tv News Al Jazeera March 23, 2016 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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>> police investigating the attacks in brussels hunting for a third suspect whose bomb failing to off. >> more details are emerging hyped the brussels attacks. two of the suicide-bombers have been identified as brothers. as the investigation continues, the mourning begins. thousands gather to remember those killed. >> also ahead in the program the u.n. pulling out of average camps iaverage--refugee camps
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in greece. >> thank you for joining us. we begin in brussels where police are searching for a suspect behind tuesday's triple bomb attacks. security teams have been carrying out raids on multiple addresses. they uncovered 15-kilos of explosives along with nails and bomb-making equipment. belgium's chief prosecutor has been giving more details on the attackers while one of them is identified as the bomber who has blew himself up at the checking hold at the brussels international airport. and his brother blew himself up on a train. in total 31 people killed, 270 were injured. meanwhile, a third suspect who has not been officially named is on the run. investigators say that his bomb
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was the largest but was unstable and failed to explode. these are the men that the police believe carried out of attacks. among them a known carible who carried out the explosion in the airport. on wednesday, prosecutors gave a news conference in which they described what evidence they gathered. >> the third suspect is still on the run. he had a big bag that contained explosives. after the authorities came in they found the explosives. there was a taxi driver who told the police that they had carried passenger who is he thought had the explosive. >> belgiumss are now marking three days of mourning
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wednesday's front pages reflect the feelings of the people. some speak of the mourning, some of the day people have feared. thou there is heavy security presence. and at this metro station passengers spoke of their concerns. >> it would be very important that--there is no solution without speaking together. >> it was, indeed, a very strange day with all that happened yesterday. i think everyone is feeling the same now. we do what we can do, and we'll get there in the end. >> on the normal day this airport would handle more than 650 flights. but today there are none. the security forces have sealed off the entire complex.
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and the traffic is severely delayed part of a pattern across the city which is seen continued road closures and diversions. the people of brussels appear to be accepting this imposition stoically, but many are afraid that the tension to the city is becoming the norm. dominic kane, al jazeera, brussels. >> well, a peruvian mother of three-year-old twins has been confirmed the first official victim of the attacks in brussels. she was killed in the airport. the 37-year-old was with her daughters and her husband at the time. the family are briefed to have survived the blast. her brother confirmed her death. >> once i got the information early this morning, we didn't know much of what was happening with her. her body. where did the brussels state
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take it 37 in the case of my officer, who is peruvian, even though they have family in brussels, they are connecting to new york to meet my sister. in the end this attack stopped their destiny. >> let's go to paul brennan, he joins us live from brussels. what is the latest from the investigation? >> yes, a couple of interesting developments during the day. most interesting in the last hour, the turkish prime minister has come out and said that one of the bombers was deported from turkey to the netherlands last june, and turkey warned belgium that he had militant leanings, militant tendencies. they did not name which of the bombers it was, and so there is some mystery as to the identify he's talking about. but that is an intriguing
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development, indeed. as far as the search for the other bombers, in many ways the waters are muddied just a little bit. ibrahim, who was seen in the middle of that trio, he's known as one of the attackers of the airport. but it's known that his brother kalid was at the station and blew himself up at the metro carriage there. the police are trying to work out who are the other two people in that cctv footage because they're not sure. one is obviously known to have blown himself up. they still he not been able to identify that person. and the other fled under a hat and glasses. the second pepper. and the authorities are trying to work out who those two people are, and it's a massive manhunt. there are raids taking place in
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several districts of brussels and elsewhere in belgium as well. and clearly there is a very intensive police investigation ongoing. but there are a number of loose ends that the police want to tie up before they're convinced they have the full extent of this conspiracy. >> paul brennan with the latest there from brussels, paul, thank you. >> 12,000 migrants and refugees stranded if in greece's northern border have been protesting for a second day. they've been sleeping on the railway tracks and they're threatening to block the deliveries of food and water until the border is opened. this comes after two protesters tried to set themselves on fire. the u.n. refugee agency has pulled staff from camps on lesbos and other greek islands,
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and other international organizations have followed suit saying they won't be complicit to violence of refugees. >> for refugees arriving in greece, the united nations have been a welcome sight, whether they meet the boats or people traveling on foot, staff from the u.n.'s refugee agency have been guiding people to the camps, which have become known as hot spots. not any more. >> under the new provision these so-called hot spots have now become detention facilities, so accordingly, and in line with uncr policy on opposing mandatory detention, we have suspended some of our activities of all these closed centers on the island. >> they say that the deal between the e.u. and turkey, which is meant to stop the flow of refugees through europe, has been prematurely implemented and without proper safeguards.
