tv News Al Jazeera April 12, 2016 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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tell your stories. this is al jazeera. hello from doha. this is "the newshour" on al jazeera. coming up. russia says one of its attack helicopters like this has crashed in syria. two pilots are dead. the turkish fire. >> in the turkish capitol with syria and isil. top of his agenda: u.s. health officials warn the zika is scary
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year than first thought. >> we will tell about sri lanka's plan to tbe the first country with complete 4g internet coverage. we start, though, with developing news out of beb anon. a bomb attack at the pal stan ref uming e camp in south lebanon. we have heard this has killed a member of the fatah movement. it is believed an explosive device was placed on his car. two others who were with him at the time have been injured. this is a bomb at a palestinian refugee camp in lebanon which killed a member of the fatah movement. these are the first pictures we are getting from the region in south lebanon. we will bring you more as soon as we can. two stories out of syria.
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russia says one of its attack helicopters went down in homs province killing the two pilots. the other news is the turkish army has targeted kilns. charles stratford, we will go to him in a moment. we will start with rory challands in moscow. i understand what you know is little enough but what you know about the helicopter that's crashed. what we have is what the russian defense ministry published in various news releases today. basically, they say that an mi attack military helicopter went down at about 2230 gmt. they say the two crew members
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were killed in this crash, a search and rescue. vladimir putin has been told. peskolv says of course the command ner chief is notified first at the moment, they are saying the helicopter was not shot down but they don't know exactly why it crashed and they have launched a task force to try to get to the bottom of things. >> okay. that's rory challands with that update from moss co. we will go to charles stratford. the syrian army preparing to launch an operation to retake allepo. can you tell me about the cross-border firing going on between turkey and syria?
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we sgoek the governor on the town where these authorities are describing as rockets landed. after 3 landed. he says at least 18 people have been wounded, 3 so he says seriously. it's interesting to point out that there has been a lot of isil movement across the border in that area in recent days. fsa fighters, free sir an army fighters told us in recent days they have lost a lot of ground in that area, a number of villages they had control of retaken by isil fighters. as you say, the turkish military saying they are responding to go these attacks. they say they are actually targeted isil fighters in these villages. what's also worrying, though, in the last couple of hours, we have seen video and seventeen
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people in kilis, protests among the turkish and we commissioned one of our contacts in allepo to shoot some footage for us. it seems aleak answers between the various fashions are shifting, changing in that city. this is our report. >> alliances are changing in this city the sir i can't believe forces say they have allied themselves. the u.s. supports the ypg in its fight against isil and the nusra
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front. this shows an area controlled by the syrian military. there are various anti-government groups. it's believed around 65,000 families remain in the city. don't be afraid my son, he says. there is no running water or electricity across the city. we had to convert this washing machine into a wood berner to keep warm at night. >> when the bombing starts, we hide. it's a room inside the cave. it's terrifying the fight in and various articles groups competing for control has made that difficult. the main road into the city of aleppo. if it is closed there will be no more roads in or out. you have absolutely no other way
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they control some areas in the south of the city no cease-fire for us, this man screams. book on the streets, the fighting continues. there is a sniper. i can't go out says this fsa fighter. forest says two of his sons don't speak anymore. he said they live in perpetual fear and like thousands of other families across this besieged city, they have no where else to go. we are hearing in the last hour or so, according to activists in alleppo that there have been at least three government airstrikes on targets south of the city. we are also hearing there is ongoing fighting in that area.
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what's so worrying is that this comes a day before scheduled peace talks or renewed efforts to try to get peace talks started in geneva happens. obviously, this fighting in alleppo is the wider region close to the turkish border shows how difficult those talks are going to be. back to you kamal. >> charles stratford in southern turkey. the conflicts in syria, fighting in with isil is expected to be on the agenda with the saudi king and his meeting with turkish officials. wedged by erdouan. he will attend a conference by the oic. >> will be happening in istanbul. right now, to ankarnkara. our correspondent to tell us about what the saudi king is trying to achieve on this part of his trip around the region.
