tv News Al Jazeera March 29, 2016 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT
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confrontation is not over. the over reaching question is how much right do they have to personal information. all the news for you any time on our website, the ahead of that is donald trump's campaign manager is facing battery charges for an incident involving a reporter. another split decision. the supreme court rules on a closely watched labor union case. president obama lays out awe new plan to combat drug addiction in the u.s. the hijacker of an egypt air jet is in custody, and now officials look to learn his motive.
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this is al jazeera america live from new york city. i'm richelle carrie. donald trump's campaign manager is charged with battery by police many florida. it stems from an incident earlier this month where a reporter accused cory lind ski of grabbing her by the arm. michelle fields says her arm was left with a bruise because of the incident. in a statement donald trump said mr. lewinsie lieu wow ski. >> it cannot be significant. if any other politician, any other presidential candidate in any other year, either the
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campaign manager would have by now resigned or been fired, but that's not the case with donald trump nor with donald trump's campaign. i'm in janesville, wisconsin, right now which is paul ryan's hometown. it's also the place where donald trump will make an appearance this afternoon at raily for his campaign. we'll see if there's any addressing of this issue. you know, donald trump has made a big point of pointing out the fact that ted cruz is a liar calling him regularly lyin ted. right now his campaign manager that denied this all the way had them refuted by video. that's a big hinge for a campaign to deal with. if it's not something he's asked about constantly, trump has to dispense of his campaign manager or answer the question. >> there's tape of what happened. the reporter says she was injured. tell us more about it. >> well, what happened is they were leaving an event at palm
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beach, and, you know, michelle fields, who at that time worked for bright bart as you mentioned said she was pulled down. there were hundreds of people there. the campaign denied it. no, no, i saw it happen. he was the only one for a while. they looked and finally tape came out, surveillance tape from a bathroom there at the hotel showing that, in fact, this did happen. that that's what brought them to request he turn himself in, which he did today in jupiter, florida. he's retained two lawyers and one who is kyle coffey. he's the former u.s. attorney from miami who had to give up his post as u.s. attorney back in the clinton administration for biting a stripper in a strip club. >> let's talk about the tactics
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at trump rallies and some of the videos and violence. do you think as a result of something like this now rising to a criminal level this will change the tactics at trump rallies? >> reporter: that's a great question. when we saw this happen, a lot of people thought this was bound to happen because of the violence, because of the protests, because of the heightened tension at these trump events. people thought that this kind of thing would happen. what would it change? i don't know. the campaign is denying it. co co cory lieu lewandowski. in that sweet after it happened he said that michelle fields was totally dilutional. as a matter of fact, i've never met you. when that tweet was sent, people thought okay, this is the campaign distancing itself from the violence at a time when they were happening with greater
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regularity. now it begs the question, is this the kind of campaign and people that are coming to the trump campaign events. people look at it now with greater attention. >> i want to talk about something that you just said. so in that tweet he called her diluti delusional and said i never touched you. they're clearly video he did. how does that play into the accusations of massaging against the donald trump campaign that you call a woman delusional when you clearly touched here. >> reporter: absolutely, rye she will. it's questioning integrity and talking about the honesty of the campaign and the honesty of his opponents. that comes into question as well when you see something like this happen. you say, listen, this is just consistent with the type of rhetoric that has come from the trump campaign, and it's also inconsistent with what he is calling on his opponents and how he's calling on them to behave.
