tv News Al Jazeera April 6, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm EDT
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>> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ hello there, i'm nick clark, this is the news hour live from doha. coming up, risking everything to make it to europe. we meet the refugees who say they have nowhere else to go. a fragile ceasefire in nagorno. we'll have the latest. i'm tania page in south africa, where rising food prices
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mean many families are struggling to put food on the table. ♪ the european union says it is looking at changing asylum seeker rules to better share the burden of accommodating refugees. the commissioner says a deal with turkey to return refugees from greece will be scaled up. harry fawcett witnessed one attempt of the refugees off of the turkish coast. >> reporter: you hear it before you see it. anxiety, exhaustion, desperation. so many children have drowned making this journey, yet more still come. even if this is one of the rare life jackets that actually floats, it's of no use for the tiny body inside.
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others make due with rubber tubes, even then not everybody is wearing them. these are iraqi families who probably paid hundreds of dollars a head for passage to the greek island of lesvos, but the boat is too small. this is how families are separated in a moment. he can only call out, look after the woman. it has been a chaotic few minutes here. the message from the e.u. from turkey, and greece is these kind of voyages are futile, these people will be sent back. a handful are left on the shore. we ask why they are risking all of this, while under the new rules they have little chance of getting further than the greek
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refugee center. >> where else should we go? is it better to sink into the water with our children? >> reporter: this time no sinking, no death, but no safe passage either, within a few minutes a coast guard patrol has intercepted them. it's a trade facilitated by men like this, a former free syrian army fighter he tells us he has been smuggling people to greece for nearly a year, he says with business down sharply since the e.u.-turkey deal, agents like him are trying to convince reluctant customers that they still have a chance of getting to europe. >> reporter: i still tend them to greece they have the answer to apply for asylum. otherwise they are be sent to a country chosen for them. >> reporter: of course such chances are slim. europe is trying to close the door. wednesday was supposed to see the first official batch of syrians sent back from greece
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under the terms of the controversial deal which sees refugees in camps sent to turkey. a one for one deal. >> translator: we were going to greece to escape the war. we cannot leave here. everyone treat us badly. they exploit us. >> reporter: what happens to them now is far from clear. still in the same country as those they left behind on the shore, but separated from them. the children play, a wharped version of a morning on the beach, a life jacket whistle becomes a toy, instead of a call for help. harry fawcett, al jazeera, turkey. well, let's speak to leo dobbs a senior communications officer. how do you assess the situation this week so far? >> reporter: well, t
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the -- the -- the -- the government has -- as far as we are concerned, the first day of this operation, things were -- the -- on two of the -- the boats were okay. but we're still awaiting news on the rest. >> so what -- what kind of problems are being faced? and would you anticipate things to be going as they are right now? >> reporter: well, it's -- the lack of safeguards, we have spelled this out before, and safeguards that -- these are being put in place, recommendations that we still need more for -- for this -- for this to be happy that this process is going ahead. >> the european union says it is
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looking at changing asylum seeker rules to better share the burden of accommodating refugees across member states. is this something that you would welcome? >> well, this is the start of a process, and we're still studying these -- these options. but it's clear -- clear that -- that the common european asylum system does need reform. and what we hope is that the -- what has been put forward reflects what our own proposals in the past, and essentially what -- what we're looking for is -- is equitable burden sharing, sustainable arrangements, and a functioning and harmonized system. >> the greek system has been overwhelmed and doesn't have the capacity to deal with what is
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going on. >> yes, there needs to be a much more effective approach. the mechanisms were not in place to deal with this. and people originally coming through from turkey to greece, and heading -- heading up into europe. with their borders closed, suddenly, greece finds itself having to deal with something it never expected would -- would be there, and this is what we have to respond to. >> all right. leo dobbs, appreciate that, thanks very much indeed. tlfrmgs are conflicting reports on whether a ceasefire is actually holding. the armenian backed forces say the ceasefire held overnight, but the defense ministry is reporting 115 armenian violations in the past 24 hours.
