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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  March 27, 2016 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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this is al jazeera welcome to the al jazeera news hour from doha with me, peter dobbie. coming up in the next 60 minutes. almost a year after falling to i.s.i.l. syrian government forces claim the town of palmyra. a march against fear in brussels. a new push to get the macedonian border open. we will have a live report on a refugee protest. it's easter so christians around
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the world are marking their most holy day syrian state media and some monitoring groups are saying the army has taken full control of the ancient and strategic city of palmyra. government forces have been advancing into i.s.i.l.-held territory over the last few days. there has been heavy fighting in the historic center and in residential areas too. the syrian army backed by russian air power have reportedly captured the citadel which is a world heritage site. palmyra is more than 200 kilometers from the capital damascus. it is key strategically because it would mean retaking the airport and several weapons depots as well as oil and gas facilities as well. how does it feature in the syrian conflict? the destruction of its architecture by i.s.i.l. last
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year made headlines around the world, but its world heritage status is not the only reason it is important. the syrian regime's most important prisoner was in palmyra. they were held there until 2011. i.s.i.l. blew up the empty jail in a symbolic move last may. the city is close to damascus making it an important strategic gain for bashar al-assad's government. live to gaziantep and our correspondent. as far as we know what's going on inside palmyra right now? >> reporter: the latest we have information from i.s.i.l. they said they've carried out a dual suicide attack on a gathering for the syrian army to the east of this area. i.s.i.l. is fighting back. the syrian government, a senior military commander, came on syrian national tv and made a statement saying that the syrian
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army is in full control of palmyra and that they are in control of the surrounding hills and mountains. that commander said this is a big blow for i.s.i.l. and this is the beginning of the retreat for that group. this is according to the military spokesman within the syrian government full control is always militarily speaking, a relative term. the damascus base, the loyal forces, must be engaged in some sort of mopping-up operation. >> reporter: yes. absolutely. the only crews, the tv crews, who are in palmyra are the ones for the syrian national tv. when you see their videos showing you around, you can hear in the background some explosions and some firing as well. then some commanders or some army officers in that footage, they are saying that their colleagues are clearing up the
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city. this is what happens, i.s.i.l. leave behind some explosive devices and they're notorious for using booby traps. the syrian army is careful trying to clear those areas within the area historically i.s.i.l. have been good at taking a bloody nose, going away, regrouping, rebuilding and then returning to wherever that localised immediate conflict has been taking place. does it feel different to that this time? >> reporter: no. it doesn't, because before i came here that attack happened, the dual suicide bombing and it came from the media wing, their media group. this is their tactics. when you combine things that happened in iraq, for example, over the last 48 hours, again
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they've attacked a number of iraqi military bases that then the iraqi government says it kicked out i.s.i.l. from. this is a strategy adopted by the group. they will regroup and try and send their suicide bombers, suicide attackers, individual little groups trying to attack the syrian army or, indeed, the iraqi army, depending on who their enemy is. so this is their clear strategy. i don't think the fight is over. even if the syrian army or the syrian government is in full control, we should expect some attacks, suicide attacks thank you very much. we just managed to establish contact with a journalist who is in palmyra. just take us through what's going on there right now. >> shortly after this morning, the army managed to take palmyra, despite fierce attempts by i.s.i.l. to stop the advances
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of the army. there were two car bombs used to stop the army from many-- from entering into the prison, but the army managed to overcome that. there are units trying to clear the area. they have to go house to house and building to building to make sure that there are no explosive devices. apart from this, the situation is very calm and stable. it is too early to say that i.s.i.l. has given up completely on this parliament because the nearest stronghold for i.s.i.l. is many kilometers from here and i.s.i.l. has large forces in that area town what's the population of
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palmyra like and are they caught up in the middle of in. on the one hand you're saying the city is calm but on the other hand there's a de-mining exercise going on. that would not make you feel safe if palmyra is your home. >> palmyra's population has been under siege over the [indistinct] the fast few days have seen a large number of people [indistinct] understandably the people will say that they are ex-static about getting rid of i.s.i.l., but the past few days were very difficult for the residents of palmyra. they suffered from the wrath of i.s.i.l. when they first moved into the city in may 2015.
