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tv   Chemistry  Al Jazeera  September 12, 2017 1:32am-1:59am AST

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since it is already already threatened to do that on monday we saw another strongly worded statement released coming from its korean central news agency threatening that it will inflict the greatest pain and suffering on the u.s. if it continues to call for fresh u.n. sanctions and for the last few days there has been an expectation that north korea will conduct another missile launch perhaps an intercontinental ballistic missile launch a few days ago we saw reports emerging from the defense ministry here in seoul citing its intelligence offices that they had picked up some movement at one of the missile launch sites in north korea that indicated they were readying for another launch to be aimed somewhere towards the north pacific and that is something that north korea itself has threatened to do after its last missile launch the intermediate range missile that flew over northern japan it said that that was just the beginning of a wider campaign in the pacific and it's threatening to target the waters around
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the u.s. territory of guam so certainly now that these sanctions are out there it may not happen this morning on the korean peninsula but there is an expectation that north korea will respond in some way and wayne just to think of you as back to the security council as again we are seeing matthew right crawford he is the u.k. ambassador to the u.n. obviously the u.k. and france are two of the security council permanent members very much on the u.s. aside when it comes to call for sanctions against north korea but the resolution having to be watered down to get russia and china on board and indeed they didn't veto the resolution indeed it was a unanimous vote fifty or fifteen members voting for this resolution on tougher sanctions against north korea to pass away and just staying with you again i mean obviously there's a lot of the plough mysie going on at the u.n. and the financial side to all of this and the sanctions that i guess the security
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council hopes hope will bite against the north korea but how worried are the actual people of south korea about what perhaps they see as an ever more belligerent neighbor. well i think to a large extent they have become used to it the peace people of south korea have become used to the missile tears even nuclear tests over the years of course north korea conducting this six and largest nuclear test just over a week ago and it seems that all indications are according to experts that what they said was correct it was true they were telling the truth that that was a hydrogen bomb test so that certainly did raise the alert level for south koreans but on the same by the same token i think they have become used to what they're seeing from north korea and certainly what they are hearing but south korea is also caught in the middle a little bit and all these diplomatic negotiations as you mentioned something very contentious has been going on in south korea with the deployment of the you with
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anti missile system which was fully deployed on thursday the u.s. and south koreans taking in the remaining four rocket launches into that site south of the capital seoul so that has been something that china in particular has not been very happy about it has been opposed to that missile defense from day one saying that it can be used as an offensive weapon by the united states it is u.s. equipment and it feels that the u.s. can use it to spy on china so it's things like that that perhaps have been negotiated on when it comes to trying to get things through the united nations security council and south koreans feel the effect of that because china has imposed unofficial embargoes and sanctions on south korea in relation to the deployment of the system u.s. sorry south korean businesses have been affected by that tourism has been affected by that with a huge drop off in the number of chinese people coming to south korea because of
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those indications from china that perhaps this should be some sort of embargo on south korea so to that extent there is a feeling here that they're caught in the. a lot of the spat and it also has political ramifications as well the new president moon jay in came to power in may winning that election in one of his platforms was in gage meant with north korea trying to really restart the relationship to talk about family reunions between north and south korea a group again to talk about reopening the joint industrial projected gay song which has been shut for some time he really hasn't had a chance to do that to start implementing those plans because since he came to power there's really been provocation after provocation and he has felt the need to respond short of any direct military action he felt the need for his military to put on a strong show of force he felt the need to be on the same page of course it's close ally the united states will win even though south korea is not currently
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a member of the u.n. security council the south korean ambassador to the u.n. has obviously been heavily involved in these negotiations and we understand he will address the security council at once the other members have spoken to will be interesting at to hear what he has to say for the moment when hey in so weigh in thank you. and to look at the resolution and more detailed we're now joined in the studio by emil dallam's a research fellow in nuclear policy at the royal united services institute here in london thanks for joining us again ok let's look at some of the detail here obviously one of the key issues or oil and we understand this will call for a reduction of thirty percent of oil to north korea just talk us through some of the numbers and the kind of impact that this could actually have on the country so the resolution is thirteen pages so i've been doing some speed reading while we were talking earlier and it's important to dig into the detail here because while the percent is decreased sounds really good on paper we're talking about
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a ban on natural gas liquids the crucial bit is the refined petroleum products which is limited to two million barrels per year. talk about a cap the one i think is really interesting. the crude oil imports that north korea has that is a no member state is allowed to export more crude oil to north korea than they have done last year so it's essentially a cap on crude oil but crucially the resolution says that unless it's exclusively for livelihood purposes of d.p. r. k. nationals and unrelated to the deeper case nuclear capabilities and activities then you can export more crude oil that is exactly what we saw with the coal ban when that was first implemented last year and there was a cap on coal unless it was for livelihood or humanitarian purposes and the other interesting detail is that actually i think all of the crude oil supplies mainly from china absolutely yes and as we saw the coal exports from north korea to was
