little bit of the music behind you. it looks like a room and we have a guitarist playing at the bernie sanders rally. meliss a. thank you. polls are closed in ohio and north carolina, and we'll bring you the results as they come in, and that's next.
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>> oh, its getting good. and welcome back to the election that could possibly seal the fate of many candidates. ohio, illinois and missouri, and florida, and florida and ohio are winner take all states for the gop. polls just closed in florida and north carolina and david schuster has that. >> reporter: tony, democrats in north carolina, and there's every indication that hillary clinton is going to have a good night in north carolina. the 100 delegates at stake, bernie sanders is hoping to get
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maybe 60/40, 68/42 split. so we'll see how the results come in. but every case based on the african-american democrats in this primary, hillary clinton is going to to do well in north carolina. it's a little different story for hillary clinton in the state of illinois. the latest exit poll there shows that bernie sanders may pull this one out. it's too case to call. 156 delegates, and his strength, with the latino voters. 2-1, bernie sanders over hillary clinton, hispanic voters in illinois. the polls closed at the top of the hour. the polls closed in the state of ohio, in michigan, hoping that his message on the economy and trade will undercut hillary clinton, and bernie sanders, again, the expectations that they will probably end up splitting this race is too close to call. in florida, this is a state
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where hillary clinton is hoping to run up the numbers. 36-31. and translating to 130-84. >> that's why we do what we do. >> hillary clinton, and it will probably provide her with a delegate cushion, so at the end of the night she walks away with an increased delegate lead. but bernie sanders wins illinois and ohio. the state of ohio. this is white knuckle time for john kasich, the governor of ohio. and he needs a victory to claim that he can move on. he has not won anywhere yet. of 6 delegates, winner take all, and john kasich and donald trump, and polls are very close. 7p. of everybody who participated in the ohio
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republican primary 7% identified as democrats. so there are some democrats that we're seeing there. in the state of florida, it's a very good night for donald trump. and the polls close at the panhandle, and we expect to call right there, donald trump over 18 points over marco rubio. this will be a major setback for marco rubio, and he will lose this one, because he can't make up these kinds of margins in the panhandle where the precincts are still open. in north carolina, it should be a pretty good night for donald trump, against ted cruz, but you never know, he's hoping that some of the evangelicals will come out and support him. watch the margins, they will likely splint some of the dealt gatts there, and it should be a fascinating rest of the night. >> ohio governor, john kasich, is hoping to breathe life into
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his campaign tonight. and lisa stark is west of the high life river in barria, ohio, lisa. >> well with, tony, the band is warming up because it's a pivotal event for john kasich. it will either help him win, or if he loses his state of ohio, he will drop out of the race. john kasich, the governor of ohio, voted today in the suburb of columbus, after he voted he told reporters that he had tried to run a very positive campaign, but he indicated that if he goes forward, if he wins and go forward, the tone may change, and he may start showing some sharper elbows. and here's what the governor had to say. >> i will be, however, forced to talk about some of the deep concerns i have about the way this campaign has been run by
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some others, by one other in particular, but today is not the day to do that. >> . >> so he won't go further than that, but obviously making the statement there that he's prepared to take on donald trump more directly if they go forward from here. we went to westerville, where john kasich is the strongest. and we found folks voting for trump and kasich, and we found them voting for cruz. one of the child cards, this is an open primary, and that means that anybody can choose to vote for any primary, that's the wildcard. we found voters talking when how they made their decision, and here's what they had to say. >> i voted republican. >> are you normally republican? did you switch party affiliation? >> yes, i d i am fond of a
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particular canceled date and i wanted to make sure that they won ohio. >> what attracts you about voting for john kasich? >> i think throughout the debate, he has really spoken thashownthat he's an up standinn and i love what he did for ohio. >> what about your decision. >> it was easy. >> why is that? >> because i think that we need some change in the government. and so i voted for trump basically. >> we need somebody business minded to go in there and kick some butt. and donald trump is going to do t. >> around the country, folks are going to go in, and some are voting for trump and some for kasich. john kasich has closed the gap,
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and he's a little bit ahead of trump in the polls over the last few weeks, but we'll see how it comes out tonight. i will say that there are a huge number of absentee ballots in question. half a million. so we do expect that that's an indication that voter turnout has been very very heavy in the state. >> all right, lisa stark, i don't know why the music is so loud, there's no one in the hall right now that we can see from your shot. but the music is blaring and we continue hear a doggone thing. >> they're practicing. >> it's maddening. in most illinois state polls, hillary clinton is holding on to a single-digit lead over bernie sanders. it's called a watch party in chicago. diane. >> nobody is watching, and the polls close in about 20 minutes, this could be a long
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night for bernie sanders supporters and hillary clinton supporters here in illinois. and as we said earlier, this race is too close to call neck-and-neck. >> if there's a large voter turnout, we're going to do joust great in ohio and missouri and hopefully in north carolina and florida. i think in the states coming down the pike, we have great opportunities. >> that's a very optimistic bernie sanders, tony. >> how about voter turnout? what are you hearing and seeing? >> what we're hearing, the voter turnout around the state of illinois has been heavy all day today. not so much in chicago. it has been good and stroke, bustrong,but not what they expe. they saw a lot of people mailing in votes, and this morning, the voter turnout was
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heavy, and it tapered off this afternoon. they were hoping that people might come out after work and vote. so far, they say that 40% of registered vote perfects were voting here in chicago versus 2018 when it was 53% so, they hope that the turnout might pick up a bit. >> the race is a dead heat. and i wonder what issues may be separating bernie sanders and hillary clinton in illinois? >> we talked about it last night. trade has something to do with it, we have seen manufacturing jobs siphoned away, and they have gone to other states, and bernie sanders has been hammering away at hillary clinton on that. the other issue in chicago, rohm emanuel. his popularity has plummeted since the laquan mcdonald shooting, and they have been linking her t to emannual becaue
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he served in her administration, and he served in president obama's administration. so we'll see the results coming in. >> how about that turnout? it's a pretty large turnout enter bernie sanders last night? >> yeah, there were about 4,000 people out last night, and obviously a lot of students and young people. he was out late last night and out again this morning stumping for votes. so he has really hit it hard here in illinois. >> diane eastabrook for us, and we have so many votes here, and david does it so much better, but i'll try to do it the best i can. this is ohio, and we have 70, david, handle these numbers for me, please. >> tony, it's just 1% reporting and it probably means that one of the precincts -- this is the key number, 1% reporting, and
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it could be in columbus, it could be in cincinnati, in cleveland, one of the democratic urban areas, where hillary clinton expects to do a split. and this number is git be i guarantee within 5-8 points so, it's just the first 1 percentage point, and don't worry about it. >> thank you. aljazeera's senior political correspondent, be mike viqueira, live in miami, and so much to talk about with marco rubio. i know that's where we're going to start our conversation, and this is not a night where he can look to mover forward, or can he if he doesn't perform well in his home state? >> well, he said today on the radio, toney, and by the way, great job reporting those numbers, that was fantastic. he said today, irrespective of the results here in florida, he's going to move on to utah and california. utah holding their primary a
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week from tonight. and he's going to go to california. and this result tonight will virtually eliminate he and his candidacy, but also the idea that people in california are going to give money to his campaign. it's very difficult. and he's going to start thinking about 2018. and he has spent so much time on the trail criticizing barack obama, and he's going to be out of office before barack obama is. these results are not official, but what we're seeing now, down 19 points, and in dade county, he has gotten 80% of the vote in dade county. that ought to make him feel good, this is his home. and he's getting los than 5% in iowa. he told people there, vote for john kasich, and he's doing terribly in florida now, and john kasich told his voters to vote for marco rubio here. it's a little different. >> so michael, given the likely
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results there in florida for marco rubio, given that, did it stall on ideas, on policies, did it stall on character and personality issues? >> i think that we have to look at it, in fact, if marco rubio won his senate seat in 2010, as part of a group of young senators, they came in and won on that tea party wave. when he joined the gang of eight and softens on many conservatives on immigration, that took it way down with many republicans as well. so he's a favorite son and so is jeb bush. you have two favorites running against donald trump, who is kind of a resident here in florida, but nobody was able to
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predict what he would do here. a lot of people thought when jeb bush left, today pave the way for marco rubio, and he never got behind any ideas and issues that he promised he would. he thought just because it was florida, and coming in second in south carolina, he thought hey, listen, we're going to go to florida and win this thing. and florida didn't come through for him. and ironically, it's the state that these results let him out of race. >> trying to stay in my lane. and david schuster has been numbers corner. we will have the latest results and analysis from david schuster as our live coverage on primary night continues on aljazeera america.
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trump is on now, he will be more than halfway here when the night is over. if he gets ohio, there's essentially no stopping donald trump for the nomination. john kasich, and this is what we're following throughout the night. and this will perhaps not be settled until the end of the night hillary clinton, a 214 difference, and what bernie sanders is trying to do is narrow this gap. hillary clinton wants to widen it, and she can do it based on how she's doing right now in florida. she's simply running away with florida, 65-3 2, and that would mean that she would pick up 2-1 the delegates, and there's no way that bernie sanders can shrink the delegates that he's facing from the beginning of the night in ohio, illinois and missouri. he cannot afford to lose them by these margins, the momentum he could claim if he can walk
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away with wins, because a lot of people keep track of wins more than the math. >> i want to bring in ali velshi here, and i have a couple of questions for you. i'm going to turn to your economic expert, people are expressing frustration with the economy in illinois, ohio, and elsewhere in this primary season. how is that being expressed? we remember a time when the economy was losing 600,000, 700 jobs, and people saying the job that i have now is not as good as the job i had before, and i want my old life back? >> we're seeing this on every exit poll. in houston, we saw the same thing in the texas primary. the texans feel let down by their party. you have two big groups of people feeling unsettled. one is the group going for bernie sanders.
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hiring at minimum wage, and americans earning less than $15 an hour. on the republican side, a lot of people thinking that over the last almost 16 years, two president sees, bush and obama, they have not seen themselves moving forward. they have seen other people perceiving to have other income levels and it's what we have spoken about many times. it's not just a perception, but they have seen themselves set back. so they're liking this common sense appeal, trade wars, and things like that, manufacturing more, and that's what some of this appeal is for donald trump. you will notice that john kasich is not going to be elected as a moderate. he was elected twice in ohio, and he talks about very moderate policies for industrial america, and donald trump is talking about trade war with latin america, with
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mexico and that's cold for you lost their jobs because of them, and i'm going to fix that. it's an impractically way of solving the problem. >> that's what i want to ask you next. is the fix that these people are furoles straighted about. the fix that they're looking for, is that available? is there a quick fix for the problem? >> no. no. it's worthy of the conversation, it's important that they're bringing it up, and they have to say there's some solution, but what donald trump is proposening, a trade war essentially to even the balance, that's >> coming up tonight, we'll have the latest... >> does the government give you refugee status? >> they've marched to the border. >> thousands have taken to the streets here in protest.
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[ ♪ ] hi,everyone, i'm john seigenthaler in new york. welcome to the special covering of the 2016 presidential race. another big tuesday night. a lot at stake. primaries in five states. we'll get answers. on the republican side will donald trump's supporters turn out in big numbers, will it be the end of the world for marco rubio and john kasich.
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can bernie sanders pull off more surprise victories over hillary clinton. polls closed in ohio, north carolina, and are closing in missouri. my coanchor, ali velshi, is in miami. let's begin with david shuster, with the rules. david. >> with the polls closing in florida, we can declare hillary clinton won the democrats, donald trump the republican. donald trump gets all of florida's 99 delegates. it's a big step for him. this is a major step back for marco rubio, donald trump the winner of florida. the other big contest in the winner takes all is in the state of ohio. this is a big challenge. here are the results so far. john kasich ahead of trump. less than 1% reporting. winner take all 66. if ohio goes to donald trump, they'll do nothing to stop him
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getting the majority of the delegates to claim the republican nomination. other contests. in north carolina, the results are so far, you look at donald trump beating ted cruz 41-33. this is proportion all. donald trump is looking at a slit of 72 delegates. in the state of illinois, the same storey, results will start coming in momentarily. the polls closed in illinois. we expect donald trump to have a good night. in the last contest, the state of missouri - again, another contest that donald trump has been leading. this is a battle for ted cruz to poll and try out some of the evangelicals. yes, it sounds like donald trump has a chance at polling a clean sweep if he wins ohio. let's look at the democrats, we have declared that hillary clinton is the winner of the florida primary, and will get 140 of the 214 delegates based
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on the proportional representation. she's beating bernie sanders 2-1. 65-32. it is a wider spread than bernie sanders anticipated or wanted in florida. hillary clinton is expected to have a good night in north carolina. in the tar heel state, african-americans, hillary clinton up 58-37. if that number stays within 18-20 points, it's not bad for bernie sanders. and he'll do better in north carolina. than some of the other southern states. it's kind of split. it is the split he's looking for. bernie sanders believes he is making up delegates in places like ohio. bernie sanders in ohio. is expecting to draw the number closer than 68-30. bernie sanders thought ohio may be like michigan, which he won a week ago which is receptive to the mission on trade. in the state of illinois, hillary clinton's home state results will come in true, the polls indicating that it was a
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dead heat. the home state of illinois. simply just by losing illinois, there would be a psychological blow to hillary clinton, and might underscore that this is going to be something of a long slog because if you can't win in the industrial midwest, your home state. it doesn't portend in a general election. the other big contest in missouri, another contest that bernie sanders was doing well, going into election day. 71 delegates, keep in mind on the democratic side, it's about the spread and whether hillary clinton can broaden her lead over bernie sanders until about 2:15 bernie sanders wants to bring it down so he has a chance the rest of the way. the rest of the contest through april, are very friendly, can he narrow the gap tonight. we'll see as the night plays out. >> just to go back to the republicans in florida, in such a second, talking about the big lead that donald trump has. tonight it was do or die.
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if the numbers hold up. is it die for marco rubio. >> he's out of money. if you look at ali velshi and michael shure, marco rubio decided not to spend the money to go inside the facility. it was a lot cheeper. that's an indication that marco rubio was out of money. you can't keep a campaign going. you can't keep going. the question for marco rubio will be does he go out tonight saying i'm in my concession speech going occupant. or does he tell fundraisers and supporters and make the formal announcement. this is the end of the road. 48% reporting. those numbers are tough. my coanchor ali velshi is at marco rubio headquarters. ali. >> yes, that question you ask is really the only important question. they started cheering. the mood has not dimmed since the news that donald trump has
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won florida. this crowd outnumbered the media in the news. not by much, as david was saying. this is the concourse to the arena. this is not the arena. i have not been in a room for a debate or party that is this small. i ask the producer to keep an eye out. sounds like the cheers are heating up. marco rubio says he's going off to utah tomorrow, no matter what. the big question is how can he. david talked about the money. the issue is this. there was money, there was money, that had gone in large part to jed bush. it wasn't all there. everyone was waiting to see if rubio was the recipient. a lot of donors were saying there's no rush to give it to rubio. there's no need do this. rubio was young. he made mistakes.
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untarnished and could do it next time around. let's keep the powder dry and keep the money there. the big donors are not unwilling to unleash their funds for marco rubio to roll the ball up here. on the other side pinkston is there with the trump campaign. which has a feel that is a little more celebratory. let's go to palm beach. >> here in west palm beach in the grand ball room, we see friends, supporters and family members of donald trump beginning to come into the ball room. this is a very different setting from the last time we were here during the first super-tuesday, when there was a smaller room and a news conference that donald trump held. few family members and supporters present. tonight we had about 500 seats. i don't know who the guests will be, who will appear here, but it is not a really.