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turkey's president says armenia's troops need to put their weapons down. >> translator: i hope armenia will respond to the efforts to stop the armed clashes, but if it doesn't respond, and so far there is no response, this crime is armenia's fault. russia says turkey is taking sides. if you are looking for those who are taking sides, the most significant country doing that is russia. it loves to take sides. it took sides in ukraine, georgia, and now in syria. let's speak to our correspondent who is on the armenian side on the outskirts of town. robin what are you seeing there? what is the sense of feeling there? >> reporter: personally, i feel tense and i can imagine that most of the people living in this -- in this very isolated region feel the
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same way, because probably it's too low of frequency for the microphone to be able to pick up, but while we have been waiting to come on air, i keep hearing artillery quite some way, away in the distance. we don't know if it's outgoing or in-coming, but that would give an indication that there are ceasefire violations taking place, either by armenia forces, armenian military are syndicated with the forces, or whether it's the other side. and of course, that is the fear, that whether or not there are infractions that could be a pretext for resumption of hostilities, especially when you hear the kind of rhetoric coming from the turkish leadership, who accuses armenia of starting this
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violence. russia on the other side has a peace pact -- a security pact with armenia, and we snow that turkey and russia have a very difficult relationship at the moment, really the relationship at an all-time low over the syria crisis. i have been on the ground covering the northern part of the area. we have been through villages. we have seen a lot of shell damage, and remarkable stories of survival as well. you can see behind me, all of these destroyed buildings. these were actually destroyed back in the '90s, during the terrible war then. what happened is many thousands of people became refugees, and they are now across the border, and it's a sad place to be,
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uninhabited largely, no trace of any fact that the others once lived here too. but they say they will still. this is their land. they insist it is their land, and they believe that to the end, and the armenia and forces will fight for it. we have seen a lot of military installations. tanks, heavy artillery. soldiers were sitting around while we were with them in a waiting mode. they are used to it, they have had years of clashes between the sides, but of course over the weekend what we saw was the worst we have seen since 1994's ceasefire. some observers calling this the four-day war. let's hope it stays the four-day war. >> absolutely. robin thank you. activists in aleppo have
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confirmed that the only road linking aleppo to turkey has been cut off by fighters. our correspondent has this. >> reporter: achmed and his family rely heavily on food handouts, but it's barely enough. he is scared that kurdish fighters could cut off the only road out of aleppo. >> translator: god forbid if the road is closed it will be a big problem for us. there will be shortage in flour, cooing oil, and food stuffs. and people are poor. they don't have the ability to stock food. >> reporter: aleppo is syria's largest city. it's center is divided. government forces control the eastern side while the opposition controls the western side, and since a truce between the government and rebels began in late february, syrian forces backed by russian air power have advanced on rebel-held areas in the northern countryside.
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there is also fighting in the city's northern parts. kurdish forces known as the ypg, seen assallies of the government are making gains. the goal is to surround and completely cut off the rebel-held areas of aleppo. about i haves warn that up to 300,000 people could be affected. at this marketplace, the produce is abundant and fresh. people say they are worried, yet they remain defiant. >> translator: we have everything. thank god. there is food, even if a siege happens. >> reporter: this man relies on farming to feed his family. he says it is the best way to survive. >> translator: we have beans, spinach whatever vegetables you can think of. we can farm and rely on animal stock if there is a siege.
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>> reporter: fighting is still continuing and it's not clear if the kurdish forces can sustain their siege. but if they do, it will be the people of aleppo who will suffer the most. at least eight iraqi soldiers have been killed in an isil attack on a military base. the raid was on the barracks in a village east of fallujah. one of the two rival governments in libya is standing aside to quote prevent anymore bloodshed. since 2014 libya has had two competing administrations the one in tripoli, and the other in the port city of tobruk. our correspondent explains. >> reporter: the u.n. special envoy to libya is all smiles because he has managed to reach
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the capitol tripoli to meet part of the unity government he helped form. but he knows further progress won't be easy or quick. >> tripoli must become again an international city and reopen their embassies. this will take some time, but we all have to push together. >> reporter: he was greeted with the news that a political group will step aside, but that seasonal the only challenger, another has refused the u.n. brokered deal, and the one based in tobruk has repeatedly rejected the accord. this politician has been tasked to head the party. he arrived in tripoli by sea last week because threats prevented him from arriving by air. since then he has been mostly confined to a naval base. but this is the first time libyans have reason to be optimistic after months of
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fighting that has reduced many cities to rubble and caused a power vacuum. >> translator: our main demand is for us to be like other countries, to have a government, security and army. >> translator: we want a government of unity. we want an army. police, solidarity and stability. we want a state that can protect its borders. >> reporter: but these seemingly simple demands are a major challenge for libya. plenty more still ahead on this news hour, including victory for republican ted cruz and bernie sanders who beat the party front runners in the wisconsin primary. we speak to a prominent indian businessman who says he has no idea why he was named in the panama papers leak.
