tv News Al Jazeera March 30, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm EDT
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sworn into office. we go inside much the world's largest refugee camp to find out why some people are living in fear. starting in libya, the government has entered the capital with threats of violence. these are the latest images of the prime minister, sarrage in tripoli, the capital, where the new government was formed after talks last year when the u.n. attempted to bring together the country's two rival administrations into one government. some members on both sides are disputing that. we'll be speaking to our correspondent in tripoli a little later in the show. i'm joined by an expert on libya, joining me live, good to
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have you with us. members of the presidential council may be able to make it. >> that is the question, because arriving into tripoli or not, although it's an important step, but it's not the issue at hand. and the next 48-72 hours will be key in determining whether the threats of violence and the threat of use of force by some of the armed groups in the capital, including the government, the salvation government that's based in tripoli, and also, the remnants of the former general national congress. if tonight goes peacefully, and after tomorrow, if it goes peacefully, there's a chance that the presidential council will be able to find a foothold in the capital, tripoli, and they will be able to start exercising some form of
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authority in the capital. however, the fact that they arrived by boat and not by air, it's an indication of how fragile and difficult the situation is in tripoli. >> fragile and difficult, and it begs the question when you talk there about exercising authority in the capital. how much support does it actually have? whose forces are loyal to it? >> the main brigades, or the main armed groups from the powerful city of misrata have pledged support and set up operations to help the government settle in the capital, tripoli. but however, it's very difficult to map out exactly where the loyalty of each of these groups lies. because some -- the level of loyalty of some groups is questionable in the capital of tripoli. but also, you have the question of the eastern side of libya,
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the representative of the libyan army in the presidential council, ali al cat rani, and he's not in tripoli. he's calling for them to resign and the dissolving of the presidential council. and also, you have the government refusing to hand over power unless this government gets endorsed by the house of representatives. it's a government in tripoli, but doesn't have the endorsement of the nationally recognized parliament. and we'll see if it has the support of the key player in eastern libya, and that's the libyan national army that controls much of libya militarily. >> who will be the task for this government? previous governments have failed because they weren't able to disarm militias, and will they get into this, or focus on fighting isil? >> i think that disarming militia is going to be an extremely difficult task.
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and i think that the only reason this government is able to get into tripoli is because militias are supporting it. and this has been the saga, the trajectory that libya has taken since 2011. armed militias to protect it and secure it, and this is what the council has done. it's more of the same, but however, this government fakes a huge legitimacy test in the eyes of the people of libya. and what they need to do immediately is alleviate the suffering of the libyan people, to bring the prices of food down to address the cash crisis that has been happening in the country for weeks and months now, and also, an immediate response has to be taken against the islamic state, and this will require international assistance of course. the city of cert, is completely under the islamic state, and also, the islamic state is in a
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place where they can attack libya's oil and gas structure, so skushing that and alleviating the suffering and improving the kilograms of the people will be key for the legitimacy of these people so they can carry out with more difficult tasks of disarming militias and rebuilding the state institutions, et cetera. so a very difficult and extremely difficult task ahead of this government. >> thank you so much for an analysis on that. >> . iran's supreme leader said that military talks are the key to the future. u.n. secretary general, ban ki-moon, says that iran's ballistic missile test this month caused alarm in the international community. >> for this agreement, launching of the missiles, that