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these are going to be special invited guests. donald trump is expected to come here. let's look. it is interesting, and everybody talked about it. a year ago we talked about the possibility of jed bush or marco rubio. no one gave donald trump a chance. and now it appears he's taken another step today getting the nomination for the republican party. ali. >> we will stay with you. donald trump doing it a little differently, with the press conference style discussion. we look forward to hearing what he has to say later tonight. i want to go upstairs. covering the event is michael shure, i want to put the same question to michael that john has been putting to me. what happens, what do you expect marco rubio to do at this point. does he do what he said he's going to do, move forward to utah and keep on campaigning. >> we heard the same thing from
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carly fiorina. we heard martin o'malley saying the same thing. marco rubio has to say he's going on, but it doesn't seem feasible. it looks like he's going to get drubbed. here in ohio, this is the whole idea of the consensus candidate and as you were talking about the money is there. it's not going to be marco rubio. marco rubio is apparently here now. the campaign bus is on the grounds of florida. the national university. the reason that marco rubio didn't catch on here is what people will be wondering for a while. a lot has to do with the fact that immigration made a big, big player out of other candidates like ted cruz and not marco rubio. he thought the moderation is why he'd do well in florida. it came back to bite him. >> all right. you and i will be talking
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through the course of the evening. mike viqueira is with the hillary clinton campaign. she is there. not in the same place donald trump is. how does it feel where you are, mike? >> well, it's not far. there's a subtle hint with the clinton campaign, choosing the venue, which is a drive and a nine iron across the intercoast at waterway in palm beach, trying to set up the perception that hillary clinton and trump would be the ones to go out in the fall. notwithstanding the tight races between hillary clinton and bernie sanders. as david outlined in the midwest and illinois. hillary clinton's home state. here in florida there is jub lakes. results flashing on the screen, that she has been declared the winner of florida. the crowd going nuts. they don't want to hear anything about bernie sanders or the
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challenge. the long slog and game that bernie sanders is playing. the fact that many of the upcoming primary states lines up with the demographic. those turning out for him. younger voters. stunning victory for hillary clinton, 2-1 in florida, if that holds up. she'll have a 60 do 70 vote haul in florida. put it together with north carolina if it keeps with the theme of hillary clinton and her aides, that she is building a lead that ultimately will be insurmountable. i can't resist. you are there at the marco rubio headquarters, we heard from michael shure. remember when people talked about the establishment lane of the republican party. the establishment lane has merged right into the tea party lane, into the disaffected working class white voter lane and it's an amazing and
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astonishing turn of events. >> mike, i'll be back to new a bit. john i think they are introducing marco rubio. there he is on the stage, let's take marco rubio and listen to what he has to say. marco rubio here at the florida international university. [ ♪ ] we are having difficulty with the audio. >> we respect the decision, it was a big win. i want to begin by thanking all of you. i'm the beneficiary of the best group of supporters, the hardest working people that i've been asserted with. i'm thank:
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and not just here in florida, but around the country. >> we love you marco. >> i love you too. i want you to know that you worked as hard not just here, all over the country, i want to talk to people in iowa, new hampshire and south carolina, and the state and puerto rico and washington d.c. all over. we had a great team, i'm grateful for all the help you guys have given us. there's nothing more you could have done. i want you to know we worked as hard as we could. america is in the middle of a political storm, a tsunami, and we should have seen this coming. people are angry, people are frustrated. it really began back in 2007/2008, with a horrifying downturn... >> run for president. >> don't worry, he won't get beat up at our event.
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>> people are very frustrated about the direction of our country. [ chants ] >>. >> thank you. thank you. people are frustrated. in 2007 and 2008 there was a horrible downturn in our economy. and the changes to the economy is disrupting people's lives. people are upset about it. and they are told that people are angry, frustrated. and told if you are a gains illegal immigration, it makes you a bigot. if you see jobs and businesses leaving to other countries, you have no right to be frustrated. they see americans losing their lives and there's little gratitude for the sacrifice that
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americans make. there's millions in this country tired of being looked down upon, tired of being told by these self-proclaimed elitist that they don't know what they are talking about and they need to listen to the smart people. >> i know about these issues. i lived pay check to pay check, i grew up pay check to pay check. i know what it's like to find the money to fix the airconditioner that broke. i know my parents struggled and millions are doing that. immigration is broken. no one understands this like i do. my parents were immigrants. my grandparents immigrants. i live in a community of immigrants. i see the good, bad and ugly, i battle my whole life against the elite. the people that think i needed to wait my turn, or wait in line, it wasn't my chance or time. i understand the frustrations. yet when i decided to run for president. i decided to run a campaign that was realistic about all of these
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changes, and one that was - one that was optimistic about what lies ahead for the country. i know we have a right to enforce immigration. but we have to have a realistic approach no fix it. we are living through ab extraordinary transformation that is disruptive in people's lives. machines are replacing them. i know it's disruptive. i know the new economy has incredible opportunities. i know america can't solve the world's problems, i know america leaves behind a vacuum, and that leads to chaos. and i know that ours is a special nation because where you come from here doesn't decide where you get to go. that's how a 44-year-old son of a bartender and a maid, that's how i decide that, in fact, i, too, can run for president of the united states of america.
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[ cheering and applause ] so from a political stand point. from a political stand point the easiest thing to have done in the campaign is to jump on the anxieties i talked about. make people angrier, more frustrated, bud i chose a different route. and i'm proud of that. that would have been, in a year like this, the easiest way to win, but that is not what is best for america. the politics of resent. against others will not just leave us a fractured party. it will leave us a fractured nation. leave us as a nation where people hate each other because they have different political opinions. that we find ourselves at this point is not surprising. the warning signs have been here close to a decade. in 2010 the tea party weight carried me and others into
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office because not enough was happening. that tea party weight gave us the majority in the house, but nothing house. in 2014, republicans had the majority of the senate. but still nothing changed. i blame it on a conservative movement, a movement supposed to be about our ideas, but i blame most on our political establishment. [ cheering and applause ]. >> a political establishment that for too long looked down at conservatives, looked down at conservatives, simple-minded people. looked down at conservatives as bomb throwers. a political establishment that took the votes of conservatives for granted and that has grown to confuse cronyism for capitalism and big business for free enterprise. i endeavoured to bridge the divide within the party and the country. i know after eight years of
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president obama, the nation needs a vibrant and growing movement. and a strong republican party. to change the direction now of this country, or many of the things that are going wrong in america will become permanent. and many of the things that make it a special country will be gone. america needs a vibrant movement, one that is built on principles and ideas. demonstrate on fears, anger or praying on frustrations [ cheering and applause ] a conservative movement that believes in the principles of our constitution, protecting our rights in limiting the power of the government. a conservative movement committed to ber price. a conservative movement that believes in a strong national defense. and a movement that agrees with the christian values that are
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the formation of our nation. [ clapping ]. >> people need the establishment in our party, not one that looks down on people that live outside the district of columbia. not one that tells young people that need to wait their turn or wait in line. and not one more interested in winning legislations or solving problems or standing by principles. and this is the campaign we run, saying that we think about the challenges that we face, but optimistic about the opportunity before us. a campaign that recognises the difficulties that we face, but one that believes that we truly are on the vurge of a new american century, and a campaign to be president, a campaign to be a president that would love all the american people. even the ones that don't love
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you back. >> this is the right way forward for our pert. this is the right way forward for our country. after tonight it is clear while we are on the right side this year, we will not be on the winning side. i take great comfort and the ancient words that teaches us. that plans the course or the steps. it's a year that is optimistic about our future. i remain hopeful and optimistic about the future. how can i not. my mother was one of seven girls. he struggled to provide for them his entire life. my mother told us she never went
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to bet hungry growing up, but knows her parents did, so they wouldn't have to. they came to the country in 1956 with little money and no connections. my parents struggled and thought about going back to cuba at one point. they never became rich, i didn't inherit from my parents. they never became famous, you never would have heard of them if i hadn't run for office. yet i conversation them to be successful. working in this country as a bartender and a maid. they owned a home and retired with dignity. in this country they live to see all four children live better than themselves. in this country, on this day. my mother, who is now 85 years old was able to cast a ballot for her son to be the president of the united states of america.
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[ cheering and applause ] and so while it is not god's plan that i be president in 2016 or ever, and while today my campaign is suspended, the fact that i have come this far is evidence of how special america truly is. and all the reason more why we must do all we can to ensure the nation remain a special place. i ask the american people do not give in to the fear. do not give in to the frustration. we can disagree about public policy, we can disagree about it vibrantly, passionately, we are a hopeful people and we have
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every right to be hope: we in the nation are the descendants of go getters. in our veins runs the blood of people that gave it up. we are all the descendants of someone that made it the future of their lives. we are the descendants of pilgrims, settlers, men and women that headed westward in the planes, not knowing what awaited them. we are the descendants of slaves that over came the institution to stake their claim and the american dream. we are the descendants of exiles, that knew and believed they were destined for more. there was only one place on earth where that was possible. this is who we are. and let us fight to show that this is who we remain. if we lose that about our country, we'll be rich and powerful. but we will no longer be special.
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so i am grateful to all of you that are working hard for me. it has been a phenomenal campaign, to my four kids who have been extraordinary in this campaign. [ cheering ] and i want you to know. i need to know, search for a way some of this extraordinary debt that i owe this great country. and i want to leave with an expression of gratitude for god and in whose hands all things lie. he has a plan for every one of our lives, everything that comes from god is good. god is perfect. god makes no mistakes. and he has things planned for all of us. we await eagerly to see what
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lies ahead. so i leave tonight with a prayer, and i use the words of king david. because i remain grateful to god - yours oh lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, and, indeed, everything that is in the heavens and the earth, yours is the dominion oh, lord and you dissolve yourself. riches and honour come from you, and you rule overall. and in your hand is power and mite. and it lays in your hand to make great and to strengthen everyone. may god strengthen our people, may good strengthen our nation, the conservative movement. may god strengthen the republican party and the nom, and may god bless and strengthen this great nation, the united states of america. thank you, and god bless you all. thank you very much well, you can see the news
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on the screen. marco rubio suspends his campaign, a tough night for marco rubio. he losses in a big way his home state of florida. and the other news that happened while he was speaking north carolina has been called for the hillary clinton. you can see it on the right of your scene. that's where she was running about 58% in north carolina. i want to go to ali velshi and michael shure, at the marco rubio event in miami. a couple of thinks, ali, and michael that struck me, one was marco rubio blamed the establishment and he was the man who was considered the establishment candidate. kind of a strange way to go out. >> yes. well, he was the establishment candidate after you forgot that jed bush had not to be the establishment candidate. john kasich remains as a potential candidate. marco rubio made a point pointing out the conservatives
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let the conservative movement down. the establishment is who to blame. interesting speech. sounded like someone setting up for something else. it was meaningful. it was softer on criticism, direct criticism. he didn't see that work for him in this campaign when he attacked trump the way he did. i will say one thing, i travelled to other countries to hear that much religion invoked. there was a lot of religion, that sounds like marco rubio setting up for something, the govern0rship of florida, or the next race. what do you make of it, michael? >> that's right. the republican party has a habit of looking at people. he's 44 years old, started young. moved into other places, it would be something that marco rubio talked about doing, running for that office. his results in that state where
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he wants to be governor were not good. the strain that he has put through a lot of his features, especially in the latter part of his campaign, as he's gone to south carolina and beyond is not just new, it's more pronounced. there's emphasis on it constantly. you heard him say tonight that he has suspended his campaign, talked about the fact that his mother had a chance to vote for president. pulling at the heart strings of the immigrant community, but he spoke how conservatives left him. marco rubio, they tried to shoe horn him into being an establishment candidate. he's not an establishment republican. he didn't fit that mould. he was rejected. and he ran into something they didn't expect to run into. >> let me ask you.
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thing back to people who have not done well in their own states in certain instances yet have been successful on the national stage. rick santorum was defeated, thrown out of his job as a u.s. senator, but led the presidential race for a short time. marco rubio has not been repudiated by his state from an selected state-wide elected office, it's in the campaign, in the context of a national presidential race, does this count against marco rubio, that he loft his state to donald trump, does that mean he has to lick his wounds. does he say that was weird, that doesn't count. i'm marco rubio, i'm good for florida. >> that's a great question. losing the presidency or the nomination, but not losing in florida would have been a different thing. the former speaker of the house, will weatherford, he is a
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favourite of a lot of republican establishment here in the state. it's almost a certainty that he sees a path to the govern0rship that marco rubio may not see because the way it went down here in his home state. again, it's tea leaves and not as important. what is important right now is what this does to the race today as it stands. donald trump, ted cruz and john john kasich. we don't have the results from ohio, that's what we'll have to look at, and the effect. the g.o.p. will have to look at a series of polls. three different polls showing hillary clinton losing to marco rubio. you wonder if some republicans will look back at the polls and say hey, maybe we made a mistake? >> you know the republicans are looking at the poms, are not the ones casting the ballot. that is the key. what you see in ohio, is establishment republicans, the ones that are looking at the
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polls, the ones that rewrote the rules after the last presidential election are not the ones casting the ballots. john kasich is the last remaining hope for first call not social conservatives, and no matter how well he does in ohio, i don't think he's in the running for this one. >> i just don't want to weigh in on marco rubio, you never say never in politics. after you lose your home state and spend as much money as marco rubio did, and he had as much support as he did. he didn't win more, it will be tough to run in four years, i think. when we get back to you, let me introduce david shuster and the panel. joe watkins is with me as well. gentlemen. david, what do you think about marco rubio, does he have a chance four years from now or not? >> no, i don't think he does. there's a couple of articles that comes out. there's a tremendous feeling among republicans that marco rubio has been disloyal to the
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people that help with the senate race, with the way he handled the presidential campaign, i think marco rubio being a private citizen, which is remarkable given he was the candidate a lot feared. he has enormous bridge building that he'll have to do if he has a political future in florida. donald trump was not far off when he said people that worked for marco rubio would not have him run for dog catcher. there was an element of truth, and that's a challenge. >> who does marco rubio help by getting out the race. >> you'd thing it was john kasich. not necessarily. voters dented to look at who is winning and who has a chance to win. some of the beneficiaries are donald trump. in washington, standing by is bruce and joe from purple strategies. the group's founding partner. joe is a democratic strategist.
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give me your reaction so far tonight? >> well, i think we saw a guy that put his heart and soul into a race. he came up short. he didn't really spend any money, barely ran any ads out of his own campaign. you could feel marco rubio talking about his fate, trying to put this in some kind of context so he could go on. i think david is right. he has a lot of bridge building to do in the party there. he sa guy that lost control of his narrative, his personal narrative in this campaign. he was the tea party guy. he took on the establishment in florida. and knocked out the establishment. then he game the establishment candidate. a candidate that were telling jokes not ready for prime-time, and then the candidate that ran out of gas. >> on the democratic side, is
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hillary clinton wrapping this up tonight, or does she have a long way to go. >> i think we'll see what happens in hoe. the wins -- in ohio. she is running about 5% ahead of where the polling trends were, that is good for her. now, ohio is early, we'll see what happens in missouri and illinois. i think if she can wrap up four of these things, and makes sanders - the map for sanders difficult we look at the hillary clinton campaign party tonight in florida. not far, by the way from donald trump's party, and they are waiting for the candidate to come. we are told she'll speak this hour. so far she has not made an appearance. david shuster has new numbers. >> donald trump won florida. let's start on the republican side of the state. the other must-win for someone
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other than trump to stop him from the nomination. there is john kasich, 44-32. that's a comfortable result, except the number of precincts in from ohio is small. the key is winner take all. donald trump got to 99 delegates in florida. if he gets the 66 combined with some involved in other states. he'll be on a bypass. let's talk about the other states, the state of illinois. here are the numbers. 44-22. less than 1% reporting. fairl made for donald trump, there's the industrial message that plays well. the economy, the idea that wall street is taking advantage of american workers. again. illinois is a proportional state. but donald trump is expected to rack up delegates. let's look at the democratic side. hillary clinton, we declared her the winner. 64-33. this is a wider margin than the
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bernie sanders campaign anticipated hillary clinton would get. about 140 of the 214 delegates to about 80 for backhand. that is a bigger margin than the corey sanders campaign had been anticipating. the -- than the bernie sanders campaign had been anticipating. this is more numbers 58, 42, something like that. it would mean hillary clinton would gain a net of 10-15 in north carolina. that's manageable for him. that should be the two victories that hillary clinton was expecting, then you turn to illinois, it could be a psychological setback to hillary clinton should she lose her own state. she's up 54-33. proportional representation. bernie sanders is hoping to split the delegates and get the victory. here are the latest numbers from ohio. polls suggested that hillary clinton should win by 5-10
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points. she's up by more than 60,000 votes. it's a number that bernie sanders expect to tighten, getting some of the college towns, cleveland. they are the college students, as they come out, the hope for bernie sanders is that in ohio, he'd get what he got in michigan. a resonance, the idea of breaking up the big banks, that america is taking it on the chin because of trade deals. so ohio is another state that they'd watch closely, if hillary clinton gets the victory in ohio. ohio, florida, north carolina, bernie sanders claims missouri and illinois. that would be a good night for hillary clinton. she'd win the narrative and assure supporters that she has the moths and getting towards the victories on night like tonight. >> the coverage of today's coverage of the primaries continues right after this. after this. putin has put it they
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accomplished more or less what they wanted to because after all aleppo which is such a prize to president assad is surrounded on one side by el nusra which has been degraded but not destroyed and i.s.i.l. and degraded but not destroyed so it is not really true that russia has humanity. >> hands up... >> don't shoot. >> hands up... >> don't shoot. >> what do we want? >> justice. >> when do we want it? >> now. >> explosions going on... we're not quite sure - >> is that an i.e.d.?