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also primarily to china and so their livelihood and humanitarian impacts a. bit is put in there strictly for china to make china happy and be able to to vote for this resolution i mean i guess that was one word that nikki haley the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. mentioned that you know it's all fine and well to have strong sanctions been he what is implementation i mean i guess that's the devil in the detail whether this resolution is actually going to be implemented by the key countries who of course remain china and russia. that is absolutely right implementation is key in this it's only a month since we had the latest round the last round of u.n. sanctions where china signed up to quite heavy embargoes on north korea we have yet to see how china is even implementing those sanctions so another sanctions package on top of that there will be lots to monitor in the months ahead and seeing how committed is china to actually implementing sanctions ok well let's actually listen
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to what nikki haley the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. has said to the security council once the vote came in and it was announced that basically had been passed unanimously that's listening. previous efforts to bring north korea to the negotiating table have failed they have repeatedly walked back every commitment they have made today the security council has acted in a different way today we are attempting to take the future of the north korean nuclear program out of the hands of its outlaw regime we are done trying to prod the regime to do the right thing we are now acting to stop it from having the ability to continue doing the wrong thing. let's go back to him who has been with us here in the studio from the royal united services institute here in london so we just heard nikki haley there are very strong words but ultimately you've been looking at the resolution a minute it's quite a lot of pages and we only just got it but from what you see do you think that this
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will actually achieve what nikki haley and a lot of the other ambassadors at the security council want to rein in north korea's nuclear program well there are two answers to that the one is just to send a very strong signal diplomatically to the world and to north korea that their actions will not go on responded absolutely the second question is. does it matter how much is enrich the resolution doesn't matter how much we put on north korea at the time and again shown that they can invade sanctions and they have partners all over the world they have middlemen all over the world and front companies are structured in jurisdictions from africa asia even europe and they are able to base isis implementations absolutely key. i think we're not going to see any effect with sanctions without a negotiation strategy as well and comparisons were made earlier to the iran to negotiations and i think that's a very good comparison because we saw a sanctions got tougher and tougher in from the negotiation track actually
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intensified so when we saw the ramping up of sanctions from the european side that's when europe took part in the gaucherie sions very strongly and committed to a deal thank you so much do stay with us here in the studio as we are still expecting to hear from the ambassador from china and russia to the united nations but let's go back to the u.n. and speak to al-jazeera is james bays and james in the past few minutes we also heard from the u.k. ambassador to the u.n. and they believe the french one is well i mean any surprises in what they said because obviously these countries are key allies of the u.s. in this. yes you'd expect a. all the e.u. nations are currently for of course the u.k. won't be in a united nation for much longer but for on the security council very strongly supporting the u.s. position interestingly now you've got speaking to the security council the taliban
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ambassador carty now he's interesting because he heads the committee of the security council that looks at the implementation of the existing sanctions and whether they are being properly implemented by all the member states of the united nations let's have a listen in to ambassador carley freezingly reckless me sidelong trends we were firm trunk on the nation of this irresponsible acts. all of these actions taken together reveal a cycle of unprecedented deliberate and escalade torrie provocations by north korea directed against the international community of the hall and aimed at undermining the foundations of the global nonproliferation regime as well as the authority of these councils we read to read our deepest concern for the advancement of the north korean nuclear and missile program which constitutes an unacceptable threat of global nature today we are standing united once again by taking action in order
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to protect our collective security and to ensure that the north korean regime threats do not go unanswered the resolution adopted today is a balanced text that provides for a strong comprehensive package of restrictive measures while taking into account the humanitarian concerns and the need to achieve the u. nuclearization of the korean peninsula through a negotiated process these measures are a reflection of the gravity of the korean situation and they constitute a proportional and appropriate response. this resolution however is not only about stronger sanctions it also sets the political path for we saw chooses north korea can revert to international legality and to
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a different pattern of relations with the international community in order to reach of peaceful solution to the situation we fully share the call on of this resolution on the d.p. r. k. to immediately seize all nuclear and missile related activities and to make credible progress on the its obligations to denuclearize and opening the way to a peaceful solution for meaningful devastations we also fully share the concerns about the humanitarian situation in the county and the need to ensure that these new sanctions do not have an adverse impact we must not forget that to be to pull out of north korea are first and foremost victims of the regime itself is isolating and missions that the national community matters therefore continue to provide assistance for dogs in need finally mr president as chair of the seventeen eighteen
