tv News Al Jazeera March 16, 2016 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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the nuances of everything that's going on, not just in this country, but around the world. getting the news from the people who are affected. >> people need to demand reform... >> ali velshi on target. this is al jazeera t hello. welcome to the news hour. here is what what is coming up in the next 60 minutes. reports that syria's kurds are declaring autonomy in their heart land along turkey's border. suspects are detained in belgium following a police raid that led to a shoot out. big wins in the race for the white house. donald trump is out in front of the wins and hillary clinton extends her lead to the democrats also the women keeping the
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peace and protecting families in south sudan. hello. we begin with what could be a very significant development in syria. there are reports that syrian kurds are claiming autonomy in the northern part of the country. the announcement from the pyd or kurdish democratic union party could impact the whole region. an official in the foreign affairs director ate it is one of three groups set up by kurdish groups two years ago. he says that federalism is the best form of government to implement in syria. >> the situation of federalism in north syria is going to be very soon and now the representatives of the component of the north of syria, they are
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making meetings and discussing the declaration of this federalism. we have gone into the areas, in the umbrella of the administration and under the federalism more components are going to join. there will be more autonomous regions and these regions are going to process their privacy to the region within sharing making the political region and for the country as well. not just for the north syria or for the kurdish regions. it must be for syria in general because this federalism, the equality with an old people is going to be guaranteed
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let's take a look at what the pyg are. the kurdish democrat greating party is a syrian political win of the p.k.k. it was found under the regime. the group is in the north and trying to base autonomy there. since the syrian war gan the kurds have gained territory. the force focused on fighting the original forces rather than targeting the group. they were not invited to the latest talks in geneva. we're crossing over to lawrence lee who is joining us to tell us what the turkish government would make out of this possible announcement where the kurds are saying that the group is preparing to declare a federal system in the areas it controls
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near the northern border with turkey. >> reporter: well i should say to stort with although it seems to have come as ray surprise, this idea of a future syria under a federal settlement had actually been mooted or floated as an idea before the talks began by the russian foreign ministry. lo and behold here we are three days into the talks and the kurds apparently are declaring that this is going to happen. in that sense the ground it seems potentially have been laid for this by the russian foreign minister before the talks started. in that sense even though the government in ankara to your question hasn't actually given an fish reaction yet, it may be that they thought that this was possible, even though the kurds haven't been invited to geneva, but it is possible that it would happen. i think in general terms the governor in ankara will be worried about this, not least
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because they regard the y.p.g., the armed group operating the kurdish armed group that has been operating inside northern syria as linked to and as an extension of the p.k.k. which is a prescribed terrorist organization operating inside turkey. so at the very least i think the turkish government will see this as a major security concern because they accuse the y.p.g. of moving weapons across the border. that is the worst and given there is a turkish enclave in northern syria and iraq as well, they will in their worst case scenario will worry whether kurds in southern turkey might even conceivably, even though there a s a range of opinions, some might start to demand the same sort of autonomy for their rights in southern turkey as well. the thing that is the absolute worse case scenario for them is
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the idea as something that might look like a future kurdistan with travels the border. these are the things that worry them almost more than anything else. >> reporter: even though you say this idea has been floated around recently lip, i still wonder what syrians themselves and specifically those in aleppo would make of a potential announcement: they will find the entire idea egregiously unfair. you have to remember from the start that the syrians who began the revolution, their primary demand was for a warm syria for all syrians, whether they're kurds or anything else at all. they will be very, very much against the idea of splitting syria up into blocks under a federal system even if it isn't broken up entirely and they will be saying why is it that the
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occur are being allowed this new autonomy and we're not. just going back to the idea floated by the russians, and if it is true as well as the kurdish area there was an idea of a sunni block with raqqa in it but the whole of the western strip with aleppo and homs all the cities going up to the tur wish border being run by the government in damascus. that will be an absolute non-starting the timing you of all of these peace talks go on in geneva and the wyd expludd from the talks. -- excluded from the talks. >> reporter: yes. exactly. it's the russians who wanted the kurds to be included and it's not difficult,itive say, even