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welcome back to our coverage of a big primary night. we are waiting for hillary clinton to speak in florida. these been predicted to win in california and south carolina. we have other states - here we go, the democratic primary winner in the state of ohio is hillary clinton. so a gig night again. three states so far. melissa chan is covering the bernie sanders campaign, and she is in phoenix arizona.
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>> bernie sanders's campaign is looking ahead to the primary in arizona. this is clinton country, she took the primary against president obama in 2008. and her husband was the first democrat since harry truman in 1948 to take the red state in the general election. yet phoenix is special for the bernie sanders campaign, to a certain extent. back in july of 2015, last summer, there was a bernie sanders campaign here, a rally, rather. this was at a time when a lot of people didn't take him too seriously. 11,000 showed up at the rally back in july last summer. this evening i don't think we have the numbers just quite yet. he is scheduled to peak in about half an hour. >> thank you very much. we'll get back to you then. robert ray is with the senator cruz campaign in houston texas. what is the mood there?
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>> john, good evening. you know, we just talked about half an hour ago with ted cruz's campaign manager jeff rowe, answering questions from all the media. there's probably more media than there are cruz supporters. it was planned just last night, perhaps more will go in. jeff rowe, cruz's campaign manager said they came back to houston, because they needed down time. rest with their families, and get ready for what is ahead. utah and arizona. they are pumped, ready to take on donald trump, they have no problem with it. it's a 2-man race and with marco rubio going out of the race, it looks like that is what it is. i asked the campaign manager a question about, you know, if it continues that this 2-man race where trump is leading until almost all the primaries, would ted cruz then not only support
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donald trump for the nomination in july, but would he consider an alliance, and the comeback was no presidential candidate runs for the vice president, but he didn't seem to throw it out. he almost chuckled when we asked him about that. we are awaiting ted cruz to come out. doesn't look like he'll take any of the five states. clearly not florida, or the other four. doesn't look like he'll take those, based on what the polls are vogue. >> the focus has been on the state of florida, that's where marco rubio made big news when he suspended his campaign after losing big in his home state. ali velshi saw the speech and is at the campaign hours. i suppose it's a sombre mood there, right. >> it's empty. this thing cleared out in no time. it was a good speech by marco
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rubio, there are differing opinions as to what it means, is he getting ready to run for something else, setting the stage for next time, preparing to talk to donors about a presidential run in the future. that is a good question. john kasich is certainly the last hope. i want to go to ohio. the results are trickling in, the lead is there. it's not enough to make a digs that john kasich is winning ohio. what is the feeling there. >> it's an optimistic mood higher. early results coming in. the head of the republican party came out to warm up the crowd. early results show that we are
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crossing it across the state. he and other supporters say when john kasich wins tonight, in ohio. this is resetting the presidential race. it's a spotlight switching to john kasich. as you say, he becomes an establishment candidate and feels there's a number of primaries ahead. pennsylvania, wisconsin, and others, they are favourable to him. he's hoping to wrack up delegates and go to a brokered convention. he's hoping to get another for a brokered convention and once that happens, and it is here, that the republicans would pick, as he put it, the adult in the room. so a lot of optimism. marco rubio saw john kasich.
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we have cheering crowd. perhaps someone is on the stage for john kasich. i can tell you the crowd is up on their feet. they have been asked if they'll continue to work hard tomorrow and the days ahead. they are cheering. a very excited crowd. as you say, he is the last hope for the republican party if they want an established candidate. the head has been in touch with the republican party, congratulating them on the race. the attention focussing on john kasich, as he moves forwards, hoping to capture more delegates. john kasich, today, when he voted, he tried to run a positive campaign, he indicated that the gloves may come off going forward, and it may take
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on donald trump in a more strident fashion. clearly he's considering that as the race moves forward. >> taking the gloves off didn't work for marco rubio, it worked for six hours for him, and it backfired on him. one has to be careful not to bring a knife to a gunfight. the crowd is going nuts. we haven't called it, i'd like to stay in my lane. we don't call the states, another network is calling it as a victory for john kasich, and the crowd is going crazy, we are showing 4% of the polls where they lead for john kasich, as you can see, folks are suggesting it's a win. we'll come back to you, and i wanted to talk to wall beck. he's a professor emert tus. i wanted to start by saying with few of the polls reporting without a projection, and some - you know, donald trump was nipping at john kasich's heels,
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donald trump seems to be doing better in neighbouring illinois, was this going to be a problem for john kasich, if he didn't have a clear win in ohio. it seems to be a moot point. >> it looks good for john kasich. one network projected him as a winner, it may be too early to call. it appears that he's ahead. this was critical for casey. to stay in the race, he had to win his home state of ohio. if, indeed, he went forward and won ohio, he'd stay in the race. maybe over the long haul, but the hope, of course, is that they can deny trump enough delegates to come close to a majority or obtain a majority in cleveland in july. winning your own state is ike logic by important. the people in your state know
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you best. if they don't like you it works against you. for for a long time it didn't work against rick santorum, he lost but went on to do a credible presidential race. illinois is rural, a little industrial. it should have similar appeal to ohio, and yet john kasich did not deliver the same way there, does john kasich's appeal move beyond ohio when it comes to issues like trade. when it comes to issues like bipartisanship and josh creation, the stuff touted as a success in ohio, doesn't seem to resonate. >> the answer is we will see. john kasich focussed on ohio, realising that he had to win ohio. ohio was a necessary condition for him to sustain his campaign. the other states were not as
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important. he turns attention to other states if he wins ohio. once he turns attention to the other states and gets more money to run the campaign, one could expect him to gain visibility and be more competitive there does he gain more money because there's no other establishment candidate or is the establishment holding fire and not doing anything about this while they watch cruz and trump battle it out. >> the establishment, such as it is, whatever that means, we are talking about elected leaders in washington. >> whatever that means. >> and in many of the state capitals don't want trump. hoo changes the definition -- he changes the definition of the trump party. he's not a true conservative, that makes them uncomfortable. he's not one of them. trump is out. they'd love to block him. cruz is not popular with the
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establishment. the reason is of course many perceived him trampling over them to get where he did in the campaign. he was a bad boy, it's unlikely the money for him, if it goes to anybody. it should flow in the direction of john kasich. he needs it. he needs to establish states. arizona is next. it's one state. after that the big contest is wisconsin. and that is in early april. he has one to go to three weeks to put together a national campaign, and will need financial resources to do that paul bike, in the establishment republican party, seems to be the kiss of death. i'll talk to you later.
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back to you in new york as we know hillary clinton won florida, ohio and north carolina and is waiting to take the victory lack. mike viqueira is live at the clinton camp waiting for the senator and former secretary of state to show up and speak, right. she'll be on the winning side tonight. it's hard to overstate the case what a big night it is for hillary clinton. the temptation for folks like me and you and a lot of people on television talking about the election is to read a lot into the individual results. after iowa, a bitter disappointment for bernie sanders. new hampshire 22 point sanders lead. clinton in trouble. south carolina, hillary clinton wiping out bernie sanders. all of that has been turned onward its head over the course of the ups and downs of the
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campaign which, like the republican side is fascinating on the democratic side. look at what happened. you name three states, ohio, north carolina and florida. what do they have in common? >> they are swing states. while the primary campaigns don't quarrel with the election results, we are about to get a huge shout out. hillary clinton winning ohio, where the demographic was set to set up bernie sanders, bernie sanders spent little time and money in the state of florida, largely conceding to hillary clinton. he competed there. again, the crowd pretty much going nuts. forgive me for turning back and forth. he went to youngs town. the ground zero of communities that have been hit hard by the world globalization, by trade deals that have been disaffected, many of them middle
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and working class in the places. and lost to hillary clinton. hillary clinton, a huge night, and the icing on the cake for hillary clinton has to be that marco rubio is no longer in this race. that was the individual for months that the clinton campaign feared the most. following around in new hampshire, when marco rubio robot trying to slam him. they thought that he set up demographically as the biggest challenge for hillary clinton in the fall. he's out of the race. you put it together. there it is. the crowd getting the news here that hillary clinton has won ohio. i think we'll see the candidate here shortly. >> you turn around and turn your back on me any time you need to to see what is going on. i want to bring in david shuster and joe watkins. with regard to hillary clinton, seems like bernie sanders has run out of steam.
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>> bernie sanders has the money to stay in the race and will stay, i guess. for the most part, in is hillary clinton. this is a great night for her. big win in ohio, huge win in florida, i don't see a maths showing bernie sanders winning the nomination. >> there were a lot of reports that she may be leading in illinois. we have not called illinois yet. if she were to win illinois, that would elements be a clean weep. >> you can say without illinois, let's suppose it's even, this is a death knell. when you lose ohio, north carolina and florida. your argument about the fall. >> the associated press is called the race for john kasich in ohio. it's not a big surprise. >> marco rubio - the sting of marco rubio losing his home state. that is perhaps the worst thing in the night. bernie sanders getting ohio called as early as it's been for
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hillary clinton, that hurts him in a big way, as mike viqueira pointed out he poured a lot of resources. he out spent hillary clinton. he was counting on his economic message translating the same way it did a week ago. the fact that it hasn't is a tough night for bernie sanders. let alone the maths makes it impossible for him to catch up. >> and the republican race he stays in. i don't know if there's much at all to stop hillary clinton. it helps, if she has a thorn in hear side. i don't know if it hurts her. >> some of the arguments faced on bernie sanders, trade and wall street. she'll face a version similar to donald trump in the fall, and better to sharpen your arguments now. it is coming. >> we are waiting to hear from
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clinton, she'll speak in florida, and trump a little later. our coverage of the primaries tonight - the big primaries, this tuesday conditions already this. don't go away. war in syria and first in the early part of the war for the first few years they have been using their power at the without spin. >> not everybody is asking the questions you're asking me today. >> we give you more perspectives >> the separatists took control a few days ago. >> and a global view. >> now everybody in this country can hear them. >> getting the story first-hand. >> they have travelled for weeks, sometimes months. >> what's your message then? >> we need help now. >> you're watching al jazeera america.
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. >>..can share in theromise of america - you voted... [ cheering and applause ] voted - you voted for our tomorrow to be better than our yesterday. tomorrow where all of us do our part and everyone has a a chanc to live up to his or her god-given potential. because that way we can live up to its potential to. we need you to keep volunteering, keep contributing at please, please join the 950,000 supporters who already have contributed most less than $100, because our campaign depends on
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small donations for the majority of support. we can't do this without you. if you've been waiting for the right moment, now is the time to come join us. tonight is clearer than ever. that may be a controversial campaign. the next president will walk in, sit at the desk and start making decisions affecting the lives and the livelihoods of everyone in this country, indeed. everyone on this planet. now, i know - i know that easy decisions don't make it to the president's desk, only the hardest choices and the thorniest problems.
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i saw president obama wrestle with the decision to send navy seals after obama, the decision to rescue the auto industry, to fight for the affordable care act, and so many more. [ cheering and applause ]. >> and so our next president has to be ready to face the next big test. first, can you make positive differences in people's lives, second, can you keep us safe. third can you bring our county together again. >> now making differences in people's lives comes first, because americans everywhere are hungry for solutions.
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they want to break down the barriers holding them back, so we can all rise together. ask any parent. you'll hear nothing is more important than making sure kids have a good school and teacher, no matter what zipcode they live in. they deserve a president that understands when we invest in our children's education, that's all of our futures. and young people across america struggling under the weight of student debt find it difficult to imagine the futures they want. and they deserve a president that will help relieve them of that burden, and help future generations go to college without borrowing a dime for tuition. and you know grandparents that worry about retirement deserve a
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president who will protect and expand social security for those that need it most. not cut or privatize it. families deserve a president who will fight for the things that are priorities at home, and too often aren't priorities in washington. affordable child care, paid family leave and something that we have waited for long enough. equal pay for equal work. and above all - above all. hardworking americans across the country deserve a president with both the ideas and the know how to create good jobs with rising incomes here in our country, and
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i'm absolutely convinced that we have the tools to do that. that's why i've laid out a programme to do what can be done. more good jobs in infrastructure, more good jobs in manufacturing. [ cheering and applause ]. >> more good jobs in small businesses. more good jobs in clean renewable energy. [ cheering and applause ] >> good paying jobs are the ticket to the middle class, and we are going to stand up for the american classic. we are going to stand up for american workers, and make sure no one takes advantage of us, not china, not wall street, and not overpaid corporate
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identities. now look, look, of course every candidate, every candidate makes promises like this. but every candidate owes it to you to be clear and direct about what our plans will cost and how we are going to make them work. that's the difference between running for president and being president. [ cheering and applause ] >> and i'll tell you... [ chants ] >>. >> i tell you that the second big test for our next president is keeping us safe. we live in a complex and yes a dangerous world. protecting america's national security can never be an
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afterthought. our commander in chief has to be able to defend our country, not embarrass it. and engage our allies, not alienate them. defeat our adversaries, not enbelleden them -- en bolden them. when we hear a candidate for president call for rounding up illegal immigrants, banning muslims from entering the united states, when he embraces torture, that doesn't make him strong, it makes him wrong. and, yes, our next president has to bring the country together. we should be breaking down barriers, not building walls.
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we are not doing to... >> by dividing this country between us and them, you know, to be great we can't be small. we can't lose what made america great in the first place. this is not just about donald trump, all of us have to do our part. we can't just talk about economic inequality, we have to take on all forms of inequality and discrimination. together we have to defend all of our rights, civil rights and voting rights, workers rights and women's rights, l.g.b.t. rights, and rites of people with disabilities. and that starts by standing with president obama when he nominates a justice for the supreme court.
