tv News Al Jazeera April 6, 2016 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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victory for ted cruz and bernie sanders after beating the party front runners in wisconsin. this is al jazeera live from doha. also coming up, one of libya's two rival governments steps down for the sake of political unity. anger on the streets of peru as thousands protest against presidential front runner. changes for the millions of
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people who use what's app. we will at the you about methods to better protect your messages. front runners in the presidential run have been suffered dedefeat. bernie sanders has picked up another win over hillary clinton and on the republican side ted cruz won against businessman donald trump. cruz called it a turning point in the presidential race. >> reporter: it is a decisive victory for ted cruz in wisconsin defeating donald trump in the state's primary. it it was a win he promised would change the course of the republican race for the whis house. >> tonight-- whitehouse
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>>. it was a bad night for hillary clinton, in the democratic primary and even a worse night for her in the republican primary. we're winning because we're uniting the republican party. >> reporter: the cruz campaign claims the latest victory will compel him to future state contests and cause trump to fall short of the candidates needed to win the nomination before the july republican convention. it is a convention where he hopes to be the party nominee to take on hillary clinton. the path to her party's pension nomination-- presidential nomination has been complicated. bernie sanders was the winner for the contest in the mid before concern state. >> with our victory tonight in
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wisconsin we have now won seven out of eight of the last caucuses. [ cheers ] >> we have won almost all of them with overwhelming landslide numbers. >> reporter: he says his grass root support will propel him to win bigger contests and allow him to increase his delegates. she still has the lead in delegate support. the next contest in new york will be a challenge for sanders given hillary clinton once represented the state as a senator in the u.s. congress >> reporter: what is clear from this wisconsin primary is that the momentum of both republican and democratic front runners has been blunted. both ted cruz and bernie sanders saying the course of the
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campaign has been changed and well it could be a messy path that is now expected these will go right to the july conventions let's look at how the race for the white house stands right now. hillary clinton is in the lead. she has more than 1200 delegates. bernie sanders has 1025. they need 2383 to win the race. donald trump is ahead for the republicans with 740 delegates, ted cruz has 514. the nominee needs 1237 to win. the professor of public policy says the results in wisconsin are a sign that donald trump's winning streak may be over >> there's a big turn against trump in the last week or so. he has been involved in a lot of controversies with women, over women, over things that he said
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about other candidates. i think there's a growing sense in the republican party of two things. one, he can't be elected, he is a loser. two, a lot of republicans as well as other americans think he's a creep. he can't get elected for bernie sanders. he is a non-starter in american politics. not to young people. but to a lot of party officials who make up the super delegates they don't want to take the risk of allowing bernie sanders the nomination. republicans, they have winner take all primaries in wisconsin. they all went to ted cruz. in the democratic side, the delegates were split between clinton and sanders.
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he is going to have to win more big victories to catch up to hillary clinton. part of her delegate lead is with super delegates and they can change their minds any time they want. if suddenly bernie sanders moves into the lead among elected delegates, those super delegates may shift to him one of the two rival governments in libya is standing aside to "prevent any more bloodshed". it comes after the government arrived in tripoli. since 2014 libya has had two competing admissions, one in tripoli backed by powerful militias and the other in the part city of tobruk. >> reporter: the u.n. special envoy to libya is all files balls he has managed to reap the capital of tripoli to meet the government he helped form. he knows further progress won't be easy or quick. >> tripoli must become an
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international city where embassy reopen their embassieembassies. >> reporter: he was greeted with the news that a tripoli based political group would step aside. that isn't the only challenger. another has refused the u.n. brokered deal to the court. >> reporter: veteran politician has been tasked to head the gna for the challenge to reunite a fractured libya. he arrived in tripoli by sea last week because he was prevented by arriving by air. this is the first time lib i can't answer have reasons to be-- libyans have to be optimistic. >> translation: our main demand