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though you can't actually prove it at the moment, to see the russian hand behind all this. why would the russians want the kurds to have this sense of autonomy. obviously, there's this loose arrangement in northern syria between the kurds it is said and the regime in dpam as can you say and, therefore-- damascus and, therefore, by extension with moscow. it is easily, potentially, even though you can't prove it, to suggest that the russians might want the kurds to have this power and autonomy as revenge against the turkish government and certainly relations between ankara and moscow have got so bad, this can only make things worse still thank you very much for joining us from gaziantep with that update. we're going to speak to a phd researcher at the free university of brussels and that
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is where he is joining us. firstly, give us your take on the peace talks taking place now in geneva and what you expected to come out of them and specifically with in announcement that we hear from a senior spokesman for syria's kurds saying that the group are preparing to declare a federal system in the area that is controlled. what do you make of the timing of that? >> let me put this in perspective. in late 1980s and early 90s, the p.k.k. saw an opportunity to establish a base in syria, to have a bigger leverage in its conflict with turkey. all of the p.k.k. was effectively kicked out from syria in late 1990s, break out of the syrian civil war. we see that the p.k.k. or the kurds in syria ambitions about syria start to evolve in a different direction. so if syrian kurds wish to declare and keep a federal
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system, we can expect that syrian kurds will not diverse substantially from the position taken by the regime in damascus, iran and iraq on the future of syria at the regional level, but when it comes to the international level we should expect pyd to keep a balances position between them a balanced position, that's something that turkey would disagree with. it you are key would be unhappy with any potential announcement, don't you think? >> for sure. the prime minister paid a visit to iran where he jointly made a statement that turkey is in favor of the syrian territory unit. so on the other hand, we know the turkey strict positions against any sort of autonomy on turkey-syrian borders by kurdish
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y.p.g. pyd is less interested in turkey as a terrorist organization and it is regarded as a serious threat to the national security. any declaration by the syrian kurds for a federal system will not be welcome by ankara the opposition is saying that they categorically rejects any idea of federalism. the head of the hnc committee says that syria's unity is a red line. that's the position of the opposition, but what about the government, the syrian government itself. to what extent would they have known or been informed of this foundsment? >> we know the fact that pyd will not declare a federal system despite bashar al-assad regime, which we know the fact that it has been in a factor of alliance. if syrian pyd is going to declare a federal system in
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syria, this will not be at the expense of risking its relation with bashar al-assad regime thank you very much for joining us from brussels. >> thank you five states have been choosing their preferred candidates. donald trump has pushed one of his rivals marco rubio out of the race. hillary clinton built on her lead. john headron reports from washington dc. >> reporter: in florida faift sons go down fast. >> while it is not god's plan that i be president in 2016, or maybe ever, and while today my campaign is suspended, the fact that i've even come this far is evidence of how special america truly is. >> reporter: republican donald trump lived a rushing defeat to florida's own marco rubio forcing a bitter end to a
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campaign based on optimism >> the fact is we have to bring our party together. we have to bring it together. >> reporter: then there were three narrowing the republican race to a contest between donald trump, ted cruz and john kasich. who won in his home state beating trump, breathing new life into his campaign and raising the chances that donald trump will not lock up the campaign. >> i love the people here. that's all i can say. we are going to go all the way to cleveland and secure the republican nomination. >> reporter: john kasich's victory could lead to a messy party fight all played out in public that hasn't happened in decades >> it will go back to the old way where there were no primary elections and the parties did
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get together and make the decision on their own as to who the nominee would be. >> reporter: in the democratic race hillary clinton swept big prizes. for clinton's democratic rival, bernie sanders, the math just got harder. the latest round of primary votes makes it more likely that the democratic front runner will seize the nomination and let likely the republican front runner will. >> our commander in chief has to be able to defend our country, not embarrass it. engage our allies, not alien ate, defeat our adverse rees. >> reporter: a preview, perhaps, of the race to come
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let's talk talk about in. a professor at georgetown university. can you give us your take on what you saw on tuesday night when it comes to the republican presidential nomination as well as the democrats >> on the democratic side hillary clinton had a great night. she won five states, florida by a big margin. she has increased her delegate lead to the point that bernie sanders has no chance of winning the nom neckaches. she will stay in the race because it is fun to fly around the country and speak to adoring clouds can he do anything now, bernie sanders? >> no. mathematically he can't win. there are white states with caucuses and rural areas, but he cannot win the nomination at this point when you look at the republicans with big wins, what does this mean for the republican party and specifically for many who have said they are, in fact, against donald trump himself.