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they were subjected to air strikes by the syrian government and then the russians and now they're out of i.s.i.l. control. people have witnessed very difficult times in the last few days. they're happy that they are not under i.s.i.l. control any more do you get the feeling that the syrian forces plan to coalesce what they've been doing around the city, hang on to it and keep it for the sake of keeping it or are they going to carry on taking the fight to i.s.i.l. we're looking at some of the recent, more recent pictures and we're seeing what looks like russian air cover. it looks like russian helicopters. if they have russian air cover, they must feel that they can keep on going. >> the syrian army has done
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something that is unprecedented in the syrian war. the conflict had to launch a large-scale operation which is what they're doing now, they have had to reallocate units. they managed in the palmyra operation to send troops in without affecting the areas around. they have been able to continue to advance further to the east and north chasing after i.s.i.l. in these areas. the residents of palmyra feel very insignificant, but they're very important because it means the army is secure the areas, and they supply that which keeps
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the whole country running. the presence of the russians here is not just the russian air strikes. we have seen in the area, before we reached the battle field, we have see seen lots providing technical assistance and sometimes tactical assistance. we have seen russian surveillance equipment that allow the syrian army to interfere and to tap into i.s.i.l.'s communications. i think this explains why this is the first battle for the syrian army to kill so many. a source told me this morning that they have a body count of i.s.i.l. of over 380 dead bodies which is a high number for the
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radical group to lose in a battle thank you for that update. i can tell you that syrian state television just told us they have retaken palmyra. a syrian academic joining us here. despite the hoopla of vladimir putin saying "we're pulling most of our kit and gear out", the russian involvement is still woven through the fabric >> i don't think it's just russian advisers. we know russian special forces have taken part in this battle for palmyra. it is not only the air force, russian air force. so i think the russians did the, indeed, withdraw part of the forces in syria. i think they still have the special forces, they still have
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part of their air force in the air base and also another area. there have been supporting the syrian regime in a very significant way, in most of the battles that have been taking place against d.a.e.s.h. recently in other places too. i think this is somehow the russians are trying to say that we are going to actually achieve major outcome against d.a.e.s.h., we can do this more effectively than the united states because if we take the american company, which has been going on for the past 18 months, i think the russians are saying we can do it much better than the americans. i think it is also another message that is sent to the rest of the world, that we can reckon with the syrian army.
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this is the main force, the main ground force that can defeat d.a.e.s.h., but that will take time if you're bashar al-assad now, surely, however, given that he controlled up until now 50% of the geographical spread, he now controls another 4/5% perhaps tops, but if you're bashar al-assad in damascus that makes you less receptive to clarion voice from russia or in a month or two months that might hint at the idea that you've got to step down or you've got some find some sort of exit strategy, even down that road of federalisation, because you have this then talk about gifting territory to bashar al-assad and then gifting territory to i.s.i.l. >> this is the very delicate policy that russia has to adopt in dealing with both the situation on the ground and with the political transition on the
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other hand. it also depends very much on the understandings with the americans because, of course, we know that there are a lot of talks that are taking place right now between both the russians and u.s. i think the russians will try actually to link also the syrian transition to other issues that are of interest to them and we know for sure, for example, now that ukraine was on the table between john kerry and vladimir putin during their tubings in moscow last week. i think they're expecting the sanctions to be listed which have been imposed on russia after the issue of crimea in 2014. there are a lot of issues involved here. i think russians will have to deal with all of them in a very careful way to achieve that thank you very much. >> thank you a rally named the march
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against fear has been postponed in brussels because of security fears. the authorities urge people to stay away from the belgian capital in order to spare the overtaxed police force. it was to honor those killed and injured. belgian prosecutor $have charged men with terror charges over suicide attacks. jacky rowland joins us live from brussels. we're talking about fisel c, the latest person to be arrested. we've seen him in the cctv clip from inside the airport but he is that self-styled tv reporter. >> reporter: that appears to be who he is, yes. the prosecutor has referred to him as fisel c but belgian media have landed on that video.
