tv News Al Jazeera March 16, 2016 9:00am-10:01am EDT
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>> welcome to the al jazeera news hour in doha with 60 minutes of news and comments. syrian kurds are ready to declare an autonomous region of their own, but others insist it cannot happen. belgian police hunt for accomplices of a gunman linked to last year's attacks in paris. the republican race for the white house narrow to say three on tenders while the democratic hillary clinton extends her
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lead. >> a special journey for a young football fan, the story of a young palestinian fan who lost his family in an attack by settlers. fifa is seeking to reclaim tens of millions of dollars taken illegally by former executive that is have now been indicted by u.s. authorities. when the syrian war began, the kurds saw an opportunity to fight for and establish their own autonomous region. a senior representative of the party said they are poised to announce that. the goop wants a federal region near syrian's northern border with turkey. you can see what a huge area we are talking about here. they are said to hold three
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quarters of the area already. the expected declaration has been reject by the syrian government and the opposition, as well as turkey which has been at war with kurds for years now. unilateral moves are said to be not valid. federalism in north syria going to be very soon and now the representation of the north of syria as they are making,
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meeting and talking declaration of federalism. there will be more autonomous regions and they are going to -- according to the diversity of this region to share with making the political system for this region and syria in general. federalism will not just be for north syria, it must be in general, because under the democracy and quality for all syrian people is going to be
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guaranteed. >> one of the kurdish representatives say a unilateral self rule declaration would harm bolt the kurdish and syrian people, too. >> the kurdish issue is a national issue and has to be sold within the con sense, the nationals con sense within syria in order to find our place in the constitution. we as kurds since the end of 2011, beginning of 2012, we have put this idea of a federal country and a constitution where women and men are completely equal, these issues should be sorted out through dialogue with all components of the syrian people. federalism might be the start of
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division. >> he says he wants to keep syria together, not break it apart. >> the syrian courts are an important component of the syrian people. we are proud of them. they are proud of us. we have established our state together for centuries. betting on creating any kind of divisions among the syrians will end -- will be a total failure. >> we are tracking those talks at u.n. headquarters in geneva as james bays. james, are the delegates there having to tweak their thinking about what the kurds have been saying now? >> certainly it's an important development that was going to
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come at some stage. p.y.d. represents armed fighters and people with significant territory in north syria and are not part of this pros because of the objection of turkey, they are excluded from these talks in the first round of talks that failed when everyone gathered in january, the leader of the p.y.d. was here in switzerland, waiting for his invitation. it never came. i think the p.y.d. have now decided to put themselves on the agenda by these announcements, what had been the position of the u.n. was well, we are going to put the issue of the kurds on hold to try to deal with some of the other stuff and come to it at a lighter stage. it seems they are forcing themselves on to the agenda. >> i guess quid pro quo is what did you think we were fighting for, because everyone agrees that the kurds are very good at fighting isil in syria.
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>> absolutely. they've been fighting alongside the u.s. in northern syria. they are certainly an important part of the big picture of syria even staffan de mistura has said that the issue will be one that will come at a later stage. he is trying to deal with the two main sides, the high negotiations committee, the main opposition block and of course the syrian government, ambassador joffrey who is meeting with staffan de mistura later on today. you can see perhaps why they don't want to bring in the added complication of the kurdish issue. if you listen to the comments when he spoke to reporters, he took some questions in english but is strongest when he spoke in arabic. he was asked about the high negotiations committee that main opposition block, and in his answer, he referred to the
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h.n.c. and also to one of their key members. listen to what he had to say. >> it's not an honor at all to sit with a terrorist in direct talks. the chief delegation of saudi is a terrorist. he belongs to a terrorist faction that's hit embassies and killed citizens at the faculty of engineers and killed in currents. we will never have direct talks unless this terrorist has apologized for what he has done and withdraw the suggestion and then he should save his beard. >> so very strong, undiplomatic language. i'm sure staffan de mistura will find that sort of language somewhat unhelpful. let's take a longer look now at the turkish reaction from the