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our next president will face all these challenges and more. running for president is hard. being president is harder. it is the hardest most important job in the world, and no one person can succeed at a job without seeking and finding common ground to solve the problems that we face. if we work together, we can make a real difference in people's lives. if we treat each other with respect, kindness and love, instead of bluster and bigotry, if we lift each other up, instead of tearing each other down, there's nothing we can't accomplish together. please join me in this campaign, every vote counts, every volunteer hour counts, every contribution counts. eight years ago. eight years ago. the night of the ohio primary, i said i was running for everyone
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that has been counted out, but refused to be knocked out. for everyone that has stumbled but stood up. for everyone that works hard, and never gives up. well that is true, our campaign is for the steel worker i met in ohio, who is laid off, but hoping to get back to work. it's for the mother i met in miami, whose five children have not seen their father since she was deported. she dreams of a day when deportation and families are reunited on a path to citizenship in america. [ cheering and applause ] >> and it is for the mothers i stood with this chicago yesterday, who have lost children to gun violence, they are turning sorrow into strategy, and their mourning
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into a movement. let's stand with people who have courage, who have resilience, let's stand with everyone who believes america's best days are ahead of us, for all of our challenges, i never had more faith in our future, and if we work together if we go forward in this campaign, i know our future will be brighter tomorrow and yesterday. thank you all so very much. claws you [ cheering and applause ] again the headlines says it all. clinton wins north carolina, ohio, florida. mike viqueira is at the hillary clinton gathering at west palm beach where the crowd went wild and she had a big night, and it appears while she hasn't clinched the nomination, she's well on her way, right, mike. >> it appears that way. that was certainly the
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perception that hillary clinton wanted to leave here before the jubilant gathering of several hundred people at the west palm beach county center. it was an interesting approach to the speech. she was fighting the the rear guard action, i understanding the base, talking about manufacturers, talking about the time she pent yesterday with the steel workers, talking about many other things that she needs to talk about to consolidate the base. telling that she mentioned corey sanders by name. almost gracious, because as she said, she wants to unite the party and will need, obviously, a united party in the fall. at the same time making that turn to the fall, taking out after this unnamed individual, this individual who dare not speak his name, it's almost as if donald trump is equivalent to voldamor. talking about the needs, someone who rounds up 12 million
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immigrants, wants to ban muslims, torture doesn't make him strong, it makes him wrong. talking about an individual full of bluster. and not mentioning donald trump by name who, after all, is a stone's throw across the intercoast at waterway. at the restart. we'll hear from him in the few minutes. a feeling here tonight obviously, you know, we could see a little behind the curtain, when the ohio results came in, there were people hugging each other. clinton is behind the scenes hugging each other. a friend of mine had another peak behind the curtain and said they were jumping up and down. obviously a big night for hillary clinton. regardless of what happens in illinois, regardless of what happens in missouri, two states that are a question mark. the victory in ohio, puts hillary on her way. you heard her announce the maths and pledge delegates, never mind
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super delegates. burgeoning 300 by the candidates calculations. >> i will check your arm. if you can throw a rock to malaga, you are strong. thank you very much. david shuster is standing by with the latest numbers, i thought a traditional speech from hillary clinton. >> traditional in a sense that she's pivoting to the general election, she wants to make the race about donald trump, gracious with bernie sanders. look at the numbers, hillary clinton is crushing bernie sanders and the state of ohio. a lot of democrats did not see this coming. they thought the race would be about 15-20 points max. and look at this. hillary clinton is up by 28. the delegates are awarded proportionately. that's a huge set back for bernie sanders who thought if he lost hoe, that he would split the delegates. the other results. hillary clinton 64-33.
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she will add to her margin in florida, by 2-1. out of 214, she'll pick up 140 or so to bernie sanders 84. it is widespread for hillary clinton, giving her the maths of widening her lead to 300. it's almost insurmountable in the democratic nomination. with everything being proportional. after tonight bernie sanders would have the win most of the contest. it doesn't look like that is possible. here are the results from north carolina. bernie sanders did a little better in terms of southern voters than he did in other states. hillary clinton winning by 17 points at least. 28% reporting. that could get wider. that is the spread that bernie sanders had been hoping all along in how it would lose. it's ironic that he's doing better. democrats would say because of the textile industry, the numbers lost jobs, perhaps his message about free trade had a special residence.
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hillary clinton winning north carolina, and won the state tonight. let's look at illinois, hillary clinton's home state. this has been expected to be tight. 20% reporting. 53-45. they would split 156 delegates. let's look at missouri, results expected tonight. coming in. this is a race that bernie sanders thought he would win. she would win all five. it's not a night for bernie sanders. certain has the money to sustain. it's tough for bernie sanders to argue that he's helping the democratic party to continue the race at this stage. >> let's show you a picture from ohio, and here is kasich on the stage from baldwin walls university. it's been a big night. he won ohio, his home state.
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[ cheering and applause ] you know when you went to college in the 1970s, you appreciate a good peaceful protest once in a while. you do, you do. first of all, when you are in the arena and you are struggling and leave your family to go out on the campaign trail and deliver a message to america, because you believe that you are the best qualified person to be president of the united states
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and you put it all on the line and your family puts it on the line. this crowd tonight. giving a great response to a very, very great talented and fine united states senator marco rubio, for the effort that he has done. [ clapping ] tonight we arrived in cleveland and we went to a restaurant. we haught we could -- thought we could sneak in and grab a quick meal. when we walked through the restaurant, people started to cheer. my reaction was please don't do that, because you're going make
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me cry. but to have people believe in you, and to believe that you can bring people together to run our county, i have to thank the great people of ohio. i love you. [ cheering and applause ] [ chants ] >>. >> you know, when i became governor of ohio, i went to new york and met with some of the rating agencies. things were bad. we lost 350,000 jobs, we were 8 billion in the hole and the credit was hanging in the balance, and they told me we are about to cut up your credit card and give you a new one where you
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can't buy as much. i said you don't understand iowa, you don't understand ohioans. so i can't wait to go back again. we are now up 400,000 plus jobs. we are running the 2 billion surplus. our pensions are secure. we have cut taxes by more than any government in this country, and we are leaving no one behind. not the mentally ill, not the drug addicted, the working poor. [ clapping ] >> and i don't know whether you can actually serve a meal of words, but i would like to go back to the credit rating agencies where they can learn to eat their words about dotting ohio, huh. you know, ladies an gentlemen, you know, look, my whole life
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has been about trying to create a climate and let's go from john kasich who won his home state of ohio, to bernie sanders, and is speaking in phoenix tonight, who has not won so far any of these primary states. let's listen. >> and the reason that we have done as well as we have, the reason we have defied all expectations is that we are doing something very radical in american politics. we are telling the truth. [ cheering and applause ] [ chants ] >>. >> and the truth - the truth is
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not always pleasant. it is not always what we want to hear. but we cannot go forward unless we deal with the realities of american society today, and that is what we are going to do. [ cheering and applause ] >> truth number one is that today we have a corrupt campaign finance system. [ crowd boos ] >>. >> with wall street and billionaires spending unlimited sums of money, which is undermining american democracy.
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to my mind democracy is not complicated. it is one person, one vote. if you want... [ cheering and applause ] if you want to vote for me great, in you don't, that's okay. but what i do not want to see is billionaires spending unlimited sums of money buying elections and undermining the democracy which has made our country so great. [ cheering and applause ] >> and that is why together we are going to overturn this disastrous citizens united supreme court decision.
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[ cheering and applause ] >> and that is why we are going to move to public funding of elections. >> and that is why we are going to take on vigorously those cowardly republican governors who are trying to suppress the vote. [ cheering and applause ] >> and i say to the cowardly republican governors, if you are afraid of a free and fair election, get out of politics, get another job.
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[ cheering and applause ] >> when in our country today we have the koch brothers and a handful of other billionaires... [ crowd boos ] >>..spending hundreds of millions of dollars to elect candidates who representatives the wealthy and the powerful, that is not democracy, that is oligarchy. [ cheering and applause ] and the people of our country will not tolerate oligarchy. [ cheering and applause ] >> but it is not just a corrupt campaign finance system, it is a rigged economy, an economy in which we have today a grotesque
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level of income and wealth and inequality which is unsustainable, and un-american. [ cheering and applause ] now, the congress may not talk about it. the media may not talk about it much. it is unacceptable to me and the american people when the top one-tenth of 1% now owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 090 plrz. it's unacceptable to me that the wealthiest 20 people own more wealth than the bottom half of america, 150 million people.
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i want to give you one idea, one example of what a rigged economy is about. turn out that the wealthiest family in the country is the walton family of wal-mart. turns out that the wealthiest family in america who answers wal-mart, pay their workers wages that are so low, that many of those workers have to go on medicaid and food stamps in order to survive. what a rigged economy is about, is that the middle class pays more in taxes to sub siddize the employees of the wealthiest family in america. that's a rigged any: i say to
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the walton family, the wealthiest family in america, get off of welfare, pay your workers a living wage. the united states of america today. the united states of america is the wealthiest country in the history of the world, but almost nobody knows that. and the reason for that is we have people working 2-3 jobs. momma's work, daddy's works, kids are working, marriages are stressed out. parent don't have time to spend with their kid. and despite all of that.
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when we talk about a rigged economy, we will end the absurdity of millions of our people working for eight, $9 an hour, because you can't make it on eight or $9 an hour. that is why we are going to raise the minimum wage to a minimum 50 bucks an hour. when we talk about a rigged economy. we are going to end the absurdity of women making $0.79 on the dollar.
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[ cheering and applause ]. >> and i know that every man in this room will stand with the women in the fight for pay equity. a few weeks ago i was in flint michigan. what i observed there, and what i heard there was literally beyond my comprehension and it shook me and upset me enormously. what i observed there is that children in that city were being poisoned by a water system that had very heavy amounts of led in it. >> it is incomprehensible that
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this is happening in the united states in the year 2016. but it's not just flint. all across this country our infrastructure, our water systems, our waste water plants, our bridges, our roads, our rail system is falling apart. in the united states of america, we should have a first-class infrastructure and that is what we are going to build. we are going to put a trillion into building our infrastructure and when we do that, we create
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13 million paying jobs. [ cheering and applause ] >> what this campaign is about is asking the american people to think outside the box. outside the status quo. think about a nation not where our children are being poisoned by led in the water, but where we have a cutting edge infrastructure in respect roads, bridges, rail and air transport. that is where we have to go. >> and this campaign in terms of the rigged economy is telling corporate america that year going to end the disastrous trade policies, which are destroying the middle class of
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the country and bernie sanders, tonight, from phoenix arizona - he lost florida, ohio, and north carolina, not a great night for bernie sanders so far. but it was a great night for john kasich in ohio. he won his home state, the governor there, and his crowd celebrating, and we are just getting ready to hear donald trump m malargo in palm beach florida, are expecting to hear him within the hours. in the meantime let's go back to ali velshi, who is in miami tonight. ali. >> yes, the last guy standing. this thing cleared out pretty fast. i'm here at the marco rubio celebration. marco rubio was the first to speak. that was the main story. john kasich needed to win in his home state of ohio, he was largely expected to. marco rubio was running behind
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donald trump the whole time. there was a sense if he didn't win it, this was the end. he came out to speak and you could tell that he was done, he was signing off, when he said that he was suspending his campaign. i want to go to baraya ohio, where melissa chan is standing by. she is with the - he is with the john kasich campaign. sorry, palm beach, where randall pinkston is standing by. he is where we just saw the podium. donald trump is not there yet. what is he waiting for, randall? >> well, i suppose he's waiting for all the supporters to come in and fill the grand ball room. about 500 chairs were vacant - oh, perhaps he's showing up now. this is interesting. throughout the evening there's not been a lot of reaction with the crowd. there was one point where you heard a yell go up. that was when marco rubio was
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declared - when marco rubio was declared the loser in florida. just then, something happened on the monitors, and they've been stand, i suppose, that donald trump must be in the vicinity and will be coming here. this is amazing. what we'll listen to is whether there's a change in the tone and tenor of the donald trump's message, whether he'll make what might be as close as he will come to, an apology to a statement made in the past. i am not a gambler. if i were, i wouldn't think he'd change too much. after all, nothing he has done has seemed to impede his path towards the race to the presidential context. everything he has done seemed to have brought him more support. it seems that at this point on, it's just a path for donald
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trump. he'll be moving into spaces where presumably he'll have more strength than he had in the south. he has shown broad base support across the country. now he has three candidates in the contest. not four. which means that perhaps we'll find out if the people who are voting for marco rubio, will vote for donald trump, or cast in for ted cruz. meanwhile the crowd abates waits the winner of the presidential g.o.p., donald trump yes, you mentioned three candidates. donald trump has not said john kasich's name once. this entire campaign he pushed for marco rubio to get out of the campaign, belittling marco rubio in the way he's belittled jed bush, pushing out. saying let this be a 2-man race. i wonder whether he'll
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acknowledge that john kasich is in the race, and may well get the benefit of republican finance and backing. we'll come back to you in palm beach. back to you in new york. >> thank you very much. >> so marco rubio losses his state, but john kasich wins ohio. david shuster, i guess the question is whether or not he can win any other states. >> let's suppose, and let's give them the 66 delegates. in order to win the nomination, you need 1,237. he has about 130 so far from all the delegates he won. there's 900 and some left the entire rest of the way. there's not enough delegates for john kasich to get to 1,237 before the convention. here is the split from ohio. john kasich, 43-37. and so, look, john kasich gets all 66 delegates. the other winner take all state was florida. donald trump wins florida 45-26.
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he gets all 99. he adds to his list in florida. in north carolina, the race is too close to call. if this holds up, they would split the 72 delegates, about 36-36, or 37-35 depending on the final outcome. in the state of illinois, it is intriguing. too close do call. donald trump has something of a lead. 39-25. let's suppose the number holds up. if donald trump wins every congressional district. it's possible that all 69 delegates would go to him. this is not winner take all. they give delegates to whoever wins the state and each congressional district. the breakdown of how donald trump does could make up for the fact that they didn't win owe ohio, but he may get the numbers he was hoping for. the final contest is missouri, and this state races close
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42-40. the delegates are awarded proportionately. they would split the 52. let's look at the delegate numbers, this is the magic number. 1,237 needed to win. donald trump going into this night. 567. you add the delegates that he wins from florida, and based on the proportions delegates from some of the other states. he would be more than halfway to getting the numbers he is, 1,237, with about 900 delegates left at state. ted cruz, 450. marco rubio is out. 163. john kasich, we have added the 129. the big problem that everyone but trump has is there's no mathematical way for ted cruz to get to the number. you think wait a second, what if he gets every delegate left on the table, all 900. the only way to do that is if
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he's the only person in the race. let's suppose ted cruz wins every one of the eight contests left. if he wins 60-40, donald trump will accumulate delegates. the betting, based on how donald trump has done. donald trump is on a collide pass to get the 1,237 that he needs to win. there's no way for john kasich to get there. marco rubio is out. ted cruz, if he wins a contest. he can fall short. some. delegates would go to donald trump, because of proportional representation. the best that can be hoped for is donald trump would have the majority and others can pull the delegates and deny the nomination for donald trump. >> you have to wonder where they stop the donald trump campaign.
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thank you david. let's go back to ohio. lisa stark is at the john kasich gathering in ohio, where they are celebrating. they were, coming out thanking them. saying this was a must-win stay. your reaction to what happened tonight. what happens going forward. this is a strong victory for john kasich in ohio. we are down to three people. what the governor has not that is the techs, spotlight. it will be an three people. states and voters? states - we have 1,000 delegates to select. i think he's the number one
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governor in this race, tes the only one that made tough additions. he balanced the federal government and served on the armed services committee for many years, understands the military. ready to be the commander in chief. he is ready to go. >> let's talk about the delegate he couldn't win enough delegates, what will happen from here. >> i think we are in for a long season. the key is who picks up the momentum. when people look at him, to pick up momentum. going into the convention, no one will have the majority of votes. the question is in the later states they'll go into the
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convention, someone will have the momentum. it's good to be prepared. the key is for john to two outs of here and win other states. this guys, the three people left has the most appearance. the public is mad in the united states. the vump voters are mad. the question is not should people be mad, the answer is yes. john kasich is someone who could fix it. >> thank you for talking to us. the attorney-general here in ohio. one other note, when john kasich was speaking, there was a huge flow of confetti, red wight and blue confetti, it reminded me
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what happened at the end of conventions after they picked a presidential nominee. >> maybe a little premature. and i'm joined from washington by abbie and bruce. does john kasich take marco rubio's place as the establishment candidate. >> i think he definitely does. he did exactly what the establishment candid did last time that marco rubio couldn't do it tonight. he held his own candidate with the same vote mitt romney did. he was whipped out across the map. he lost in jacksonville, de-val county, in orange, perform, rnellis, hillsborough by 15-20 point m compared to how well mitt romney did. if you look at ohio.
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john kasich did well in the other municipalities, cincinnati and cleveland. he is winning in toll eidio, a police where there's a lot of working class folk. an a lot thought trump did well. it showed that john kasich could be the candidate. >> talking of way short, bernie sanders is coming up short tonight. give us a sense of what is left for bernie sanders now. i mean, he moves ahead. clearly he's in it to win it. this has not been a good night for him. what state does he have a chance of winning in the future, what does it do for the campaign. >> i'm not sure what states play for his future. i know he's in arizona. if you look at what hillary did. there's no reason to think he
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can't duplicate that. she's on her way to philly now. i'm not sure where he can play. she won big in ohio, so the whole michigan union thing is not playing out well. she looks like she won union household. to be sure, i wish i could give you a state. i'm not sure where this race takes them. >> let me bring in the democratic strategist. and watkins, a former white house aid to george w. bush. >> i want to talk about donald trump, is the democratic focus going to be on donald trump period. >> i think the democratic focus will be on - we have our nominee as of tonight, really. i think the democratic... >> has not got the numbers. >> she has the - has she said, it's running downhill. she has the pattern, the play.