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how willing are they, how far are they willing to go in order to block him from being the nominee. >> the plan before last night was for marco rubio to win in florida, john kasich in ohio, ted cruz in north carolina and missouri. only john kasich won. marco rubio has dropped out. so donald trump is in a pretty good position to win the nomination. as the race narrows, cruz might be able to win a number of states in order to deny him the delegates needed to win on the first ballot. if he doesn't win on the first ballot, then the convention can choose anyone they want >> reporter: looking ahead for a moment and talk about a possible running mates. >> for donald trump? right. start with him >> he will have a hard time finding a serious republican who will be willing to be his running mate. he really is not very well liked by the mainstream of the party.
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so he may end up choosing someone unconventional, like a military leader, a business person. if he is choosing to run, he will choose a woman for the democrats? >> i think hillary clinton will do well to choose someone young because she is losing very badly among young people. possibly latino because heightening - highlighting trump's anti immigrant talk or maybe someone like elizabeth warren who has the same issues on economics that bernie sanders has spoken to when you look at john kasich is there anything that he can do to gain momentum at this point? >> he can't win. there's not enough delegates to be selected. if john kasich and cruz were to cooperate and john kasich not campaign in the south and the mid west and the lower parts of the mid west, and john kasich campaigns in california and new york, they might be able to get enough delegates to block donald
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trump from getting a first ballot victory thank you for that. coming up in this news hour staying behind and risking it all. the volunteers in the ruins of syria's largest city helps the casualties at war. china's government sets a growth target in its five-year plan, but is beijing being too cautious? a first for manchester city. we will have all the latest in sport a little later. first, conditions for refugees who are stuck on the greek macedonian border have only continued to worsen. the tents are covered in mud and the colder weather makes it difficult for people to stay warm. macedonia is rchg to open their
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border and even sent back 1500 people who had pushed through the border earlier this week. our correspondent joining us from the greece border camp at idomeni. i was just describing the conditions there, but you're obviously seeing them first hand. give us a sense of how the refugees are coping. >> reporter: conditions are getting worse here by the day. the rain keeps falling and the refugees are not only cold but hungry. they're burning their old clothes andlets pieces of-- and little pieces of wood, but that is not enough to keep them warm. the tents are not giving them enough protection from the cold. any little hope they might have had off the border of macedonia and greece, we're hoping for them what dashed on monday when
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1500 people who had gone across the border, some of them with injuries necessity say they suss-- they say they sustained at the hunt of macedonian police. while the situation is getting worse and worse here, all the restrictions are going on, people continue coming from turkey and most of them are landing in the island of lesbos. they are both stranded in camps that are officially run by nongovernmental organizations and others considered the migrants from pakistan, afghanistan and countries like morocco and other parts of north africa, they're considered migrants and not entitled to asylum. we met some of them in the island of lesbos. with the macedonian border closed to all but a trickle, this is a pen for refugees.
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many live here in proper camps, but others are roughing it up in a camp set up by volume fierce from across the globe, a place in this camp is the only welcome they have received and, perhaps, the warmest they will get. >> some people are facing big problem. they are not exactly taking a breath just like that. what is going on? i have annoyed. it is a crucial time for me. i have never, ever faced this situation in lie hif history. those here are mainly from afghanistan, pakistan and morocco. the ur pen union consider them economic migrants and unqualified for refugee status. the number of refugees here continues to rise every day. it is a place of limbo for hundreds. they fled their lives but cannot go any further. the border is closed to them. every day the volunteers struggle to give the most basic of humanitarian assistance to the desperate people. this lady is from denmark.