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kurdish proposals. plea assumably this is precisely what they do not want to hear. >> absolutely. this is right on the border. that's kobane just over there, which you'll remember was the sight of some terribly terribly fierce fighting between the kurdish militias and isil and eventually, the kurds fought isil back and now the flag of the y.p.g. flies over kobane. on this side, you can see pro y.p.g. graffiti. it has been the allegation for sometime now from the turkish government that there are direct links between syrian kurdish militia of the y.p.g. on the syria side of the border and the
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p.k.k., which a prescribed terrorist organization on the turkish side of the border, so at the most very basic level, never mind the turkish view of federalism and syria and view it shouldn't be broken apart, their main preoccupation is their own security, so their statement which is fairly mild, frankly, i think given their concerns that syria shouldn't be broken up and that sort of idea of a federation that would stretch hundreds of kilometers east all the way to the iraq border and join up geographically with the enclave inside iraq, their main concerns is their own security. >> do you get the sense that this wouldn't have happened today despite what the kurds are saying that they've always had this idea on the back burner, because of what vladimir putin announced yesterday, because that tilted everyone's thinking in a slightly different direction as to point number one
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what was achievable and .2, the force with which the different people in geneva who have gone from turkey to geneva, as well, the force with which they are determined to get what they want? >> yeah. as james was saying, even though they haven't been formally invited too the talks, what the kurds have managed to do, it's only day three of geneva is blindside everybody and assert themselves in absent is that directly to what is going on. comments from the kurdish delegation have a meeting over there today to discuss what this federal kurdish enclave might mean, they seem to be suggesting that they don't believe that the talks in geneva are going to
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work. a belgian federal prosecutor said police killed a man raiding an apartment. the dead man had been armed with an assault rifle and found with an isil flag. they've said two orrises expects are being investigated for involvement. four police officers were wounded. the federal prosecutor says the investigation and police operations have been a joint effort with the french. >> since november 14, more than 100 searches and 150 arrested, in addition, 23 persons were arrested in linked
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investigations. a team of six police officers were sent to the house. this mixed team is a result of the fact that the investigation is carried out by joint investigation team composed of french and belgian investigators. >> let's take you live to brussels. what other details do we get from the news conference? >> details of the man skilled, he was a 36-year-old algerian national. he was in belgium illegally and he was known to police dating back to a theft in 2014. now of course, police here will be trying to establish exactly what he was doing in that apartment. as you heard, he was found with an isil flag close by. that's what they say in
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literature and the rifle. police detained two other people. again, they are trying to establish whether those men including one who turned up to the hospital with a broken leg were in any way connected to the events which unfolded in forests yesterday afternoon at about 3:00. >> it looks like a typical scene in any area in brussels one might visit with the area the raids took place. are people concerned? >> i think people are very shocked. little a fairly up-market neighborhood of brussels, a long way from where other raids have taken place over the last six months or so, so deep shock that
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something could have taken place on their doorstep. it has taken police by surprise, too. i don't think they expect so much resistance when they went into the apartment. here in russ sells, they have made the link between the paris attackers and men living here. they think the plot is well to plan what happened in paris was made here so every focus is here in brussels. >> emma, thank you. >> lots more still to come. we'll tell you why people in morocco are angry with the u.n. secretary general. china's government as he said a growth target, but is beijing being too cautious? in sports news, find out why decades of dangerous defections
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by cuban baseball players is set to come to an end. >> saudi-led airstrikes have killed more than 100 civilians in yemen's northwestern province. the saudi-led coalition said it is looking into those reports. doctors without borders said more than 40 civilians were taken to the hospital after the attack. according to the u.n., more than 6,000 people, half civilians have been killed in yemen's conflict since the saudi-led intervention began in march of last year. the government of ruer rocco accused the u.n. secretary general of insulting its people. the region is disputed, ban ki-moon said he's deeply disappointed with what he says is an over reaction. here is bernard smith. >> a visit by the u.n. secretary general to a refugee camp