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in sport mani pacquiao gets pretty for what is likely to be the final fight of his career. ♪ russia is stepping up its internal security to combat threats from armed groups like isil. the president has ordered the creation of a new national guard. it will be formed out of existing interior ministry troops and will fight security threats as well as organized crime and drug trafficking. let's speak to a defense military analyst and columnist. what is your assessment of what this is about? what this national guard actually is? >> well, this idea has been kicked around in moscow for many years. the first talk of it was in the '90s, but it was understanding that this could be some kind of
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internal force that would quell any internal opposition to the kremlin, to the regime, and right now when russia is in conflict with the west, apparently there is a fear that western powers could instigate anti-government protests and try to have some kind of revolution and change the regime, so there -- put tin is putting together a join force that would be riot police, interior ministry troops, special interior ministry troops, it will be up to half a million men and a formidable thing. >> it is being set up to deal with internal threats rather than external threats? >> of course. the external threats that's the
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military, the armed forces per se. so this is internal threats, but apparently the president believes that internal strife may be important. it's possible that these plans that were in the working, putin moved suddenly forward because of maybe the panama document disclosure, he maybe understand or believes he understood that the west and the united states has moved into a mode of regime change. and this new force will be headed by former putin's top bodyguard, a person very close to him. so this is the army that is going to guard the kremlin, guard putin. >> right, and what does that say in itself about president putin's own personal sense of security. is he feeling vulnerable? >> well, for a person who has ruled for many years, any person
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can become kind of paranoid. and he is most likely paranoid to some extent. and of course the economic situation in russia is dire. there's possibility there will be discontent, and when there was discontent in the years 2011, and 2012, there were problems containing it. the forces of the law were kind of dispersed. so now they will have a joint structure that can move forces from different parts of russia to where there is any discontent and deal with it. >> thank you very much indeed. prosecutors at the hague say they will appeal the acquittal of the serbian politician. they believe judges ignored a large amount of evidence against him. he was accused of inciting hatred against bosnians in the
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1990s. iceland's prime minister stepped down following outrage that he used a shell company to shelter large sums of money offshore. the leaks showed he owned the off-shore company with his wife, but had not declared it when he entered parliament. hundreds of india's rich and powerful have been named in the panama papers leak. the government is launching an investigation. one strieallist said he had no idea how he was implicated. >> reporter: behind theset gates is the residence of one of the 500 indians named in the panama papers. this man is listed as a beneficial owner of a company, a shell company set up last year. >> i don't even know this company. so let me just elaborate and tell you, when i replied, giving
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the newspaper all of the details of my corporate holding and my personal holding in ilse of mann, everything, because both are aboveboard as far as the laws are concerned. >> reporter: according to the investigations details were found as proof of identity linking him to the company. >> and this happened in 2005. >> reporter: he shows us an email from the group, a corporate service provider which he admits he has accounts with. >> they wrote back to me saying [ inaudible ] but you are not connected with them in any shape or form. >> reporter: this woman is part of the newspaper team that lead the investigation. he has been correspondenting before the report was released. >> we have access to certain
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data and after due diligence, after talking to the persons, we are putting out those reports. now what is legal, what is illegal, and what is in between, that's for the agencies and the regulators to decide. >> reporter: the panama papers have evoked much reaction among the public. in a country where 20% of the population live below the official poverty line. since the report's release, the issue has been on the front pages of almost every paper daily. >> there is a big gap existing. so when these people are taking advantage of all of these things by keeping their money in other countries to avoid paying taxes, then it hurts us. >> reporter: and that is a worry for this man. as spokesman of the ruling party in west ben gal, a state now in the process of of elections. the prime minister and his party came to power and promises to crack down on tax evaders and punish those who try to hide