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is forced to be like other countries, to have government, security and army. we don't want militias. >> translation: we want a government of unity, we want army, police, salaries and disability. we want a state that can protect its borders. >> reporter: these simple demands are a challenge for libya which remains split turkey is threatening to strip citizen ship from people accused of supporting terrorism. the justice minister also says police are looking into a possible breach which compromised identity data for around 50 million turks. that's two-thirds of the population. turkey's president is bound to find those responsible for the attacks, including two months in istanbul and ankara. the opposition in iceland is renewing its calls for a snap general election after the
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resignation of the prime minister over revelations about his and his wife's financial arrangements in panama. the prime minister is the first political casualty after the panama papers showed his wife owned an offshore company on big claims of iceland's back. in other words, an undeclared conflict of interest. >> reporter: it is as far as you can imagine from iceland to the british virgin islands, but the attempts by the prime minister here to hide his wife's wealth there have caught up with him. this woman runs an ice-cream parlour and this is named after wintris, the said company. >> it is very sour and how do you say? >> reporter: it leaves a sour taste in your mouth? >> yeah. bitter taste. like we all feel today. >> reporter: is that how you feel all this? >> skad and i am ashamed, like,
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i'm ashamed to be an icelander. >> reporter: he walked out of the interview which confronted him with his part of the tax dodge. saying monday he wouldn't say he wouldn't resign and then he would if his partners wouldn't stand by him. it is a stand off, but opposition groups believe he won't last until a plan for no confidence vote on thursday. >> there is no meetings in the parliament, no chambers meetings or committee members because people feel the parliament cannot function in this state of crisis. we have a full fledged political crisis that needs to be solved. everybody except the prime minister himself recognised that this is doing damage to the iceland in the international contest >> reporter: the protests reflect a sense of betrayal among the people. since the country recovered from the bank crash, projects have restarted as the economy has
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picked up. >> reporter: the government imposed controls on how much people can take out of cash machines. in that context, the idea that the prime minister has helped his wife hide tens of millions of dollars so far away is infuriating to the people. so wintres has become the headlines here, and this t-shirt reads "not my prime minister" china is stepping up pressure on neighboring north korea against pyongyang's nuclear program. most imports of coal and iron ore has been banned. china buys a huge percentage of north korea's exports. >> reporter: the trade
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restrictions are part of the u.n.'s tougher sanctions on north korea after the regime conducted nuclear and missile tests. the import ban clues items like coal, iron ore and rare earths. these minerals are an important source of income for north korea whose main trading partner is china. these restrictions will hit north korea hard. the statement from the chinese commerce ministry comes with a loophole. it allows trade to continue as long as the proceeds are for the people's well-being and not for north korea's nuclear or missile programs. what is unclear is how china plans to monitor or keep track of that. china has been under significant pressure to be tougher on north korea, especially after the north conducted nuclear and missile test in the first quarter of this year. it has supported the u.n.'s tougher sanctions. china has traditionally preferred a softer approach when
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it comes to north korea favoring dialogue and incentives. this is because china fear $the collapse of the kim regime could lead to a flood of refugees and possibly the presence of u.s. troops on the korean peninsula. this latest announcement could be seen a sign that china is willing to change its approach when it comes to dealing with north korea still ahead on al jazeera. >> justice has been done. although the victims are crying foul >> reporter: celebrations and anger as the international criminal court drops a case against kenya's deputy president. plus. >> reporter: i'm andrew thomas. at port obviouslya airport. i will be explaining why the poor condition of this runway is a man made disaster equivalent, say some, to the natural disaster, a cyclone that hit this country last year. country last year.
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change this country, and we will change the world. >> mr. president, there's a one in three chance of a second grade depression. >> first hand accounts from the people who are there. >> your opinion was shocking. >> ...that i am president of the united states and i can't make anything happen. >> he stood up and said, "that's it, i'm finished."