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wouldn't normally be particularly controversial. this government has threatened to pull out u.n. piece keeping missions. morocco took over most of the mineral rich western sahara and now controls the entire territory. it fought a local independence movement until a u.n. brokered ceasefire in 1991. as units saluted ban ki-moon's visit to the camp in the area, the u.n. leader described western sahara as being under occupation. >> they have endured a great deal of suffering in harsh conditions and i want to draw the world's attention for population whose plight is often
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overlooked. >> it was enough to bring out hundreds of thousands of demonstrators. they were angry with ban ki-moon's perception. on his return to new york, he met the foreign minister and was told of the anger in the demonstrations and was astonished by what he called the overreaction. that's further irritated morocco which said it will cut staff at united nations mission and pull troops out of other peacekeeping operations. in western sahara, the 1991 ceasefire came with the promises of a referendum on the area's future. that's never been held. instead, morocco said it's prepared to offer autonomy. the secretary general remains committed to encouraging genuine negotiations to achieve what the u.n. has repeated by asked for,
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a mutually accepted agreement. republican hopeful donald trump pushed marco rubio out of the race. hillary clinton built on her lead, as well. now let's look at how the numbers are stacking up. mr. trump scared 6021 of the 1,237 delegates he needs to get the republican party nomination, winning in florida, north carolina and illinois. john kasich won in his home state of ohio. ted cruz hasn't won anymore states, although missouri has yet to declare its result. on the democratic side, hillary clinton now has 1,094 delegates after taking florida, north carolina, illinois and also ohio. that stretched her lead over his sole rival bernie sanders. he's on 774.
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we have more from washington with a report about the latest republican candidate date to pull out. >> in florida, favorite sons go down fast. >> while it is not god's plan that i be president in 2016 or maybe ever and while today my campaign is suspended, the fact that i've even come this far is evidence of how special america truly is. >> republican donald trump delivered a crushing defeat to florida's own senator marco rubio, forcing a bitter end to a campaign based on optimism. >> the fact is we have to bring our party together. we have to brings it together. >> then there were three, narrowing the republican race to a contest between trump, texas senator ted cruz and ohio governor john kasich, who won in his home state, beating trump, breathing new life into a winless campaign and raising the chances that trump will not lock up the nomination before the
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republican national convention in july. >> i have to thank the people of the great state of ohio, i love you is all i can tell you. i love you. we are going to go all the way to cleveland and secure the republican nomination. >> kasich's victory could lead to a potentially messy party fight. >> it would go back to the old ways that the party did things when there were no primary elections and the party did get together and make the decision on their own as to who the nominee would be. >> in the democratic race, hillary clinton swept big prizes, florida, ohio, north carolina, and illinois. for clinton's democratic rival bernie sanders, the electoral math just got harder. the latest round of primary votes makes it more likely the democratic front runner will seize the nomination and perhaps less likely the republican front runner will.
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>> clinton pivoted to the general election and her presumed rival, trump. >> our commander in chief has to be able to defend our country, not embarrass it. engage our allies, not alienate them. defeat our adversaries them, not embolden them. >> a preview perhaps of the race to come. >> joining us live is the senior writer from politico. can donald trump be stopped by anyone? >> well, maybe he can be stopped by hillary clinton in a general election, but it's really difficult for me to see how donald trump gets stopped in the republican primary. his win in florida wasn't just
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big. it was huge to paraphrase donald trump. he beat a sitting senator and almost took 50% of the vote in a crowded primary. it's pretty astonishing. >> for those of us not across the finer paints of what happened in the primaries, those people who said we want marco rubio, he's now pulled the plug on himself. what happens to those people who were going for him who now have no one to go for? do they just fleet through the system now? >> you mean as far as delegates or the actual voters that back marco rubio curveball? the difference is that delegates are people who are basically selected who meet a pick the nominee. the primary is a vote to say i like this candidate and i choose that slate of delegates to chooses the nominee. he had about 165, peel off and can go to donald trump or become up for grabs. there's a portion marco rubio still controls. he hasn't quite quit the