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proves that that has caused alarms and concerns, but what kind of sanctions, what kind should be apprized is up to the council members. >> mohamed is a professor at the university of teheran. he said that teheran has largely honored the nuclear agreement. >> i think that it's quite obvious that the iranians have gone into the nuclear negotiations and they have made concessions, and the iranians believe, and they have carried out their commitments. and now it's the united states that's not doing so. the united states has passed a new law restricting visa, and the u.s. president supported it. that really is against the agreement, the americans are putting pressure on the different countries and banks not to do business with iran, and that runs against it. the iranians have committed themselves to their side of the bargain, unlike the americans. >> the white house is
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criticizing russia for skipping a security summit, calling it a missed opportunity for vladimir putin. it's one of the efforts by u.s. president, barack obama, to secure the nuclear materials and prevent attacks. more from washington. >> u.s. president, barack obama, made securing vulnerable nuclear materials a part of his agenda. >> it's one of the threats to international security. >> but the campaign has proceeded without a lot of public attention. even so, the experts say that it has done some g. >> one of the things that the summit has done is broken a cab other on sharing nuclear security. countries were encouraged to make specific national pledgees, referred to as house guests, and report on progress for completing these actions at
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the next summit. so this began to foster some accountability. >> the u.s. has helped other countries get rid of 1600 kilograms of highly enriched uranium, the kind used for nuclear weapons between 2019 and 2013, vietnam, hungary, mexico and ukraine. the u.s. has fallen short in its efforts to improve the physical security at domestic nuclear facilities, and preventing the developpant of so-called dirty bombs. >> there are still too many bad actors in search of these dangerous materials, and these dangerous materials are still vulnerable in too many place. it would not take much, just a handful or so of these materials to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people, and that's not an exaggeration,
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that's the reality that we face. >> there's the problem of whether the next u.s. president will keep the spirit of the nss alive. it's driven by obama's personal interest, and some experts worry that the summit won't survive. >> it's a fine line to walk, between thing to continue the political momentum generated by head of state levellering participation, and also worrying about the fatigue of leaders participating in these summits. >> the mark of success will be how well the nsf endures into the future. aljazeera, washington. >> there's plenty more to come on the news hour. rebuilding, russia offers to restore the ancient city of pal mire a. a student killed in egypt, the reason why he died. and the first semifinal in
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critic world p20, england and new zealand. protesters in pakistan have agreed to end their sit-in rally. they have been demonstrating since sunday. they were angry about last month's execution. he was hanged, and criticized the country's blaspheme laws. we have this update. >> just believe sunset on the fourth day of this protest, it has come to a peaceful of sorts conclusion. now, the pakistani police force were ready to go in, and you can see them over there. that was a tactic for the negotiations going on. the governments say that they have won the peace, and the protesters are going to be allowed to leave. the protesters are saying this is a victory for them. look at what they're doing.
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they're waving their flags and chanting. they say that what they have really achieved here is putting pakistan's blasphemy laws back on the agenda, and they say that these laws are crucial to the future of pakistan. the pakistani government is having 20 look at the controversial blasphemy laws and see what it does next. >> libya's new unity government has arrived in the capital despite the opposition to keep them out. since 2014, they have had two parliaments and governments. and arriving in tripoli, so some of the factions in the capital and does it look or feel any different? >> well, tony, you see behind me, the building, and this is the new headquarters of the government. the members of the presidential council of the government of national court are here inside
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of this building right now, a statement is expected to take place shortly, and it will be read by the head of the council himself. as you know, they have come today, the members of the opposition council, they came by boat after because it was really difficult to bring them by airplane because of the factions in tripoli that opposed the existence of the government and the capital of tripoli, full measure political institutions opposed the presence of this government here in libya, mainly the house of representatives, actually, members of the house of representatives, and a minority of the members of the parliament. and the government in the city of -- [ unintelligible ] the