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i think it shows you how happy tes to see you when the president goes to the airport. that's what he did. the first time he has done that. it's very significant. on the apresident a we thought we had told officially with the region they are going to be talking about syria. they are very much against terrorism, coming up with counterterrorism together but the king has flown from e gen to go here before the summit of the oic, really hoping, i think, that there will be an even more reprochmon between egypt and turkey. relations hit rock bottom after the coup in egypt in 2013. relations have that ywed is sin then.
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the message is let's get those relations completely back on trash before the summer begi begins playing the traditional role indeed k i think turkey plays quite a good sort of go between and syria. turkey is still talking to iran things like going on behalf of the iranians saying they want to attend the hand. so acting in some sort of go between in those two nations as well showing they are a power
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improvement. the trouble was that they could not fiber optics on the area of cooperation. they were exclusively focusing on the area of conflict. and remember, this was when the arab sprning was still quite popular in riyadh has been about iran. and in this regard t came to understanding that it can have his relation with turkey. focus while there is an area remaining in place they also focus on the area of cooperation like curtailing influence and cooperating on syria.
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>> the third thing. >> i am going to jump in there? >> which is is it that king salmon is more open or progressive and that's why this is a good time at a time change in personality? >> well, the major of the politicians, in the region is the primary factor that fazel faces. >> doesn't mean the area of the agreement between turk e and saudi arabia has disappeared. they are there and they will remain there for quite some time to come because turkey perceives a change they have a different understanding development in the region. that's granted it's still in place the nature of the development in the region,
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particularly arab spring turning in to what we can call the growing area of civil complaints throat the region and growing iranian influence around the region and, also, lack of the u.s. security umbrella to saudi arabia. or less commitment created the formation of this relationship. >> can you tell us about the organization of islamic cooperation and what they do and what their summit is going to be about? >> it's primarily al governmental organization. it doesn't have that much power. it is decision is meant mainly advisory level. it's a recommendation style
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decision, it has more content rather than any substance. there is, it is good. they get together. thing focus it is inter-governmental and they their recommendation will be realize to the extent that the participating countries are willing to implement. >> right. joining us frommist alanbul talking about the saudi king's visit to turkey. thank you. >> so much ahead for you on this newshour. another major brazil's president. the pressure is really mounting now for her impeachment. why canada has been forced to deploy a crisis team to help a remote indigenous community. in sport, psg star ibrahimovich with allegations of doing. the details a little later in
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sport we told you at the start of this news hour about brick news from lebanon. a bomb attack at the palestinian refugee camp that has killed a member of the fatah political movement. on the line from lebanon, a retired lebanon ease general. can you tell us anything mog about this, why this particular person would be targeted there? south of the city. in the destination is part of the conflict between the palestinian authority supporter. faxes and between the fundamentalists and the camp.
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but some of them means that the fundamentalist wants to take over a small camp it offer looks the camp. >> right. can you tell me, just quickly can you explain to us more about the camp then? if you are saying he is a fatah leader within the camp but there are other fashingsz you know, is there a controlling fax? how does life sort of work in
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there? >> taking place about one kilometer by an explosive inside the car. this is part of the conflict. i think we will see more clashes inside between the fund mentalists it's day by day and once for more domination of the fundamentalists because people say in the camp, the excitement is the more than the stall stenian authority and this makes sense most of them are subject to be recruited by the yupz
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because of the money telling us about a bombing in the palestinian refugee camp in lebanon that killed the fatah leader fatzi dan. >> an attacker detonated near a football stadium killing 5 people. eight others were wounded in that attack which and to target young men queuing to register to join the military the latest meet something another attempt to keep libya from falling further into disarray. live to tuneas nazanin?
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>> reporter: this meeting is extremely important. there are problems because some faxes are not recognizing the government. the house of representatives in the eastern part of libya, tibruk is not recognizing the government criticizing the role when ghad gaddis was toppled. what do you say to the criticism that the europeans and britain it itself didn't do enough to reconstruct the country then?