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election. he suspended his campaign, so he's still in mix, in play. these are finer points. the real issue with donald trump is that he has a big passionate and loyal following, but he also has a big passionate and kind of disloyal opposition who really don't like him and the problem for trump is they happen to be republicans, as well. assuming he becomes the nominee, trump's need is to unify the party to beat hillary clinton. don't count him out, he always seems to have a trick up his sleeve to stay relevant. >> they would describe themselves as the true republican party, they always seem to be playing catch up when it comes to mr. trump and the fact that he alienates people, but the people he alienates actually like him, they apparently want to go for him, so the gop, if they're going to come up with a stop trump
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candidate, who would that be? >> i don't really know who that accounted be, the problem that the republican party has is that you have a sizeable pores of the base who like donald trump. it is a plurality of the republican voters who have caste ballots so far in 25 states and territories. then you have another portion of the base that just completely despises him. so you have the makings of a civil war. all of this talk about oh, we're going to have a brokered convention, beat him at the convention. these are like what we call the stages of grief. right now, the republicans, the establishment is in denial, and then now in the stage of bargaining, where they think they can come up with some new plan or math in order to beat donald trump. maybe they can but the chances are highly unlikely. florida is the third most poplar state in the nation, a very big state, also reflects the nation. if donald trump is able to come to the notion and get 50% of the
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vote against the darling of the republican party, that means the states going forward yet, more than likely, he's going to do really well. he did before florida, in florida, so the chance are he's going to do well throughout and might get enough delegates to cinch the nomination and not have to worry about this brokered convention. >> work some of the numbers. it looks just looking at the statistics over the past 12 hours as if she is picking up crucial minority voters. she cantrell on the hispanic vote or the vote that went for barack obama. >> right, what you've seen in the democratic primary is that bernie sanders by and large appeals to older white liberals and very young democrats. but hillary clinton has a much broader base of support in the democratic party. the democratic party is like a three legged stool. up have white democraties,
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hispanics and african-americans. two legs of the stool are almost totally occupied or owned by hillary clinton. bernie sanders essentially has none of them. to be successful in a primary or general election, you need two legs of that three legged stool to be with you. she has them and he doesn't. i don't see how he becomes the nominee. i don't see how he stops her from becoming the nominee. donald trump was kind of inevitable, i think hillary clinton is essentially a sure thing to the department party nominee to take on high think is going to be donald trump in the general election. >> thank you very much. >> time for the word weather with rob. the first snow of the year, march. >> it's a very specific place. this is the northwest of india. there has been snow around here, but not quite here. here's a bit of video for you, just to prove the point. kite often we have stories of
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snow and they are bad news stories, avalanches and people displaced. this is lovely. the locals love it because it stores up potentially water for later in the year and also is attracting tourists, so it is actually a fairly good news story. it is the first snow of the year when march is a surprise. it's part of a streaming cloud system that comes across to the middle east, as well. it's all from the heart of africa, this cloud fairly benign is coming in from the south of europe. the heart is in this part of the world. there's been a few spots of rain here in doha. ten millimeters on the cost of saudi, three on the coast of iran, but 20 in the far north of pakistan. this is where the focus of the rain and snow of course will be over the next 24 hours. >> everything else, apart from a spot of rain is effectively day. this is a joint effort by the
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streaming cloud from africa. lots more still to cover here on the news hour. refugees struggling to find a way forward in greece. the women keeping the peace and protecting families in south sudan. >> the tennis word number one puts in a not so dominant performance in california. the details coming up.
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>> the head of the talks in syria have reacted ang relevant to the kurdish announcement. he said discussions should be about keeping syria together, not breaking it up. in belgium, police killed one suspect they believe may be connected to the terrorist attacks in paris. let's get more on syria. joining us live is our senior political analyst. they weren't ready for what putin said yesterday in geneva.
