tv Weekend News Al Jazeera March 26, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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>> hello everyone, i'm felicity barr. and welcome to this news hour live from london. coming up in the next 60 minutes. mourning in iraq for the victims of a suicide-bombing at a football match after isil attacks civilian and military targets. as brussels continues to mourn its dead, belgium police charge three suspects with terror offenses. the battle for palmyra, syrian government forces say they've taken control of three parts of the city.
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>> and rocking havana, the rolling stones plays for a historic crowd in cuba. >> in twenty20 championships new zealand unbeaten in the competition after a crashing defeat at bangladesh. hello, fighters from the islamic state in iraq and the levant have killed at least 18 iraqi soldiers. ten suicide-bombers stormed the air base in anbar province. eight were killed and the other two blew themselves up. this is what we know about the air force base. it's located in anbar province
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120 kilometers from ramadi. hundreds of advisers and trainers use that base to support iraqi troops. however, the u.s. military said that there were no attacks near the u.s. side of the base. they launched an operation to retake anbar province, 60% of the province is currently sold by isil. we have more from the capital of baghdad. >> around 1 8 to 10 fighters for isil succeeded in entering the base some of them blew themselves up and others were killed. the clashes between the fighters before they're killed and also the iraqi forces. some soldiers from the iraqi forces killed in these clashes before the iraqi forces killed all of the people.
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the sources did not talk about whether those fighters reached the facilities, but another source from the area say that those isil fighters, it is known that trainees and advisers of american forces are based in this base. but still at this moment the clashes happened inside the base. the people who have been killed inside the base are only iraqis, and these clashes did not reach the american offices or the american bases. the sources said those isil fighters they reached some important offices inside the base. one of them is the telecommunication office before they were killed, all of them. >> that attack on the air base
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happened a day after the suicide-bomb targeted a football stadium killing more than 40 people. they carried out that attack as well. bernard smith reports. >> the end of a friday football game. at its time to present the trophy. among the crowd a suicide-bomber. the explosion killed dozens of people and injured more than 100. it happened 50 kilometers south of baghdad. isil has claimed responsibility for the attack. identifying 17-year-old local local as the bomber. iraqi officials believe it could have been isil's losses on the battlefield that is provoking an increase in attacks like these. less than 24 hours after the bombing, the u.n. secretary general arrived in baghdad. isil is exploiting sectarian divisions, again they called on iraq's government to encourage
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reconciliation between sunni and shia communities. in northern iraq the army said it started clearing villages surrounding the isil-held city of mosul in preparation to take rush retake the city sometime this year. mosul is cut off on three sides by kurdish peshmerga forces. they look to increase the number of american troops in iraq to support the country's ground fight against isil. bernard smith, al jazeera. >> well, let's get more on the story joining us live. thanks for being with us on the program. why is it in iraq we're seeing more of these isil suicide-bomb attacks? >> because in my opinion they are beginning to see a very important moment of transition for the so-called islamic state.
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we are beginning to see al-qaeda invasion of the so-called islamic state. the reason why i'm calling this is two important things have changed. over the last six or seven months. the first point is that isis is losing it's almost unlimited wealth. isis is basing a lot of financial and economic difficulties and it is no longer can rely on taxation in extremely lucrative areas in iraq, which it has lost, and at the same time it can't rely on the oil revenues in the way that it did in. 2015. and the other factor is since may the islamic state has not been able to gain even an inch or it has not been able to basically have a serious
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achievement, and at the same time it has lost about 40% of its ground in iraq, and over 20% of its territories in syria. so isis has no choice but to change its tactics. for example, relying on methods and tactics like suicide-bombing, it does not have to use a great deal of resources but at the same time it can have a major impact. >> so it's cheaper and it's easier to simply use those suicide-bombers. this is a group that started life as a group who wanted it's own caliphate. they wanted to establish a caliphate in iraq and syria, and in the beginning was not interested in targeting, for example, western targets outside of those areas, was it? >> yes, absolutely. initially the idea was about to start this global islamic caliphate and they wanted to establish an islamic
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nation-state. a lot of people thought they were invincible because day after day we've seen a lot of serious military victories on the ground certainly in syria and iraq. but that's because that invincibility is gone. isis has been on the defensesive, and now resort to go tactics that al-qaeda was relying on in 2005-2006-2007 by basically targeting soft targets not only in the west but places like iraq and syria. this is just evidence that the islamic state is increasingly becoming more and more how like al-qaeda was, and like