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illegal wealth abroad, though they are launching an investigation, the panama papers come at a time when the party is trying to win over voters in five states where they have never had a foothold before, and this may make it even more difficult. the front runners in the democratic and republican presidential contest, both suffered defeat in the latest primary in wisconsin. bernie sanders picked up another win over hillary clinton, and ted cruz won against donald trump. cruz called it a turning point. kimberly halkett has the latest. >> reporter: it was a decisive victory for ted cruz in wisconsin, defeating donald trump in the state's primary. it was a win cruz promised would change the course of the republican race for the white house. >> tonight was a bad night for hillary clinton. [ cheers ] >> it was a bad night in the democratic primary, and it was an even worse night for her in
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the republican primary. [ cheers and applause ] >> we are winning because we're uniting the republican party. >> reporter: the cruz campaign claims the latest win will propel him to win future state contests, and cause trump to fall short of the 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination before the july republican convention. a convention where cruz hopes to become the party nominee. but the path to hillary clinton's presidential nomination has always become more complicated. bernie sanders was the winner of the democratic contest in the midwestern state. >> with our victory tonight in wisconsin, we have now won seven out of eight of the last caucuses and primaries. [ cheers and applause ]
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and we have won almost all of them with overwhelming landslide numbers. [ cheers and applause ] sanders says his grassroots support will propel him to win bigger up-coming contests, but the math favors clinton. and the next contest, pennsylvania, and especially new york will be a challenge for sanders, given clinton once represented the state as a senator in the u.s. congress. what is clear from this wisconsin primary is that the momentum of both the republican and democratic front runners has been blunted. both saying the course of the campaign has been changed, and while it could be a very messy path, now it is expected these nominating contests will go
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right to the july convention. plenty more still to come on this program, including -- >> i'm andrew thomas, in the pacific island nation. i'll explain why the poor condition of this runway is a manmade disaster, similar to the cyclone that hit this country last year. and in sport we'll hear from golf's world number 1 who now has his sites set on the first masters's title. >> ali velshi, getting to the heart of the matter. >> what if there were no cameras here, would be the best solution? >> this goes to the heart of the argument. >> people out here are struggling and just trying to get by with whatever they can. >> new york city has a higher level of inequality of wealth than honduras and india. >> people need to demand reform.
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>> it's coming together little by little. >> we're making it the best that we can. >> we're not deterred. we're building a historic project here. >> how big do you see this getting? >> we're trying to get a feel for what the people of iran are thinking right now. >> the galleries and the art and the parties, everything. it's getting better. >> greece is this close to running out of cash. i went there to show you first-hand. >> if you paid taxes, you expect to having something back. >> the city is a powder keg at the moment. >> we're back square minus one. >> now it's time for something different. >> this is the entrance to the global seed vault. nations around the world contribute stashes of every kind of seed imaginable if something really bad were to happen, humankind can start all over again. >> all year long we are continuing with our conversation on america's middle-class. >> i'm on a mission that i have to keep. keep this business going. >> the middle-class is a reflection of a city's economic health. it fuels the local economy like it's been doing here at philadelphia's italian market for the last 100 years.
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>> these are middle-class people who decided it's much better to come back here and they're working to fight to make changes. >> proud to tell your stories. >> the only live national news show at 11:00 eastern. >> we start with breaking news. >> let's take a closer look. >> pushing the boundaries of
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science. >> we are on the tipping point. >> we can save species. >> it's the biggest question out there. >> it's a revolutionary approach. >> we are pushing the boundaries. >> techknow is going to blow your mind. >> our experts go inside the innovations, impacting you. >> this is the first time anybody's done this. >> i really feel my life changing. >> techknow, where technology meets humanity. only on al jazeera america. ♪ hello again. a reminder of our top stories. the european union is looking at changing asylum-seeker rules to better share the burden of accommodating refugees across member states. and a deal with turkey to return refugees from greece will be scaled up. there are conflicting
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reports whether a ceasefire when [ inaudible ] and armenia are holding. one of the two rival governments in libya is standing aside. it's a step forward for the national unity government to take power in triply. but there is still resistance from the tobruk-based administration. what's app is encrypting its messages. it says it will be virtually impossible for governments or criminals to read messages. the frooib recently dropped a case against apple over its iphone encryption. let's speak to a representative for the american civil union. tell us first of all briefly,