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>> what we ought to focus on is donald trump, and presenting the alternative that hillary clinton represents, defining her in terms of her economic message, whose side she is on, what kind of leader she will be. that provides a contrast with donald trump. >> and there has been a lot of controversy over the weekend about donald trump, violence at his rallies, some say highs insighted these riots. others call him a bully, a bigot. a racist. how does the republican party deal with this moving forward. >> the republican party has to come to terms with the fact that donald trump is likely to be the republican nominee. we don't know if he'll have all the votes to clinch the nomination before the convex, he's on his way to doing it. i wouldn't be surprised if we see a shift in trump's tone.
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you have 11 winner take all primaries, you have another 19 primaries that are proportional, and now it's a smaller race. he's run against ted cruz and john kasich. republicans hope he tones it down? >> well, i think republicans have to look at what it means for the house and the senate. whether or not the republicans can retain the senate. whether the republicans can keep the house. and likewise what this means for the party going in to the convention. there's got to be peace made. obviously a fractured convention. a convention that is a mess on national television does it better for the republican party. >> there's a lot of peace made between the trump forces and the party establishment heading into the convention. i wouldn't be surprised if we see it happen. >> donald trump wins florida. hillary clinton wins florida,
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that is where ali velshi is, in miami. >> one of the things - this is the headquarters, it's done. the story - the story from tonight is north carolina, and what happens there. i want to talk to clay aiken, you are a member from "celebrity apprentice", but was a congressional candidate. you cast a vote for bernie sanders, is that correct? >> it is. . >> can you hear me. >> sorry, there you are. got you my friend. good to see you. >> you too. >> you believe - you believe clinton is probably going to be the nominee. >> a good candidate. you cast a ballot for bernie
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sanders. >> i did, i think hillary clinton will be a great candidate and a great president when she wins in november. i think there's a strength and benefit to having a challenge in the primary, i recollection that bernie sanders's ability to stay in the race and crafting the message made hillary clinton a stronger candidate. i appreciate the fact that she moved to the left. trying to line up with what he believes, what a huge enthusiastic part of the economy believed. i voted for bernie sanders hoping that hillary clinton can learn, and having a primary is important. the person on the republican side is battle tested, like no one we have seen in a long time. the longer we have the democratic side, the stronger
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the candidate will be. >> that's an interesting way to look at things, you are from north carolina, let's talk about north carolina, carolinians. they've called north carolina for carolina. what do we nee know - they make great barbecue, they play great basketball. let's talk about that. >> i think it's worth noting that the spread, margin that he won by is smaller than in other states. the evangelical vote went a little more than cruz at this time. north carolina is a pragmatic state. and trade is certainly an issue in the state. >> sure it is. >> the furniture industry has sort of declined substantially over the past decade or so, donald trump's message on trade.
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his implication or belief that he can bring jobs back from china or mexico. probably resonated. i don't know if it can single handedly. it resonated with a lot of republicans in that state. the states are pragmatic, and republicans there are not necessarily big on slash. as they may have been in other states. ted cruz did a little better in neil armstrong and the south. let me ask you about this. whether it's north carolina, illinois or the rust belt. you talked about furniture manufacturers. at some point you have candidates on the far left who are talking about protecting the jobs in america. and then you have donald trump talking about terrorism duties and trade wars, all of which appeal to working class or americans that have been displaced from the manufacturing jobs. none of which makes sense.
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when they hear the politicians on the left and the right. don't they demand sophisticated answers, don't they say you are going to get my job back, that it's not going to be the answer. >> we would hope so. it doesn't mean they do. it's not a word i would use. to the point about tried, it's a reason it drives home my point. it's not an issue that hillary clinton has had a lot of strength on thus far. bernie sanders's surprise win in michigan has hillary clinton talking about it, and i think her responses and his responses are more sophisticated. and it may not be as big a weakness as her. having bernie in the race and a strong primary, to be able to get that message across in a
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sophisticated way. >> we are watching donald trump approach the stage. i want to tell you a.p. projected north carolina for donald trump, and the sit of illinois. big ins for donald trump. many even malargo, palm beach florida. >> thank you very much everybody. this was an amazing evening, a great evening. they just announced north carolina. i don't know if they have announced illinois yet. but we are leading by a lot. i think they'll announce it. florida was so amazing. i want to thank our friends - northern marianne sillened has been incredible. we picked up nine delegates. i heard early, that's a lot. i wanted to thank the governor ralph torres, great guy. chairman adda, a fantastic man. and that was a very nice start
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to the day. that i can tell you. many things have been happening over the last short period of time. cnn was nice. they came up with a poll. the poll said 49%, 14 and 15. we had one from the economist. just came out. 53%. it's interesting because i was watching the news a little while ago, and one of the commentators that i'm not fond of. these are minor details. they said donald trump doesn't get over 50%. i'm at 43, 45. 53. >> i have to explain to these people. they don't understand basic physics, basic mathematics, basic whatever you want to call it. when i don't get over 50 - right. do we have four people. do you understand that. i get 53 at this one, with four
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people, that's an amazing achievement when you get over 50%. some day you can understand - some day when we take it all, they'll understand. but it is really ridiculous. i want to thank my family. my boy. they've been working so hard. evanka and jarrad was amazing. in 2 minutes i'll call. and she's ready to have a baby. it's the thing we've been thinking about for a while. evanka has been so helpful. jarrod is amazing. i want to thank baron for putting up to the fact that i never see him. and baron, i never see my barran, it's his birthday and i never seen it. we go away and he says "when you
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come home, daddy?", i said "in about 2.5 weeks, it's tough." you're travelling all over the place, we had an incredible crowd and amazing people in this country. we have so many great people. we will some day in the not too distant future if they win. apple, and all the great companies will be making the product in the united states, not in china, vietnam and all of... [ clapping ] . >>..and we are not going to lose the company. the companies are losing the company. rapidly. whether it's airconditioning. whether it's ford, eaton, they are leaving, and so many companies are leaving. frankly i'm disgusted with it, i'm tired of seeing it, it's gross incompetence, we should
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not allow it to happen. pfizer, they are going to ireland. you have corporate inversions, people that can't get their money back because the politicians can't get along. they can't make a deal. everyone agrees democrat and republican. everyone agrees the money should go back. there's 2.5 trillion, everyone agrees that the money should be here and the politicians have not been able to make a deal. and we could make a deal. there's an example of something that you could do if i sat down with a few of the senators, a few of the congressman. you could make a deal on that in 10 minutes if you knew what you were doing. and companies are leaving our country to get the money, not because the taxes are too high. companies are leaving our country in order to get money,
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it's their money, there's no way of bringing it in. we have a long way to go. i think at some point it will get done. this is exciting, this whole process. i was one of 17 people. senators, governors, i had great support. dr ben carson, the other day endorsed us. great guy. [ clapping ]. >> great guy. wonderful man, and chris christy indoorsed us, that was incredible. and today pam came up and endorsed us. she was great. he is a wonderful woman, and the job she has done in florida is incredible. so many - we have had such incredible support. paul ryan called me the other day. tremendous calm. i spoke with mitch mcconnell today. we had a great conversation.
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we have to bring our party together. we have to bring it together. we having it happening that actually nation the republican party probably the biggest political story, everywhere is writing about it. millions of people are coming in to vote. this is an example. i'm looking at the different polling booths. and the lines are 4, 5, 16 blocks long, and one woman has been in there working the polls. she said we had two people. three people. the line was long, five deep and wrong, it's a different thing. we have a great opportunity, democrats are coming in.
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independence, and people that never voted before. it's an invariable thing. i want to pay my respects by the way to todd palin, sarah's husband. she was here, making a speech on my behalf. fantastic, everybody loves her. what happened is he's had an accident. he's tough as nails, he'll be fine, but i want to pay my reports by the way to todd and sarah. [ clapping ]. >> so, other theme when we started. and molly and i came down - sit down. this is malaga, we give you seats, you don't have to stand. i'm looking at all these people. [ cheering and applause ] >> cory, good job.
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and hope, and the whole squad, right. >> when this began malania and i said we've got to do it. and she's been so supportive it's been amazing. we have to do it. we came down the escalator, it was about trade and borders, what happened is quickly after that. and we shot up. i shot to the top of the polls and leading in the polls almost from the beginning without failure. we went up at june, most said they never run, it's not necessarily. i'm having a good time. i'm having a nice time. i'm working hard. there is great anger. >> one of the broadcasters was saying is there anger. i'm supposed to say no, there's not. we love the way the deal is
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working, we give them 150 billion, we get nothing. the trade deals are wonderful. you lose 500 billion with china, 58 billion a year in terms of imbalance. it's an imbalance. we don't make good deals, we don't win as a country. and they ask is there anger from your people. they are not angry people. they want to see the country properly run. they want to see borders, good health care and things properly taken care of. they want the military rebuilt. it's in a bad state. they want it rebuilt. very, very importantly, and they want the second amendment by the way, and protected strongly. that will happen. you know what they want so badly, they want the veterans taken care of. our veterans are treated so
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badly. so we started, and something happened called paris. paris happened, and paris was a disaster. that was - there has been many disasters. it was paris and then we make the case where 14 young people in california were killed, and it goes on and on and on. and what happened with me is this whole run took on a meaning, not just borders or good tried deals, we have such endorsements by the smartest people in business, and they'll be negotiating our deals. they are the best in the world. we'll have great deals. we'll do so good. we'll do so good on the boarder. it took on a whole new meaning, and the meaning was simple. we need protection in our country, and that will happen.
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all of a sudden the poll numbers shot up. i'm proud to be a part of this. i think we'll go - we'll do a lot of trips over the next month and i think we'll have a great victory, and importantly we'll start winning again. this country is going to start winning again. we don't win any more. [ clapping ]. >> we don't win with the military, we can't beat i.s.i.s., we are going to knock the hell out of them. we don't win at trade. china, everybody. japan, mexico vietnam, india - name the country, anyone we do business with they beat us, we don't win at trade. we'll win at trade. we are going to make our country rich again, and make the country great. we need the rich in order to
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make the country great, i'm sorry to tell you. so on going forward we had a fantastic evening. i never thought this would happen. i guess we are waiting for one result which possibly would be positive. this is my second home florida. to win by that kind of number is incredible. and i have to say it. i have to say it. i want to congratulate marco rubio running a tough campaign, he's tough, smart and has a great future. i have to say, and nobody has ever, ever in the history of politics receives the kind of
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negative advertising that i have. record, record, record. either way mostly false - i want say 100%, but about 90%. mostly false, vicious, horrible. they say it was 18 million the first week, and 25 million, it added up to 40 million. and you explained it to me, i can't. my numbers went up, i don't understand it. nobody understands it. my numbers went up. [ clapping ] i mean, it's been an interesting experience. last week adam scott won a trump nags am, the world champion shl -- national, the world champion of go.. adam is a great guy. i'm watching, we have television screens, and we are at a gorgeous green, and a commercial comes on, the worse commercial,
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and i'm with wonderful people from cadillac and top executives and i'm saying look over there, don't watch it. isn't the grass beautiful, look, look, don't watch it. and they came in waves, one after another after another, and it was brutal. adam comes, a handsome kid from australia, one of the greatest golfers in the world made an unbelievable shot on the 18th to win the turn, he's a great champion, and we are giving him the award and before we break for a commercial we'll be right back with our great champion from australia, adam scott, and here is a commercial. and i said no, and it was. two of them, two of them. what a day that was, what a disaster, what a disaster.
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so again, i just want to congratulate everybody, this an interesting process, an amazing process. it's very tough. by the end. if you get to the end you can handle a lot of things including pressure, that i can tell you, there's nothing like it, lies, deceit, viciousness, disgusting, horrible people. some are nice. some disgusting people back then. and i just want to say we are going to go forward. we are going to win, and more importantly we are going to win for the country and we are not stopping, we'll have great victories for the country. thank you very much. thank you, thank you good evening i'm antonio mora, this is it al jazeera america's commercial election
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coverage, we have been listening to a triumphant donald trump speaking in palm beach. he said he would unite the republican party and he made the g.o.p. the biggest political story not just in the u.s. and the whole world. he said that 90% of the attacks were false. tonight's results meant big wins for donald trump and hillary clinton, and they narrowed the republican field. marco rubio suspended his campaign, conceding hopes for winning the presidency had been dashed by losing the home state to donald trump by a large energyin. the results on the democratic side could shake up that rice. >> there's a couple of races that are ongoing and tight. >> the night based on the maths that donald trump is marching towards the republican nomination. here are the results from illinois, 69 delegates at play. 40 of this 28. this is a wider margin than a
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lot would have expected. it's not a winner takes all. it's a winner takes most. it's by congressional district. ted cruz may win a few, but a majority of the delegates, about 50 to 55 would go to donald trump, and that would be important. >> in the state of north carolina, they have won the tar heel. you look at donald trump getting 40 of the 72. ted cruz getting the rest. donald trump is adding to his total. in the state of missouri, that's the one race too close to call. up by 7,000 votes. two-thirds of all the votes to be counted. ted cruz, and donald trump, you could see him splitting. state of florida, that was the one donald trump was proud of. an overwhelming victory, there
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were perhaps 15-20 million in florida of negative ads dumped on his head. look at this, 45% to marco rubio's 26%. this is why he's out of the race. he's not running for re-election, he will not continue to be a senator. he's essentially a private citizen courtesy of donald trump, donald trump gets all 99 delegates in florida, a state where winner take all. the other winner take outline. ohio, this goes to john kasich ahead of donald trump by more than 100,000, 44-36. john kasich doubles with just ohio, his delegate count to 125 or so. there's only 900 delegates left. there's no way for john kasich to get to the number of 1,037 to get to the republican nomination.
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hillary clinton 51, bernie sanders 47%. this will be a tough energyin, 50,000 is hard to make up some of the presincts included in the city of chicago, it's an area favouring hillary clinton. it's possible that bernie sanders is in some trouble there. in the state of missouri. this is a race where bernie sanders was ahead in the polling, and ahead in the vote count. 97 nouz and 93 with 72% of the vote to go. they'll get a majority of delegates in the state of missouri. another huge win in the south. look at this. out of 214 delegates hillary clinton gets two for every one that bernie sanders gets. it's a bigger margin than the corey sanders campaign anticipated or had been counting on. it's why the maths is insur mounable. in the state of north carolina, bernie sanders became closer. this is the margin he was hoping
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to have in all the states he might lose. honouring a 15-point spread. it means he's not falling too far behind in terms of the 107 delegates. because he's been blown occupant. and the blow outs in florida. that's why the margin is going up. in the state of ohio. this is the big surprise, a big kick in the face 56 to 42. bernie sanders thought going in to tonight. with the poll going down, coming off the win. where they focused on trade. and going after wall street. they thought they'd narrow the gap. possibly win ohio, that would not be the case. she runs it up by a bigger margin than anticipated. overall hillary clinton is about 300 delegates ahead. it is simply a difficult margin for bernie sanders to make up the rest of the way.