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al-qaeda was six or seven years ago. >> isil, of course, has been losing territory, as you point out. but is there a danger in under estimating its capability? it is still attracting huge numbers in recruits, as a start. >> in my opinion, of course we can't under estimate isis, but isis as an idea is much more dangerous than isis as a physical reality. it is not the matter of when--it is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when. i'm absolutely sever that at some point they will come to an end of their operation in iraq. mosul will not bring an end to this book. it's more the end of a chapter, but the story of isis, the ideal of isis, the mobilizing power of
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isis is going to go on for a very long time phone the forces ban them from th iraq. >> really interesting to get your perspective. thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> prosecutors in brussels have announced the arrest of a suspect who may be the third bomber from brussels airport. confirmed that fayca l c will be held for participation in
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terrorist murders and participating in a terrorist group. a huge rally has been postponed because of security fears. >> on the man on the right faycal c. his two accomplices blew himself up, but the third man's device failed to explode as he fled. he is called faycal c. but there are new names. icy pearce that this was the work of one network not separate cells.
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>> the suicide-bomber at brussels metro was khald el backouri. and also he represented out the hide out in brussels where salah abdels lam fled. but several men are still being hunted. john kerry visited brussels on friday to pay his respects and discuss the security. president obama has emphasized the close cooperation ongoing. >> the united states is on the ground in belgium supporting investigation. we ramped up our intelligence operations. >> 101 casualties are still being treated in hospital. four of those killed in tuesday's bomb attacks have yet to be positively identified. it's a difficult and forensic task.
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>> touch understand that a terrorist bomb contain small and larger metal pieces and these hit the victims at a high speed. out of respect for their relatives we won't release further details. >> brussels remains tense and the interrier you minister canceled a rally to be held on sunday. policing that, would hamper the security. >> we would need police capacity all over the country and it is our main priority to let the police do these inquiries. >> the organizers agreed. the rally is off. but the grieving goes on. paul brennan, al jazeera, bruce levels. >> jacky rowland is also in central brussels. how is the news that that rally has been postponed. how that gone down there, jacky?
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>> there is a reluctant acceptance in brussels that these are not normal times. that there are times of aitenned security stretch. people's routine. people's behavior has changed. there is also these new restrictions on public transport. you can't simply go down the escalator at the metro station like you used to. you have to open your bag and you have to open your coat. the rally has been postponed but it does not stop people from coming at a time of their choosing lighting candles, we've seen women laying flowers, writing poems in chalk on the ground. the commemoration continues even if there is not a formal large gathering on sunday. >> thank you. there is still more to come on this al jazeera news hour. including how months of unrest and violence has changed the
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fates of this historical site in occupiedize jerusalem. [singing] >> why the rival of traditional cambodian music is a political act. >> and they describe the starting point of the club's success. >> first, state media said that government forces have taken control of three areas inside the ancient city of palmyra. it is also reported that the citadel area on the city's outskirts have been taken from isil fighters. images showing government forces clearing a building formerly held by isil, which still claims to hold areas of palmyra. we have this update on the turkey-syrian border.
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>> activists inside palmyra have told al jazeera that the government forces are now in control of the ancient city, and there is only one kilometer away from the city center. whatever controls that cit kit del del--citadel gives them the vantage point. and we have reports that isil still is in a number of areas. but we also know that the government forces are clearing a number of areas. the city of palmyra is quite big because it seconds to the strongholds to the north and to the east there is an mostly isil stronghold. >> the former yemeni president ali abdullah saleh has called for an end to the conflict in the country.
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he blamed the saudi-led coalition for the suffering of yemeni civilians. >> on this day in 2015 the assault on the yemeni people started killing innocent civilians, targeting our women and children, destroying civilian households, and closing down schools, universities, and factories. >> the survival rates of afghan soldiers have dropped sharply since u.s. forces scaled back their operation 18 months ago. last year the number of casualties rose 30%. now it's a fear that the taliban could hit the government forces even harder. we report now from northeastern afghanistan. >> when the americans were here this sprawling base in k unhar province was called camp bright.
