tv News Al Jazeera March 17, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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talk to us are on twitter or facebook. come back, we'll have more of "america tonight" tomorrow. i.s.i.l. atrocities. >> in my judgment d.a.e.s.h. is responsible for genocide against groups in areas under its control the u.s. formally accuses i.s.i.l. of committing genocide against christians and other religious and ethnic minorities. will this lead to more aggressive military action. syria's prisoners. >> i saw them died and they just putting them on the dirty water
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to throw them somewhere out at the syrian peace talks, attention is focused on the fate of tens of thousands of opposition members in government jails. anger in brazil. growing calls for president dilma rousseff to resign amift a scandal. corruption claims. south africa's president is shouted down in parliament while answering questions about whether some wealthy friends had a hand in his political decisions good evening. this is al jazeera america's international news hour. we begin tonight with the fight
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against i.s.i.l. facing pressure from congress the state department now says i.s.i.l. is committing acts of genocide against religious groups in iraq and syria. john kerry says i.s.i.l. has targeted christians and others. today activists and western leaders called for president bashar al-assad to face war crimes charges as part of the peace process and negotiators in gen eeve-- gen eve are-- geneva are focusing on others. >> reporter: several independent groups, including the halocaust museum say this is representing i.s.i.l.'s mass murder of christians and other religious and ethnic groups constitutes genocide. it took an act of congress of the u.s. government to agree >> reporter: the u.s. has been condemning i.s.i.l.'s brutal
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activities for years. it was only after the congress that the department issued a formal declaration that the murder torture and rape of groups amounts to crimes against humanity. >> d.a.e.s.h. is responsible for genocide against groups in areas under its control including yarzidis, christians and shia muslims. d.a.e.s.h. is genocidal by self-proclamation, by what it says and does. >> reporter: a march 17 deadline included last year in the government spending bill p and comes three days after the house passed a non-binding resolution saying it is committing genocide. it was a rare unanimous vote, 393 to nothing. the declaration does not obligate the u.s. to take additional action against i.s.i.l. much like the only other time the u.s. issued a similar declaration. in 2004 secretary of state said
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the atrocities in sudan's region constituted genocide but only after lawyers ruled the declaration did not obligate the u.s. to intervene in sudan to stop the killing. meanwhile, ash carter and his top military adviser said the effort to deal i.s.i.l. a lasting defeat continues to ratchet up the pressure on the group by conducting more air strikes and training more indigenous fighters to take them on. under questioning, neither on could say if i.s.i.l. strongholds in iraq or syria would be retaken this year. >> do you see raqqa falling this year, taken away from i.s.i.l.? >> we're focused on isolating raqqa, limiting the enemy's movement. i can't put a timeline, but we are working closely with indigenous forces on the ground to isolate and then-- >> do you agree raqqa is likely
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to fall between now and the election is pretty remote? >> again, i haven't put a timeline on it. >> reporter: the state department says the declaration will have little practical effect in the ongoing war against i.s.i.l. because the u.s. is already treating i.s.i.l. as a genocidal, even without the formal delegation. genocide has a specific meaning. it is not just killing vast numbers of people, but doing it with the intent to destroy an ethnic or religious group in whole or in part. john kerry has called for an investigation to document i.s.i.l.'s alleged atrocities so that all perpetrators can be held accountable in the future thank you for that. now to the talks to geneva and the push for the bashar al-assad regime to release thousands of people it is holding behind bars. both sides in syria's war are holding detainees, but the numbers on the government side
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is much higher it is said. >> reporter: near the top of the agenda for the main opposition block of the geneva talks the release of detainees. they organized a new conference detailing the inhuman conditions facing prisoner of the bashar al-assad regime. reporters were told this woman's brother was jailed and executed. >> they put him in prison for two years and two months and then they killed him there. >> reporter: when you listen to the whole story, you begin to realise the appalling brutality and suffering involved. -- brutality and suffering involved. he was arrested after visiting her in jail. a peaceful activist she was tore tored in 2012. she began to envy prisoners who lost their minds >> i saw there are a lot of when they get crazy, we used to very very jealous of them.