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>> i'm amazed by niece human beings. i'm amazed that they can still smile and say "thank youskwoement. if you were in the situation where the only answer is you get there's no solution, you're not recognised, it would be hard >> reporter: as europe pins its hopes on stopping the mystery on the deal with turkey, many here fear that they will be returned. when you have just left and risked everything to get mere, a return seems inconceivable >> translation: we can't go back to our countries. what will we live on if we return? >> reporter: at least they have safety here and the construction of a game of cricket in a dull setting. their future in the country hosting them offers a bleak prospect seeing how their future is in limbo, what are they being told about what their options are? >> reporter: the european union
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has about eight official, eight officials trying to tell 13,000 people living under such conditions that their chances of getting to europe and not staying here but going back to camps set up by the greek government in not only about one hour drive from here, or athens, the capital about 500 kilometers from where we are. they have former military bases turned into camps for them. people say that does not guarantee them quick entry to europe where they want to go. they say the resettlement program on the table right now will takages and they don't want to continue here. they want a swift entry to wherever they want.
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the commissioner for e.u. migration was here yesterday and he tried to talk to the people, but they're not hearing any of what they are saying. what is also happening is that the e.u.'s commissioner for migration is also speaking to a divided you're that doesn't want to accept the refugees thank you. the weather with rob and a story of fire and flood in the u.s. southern states. >> yes. this is a legacy story. a few days they had half a metre of rape or so. they're filling up. we talked yesterday about the flooding that was in louisianna. in the border of texas, the swamps are still lifting, the floods are still happening. people live there and it has been dry for days. i'm sure they're used to it this. nevertheless, this is a lot of water still be rising.
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it's a general amount of water over the land. what was land at least. if you look at the satellite pictures, there's very little cloud at all. what has been streaking across has given some slightly showers, but it is oklahoma where despite its proximity to heavy rain in texas is dry enough to see some grass fires. they're not major forest fires, but i think it's interesting that the amount of rain in the southern states still allows this to happen after a few days. the real concentration of where the weather is further north. it has been raining in illinois. not much, but some. in minnesota too. it remains dry. up to 25 degrees in the sunshine. the snow is dying out in idea hoe-- idaho and elsewhere. if you watch carefully, over the following 24 hours, there shall
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be a return to the south thank you. china's prime minister says the economy will not have a hard landing. that comes as china's projected to have its slowest growth rate in 25 years. the premier spoke to the congress. >> reporter: it's not a place for surprises or displays of dissent. as always, this was a tightly controlled political gathering where delegates once more rubber stamped decisions made in private by the leadership. a leadership that continues to insist all is well with china's economy. >> we are full of confidence in the long-term good prospects of the economy. as long as we sit to reform an opening up china's economy will not see a hard landing. the prime minister holds one media conference a year.
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selected journalists get to ask questions vetted in advance. on this occasion most concern the economy. reform, we have been having to shut down more inefficient state owned industries, a sensitive subject. >> translation: we will press ahead to reduce capacity, but we must ensure that the r ice bowls of the workers are there or we must give them new r ice bowls. >> reporter: in other words, they're still worrying about how hard to wield the axe. they're worried about the redundancies in the steel and mining sectors could lead to unrest as what happened earlier this week. the hong kong based china labor bulletin monitors industrial unrest in china and says laid off workers are becoming more embold ends. many have been working for 10 years/20 years and entitled to quite substantial severance pay.