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now it's just called brigade. the americans left and took with them their air cover. >> we could show to the world that we are brave and we can defend our country independently. >> it's a different picture these days. nestled in the hills where americans suffered some of their heaviest casualties, but the afghan soldiers are suffering more. 300 killed in the last year and many more injured. they fighting experts if guerrilla warfare, the taliban now control more territory than at any time in the last 13 years. the afghans do not have high tech weaponly relying on machine guns. >> since the u.s. scaled down its operations the afghan army can no longer completely rely on the use of american firepower. and that has made a significant difference in its ability to take and hold territory.
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>> chances of survival are often considerably reduced. >> an ied bomb exploded and we were ambushed. a soldier standing next to me was wounded. if we have air support we can immediately evacuate him, but we had to drag him four kilometers. with air support he would have survived. >> there is a 40% unemployment rate in afghanistan and many men opt to enlist because there are no other options. corruption is said to be common in the military leaving soldiers without sufficient ammunition, and it leaves many without incentive. >> a soldier should have a strong faith and physical wer prowess. but this enemy is armed to the teeth. we need a powerful force with heavy artillery, tanks, and air force. >> the afghan security forces are suffering rates of casualties the americans say are
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unsustainable. it's effected morale but the official line is positive. >> our soldiers are from this country, and they're muslim and they know what they're doing is the right thing to defend our people and defend our homelands and we have to fight with everything we have. >> analysts say that neither the afghan army nor the taliban is strong enough to win the war. but the afghan army believes that if the u.s. was here in force it would an different story. tony berkeley, al jazeera, kunar province. >> the last six months has seen a wave of violence in occupied east jerusalem. more measures have been introduced in the hot shot of unrest. >> damascus gate, an integral part of life and known to be the busiest entrance in the old city. not any more. the street market sellers have
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gone. there is now an eerie silence here. >> these days the israeli forces are suspicious of everything. if your hands are inside your pockets their hands are on the trigger ready to shoot. the situation is really difficult. >> damascus gate has become a hot spot during the last six months of attempted stabbings and shootings. it has made the israeli government beef up security here. they now stand behind barriers they didn't before. they're more security cameras and the trees have been cut so there is a clear view. we're told we can no longer film freedomly as we used to. we can only stand in certain locations. these steps used to be full of people sitting around and enjoying their day. well, now that is no longer allowed. there is security all around this area and there are sniper positions on either side of damascus gate. >> palestinians say this amounts to collective punishment. many we speak to tell us they're scared that any wrong move could get you shot. walk inside the old city, this
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and another street that has seen multiple attacks again security has been increased. mohammed has owned this shop for 40 years. he says that the situation has never been this bad. even during the two previous. >> this is the worst time in all my life in jerusalem. it's very hard, you have no future for us, no future for the children. you know, everything--nobody look for jerusalem, no one looks after jerusalem. every day is worse than the day before. >> israeli officials say that the security situation is difficult to control considering the nature of the attacks often by palestinians acting alone. israeli ma police tell us that various units hav been deployed in the area in order to maintain the assessment. the palestinians human rights groups blame the attacks on the sense of hopelessness and decades of israeli occupation. some palestinians dispute that
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attacks have even taken place. what is not disputed is that life has been taken out of this place to uncertainty. >> the oroma may be on the ethiopia's largest minority groups but they say they're being neglected and even persecuted by their government. >> six-year-old abby and her nine-year-old brother have not been attending classes. the government closed their school three months ago an at the start of a crackdown to protests. we were here in january days after the children's mother had been shot through the neck during an demonstration. despite receiving treatment she died a couple of weeks ago. >> the little girl cries and keeps asking where her mother is. we feel her pain.