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welcome back. a recap. president hopeful ted cruz has defeated front runner donald trump in the wisconsin primary. democrat bernie sanders managed to add to his recent victories over hillary clinton. it was a tight contest. one of the two rival governments in libya is standing aside. it's a step forward for the u.n. brokered national unity government to take power in tripoli, but there is still resistance from tobruk
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administration. panama papers have seen the resignation of the iceland prime minister. his family used a shelf company to house moneys offshore. thousands of marched against the candidate running for president but they don't want her on the ballot. >> reporter: they shouted never again, remembering thousands of innocent people killed or disappeared by security forces during the government in the 90s. >> translation: the people associate her with so many killings her father was responsible for. so much injustice >> reporter: they remembered the level of corruption of his right hand man, accused of bribing politicians, businessmen,
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journalists. >> translation: we will never forget. no-one came out clean. judges, prosecutors, everyone had a price tag. demonstrators proceed tested against her candidacy for the presidency. they choose this date, on april 5, 24 years ago he led a coup with the military to disband congress and intervened against the judiciary and begun ruling by decree. >> reporter: her danned daes has again divided a cup much as her father did when he fled to japan and factioned his resignation to congress. she is trying to distance her from her father's legacy but she carries the wait of her family name. supporters say her critics are not spare to her >> translation: she can't be guilty for her father's mistakes. she has young and has many
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projects to fill >> reporter: she signed an honor agreement to, among other things, respect human rights. she promised she won't use power in favor of her family meaning sympathy won't free her father from jail. she has led the presidential campaign with more than 30% of the vote, but hasn't been able to gain more support. >> translation: although she has distanced herself from old supporters and policies, some voters say there is absolutely no way they will vote for her >> reporter: her greatest challenge is to create a new strategy to disassociate her from her father's legacy as nearly 50% of the voters sars they will never put an fujimore back in power judges at the international criminal court has dismissed the case against kenya's deputy
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president. he was charged with crimes against human ultimately. they relate to post election violence in 2008. malcolm webb reports >> reporter: he was charged with crimes against humanitarian, but now his trial has been brought to a close. for the deputy president it's a good day. for his supporters too. judges at the international criminal court declared a mistrial alleging witness interference and political meddling. here in his home town some people celebrated in the streets. >> they went for the wrong people. so at least we can now see that justice has been done. although the victims are crying foul, the icc did not do good investigation. >> reporter: eight years ago more than a thousand people were killed in violence following a disputed election. more than half a million were displaced.
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the international criminal court prosecutors said politicians and their accomplices organized the violence. ruto and journalist sang were among six charged. one-by-one the cases fell apart. witnesses recounted statements or disappeared. prosecutor and rights groups alleged a campaign of bribery and intimidation, something the defendants denied. for victims there has been no justice broad or at home. in kenya nobody was charged. this woman's niece was shot and killed during the violence. she says it's too late to make a difference anyway. >> translation: whether he is in jail or let him go, it doesn't benefit me because if that child was still alive. she would have grown-up by now. she could have been going to work, have her own family, a child, even a husband. >> reporter: his lawyers had asked for an acquittal. that would mean they could never be tried on the same charges,
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but they didn't get it. >> according to the majority, this decision does not preclude new prosecutor in the future. either at the icc or international jurisdiction. this decision may be subject to appeal. >> reporter: it seems unlikely the prosecutor will find more willing witnesses any time soon, so for now a victory for ruto, sang and much of kenya's political class, and known left on trial, a major blow for the icc's investigation here an earthquake of a mag any tied of 6.9 has struck north-west of the pacific island nation of vanuatu. it's still recovering, of course, from last year's devastating cyclone. andrew thomas reports. >> reporter: on port villa's bay daniel and will are getting a fairly unique experience. the company hiring those boats used to have 60 customers a day.