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it's possible for him to beat clinton in terms of the overall pledged delegates. he'd need to win the remaining 20 contests 58-42. it's not impossible. it's why they talk about hillary clinton running downhill. and again. a big night for hillary clinton, and she could run the table if she pulls out of illinois. if she pulls the numbers we see now in missouri. >> not na great a night for bernie sanders, given what he had hoped for. >> thanks, david. randall pinkston is at trump it said club in palm beach florida. the triumphant speech shorter than usual. he didn't take questions from the media. >> none at all. although we think that he was prepared - someone thought he might take questions. he thanks everyone and walked
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off the stage. the room emptied out quickly. 500 people, supporters, friends, people who have contributed me said that he's financing, and has been receiving contributions in the order of several millions for some people. all of that doesn't matter. what is important is that donald trump continues on a trajectory. a glide pass to the nomination for the republican party for president. here in the grand ball room, he talked about bringing people together win is an interesting tact to take since he's been accused of being the most divisive person in this campaign. here is what he said about unity minutes ago. >> paul ryan called me the other day, tremendous call. i spoke with mitch mcconnell. we had a great conversation. the fact is we had to bring the
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party together. we have to bring it together. we have something happening that actually makes the republican party probably the biggest political story anywhere in the world. everyone is writing about it. all over europe, all over the world they are talking about it. millions of people are coming in to vote. >> so donald trump is talking about the role he has played in bringing more people to the polls or the republican party in the campaign, more in some states than ever happened before. he points to that as a positive. however, he didn't talk to much about the other story, the fights that have broken out. his very sharp comments about ethnic groups, about women, calling people who have demonstrated at his rallies at one point saying he wishes he
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could sock them in the face, offering to pay the defense fees for a person who did hit a demonstrator as he was taken out of one of donald trump's rallies. those were the concerns that prompted a call from the senate majority leader saying he wanted to change the tone of his rallies, his comments. we'll see going forward whether donald trump takes that vis to the assistantate majority leader. or whether he will continue as he put it, despite all the negative advertising, he still managed to get more support by not taking questions he avoided those issues let's go further south. marco rubio suspended his
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campaign after losing his home state. michael shure is in miami. he gave a positive speech. it had to be a difficult night. >> you could tell it would be a difficult night last night. >> it was a difficult night. he gave a few talks to his supporters. it was a sombre marco rubio that we saw yesterday, and he gave a nice speech, it was not the speech he expected to be giving. this was a speech that marco rubio thought once jed bush left the race, he would never gave and here is marco rubio saying goodbye to the campaign. >> while it is not god adds plan that i be president in 2016 or maybe ever, and why today my campaign is suspended, the fact that i even came this far is evidence of how special america
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truly is. and all the reason more why we must do all that we can to ensure the nation remain a special place. >> that was two hours ago that he said it, he said it in his building behind me in florida international university. to show you what happens when a campaign closes down. they close the facility down, because they hadn't paid for it past 10:00p.m.. we are outside here, with everyone else reporting this news. we are here telling you from outh florida national university. here the thing, it's a winner take all state. it's important for donald trump to win. why was is a winner take all. the republican party thought it would be perfect for ved bush or marco rubio to leave here with 66 delegates. no one could have foreseen what happened to donald trump. you look and see marco rubio
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leading and doing poorly in ohio. john kasich, if you look at the delegates and david shuster walks us through it. john kasich needs to win 110% of the remaining delegates. impossible to have that happen. so while the headline here is that marco rubio dropped out of the race, the real electoral headline, the exciting thing to people like me and you and others that watch this stuff is that there'll undoubtedly be a contested election. undoubtedly be a contested convention. trump needs to win 59 of the remaining delegates. look at illinois, it's not a winner take all. but you cannot find an area of that state, a congressional district where it's not been won by donald trump, he is doing what he had to do.
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they said he needed 719 delegates. they thought he may get out with 720. we saw the rise of john kasich, and the exit of marco rubio. there was a lot of hope for him in this state. that will have to wait. >> the question, of course, is if trump does not get to the 12:37. and there is a contested election, one of the big questions is what will marco rubio do, throw his support behind john kasich, will the establishment with marco rubio, and whatever votes he may have had, go john kasich's way. 163 delegates. they are free to do what they like. pennsylvania, the marco rubio campaign is challenging the elegibility for the ballot. it's coming from the rubio
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campaign. john kasich filled out the petitions. the rubio came pain was saying if they dropped that, that's the best thing the rubio campaign can do. the power of endorsement in this election. marco rubio had all the establishment endorsements. former governors, senators, deans of the republican party, the miami herald, so many papers, it doesn't make a difference. john kasich is the guy. he's the guy that goes against donald trump. john kasich doesn't need that. it was an interesting thing for them to look at. >> one of the many ways that the race upended conventional wisdom and endorsements meant nothing for jed bush and nothing for marco rubio. stick with us, we'll get back to you a little later.
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>> no victories for republican ted cruz unless he pulls out a win in missouri, where he's been trailling. vicente reynes is in houston -- robert ray is at a rally in houston. cruz is the only one that has not spoken. >> that's correct, the only g.o.p. candidate that will not come out and speech. the reason for that is likely that he's watching the missouri race. 55% of the vote was in, with a 1.5% margin between trump and cruz. i am sure he'd love to come out. 150, 200. be point of view about the facts that he'd get one of five stakes. >> there's about four open bars, a couple of places to get something to eat.
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the crowd is watching it come in. they are not including john kasich in this. they are talking to jeff row. they are taking this to the convention, whether they contest or not. they are in the game. >> robert ray at the cruz headquarters. we'll wait and see if the candidate comes out and speaks. now let's bring in bruce haines and joe abby. they join us from washington d.c. bruce is a strategist, joe a democrat. i think the republican race is more interesting tonight. >> we have bruce. at this point. how do you see this going forward? do you think he'll have the numbers he needs by the time he gets to the convention.
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>> i agree it's less likely that the numbers were taken forward. now there is a rear guard campaign. john kasich pulling from the establishment cruz pulling from the ideological conservative side. and tonight while we are watching the speeches, john kasich announce the additions of advisors to the campaign, guys like charlie black. a key advisor to john mccame. weber, a congressman from minnesota, a top advisor to newt gingrich. they are the establishment. they know about contested conventions and how the rules work. it's a sign that kassig is in to stay. he wants to be a part of that
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script. a whole bunch of people from the republican establishment are planning to get together in a closed door meeting on thursday to discuss the strategy moving forward, and what could happen at a brokered convention. are the republicans risking matters if trump didn't make it to and they try to take the win away from him in cleveland. >> i don't know. you look at what trump is doing, i am not sure what is left of the republican establishment. maybe we can get him in a phone booth. i think they'll do what they can, and they'll have to be careful. if donald trump is creeping close to that number. there's a narrative where yes, there were rules. if he's close, not quite there, it's going to feel like this
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group is stealing the convention from him. if he's in the high 900s, around 1,000, he did not win. if there are rules and it goes to the convention floor, that's when the fun starts. the horse trading, and the media attention on the republican party, turn out has been up today in 22 of the 26 states where we have had elections. zor good drama may be good for the party. let's talk democrats and bernie sanders. he came out and spoke. it sounded like what you would expect if he had a good night. how the campaign defied expectations. he didn't defy expectations tonight. >> no, he certainly didn't. it sounded like a victory speech, he's in missouri, hillary had a great night for
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her. margins had been impressive. for the bernie sanders campaign, they had to figure out how do they pull something together or fight off the inevitable messaging tomorrow of okay, it's probably time. we have to let this play out. where we let it play out. and we have to stop trump. >> is it time at this point if he stays in. in fact, most would argue that he moved hillary to the left. at this point why would it make sense for him to stay in? >> well, right now he has money, great support and a lot of energy, and his campaign team will give him credit. they have pugtting together an amazing campaign. it's great for her and the party. i would be curious, we left the conversation about endorsements, what is the courtship of elizabeth warren, where is that going to take - who will play it
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up, where does she shake occupant. the one thing we have seen with endorse nts is they are effective when they help you keep the narrative. i'm quur cows to see -- curious to see where it shakes occupant. >> at this stage, what could to do? >> her endorse. is a head nod to the sanders supporters, that wing of the party that cares about the economic art that sanders has been pushing that i'm with her, she's going to be i can, i'm going to fight in her corner. we'll get this done, it's a great way to bring the party back together after what looks like a cantankerous primary, where we have been disagree on the policy issues, not the past, the present good to talk to both of you. let's head to illinois, no winner yet on the democratic side. diane eastabrook is in chicago,
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where bernie sanders supporters are gathered even though the candidate is over in arizona. what is the feel there in the room? >> the feeling is excitement even though it look like hillary clinton will take chicago and cook county, we are getting returns in. 75% have been reported and she is ahead 53% to sanders 46%. supporters were up at the podium saying we were hoping that the rest of the state will go sanders way. voter turnout has been heavy down state. in particular a couple of counties had more ballots because they ran out. some extended voting hours. some of the supporters say that they are confidence that bernie
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sanders can win. earlier tonight, that is what bernie sanders said too. >> the reason donald trump will never be elected president is the american people will not accept insults to mexicans, muslims or women. [ cheering and applause ] the american people will not accept a president who insults our veterans. or who several years ago led the so have called birther effort, which was an ugly, ugly attempt to undermine the legitimacy of
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the presidency of president obama. >> given the fact that some of these places will be open a couple of hours longer, it could be a long night. it could be a while before the votes are tallied. we know which way illinois will go a lot of votes outstanding in illinois, have you been able to talk to anyone from the campaign, is there any hope that with the gap that exists that sanders could okay out a victory in illinois? >> they are optimistic. they are hopeful maybe down state will go his way. it's hard to say. one of the things that bernie has hammering away. they work in the obama
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administration and bernie sanders is trying to link those two. hillary clinton spirited themselves from emanuel. obviously the strategy didn't work in chicago or cook county. it's hard to say what might happen, that bernie sanders can pull it out here. >> diane eastabrook in chicago. thanks. >> let's go back to david shuster, for the latest numbers in the result center. political reports need to brush up on their maths. it becomes about the numbers of delegates. we have declared donald trump the winner. the splits by congressional district will term all the 69 delegates at stake. if he wins every congressional district. that will be important in terms of the number. here is the latest number in missouri. you can see too close to call. let's call it even. because missouri's proportional.
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because they split the 52 delegates, they both get closer to the numbers they need. here is the overall count. this is something close to watch. donald trump with 150. by the end of the night. around 7-00. 720. keep in mind na there's 900 delegates to be awarded the rest of the way. there's 19 contests. eight of them are proportional. let's assume for arguments sake that ted cruz was to win every of the winner take all and all the proportional context. because he's winning 45% of the delegates in the stakes that are proportional. on the democratic side, here are the latest results from illinois, bernie sanders might be able to pull it out depending on the districts. right now hillary clinton up
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55-47. let's look at how the democrats divide the delegates. in the state of missouri. bernie sanders is up. this could be the right light for him, avoiding a hillary clinton sweep. 45% still to come in. this may be a tough margin to make up depending on where the precincts are. if they are understand of course, say in st. louis. it is possible that hillary clinton could eat this out. and have the sweep that she a looking for. let's look at the maths on the democratic side. hillary clinton is out by 253. she is ahead by 340 or so in terms of the energyin, with her and bernie sanders, it's a difficult thing for any candidates at this stage in the race, with 20 contests left to make up a deficit of 300 delegates. it's not impossible. if bernie sanders went the rest of the way winning 60 to 40.
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69-41, he could catch up. here are the states coming up that bernie sanders things are his territory, you have an arizona primary, caucuses in primary and utah. you have alaska caucuses. hawaii, washington. and a primary in wisconsin, a democratic caucus in wyoming, and a new york. it's possible and some clinton strategists suggest it's possible that bernie sanders could win out the rest of the march and the new york primary. the question is could he knock to down to about 150, maybe 130 and leave himself a chance if he gets a win in new york, california, new jersey and some of the other states, where he does well to bring it down. there's every indication that hillary clinton has the win at
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her back. the maths is difficult. it's not impossible. that's why bandmay say let's let this play out. and let the states say what they want. >> thank you, we are waiting for ted cruz to speak. he is by far the one who has waited the longest tonight. michael shure is in miami outside where marco rubio was. you have some information from the cruz campaign. >> i spoke with the cruz campaign and earlier tonight. they have two sets of exit poll numbers, saying that they'll win in missouri. this is the cruz campaign. i spoke to an independent pollster confirming one set of those numbers, but there was a 3 point distance between trump and crews, and cruz is up by 3
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points in exit polls. it's not surprising to see ted cruz go up there. it's about marco rubio leaving and donald trump winning the states. he'd like to come at supporters with good news. cruz has been narrowing the gap consistently as the evening goes on in missouri. it's a separation of 0.6 of a percentage point and exit polls showed him ahead. >> joining us in our studio, are joe watkinwatkins, an aid. we have sell inneda lake, a strategist and polster, and founder of lake research partners, and clay aiken, a finalist on american idol and celebrity apprentice. we'll talk about trump in a minute. you are a sanders supporters,
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what is your reaction. there was hope he could win three of the five tats. >> i said all along that i anticipated that hillary clinton would be the nominee. to find a silver lining. it's that we are finding that jonas hiller's weaknesses may not be as pronounced as we thought they might be. i think bernie sanders pushed her to talk about her trade positions. that will helped in ohio and illinois. that's probably what bernie's position in the campaign is, is to continue to push hilary to address the issues at the left wing of the party, and some of those states within the working class white voters will be interested in.
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>> he has gotten much more attention to himself and his message. i want to ask you a polling question. your pollsters have been... >> we had a bad year. >> not a bad day. >> a rubio-type year. not a bad night tonight. seems like across the board the polls were right. >> yes. >> why. i hate to ask why the polls were right, but that is the question, why now and got the rest of the season. >> i think the hardest thing in the polls is to figure out who will turn out to vote. now we have enough of a panel of polls, there'll be certain surg surges. the hardest thing for the pollsters to figure out is who is going to show up to vote. and that's been really turned
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upside down in the primaries. >> we'll talk more to the panel. let's head to houston. >> thank you very much. god bless each and every one of you. thank you dan patrick for leading our team in the state of texas. [ cheering and applause ] and didn't carley extraordinary. such a tremendous leader, and i got to tell you she terrifies hillary clinton. hillary clinton tosses and turns in her gale cell thinking about her. tonight was a good night. tonight we continue to gain delegates and continue our marge
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to 1237. and after tonight, america now has a clear joys going toward. let me say a ward about marco rubio. marco is a friend, a colleague, he ran a strong optimistic positive campaign. his story. the son of a bartender, the son of a maid that fled cuba. it's powerful. inspirational. marco's story, his passion, inspires me. marco can paint a picture. can weave a tapestry of the promise of america. and his campaign inspired
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millions across the nation. i can't gratulate marco and jeanette on the tremendous campaign that they ran together. to those that supported marco, we welcome you with open arms. [ clapping ] >> with gratitude and with hope, and with a positive vision together for our great nation. we welcome you to join us along with remarkable leaders like carly fiorina, like governor rick perry and like all of the republicans who were uniting behind the campaigns. starting somewhere morning. every republican has a clear choice. only two campaigns have a
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plausible path to the nomination, ours and donald trump. nobody else has any mathematical possibility whatsoever. only one campaign has beaten donald trump over and over and over again. [ cheering and applause ] not once, twice, three tames, but nine times call across the country, from alaska to main. and going forward, the choice is straight ford. do you want a candidate that shares your values, or a candidate that spent decade oping yourial sues.
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the main stream media. they want donald trump as the nom knee. that's why they have given him hundreds of millions in free advertising, they are partisan democrats ready for hillary clinton. and he may be the one his honour on the face of the earth that hillary clinton can beat in the general election. but the media are not going to decide the election. the voters will. [ cheering and applause ] and will here is our vision for america. it's an america with a brighter future and a greater opportunity, with more liberty, safety and security, it is an america that is greater tomorrow. than it is today and it was yesterday. the election will focus on three
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issues. job, freedom and security. as president. the number one priority will be jobs. >> you know, it's easy to talk about making america great again. you can even print it on a bys ball bat. the critical question is whether you underprinciples and values that made america great in the first place. [ cheering and applause ]. >> the heart of hour economy is not in washington d.c. the heart of our economy is small businesses all across the united states of america. if i'm elected president, we will repeal every word of obama
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care. we will pass a flat fax and abolish the i.r.s. -- flat tax and abolish the i.r.s. we will rain in the e.p.a. and the government regulators that are killing small businesses. and we'll stop amnesty, secure the borders, end sanctuary cities and end the benefit of those here illegally. and the result will be millions upon millions of high paying jobs, wages rising for people across america. young people coming out of school request 2, 3, 4, 5 job
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opportunities. far to many politicians focus on washington d.c. to the lobbyists. to those like donald trump who by flauns, and to those like hillary clinton who sell influence, washington is the center of the universe. we understand that is not right. together we will make washington less relevant in all of our lives. [ clapping ] we'll fire government regulators and repeal government regulation, and together we will take the boot of the federal government off the backs of the
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necks of small businesses all across this country. that's not about the cronyism and the bailouts that far too many republicans and democrats have done over and over to benefit the rich and powerful. instead, less government is more freedom. [ cheering and applause ] higher wages and a better standard of life for all of us. the second critical issue in this election is freedom. two debates ago donald trump promised all of us that he would compromise with harry reed and chuck schumer on the replacement
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to the supreme court. our rights are in the balance, i will not compromise away your religious liberty. [ cheering and applause ] >> and i will not compromise away your second amendment right to keep and bear arms. [ cheering and applause ] >> and every justice i appoint to the court will be faithful to the la and ferociously protect the bill of rights for your children and for mine. [ cheering and applause ] >> the third critical election is security. for several years we abandoned friends and allies and showed weakness and appeasement. two debates ago donald trump promised as president to be
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neutral between israel and the palestinians. let me be clear, as president, i will not be neutral. america will stand unapologetically with the nation of israel. and anyone that cannot tell the difference between our friends and enemies, between israel and islamic terrorists that seek to murder us, that raises questions about their fitness and judgment to be commander in chief. [ clapping ] trump says he'll keep in place the iranian nuclear deal and try to negotiate it.