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this they don't get that there will be a danger of more protests across the country >> reporter: the prime minister says he said aside 20 million dollars to help those made redundant promising more money in promised. >> reporter: it won't kon vee even for another year, one that is said to be a difficult one, especially for miners and steel workers a u.s. student has been sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for crimes against the state. he was arrested in january for stealing april propaganda slogan poster. he confessed to his crime in february. he said he wanted to take it home as a souvenir. still ahead on the news hour, a direct postal service between cuba and the u.s. for the first time in 50 years of warming relations. the metro rail system in the u.s. capital shut down for an entire day. find out why decades of
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dangerous defections by baseball players is set to end. hey how's it going, hotcakes? hotcakes. this place has hotcakes. so why aren't they selling like hotcakes? with comcast business internet and wifi pro, they could be. just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and you'll reach your customers where their eyes are already - on their devices. order up. it's more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. you don't see that every day. introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. comcast business. built for business. when it comes to the fithings you love,. you want more. love romance?
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get lost in every embrace. into sports? follow every pitch, every play and every win. change the way you experience tv with x1 from xfinity. the top stories on the al jazeera news hour. a top syrian kurdish official has told al jazeera that the kurds are preparing to declare kurdish controlled areas in the north. a federal state has been underway for some time. the u.n. special envoy for syria says he has received proposals from the syrian government and the opposition outlining their
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visions for a political transition. staffan de mistura is holding talks with representatives on the government. american republican presidential candidate donald trump has won in florida, north carolina and illinois. it was goodnight too for hillary clinton. syria's front lines have become the world's most dangerous areas forcing millions to leave their homes, but some people in the city of aleppo refused to go. they've taken up voluntary relief work to help the casualties of war. >> reporter: there may be a cessation of hostilities in syria, but the violence is far from over. he and his team are heading to the district in aleppo to put out a fire. the volunteer civil defense team is three years old now and they've dug out and rescued hundreds of people. these areas have been hit the
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hardest by goeth government supporters and i.s.i.l. >> translation: we are helping people. we are not leaving simply because it is our country. we are staying to help our people despite the daily shelling, bombardment and fires. even if there is no shelling ares fires break out frequently. this was caused by a sniper who targeted this household. >> reporter: snipers are not the only danger they face. government planes carry out the so-called double that tap strike where they hit the same location after an interval when rescuers arrive. he has lost friends and volunteers have been wounded. rescuers are not the only ones who have chosen to stay here. this man and his sons also want to stay at whatever is left at their home and help their neighbors. >> translation: the regime has been shelling these areas for the past five years with the aim to force us out. we're not leaving.
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we will stay and keep serving our fellow residents. if everyone leaves, who would remain. >> reporter: his sons help him document the excesses being committed around them. he runs a local backry and hands out food and water when available. he admits it is dangerous to live here, but they continue hoping that one day they will rebuild what has been lost saudi- led air strikes have killed more than a hundred civilians in the north-western provings. it is according to houthis. it says it's looking into the reports. doctors without borders says more than 40 civilsians were taken to hospital. more than 6,000 people, half of them civilians, have been killed in yemen since the intervention began in march of last year.
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at least 15 people have been killed by a bomb that excluded in a bus in northern pakistan. it happened as the bus carried government employees to work. nearly 40 others are injured an all female peace-keeping force is now on the ground in south sudan's capital. they patrol camps where displaced people are sheltering, keeping an eye out for trouble and ensuring everyone gets a fair share of food and water >> reporter: meet this lady. she is the leader of a team of female peacekeepers protecting families at this camp in south sudan. she says she wants to give a message of peace to her community. >> translation: we don't want women fighting each other. >> reporter: she and her colleagues are trying to reduce the violence that happens often in these camped conditions. people moved here when the war started and most are afraid to leave.