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there has been another suspect. this is another person arrested medical raids over recent days. he is also now being charged with terrorist offences, links of activities of a terrorist nature. we don't have a name for that person yet, but it does give you an indication of how wide-reaching this investigation is. it has an international dimension as well because italian police have arrested another one wali, arrested by forces south of italy. they say they wanted them on aiding illegal immigration. he is suspected of having produced fake identity documents, nom for the brussels bombers but also people who carried out the paris attacks last year this demonstration, this protest against what happened
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last tuesday, that has been either cancelled or postponed. how are people reacting to that? >> reporter: people have accepted it the same way as they have accepted many changes to their daily routine. it is not the normal situation. for example, people accept that you can't goat onto the underground without showing a police officer with what's in your bag or underneath your coat. that said, i think there is an expectation that plenty more people will come to the square outside the stock exchange. people have been coming pretty much since the attacks happened. it is easter sunday. churches have been holding masses. the authorities, the army, has increased the security around the square. they've put up quite robust road blocks and i've seen armored vehicles around the square. the march is not taking place. the authorities are aware of the
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potential threat and they want to guarantee the security of people would do decide to come on sunday and pay their respects thanks very much. coming up here on the news hour for you. >> translation: in the first hospital there was no qualified doctor. the second hospital no drugs and constant power outages nigeria's poor medical facilities are costing lives. plus. >> i like to save people, even trees, even nature. i love it doing a good turn. refugees in australia are now volunteering as firefighters. in sport, world champion germany suffer an unlikely defeat in berlin to greece where refugees are
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protesting at the camp at the macedonian border. to give you a better idea of the situation, there are more than 12,000 people who are still stranded on the greek macedonian border in that makeshift tent city. most have refused to leave for government run shelters, afraid they will be forced to stay in greece or be deported back to turkey. elsewhere on the agreeing island of lesbos dozens are being prepared for deportation and being sent to the northern city of kavalah. live to idomeni where our correspondent is. we've seen the pictures over the past couple of hours, people moving towards that border crossing at idomeni where you are. are they angry or is there a feeling of resignation that they're going to try their best to get the border open, but the reality is the authorities are not about to do that. >> reporter: you're right, peter. they're angry and, in fact, the
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plan was to march towards the border, to push their way into mass don't yachlt they've been planning this for the past 24 hours now. in fact, people, dozens of people, packed their belongings left to makeshift camps elsewhere and made their way to idomeni because they thought the border would be open. people started to gather, greek police beefed up their presence, they set up barricades close to the border, they warned people against this. it p didn't take long for people to change their minds. they realised that if they pushed through, it's not going to change anything. they tried that in the past. some pushed through the barbed wire fence only to be arrested by authorities and sent back. the refugees then decided to hold a peaceful protest in front, really, of the world' cameras. there were a lot of of journalists here. they want the world not to
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forget them. they are hope that they will be heard. europe's open door policy has been shut for them the key worries must be that once they get wrapped up in the bureaucracy in the paperwork, if they get shunted into that process of being sent back to turkey whilst the camps in turkey, they operate basically very well, the people are very well looked after, turkey has done a good job, but once they end up back there, the paperwork is such that they won't have the chance again to get to europe. >> reporter: this is the biggest fear. what the government is trying to do is move people from this makeshift camp into government run camps to process their requests for asylum. first of all, there are not enough places. there are only two thousand places and there are over 12,000 people here. they believe the accommodations
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will be ready in two weeks time. people are worried about going to these camps and it could take months and people are worried it could take years for their requests to be processed and for them to be relocated across the continent. some have their families already in europe. this is a lot of frustration. these people are excluded from the e.u. turkey deal, but a lot of them don't understand what's going on. some say they're going to be deported back to turkey and you explain to them, no, if you arrived in greece before march 20, you will not be deported to turkey, but you have to wait. a lot of misinformation. a lot of confusion and frustration and you just hear stories, people saying that they ran out of money. they did try to cross the border but they realized it would not lead to anywhere thanks very much. there are some two billion christians around the world and many of them are marking their
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most holy day. it is the day they believe jesus was resurrected. many attended prayers. no northern iraq in the predominantly christian town, many gathered there. church officials say they tried to help worshippers feel removed from the ongoing conflict in their country. pope francis is celebrating easter sunday mass. he began by sprinkling incense and he urged people not to lose hope. people in the irish republic are marking 100 years since the
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easter uprising. the president laid a wreath at the garden of remembrance. the ser own ee was attended by relatives of people who died in 1916. it was when an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the resume. joining us live from london is historian. political apologies can be top loaded and interpreted in the wrong way. has the time come for something that shin fey could say basically an apology? >> i don't think you're going to get an apology. i think what we've got here is a commemoration, not a celebration. there is a real problem for some people with what's going on today and that is that there are still people in northern ireland, doesn't republican
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groups, who want to do with the men and one of 1916 did, they want to fight against the british state. everything that celebrates the past might be seen as giving a green light to do that. it is a wariness about what today means one remembers back in the late 90s, early noughties, tony blair was in power. there was a time there would be a point to push for the unification on the island of ireland. why hasn't that happened? >> the british and irish governments are committed to self-determination for northern ireland. until the majority of people in northern ireland want to be reunified with the rest, that won't happen.