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i will rip to shreds the iranian nuclear deal on the very first day in office. over seven years president obama weakened and undermined the military, we have seen this before with another weak democratic president jimmy carter, who did the same thing, and in january 1981, nancy regan game into office. >> and what did regan do, he cut taxes, lifted regulation, pulled governments off the backs of the necks of small businesses. we saw millions in higher paying jobs. he used the money to rebuild the military, to bankrupt the soviet union and win the cold war. i intend to do the same thing with radical islamic terrorists. we are going to repeal obama,
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pass a flat tax. lift the regulations, stop amnesty, and we'll see millions upon millions of high paying jobs, trillions in revenue, and we'll use it to rebuild the military so it remains the best fighting force on the face of the planet. tomorrow we have a choice, a clear and simply choice - enough with the washington corruption. enough with the deception, with using government to benefit the rich and powerful at the expense of hard-working taxpayers. together we can turn things around. if we stand together. if we remember the commonsense free market principles that built america, the constitutional liberties that built america once again
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standing together, we can have morning in america. [ cheering and applause ]. >> now is the time for republicans to uniment. libertarians to unite. for all of us that want a brighter future for the nation to come together and stand as one. starting tomorrow morning there's a clear choice, a clear and direct choice. for everyone who wants to see a brighter tomorrow, we welcome you to our teams, we welcome you with open and whelming arms. thank you and god bless you. [ cheering and applause ]. >> anupbeat ted cruz in houston,
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despite what was not a great night. more than any other he stuck to what we are used to seeing in his stump speeches, portraying himself as the candidate closest in values to the republican race and praised marco rubio. unlike the other three republicans, he made an appeal to rubio supporters to come over to his side. david shuster joins us to take a look at the latest numbers, and david, he spoke about continuing his march to 1237, the number of candidates he needs in order to win the republican nomination, at this point is it a mathematical possibility why? >> it is. let's put up the ruts that we have so far. which camera, this or that. it doesn't matter. camera three. let's do to this way. in order for ted cruz to get to the 1237. the number of delegates he has is 393. and he has a few more.
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let's give ted cruz, say, 450 which is generous. he would be 800 short. there's 909 delegates that are left. 9-00 - you want to talk about it. this will be the one, bright light for bernie sanders, it looks like he is going to pull this out. he's ahead by 12,000 votes in missouri. the latest result in the democratics primary is hillary clinton ahead now by about 46,000 votes. this would be victory number four for hillary clinton on the democratic side. four victories for hillary clinton, one for bernie sanders. north carolina, hillary clinton up 54-40. this is the kind of margin bernie sanders was hoping to have on the south on
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super-tuesday when blown out by 30-40 points. if they would have kept those losses, they may have a chance in terms of the hunt for delegates. another race, hillary clinton, there it was. 64-33. you cannot get the democratic nomination... the margins that bernie sanders has been losing. ohio, a little closer. in order to get to the nomination, you have to keep the races a little closer. antonio, i want to get back to the original point by the nominations. i want to ask you this. i want you guys on the panel. you tell me where ted cruz will win in the winner take all. arizona, do you think he can win arizona. >> donald trump. >> wisconsin, is that john kasich. >> yes. >> maybe john kasich, delaware. john kasich, instead of trump. >> maybe. >> marylands, could that go to
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ted cruz. >> no. >> what about pennsylvania. >> no. >> independent. >> indiana, all right. there's 17. there's 57 delegates there. nebraska. maybe. >> let's give it to them for the heck of it. california, 172 on the republican side. can he get california. no. >> montana. let's give him montana. new jersey. >> no. >> ted cruz under your scenario getting 150, 175 delegates from the winner take all. then you have the proportion nal states. even if he were to run in, say, do 60/40 over donald trump, and you get 60% of those delegates, he's coming about 400 shy of what he would need to get the maths, that's why the best of
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the republicans can hope for, ted cruz and john kasich can keep donald trump. >> and if he follows that scenario, he would. the question, joe, as a republican, is can he do that well moving forward. there were few - the states where he has done well had high evangelical population, that is not the acest case in most of the tats -- the case in most of the states moving forward. >> ted cruz, that's why he's done as well as he has. i've demonstrate had the stomach for it. the map going forward doesn't favour ted cruz. i don't see a scenario that gets him to 1237. the speech was a nice speech for ted cruz, but it doesn't move the chains. donald trump is the only candidate in position to win the
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nomination before the convention. whether or not he does that is anyone's guess. he's the only one with the maths to get it done. >> let's head to houston. robert ray is there where cruz just spoke. he sounded upbeat for a candidate this didn't have a really good night. >> absolutely. he's waiting for the polls to finish there. he continued to, you know, talk about how there's only two candidates, he and donald trump. he congratulated marco rubio tonight. and said that he and his family should be proud. supporters should be proud and marco was an inspiration and gave a wink to potential voters maybe who were going to vote for marco rubio, to come out over ted cruz's side. before cruz was done talking, i whispered into one of his head campaign people and said "did
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you guys underestimate ted cruz?", and he said what are you talking about, since when? he said "i don't know, labour day or so", absolutely. we didn't think of him as legitimate until after labour day. >> we said what about now. he's a massive force. they'll continue to go after trump in the coming weeks ahead. they think this is a 2-man race. if it goes to a contested convention, we'll have a heck of a brawl out there. you listen to some of the comments that cruz made in a speech. the things that he talked about. jobs, freedom. small business security in america. not dissimilar to what donald trump says as a candidate when he gives speeches. they say it in a different way. i tell you, i get the sense they
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have a dog fight. some sort of alliance has been built in the background. >> robert ray in houston thanks. and joining me via skype is henry olson, a senior fellow at the aeffects and public policy center. good to have you with us. i want to start with what robert ray said. do you think, as ted cruz said, is it a 2-man race, or is it wishful thinking that cruz has pretty. had all of base states where his core supporters vote, the states that vote are more moderate, evangelical and winner takes all. these are places where kassig, when they run, can do better than him. it's hard to see how ted cruz can say it's a 2-man race. it's obvious that it's a 2 and a
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quarter man race. >> you have written about what you called the four faces of the republican party. i believe you have a book that is coming out titled that. and the republicans were divided into conservative first call conservatives. people who are somewhat conservatives and are moderates. if that's the case, can kassig put together a coalition among the two groups. the key to the campaign is donald trump has been dominating the conservatives. he's won in four of the five states. one of those states that he lost was ted cruz's texas. the only state he lost was ohio. anyone who wants to take on donald trump can't dance around the bush. ted cruz's speech was a speech to his base supporters, not to trump voters to change their mind.
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if john kasich wants to win and not get his vote. he has to take on donald trump for the conservative vote. >> how much of a danger is there. that there could be a schism in the party, especially if we get to the point where there is no clear winner and people do horse string it figure out who walks away with the nomination. >> there's a massive chance that you have cruz supporters, who say the establishment should unite goodnight the danned are candidate. you'll have donald trump, if he doesn't have 1237 lined up, he'll be the only candidate likely to have over 1,000, if there's anything short of a movement to coronate him. you can imagine what his supporters will do, then you have a kassig voters, the rubio, those that don't like other of the whimming, who feel that
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other victory writes them out of the party. you have a massive chance for a schism if this is going to a contested convention. as someone who studied the republican party and wrote a lot about it, the narrative before is that the republican party's issue was the tea party's conversation struggled against the establishment. trump up-ended that. into he has. the reason my co-author and i wrote the book is to show the tea party versus establishment was inaccurate. that the tea party was divided in the sense of establishment. john kasich beat marco rubio in the moderates, marco rubio beat john kasich among the conservatives. trump is not interested in
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ideology. the whole party fights over ideology, and donald trump is attacking hundreds of thous aunds with a non- -- thousands with a nonideological base. whether you like what is happening to the republican party or not, it's a fascinating race as david shuster mentioned, it's been a big fight more hillary clinton, the former secretary of state spoke in florida, mike viqueira has been at clinton headquarters in west beach all night. tell us what the secretary had to say. >> you know, as david shuster, our resident bracketologist is looking out. it looks grim for hillary clinton's opponent clinton, hillary clinton came out jubilant after the win in ohio. florida never in doubt. a resounding victory in terms of delegates, by virtue of the fact
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she won by is 2-1 marge yin. add to it three swing states in the fall, and the icing on the cake, the fact that marco rubio finally dropped occupant. hillary clinton delegates considered marco rubio to be the potential threat in november. he obviously fell short of that. hillary clinton came out. she had two jobs in mind. one she wants to reignite the democratic party. talking about some of those issues that are key jobs among them. key to maintaining the enthusiasm among democrats. we spoke to a tough clinton aid. losing to sanders in michigan, they renovated the vote. the other thing they wanted to do was to take on donald trump.
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it motivates democrats. she's been trying to do it for the last couple of weeks, creating the perception that it is inevitable. she'll take on the presumptive nominee. there are problems making it that far. if main makes it. she went after donald trump in a wig way. our commander in chief has to defend our country, not embarrass it. engage our allies, not alienate them. defeat our adversaries, not embolden them. when we hear a candidate for president call for rounding up 12 million immigrants, banning
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all muslims from entering the united states, when he embraces torture, that cunt make him strong, it makes him wrong. >> it should be noted that the client campaign chose this location not far from palm beach, and donald trump's strong hold, where he held his press conference, the clinton campaign now since it started in earnest, hillary clinton has been the assumed nominee. there has been ups and downs. she was destroyed by 22 points in new hampshire, and after south carolina, the fire wall was in place. she lost minnesota, michigan. tonight it appears she has turned the corner and is in demand of this race. >> a lot of people thought tonight might be problematic.
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it didn't turn out to be the case. >> let's head over to phoenix. where melissa chan is, where bernie sanders is looking ahead to next week in the arizona primary. he spoke. for a candidate that had a bad night. who might only one one state and underperformed in most of the other states, me gave a speech tonight that sounded like he won. >> i think the bernie sanders campaign and a decision to come here this evening. he could have stayed in ohio, missouri or north carolina, instead he decided to come here, looking forward to next week, next deuce, arizona and utah is up for grabs. this is what corey sanders had to say. >> the wealthiest family in america who owns wal-mart pay their workers wages that are so low that many of those workers have to go on medicaid and food
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stamps in order to survive. and what a rigged economy is about is that the middle class taxpayer pays more in taxes to subsidise the employees of the wealthiest family in america. that's a rigged economy. to i say to the walton family, the wealthiest family in america. get off of welfare, pay your workers a living wage bernie sanders spoke for about an hour, and he went through his standard stump speech, talking about immigration, which is very big here in arizona, and talked about health care, education, the economy, growing income and equality, the big themes in the
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big idea. and there was a lot of people here. going back a little further to arizona. in terms of support. back in jewel of 2015. there was a rally where 11,000 showed up. in his campaign's mind te wanted to -- they wanted to come back here where they knew they'd have a big turn out. >> let's go far east to palm beach florida, where randall pinkston is at donald trump's rally. we heard a lot of the some time from donald trump, and despite the issues, he performed well in pretty much every state. it was a typical speech from donald trump, where he talked about trade and how they'd start manufacturing ipads and gear here. the need to build a strong
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military. he talked about everything except the issue that is number one in the news. the violent rhetoric. and to his urging some of his supporters to be less than kind to protesters. he acknowledged that he had a conversation with house speaker paul ryan. and senate majority leader, in their comments they were urging him to tone it down. donald trump talked about the need for unity. a reference and acknowledgment. if you will. he also discussed, however was himself being the victim of attacks. talking about the ads mounted against him. here is what was said about that. nobody ever, ever in the history
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of politics received the kind of negative toifing that i have. record, record, record. >> by the way. mostly false. i wouldn't say 100%, 90%. mostly false, vicious, horrible. they say it was 18 million the first week. 35 million and added up to over 40 million, and you explain it to me, because i can't. my numbers went up. i don't under it. nobody understands it and that is - that's indeed a question that a lot of people have. how is it na executive ads did not result in lower support for donald trump, and behind that, how is it that all of donald trump's seemingly negative comments about groups, people, events, have not resulted in him having less support, but support continues to grow.
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through getting the nomination. it's a question. and we'll see what donald trump does going forward. >> randall pinkston in palm beach. thanks, and republican john kasich kept his campaign alive with a key home state victory, lisa stark is in ohio. he'll have a lot more scrutiny now that he won the primary. the speech tonight was the good guy speech, the i'm a really good guy. >> that's been the campaign all along. i'm the good guys, i'm the one that is not running a negative campaign. he continued that theme, an enthusiastic crowd. it was a do or die night for john kasich, if he lost, he was out. he won handily, and looks like highly beat donald trump by 10 percentage points. he talked about being counted
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out. about people telling him to get out of the race, why was he in the race, and insisted that he was going to keep on going, putting a lot of hopes on ohio. here is what he had to say. >> we put one foot in front of the other. and i want to remind you again tonight that i will not take the low road to the highest office in the land. >> it's one of his favourite lines by the way. it will be interesting to see if he sticks with that going forward. he indicated a little today that he may start hitting back a little harder against donald trump, now that there's only three republicans in the race. he staked his campaign on being the good guy. he has to walk a fine line there. moving forward, his supporters say it resets the republican race, he'll get scrutiny and attention. people will like what they see, and they say that the internal
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polling they have come shows that three out of every four - deli out of every four voters will go for john kasich, be think that is a good sign going forward. the electoral map is on their side with the primaries coming back. he'll head to markus phillips, pennsylvania, and he insists that he will be in this all the way to cleveland. that is where the republican convention will be. as we indicated all night long, it's mathematically possible for delegates to get the win. he's counting on the convention to put him over the top. >> thanks, let's get over to david shuster, to look at the numbers, where they are now. and there are a couple of races that are close. >> let's start on the democratic side in missouri. this is an intriguing race. bernie sanders is up by about
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12,000 votes with 18% to report. bernie sanders hoping to keep hillary clinton from a clean streak. they'll roughly split the delegates at stake. we'll look at what is happening in illinois, this is it starting to be closer. hillary clinton up by about 35,000 votes. but there's still 26% to come in. bernie sanders has been edging closer and closer, look for bernie sanders and hillary clinton to split the delegates. this is a rough night for bernie sanders in the south. the kind of margin he hoped to have. when blown out by 30-40 points. he gets most of the delegates. she thought that for tex tile workers, those that lost their job. that they would be receptive to a message on economy. the state of florida, hillary
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clinton winning by 2 are 31 point -- by 31 point. they lost a big state 2-1. hillary clinton will get 140 or so of the 214 delegates, bernie sanders get the rest. he'll have a deficit of 60 delegates in florida. thin ohio, it was thought it was another state like michigan. it would be receptive to the message. hillary clinton 56-42. she wins the buck-eye state in a strong fashion, and adds to a lead by getting to those in ohio. let's look at the republican side. it is close. donald trump up by 42%. he and ted cruz splitting the delegates there. hoping he can get on the board. here is where the stands in
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illinois, on the republican side. donald trump 25-30. if trump won the congressional districts he'd get 69 delegates. it makes up for him not getting the victory. 46-36. because ohio is winner take all. 66 delegates, it's a big dedemil of donald trump, if trump reversed this, he would be unstoppable in terms of the maths. donald trump won the state of north carolina, look at the victory by four percentage points or 50,000 votes. here is the big victory for donald trump, the one where a lot of supporters cannot deny him the nomination, 46-26 in florida state. republicans thought they'd need to win if they win in the fall. how do you deny the nomination
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of someone that gets more than a million votes in the state of florida. that's something that you'll hear a lot grappling with. it puts him on a trajectory where he has an even chance of getting the 12:37 he needs for the nomination, there's a chance he comes up short. it's a good night. >> let's bring back the panel. joe watkins, linda lake, a polster, and clay aiken, you were the finalist on celebrity apprentice. you spend a bit of time with donald trump. i know that you struggled with trump. you decided to speak out. we spent time talking about everything, talking about a personal relationship that i had with him because of being on the show. i said in the past day or so that's out of the window. the fact that you can completely deny that there's violence at
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your campaign rally. the fact that you can see video of someone punched, video of people being attacked. no one is hurt. no culpability yim. i've said it's not just irresponsible and unpresidential. it's almost delusional. are you surprised it does so well. >> nothing surprises me. when it comes to someone adept at getting attention. that's what the race is about, it's about attention, that's why the republicans will find him. if they don't give him that nomination, if he doesn't get the nomination, 1237 or 1,100, i think there's a strong chance he'll break out on his own, because he's not going to give up. he's been a formidable candidate. one of the things that polls have shown is that when it goes to a national election, if it happened today, the head to head polls show him doing poorly.