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they're from the tribe which is generally associated with the opposition. the town outside the gate is controlled by government, people here say it's not safe to venture out. the women peacekeepers coming from the community. so it is easy for them to hear about what is going on. they stop people in the street, catch up on the news and lookout for any potential problems. after years of living understand tarpaulin and existing on minimal food and water, crowds can turn angry victim kwi. in a situation like this where food is being distributed and tempers are running high, they can be a soothing presence. they come unarmed in contrast to the u.n. peacekeepers and they're not threatening to the crowd. the severity of the cases they deal with varies. on this day it was a boy being bullied by his friends. on others it could be domestic violence onreuniting lost children with their families. she reflects on the benefits at
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the end of her shift. >> translation: my job is positive. why? because since we started, no woman has fought with another woman. the women wearing these shirts, if we find people fighting, we stop them. >> reporter: the people in this camp say they want their leaders to stop fighting so they can return to their homes. until they can do so, mary and her team are doing their part to make sure they're safe where they are > the government in niger is building a railway link. the 1.8 billion dollar project was first mooted when the country was under french rule. it will give access to the ports on the atlantic. >> reporter: it has taken almost a century to arrive, but the train is finally here. the government of niger says it's the biggest projects the country has seen recently.
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>> translation: the train is now a reality. we have 140 kilometers of rail that are completed and useable. considering the reliability of our partners, we are sure the project will be accomplished. >> reporter: a french company began work on the five-year project last july. the first section link iing are already completed. this began 8 years ago and that was-- 80 years ago. it was when it was began. that project was never completed. the central railway station that was supposed to be built here never saw the light of day. at the new terminal station several trains are already parked awaiting official inauguration later this year, but opposition leaders doubt that 1.8 billion dollar project will have the desired project. >> translation: they haven't planned in advance for this
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railway. the real objective is purely electoral, but it has no validity or positive impact. it could be more useful in the mining areas. >> translation: we cannot defeat hunger through talking. fwheed to act. a rail we is the best way to transport goods and people and achieve economic development. it is also mining country. a railway will help us transport our minerals. >> reporter: on the banks of the river these men say they would be happy to stop using their wooden boats if they can do it by train. >> if i'm like myself, how i want, by ship, i by trail it would be good. >> reporter: for almost a century laned lock niger had to rely on trucks to transport minerals. with the instruction of the rail line that effort will be much easier. the train will help niger take a
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giant step towards a better future the second biggest subway system in the u.s. has been shut down for 24 hours. the metro rail network was cross ed-- is under going an investigation. several businesses have left it up to their employees to decide if they will show up at all. >> i've got to do what i've got to do. go to my sisters and say there until the metro opens back up. >> i told my boss immediately and he was super, sent out mss saying nobody to come in and treat it like a snow day an argentina coast guard sunk a china's vessels.
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four crew members were rescued and others were picked up by another vessel. mexico city had the first air pollution event in four years. pollution reached twice the acceptable limit. older vehicles will be taken off the road in an attempt to improve air quality. >> reporter: officials cleared some 58,000 vehicles off the road here. that's out of 2 million cars and trucks that are on the streets every day. this is the first air particle alert in the first 11 years. in recent years the city has had some success with clearing smog from this high mountain valley because it has kept cars off the
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roads, but recently a judge loosened that restriction which has led to more older cars filling the streets of mexico city. some people say it isn't good for air quality here. people say they're very concerned about the quality of the air here. >> translation: we're worried about our health and risk of breathing problems because we're breathing in all this pollution >> reporter: the government is definitely not doing enough. they're not doing the right thing. they're saying they're addressing the problem but they're not doing what they should. >> reporter: the city's environmental officials say that it is a high pressure system coupled with very strong sunlight hitting this high mountain valley that has led to the high levels of ozone which are twice acceptable levels. this is a value that silts at 2200 metres above sea level so it traps smog in this bold formation with nearly two million vehicles on the roads and with industry in this value
