tv News Al Jazeera March 30, 2016 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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libya agrees to hold peace talks with the government. libya's two rival governments are heading for a showdown. prime minister of the u.n. backed government o accord, actg administration in tripoli. the eu and the u.n. both welcome the move. the u.n. is attempting to bring together the two rival administrations into one government. >> translator: at this historic moment we thowns to our people the starannounce toour pa new era, communication with the sons of our people, regardless of their political attitudes this would be based on the libyan preliminary agreement and the guarantees it includes to all fathers and to achieve the goals of the -- all parties and
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achieve the goals of the february revolution. >> the heads issued a warning to the government of national accord after its arrival in the capital. >> translator: the government of national salvation calls on those illegitimate infiltrators to either hand over themselves and be in safe hands or to go back to where they came from. the salvation government is working with judicial and legislative entities, all state institutions and ngos as well as community liters to take the necessary steps to save the country from the threat of chaos and foreign intervention. >> joining us live in the studio is george jaffe, director of international relations at university of cambridge it will thank you very much for coming in. >> you're welcome. >> the u.n. backed government has just arrived in tripoli. there are reports of some trouble in the capital. does it look as though this
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government will be ail to establish its presence there? >> it has sport of the militias of misrata. there is support for it in tripoli within the government of the original government that goes back to 2012. so in a sense, we still don't know, but it's not completely impossible for it to be able to establish itself. >> could we see an increase in violence in the capital as a result of the arrival of faya saraj, could it cause even more volatility? >> it already has, not necessarily because of the threat of the new government arriving but for other reasons. it could morph against a threat to itself. some elements inside tripoli are
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opposed to it. it is quite clear that the leadership of the original assembly is opposed to it too as is part of the government inside tripoli. so there is going to be a difficult period of transition. >> as you say some, the u.n. bad government, what happens now, that they have arrived there in the capital, what happens next? what are their priorities? >> well, this is going to cause a rift inside the aegean sea, the original assembly that was appointed after the libyan civil war. it depends on the outcome of that particular rift, as to whether the new government can survive inside tripoli. my guess is it will take several days if not weeks before we know for certain it will be accepted. there is a general desire in libya to see unity throughout the country. the problem is the terms under
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which that can be achieved. it is not just a question of what happens inside tric tripoli itself but the government and tobruk reacts to the current situation. >> there is a great deal we don't know and as you say, there will be at least a couple of weeks before we get clarity on how things are likely to unfold. the libyan people must be so weary of the situation now. breakdown in security in the country has paralyzed, nothing is functioning properly and it's always the people that suffer the most. how much support is this u.n. backed government likely to have? >> i think at the moment it will have some support. many libyans will feel very cynical given past experience they've had. and they will look to see it establish itself and that it can achieve the objectives it says it will achieve. then support will accrue to it. until then it's going to be very
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difficult. but there's another side to this. which is one of the reasons the new government was so important was that the outside past concerned about migration anden intimidation inside libya, there's concern about that. >> thank you for joining us. pakistan thousands of protesters have been staging a sit in. the demonstrators have been camped at islamabad's key government buildings, agreed to leave after negotiations with the government. they are supporters of montaz kadri who was executed on february 29th. if they didn't leave by a government imoize imposed deadly would be removed.
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imran khan has more. >> it's come to a peaceful of sorts conclusion. the police, ask you see them over there that was a pressure tactic for the negotiations going on. the government says they've won, these protesters are going to be allowed to leave. the protesters are saying this is a victory for them. they are waving their flags and chanting. what they've achieved is putting pakistan's blasphemy laws back on the national agenda and these laws are crucial to the future of pakistan. the pakistani government is forced to look at these very controversial blasphemy laws and figure out what it does next. >> to b bangladesh. arrest warrants are issued. khalid azea who served as prime minister twice, is accused of be
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starting violence when she asked her supporters to enforce a blockade which ended with one person dead and 30 others injured. defense lawyers say the case is politically motivated. now tribal leaders from the iraqi city of fallujah saying its people are being systematically starved. believed up to 60,000 civilians are stuck inside, jerald tan has the story. >> fallujah, a broken city. caught between i.s.i.l. fighters and osiege with government, residents here are being pushed to the edge. >> translator: families are dying from hunger. people are wandering aimlessly in the street out of hunger. please help us. we are quarantined. >> the ones inside won't help and the ones outside won't
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answer. we don't represent i.s.i.l. or any other side. we are just ordinary citizens. >> reporter: iraq's army supported by shia groups and u.s. led coalition air strikes has been besieging fallujah since late last year. the goal to break the hold on the city of the thousands of i.s.i.l. fighters inside but civilians have not been spared. >> translator: the delay in retaking the city is causing suffering and osevere shortage of food and medicine. a solution depends on the opening of safe corridors to evacuate civilians or the dropping of humanitarian aid. >> reporter: fallujah was the first iraqi city to fall into i.s.i.l. hands back in january 2014. video footage is scant. are journalists are not allowed in. food is being used as a weapon. >> translator: fallujah has
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been systematically exterminated. what is happening is not a matter of coincidence or ash industry. death is carried out like any other kind of war against humanity. >> the world's food aid program has not been able to deliver, it's just too dangerous. reports suggest that those stuck here are subsisting on dried dates, grass and wild plants. it's not enough but they have no other recourse. jerald tan, al jazeera. and thousands of palestinians have marked the 40th anniversary of land day, commemorating the death of six palestinians during protests of land confiscation in 1996. >> people are streaming into to commemorate an event that happened 40 years ago. it was the first time that
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palestinians rose up. that was 40 years ago, but the issues are very much alive today and when you speak to people here they will tell you they feel discriminated against by the israeli government. land confiscation is going on. the nowd and th south and the n, a attorney says the policy of benjamin netanyahu could lead to confrontation with the palestinians of israel. they don't want to be discriminated against, and what they see as their country, they want to be treated just the same like anyone else. >> france has announced it will end its military intervention in the central africa republic. this follows the knowledge swearing in of fausta tradera.