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there is a majority of people that have been given veto. that is not going to happen for a long while. at the moment we're talking about if it's going to happen at all, we're talking about decades those tree tease did never - they never came down to boiling down the idea of bygones be bygones, but some people are saying if the u.k. leaves the e.u., then the republican would have to leave the e.u. as well at some point at the end of this year because there is more in common between the u.k. and ireland than there is between ireland and the rest of the e.u. is that a fair take on what could happen? >> reporter: there is great fear in the irish republican and ireland as well if brexik occurred. it was said it would suffer economically even nor than the u.k.
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there is great fear because despite all the years of independence in the republic, the two economies are intertwined and there is a great hope that the u.k. will not depart, but certainly it would have very interesting implications for the peace process because the vast majority of people in northern ireland want to stay within the u.k. and the consequences of the u.k., perhaps, leaving would be main there would be a rethink about their relationship with britain and their relationship with the republic of ireland thank you very much >> reporter: the whole of north-east india is eye deal for tea but it depends on monsoonal rains. the orange patches here show you how the 2015 monsoon, south-west
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monsoon arraignments ended. they were deficient. although we have got cloud around, the next monsoon rains from the south west haven't yet started. nor would you expect them to. this is harvest time. march, april and may you harvest the first flush from the tea plants as long as they're good. well, let us have a look. this is the concern at the moment. these are supposed to be vibrantly green so you can harvest these. they're not looking that good at the moment. this is west benghal. it is a bit of an irony that at the moment we have a few showers heading across nepal. you will find all the tea growing areas, there will be a
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couple of days of rainfalling. it is of no use now. we have to hold on for the next south-west monsoon and maybe hope for better lots more news still to come for you are here. more than 100 people under arrest as china investigates an illegal vacuums seen scandal. find out who has become golf's world number one. d number one.
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welcome back. you're watching the news hour. these are the top stories. the army has taken full control of the city of palmyra. government forces have been advancing into i.s.i.l. held territory over the last few days. refugees on the greece-macedonian border have held a protest if the hope that it will be opened for them. thousands remain stranded and refused government shelters because they're worried that they will be deported back to turkey. italian police have arrested a man on suspicion of supplying false travel documents. the man who may be the third bomber at the brussels airport has been arrested more on our top story, the ceasefire is a month old in syria. it is generally holding. the government and the opposition agreed to the delivery of humanitarian aid to besieged areas. that was part of the deal.
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the u.n. has managed to get medical help and food to nine of the 11 besieged areas but two towns close to the capital remain cut off. both sides have blamed each other for sporadic violations. on march 15, the russian president announced the withdrawal of forces from syria. activists say the jets continue to support the offensive in palmyra. world powers are pressing for a transition in damascus. u.n. brokered talks are scheduled to begin again in geneva next month. our guest joins us. can your organization and other organizations involved in the aid operation sustain what you need to do? >> we can. the world food program and our partners inside syria have the logistical capacity, the resources and the food and
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medical and other kinds of humanitarian supplies available in the country and we have seen since the ceasefire has come into place an increase in access to people trapped in besieged areas around the country. we need the impact of the ceasefire to continue for days, weeks and months ahead so that we can provide urgently needed humanitarian relief to everybody in need in the country looking at some facts and figures, 25 million dollars needed every week to meet the basic needs of the people in syria. is that how much money you need or is that how much money you're actually spending because if that's what you - doctor you're spending you would be spending more >> this is the cost of our entire costs of supporting. we have managed to become adept to implement a very lean and
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effective program in the country. 25 million dollars a week is what it costs to provide the urgently needed food to knows who are mostly affected inside the country and in neighboring countries. this year we have received an unprecedented contribution of 675 million dollars towards our operations and that will give us through until most of the year so that we will be able to continue supporting your website says you are assisting four million people inside the country. what is assisting, is that education, medical treatment, what does that cover? >> the world food program that covers food and nutritional products specifically. the world food program every month is providing food assistance to four million of the most severely affected people across the country. we are able to reach most people accept for raqqa and derazor.