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as well. it is quite common to see very high levels of air pollution the reports that brazil's former president will accept a position in the president's cabinet. the appointment is to protect him against money laundering charges. he informed his closest advisers that he would accept the cabinet post after a meeting on tuesday. he was recently questioned by police as a probe into corruption at the state run oil company. >> reporter: rumors and speculations have been circulating for several days now. the former president would be accepting an a position in the kablt of his successor because this would give him a form of immunity against any kind of charges that might be lobbied against him. state prosecutors in the area
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have charged him with having hidden wealth. this is to do or rather it runs parallel to a wider corruption investigation in relation to the state-owned oil company. that investigation has been ongoing for two years now and voefls many high-level politicians. however, as much as people were expecting an announcement on tuesday, it looks like this might be put on hold again because it turns out the supreme court has now accepted a plea bargain from a senator that was previously obtained for instructing this very same corruption investigation. supposedly in this plea bargain he maims the former president as well as rousef as being involved in wrong dealings to do with petrobras. they're yet to determine whether the details are to be made public. that has the government near saws. whatever announcement might have been made on tuesday will be put
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on hold t everyone here is feeling that definitely the administration is on very shaky ground in less than a week u.s. president obama will make a historic trip to cuba. his government is lifting restrictions on trade and travel to the island after half a century of hostilities and embargos. >> reporter: for the first time in 50 years americans can sends letters to cuba, a mail service has been reintroduced. one of the latest steps to improve ties. after the restoration of full diplomatic relations last year. the u.s. is also allowing americans to travel to the island on what are being called people to people exchanges, side stepping the continuing legal bars to tourism. americans will now be free to spend u.s. dollars in cuba. airlines are already set to expand direct commercial flight schedules between the companies. this is ahead of obama's visit
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to the island. >> we are hopeful that these changes will bring about some of the progress and reform that americans have long sought in cuba. >> reporter: the measures will also permit nationals to hold u.s. bank accounts and earn wages while living in the u.s. and they will be authorized to accept educational grants and humanitarian awards from the u.s. it is all welcome news to the american internet contractor who spent five years in a cuban prison before obama arranged his exchange for three cubans accused of spying. only an end to the u.s. embargo will gooif cuba the means to break out of isolation. that's why it is important that people are wrong >> we need to be focused on constructive engagement and what these folks are talking about is not destructive.
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simply put. it's very short sighted >> reporter: he believes obama considers the fall of cue an important piece of the legacy he hopes to leave >> both parties supporting lifting the embargo, but if republican take congress and white house, that legacy may be left undone coming up in sports the tennis world number one puts in a not so dominant performance in california. we will have all the details after the break. hey how's it going, hotcakes? hotcakes. this place has hotcakes. so why aren't they selling like hotcakes? with comcast business internet and wifi pro, they could be. just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page
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hello again. a five-year old boy from the occupied west bank is travelling to madrid to meet one of the most famous athletes in the world. the family-- his family were all killed. so volume fierce at a has pies where he is being treated has helped make this dream trip happen - hosp ice. >> reporter: like many five year olds, he is just getting into football and his favorite player is rinaldo. in every day life his closest person to him is his grandfather. his home was fire bombeded in july last year. his 18 month old brother was killed. their father died in hospital a week later and in september their mother also is coupled to her injuries. -- succumbed to her injuries.
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>> translation: he asks me every day about his parents, where is heaven, how far from his house. he told me that he was asking his mum where she was. i believe he will need more psychological help. >> reporter: he suffered serious burns and he has had several operations. his treatment at this hospital is far from finished. he is surrounded by staff and volunteers who make sure he feels loved and now thanks to lots of planning by well wishers, he is getting a trip to spain to meet his favor football player >> he was wearing a t-shirt. we pictured him and put it on facebook and some guys from the soccer association saw him on facebook and they said if you love him, we can connect with the club there and maybe he can visit him. so they did >> reporter: of course he faces a much longer journey. his rehabilitation. but at least here they're trying
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to give minimum as much of a normal childhood as they can. that means lots of love as well as a once in a life time trip to the spanish capital to meet his footballing hero an update on the day's top sports stories. >> reporter: thank you. pakistan as government conducted full security inspections before allowing their cricket team to travel to india, but the side's world twenty 20 campaign has got youngedway. pakistan is playing bangladesh right now. they chose to bat first. pakistan are due to play the host nation india on saturday as part of the super ten stage. england and west ifdies will play later. england has been in good form despite loses to south africa.