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the older one cried when his mother was shot and died, but now he understands that she's gone. >> the oroma are ethiopia's largest ethnic group. they have a federal system that gives it a degree of self rule to the oromo people. but the oromo opposition say the system has been corrupted by the ruling party. the protest was sparked by the integration development plan. a man that it said aims at spreading and increasing development and infrastructure out into the surrounding oromo region. but the oromo people have had longstanding issues with the government, culturaller political, economic, and they say it's these issues that are not being addressed. >> these are people-- >> an oromo politician who said that his community deserves equal opportunity. >> in terms of politics, highly
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marginalized. in terms of opportunity, highly marginalized. in terms of culture and language, highly hair ginnalized. they should have their proper place in this country. part of the problem is that the government wants to rule in the old way. people are resisting to be ruled in the old way. >> the protests have come at a time when ethiopia has enjoyed stability and sustained economic growth in reins years. analysts say that the government is afraid that civil unrest may be exploited by armed groups like al-shabab from neighboring somalia. it is accusing the eretreira government for stirring unrest. they are still not signed a peace treaty after a war that ended 16 years ago. >> there is a forum for
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consultation, for debate, for expression of different views. >> the government said it's listening. >> we're the people not only to address the issue of master plan, which is only a smokescreen, but to address the underlying problems. >> for this family, their daughter and mother was a victim of a government that has broken many promises before. charles stratford, al jazeera, ethiopia. >> well, still to come on the program, a change of fortune for bitcoin, once rebel currency is now gathering attention from mainstream banks. and a holiday destination that now has the reputation of being one of the most violent places on earth. and in sport, a controversial player returns to international action. l action.
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iraqi soldiers in an attack on one of the country's largest military bases. ten suicide-bombers stormed the base west of baghdad. prosecutors in brussels have announced the arrest of a suspect who may be the third bomber at brussels airport and syrian state media say government forces have retaken control of three areas inside the ancient city of palmyra from ill fighters. 12,000 refugees remain at the greek macedonia border living in a makeshift camp hoping that macedonia will soon let them in. some have relocated to camps by the greek government. but some worry that moving away from the borders will cost them their chance to reach europe. >> at first i thought the government camp might be better, but then i realized it might be
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the same. just tents. it makes no difference. we just change locations. it's better here to be closer to the border. >> there is no way to come to the other camps. we didn't come to camps to escape hunger. we're escaping a war. we didn't come here to eat and drinks like animals. we came here for a new life and new hope. >> easter is a big holiday for mexico. and it's tradition for many to head to acapulco. it has become one of the most violent places on the planet. john holman has more from acapulco. >> the crime scene in mexico's most violent city. this time, armed men shot up a strip club. as the bodies are carried out. the tac residents have grown used to these scenes. but this is a block away from
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the beach in acapulco. the resort town was once famous for hollywood glamour, now it's struggling with a new reputati reputation: gang warfare. traditionally the beaches are flocked with tourists. but they're not the only ones, the army has been called in to protect them during high season. even the archbishop has appealed to the gangs for a truce. >> i have been asking all those who cause violence and fear in the population to stop killing during easter. >> acapulco's hotels and restaurant are praying for the same. but 12 people were murdered just during our 48-hour visit. gangs have been fighting for years, first the drug routes and then increasingly kidnapping acts. results so commonplace that when they happen the city does not really miss a beat. you can hear the music and see
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the party continuing in the bar next door. no official was available to speak to us. but over the last six years they have sent in waves of heavily armed police and military to deal with each outbreak of violence. but the gangs calls come back. leaving francisco desperate for a solution that works. his restaurant should be full now. but this is only part of the problem in business. >> they tell you that you have to pay protection money or they burn your business or they kill you and your family. and the majority of the people just run for it and leave town. >> extortion is effective on beach vendors, too. eight have been killed in the last three months. this one right next to a group of canadian visitors. the violence is creeping ever closer to the tourist who is are the lifeblood of the struggling town. john holman, al jazeera,al coal pull co-
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>> bitcoin was the internet currency of drug dealers and hackers is surging an interest from major banks. al jazeera's andy gallagher has more from miami. >> the windward cafe holds a unique place in the state of florida. it's home to the only bitcoin cash machine around but of course it doesn't dispense anything as old fashioned and paper money. >> we go ahead and we start. and first steps to go ahead and scan your i.d. >> this terminal is part of a growing network of bitcoin mans that owner said is a rapidly evolving system. >> i think bitcoin is a teenager. that's a good analogy for it. the industry is maturing. the services that are needed as infrastructure to kind of help the next wave of start ups is built and continues to be improved. >> the virtual currency is only
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seven years old but is beginning to pique the interest of big banks and investors. some see it as a place for stocks and another sees it as a place to buy music on line. they sa he says he has not booked a hotel or flight outside of bitcoin in years. >> if you have your own bitcoin wallet, no one is able to take that money away from you. i think that gives people a really good understanding on how safe they can store their money, their valuables. >> over the years it seems that bitcoin has been written off as a failure as many times as it has been hailed for the future. but more serious is the falling
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out of the community that controls the currency leading to what some are calling a toxic community. >> they focus over issues like increasing the network's capacity. but bitcoin is a long way from replacing traditional banking. there are regulation issues and for many users there is a steep learning curve. >> it is still very risky. it's still a very risky thing. particularly if you're counting on it coming into widespread use. it's a difficult thing for consumers to sues. >> 2016 is shaping up to be a difficult year in the global markets, and it's that uncertain that may see bitcoin as an entirely new way of thinking about money. al jazeera, miami, florida. >> all right, let's get more on this. in student, an economic historian at cambridge university and the london school of economics. thank you for being here in studio.