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what does encryption actually do? >> encryption protects data going from one person to another for a service like what's app which is using encryption to protect voice messages, and chats, and texts, means that only the people involved can read those communications, and that means that governments and hackers who might try to access the communications will be unable to access them. >> reporter: why is it important to what's app to be doing this? >> well, there are other companies like apple which encrypts i-messages and video and voice chats through face time service and telegram, a german company run by a couple of russian guys that has a large number of users, and it also advertises encryption, i think what's app realizes if it is
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going to compete, it needs to be as safe or better. >> does itn't open the door for groups that you may want to listen in on, like terrorist organizations? >> certainly. when you offer infrastructure, that infrastructure will be used by both good people and bad people, but also this means that, you know, loved ones will be able to communicate security, it means people will be able to talk to their doctor, lawyer, psychiatrist over a secure channel when in the past their telephone conversations with vulnerable to spying by both the government and private parties. >> and from a business perspective what is this likely to do for who's app as a model? >> i think this will place a lot of pressure on google and skype
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and other companies to offer similar encryption. when you look at the communication services that are offered in the global marketplace, the contrast now between services like what's app and like apple's products and the text messaging products offered by phone companies is really night and day. text messaging is designed first and foremost for surveillance. >> it is great to get your expertise on this. thank you. pfizer has scrapped a $160 billion merger with their rival. the u.s. government is cracking down on companies using oversea's accusations to move profits offshores. the treasury department said on monday new rules would limit company's ability to participate in these types of deals if they have already done them in the past 36 months.
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>> reporter: less than 24 hours after new u.s. treasury department rules went into place, limiting corporate tax inversions, the biggest such inversion, seems like it will not go through now. this deal was announced last november between a merger between pfizer based here in the u.s., and ire-land based allegan. this deal was valued at about $160 billion. it will now not go through. pfizer wanted this merger because right now in the u.s. they pay about 30 to 35% corporate tax rate. if they were to love to ireland, they would pay about 12 to 13% corporate taxes. so it would have saved pfizer billions of dollars every year. many companies practice corporate inversions such as this, but this pfizer deal would have been the biggest-such inversion deal in history. the u.s. government and barack
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obama had been speaking out against this, saying it was poor practices by companies to do such deals, and now barack obama and his government sees this as a major victory, closing what they see as a huge corporate tax loophole that was really global. droughts in parts of africa is causing the price of food to rise dramatically. many families are finding it hard to make ends meet as tania page now reports. >> reporter: in her small shop this woman makes a hollowed out half loaf of bread filled with [ inaudible ] and a ranging of toppings, but things are getting more difficult. the drought is now hitting even people in the cities. in the last year, the average price of a bag of maze has risen by almost a quarter. potatoes cost 29% more, and the price of sunflower oil has soared by almost a third.
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she can't pay her assist important anymore. >> translator: if i raised my prices my customers would walk away. people in the townships have no jobs. >> reporter: the former's association has for months been warning parliament that continuing food prize rises could trigger food riots. the country will have to import more food. >> prices on the raw commodity side have went up to higher levels, and we're expecting further increases in the next three months or so. >> reporter: the world food program says up to 50 million people may eventually be affected across the region. at this orphanage it's already difficult to feed the kids, but they are giving thanks for what little they have. 20 children live here at the
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center, but another 30 come for lunch every day from the wider community. they are among the country's most vulnerable citizens. >> what is this now? >> reporter: a rat has gotten into the food store. fortunately most of the supplies are safe. as food prices have risen, donations have decreased. >> if it continues it will be terrible, really. because this is what the kids must eat. the kids must go to school. the kids must be fed, because some of them are under nourishes like the [ inaudible ]. >> reporter: she thinks as more families struggle, more kids will come to her for help. and one of the world's most unequal societies, it's those at the bottom who will suffer the most. thousands of people who lost land and property during sri lanka's civil war now have a chance to get it back.