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now they are happy, they don't know what's going on. i saw men die and they just putting them on the dirty water to throw them somewhere out. >> reporter: the issue of detainees has been added to the work of the task force on humanitarian issues led by this man. >> nothing would be more important now than to get out some groups, in particular, women and children, and the sick and the wounded among the deobtain key-- - detainees. >> reporter: the international committee of the res cross and red crescent, the guardian of the geneva conventions, say they're willing to help for prisoner exchanges if a deal is done >> they can play a role if the parties for the conflict reach
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an agreement of exchange or unilateral releases which can occur >> reporter: the detainee issue puts the government delegation under pressure. opposition fighters have far fewer prisoners than the al-assad side. the u.n. is calling out to the government on the humanitarian issues saying it's not doing enough to help get aid into six areas besieged by government forces. what's more, staffan de mistura says he wants to get down quickly to the substantive issue of political transition. diplomats tell me they believe the government delegation is stalling and wants only to talk about procedure. >> reporter: james bays u.s. backed kurdish groups declared an autonomous reunion in north syria. it has been excluded from talks in geneva. the kurds have been a long
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oppressed minority in syria under the bashar al-assad family's rule, but their fighters have been most effective against i.s.i.l. the bashar al-assad regime, turkey and the u.s. have all condemned today's declaration. vladimir putin says he is hoping for successful peace talks in geneva. he made his first remarks since ordering the withdrawal of russian troops from syrian battle fields. he warned he could easily scale up forces again if needed. >> reporter: for the past three days pictures of soldiers and jet fighters returning to russian were shown on national television. mr putin did say that at this specific moment the mission was accomplished and the rest was really an closed affair, russia would not interfere with that. he said among the accomplishments was to reduce the terrorist's capabilities on the ground. he said, for example, supply roots were destroyed, oil
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tankers were destroyed, oil facilities under control of various groups were also destroyed. however, this is not a full withdrawal. it is just a pull out and there is a significant number even though undisclosed number of soldiers and military hardware that ask staying in russia. among it specifically under lined by president putin is the advance defense system and he said that that was to protect the russian soldiers in syria, but also to respond to any threat and he underlined the word "any threat". russia will continue to provide support to the syrian army in the form of recognisance and he stressed if there is a reverse impact of this pull-out, then russian troops and hardware could return in a matter of hours to syria and deal with any escalation on the ground i'm joined from washington
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dc by the u.s. ambassador to bahrain. putin says he can rebuild the forces in syria in a few hours. what game is he aplaying? is it simply mission accomplished, he has strength end bashar al-assad so he can back off? >> i think it is important to remember what his objectives were going into syria. they were to prevent bashar al-assad falling. mission accomplished. number two, to establish a defensible territory that russia and its allies and its proxies control. that was accomplished, so check two. number 3 was to provide russia with the ability to influence the political outcome of events in syria for the foreseeable future. so check number three. as a result, i think putin can credibly say we have come and we
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have done what we're supposed to do. we're going to leave, but we're still going to remain as a presence that has to be taken into in any future in terms of syria what is his long-term strategy? he has a billion dollar build up in armenia. >> russia is surrounded by nato, in order to protect russia they have to control the territories on their borders. that means, frankly, a threat to nato, a threat to u.s. anato allies and they have been very systematic and effective at carving out territory that they control in georgia and ukraine and then using conflict to
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divide allies. that's what they're doing in turkey, trying to divide turkey from the west and weaken the integrity of the alliance despite his objects, is he trying to push his ally bashar al-assad to negotiate in geneva, something he is, but it seems to me that bashar al-assad representatives are playing a hard ball, not having direct talks with the opposition and also refusing to talk about a transition away from bashar al-assad. >> yes. i think it's a mistake to focus on personalities. russia doesn't care about bashar al-assad. what russia cares about is a government in syria that will do its bidding and that depends on russia and that russia can influence and use to advance its objectives. if bashar al-assad is willing to play that role, fine. if he is not, they will get rid of bashar al-assad and put somebody else in power if there is hope that that's peace talks will bring a solution, the turks didn't want the syrian kurds at the table in
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geneva, certainly the syrians didn't, it's one of the few things this that bashar al-assad and erdogan agree on, but the kurds have declared an autonomous region in syria. was it a mistake to exclude the kurds from the process? >> i think what it has mistaken to do is to arm and support the syrian kurds that are allies and part of, frankly, the turkish kurds in the form of p.k.k. the p.k.k. for years has been trying to overthrow the road accident regime in turkey. the u.s. has been working with their partners, the ypd, in syria against i.s.i.s., which is a huge mistake, and now russia is supporting the syrian kurds. why? not because they care about the syrian kurds, but because they want to weaken, destabilize turkey, as i said before, and so divisions between tur keep and nato allies, which their support for the y.p.g. have dorn, so the
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u.s. also supports the y.p.g. is the splitting of syria, given what the kurds have done, becoming almost a certainty down the future and could that conceivably be a good thing as one of the only possible solutions to what's going on? >> yes. i would say it is whether it's good or bad it's inevitable. i think we're seeing in syria a process that began in iraq a long time ago. it really is a witch's brew of various armed faction, each with differing agendas, but each hostile to the other back-up willing to ally with the enemy always good-- but willing to ally with the enemy thank you >> thank you large demonstrations call for the impeachment of brazilian president dilma rousseff and
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our correspondent reports from rio. >> reporter: this was the moment the president hoped would pacify the country and turn things around. her popular predecessor being formally appointed chief of her cabinet. it didn't last long. president dilma rousseff didn't let the engineers get in her way. she called government supporters and welcomed the embattled former president into her cabinet. >> translation: welcome, companion. i count on the experience of him, on his identity, the identity that he has with his country, with the people of this country. i count on this.