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make you can explain exactly what the concept of bitcoin. >> it's a digital alternative currency. there is no physical coins or bank notes. alternative you can't pay your taxes with it, it's not legal tender, and you can't settle debts. the network it runs on is pure-pure. it's a network of computers. anyone can download this free software and be part of bitcoin network. >> how widely is it used at the moment? >> so we don't know exactly how many people are exactly using bitcoin. some measures like number of wallets, there is nothing stopping anyone from having multiple wallets but there are roughly 10 million wallets, there are a million or a few million people using it right now. >> and it's risky. just for ordinary members of the public to go into bitcoin and start using it and be part of the network. it has risks. >> it absolutely has risks. there is volatility, which has been well documented.
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in any given quarter the price will swing 50%. there have been a couple of well-known hacks of wallets. >> given all that why are banks and investors now looking more actively at bitcoin? what is it in it for them? >> right, so the banks and financial institutions are not looking so much at bitcoin the currency but the blocking technology. this is the ledger that keeps track of who owns what and processes these transactions. bitcoin technology is open source. anybody can take that, modify it and reuse it in their own business or for their own business. >> is that more sophisticated than some of the banks and football institutions have been using in their own systems? >> well, it ashe was some things that they think could be quite
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useful. one, it would be a way to basically manage transparencies, so the public, semi public ledger that regulators can look at to see what's going on with financial transactions. it's also a way to achieve trust across parties that may not trust each other so bank famously don't always trust what other bankers are telling them on the phone. the ledger would show them that this is their true position. it could not be counterfeited. that's quite powerful. >> bitcoin looking to the future. it first emerged five or six years ago. there was talk about it replacing currencies around the world eventually. is that a possibility, or is it pie in the sky. >> it's not going to happen any time soon, but i wouldn't completely rule out bitcoin or some other digital currency becoming important. we have internet, machine to machine taking off in
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transactions. in existing monetary systems like the dollar, the pound can't keep up, then maybe something like bitcoin can fill the gap. >> thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> bangladesh's government has now decided not to ban facebook, and it had restricted access to the social networking site for months because of what it called security concerns. but for business owners who have relied on the sites say that it has cost them dear. >> he runs an internet company. his website does most of his business on facebook. but a recent government ban of the social networking site has cost him money. >> there are some fixed coxs in a you can't avoid unless you
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shut it down. we had no sales but we had to keep paying our employees and other costs. >> facebook com commerce is worth $800 million a month in bangladesh. and the ban hit many small businesses very hard. the government defends blocking the site saying misinformation spread through social media about recent war crime trials had led to widespread violence. even those who control the country's gateway internet are worried. >> no matter how they filter out the good content and bad conte content, ned the instead they block everything. >> there is a condition of anonymity that the government is trying to control online traffic. they've already tried twice to
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build a system that would allow to filter out certain content from any website and it is now making a third attempt. >> the government says that the country's security needs outweigh the privacy and economic implications of state interference and internet use. >> yes, people's businesses can be hurt when sites like facebook is shut down. but when they call for action like this, people have to obey the government's decision. >> facebook has rejected several requests to allow its access to user data, and thousands have signed a petition urging the company not to imply. it's a struggle that looks it will continue. which means that business owners may have a challenging future ahead. al jazeera. >> myanmar's first-ever stock exchange is now open for business. >> but as the bell rang only one