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members of the general national congress, as well as the government of the national government. all of these for political institutions, again, the existence of the government here in the capital of tripoli, and as you know, each political institution has their own military on the ground. they have been shown firing at muslims if i may say in the last couple of days in tripoli, but so far, no flashes in the government of tripoli. >> thank you so much. syria's president, bashar al-assad, has outlined his plans for a government, discussing his hopes for the next round of talks in geneva he says that the country needs a national unity government rather than a transitional body. the opposition is insisting
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that he must step down before a transition can begin. james bays joins me live from headquarters in new york, and so it doesn't look like the gap is narrowing at all between the opposition and the regime ahead of talks. >> no, it isn't, i don't think. he is saying in the interview with the russian news agency that yes, opposition members can begin a new government in syria, what he's not saying, and what the opposition want to hear, he will have no part in the government of syria, and he will no longer be the president of syria, because that's in fact the bottom line. i think that other interesting parts of the interview with the russian news agency saying that he doesn't want any form of plagiarism in syria, and that will not please the kurds, or pyd, which wants to have an area in syria, these are among the hurdles that need to be
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dealt with in the talks, which are on recess at the moment. but are ready to start again next month. >> the security council in syria again. and are we any closer to actual action with the security council? >> this is a regular update, samuel, with the humanitarian situation in syria, something that's not supposed to be political, but has become an important part of the process going forward in geneva. and there, the u.s. humanitarian chief said that the last few weeks had been a glimmer of hope because of the cessation of hostilities, but he made it cheer that the syrian government, president assad's government was not doing enough to get permits for aid into all of the areas. there were three areas in particular that were mere minutes away from the u.n. warehouses in damascus, and he
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said that the situation in darya was particularly bad, the word that he used was "disastrous." and the people, all they had to eat there was grass. >> thank you so much, james bays. >> military victories will help to speed up a political solution at the next round of talks in geneva. and the forces recently took the ancient city of palmyra from isil. now, they are offering their help to rebuild the city. >> reporter: when the first pictures of palmyra emerged, it was when the large parts of the historical complex were destroyed. but other parts, like the roman theater, had survived.
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>> especially for arciots, looking at the minimals before, it's a horrible sight. most of the things that we talked about were either destroyed or partially damaged, and made some models of it, and then we created the models, and we realized, what if we can make a holographic reconstruction of this. >> reporter: as the syrian army, backed by russia's air power were advancing on palmyra, a virtual reconstruction was already underway. satellite imagery, along with isle -produced videos, has already showed that the temple of bell, three towers, the temple of bellshammine, and the temple of triumph were destroyed.
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russia played a key role in saving what is left of palmyra. parts of it were once flatted, when leppen grad was bombed out duringet siege. 872 days, one of the longest and most destructive in history. like isis now, the nazis in world war ii wanted to see st. petersburg reduce to rubble. many of its landmarks were looted and vandalized, yet russia is back to its glorious past. it could be fundamental in healing pal mire a first of all, st. peter'sberg. >> we're very happy, because people understand that palmyra was very important. not only militarily, but culturally. some of the monuments are still
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there, and the stones are still there, but it can be rebuilt only to a certain point. it will never be like before. >> the hermitage museum already houses several artifacts from syria, including this unique piece, that reveals the as many at this important hall. after the dust settles, a new army will invade palmyra, but as much as they can restore the beauty of palmyra, isil's lust for blood will always be lynched to its history. >> u.n. secretary ban ki-moon has called for more solidarity in the biggest humanitarian crisis of our time. calling on more refugees to get away from the war in syria.