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but there will still be challenges. >> reporter: these people were teenagers when they fled 26 years ago. they were among an estimated 75,000 muslims driven out by the tamil tigers, fighting for a separate state. the brother returned two years ago, but has not been able to get this four hectare land who he says belonged to his father. he found the man working the land, but -- >> he came to me, and then two, three mons ago he died. and what happened is i went to his friends. he said this is not your place. this is your place. they said to me, if you come to this place, i'll kill you. >> reporter: i met the family who he says has taken over the land. he insists it was bought
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legally. >> translator: my father paid money and bought that land for five or six years he worked those fields, but when the owner said he couldn't continue and wanted to sell the land, my father bought it. >> reporter: the military still holds sizable tracks of land in the conflict area. but conflicting claims between private individuals are common here. this woman has just finished a report on land occupation in the northern province. she found that over 500 hectares of land is occupied by someone other than the original owner. >> we'll have huge issues. >> reporter: she says a comprehensive mapping exercise must be carried out to get a clear picture of the issue. parliament has passed a new law that will make this process
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easier. disputes over landownership are one of the biggest problems in sri lanka, but changes to the law will bring hope that the real owners will some day get their lands back. diabetes affects one in 12 of the world's adult population. and kills over 1.5 million each year. diabetes is caused when the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin, or when the body can't use that insulin to regulate blood sugar levels, and this has a serious effect on the body. back in 1980, the w.h.o. estimated 108 million people, that is 4ing -- 4.7% of the population had diabetes. that has risen to 8.5% of the world population.
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here is our science editor. >> reporter: it's a long wait to see a doctor at this diabetes center on the outskirts of islamabad. it's the only one of its type in the country, and has seen the number of people with the illness rise every year, many with little knowledge about the condition. >> translator: we are so busy at home with the children. we don't have time for ourselves. we don't take care of ourselves. the doctor told me not to eat too much sugar or bread or rice. i'll do what he said, and hopefully i'll recover. >> reporter: it's the eighth biggest killer, resulting in 1.5 million deaths each year. the w.h.o. says itsed rise is connected to the increasing rates of obesity and more people being overweight, and the trend is most apparent in low and middle-income countries. >> at the moment we're ranking
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one in every ten persons are diabetic. it might move up to one in every four, so you can see at least one person in each family is effected by diabetes. >> reporter: wealthy countries such as qatar are also seeing a steep rise in diabetes. education programs are stressing the importance of a healthy diet and exercise. rich or poor these startling figures underlie the fact that diabetes is now a global health issue, and one that will require dramatic changes to the way we live if current trends are to be halted. >> there's no one answer that the w.h.o. can give to all countries and say this is the recipe. this is going to work. it needs community discussions, involvement of community leaders in order to come up with a solution. >> reporter: many countries are also struggling to pay for the increasing cost of new forms of
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the hormone insulin. this can be more effective, but come at a price. in some cases the cost of the drugs have doubled in the last few years. this man was diagnosed with diabetes three years ago. poor blood circulation as a result means he now risks losing his foot. the w.h.o. says the governments need to do more, and without drastic action, diabetes will continue its unrelenting march. still ahead on al jazeera, a new warning that some of the world's natural heritage could be lost forever. and in sport, the world's surf league announces the best of its worst moments in the last 12 months. ♪
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♪ hello, again, welcome back. an earthquake of magnitude 6.9 has struck vanuatu. a similar-sized quake struck on sunday without causing any damage. they are still recovering from last year's devastating cyclone. andrew thomas reports. >> reporter: on port villa's bay, daniel and will are getting a fairly unique experience. the company hiring these boats used to have 60 customers a day.
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now the rasmussens are just two of 14 all day. >> it was so quiet, and we don't make much out of it, and yes, so we're just really down. >> reporter: the reason is here, at the international airport. this is more than just a runway. for vanuatu, a country dedpaenthd on tourism, this stretch of tarmac is crucial to the economy. but the runway is damaged. workers are carrying out emergency repairs. >> we're committed to making sure that this runway is completely safe, and that's -- that's basically what we're doing right now. >> reporter: but the patch-up job has come too late. three big airlines have suspended services to vanuatu. that cuts seven flights a week. a year ago, vanuatu was hit by cyclone pam, the biggest in
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history. it is peak tourist season but this hotel is barely half full and that's after slashing prices by 55%. >> it is a terrible situation, a lot worse than pam. >> reporter: losses mounting as cancellations grow. passengers sleep and mostly eat on board these cruz ships. last month taxi drivers fought over customers here. now police and the army keep watch. >> we need food on our table every day, so we cannot stay there and close our hands. we have to find some ways to earn our income. >> reporter: some think the runway damage was caused by planes like this one, which delivered aid in after the cyclone. most, though, blame politicians for ignoring earlier warnings
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about the runway's condition. air vanuatu is still landing here. but international carriers won't sell it seats, nor will they say when or whether they will be coming back. all right. let's go to sport now. >> real madrid coach has reminded his players they are not untouchable ahead of the quarter final fresh off of the win over barcelona, real madrid now in germany. this is the first time the german club have ever made it to this stage of the computation. the same can be said of man city who are looking to each the semis for the second time in history. >> [ inaudible ] we play against a very strong team in barcelona.