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under the plan new arrivals are meant to be able to apply for asylum, but it also means that people are confined to the camps until their claims are assessed. they say that people are being held against their will on several greek islands. >> there have been horrible circumstances. war, persecution, human rights abuses, and here they have to stay in a closed environment including children, elderly and pregnant women. they need to not feel punished. >> no longer will they transport people to those camps. they will offer some services for those traumatized by their join. >> there is a mandate to protect refugees. it doesn't have the mandate to detain them. it's not going to be involved in facilitating nasty poretations. it's there to protect them and see that they get proper information, and they will continue to do those things. >> greece has begun sending thousands of refugees back to turkey, but more still come.
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only now when they land, the u.n. won't be there to gree greet them. al jazeera. >> yemen's president said that houthi rebels have agreed to an u.n. resolution calling for an end to the fighting. he's quoted as saying that he was told that the development of the u.n. envoy. it comes as houthi fighters take over the western parts of taiz. we have the latest. >> pro government fighters are sending reinforcements to the city of taiz. houthi forces backed by former president ali abdullah saleh continue in, that broke the siege. houthi rebels lingered on the
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outskirts and now they have reappeared. just a few days ago they were confident of taking more areas. >> we'll take control of the rest of the area and we'll control the houthi rebels who are still to the north of taiz. god willing we will free taiz. >> pro government forces control many parts but fighting continues and it's clear that no one controls the whole city. some believe that the deliberation of taiz early this month was premature. >> the fighting has not stopped in the last two weeks. it's not like the houthies have been defeated in these areas. but rather as they withdrew from certain lines, now they're attacking again to re-establish the area. >> the government finds itself confronting al-qaeda or hqrp in the south. >> all the areas that we have fighting between the government
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and houthies, when the fighting subsides you will find security taking over these areas. this happens along the entire coast line betwee between aden. >> forces have been carrying out airstrikes against the hqap. the government said that dozens of hqap fighters were killed when the camps were bombarded. with no central government in charge of the whole country most of the people are at the mercy of multiple armed groups. al jazeera. >> u.s. president barack obama is in buenos aires where he's meeting his argentinian counterparts president macri. his two-day visit is expected to focus on trade and diplomacy between the two nations. we're joined live now from buenos aires.
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does this show a big shift in foreign policy? >> well, first let me tell you where i'm am. i'm in front of the national cathedral. this is when the archbishop used to come. president barack obama would come here to pay tribute, so it's a very big shift for argentina. let me put it in context. the last time an u.s. president came to argentina was back in 2005, and it was when george bush came to the summit of the americas. there were massive protests against him at the time. a time when latin america had shifted towards the left and hugo chavez was fighting against what he called was the empire. things are changing now, and argentina is leading it in a way. it has turned towards the center. and the president himself, president macri said that they have opened up for business.
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again, argentina is looking for new investment. and in the last month we've seen, for example, the precedence from france, the president from france, the president from italy, now we've seen a bilateral agreement signed. this is a very big change for this country. >> the time something quite interesting. thursday marks the 30th anniversary of the military coup. has there been any controversy at all over obama's visit? >> well, when this trip was first announced, human rights opposed the visit. they say it was not the right time, it was the 40th anniversary of the 1976 coup that brought dictatorship to power in argentina. thousands of people were persecuted and killed, and the united states played a very important role at the time they
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were fighting communism. this wednesday and thursday morning, he's going to patagonia for the rest of the day and then the president will fly back to the united states. there will be massive protests this coming thursday again to commemorate the dictatorship. president macri said that it is time to turn a page, and this is a new era for this country. >> live for us in buenos aires. thank you. still more to come here on al jazeera including plenty of water on the ground but not enough to drink. we'll tell you why kenya is struggling to make reservoir supplies safe. and summit in nepal, how the country is trying to tackle the issue of child marriage.
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>> welcome back, a reminder of the top stories on al jazeera. a huge manhunt is underway for a suspect who police believe to be involved in tuesday's attacks in brussels. the police believe his bomb was the largest, but was unstable and failed to explode. the aid charity doctors without borders have suspended activities at a hot spot in lesbos. it comes a day after the u.n. refugee agency pulled staff out of camps on lesbos and other greek islands. and u.s. president barack obama is in argentina meeting
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with president mauricio macri. >> forces have forced their watt off the palmyra. the military has cleared the hills outside of the city of isil fighters. the army is trying to recapture palmyra, which includes an unesco world heritage site. >> despite a lack of the deal, the u.n. said there is a glimmer of hope. we have this update from geneva. >> the talks here in geneva were supposed to continue on thursday with a meeting between the u.n. mediators and the government side and also the opposition side. but now the government chief negotiator said that he has received the latest paper putting forward his key
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principles on this process, and he said he wants to take those principles back to damascus. it was pretty clear when the ambassador spoke to us and for now he's walking away from geneva, but he's not walking away from the process. >> today the paper will be carefully studied as we get back to damascus, and we shall respond to it at the beginning of the next round. the delegation was the first and only delegation that submitted a paper. as the second round started with us submitting a paper, this round is ending with a paper from the envoy. >> so little progress on the main issue of political transition trying to create a new interim government for syria. remember, though, that as well as this, there has been a cessation of hostilities, and a
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new effort to get supplies into the sieged areas, to get in humanitarian aid. they told me that there had been some progress. >> i have lived in this war now for five years, as have all of us, 2014-2015 was just bad news every single day. yes we're making progress. we're getting people who have not gotten assistance at all before. and then we hope and pray that political talks will lead to something because there was only political solutions there. in this there are no humanitarian solutions. >> the main opposition block was that the government side has tried to stall in these negotiations, and tried to avoid the main issue of political transition. and that's why the coming hours, the meeting between the russians, vladimir putin, and his foreign minister sergei lavrov and secretary of state john kerry will be so important.