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the installment of 480,000 refugees, taking some of the pressure off of bordering countries. urging larger countries to take a more united approach. >> we must find a way to manage this crisis in a more humane and equitable manner. and this is only possible if the international communities unite in agreement on how to move forward. >> he's extremely concerned for what he calls the apparent execution of a palestinian man by israeli force. he was shot in the head and killed while he was lying injured on the floor. he had been wounded while allegedly attacking an israeli. and the u.n. is calling on israel to protect the man who filmed the incident. some reports say that he's being intimidated. a new chapter has begun in
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myanmar. after 50 years of military rule, a new civilian government. sworn in as the country's new president, the new ministry. >> reporter: an emotional moment for many in myanmar. after a long and difficult fight for democracy. a civilian president it in. witnessing a historic event, many who were jailed for years by the military. the new president is relatively unknown. he has been hand-picked by suu kyi, who has been barred from the office. they will try to change this constitution. >> as the new government, we'll try to establish the constitutional principles, which are national reconciliation and the peace
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process for the union, and we'll try to develop the livinger standard of the people. >> suu kyi will be the foreign education minister and the head of the president's office. she's seen by many as the person who will in fact be exercising the powers of president. all eyes are on this lead, suu kyi, but they're not sure how much che she'll be able to bring. despite the excitement, celebrations throughout the country were subdued. >> i really wanted to make a big celebration, to celebrate this era, but i can't because i have to earn money for my children. chow is the last farmer after the military evicted hundreds to build the new city. he hopes that the new government will be less corrupt and compensate him for his land. >> we have lived in a dark era
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for a long time. we always were afraid to do something, but this time we hope and believe that life will get better. >> reporter: with the military playing a crucial role in parliament and in the new government, many are worried that expectations will be too high. the new president has asked the nation to be patient. for decades, the burmese have proven that this is exactly what they are. aljazeera, myanmar. >> france has announced military intervention in the central african republic. this as a new president is sworn n violence began in 2013, you may remember in march of that year, the rebels overthrew the government. and in august of 2013, the new
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president was sworn in as interim president. he resigned in 2014, after being criticized for not being able to stop attacks. hundreds of thousands were forced to flee the violence, with the peace-keeping force of 12,000 soldiers. in 2014, the celica and the mostly christian fighters agreed it a cease-fire. in january of last year, an interim president was elected. an interim government until december ensuring a peaceful election. no presidential candidate received more than 50% of the vote. the german institute for global studies confirmed research on the central african republic, and he says that the president faces many challenges. >> with the elections running so peacefully, we have to say that this is a break in the
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cycle of violence in the african probably. in 199 3, since the last changes took place, changes of power always happen through violence, and this time it happened through the popular vote. after the elections, this new president is facing an enormous task load that he has to achieve through this government now, and one of the things is disarming rebel movements and armed forces and one of them is figuring out what to do with him so they don't take up arms again. this dimension of calling the conflict christian verses muslim, often diverging from the true struggle happening in the different areas of the central african republic. so the people really do need conciliation, and they are calling for reconciliation. but we should not reduce those categories of division to
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muslims verse christian. there are many different factors dividing the people in the central african republic. we should not take this strong popular voice as an excuse to criticize the president strongly. the state is supposed to deal and provide justice, often part of the problem, and that has to change in the central african republic for the people to find stability. coming up on aljazeera, the world's largest mangrove forest under threat. and calls are going unanswered. plus: >> cuba is a small country with a disproportionate number of ballet stars. i'm in havana at the national ballet school, and i'll show you the secret of success. >> and her sister is an olympic shotput champion, but can steve
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>> welcome back, the headlines here on aljazeera now. libya, defining threats of violence, these are the latest images of prime minister in tripoli. the idea of a government by the national court is endorsed by resolution in december, and the attempt to bring together the country's two rival administrations into one. iran's supreme leader said missiles, not talks, are a key part of the country's future. u.n. secretary gem, ban ki-moon, of course concern in the international community. in pakistan, protesters have agreed to end the demonstration outside of parliament in islamabad. they were angry for the murder of a secular governor. at least 15 iraqi policemen have been killed in a string of