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al jazeera. let's take you through the top stories. the reports of gun fire in the libyan capital tripoli, this happened shortly after the riervel oarrival of u.n. backed government of accord. islamabad, crowds are dispersing. and arrest warrants are issued for the country's former prime minister of bangladesh along with dozens of other opposition party members. it's alleged they instigated an arson attack last year. the u.n. are conference to resettling refugees, ban ki-moon called it a win for everyone. from there jamal el shael sent this report. >> what is now used to graze
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cattle and sheep, this scene is replicated across the lebanon valley.those who fled the war in syria. no be leg electricity, no schools, income they get by sending their children to work in what has become a rampant child labor market. the lebanese government and the united nations have been saying for some time now they aren't getting the funding needed to build proper housing for the 1 million refugees in lebanon. it's no surprise that u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon not to pledge money but to help relocate refugees in countries that can provide them with dignified home. >> this is the greatest crisis of our time.
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the world must rise to the challenge. providing hope means providing pathways to a better future. neighboring countries have done far more than their share. others must now step up. >> reporter: this isn't the first time that ban ki-moon has made statements calling for urgent action to help alleviate the suffering of syrian refugees. but unfortunately this war has gonen on for over five years and hundreds of thousands of syrians continue to live in the most dire conditions. many of these children know nothing of the world, their lives have not improved, in fact they keep getting worse. >> this woman is blind in one eye. the widowed mother of two girls when she first arrived she thought it would be only a few months before she could return to her home in damascus.
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>> aid from the u.n. has stopped. the children's situation here makes you cry. their parents can't even afford to feed or clothe them. they're hungry. there are children here who aren't even ten years old and they're working to help their parents. >> reporter: this war has raged on for more than half a decade and still there is no end in sight. the international community has only managed to show resolve when it's come to forming military coalitions. without the same resolve being demonstrated to bring about peace these children may never see the world beyond the miserable and squalid camps of lebanon. jamal el shael, al jazeera, lebanon. the government has started peace negotiations with the second largest rebel group. and farc, are manuel santos has staked his presidency on ending
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the half century conflict with grillgrillegrillguerilla groups. >> marian, this is considered the step to reaching an end to the conflict. eln is a much smaller group when you compare it to the farc. it's very important that le now seem to be ready to open formal peace negotiations and reach a peace agreement with the government. because the fear here in colombia was that any agreement with the farc alone would have been an incomplete agreement and a fragile one in the sense that eln could have somewhat easily moved in the territory the farc was -- that the farc controls now and that they essentially
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will give up once they sign a peace agreement. and also there was a feeling that any farc dissident would want to continue the fight, could have easily switched into the eln camp. and that's actually something that we've seen happening in the past couple of weeks. this changes the situation, the environment if you want, and that's what president santos just said in a speech to the nation. this is a fundamental step towards a complete peace in colombia. >> right, so why did it take so long to bring the eln, the country's second biggest rebel group on board to be part of these negotiations? >> reporter: that has to do with the dink nature that the eln has in comparison to the farc. the farc is a more traditional military guerilla group. their military are the ones that
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make the decisions and the decisions trickle down to the rank and file. they talk about it as cooperation but finally it's the leaders who make the final decisions. that's why the farc leaders are negotiating directly the kind of reforms they would like to see in colombia to accept a peace deal. the eln is more of a resistance movement. they have more of a participatory style of leadership and each of their front essentially is much more independent. so what we heard from the government's peace negotiators, this is been a big issue for them to try and bring all of them to the table and to try to make sure that all of the fronts are happy to be part of these negotiations, and that there's not going to be any splinter group once a peace deal is signed. >> yes, very important that this rebel group is now part of the talks. alessandro, thank you for bringing us all the information
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from bogota. what happened to dozens of missing students? stop working on the case next month. the government has been criticized for its handling of the investigation since the students disappeared in late 2014. adam rainey has the story. >> this comes after months of embarrassing revelations, the international committee issued a report in november of last year where it said there was no evidence to back the government's assertion that the students were burned in a dump. and other evidence wasn't there either so this is clearly an attempt by the mexican government to take back the initiative from these international groups but despite