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lula da silva chief of staff of the house. >> reporter: outside the presidential palace anti-government protesters clashed with lula da silva supporters. both sides frustrated and angry at the many different and contradictory turns the country's politics had taken. the demonstrations are not limited to the capital. for the second day in a row, thousands moved to the streets across the country, tired of corruption and their politicians. despite the massive protests, she is determined to press on trying to keep the country running. she says the protests are part of a healthy democracy and she is doing what she believes is best as brazil's duly elected president. but members of the lower house plan to make it difficult for her to hold on to her seat fast-tracking impeachment proceedings against her for fiscal mismanagement. a federal judge has also suspended lula da silva's appointment to this role, a move the government is appealing. the president had hoped having
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lula da silva in her corner would shore up support for her government. there is a corruption in petrobras and it is suffering the worst recession in decades. people are unhappy and they're determined to be heard the calls for dilma rousseff's outer got louder after a judge released secretly recorded phone conversations between her and lula da silva. her opponents say one of them proves she only appointed him chief of staff to help him avoid prosecution. >> reporter: let me tell you something so i'm sending you this so we can have it and we can only use it if necessary. this is your appointment paper joining us from washington dc, the director at the brazil institute at the woodrow
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international center for scholars. let's start with what we heard. dilma rousseff seemingly offer to send lula da silva a copy of his appointment in case it was necessary. many people are saying it's proof she was only doing this to protect him from the corruption investigation and to stop him from possibly being arrested. how incriminating is this? >> judges came out suggesting that this consists in obstruction of justice. legal experts also came to the same opinion. obviously, there are opinions that are different from that. all of this will be, obviously, discussed and resolved by the supreme court, but the supreme court today issued very, very strong statement criticizing former president lieu for the manner in which he refers to the
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supreme court justices in some of the taped conversations aside from the timing and how it has trouble passing the smell test, dilma rousseff is also facing possible impeachment again. so could the fact that she is appointing lula da silva, who was popular when president, as her chief of staff, could she be doing that strengthen her own position? >> yes. i think that is the problem because it looks like it will not have that effect. president lula da silva will not be able, if he is able to keep his job, a federal judge today suspended his nomination. there are 50 other judges in brazil ready to take similar action. in will end up in the supreme court, but it is clear that one of the objectives of the president dilma rousseff in nominating him was to use his,
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obviously, political skills to protect herself from an impeachment process in congress. an impeachment process is moving on. it started today how volatile is the situation is brazil because we've seen massive protests across the country over the past few days. >> it's highly volatile, i think. the country, as you know, is in a free fall economic recession for the second year in a row and with the government that is seemed to be determined to fight all those charges, all those accusations, you could very well see the president impeached in a matter of a month. if she is impeached she will have to step down and pass power to her vice president until the senate makes a final determination. two-thirds of brazilians expect or support the president's
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indictment. the recent events only reinforce that view she is highly, highly unpopular and that's very hard to see how she rebuilds trust, she regains some sort of confidence to finish her term in office because the petrobras scandal is huge. almost 200 people indicted, moneys of millions of money recovered. it could a split in the governing coalition. what do you think given what you're just saying about all this opposition to her, do you think she can survive it? >> it's very difficult to imagine her surviving at this point. it is expected that any day now the prime minister dp, which is the second largest party/party in coalition with dilma
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rousseff's partyparty is expected to leave any time. her government is basically collapsing. she is isolated. the investigations led by judge on the petrobras scandal is supported by nine out of ten brazilians. they're fed up with impunity of high in high places and this is a new moment for brazil. it will be very painful, but one of the predictable impact, immediate impact of the impeachment and removal of president dilma rousseff will be a changiing expectations on the economy. then there will be new challenges, but one step at a tichlt we are in the middle of the crisis and it will take quite a while to overcome all of this because of the expectations
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that she may be pushed out, they had their biggest jump in seven years today. thank you for being with us. >> thank you a group called the kurdistan freedom hawks have claimed responsibility for sunday's deadly bombing in ankara. now the turkish prime minister is vowing to punish the masterminds but also members of parliament. a battle over illegal fishing leads to a sunken ship.