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were they ready for this? >> probably not. seems like it's a week of phrases, huh, including in the united states, it seems. look, we don't of it yet, right? this is just one person saying it. the meeting has not come out with a declaration. if it does become official and the kurds have taken this kind of position, i can tell you two things, one, it sounds to me very reckless, because almost everyone is against it. the kurds up north in syria are not or won't be able to maintain that kind of rhetoric, you know, that's coming from them on the ground. the other thing that is worthwhile mentioning is that the -- seems like the rues are in on it. it seems like this is one of those maneuvers, coming out of
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moscow that's not necessarily, that they are really for a kurdish, you know, federation of sorts up north, but it's just another asset that could be used by moscow in the negotiations in geneva, so the russians are playing with the kurds, i think. the kurds come out saying it will be up to the russians to compromise on it in order to get something else in return. this is part of the geopolitical thing going on, part of the chaos in syria but could be exacerbating the situation. >> if it works, how would it work if it works? what's the difference between federalism of some place called kurdistan, let's call it kurdistan or balkanization. would that not be preferable to
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syria turning into the new libya, like iraq five or 10 years ago. >> geneva has been a step forward where the co chairs russia and united states and implicit support from the regional frenemies and enemies saws rain, turkey, iran, everyone now is supporting geneva. it is supposed to lead to a secular unified democratic syria. the split is many steps back from the discourse we've been hearing moving into geneva and out of geneva, a roadmap for a united secular syria, where even the assad regime as we've heard already today and yesterday from joffrey and from the spokesperson for the assad regime, their against that kind of a thing coming out of kurdistan. remember, it was the assad regime that gave in to some of these kurdish militias back in
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2012, allowing them to control their areas and it's the regime saying we want to have a -- syria. the opposition is mother vehemently opposed to kurdish areas. how would it come about? now that there are a few machine guns in the hands of the kurdish militias, they think they can impose something of their territories. well guess what? they are not. they will have to take a lot of ethic cleansing opposed by syria, iran. >> if the russians have been talking to the kurds, the u.s. publicly has said we've not been talking to the kurds, of course there have been con do its, but the u.s. now has to, has to include them in some way, surely, because john kerry and everyone knows there is no plan
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b. plan b. is utter chaos. >> plan b. means more war with more sponsors and more proxies. it is supposed to lead to a roadmap going from a transitional executive body for a united syria. anything else it seems to me is a game being played by russia against turkey and clearly the kurds are being used, exploited in a super power or in a power struggle between kurds and russians. i hope they don't feel prey to this kind of cynicism coming out of moscow and the kind of rhetoric we are going to hear. >> thanks very much. >> to greece, thousand us have been trapped as neighboring balkan states shut their borders leaving thousands in deteriorating conditions. referees have been forced to live in makeshift camps and
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shelters. may be european governments consider them to be economic migrants and not refugees. >> with the macedonian border closed, greece has been coming to a giant holding pen for refugees. most syrian and iraq refugees on the island of lesbos live in proper camps. those from other countries wrapping it up in a camp set up by volunteers from across the globe, a place in this makeshift camp is the only welcome they have received and perhaps the warmest they will get. >> some people are facing big problem. they are not exactly taking a breath, just like that, what is going on. i have no idea. it's a crucial time for me. i have never ever seen this situation in my life history. >> both here are mainly from afghanistan, pakistan and morocco. the u.n. considers them economic migrants and unqualified for the
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refugee status. >> the number here continues to rise every day. it's now a place of limbo for hundreds. they've fled their lands but cannot go further. the malat an border is closed for them. >> every day, little a struggle to give the most basic assistance to the people. >> i'm amazed by these human beings, that they still say thank you. if you were in a situation where all the time the only answer you could get was there's no solution, you are not recognized, it would be hard. >> as europe pins hopes on stopping this misery on its agreed deal with turkey, many fear they will be returned. when you have just left and risked everything to get here, it might seem in conceivable. >> we can't go back. what will we live on if we return? >> at least they have safety
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here the construction of a game of cricket in a dull setting. al jazeera, lesbos, greece. >> 15 have been killed by a bomb that exploded in a bus in northern pakistan. it happened in the city of peshawar as the bus carried government employees to work. forty others were injured. no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. the chinese premier defended his government's ability to keep the economy growing fast enough. he spoke after the parliament approved the ruling communist party's broad agenda for the next five years. this report from our correspondent adrien brown. ♪ >> it's not a place for surprises or displays of dissent. as always, this was a tightly controlled political gathering, where delegates once more rubber stamp decisions made in private by the leadership, a leadership that continues to insist all is
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well with china's economy. >> we are full of confidence in the long term good prospects of the economy, as long as we sit to reform and opening up, china's economy will not see a hard landing. >> the prime minister holds one media conference a year. on this occasion, most concern the economy, reform he said would be having to shut down more efficient state owned industries, a sensitive subject. >> we will press ahead to reduce capacity, but we must ensure that the rice bowls of the workers are still there or we must give them new rice bowls. >> in other words, the government is still hesitating about how hard to wield the ax. it worries that widespread