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it's -- i would say what you're last question is the number one question about what will come from this lieu lewandowski thing with his campaign. donald trump is holding a rally in wisconsin later today. authorities promise extra security following an anti-trump rally last night. about 80 protesters showed up in janesville and six were arrested. the police plan to have three times the normal number of officers out for today's event. most will come from neighboring police departments. now, we're a week away from the wisconsin primary. scott walker announced he's backing ted cruz this morning. >> absolutely. i put a lot of thought, time and prayer about this. just really decided after all these years of the obama/clinton failures that it's time that we elect a strong, new leader and i've chosen to endorse ted cruz. >> walker says he likes that cruz is not afraid to take on special interests in washington. he also says he feels cruz has
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the best chance to win the general election. wisconsin's primary is winner-take-all. there's 42 delegates at stake. walker himself dropped out of the presidential race back in september. president obama's choice for the supreme court will sit down for the first time with a senate republican today. mark kirk is meeting with judge merrick garland. he broke ranks with the leadership and calling for a senate vote on the nomination and agreeing to meet with garland. kirk is facing a re-election challenge in november for the seat once held by president obama. the supreme court ruled a short time ago in a closely watched case out of california. the justices were divided over whether unions can collect dues from non-union members. that's the latest example of how the death of justice scalia last month is affecting cases. lisa stark is live in washington for us. tell us about this decision. >> reporter: this is a case involving the california teachers union. as you mentioned, they collect what's called fair share dues,
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meaning they can collect dues from those that don't want to be members of the union but represented by them. the idea is, look, you get the benefit of our bargaining and contracts that we bargain on your behalf. you have to pay some dues. the teachers that argued this violated their first amendment right, and it looked like the court was going to agree with them. as you say without judge scalia there, it was a 4-4 split. that means there's no national precedent set and that the lower court ruling will stand. the lower court, the ninth circuit ruled, in fact, it was okay for the unions in that circuit to collect these fair share dues. >> what does this decision mean for unions and for teachers? >> reporter: well, it's really a big victory for teachers unions and really all public employee unions as a whole. we have a statement from the head of the nea, the national education association. she says in fredrichs the court
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saw through the political attacks on teachers, educators and other public employees. this decision recognizes that stripping public employees of their voices in the workplace is not what our country needs. now, also we said this just applies to the ninth circuit, richelle, so it's a handful of states. more than 20 states allow this, and if that went away, this would have been a devastating blow to public employee unions. >> let's talk more about the vacancy on the court by justice scalia. it's affected this decision. how might it affect future decisions, lisa? >> reporter: there are a lot of very contentious decisions before the court this term, and they were expected to be whisker-thin 5-4 decisions. many end up in 4-4 splits. everything from abortion to affirmative action, immigration, the affordable care act. conservatives were thinking they had a good shot this year to win in those cases. now, i think the betting is they could very well end up with no
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precedent set. richelle. >> lisa stark live in washington for us. thank you. the capitol visitors have is open today after a man drew a gun and was shot on monday. police identify him as 66-year-old larry dawson, a pastor from tennessee. he was shot after pointing a weapon at officers. dawson is in the hospital in stable but critical condition facing assault charges. he's believed to be the same man that disrupted the house chamber last fall. north carolina's attorney general says he will not defend a controversial new state law that critics say discriminates against lgbt people. part of that law bans transgender people from using bathrooms based on their gender identity. the aclu and gay rights activists filed a lawsuit against the state on monday. the state attorney general roy cooper was named and is a democrat and opposed the law and wants it repeals. president obama is headed to atlanta for the national
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predescription drug abuse and heroin summit. he's talk about it at the largest national collaboration of officials. al jazeera's robert ray is live in atlanta. what can we expect from the summit? >> reporter: richelle, good afternoon. president obama should be here in the next couple of hours. we're going to see over my shoulder there will be sort of a roundtable discussion moderated by dr. sanjay gupta, and the president will talk about a very serious epidemic of prescription drug abuse and heroin abuse here in the united states. if we can put up the numbers. drug overdose deaths in the u.s. this year, 2014 actually the latest numbers saw the hitest number of deaths from drug overdose, prescription opiates sold in the u.s. quadrupled since 1999. 78 americans die every day from an opiate overdose. just staggering numbers. that's why the president is coming to atlanta here to talk to the plus 1800 professionals
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and advocates for heroin and anti-prescription drug use. it's a four-day conference, and the president will talk about the severity. he's also unveiled a $1.1 billion package that he hopes to get approved and find money from the senate to expand addiction treatment, will increase mental health coverage, and also look at the fact that 60 different medical schools across the country, what they're asking for is their participation with the students to heighten their awareness of prescription drugs and how serious it is, richelle. >> this is called the largest national collaboration of professionals from every level, local, state, federal. how big is this? >> reporter: well, it's the largest in the u.s. it's been going on for several years, but this year's particularly important as heroin abuse and prescription drug abuse is at an epidemic
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proportion according to the cdc. if anyone wonders what sort of drugs falls into the category, it's a lot many people take after surgeries or other different health issues such as codeine, morphine, obsessiony co-den, fentanyl and prescription painkillers and there's the heroin issue. it killed 40,000 people in 2014. that's more than car accidents in the u.s. so you can imagine the people here in this assembly hall awaiting president obama and others to talk about the new initiative and try to get it under control. at this point it is an epidemic. >> robert ray live in atlanta. robert, thank you. vice president joe biden is scheduled to speak this hour on the white house's new program aimed at finding a cure for cancer. biden will discuss the mo moon shot initiative during the dedication of the johns hopkins
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new cancer research center. his son died of cancer last may. since then the white house -- the vice president rather has been vocal about the need for further research. new details about the man who hijacked an egypt air flight today, including information about a letter he wanted delivered to his ex-wife. plus, cracking the code. the fbi unlocks the san bernardino shooter's iphone without apple's help.