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>> welcome back to al jazeera america i'm antonio mora. coming up in this half hour of international news, north korea increases tensioning with another missile launch. first, a look at stories making headlines across the u.s. in the american minute. the flint water crisis was the subject of a heated congressional hearing. rick schneider, governor was a star witness. they called on both of them to resign. president obama's choice to fill the vacant seat. the republican leadership maintains that it will not hold a confirmation hearing for judge
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garland. two republican senator said they would consider confirming garland rather than risk a hillary clinton nominee should she win the election. an announcement from sea world. the park will reach an agreement with the human society to stop breeding killer whales in captivity, a response to animal welfare groups that criticise treatment of wales and dolphins. we'll talk to an expert from the human society from the next half hour. >> the u.s. called on north korea to refrain from actions, after pyongyang fired two ballistic missiles off the coast. one miceal travelled 500m before falling into the water. china before this said it opposes unilateral sanctions. it came hours after the u.s. imposed new sanctions against
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north korea. rob mcbride joins us from hong kong. few days seems to go by without some incident. this came days after north korea said it had the technology to deliver a nuclear warhead. no coincidence? >> it happened after first light this morning. two missiles tracked. one is falling 500 miles into the sea that separates korea from japan. this was a medium range missile. we had message launches last week, they were short range. this appears to be a medium range miss lyle. it suggests that north korea is upping the threat level. that has not been lost on japan. fouling within range of a missile. we have seen a strong response. we are expecting later today a
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strong response from beijing. they are alarmed at the instability on the korean peninsula, and the frustration of the inability to rein in north korea from conducting these kinds of tests. it comes as we get claims, as you mentioned, from north korea that they are developing the technology, we saw last week photographses of kim jong un. which they claimed to be a miniaturized war head. the the suggestion from the north koreans, that they have developed that technology, they are working on the rocket launch technology. they are able to put the two together. there is a lot of skepticism internationally about the claims operating fact from north korean fiction. analysts tend to believe they are a few years off from developing such a weapon. >> because, as you said, the
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medium ranged missiles could reach as far as japan, and the u.s. military bases. how much steppizism is there. what odds exist that they have longer range missile that could threaten the u.s. mainland? >> well when it comes to longer raped missiles, we have seen -- ranged missiles, we have seen one launched. a long-range missile launched from north korea, the north said it was the launch of a satellite in space, and it appears that a missile reached a space orbit. the suspicion is that they are trying to develop an intercon tin antial missile. the launch was apparently successful. and did get into space. that is the concern that there is a lot of criticism internationally about how technologically advanced it is. but with each, you have to assume that they are getting
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closer to achieving the technology to deliver one of these. that's the kind of condemnation we receive. rob mcbride in hong kong. thank you it has been able to establish contact with the american student imprisoned in north korea. he was sentenced to 15 years of hard labour. the 21-year-old convicted of crimes against the state. the state department will do everything it can. a kurdish armed group is claiming responsibility for the suicide bombing, killing 37 peep. the kurdistan freedom hawks have been fighting turkey for 30 years. they carried out the attack for retaliation. we have this report. the bomb blast continues to be felt politically. thursday, they failed to punish
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the mastermind of the attack, but go after members of parliament of whom he accuses of supporting terrorism. >> the issue is open reply supporting terrorism. the issue is not somebody talking into parliament. it's starting the problem. the problem is if you support in the ground, to collaborating terrorists and using the immunity, this is not democracy. >> the kurdish group and the hawks claims requestionsy. it is an offshoot of the p.k.k. the party that has been at war. both groups are considered terrorist organizations. although the government had been a peace negotiation, those talks broke down after p.k.k. fighters killed to policeman. hins then, the army attacked
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p.k.k. locations. meanwhile. in iraq kurdish fighters stepped up attacks across turkey, including istanbul, and the capital ankara. on february 17th. they targeted a bus. that killed dozens of people. the bomber of that attack, and a recent one has been accused of receiving training inside syria. that's the kurdish armed group. led to the p.k.k. it's why turkey says count rigs likes the united states had not supported. security is becoming more of a concern in turkey. it was announced that it was closing it as a precaution. the government has been praised for discussing violence.