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>> in 2012, '13, we were offering a lot of assistance to the then libyan government and responded to their requests. the important thing if they ask for assistance, we need to be ready to respond. if they say leave us to it, we can do it ourselves, then i think we learned the lessons of that from 2012 and 13 our objective, again, is to bring this is focusing on how we can do this most effectively. >> security isn't on the table today. neither is the oil sector. many know whoever controls the oil in libya controls the country they need to export more
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oil, increase the production of oil i don't think anything is off of the agenda today. this is the first meeting with the president council and ministry of planning. we want to hear what their priorities are. we need to focus on specific areas they identify we would like to see a vote by the house representatives. that is important. we hope it will happen soon the
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libyan army real important but at the moment they are not doing enough. isil is taking more control, more territory. attacking civilians, too. what is the u.k. offering in terms of security assistance? >> as the minister of planning just said to us, security is the key none could be done without good security. it's the top priority. in terms of what we can actually do, it's not so much what we are offering but what they will ask. i think that's what we need to see come out from more detailed discussions in the next few days and weeks. one element is whether they need any help with security in tripoli, not boots on the ground, but with training behind the scenes and then, obviously, dealing with daesh, extremism,
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terrorism, something we are ready to respond to requests to, to help them deal with. >> what about dealing with isil? how is the international community planning to deal with the group gaining more territory every day? >> that's among our priorities. we will be discussing with the government, with prime minister sirage and his anyone sisters, but before we can do anything, we need a more detailed discussion with them. >> peter, thank you so much for joining us here. >> thank you. >> those discussions are ongoing right now. i think what the libyans want to know is how much money is the international community going to promise them? they are pledges coming in. nothing concrete so far. >> hithed officials are linking the moss ketone-borne decision.
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>> what you are looking at is a 3-d model of the zika virus. an image few would recognize but one that has scientists and governments concerned. >> everything we look at seems to be scare year than we initially thought. >> there is growing evidence that the zika virus is linked to microcephaly. the disease causes malformation of the brain in the fetus. babies born with it have small or abnormally shaped heads. however, researchers have not conclusively proven that link yet. >> we have learned that the virus is linked to a broader set of complications, prematurity, eye problems and some other conditions zika is being linked to still birth did, miscarriage and complications through pregnancy. scientists in brazil may also affect the immune system and may cause spinal cord and brain
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tissue inflammation and a nerve condition that results in paralysis. it is transmitted primarily by infected mosquitos. it's been found to be passed on through sexual intercourse. >> we need to learn a lot more because this is a very unusual virus that we can't pretend we know everything about it that we need to no tfrpsz identified in south brazil and has spread to the united states. the darker shades show where populations are more susceptible to the virus. >> it's disastrous because insomuch of central and south america, women simple don't have the prevision. there is no vaccine. there is no treatment. >> the world health organization is predicting the virus will infect as many as 4 million people this year. experts are warning that as summer approaches, the virus carrying mosque eitos are likelo
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cause more out braiingz. >> the earliest discover of it was in a reesus monkey in 1947. there we go. 1947 in uganda. the world health organization says the zika virus appears to have changed as it spread but it seems to be spreading faster now than ever before. the latest outbreak was identified in brazil and march last year. since then ex papdzed to more than 30 countries in north america and the care bean. live to geneva. a spokesman for the world health organization focusing on the spread of the zika virus. nice to talk to you. i was interested actually in the language that's been used by the u.s. saying the more they learn about it the scary year it gets
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it is quite skaefr? >> the zika looks more interesting and scary. this profdz it was very cautious in the first of february by the experts convened for the emergency committee to declare a public health emergency concerns which made the scientific efforts possible. i think we will say we can find more. that's very likely. >> as one of the people in our report just then said there is no, ma'am vacceen. how to medical professions proceed now when you are dealing with something that you are learning about over and over again and having to try to find
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a way to treat it. >> absolutely correct. so, yes, the vaccine, possible vaccine is years away. this is not something we this means trying to control the transmission by the mosquitos, the mainly mosquitos that we think are transmitting the virus getting rid of breeding places for, spraying and of course personal protection. that's important. second, diagnosis is very important. so being able to diagnose an
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infection. these are the mine priorities right now. >> from the world health organization in geneva, thank you so much for that. >> still ahead on this newshour: >> i am jessica in london. trying to figure out what it is about sherlock homes that makes him so popular. >> this moroccan runner continues to turn the world's toughest foot race into a one-man show. details in sport a little later.