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now these are two of 14 all day. >> it was sigh quiet and we don't make much out of it. we're just really down. >> reporter: the reason is here, the vanuatu's international airport. this is more than just a runway. for vanuatu a country dependent on tourism, this stretch of tarmac is crucial to the economy. but the runway is damaged. workers are carrying out emergency repairs. >> we're committed to making sure that this runway is completely safe and that's basically what we're doing right now. >> reporter: but the patch-up job has come too late. three big airlines, air new zealand, virgin and qantas have suspended services to vanuatu. that's cut seven flights a week. a year ago vanuatu was hit by cyclone pam, the biggest in its
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history, but for many, the runway, a man made disaster is worse. this hotel is barely half full and that's after slashing prices by 55%. >> it is what it is and it is a terrible situation, a lot worse than pam >> reporter: cancellations grow. cruz ships are still coming in, but passengers sleep and mostly eat on board. these tourists are worth much less to vanuatu than those who come by air. last month taxi drivers fought over customers here. now police and the army keep watch. >> we need service every day. we cannot stay there and close our hands unless we are to find some ways to earn our income. >> reporter: some think the runway damage was caused by planes like this one which delivered aid in after the cyclone. most, know, blame politicians
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for ignoring earlier warnings about the runway's condition. air vanuatu is still landing here international airlines, know have ended code share agreements with the national carrier and won't sell its seats nor will they say when or whether they will be coming bacback twenty million people in bangladesh are forced to drink arsenic-contaminated water. that's accord to a new human rights watch report. the government promised decades ago to clean up the water supply. the rights group says corruption has hampered those efforts. >> reporter: for the longest time this woman couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. she couldn't go near the kitchen stove, unable to stand the heat. it got to the point where she couldn't be outside in the midday son. it was years before doctors finally pinpointed her problem.
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the water she was drinking. >> translation: my parents and my husband took me to many doctors. they said i had a skin condition only. it wasn't until someone from an outreach program came to my village that they figured out what was wrong with me >> reporter: according to a human rights watch report published on wednesday thousands of people like this woman suffer from arsenic-related problems that are not detected. doctors rely heavily on noticing skin lesions which sometimes alert them to arsenic-related diseases. the problem is most people suffering from such illnesses don't develop these lee jobs. the condition is not diagnosed and they don't get treatment. it's a forgotten tragedy. about 20 years ago arsenic in the war was a big-- the water was a big story. >> in the old days people would drink from lakes an ponds and
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there was no arsenic problem. then we started to build tube wells to combat disease and that's when the arsenic in the groundwater became an issue. >> reporter: the solution was to build deep tube wells which reached deep groundwater beyond arsenic contaminated zones. today 43,000 people continue to die every year from arsenic-related illnesses. the report says a major problem is the deep tube wells are diverted from high-risk areas ending up in safer zones that are closer to the homes of people with connections to politicians. >> translation: i think the claims of corruption are over stated. our officials are working around the clock to identify victims in areas that need wells >> reporter: human rights watch has called for donors to investigate where the wells they funded ended up being installed. it may be too late for her, but she hopes there's still time for
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saving her child from suffering the same fate the instant messaging service what'sapp is encrypting the data that is sent between its users. it will be impossible for hackers or governments to read messages or intercept phone calls. technology companies have been released data. a cyber security analysis is welcoming-- analyst and is well coming the news >> it means that any message through the app or a phone call can arrest assured that their communication is only going to be seen, heard or read by the person that they're communicating with. the government won't have access, any government. it means that criminals won't have access. it provides a gart level of protection. of course, as i'm sure a lot of
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people were thinking, it makes it harder for law enforcement to eavesdrop on those communications. it has been in the works for a long time. i'm not sure why today is the announcement came. it could be they timed it because of the apple story, but it is a guess that it is something that they've been planning. it has been happening in the wake of the snowden revelations. i think that they stimulated a lot of people to think more carefully about security and privacy knowing that the government had eavesdropped on communications around the world. the u.s. government in this case. in terms of its impact, i think that governments are going to be concerned. you also mentioned the u.s. and brazil and many others. for a variety of reasons. some because they want to know what activists are saying, others because they want to do something about criminals who are plotting terrorist activities or, perhaps, harming children or robbing banks or whatever criminals do. there's a lot of kon trov sea about this issue-- controversy
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about this issue. a lot of people want encryption for legitimate reasons. health data, private information on their location. there is a lot about protecting themselves and their children as well as the issues of law enforcement issues. >> they have the resources that often african-american communities tonight have. >> if i can't figure out a way to access some of that wealth, then shame on me.
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