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redundancies could further affect the situation. >> many of them have been working for 10 years, 20 years and are entitled to quite substantial be severance pay. if they don't get that, then there is a danger that there will be more protests across the whole country. >> the prime minister says he set aside $20 billion to help workers who have been made redundant, promising more money if it's needed. >> the national people's congress won't convene for another year, a year chinese premier said would be a difficult one especially for minors and steelworkers. adrien brown, al jazeera, beijing. >> sri lanka is dealing with power cuts after one of the country's main power plants failed. homes and businesses are blocked out for eight hours a day until the problem is fixed. >> the electricity cuts have
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affected welding and iron workshops like this one, as well as other businesses that rely on power supply. now in this workshop, we see this drill, the welding plant lying idle, because staff can't make use of it. instead, what they've had to do is rely on things that don't require electricity. they wait for the power to be turned back on. all of this on the outskirts of colombo, that caused a main generation plant to trip that plant basically supplying up to 40% of sri lanka's electricity needs. the chairman of the electricity board told me that takes up to four days to get going again and because of that shortfall, the country is facing up to seven
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hours. they are looking into restoring power as soon as possible. there are representatives of government who have pointed to sabotage for this tower outage, there is a police investigation occurring into that, as well as the president ordered the army to provide power at all power plants around the country. peacekeeping fores in south sudan patrol camps, keeping on eye out for trouble and making sure everyone gets a fair share of food and water. we have this report. >> meet mary, protecting families at this peace camp. she wants to give a mental of peace. >> we don't want women fighting each other. >> she and they are colleagues are trying to reduce the violence that happens often in
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these cramped conditions. people fled here for safety and most of afraid to leave. the people who live here are from a tribe generally associated with the opposition. it is the town outside the gate as controlled by government. people here say it's not safe to venture out. the women peace keepers come from the community. it's easy for them to hear about what's going on. based on people on the street, catch up to the news and look out for potential problems. after years of existing on minimal food and water. crowds can turn angry quickly. >> in a situation like this one where food is being stricted and tempers running high, the women's keep peacing force can be a soothing presence. they come unarmed and are not threatening to the crowd. >> the severity of the cases they deal with varies. only day, it was a boy being bullied by his friends. on others, it could be domestic
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violence or reuniting lost children with their families. mary reflects on the benefits she and her colleagues have brought to the camp. >> my job is positive. why? because since we started, no woman has fought with another. the women wearing these, if we find people fighting, we stop them. >> the people in this camp want their leaders to stop fighting so they can return to their homes. until they can do so, they are doing their part to make sure they are safe where they are. al jazeera, south sudan. still to come, all the national sports. bangladesh trying to catch up to pakistan at the world championships. farrah will of the latest later on the news hour.
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madrid to meet christian rinaldo. his entire family was killed in an arson attack by israeli settlers last year. a photo of the boy was posted wearing his jersey on facebook. the team saw the photo and set up the visit. >> he asks me every day about his parents. he asked me where is heaven, however is it from our house? the other day, i found him looking at his mother's photo. he told me he was asking her where she was. i believe he will need more psychological help. >> he has had several operations. his treatment at this israeli hospital is far from finished. he is surrounded by staff and volunteers who make sure he feels loved. thanks to lots of plapping by well wishers, he is getting a special trip to spain to meet rinaldo. >> he was wearing a tee shirt with rinaldo. we pictured him and put it on facebook, and some guys from the soccer association saw him on facebook and they said if he
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loves rinaldo, we can connect with the club there and maybe he can visit him, and so they did. >> he faces rehabilitation, but at least here at the hospital, they are trying to give him as much of a normal childhood as they can. >> that means lots of love as well as a once in a lifetime trip to meet his hero. time for sports news. >> football's governing body fifa is seeking compensation from the exception at the heart of the united states corruption investigation. a 22 page column was submitted to the u.s. attorney's office in new york on tuesday. they want a big share of the $190 million already forfeited by former football and marketing finishes who pleaded guilty in
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addition to other costs. fifa admitted that bribes were taken in exchange for world cup votes. let's get more from our correspondent live from london. why this claim from fifa and why now? >> well, it's incredibly important for new offensive that that it retains victim status. this is a term i've spoken at length with the lawyers about they need to be seen to carry on doing this, because all of the problems around corruption of fifa over the years they can pin down to individuals. of course, critics san say of course, these individuals were largely running fifa, but fifa can protect itself and does want its share from these corrupt officials. the new president, they will be his first economic committee meeting this week. he knows how important it is for
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fifa to have his money coming in. they need some of this money back. what he's quite cleverly done is said we are going to reinvest this. what is incredibly important is fifa. they need to put this money back in football. >> world cup votes were bought, admitted to for the first time by fifa. what does it mean for the word cups coming up? >> it means very little. people think that the case has been opened against them and against organizing committees over alleged corruption. it hasn't. it's a key word again, individuals. under swiss law at the moment this is being investigated, they say we have an undercase to get to the supreme committee. what will then happen is we need to open one in the future if there was enough evidence. that's a long, long way away.