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>> you are on the newshour here at al-jazerra. these are the top stories. a bomb attack has killed a member of the fatah movement. it is believed an explosive device was put on his car. s. >> isil targets in syria. isil has been fighting syrian rebel groups on the syrian side of the border. an mi 28 mtac helicopter crashed. wasn't shot down. let's check the weather steph is tell us what to expect. i don't like the look of all of that cloud coming to doha until april. >> why? >> i don't like rain. i am not english. >> something different. you are not. you are from new zealand. they have just as much there.
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so, yes, we are expecting yet more in the way of wet weather. you can already see plenty of throughout for kuwait, dusty. have youibility has dropped. it's been below 200 meters in places. it has been quite at about giving us rain and lively thunderstorms as well. i'm sorry kuwait, kicking up dust that's going stick around as we head through wednesday and into thursday as well. generally things here are looking a little hit and miss. some of us are going to seep whether elsewhere there are going to bestorms so the north, that wet weather is going to be more intense. at the moment, further towards the west where we see the worst weather. baghdad is going to see an awful
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lot of lane during the day on wednesday and there could be a problem with flooding hear committee of brazil has recommended the impeachment of their president. from the capitol. >> reporter: after hours of heated debate, the congressional commission vote brings brazil's president one step closer to facing impeachment. the political drama only days away. the null lower house must vote on the admissibility of the impeachment charges as the
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government tries desperately to block the move. >> what they are trying to do is pur swayed them to vote against impeachment or to be absent, to ab sustain. >> this aemid claims they are offering min steer positions to maintain the disintegrating government coalition. supporters and opponents of the president are moving into the capitol to pressure politicians security forces are so concerned they have put up this huge 80-meter long barrier to try to separate protesters who are in favor and against. they are expecting 150,000 pro-government demonstrators here and another 150,000 anti-government demonstrators on this side, all of them gathered in front of the congress
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building. fohla, a leaked audio recording of the vice president addressing the audience as if rousseff were already tim peached. >> all of the parties should be ready to collaborate to pull brazil oust this crisis. >> this the latest twist in a bitter political soap opera that has not only paralyze they had country but like the barrier in front of the congress building deeply divided the brazilian people. >> a u.s. navy officer with access to classified information has been accused of passing military secrets to china and taiwan. the commander edward lynn has been detained the past eight months. the navy must decide whether there is enough evidence to
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pursue a court marshal. >> i can't speak to the substance of the allegations. is this individual has been charged with violations, including espionoge under the uniform code of military justice. >> more 1400 people democracy spring. legislation that would free dozens of jailed activists is unconstitutional, an amnesty law paused by the opposition controlled programs. maduro seeds it as an attempt to
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destabilize his position. the government has declared a state of emergency in the area and called in a specialist team. the story now with kimberly halkett. >> for decades, the itslated indigenous community of attawa until canada's province of ontario has been plagued by economic hardship that has led to a feeling of hopelessness for many. residents say few in the canadian government took notice. they will meet with the local staff and the people and sort of what the needs are.