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suicide bombings near fallujah. the violence is increasing the suffering of civilians. government soldiers are surrounding the city to cover isil supplies. a severe lack of food and medicine. he wants the military to create safe corridors or air drop humanitarian aid. civilians say that they're starving to death. >> families that die from hunger, people are wandering aimlessly in the streets. people have mercy on us, we're trapped, quarantined. the ones inside won't let us out and the ones inside won't leave us with solutions. we call on the name of humanitarian and mercy to have compassion on us. we don't represent isil or any side, we're just ordinary citizens. >> police have cleared away hundreds of migrants on a rail
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of the city. >> early morning, migrants from a makeshift camp, not far from the city center. it had been dismantled before, the country is including saddam, afghanistan. conditions have become increasingly difficult. i don't know, i talk to who. >> many people asked us not to show their faces, fearing their families would see the condition that's they're living in. he told us that he worked as a
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translator for british american forces in afghanistan, where his brother was shot dead by the taliban. he said that he was trying to reach the uk. >> i'm trying to go to the uk. i was in cal calais for five mos to go to the uk, but there's not a way to get there. i hope that they will open a way for us. >> local volunteers have been working to try to help those in need. the authorities in paris say more than 6 and a half thousand people have been offered temporary accommodations since last june. it's the duty and the honor of the state to shelter these people. they live in appalling condition. i invite you to go see the condition of their mattresses and the rubbish on the ground. paris cannot accept camps under the elevated railways. the camps must be given back to the citizens, and for them, it's not a life. while the temporary shelter wilwelcomed by some, a stable ad
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secure future is different than living under a bridge. >> french president, francoise hollande, the bill to change the constitution was put forward after the paris attacks, and hollande agrees. >> the national assembly and the senate have not agreed on the text regarding stripping the french citizenship of terrorists, regarding the state of emergency. >> jackie rowlins has more from paris. paris. >> these proposals to reform the constitution include not only the plan to strip nationals convicted of terror offenses, but also, a plan to make it easier for presidents
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to introduce a state of emergency. currently, the system is that parliament has to vote on that. >> the idea was that the president has simply there to bypass parliament in declaring a state of emergency. in the end, francoise hollande was not able to muster the political support for these proposals, and we have to remember as well the atmosphere in which this constitutional reform was first raised, when it was mentioned. it was in the aftermath of november 13th. he was under a lot of pressure from politicians and the right wing republican party, the far right of france. a lot of criticism from security agency, why have they not anticipated these attacks? this populist opinion. but months later, you see there's not the support from the left-wing of the party, his own justice minister resigned on principle because she would not support the side there, and
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ultimately, when it came to t. the numbers were not there. not in the parliament, the national assembly or the senate, which is why we see this climbdown by the president. >> the mother of an italian student who was killed in egypt has spoken publicly for the first time since his death. she's dismissing the egyptian authority's explanation of how he dialed. his lawyer said an italian autopsy shows that he died after being tortured. >> the 5th anniversary in egypt. his bed was found nine days later in a ditch, beaten and burned and electrocuted. he was killed by a critical gang they say, blue his mother rejects this account. >> i will tell you what they did to his face. on the face, all of the evil of
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the world was poured on him. his face had become so flawed and tis skin had turned into a color that you can't imagine. the only thing that i could recognize of him was the tip of his nose. what we're talking about now is torture. >> holding vigils for his death. he's a university student, rights groups say that the mars from his body were consistent with other cases of torture, allegedly carried out by egyptian security forces. >> it's thousands of people who are in jail, who have been jailed recently, at least 3,200 some. without a warrant. without a cause, without trial. and there they stay, to rot in jail, and somehow, in egyptian jail, you walk in on your legs, and you walk out with a cane,
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if you can walk out. >> reporter: the ministry has denied all allegations of involvement, and the egyptian police are expected to hand over their evidence to italian prosecutors next week. the prime minister insists that sicily will accept nothing less from the troops. >> no charges yet, but the man accused of hijacking a plane from egypt using a fake suicide belt has appeared in court. he's described as psychologically unstable. his motive is still unclear, and all of the passengers and the crew are safely back in egypt. brazil's president is under increasing appreciate to resign. after the partner decided to pull out. the central lift democratic party of brazil ru review withdf