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company was listed. it's shares rows by 19% in an hour. it's hoping that the opening of the exchange will boost economic development. activists in south korea have released 50,000 balloons to send anti-pyongyang messages to north korea. >> cambodia's khmer roug khmer rouge killed 2 million people among them were musicians and performing artists. now they're trying to revive their art. we have reports from phnom penh. >> a tough teacher, he has been a traditional wedding musician in cambodia for more than half a
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century. and he expects nothing less than perfection from the students. >> this traditional wedding music is my life. i won't stop playing it until i die. i will continue teaching it to the younger generation. >> but his love of music almost cost him his life. musicians like master men were hunted and killed by the khmer rouge regime in the 1970s, murdered more than 2 million people and banned all forms of art in its effort to establish a purely agrearian society uncorrupted by any creative people or intellectuals. >> because the khmer rouge wanted no form of expression, 80% of artists were killed
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during that period. no religion, no music, no arts, no expression. [ music ] within just one generation cambodia's rich heritage was decimated. cultural organization called cambodian living art and is now working with older musicians and dancers to teach a new generation. [ music ] but they are facing some new challenges. increasingly young cambodians are turning away from traditional music and most are listening to korean pop and american hip-hop. and with that these artists say they'll struggle to survive. >> i see this day people are listening more and more music. not many people understand the traditional music. it is disappearing. >> for now its tourist who is are helping to keep traditional
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art forms alive. [ music ] these performing artists admit it won't be easy competing against the influx of western music. then again, what they have is well worth saving. al jazeera, phnom penh, cambodia. >> still ahead on the program, the fast train that has a bit of a slow start to life. and broken an under sea record. djokovic on a charmed offensive in miami.
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>> the japan's new bullet train is operating this weekend. >> japan's new bullet train is operating this weekend. many people are expected to benefit from this new line. >> japan has long been known for its love affair with trains. this is it's latest effort. a $5 billion project with a new bullet train that connects the main island of honshu with the morning island--with the northern island. the tickets sold out in 45 minutes. >> i'm getting more excited as i see the train in front of me. i could not sleep. i woke up at 1:00 a.m. and was tossing and turning in bed and even woke the kids up. >> it's been a decade after
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japan's first bullet train connected tokyo with the southerncy of osaka. it will now take travelers four ourselves to travel from tokyo saving them under an hour. the new line stretches for 150 kilometers. the northern island is home to famous ski resorts, geothermal springs and national parks. >> it is finally completed. it is not only a very happy moment, but also a moment that will help increase tourism and boost the local economies. >> the line also runs through a 54 kilometer undersea tunnel. it is the deepest operational main line tunnel in the world. japanese officials say that they hope to extend the line to the northern city of sapporro by 2030. al jazeera.
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>> get call the up with the latest sports news. here is andy. >> thank you so much, fell lit. england is through the world cup and they've held their nerve by ten runs in their decisive group game. england scored 171-1. sri lanka was reduced to 50-4. their captain is hitting the team back in contention and they needed 15 to win in the final over but the last balls belonged to that man ben stokes, as sri lanka fell short of their target, and they're out of the tournament. england will face new zealand in the semifinals. they beat bangladesh early on. the captain hit 42 one of five wickets to fall. new zealand going on to host the 145-8 in their 20 overs. bangladesh, though, pretty awful
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efforts and could not manage half that total in response. bowled out for 70, and that is a fourth straight win for the black caps. >> once again, looking at this as the tournaments gone on we've put pressure on our opposition. >> host incarceration india face a southern death against australia. the winner will play the west indies in the last four. india possibly the slight favorite having beaten the u.s.a.yes 3-0 in a series earlier this year. . >> we can focus on the positive things that we did there in australia. but as i said, we cannot take anything for granted. it's a quarterfinal for us. we all know that. and it is very important to stay in the moment.