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we are reaching everyone else you're talking about 3,000 trucks on the road every single month inside the country. that's astonishing number. everything you have achieved is probably a drop in the ocean cared to the needs of the country six months down the line or 12 months down the line particularly given what we're seeing in palmyra informed, in the ebb and flow of the conflict, it can change quickly. >> of course it can. that's why we need this. we can increase or decrease the food assistance according to their needs. it is constantly shifting and moving and so is our response. we go to where people are in need and we deliver there. most recently we've been able to
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make access to over 150,000 people in besieged areas. this was something that was simply not possible before the current ceasefire came into place thank you very much for your time here. australia has a tough policy to deter refugees who arrive by boat. some make contributions to australia. >> reporter: every summer parts of australia go up in flames in hot quinnedy conditions wild bushfires are common. containing them and stopping them from destroying homes or lives generally falls to volunteer firefighters. not many are in eye rap but this woman and her husband are refugees that came to australia by boat. >> the hose gets heavy and with
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water it is very heavy maybe not for men, but for me it is. but i like it. i like to save people, trees and nature. i love it >> reporter: a few years ago the local fire brigade faced a problem, a dwindling number of recruits. five years ago there were not enough volunteers to run a training exercise like this one let alone to have enough people reliably on call when a real fire broke out. the fire service was becoming unviable >> we had about 12 members in the brigade and that's not enough. we in to do something to change that around. >> reporter: so the fire service made an active effort to recruit from ethnic minorities, particularly resettled refugees. nowadays australia's government deports any refugees who come by boat, but between 120 and 2013 tens of thousands arrived who were allowed to stay. a high number settled to the
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south and east of melbourne. the very area facing a shortage of firefighting volunteers. today of the 52 volunteers based in noble park, half are from immigrant back backgrounds. >> they help us and accept us to be in australia. so i should do something. i want to do something. it's like pay back. >> reporter: these are more representative of the immigrant communities too. >> particularly in a situation where you've got a fire, it is a bad time for people and english not being first language, quite often we have members responding who can speak other languages and offer comfort and support to people in their time of need >> reporter: the focus of australian politics recently has been on how to keep refugees out. sometimes over looked is their contribution once they're in. andrew thomas the north korean government
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has released a new video showing what it calls is its largest ever exercise of long-range ar till retraining. state media showed the leader inspecting the drill. tensions have been high on the korean peninsula since january. myanmar's military has been marking armed forces day in the capital. it is the first time the parade has been held since aung san suu kyi's n.l.d. unveiled a new cabinet that will soon govern the country. htin kyaw has been elected president and will take office on 91 of april. more than 100 people have been arrested in china over the past week in connection with an illegal vaccine scam. so far four pharmaceutical companies have had their lonss revoked. -- licences revoked.
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>> reporter: this lady spent days worrying about whether she exposed her son to danger. she became concerned about an illegal vaccine ring that had been in operation since 2011. >> translation: i'm worried because i don't know if this is the only case or there are many cases like this in the whole country or whether it will happen again. >> reporter: last april police arrested a mother and daughter accused of being the ring leader. they had bought vaccines from licenced and unlicensed traders, then resold them to hospitals and clinics. the drugs were made by approved manufacturers. officials say they were not stored or transported with adequate refrigeration. the world health organisation and government health bodies say the vacuum-- vacuum seens are unlikely to cause adverse effects. >> reporter: one of the ropes why parents are so suspicious
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because china does not have a good rofrd when it comes to food p and drug safety. on social media sites parents are comparing this issue with cases of tainted formula milk sold in the country years agoment in 2008 six children died and an estimated 300,000 fell sick after drinking milk contaminated. while the safety of the vaccines in this place is not thought to be an issue, questions are being asked as to how the over sight could have happened. >> translation: there are supposed to be regulations and supervision of vaccine production and use. why was there this lack of supervision? sometimes laws are not supervised enough. >> reporter: over the past week police have arrested over one hundred people and are investigating dozens of pharmaceutical companies. parents like lee want to sew are r see more accountability >> translation: the government supervisors should be held responsible, not just the mother and daughter who have been sending the vaccines.