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enough it's scrutinising the attacks. to rock the cities. the e.u. is about to formally propose a plan aimed at solving the ongoing refugee crisis, resulting in most asylum seekers being sent back to turkey. the prime minister says the plan would be submitted to the turkish government tomorrow. some parts have been made public, it's not clear what the europe queen union is servicing are offering to sign off. even if it agrees to the plan. it will have to overcome logistical circles. the governments are under pressure to act. our correspondent reports from greece. >> reporter: thousands of refugees are stranded. officials from the asylum
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support office encourage them to register. the refugees are told the only option is to seek asylum. in all eight, they are in the camp. this is one of them. >> since october. 2015, which is the operational date, starting date of the programme on the ground. about 780 people have been relocated from this. >> hope is what made the people trek to the muddy camp. hope of going further north on the refugee trail to reach the european countries, it's a force that propels them, like every refugees, past camps that have been erected in greece. a syrian refugee from homs says he's losing patients, he's been in the camp for more than four weeks now. >> we registered for re-election. they did app interview. nothing came of it, it's lies, a
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waste of time. the activist ai weiwei has come to see the situation for himself. >> it would delay everything. it doesn't - it doesn't really cope with the fundamental belief that those people are human. they have a dignity. they are still bleeding. and the programme to make them bleed longer. aid workers say they, too, are overwhelmed, wondering why it's taking human to long to respond to the growing humanitarian crisis. >> more refugees are arriving. greece is struggling. we are all stretched as well. we need to see a common european strategy. there's no option b. for now, the people of the camp wait anxiously hoping that the situation will change. greece, with all its economic problems risks turning into a
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refugee prison with 44,000 people stranded already. a number that keeps ticking upwards every day germany sentenced a former intelligence worker to eight years for treason. the man, markus r, was an officer at the foreign intelligence agency. he was found guilty of sharing information with 3,000 employees with the c.i.a. in change for over 100,000. china is investigating the sinking of a boat in argentine waters. argentina says it shot and sank a trawler that was fishing illegally. we have more on what appears to be a recurring conflict between the two nations. >> out on the high seas, 200 miles from the patagonian coast.
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the vessel was shot at while trying to fish illegally. argentina alerted the ship, according to international standard. it tried to escape and hit the boat. that's when they started firing, so the boat would stop. >> what happened later is a matter of dispute. even though the navy says the ship sank after it was fired upon. and the sailors were rescued. china decided a full investigation. he has doubts whether the fishing vessel sank. the weaponry used by the navy was not strong enough to sink a ship. in the past, some would rather sink a ship. the incident is one of many that happened in the last little years. as fishing boats tried to
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violate argentine, marr tine borders. the navy says this time the chinese boat tried to hit the ship. and that makes the incident different. >> this time the captain was detained. most times the ships are captured and the sailors repatriated to china. >> that happens. this chineseship was captured nine months ago. it is very similar. you can see the life. but also the deteriorated conditions that many of the boats are in. argentine authorities believe that the boats sent to fish in argentine waters are the cheapest in the fleet. they cross into argentinian territory. the rest of the fleet waits
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outside. what is happening is piracy. >> this is pir si, they send the boat across the water. for many, it's another example of the consequences of illegal fishing around the world. a military court in cameroon handed down death assistances to 89 fighters. cameroon reports that 20 boko haram fighters were killed wednesday during a raid in northern nigeria. it was carried out by a multi-nigerian task force. >> the u.n., and union pulled 84 staff members from the mission.
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ban ki-moon is no longer disputed. the move follows large protests in morocco, those forced to leave included explosive technicians that were moving mines from the area. the mandate was given to it bit the security council. it create peacekeeping missions. what we are seeing is unprecedented. the security council is scared about the reaction, trying to make it seem like a confrontati confrontation, to justify his actions so he can play the role of a victim. >> they'll not withdraw troops from a u.n. peacekeeping mission. jacob zuma is alleged to have happened improperly.