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that most mexicans don't have faith in their government to truly dig deep into this case and to find out what really happened and if they do know what happened to truly share those results with the mexican people. you see spray painted signs and graffiti all over the country that says it was the state, it was the government. many people in mexico believe that the government was excludincolluding with illegal , and no one will find out what really happened in that night in 2014. only one person's body has been positively identified of those 43 students. >> syria's president has criticized governments including france and the u.k. of failing to acknowledge its military success against i.s.i.l. in palmyra. bashar al-assad also credited moscow'moscow's involvement in g
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to turn the tide. >> translator: russian support was essential and effective to reach this results and support of friends in iran and hezbollah and other groups fighting. of course after palmyra we'll have to move to the surrounding areas of east ever syria, such as deir ez zor, and raqqa which represents the main stronghold of i.s.i.l. >> are french police have charged the main attack on a foiled attack on the country. reda kirkut has been charged by what officials say is the head of a terrorist groups. assault rifles and home made explosives were allegedly found at his homes.
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frnbe francoisfrancois hollande: >> the national senate and assembly have not agreed of the stripping of citizenship of terrorists. hostile to all revisions of the constitution with regard to the state of emergency. >> a new political chapter has started in myanmar. after 50 years of military rules, passed to main civilian government, close ally and leader of the national league of democracy, aung san suu kyi, has been appointed to lead a number of key ministries. step vaessen has more. >> after a long and difficult fight for democracy a civilian president is sworn in. witnessing this historic event many who were jailed for years by the military. the new president, tin cho is
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relatively unknown. he is hand picked by aung san suu kyi, constitutionally barred from the office, since her children are foreign nationals. they will try to change this constitution. >> as the new government will try to establish the constitutional principles which are national reconciliation, the peace process and the establishment of democratic federal union. and will try work to develop the lives and living standards are the people. >> reporter: aung san suu kyi will lead four ministries. she will be the foreign minister, the education and head of the president's office. she is seen by many as the person who will be effectively exercising the powers of president. all eyes are on this lady, many are looking to her for change. but they are unsure how much
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change she will be able to bring. celebrations throughout the country were subdued. >> translator: i really wanted to make a bill celebration. to celebrate this era but i can't because i have to earn money for my children. >> reporter: choo min latest farm ir, he is hoping that the government will be less corrupt and compensate him for this land. >> we have lifted a dark era for the country. we hope and believe life will get better. >> reporter: but with the military still playing a crucial role in parliament and in the new government many are worried expectations might be too high. the new president has asked the nation to be patient. for decades, the burmese have proven that this is exactly what they are. step vaessen, al jazeera, napido, myanmar.
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>> the world's largest mangrove rain forest is under threat. in bangladesh it's been damaged by pollution. >> reporter: in the late afternoon of march 19, a barge carrying more than 1200 tons of coal sank in a dolphin sanctuary. they are still painstakingly securing the coal from another barge that thank this area backn october of last year. >> we have to be careful. it can star break apart and stao dissolve in the water. >> salvaging this barge is expected to be a much more difficult task. after the latest sinking, the
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bangladeshi government announced a ban on barge traffic in the riff. after a large oil spill only to be lifted last year. >> this is the only route that connects the mangla port to dacca. the other routes have become too shallow. to shut this down has become a huge economic blow to the country. >> the mangrove forest has become the focus of large protests. they are worried about the impact of a coal power plant that will be built just 15 kilometers from the world heritage site. >> bangladesh is totally unprotected. that cannot be called development annal. development-able. >> with economic needs competing with environmental concerns, the
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rain forest looks set to remain the center of a du tug of war between activists and the government. al jazeera, bangladesh. >> you'll find more of what we're covering, the address this week on "talk to al jazeera" sinner song writer natalie merchant >> i stumbled into this as a way of life. i had no intention of being in a band or a singer. it happened to me by accident she has rerecorded her break through solo album tigerlily, but this time with a twist.
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