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. wars against sanders. a trump supporter told me the other day she didn't think that made sense, because we are looking at, because of the way people are being polled. does she have a point. i think she has a point... >> they are polling republicans, they are not looking at democrats to cross over. >> that's not true. they are looking at the democrats. it may be that trump changes the calculation, mobilizes voters that will help him. that's something they'll have to struggle with. the more important thing is if trump wins the nomination, voters will take a second look, and look at the economic plan and style. and you might see the race close up. donald trump is unpredictable and is tapping into something very real in america. this race could be closer than we think. >> i saw you reacting to a comment made about where rubio
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voters would go. >> yes. >> you disagree that they may not be going to kassig. >> ith cruz is -- i think cruz is likely, many are born again christians, many are devote catholic. many are like john kasich. >> that makes good sense, in a perfect world that will happen, i agree with the analysis. in light of the fact this is un unpredictable year. donald trump has defied the odds. month after month, week after week, don't be surprised if voters go back to marco rubio, look to see who they look to see. a lot of people talk about the epitaph. some of the candidates in praising him tonight said the opposite. richard nixon said you don't
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have richard nixon any more. what do you think. >> i think it's hard for marco rubio in the short term. he has a lot of fences to mend. the depth of his defeat shows that. he has to rebuild, mend the fences and consider what he might do in florida. >> talking about rubio, we have 30 seconds left. final thoughts? >> final thoughts. one of the things that needs to be talked about for people that talk about panel. like your panel. people that watch, the viewers, and people like us, we are a step closer to what undoubtedly will be a contested election. there's a lot to take away from tonight. a lot of what is going to happen to rubio and cruz. this is about the fact that there is a contested convention in rubio in june. >> it is.
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it will be for all of us. thank you michael. the panel and everyone that has been involved in the coverage in front of the cameras and behind the scenes, that does it for al jazeera's special election coverage, i'm antonio mora, thank you for watching. have a great night. >> today, a fascinating poll of american muslims was alsod, asking about religious identity. american identity, political identity, civil engagement, and it found that muslim americans answered those questions like americans. during the hotly contested primary season, a look at a small and fascinating group of american voters. muslim and american. it's the "inside story".
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welcome to "inside story". i'm ray suarez. from the olster hen and women of the 18th century, to the germans and austrians of the 19th, to the asians, southeastern european jews and italians of the 19th and 20th centuries, lots of people professing many things, they had to make a journey from being them to being us. millions of american muslims are still on that road for reasons involving culture, religion, national it security, and the obsessions of an anxious age. as they are a religious group rather than a national, racial or ethnic one, muslims defy easy caggization. they trace their heritage from dozens of countries. they are every race that come on this country from every corner of the globe. what they have in common is islam. and you have to go back to
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panics over roman agent lick immigration in the 16th century to find a similar hostility in american life. a front running presidential candidate is suggesting barring muslims from entry into the country, and others rejection, mosques, and outlawing the muslim legal tradition in local law. the institute for social policied up anding has completed a survey of american muslims and compare their sentiments to americans who profess other religions. the results are eye-opening. muslims and americans this time on the program. joining me for that conversation. dahlia, richard, and imam talib sharif, the congregation here in washington d.c. welcome to you all, dallia
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you've been surveying muslim public opinion in the united states and abroad for a long time. and you must go into the exercise, assuming that you're going to get some answers, and being what, surprised or confirmed. what surprised you about your results. >> my biggest surprise is how often muslims, i expected them to be very pessimistic. and i thought that they were going to say that the direction of the country was heading in the wrong direction, but i found the exact opposite. they have appreciated his rhetoric. >> speaking of political orientation, you asked the survey respondents which party they sorted.
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44%, supporting the democrats, and 6% republicans. if we had done this poll before 9/11, would the results have been different? >> i think we would have. i think that far more muslims would have identified with the republican party. we know there was an endorsement of bush in 2000 by many muslims, and not all. this was the party that many muslims felt is the natural place for them, more conservative social values, an emphasis on individual responsibility, which all are things that muslims generally adhere to. but i think that two things have happened. muslims as a young community are really feeling the importance of social justice, much more than their parents, and two, the republican party, more and more has alienated muslims. >> let's look at candidate preferences.
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40% of your respondents support hillary clinton, 27% bernie sanders, a surprising 4%, i'm surprised that it's that high for donald trump since he's suggesting barring muslims to the united states, 2% for cruz, 1% for rubio, and apparently the fact that bernie sanders is jewish is not a problem. >> muslims are as likely as jews to favor bernie sanders. and another favorite muslim candidate happens to be a woman. another blow to a stereotype. and hillary is the most popular among muslims compared to the other communities that we surveyed. >> the other respondents were african-american, that's not coming from embe grant stock, south africa, central asia, the middle east. is the political profile a little different? we are talking about
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african-american muslims who are descendent from people here for a long time. were they less likely to share some of the social conservatism from people who come from countries like israel, iraq, pakistan? >> yes, that would be want case. if you look at the history, obviously with the african-americans, because they were here, and they were on the path to struggle to set their humanity free, civil rights, and because they didn't see themselves as americans, because they were looked at as being less than a citizen at the time and jobs. but the same thing now, economics and jobs are pretty high. and many of the immigrants that they say come here, a lot of them initially, we find them isolating themselves, more so in their provings, not necessarily in religious life. and then we begin to see that because the african-americans were in the community and connected with the people in
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the community, we begin to see more of the social need and the social justice and et cetera in that community than the immigrant community. and now, as we say, the immigrant community, all the same now, because they're facing the discrimination. racial discrimination was the big one for the african-americans, and now the religious, and the bigotry, and we're both in the same boat, which puts us in the situation now to collaborate on how we survive and begin to forge a more great america with the swearsty. >> richard sizzik, you had a front-row seat for the intertwining party of the evangelical muslim. one very striking piece of poll data that has come out recently shows american evangelicals in a sizeable majority don't think muslims share american values.
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the values of us of islam are inconsistent with american values. >> precisely, but it's born out of the values that every evangelical has. this is the judeo-christian kurt. it was founded on the christian faith by puritans and others, and they look at this and say, this is our heritage. and are muslims part of that heritage? they don't see it that way, and they are inclined to say, this is our country and who are these newcomers? >> that is an interesting -- would it be part of the more generalized anxiety around high levels of immigration in decades? a slight variation on that, rather than directed specifically at islam? >> i think that it's a factor that is historical.
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it's a trend line that goes way back to the early part of the country. so i'm not so sure that it's directed intentionally at muslims, though there are leaders who have exploited us. we have seen that over the last 15 years particularly since 9/11, and we have seen that in the current election cycle with mr. trump i think exploiting this. and so i happen to think that we have the opportunity as american evangelicals to respond differently. >> in the program, i want to talk about it this is irretrievable or with us for a while. muslim and america. stay with us, it's "inside story".
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>> i'm ray suarez, and you're watching "inside story". muslim and american this time on the program. the institute for social understanding asked muslim americans about their views on politics, civil engagement, the will you and violence. i'm talking with richard, talib, and dahlia. do you have a multicultural congregation? >> 60% african-american and the rest is diverse. >> have they felt the same pressures, right here where we are, just a few miles where a jet slammed into the pentagon and things chilled after that,
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by common consent, did your members feel that same chill? >> absolutely, we all have a human soul, and what we call ourselves as far as faith identity, we felt the same thing, so we felt the same. it wasn't different because we're here as muslims, we're americans, as african-americans, the feeling was the same. >> i want to look at another piece of data from the survey. muslims were asked whether they experienced discrimination regularly, sometimes, not at all. and among those who answered that they experienced discrimination, a smaller number than oval reported that they were optimistic about the future of the country, just about half, 49%, but among those who said that they regularly felt discrimination, they were more loyal to be socially engaged. 55p.. so apparently it didn't chase them out of the civic space,
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dahlia. >> right. and i think that it's really the untold story. since 9/11, i've witnessed anecdotally that it has increased muslim civic engagement. it takes a lot of forms, feeding the homeless in their community, it takes the form of starting medical clinics to serve all people. it takes the form of organizing to clean up a highway. and a few summers ago, i actually collected stories of muslim community service, and i was shocked at how much was going on in this country. and many people said that they had been doing it as a way to live their faith rather than wasn't. >> does that present an opportunity? the fact that even after being scorned, and after being shoved aside that they're not totally
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alienated, gettable as a community. >> that's really important. i think that conservatives and protestants and others in the society should see this has an opportunity to welcome, and encourage political participation, even as we realized from this survey. they are simply doing as muslims what we as american protestants have been doing for a long time. manifesting what we believe in law. so yes, it's a squandered opportunity if we respond by fear or misguided patriotism or racism. it's a great opportunity for us, and yet very few evangelicals see that. >> you know, imam, it's so ingrained in human beings to want to be understood and to to want to be known. and when i saw those statistics on still feeling optimistic, i thought these are just people
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who are waiting for everybody to sort of recognize that they want to be in the club too. that they're just like everybody else. >> well, you know, muslims are people of faith. and which also find that the stronger your faith, the more you attend the mosque, your identity for the land that you serve in gets stronger as well. so their hope and aspirations is in the promise that god gives them. we can't dismiss that as a major factor. they have a brighter side, as people of faith, to see what god's reward is for them in the land that they're serving. >> dahlia, you asked about self conscience identity and what did those numbers tell you? >> first, we asked about how strongly they identified with being american, and how strongly being their own faith.
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and across the board, americans identify strongly with their faith and their country. no matter what faith, as muslims, both their faith and their country, but what was more interesting, the muslims who identified strongly with islam were actually more likely to identify strongly with being an american than muslims with a weeker i.d. muslim actually made them more patriotic. >> yet when the oklahoma state legislature debated, when the alabama state legislature debated about traditional muslim law, there was a fear that regular mosque attendance, strong identification with the muslim faith made you less american. >> yeah, that's ironic. seven states have done this. at least seven, to pass anti-shiria laws, and this is misguided. and i think that it's really
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unfortunate. i hope that it would encourage evangelicals, who are inclined to be distrustful, that going to a mosque doesn't mean that you're more violent, but less, and it means that you're more involved in solving community problems. individual identity are not squashed but integrated, that's the greatness of america, if you want to talk about greatness, and that's to be relished and protected and cherished, and not just used as a political slogan. >> if they aren't ready to throttle back or put that in reverse. >> they aren't. i visited my local mosque in fredricksburg, virginia, and there was a recent request by the mosque to expand. a community hearing was held. and there were those who came out angry, who are accusing
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every muslim of being a terrorist. appalling, sad, we were all disheartened by this. and it was sad. as evangelicals in particular, we have been the protectors of the heritage, and we deserve that title, and americans have played that role, and they see themselves as conserving that heritage. if they really understood the value of the mosque in the community, and protecting that american identity, because that's what it says, want more religious you are as a muslim, the more you identify with america. >> wow. that's something that we ought being. >> muslim and american. stay with us. >> pushing the boundaries of science. >> we are on the tipping point. >> we can save species. >> it's the biggest question out there.
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would be the best solution? >> this goes to the heart of the argument. >> to tell you the stories that others won't cover. how big do you see this getting? getting the news from the people who are affected. >> people need to demand reform... >> we're here to provide the analysis... the context... and the reporting that allows you to make sense of your world. >> ali velshi on target. >> welcome back to "inside story". i'm ray suarez. muslim americans live in all regions of the country. they come in all incomes and educational standings, all races and colors, and as this election season is rolled out, i've heard politicians speculating about barring entry to the united states to muslims, asking them to register, surveilling their places of worship, at the same time, told researchers that
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being a muslim is simply not consistent with american values. tall why sharif, and dahlia and richard are still here. is this a moment that you can live past -- i mean, you grew up here, and does time take care of this? or there work to do among all of these communities to help this it final entry into the mainstream? >> well, ray, i think that it's important to realize that this animus against muslims is not organic, it's manufactured, and it's something that's being deliberately brought about. so when you look at when anti-muslim spikes i united states, it's not after terrorist attacks, as suspected, but it's during election cycles and up to the iraq war. >> so san bernardino, and in
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tomorrow's news, finding young somalis in training, al-shabaab. >> they do, but they don't create the kind of spike in anti-muslim sentiment as election cycles. if you look at 202 2001 to 2013t. we had 9/11 and we had the boston marathon bombing, commit bid muslims, and in the case of 9/11, an improvement. and the boston marathon bombing did not change the anti-muslim sentiment by even one percentage point, but did change it, the runup to the iraq war, democrats and republicans grew in their anti-muslim sentiment as the war, the runup increased, and then the other twice, during
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the 2008 and 2012 primary among republicans. so primary seasons, among republicans especially, increase anti-muslim sentiment by around 14%, where actual terrorist attacks didn't. and that tells me that this is being used as a political tool rather than an organic response. >> iman, is there any tool back to that that a place where you can be heard by the country citizen? >> yes, it's already starting to happen. as we noted, islam has been here a long time. and a lot of the american citizens have overlooked it, because we're not professing in our be communities, i'm a muslim, look at me. we're actively engaged and muslims are serving, and they're
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right beside many. if you were to take the same poll and take the labels off, you would be surprised at what they select. they believe that being religious as a muslim, you're going to be more radical, but the data shows just the opposite. the same data that speaks about muslims being more religious being more faithful to their identity of the faith, and as machine american, the protestants had the same. you'll find the same exact expression, so the stage is already set and want history is there. i'm a 30-year veteran. i served in america, in the armed forces of the air force, and there are thousands that have done that. >> i'm one of the many. police officers, they are engaged in every part of the public and private sector, so we're starting to come together. the faith community is starting to come together to be the stage to address these issues.
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>> if members of america's religious majority, christians, protestants in particular, saw these poll data, would they hold onto those ideas, richard? or is there a chance to put this on a different footing, a different context of this conversation some. >> i think that another footing is possible if pastors will lead. we have done polls, and pastors resonate to a lot of what's said at this table, but they're a bit fearful to speak out because they're afraid this their congregation will sack them, frankly. it's about their own employment. and fears are running high. one of my personal aphorisms, if you never changed your mind about something, you may be dead, intellectually and spiritually, and faith, you see, is the genius of transforming the unbelievable, the barely believable, if you will, into reality.
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that's what faith does. and i have faith that america's evangelicals will respond. it may take time. it may take education of pastors who will play that right role. but it's happening slowly. but the public impression created, especially with some of the inciting that goes on in election cycles, would lead you to believe otherwise. look beyond want headlines and beyond the represent rick of the campaign, and look to your neighbors. all of us have muslim neighbors, and if you don't have one muslim friend, i suggest that you make one. >> very quickly, because we're just about out of time. you did find something about how many people know a muslim person, and there's a stat on that. >> . >> roughly half of americans say that they don't know a muslim personally. >> and that would help to dispel this idea that islam, this personal thing is one
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12:00 am
>> it is not god's plan that i be president in 2016 or maybe ever marco rubio bows out. the party favorite loses the republican race in florida to front runner donald trump. hillary clinton scores wins in three states and more results to come in a big night for the u.s. presidential race also ahead more than a hundred people are reportedly killed in saudi-led coalition air strikes in northern yemen. a deadly shoot out in
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