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now we [ inaudible ] know it's a very difficult game. but it will be important for all of us. >> barcelona still have plenty of work to do. tuesday winning 2-1 loui suarez managed to get them back in the game. they reconvene next wednesday. >> translator: we knew we needed to turn around the result, because they hear a good approach in the first half, but we also knew in order to take advantage of the rare scoring opportunities, we needed to jump on to the beach with a good attitude, and we needed to play good football. >> there was one other quarter final on tuesday. a 1-0 win for a fifth straight semifinal appearance. >> translator: it's difficult to
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say who the favorite is. it's going to be the team that is better in lisbon. in football it doesn't matter. you need to score and create more opportunities. swiss police have raided the officest of uefa. they want details of a tv contract that went public via the panama papers and was cosigned by the vice president. he denied any wrongdoing. he put his name on a deal ten years ago. chinese football teams have invested massively in recent months. shanghai beating japan, 2-0. that is their third straight win. as for the 2008 champions, they
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are still winless. golf's new number 1 jason day now has his sights set on his first master's title. his best finish at augusta came in 2011 when he tied for second. last year jordan spieth tied tiger wood's record. >> i feel comfortable with where i'm at walking around the grounds, number 1 in the world, it's a pretty -- you know, it's a good feeling. but i know i can't take it for granted because obviously in this game, things can change pretty quickly. >> yeah, it's great being back here. i have had a fantastic couple of days thus far preparing, and the game feels great. i'm going to try to just use last year as momentum. you know, we know we're capable
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of playing this place. we have proven it to ourselves the last two years, so the focus is on this week. mani pacquiao has arrived in las vegas ahead of hah he says will be his final fight on saturday. we'll be taking on timothy bradley for a third time. he has lost 3 of his last 6 contests. pacquiao is the only man to defeat bradley during an career in which the american has beaten 12 champions. >> it is going to be exciting in the ring, because i believe that bradley has a new polish, and brings more action in the ring, and i believe [ inaudible ]. >> this is the happiest i have ever been. honestly, i feel like i
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[ inaudible ] honestly. that's how fresh i feel. i did the right amount of work this time. no excuses. and just how much female professional athletes earn has been the source of much recent debate. australian female cricketers are set to receive a big pay rise. they have announced the total money in offer for them will be almost double. in that means the best players earning in excess of $100,000 a year. and the surf association have released their best wipeouts of the year. this hawaiian taking on the jaws breaking maui this year, ended up in free fall on the 40-foot waves. that is our sport.
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>> thank you. almost half all of world heritage sites are directly threatened by industrial activities. gerald tan has the details. >> reporter: the great barrier reef in australia, the saren getty in tanzania nia, these are some of the planets most beautiful places that these united states has designated as natural world heritage sites. all together there are 197 around the world, and about 90% provide jobs and contribute to economies through tourism, recreation, and natural resources. it is estimated 11 million people depend on these sites for food or work, but a new report says that harmful industrial activities, including mining and oil production are posing a threat to almost half of these
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places. >> these are very special sites, very special places, not many places make it to the top list, and if the sites are tlented, can you imagine what happens to other natural places around the world. so this is indicative of a much growing development pressure in natural places that are so important for nature and our own developmental well-being. >> reporter: now the belize system is particularly at risk. about 40% has been damaged, more than half of the population of belize rely on the reefs for fisheries and tourism. the wwf is warning governments that it's not just about protecting the environment, but also the people these ecosystems support. that's it. barbara sarah is standing by in london, but for me nick clark,
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willing to risk it all, the refugees determined to go to greece, even though many will be sent back. ♪ hello, i'm bash are sarah, you are watching al jazeera live from london. also coming up, why a $160 billion merger has been dropped between two of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies. [ cheers ] >> wins for bernie sanders and ted cruz in wisconsin, but will it be enough to push them ahead of the front runn
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