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its ministers. the president is facing corruption alleges. belgium has revised those killed in attacks gown from 35-3 2. they say some of the dead were counted twice. some in hospital. and some in critical condition. the chinese president will meet u.s. president, barack obama o. the sidelines of a nuclear summit in washington. north korea's nuclear program is expected to be one of the topics discussed on thursday. reporting from beijing. >> the largest nuclear safety center in asia pacific is to be reopened in beijing. funded by china and the u.s. a sign of the two countries closely cooperating. it's a relationship spurred by north korea's nuclear testing,
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four in the last ten years. the latest in january, and it said its planning more. but how to curb north korea is something that the u.s. president, barack obama, and his chinese counterpart will have to produce. >> either the country or the regime become unstable. which means millions of refugees flooding across the border into china, which could potentially mean a take over of the north by south korea, which is a u.s. ally, and extending the u.s. influence. >> it's not just korea that china fears an expanding u.s. presence. it's here in the china see, where china has become more aggressive in years, where it sees it as it's territory. and the south china sea. the u.s. said that it's neutral, but some of its actions, including sailing a
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warship into the area, has angered china. >> president xing is more tolerant, and he has this vision of china becoming this regional, if not global power. >> and that could affect the relationship with the united states. the u.s. is already a super power, and china wants to become one. and to do that, it has to redefine its leadership with the u.s. and the rest of the world. >> it has been almost a year since 149 people were killed in kenya's university attack. the u.s. blames the shabaab supporters hiding in camps with the refugees. reporting from northern kenya, the refugees say that they're also the victims of the group. >> reporter: patrolling the refugee camp, one of five camps in northeastern kenya.
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at night, the young refugees will take over the operation, which is home to more than 100,000 somalis. just before dark, they map out their route. there used to be 400 volunteers like this, and now there are only 42. >> many people who join us give up along the way because there's no money. we try as much as we can to patrol all night. our aim is to keep everyone safe. >> reporter: safe from criminal gangs, or even armed groups. this is the largest and most dangerous camp. the security forces are reluctant to come here at night. governmental officials and aid workers have in the past been killed, or kidnapped by al-shabaab. and the the residents say that they're also victims of al-shabaab. he came here until his father and brother were killed by al-shabaab in so many alia
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he still receives mysterious phonecalls from people threat thing to kill him too. he fears that those who call him are the same who killed his relatives. >> my life has become very difficult. and i suspect everyone when i good gough to the market. i live in constant fear. >> the government sees the cop as a security threat. >> militarily, [ unintelligible ] but in village, there are still a lot of radicals that come. >> al-shabaab fighters have carried out a series of attacks in kenya, most notably last year, where 148 people were killed, and another in a popular mall in nairobi. 67 people were marted, and the security forces, i asked if he thinks that the cops have been
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infiltrated by al-shabaab. >> the problem you're talking about is real, but i can not talk freely and explain the details. that should tell you something. >> the refugees in this settlement are living in fear, between al-shabaab on one side and the government forces that don't trust them on the ooh. >> still ahead on the show
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the protected stretch of the water. he was thinking, the government announced a ban on cargo very wells in the riff. but a ban had previously been announced in 2014, after a large oil spill, only to be lifted last year. >> reporter: this is the only route that connects the amongler port. the other routes are too shallow. so the dam was a huge economic blow to the country. it's the largest mangrove rainforest in the world, and it has become the focus of large protests. vessels carrying hazardous materials, they're also worried about the impact of a coal power plant that will be built just 15 kilometers from the world heritage site.
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>> any project that is going to harm cannot be. >> the government said that the economic needs, competing with environmental concerns, the rainforest is the center of a tug of war between activists and the government. aljazeera, bangladesh. >> to tell us what's going on in the world of cricket. >> thank you very much. in 2020, the first of the semifinals, new it zealand playing england in new delhi. the new zealand captain, 74 for the second wick et. but pulling things back for england, with the wick et and the cats. the kiwis were restricted to 183 for eight of their overs.
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and england are pairing toward their target. currently 61-0 losses with just five overs. >> . >> new zealand's ninth semifinal, 50 over, 20 over, and they don't have a particularly good record in these last four. the first semifinal came in with the world cup. they lost to the eventual winners, west indies. they were hosting the world cup. and it was a defeat against pakistan, and they have reached the last four, the inaugural in 2007, and after they lost, the black caps finally got over the semifinal, after beating south africa, and they finally lost to their arch rivals, australia.