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stay focused on what we have to do. it's very important to remember, it's not so much that we're beaten them so we can go out and do it again. it's why we did it is what we need to focus on. >> australia's win also on the verge of a semifinal place. they handed ireland their fourth and final defeat in the competition. shooting three wickets for australia as they restricted the irish 91-7 in 20 over. in reply they scored 43 as australia reached the target with plenty of time to spare. now barcelona have opened up their stadium to their fans wishing to leave tributes to johan cruyff. he won the spanish title with barcelona in his first season and was named european footballer of the year. and he died on thursday, age 68.
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>> he was a role model. he reached beyond the world of football. johan gave us four league titles. it's obvious i was the creator. >> louis suarez scored on his first game back with uruguay since being suspended for biting in the last world cup. he struck early and uruguay came from behind in this world cup qualifier. the game finished 2-2. >> i thought it was going to be very complicated after so much time away from the national team. i had to show there was a reason why i'm the object of so much affection. today i came out with a goal. the important thing is that uruguay did not lose. it is still a high-level team. it does not defend on any one person. >> and it is a long old road from south america. we'll have the standings in just a moment.
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ecuador is the only unbeaten side in the competition so far after five games. uruguay are now second ahead of brazil. the top four, they automatically go through to the world cup in russia. now the world's best runners have been competing in cardiff at the championships. this 21.1 kilometer event is a warm up for the 5,000 and 10,000 race at the rio blimps. kenya jeffy had four over at the start line. mo obtaining third, and kenya had a clean sweep at the event. now for his controversial comments about men deserng more prize money than women, djokovic is on a charm offensive, the world number one pulling off one of his better on-court tricks. there it goes.
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djokovic has since apologized for his statements about equality pay claiming that his words were taken out of context. that is your sport. i'll happened you back to felicity in london. >> thank you very much. the rolling stones have played for thousands of fans in the cuban capital. it is seen as another sign of real change on the island where rock music was banned for decades as a subversive influence. lucia newman was at the gate. >> it's a concert that many cubans have been waiting for, for half a century. the legendary rolling stones in a performance like none had ever seen. [singing] >> entire families, three generations, even four, enjoy a free concert compliments of the british band, which has been around almost as long as the cuban revolution.
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>> i love it. they're an epic band and i couldn't miss this, said 13-year-old jean-michelle. >> from early afternoon people began pouring into havana's open air sports center. news of this concert spread like wildfire. people have been coming not only from all over cuba but all over the americas and beyond. fans say that based on history being made when they saw rolling stones in cuba. >> people like this irish couple. >> it's a changing time for cuba, and you know, it's the mark of that change, maybe. >> and h this man says it makes him feel proud. >> when i was young, listening to the beatles, led zeppelin and the rolling stones was forbidden. we had to listen to them in secret in the '06 '60, and '70.
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>> it follows the obama visit by just a couple of days, and so this week is hugely significant and very exciting. >> and so it was that this historic week was wrapped up by an once banned rock band that is leaving millions here with a sense that cuba is no longer off the circuit. no longer so isolated. lucia newman, al jazeera, havana. >> now finally a nasa cargo ship has docked at the international space station. >> you're go for sequence. >> they would use a robotic arm to grab the ship and bring the goods on board. it would received fresh food and equipment. the six astronauts also received a 3d print for build some tools and experiments including ingredients for a large scale controlled fire, which sound a little dangerous. thank you for watching, david
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>> al jazeera america - proud of telling your stories. >> somebody to care about us man... >> we're live in ferguson, missouri. >> brick by brick, i will open it. it will take more than a few rocks to stop me from doin' what i have to do. >> suddenly heroin seems to be everywhere. >> there's no way i am willing to give up my family for a drug ever again. >> getting to the heart of the matter. proud to tell your stories. al jazeera america. >> [chanting] yes we can! >> an historic election. >> you and i, we're going to change this county, and we will change the world. >> monumental decisions. >> mr. president, there's a one and three chance of a second great depression. >> first-hand accounts from the people who were there. >> their opinion was shocking. >> the challenges. >> he said, "i am president of the united states and i can't make anything happen." >> the realities. >> he stood up and said, "that's it, i'm finished."
3:00 pm
>> the victims of a suicide attack at a football match after isil attacks civilian and military targets. >> i'm david foster live from london. also coming up on this program, the battle for palmyra syrian government forces say they have now taken control of three parts of the city. and brussels continues to mourn its dead. belgium police charge three suspects with what they call terror offenses.
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