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>> reporter: many blame the government for releasing news about this nearly a year after the first suspect were arrested last april the world health organisation says there has been an increase in deaths from cancer in nigeria. nearly 80,000 people die out of 100,000 who get diagnosed. inadequate medical facilities and late dying know sees are to blame for that-- late diagnoses are to blame >> reporter: two years ago this woman was diagnosed with bone cancer. she is a student in nigeria's northern state. sympathy says she is in constant pain and can't walk properly. she blames poor medical facilities for her condition. >> translation: when i was in hospital, there was no qualified doctor. in the second hospital, no drugs and constant power outages. the next hospital did not have
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the right equipment. >> reporter: the world health organisation says inadequate cancer treatment has led to an increase in people dying. there was 68 deaths a day. today there r98. in a country of 170 million people, there are only seven state run hospitals and clinics that specialise in treating cancer patients. the government plans to double that number over the next two years. health minister says early detection is important as well as investment in the health care sector. >> i think the challenge we have is representation. there is nothing anybody can do. we have resolved to use the money well, spend less on meetings and conferences and put money where people will benefit. >> reporter: that could be one reason why the cancer survival rates are so low. out of 100,000, 80 will die.
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the w.h.o. is helping the number to be reduced >> we have seen what the government has been doing. it shows the commitment from the government. >> reporter: back in her home, she says investment in new facilities and improvement to existing ones need to come faster. nigerians spend over 200 million dollars annually overseas. she fears she could die if she can't get the treatment at home thousands of people who live in the sprawling towns don't have much to smile about. poor diet and poor oral hygiene is affecting their teeth. >> reporter: this lady does smile when things go well. she has been attending one of the clinics since she was eight and knows how to look after her
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teeth. most people in the town where she lives either don't no how to do that or don't have the money to buy tooth brushes or toothpaste. >> translation: i think that a smile is one of the most important things a person has. when looking for a job or going out. >> reporter: she says the state has never prioritised dentistry for the towns and government run services are under funded. an estimated 90% of children suffer tooth decay. >> i went and saw a second clinic. we opened a third clinic. we can't support more than three clinics right now. >> reporter: as well as free treatment at the clinics, dentists provide education on diet and oral hygiene. he says his teeth won't have
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bacteria. >> translation: i see 15 year old who have never brushed their teeth. their mouths are terrible. they all have to be taken out. >> reporter: parents who never had access to dental treatment recognise the benefits of their own children. >> yes. they will brush their teeth in the morning, after lunch and at night-time as well. >> reporter: loving care and attention constructive advice and the promise of a small donated gift for bravery encourage patients to continue their treatment. >> translation: they often don't know how to clean their teeth or they don't know what a tooth brush is. then there's the diet and what they eat and the physiciany drinks. >> reporter: sound advice, but where finding enough to eat is a daily challenge. a lack of running water, no tooth brushes or toothpaste all contribute to bad dental hygiene and the reduck tans of many to
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smile. >> reporter: this woman encourages some of the eight siblings to clean their teeth and say with the right diet, less sugary drinks and brushing and check ups, they will have somethg to smile about still to come for you here on the al jazeera news hour, the capital in bloom. we will take you to washington dc to see the famous cherry blossoms. see what forced nadal to bow out. out.
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the cherry blos openlies which draw-- blossoms which draw thousands of people to dc are now in full bloom. >> reporter: for a week or two each year washington dc is transformed. it's cherry blossom time. the legacy of a gift of trees from japan to the u.s. in 1912. meant to symbolize lasting friendship between the two nations. through all the events of the century that followed, the cherry trees have endured. their blossoms eagerly anticipated every spring. >> there is a sense of serinity to it. very peaceful >> very nice and good >> it's beautiful. we were really lucky to get this beautiful day. it's not too hot. it's easter weekend. it's a great time to see them. >> the cherry blossom makes me
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really refreshed. >> reporter: today the festival drawings more than a million people to soak up their beauty. for photographers seeking that perfect picture, the u.s. national park service has a message. washington is a no drone zone. >> flying a drone within these areas at any time, including the national cherry blossom festival is against the law and violators could fine stiff fines and penalties >> reporter: in traditional poetry the cherry blossom are a metaphor for life, overwhelmingly beautiful but fleeting. that is a notion that everyone in this capital might do well to ponder time for sports news. >> reporter: germany have been beaten by england. throwing away a two goal lead. tony cruz put germany ahead
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before a half-time. then earlier the second half mario gomez looked to have put germany on course for a comfortable win. england hit back a first through harry cane. leicester city vardy made an immediate impact off the bench with his first international goal. in added time tottenham dyer pulled a score and pulled off an unlikely win after nine games against germany there. >> it is was a great night. it is my best night with england so far. i'm just a bit worried that all of a sudden a lot of criticisms will be had in the past and will continue to go. i'm sure they suddenly get forgotten for a moment and we get lifted up. this is a deem which is work in progress.