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the women's finals in australia. it was a painful experience for natalie. and she was fortunately able to continue, but there's a reaction come up from the field. the captain, meg lanny was the top scorer. she scored 25. six of the 20. off to a good start. the dismissal of captain edwards, england falling just short as they made 127 of their overs to lose by five runs. australia flew into the fourth straight. moving to football now, qualifiers for the next fifa world cup, in south america, argentina posted their third straight victory, the barcelona star hitting it's 50th
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national goal. and an exclusive club to reach that. the other results in south america saw uruguay beat pursue. peru. they crushed venezuela 4-1. and australia rescued a 2-2 draw with pair guy. what does that mean for the spaniards? they're one-third of the way through. ecuador second. and brazil, they're in 6th place. remember, the top four only will go to the finals in russia in 2018. >> you, the media, were told that these world cup qualifiers would be tough, totally different from previous traditions. it's true that we're in 6th position in standings for the first place, but the difference in the other teams is only two
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points, you fold us that we're the challengers, and we are. >> germany put last saturday's defeat with england behind them. thanks to tony cruz and world cup hero, the italians concern, germany celebrated the first win over the as uhre since 1995. jakovich, the serbian advanced to the finals with a comfortable -4 win over dominic, his 6th year in florida. nba, the golden state warriors beat the washington wizards on tuesday, the 67th one of the season. and eight games left in the
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season. the record is set by the chicago bulls. steven adams, his teammates couldn't make it nine in a row. detroit ran out an 878-82 win. just four months until the opening ceremony in the olympics. the australians have their out fits sorted. they are going on the catwalk to show off the design. they will send a team of 400 to brazil. we've breaking news for you now on the last few minutes. gary neville has been sacked as manager of valencia. for now, back to you. >> cuba has seen great success in the world of ballet as the small country produces a
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disproportionate number of top dancers. >> reporter: you can tell by the way they walk and carry themselves that these are no ordinary students. and that this is no ordinary school. down the hall, some of the older pupils are putting on a special performance of giselle, in honor of the visiting british paint ron. >> 20 years ago, i saw how wonderful this school is. and so i wanted to do everything i can to help. >> reporter: every year, more than 50,000 cuban boys and girls from all over the country aspire to study here. but only the 300 best are admitted. >> we do not let a single person with talent slip through our fingers. that is the truth. >> reporter: romona has been the director of the school since it's inception in 1962.
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a protége of cuba's ballet, alicia alonzo. as was the case in the former soviet union, the school combines academic studies and dance under one roof. an integrated teaching system, financed by the state, of which there are very few in the world. >> our school has it's own unique style. you can always distinguish a cuban dancer. the woman by femininity and grace, the male by his virility. the powerful leaps and the way they move around the stage. >> reporter: like a great many of the students, 15-year-old alejandro is dreaming big. >> i want to dance in the royal ballet, or in the american ballet theater. i don't want my career to be only here. i want to be a great ballerina,
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for me, ballet is something glorious. >> reporter: in recent years, it has been easier for dancers to leave cuba and join a major foreign company, like carlos acosta, today a star of the royal ballet. he too started here at the age of nine. there are no luxuries here, not even air-conditioning, but the students know if they have the talent, when they leave here, they will have the tools necessary to join the ranks of the very best in one of the world's most competitive professions, a profession that requires sacrifice, but lifts the human spirit. aljazeera, havana. >> well, leaving on a happy note. as a remind, you can get more stories on
12:00 pm
>> the u.n. recognized government arrives in the capital of tripoli. despite warnings from the administration to stay away. watching aljazeera, live from london, and coming up in this program, the suffering of iraqi civilians, besieged in isil-held fallujah. leaders say that they're being scarfed. protesters agree to disburse after a three-day sit-in in support of an executed killer. and
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