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>> the government, they say had systematically discriminated against them. the tribunal found there had been unequal funding for water, education, healthcare and housing compared with children living elsewhere in the country. >> shouldn't take a state of emergence seep to get mental health workers to fly into a region where you had 700 plus suicide attempts attempts. there was no money in the bucket for indigenous children. i want to ask the minister:
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what's it going to take to end this cycle of crisis and death among young people. >> the budget, as the honorable member may know includes $8.4 milli $8.4 million. it is these funds that will restore hope. >> cindy blackstock says money won't help those hurting now. >> the vast majority of this money they have announced will not be paid until the next federal election in 2019. the quality for every other canadian is not an incremental idea. there is no excuse for a country like ours for giving first nations children less. that's why she is call okay prime minister true doe to eradicate the history of rachel discrimination driving so many indigenous young people to take their own lives. kimberly halkett, arizona. >> sri lanka may become the first country in the world to have complete 4g internet
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coverage. the it agency says using high altitude balloons is the key. fernandez has the details. >> reporter: showing off it's balloon in sri lanka, a team from google at a recent youth festival here displayed the technology it calls balloon network. >> sri lanka has about 15th of its population is already connected. thegoon balloons will have a 40 kimometer radius range. 13 will be needed to cover the island. sri lanka was among the first countries in south asia to use mobile phones, 3 and 4g network. the country has impressive
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internet bandwidth but the balloon network would mean the entire island would be covered. google says lower costs are the main advantage over current internet operations. the balloons can be very inexpensive. the plastic in the balloons are the same plastic you get when you get a shopping back at the store and a lot of the electronics in the alone are similar to those in a cell phone. the cell phone industry has helped bring the cost of the gps chip and the small circuits down enormously. >> the head of information and communications technology agency says the project will bring innovation. >> you know p we need to leapfrog in many ways. nots going to be followers. >> the minister at the time communications and digital infrastructure the minister was
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asked about some concerns over allowing google to run a communications it's not been smooth sailing. in february, the first balloon came down with a bump. google denied it had crashed. the display balloon was punctured by scaffolding. >> and high winds meant it couldn't be fully inflated. tests will take up to a year after which a project the country hopes will be another technology first, mr. get off of the ground. talk about the threat from killer robots. this is not the big science fingers monthly activists want
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machines that can kill without human supervision to be banned. one of those attending a u.n. conference on autonomous weapons. here is more. >> in a roomful diplomats repping super powers, ray atchison sits with peace notebook on a mission to ban killer robots we hope to ban autonomous weapons. >> not restrict them? ban them? >> exactly. yes. we feel any machine operating without meaningful human control over a election of targets and engagement in any attack whatsoever has to be prohib-i had. >> atchison is with the women's international league for peace and freedom, the world's oldest female anti-war group and one of 50 rights groups attending a u.n. conference on next-generation autonomous weapons. think drones that can kill without any human supervision. fully autonomous weapons with artificial intelligence have yet to appear on battlefields.
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present day drones don't count as they are controlled by humans from remote locations. but experts say countries like the united states, israel, china, are getting close. technology and artificial intelligence is advancingly so rapidly they say it's just a matter of time. >> it's hard to know, you know, what is this world going to look like, what you are projecting in future. a fear of maybe these robots or more intelligent may spin out of control and do the wrong thing. >> many fear they could lead to more civilian casualties and a lack of accountability. >> an accountability gap. that's not my fault. that's a concern. >> one of the key factods here is time. if a ban or a law restricting autonomous wisdom doesn't come soon, many act visits are worried the richest advanced
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countries will obtain them and when they have them, they won't easily give them up. >> the issue is so broad, so complied indicates so, new they don't plan to take any formal decisions on the matter in this conferen conference. their goal is to keep discussing the issue. after the break, out and about in qatar with some of thespots news. >> in doha, i am finding out what it takes to be a world cup referee.
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>> a private collector in new york paid more than a quarter of a million dollars for a handwritten copy of a sher lodge homes mystery. why? now at one of fiction's oldest did theectives who is now more popular than ever. >> manuscript of the problem of thor's breach in the very handwriting of the creator of sherlock homes. the 48 page manuscript shows sir arthur coil's drawing, the copy sold to a european collect who paid close to $270,000. >> what makes a late victoryian fictional detective. there are sherlock homes walking doors, a sherlock homes pub and museum to find out. first the experts.
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john radford is a member of the sherlock homes society of london. he figures sherlock's popularity comes from the hero's overlapping characteristics of good and evil. holmes is against the ordinary police, he doesn't think much of them them. he's on the site of the right but never hesitates to take law into his own hands et cetera somehow sort of straddling both worlds. >> alex werner credits london on giving him the edge on other detectestsives? >> at the end of the 19th century london was by far the largest city in the world, the premier city, the global city. you needed for the world's greatest detective, you needed that backdrop of the world's largest city. >> what do the fans think? >> very intelligent and very. >> we look at people but he looks at the dirt, every little
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detail, he takes into consideration. yeah, it's just really smart. >> not like other people lots love the modern television series as much as the book. >> they integrated the story with the mobile phones and high-tech security conan doyle thought it would be a successful he would likely be astonished by constant reinterpretations, revivals and new generations embracing his hero. jessica baldwin, al jazeera, london. >> sum mer is here to talk sport with some pretty serious always coming out of football. >> allegations. is not a very happy cookie, i must tell you.