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>> translation: on the one hand it is, of course, absolutely annoying for a coach to see his team lose after a two nil lead. on the other hand, i think one must say that losing this game is not entirely undeserved. even when we were two up, we weren't really in control as we would have liked to have been. >> reporter: poland will be in the same group. they continue their preparations with a fifth straight win. they beat finland five nil in a friendly at home. in africa it's all about trying to qualify for next year's cup of nations. south africa again in danger of missing out on a major turn dam ent. only the top two are progress. senegal have had had a two nil
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win. the world twenty20 will be decided on sunday. the last group between most india and australia becoming a knock-out match. both teams lost their openers to group winners new zealand before going on to beat pakistan and bangladesh. india beat australia three nil when they hosted their t20 series in january this year. >> australia is a side that we all know is a very strong side. they play with a lot of passion. i believe in playing the same way. so i like that challenge. i've always ensdwroid playing against australia. that doesn't mean you will always end up scoring. you have to respect the conditions and bowelers. >> it is the ultimate chalg to play here, in any format here in india. the teams set up for these type of conditions, whether it's with the bat or ball as well. they've got world class
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spinners, they always have. if you can beat india on indian soil at any stage in any format, it is an incredible achievement. everyone in the australian team knows that. >> reporter: the winners between them is likely to face west indies. if they make it four wins out of four against afghanistan, they will be put into bat and they are currently 97 for six. tennis now nadal has retired from a match for the first time in six years. the fifth seed pulled out due to illness in hot and humid conditions at the miami masters. he was three love down in the final set against bosnian, but he started to feel ill and was complaining of dizziness when he decided to quit. the 14-time grand slam champion has never won the miami masters
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despite playing in four finals. >> today i was suffering for the health, for my health, so i didn't know what was going on, so i decided to do a stop because i was not sure that i can finish the match that way meanwhile two time champion andy murray had no problems against his opponent. he broke his opponent in the opening game to dominate the match which he eventually won six three seven five. he will now face his opponent in the third round. serena williams remains on track for a fourth consecutive miami open title. based in south florida, she didn't seem bothered by the hot weather. she beat her opponent seven five six three to claim her 20th consecutive win here.
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williams will now face her opponent in the next round. australia's jason day will replace jordan speed as golf's world number one. day is said to go top of the rankings after his latest win at the wgc match play in aex as. he set up against roadway mcelroy with this three and two wi win. >> it is not so much about the number one ranked that really gets me excited about it. it's more so the journey and the process that it has taken. it takes to get to the top of your sport, it takes a long time. for me it's just really that delayed gratification that i'm thankful for. i have been busting my butt and
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doing the right things. to get back to number one in the world is fantastic. >> i feel like each roupd you get through here, the momentum builds. if you get through to the last day for the second year in a row, it feels good. it is great for your confidence. to get a good run here is really pleasing. >> reporter: nba where the at lan tack hawks beat the pistons. they couldn't rerecover from a poor first quarter. the hawks dominated the game. 23 points and nine rebounds to lead the visitors to 112 to 95 when the hawks have been 13 of their last 16 and move ahead of miami at the top of the south-east division. gees that's it for me thank very much. more news top of the hour. we will see you then. e you then.
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>> al jazeera america - proud of telling your stories. >> somebody to care about us man... >> we're live in ferguson, missouri. >> brick by brick, i will open it. it will take more than a few rocks to stop me from doin' what i have to do. >> suddenly heroin seems to be everywhere. >> there's no way i am willing to give up my family for a drug ever again. >> getting to the heart of the matter. proud to tell your stories. al jazeera america.
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>> from rural midwest to war-torn mideast. she went for the money and found a greater calling...
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almost a year after it fell to i.s.i.l., syrian government forces reclaim the ancient town of palmyra. welcome. you're watching al jazeera live. also in the next 30 minutes. security concerns delay a planned march against fear in brussels. a new push to get the macedonian border open. we will have a report on a refugee protest. christians around the world mark their


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