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the world cup in russia is coming up. we're dealing with two world cups that are going to go ahead no matter what you might see and hear. what's coming up is previous corruption in the africa world cup in 2010 allegedly, to buy that one with france in 1998, germany in 2006, these world cups have gone and that's why individuals will be held into act, but the football's already been played. >> reporting live from london, thank you. >> pakistan's government conducted full security inspections before allowing their cricket team to travel to india. the campaign has got underway with a victory. pakistan beat bangladesh at their opening game in calcutta. bangladesh fell well short of the victory target. >> one highlight fell earlier,
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muhammed was hitting this ball until bangladesh player got in the way. he managed to take this catch after a bit of a juggling effort. pakistan said top scorer was dismissed for 64, not a bad way to go out. england and the west indies will play their opening game later. the west indies have often struggled as a team but they still have some of the best individual players in this form of the game. >> where we always have setbacks and we thrive on that to use that as motivation to clear our spot really well. you know, where we play especially when we played well, no other thing could match it. the vibes we bring. >> the bat toll secure a champions league quarter final spot continues on wednesday.
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>> the first leg result has a degree of influence on the next. it was a very good result but won't change the way we plan and prepare our game plan. it remains an open knockout stage against a dangerous rival. we're aware that we need to play a great game in order to make it to the next stage. >> you say i have played great games in open champions league. we have won everywhere in
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europe, but not here yet. we are in a position where we have to achieve by tomorrow. i'm convinced that the players are decided and united to give a strong response tomorrow. matches between saudi arabia and iran football teams will be played in neutral venues. >> the path for cuban baseballers to the major leagues is set to get easier. the obama administration announced changes to business relations between the united states and cuba on tuesday. it means that mlb clubs will now be able to sign cuban baseballers and pay them sames.
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>> defection of cuban baseballers had been common since the u.s. introduced a policy offering residency after a year to anyone fleeing the country. most were driven by financial reasons. cuban players earned $40 to $200 a month compared to what they could earn in baseball. defecting meant permanently leaving their homeland and being publicly scorned. even though releases between the countries have delivered change and next week, the. ray it is will be the first to play a game on the island. >> an nfl star has been allowed timeoff from his day job in order to compete at this year's olympics. he is a superbowl winner with the new england patriots but also a former rugby sevens player. he hopes to claim a spot on the u.s. team.
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the 27-year-old will rejoin the patriots after august rio games. >> tennis world number one djokovic through total fourth round of the masters in california. he was tested by the german for the two time defending champion managing to avoid an upset saying victory on his fifth match point. 7-5, 7-5 the final score. circumstances world number five nidal faced five set points to break a tie breaker from the spaniard. that's all for now. do stay with us here on al jazeera. we're back with world news at the top of the hour.
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>> syrias kurds say they are ready to declare a federal autonomous state of their own. but other warring sides insist it cannot happen. ♪ >> welcome. you are watching al jazeera live from our headquarters here in doha. the other main news stories. belgium police hunt for gunmen linked to the attack in paris. the republican race for the white house narrows to three
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