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taking legal action of allegations of doping. he was accused by a former athletics coach who had worked with sweden's athletics team but trainers say he doped to gain weight while playing for j juventus ibrahamovic confirmed a l lawsuit has been filed on monday. >> we mentioned earlier fglatan and his teammates will look to book a place on tuesday. they say manchester city in the second leg of the last eight times. the english are in a slightly stronger position given their way. the main focus would be enough to send the group. their boss insists they will be looking to attack wiwe will try
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to win game for the beginning. remadrid are in danger of being knocked out of the competition. they have to overturn a 2-nil deficit. real won the competition the season before last. they are preparing for the next world cup two years from now. technology may be playing a greater part in officiating a game but in russia, referees will still make crucial decisions and there is no room for mistakes.
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finding out what it takes to be a world cup referee. sometimes the most decisive characters on a football pitch can be referees. as far back as anyone can railroad, there have been controversial decisions when it comes to major tournaments. take at a time goal. modern technology like goal lined centers brought in for the last world cup couldn't have avoided that mistake. so while referees continue to be in the firing line from fancy, the world cup twice reduce and possibly to eliminate. thighs are been brought together
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for fifa's mission as they prepare for the 2018 world cup and the women's world cup a year later. women are getting faster. everything has happened in the men's game. we can definitely learn from their experience referees can run more than the players synthesis. these refer ease are being tested for speed and stamina multiple times. still, technology seems to be creeping into the game more and more. the international football association board said it could be used for game changing decisions in the next two years. so could these officials be
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heading into the stands? >> i don't think so. >> why not? >> because football is maplayedy human beings. lose not forget it's only human to make mistakes. not too often at world cup levels. very happy how things have gone since the virus. it was a strange thing i was having. i never had cycling a virus look
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i can that reached the quarterfinals the past two years took the match 6-3, 7-5. l.a. laker kobe bryant scored despite the loss. oklahoma city on monday. bryant has one game left in his decorated career. ol wednesday, it will be a crazy night at the staples center arena. mean while, the hornets passed the boston celtics, jeremiah lin scored 25 points to lead his
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team to victory. hornets have security the 5th play-off spot in the eastern conference. it proved challenging for many runners. he is chasing a third consecutive title here natalia was the fastest female on thefield for the second day in a row. looks easy. >> thank you. 13000 gmt until our next news hour with another supports update. back in a few minutes. car bombing, lebanon, the latest from syria and yemen as well.
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>> al jazeera america, proud to tell vital and important environmental stories. >> i'm off the coast of hawaii. >> we've been driving for miles into what should be pristine rain forest. >> this is not your standard household dust. >> the first national news channel to report unsafe water in michigan. >> chlorine. >> it tastes like you're drinking out of a pool. >> no justice, no peace! >> so today, we stand up for environmental justice. we stand up for ourselves. we stand up for our rights. >> have you experienced any health issues since this water was switched over? >> loss of hair. >> is there an environmental urgency? >> even a modest rise in sea level could have dramatic impacts. >> this is where our house stood. >> behind me, it is literally hell on earth. the fire fighters in there are fighting against global forces. >> the fire was getting closer. we had just enough time to get him in the truck and go. >> i lost my auto body shop.
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welcome to your world this morning. >> al-qaeda this morning claiming responsibility for a suicide bombing near a songer stadium in yemen. >> an attacker detonated an explosive belt kill 5 people. the bombing appeared to be targeting young men in light for military tear registration. >> with one week to go before new york's prime minister, the two front runners holding double digit leads over their opponents, the latest nbc wall street maris survey shows hillae clinton with a lead
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