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>> the israeli military has cut access to the west bank. it the closure will continue until midnight saturday. authorities say exceptions will be made for humanitarian and medical cases. israel believe palestinian attacks are more likely during the jewish holidays. a british judge has decided that a london based trader who is accused of contributing to the u.s. wall street crash should be extr extradited to the u.s. authorities say that they would scoop markets and let a trillion dollars be wiped from the dow jones in 2010. he's facing 22 charges of fraud and market manipulation.
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in south africa police are reported to have launcheed a you corruption investigation into the president's son and the powerful gupta family. a south africa radio station said that the investigation of his son follows a contemplate made by the opposition party the democratic alliance. three years ago underground water reserves were discovered in one of kenya's hottest and dryest regions. the reservoirs are believed to have enough water to supply kenya for 70 years. 70million kenyans do not have access to safe drinking water. and the reservoirs will not bring the relief that they're
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expecting. >> for the first time in a year it has rained in northern kenya. for a while people will not have to walk long distances looking for water. the rain comes and can mislead. it only rained for two days this time. the area is known as the dryest and poorest regions in the country but it's rich in natural resources like oil and water underground reservoirs. this aquifer was discovered three years ago. it's not far from the local government. they want to use it for irrigation. >> this has changed my family's life. we now have water. i can take care of my family. >> but that's about it. the remove farther away from the town they come face to face with the struggles of those who live in the remote areas. the largest aquifer with
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40 billion cubic meters of water were discovered in south sudan. tests of the underground water is too salty to drink. >> some people moved closer to the water source. they were told that there was a problem. now people won't talk about it they're just frustrated. >> when we last spoke with sara and her friends at the village two years ago, they were so full of hope. but nothing much has changed for them. they tell us they spend most of their days looking for water from dry river beds like this one. >> i just want the government to do something. when it doesn't rain, this waterbed completely dries up. underneath there is water. it's dirty. dogs drink it. then we drink it. that's why our children are falling sick. >> local officials say that the
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underground water could be purified, but the process will be too expensive. >> we look for the solution. there is running rainwater. at least the alternative assurance for the people and for the live stock. >> these women say they want more action and less rhetoric. they've been doing this for decades. but they're cautiously holding on to hope that one day soon it will be easier to accept clean and safer water for their families. catherincatherine soi. >> let's go nepal's capital kathmandu. there is a summit that
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highlights issues like female mutilation and underage marriage. more than half the girls are married under the age of 18 despite the fact that it's been illegal for more than a decade. there are reports that they're fighting generations of rural tradition. >> when they were just 13 and 14 their parents came together and arranged their marriage. >> i knew i was getting married, but i didn't know what it meant, she remembers. >> her husband says, i didn't know i was getting married. my parents arranged it. four years later he's still angry at his father. his father said that he arranged the marriage in line with traditional ideas. >> it is our culture.
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our society expects us to get our children married early. >> they both had to quit school after marriage. sanjiv is now supporting his family by working as a ticket collector at the rural bus service. >> it is one of the worse rates of child marriage in the world. 41% of girls are married before their 18th birthday even though under nepali law since 2002 the legal minimum age for marriage is 18 this would suggest that four out of five girls get married before the age of 18. parents as well as children under that it is illegal. but social pressures are so high
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that even activists who want to lodge complaints against these child marriages face pressures themselves. >> a 14-year-old who married 25-year-old. their marriage has given rise to the only court case brought this year in this district. her mother has taken her own parents to court after the arrange of marriage for their underage granddaughter. she insists that she's 18, and there are no documents to prove her age. i'm married because i fell in love. my mother is a bad woman, she says. the human rights activists who sponsored this court case have to tread carefully. >> evenhe police are heading to take action against people especially those who are politically connected. the rich get away with impunity. it's only the poor and powerless who end up getting caught. >> nepal aims to end child marriage by the end of 2013 and is even hosting the girl's
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summit. but back in the villages many girls are still getting married early all in the maim of honor and culture. al jazeera, southeast nepal. >> much more on that story on the website, >> new details in the brussels attacks officials discover a will from one of the suicide-bombers. >> the united states stands ready to work with argentina through this historic transition. >> president obama meets with the president of argentina in buenos aires but not without controversy. for t
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