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the man that allegedly hijacked an egypt air jet is in custody in cypress. all hostages have been released, and the hijacker an egyptian national initially claimed to be wearing a suicide belt. they say it was a fake and there was no explosives on board. he spent the first three hours of the six-hour standoff demanding to speak to his cypriot ex-wife and threw a letter on the tarmac demanding it be delivered to her. we have the latest. >> reporter: hours after the crisis began, the final few hostages are seen exiting the hijacked plane. one dramatically escaped through the cockpit window. everyone else you'resed the mobile stairs. they were escorted off the tarmac by the police. the hijacker is believed to be among them. egypt's minister of civil aviation announced the peaceful resolution. >> translator: all the passengers along with the crew were released. they are now safe and sound.
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this is what we worked on at any cost from the very beginning. the hijacking cannot be branded as an act of terrorism. all facts are now being analyzed by forensic experts. the hijacker is now in police custody. >> reporter: egypt air flight 181 was flying from alexandria to cairo where it was diverted to larnaca in cypress. he said he had on an explosive belt. they treateded it as a credible threat. >> this is striking at the heart of the whole system of aviation security. faith in the security system has been destroyed. the regime we're in now is that anybody, if there is no faith in security, anybody can make such a claim in the future and the captain will do what he's told. >> reporter: egypt's government says details of the investigation will be released in due course.
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now it's marking a small victory, the release of everyone on board egypt air flight 181. belgian authorities turn to the fbi for helping in examining hard drives and cell phones seized following last week's brussels suicide attack. the officials gathered the devices from both suspects and their relatives in raids following the attacks. one of the suspect's relatives hair tested positive for explosives. they hope the phones and hard drives shed light on the network. today marks one week since the attacks killed 35 people. crews today will run security tests at the brussels airport, but it's still not open for passengers. authorities are still looking for the so-called man in the hat seen right there walking at the airport alongside two of the bombers before the blast. the fbi is analyzing the data inside an iphone that belonged to one of the san bernardino shooters. after highly public legal battle, investigators say they
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were able to unlock the phone without help from apple, and the justice department is now dropping its case against the company. al jazeera's jacob ward has more from san francisco. >> reporter: well, this is the end of a long, bitter court battle. over the last few weeks we saw apple and the fbi posturing in public filing hundreds of pages of documents. now the fbi says it does not need apple's help any longer. it has, in fact, accessed syed farook's iphone and does not need the company's assistance. the idea here is basically a technical observers have suggested this is probably a matter of copied the contents of the flash memory of the phone off the phone and rewriting it back in. like loading a saved video game whether you get to a part too hard and you keep dying. you reload that point you wanted to be at. it's a concept like that. to security analysts, this is not good news. it's a sign that the government has, in fact, figured out how to
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do something that apple otherwise was supposedly the only institution that could do. so the security vulnerability of that phone sort of shakes people's confidence in it in a way. that said, it's important to understand this is not the end of this court battle or of any court battle around this kind of issue. there are at least a half dozen other cases according to unconcealed court documents where the justice department is applying to apple for help in unlocking an iphone used as evidence in a case of some sort, as an investigative avenue. so this phone was one of the last sort of vulnerable phones. it was put out in the software on it were released just before apple wildly updated the security regime such as if a company that created the product cannot break into the phone once it's out in the wild. the phone you and i carry, those are vastly improved in terms of security. so apple is going to need to have the fbi or anyone applying