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al jazeera's correspondent reports. president zouma returns to parliament to face questions over the latest scandal. he's been scrutinised for his relationship with a powerful family. a massive business interest in south africa. to say the family offered them ministerial positions. one was the dooupty minister of finance, who says he was offered the top job in the ministry before the previous minister was fired without warning in december. >> i am in charge of the government. i appoint. in terms of the constitution. there is no person here, appointed by the guptas or
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anybody else. ministers who are here were appointed by me. the coup ter family denied the matter. in an official post, it was said that the female was summoned to the state where the guptas offered her a job as a minister in zouma's cabinet. and that zoomee -- jacob zuma was in a different room and he escorted her out. the president had said there's nothing wrong with the gooupta family or his son being their business partner. >> please leave the house. >> the top decision-making body of the african making congress is due to meet. the official line is that it's deeply concerned by the
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allegations. how do we deal with what is a safe capture, a situation where the outside interests capital that excerpts n undue increase. >> the split with the party has never been as wide. >> tension between the two big blocks epurged. the one block and rad cole position of the enc goes now. then there's the nationals. they will hold on. dissent is palpable. the party's secretary general said no one is undutchable, and the leadership may prove to be the president's biggest change yet. >> cuba today announced plans to eliminate the penalty on converting u.s. dollars inside the country. the mood coming days ahead of
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president obama's visit, lifting the 10% charge to change dollars. and the currency would make it easier for americans to visit and spend money. cuban's foreign minister warns president obama about using his visit to promote change. tomorrow we have a preview of the president's trip. >> canadian prime minister justin trudeau is undoing his predecessor's stephen harper's changes to the retirement aim. the age for old age security, was set to go up from 65 to 67 in 2023. the liberal government's budget will reverse the policy. >> justin trudeau ran on bucking the trend arguing the government could be a driver for the economy. >> africa's drought is not just affecting people. how crops and water supplies are hearting a subspecies of
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should not be seen as a victory. bashar al-assad's position was strengthened, not to the point of victory. it ads vladimir putin succeeded in ending the situation in ukraine. "the japan times" asked the question now that russia pulled its forces out of syria, where will vladimir putin focus attention next. it's like loi it will turn towards europe. it warns the rest should be ready because vladimir putin's mission to return russia to great power is nothing less. president obama's refusal to stand up to russia opened the door for russia to attack with impunity. the paper says comment will likely embolden not only the
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kremlin, but dictators around the world. >> the west african giraffe roamed throughout the region's havana. there is an effort there to rebuild the giraffe population, we have this report. on the look out for the last giraffe. this is 50km south. the african t.v.annas stretched out. soon it shows up at a distance, grazing on the favourite abbing asia trees. there was a time they roamed across the region. drought and hunting reduced them to a small group. stloorties are trying to protect what remains of the speesies.
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>> in 1996 we have 50 giraffes. now we have 452 drafts. we try to get a closer look, as we approach we are told not to preserve them. this is not the biggest one. the biggest one is famous, you can spend a year looking for him. this is a large park. more than the size of lebanon. >> nature here is quiet and beautiful. and giraffes share the qualities. the giraffe is a peaceful animal. if you don't make it, you can come less than 15 meters from it. it's curious, sometimes it can scare at you. there were names for them. there was one that carried my name. unfortunately it died. some living in the area hardly
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share the afocus. >> we don't see a use for them. they destroy the crops and eat the trees. now there is a problem for us. another problem affecting both people consisted of two years of drought. resulting in crops and drier vegetation. tourism has been on the decline. at the beginning we made some, we used to receive large numbers of visitors, now it's five or six per week. at the entrance of the return, there was concern that violence and drought could reverse what they have made. a new biopic on legendary painter is grabbing headlines.
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loving vincent pays homage to the artist and will be a first fully paint feature film. each is an oil painting in his style. in order to make it work. there's 12 oil paintings every second. >> radar scans taken at king tut's tomb shows something is hidden behind the walls. they don't know if the elusive queen nefertiti is buried there, and they'll make an announcement on april 1st after a now round of radar scans. >> in the next hour, a potential alternative to donald trump says he's not interested in the presidential nomination. the latest of the presidential campaign and other news in two minutes. two minutes.
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good evening, i'm antonio mora, this is al jazeera america. a reality check for both political parties. how clinton won another state today, and the message from house speaker paul ryan. >> republicans think the people deserve a voice in this critical decision. >> this is too important. >> the battle over supreme court nominee merrick garland, his visit to capitol hill, and the g.o.p.'s pledge to wait for the next president. >> if you are going to do the dangerous thing, you too should step down. >> anger at the governor and the e.p.a. the publishing lashing over flint firebirds's water
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