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they have often struggled as a team, but they still have some of the best players >> we always have setbacks and we thrive on things like that to use that as motivation to go and play our sport really well. the way we play especially when we played well, no other team could match it. >> reporter: it will be hard to match the surprise result that came in the opening game of the super ten stage. india were stunned by new zealand as richard parr reports. >> reporter: the first two balls of the twenty20 showed the excitement of this game. he was then caught lbw for the host india. new zealand chose to bat but quickly lost their first three in inside the first seven overs. they lose four more including
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ross taylor. he was run out after the third umpire was consulted. new zealand is putting on what and to be a beatable score of 126 for 7. india's start to their innings was even worst. they lost three wickets in the first three overs. they couldn't cope with the spinner. one of three victims for new zealand's indian born leg spinner. he is india's test captain but for this event it is singh. he scored for 30 but his dismissal went india's hopes as he became the fourth wicket. new zealand scored the lowest target india have failed to chase all out for 79, losing by 47 runs. >> reporter: the battle to
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secure a champion quarter final spolt continues on wednesday when the leaders have the advantage heading into the second leg of their last tie. they hope that the weather doesn't stands in the way of finishing the job. the injure mans drew two to with the italians last month but still have the away goal advantage. depending champions barcelona hosts arsenal in the second leg of their last. arsenal must score twice if they're to have any chance of progressing. >> the first leg result has a degree of influence on the next. it was a very good result, but it won't change at all the way we plan and prepare our game plan. it remains an open knock-out stage against a dangerous rival. we need to play a great game neared to make it through the next stage. >> i have played 20 games in champions league. i know that we have won
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everywhere in europe, but not here yet. so we are in a position where we have to achieve that tomorrow. i'm convinced that the players are decided and united to give a strong response atletico madrid beat ps v8 to 7. manchester were a 3 one aggregate winner after a goalless draw. >> i think we have new achievement. it's always important for your trust. it is not easy. we had very difficult group. we won the group, so i think in this season, i don't know the
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word, better prepared, but with more experience matches between saudi and iranian football teams are to be played at neutral venues. it is a ruling from the asian football confederation. the saudi government has banned nationals from travelling to iran due to poor relations between the countries. saudi and iranian dlubs are scheduled to meet in the league and have untiling march 25 to submit proposals for the neutral convenient eweds. -- venues. baseballers to the major league is to be easy. changes to business relations between the u.s. and cuba on tuesday. it means that nlb clubs will be able to sign cuban baseballers directly and pay them salaries. it would end the offer dangerous journeys taken by players in an attempt to reach the u.s.
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the defects of cuban baseballers has been common since 1995 when the u.s. introduced a policy of anyone fleeing a country. most were driven by financial regions. they rn $40 to $200 a month compared to the millions they could earn in major league baseball. on top of a potentially dangerous journey, defecting meant leaving their homeland and being publicly scorned. easy tensions between the countries have released change. this will be the first team since 1999 to play a game on the island. an n.f.l. star has been allowed time off from his day job in order to compete at this year's olympics. he is a spro bowl winner with the new england patriots but also rugby player.
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he has been permitted to take a leave of absence and hopes to claim a spot in the u.s. team. the 27-year-old will join the repay troe anothers after the-- patriots after the rio games. the serb was taftd byise opponents. he managed to avoid an upset by stealing victory on his fifth match point, seven five seven five. novak djokovic will play next for the quarter final. number 5 survived a tie breaker. he had beaten his fellow spaniard in three of the previous four matches, but nadal prevailed on this occasion, six love, seven six. that's all the sport for now thank you very much for that. thanks for watching the news hour on al jazeera. back in a moment with more news.
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>> the fact is we have to bring our party together it is now a three-man race. donald trump ripping big marking marco rubio out of the race for the white house, but it is john kasich's victory in ohio that could stop donald trump from running away from it all hillary clinton move her closer to become the democratic's part presidential nominee the washington metro closes down a sentencing day, an american student learns his state for trying to steal a poster in north korea.
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