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to apple for help with this is going too need the help to break into newer phones. so even though this court case has ended in this ways way, it's the case we will see more court cases in the future with this exact kind of argument. that is why both apple and the fbi have argued that lawmakers need to step in and figure out what rules we should all live by when it comes to this tension between privacy and security. >> jacob ward from san francisco. apple ceo tim cook released a statement saying this. this case should never have been brought. apple believes deeply that people in the united states and around the world deserve to have protection from security and privacy. sacrificing one for the other only puts people and countries at greater risk. a mississippi woman is due in court today accused of planning to join isil. 20-year-old jalen young will plead guilty. she's a former mississippi state chemistry student. she and her fiance were arrested last august after they tried to
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board a flight to istanbul. they planned to travel to syria to join isil. her fiance pleaded guilty earlier this month but hasn't been sentenced yet. utah has the first of its kind restriction of abortion. it requires anesthesia if it takes place 20 weeks into a pregnancy. the governor signed the bill on monday. supporters say it's designed to prevent the fetus from feeling pain. doctors say there's no clear evidence by fetal pain and will increase health risks to women by giving them unnecessary sedation. researchers report promising results to use a simple blood test to diagnose concussion. concussion symptoms are sometimes subtle does don't show up for days. the blood chest checks for a specific protein released when the brain is injured. researchers say that test could reduce the use of ct scans. in 600 patients it's been 97% accurate. top nhl officials admit that fighting in the sport could lead
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to concussions and long-term issues. that's according to e-mails unsealed in a class action suit. the e-mails also say enforcers in the sport frequently use pilling to ease the pain. the exchange is mostly from 2011 and contradict what the leagued publicly, there's no link between hockey and brain damage. the earthquake risk now is high in oklahoma like in california. how human action is creating the danger threatening millions of americans. american
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officials in alaska say there is no threat to the public from one of that state's most active volcanos. the volcano erupted on sunday putting up a huge ash cloud 20,000 feet in the sky. that forced alaskan airlines to cancel flights nearby. it hopes to decide today whether to resume flights. it's located on a remote peninsula in the southwestern part of the state. government scientists raise new concerns over the risk from earthquakes. there are increased worries that the hunt for oil and natural gas make it worse. john henry smith has more. >> reporter: the u.s. gee logical survey says the eastern and southern parts of california's bay area remain at high risk for a major earthquake. >> the most likely candidate would be an earthquake on the heyward fault. >> reporter: several states in the central part of the country are also at a significant risk. the newest earthquake hazard map for the first time points out
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the worries in colorado, oklahoma, texas, arkansas, and new mexico and kansas. oklahoma had more 3.0 to 4.0 earthquakes than california did last year. there was a 5.1 quake in january. >> everything was just coming off of the shelves. it was scary. >> reporter: while california's quakes are natural, these others are believed to be manmade. the usgs says the natural gas exploration process called hydraulic fracturing or fracking is to blame. to get oil and gas out of the ground, companies have been pumping large amounts of water in. all that wastewater causes faults to slip. >> it just tending to push the sides of the fault apart. >> reporter: oklahoma has seen a 600% increase in earthquakes since the fracking boom began in 2009. according to the new maps, 7 million americans are at risk
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with oklahoma and texas in the greatest danger. so far the earthquakes in those states haven't led to deaths, major injuries or major property damage, but scientists predict it's only a matter of time before a bigger quake happens there. >> i think people's lives and property is at stake. in a lot of ways the legitimacy of government is at stake. >> reporter: john henry smith, al jazeera. a philadelphia brewery is tapping into politics for the latest beers in protest of donald trump. the dog street brewery krapted beer called the short-fingered stout. that's a reference to the ongoing teasing of trump over the size of his hands. the founder describes it as a bitter and delusional stout with an airy light colored head atop a so-so body. wow. he says he created the drink as a toast to free speech and democracy. of course, i had to laugh. thank you for joining us. i'm richelle carey. the news is next live from london. keep it here. keep it here.
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