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committee we will continue to maintain a sharp focus on form and effective implementation of the sanction regime by the whole membership of the united nations i think it's a pretty i think that are presented here in italy for his statement they give the floor to the representative of china. mr president. d p r k. in defiance of the general opposition of the international community conducted yet another nuclear test the chinese government opposes and the strongly condemns such little when china is consistently committed to the nuclear right solution to the korean peninsula or to the peace and stability of the peninsula and under to the solution through dialogue and consultation the resolution adopted by to see comes to day reflects the principle of three
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commitments and demonstrates the unanimous position of the international community of opposing the arcus development of its nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities and preserving the international nonproliferation regime china urges d.p. r. k. to take seriously the expectations and the will of the international community to hope to nuclear and missile development and effectively abide by and combined the coming source resolution is not conduct any more nuclear and missile tests and effectively return to the track of denuclearization on the resolution simba tenuously reiterated the mental notes of peace and stability of the peninsula and that of the north east asia and they committed to resolve the issue through peaceful diplomatic and political means and support resumption of the six party talks as well as to commitment contained in the september nineteenth statement of
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assizes the importance of escalation tension and dependent so that all parties should if that heavily and country sensibly implement the rather than provisions contained in the disappearance of all resolutions the nuclear issue of the korean peninsula must be resolved peacefully and integrated measures must be taken you to balance each day to meet security concerns parties china. making remedies enough for the denuclearization and for maintaining peace and stability off to peninsula. and july fourth of this year china and russia issued a joint statement under korea. based on china's the proposals of a dual track approach here to promote denuclearization of peninsula in parallel with the steps and of the peace mechanism under peninsular and suspension what's
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especially initiative of d p r k haughtiness nuclear and missile activities in the u.s. and iraq a suspension of the large scale military exercises and a better partner russia's proposal of a step by step approach both parties formulated a roadmap for the solution of a crimp in a solution chinese and russian rhenish it if it is as realistic as it is visible it is tackling but the symptoms and reporters so as to advance the peaceful settlement of the korean peninsula nuclear issue and to maintain peace and stability of the peninsula which obtain a positive response and backing of bread and parties and this. we hope that the us will incorporate into its specific policies regarding d p r k therefore no not seeking regime change and not seeking the collapse of the regime in d p r k not seeking to reunification of the peninsula and not sending its military to thirty eight apparently trying to is
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a close neighbor to the korean peninsula we've been consistently committed to a did you call it resolution and we are against it when the chaos and the strengthening of the military deployment of the korean peninsula and the goal of denuclearization which in a piece of the beauty run counter to each other deployment of thought and missile system severely undermined which in a strategic balance it in the undermines the strategic security interest of regional countries china china included. urges relevant parties to halt its deployment and remove related equipment here at the present the situation under peninsula is sensitive complex and the grave up in part is should remain core had it and avoid any rhetoric what action that would activate detention. the priority at present is to comprehensively and strictly implement your school council resolutions and the relevant parties should resume talks and negotiations
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rather than later endeavor to advance denuclearization and to maintain peace and stability of the peninsula and to consul should undertake its historic responsibility in this regard china will continue to advance dialogue and consultations work together with all relevant parties and make our positive and constructive after forty approach and appropriate settlement at an early date of the current nuclear issue but rather for attaining denuclearization and if what long term peace and stability of to peninsula thank you. that our present accurate china for his statement i give the floor to the president of the evil sweden thank you very much mr president. the system we have just been hearing from usually the chinese ambassador to the u.n.
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china's vote of course in this resolution absolutely crucial as china is the main ally of north korea and certainly biggest trading partner let's bring in james bases of the u.n. headquarters in new york james i thought it was very interesting that even though the chinese ambassador besser did speak strongly against the sort of expanding nuclear program of north korea he did also stress that they did not want regime change in in north korea just talk us through why that would be so important for the chinese room. i mean i think the chinese will be very worried if there was a change of regime if north korea was toppled they were worried about having a u.s. ally south korea in charge of the whole of the korean peninsula they would be worried about the immediate effects of a collapse of the regime and refugees coming into china so that's a scenario that china certainly doesn't want and that's why you pretty much heard
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the chinese ambassador a master lou lay out a policy that has been a pretty consistent policy from china about their neighbor north korea you described them as an ally china certainly wouldn't i don't think now describe north korea as an ally but it certainly is a country that it has more dealings with than more influence over. any other country has and that's why china is so crucial in this condemnation there of north korea in its latest nuclear test again sticking to the line that they want the denuclearization of the korean peninsula but as you say criticism too i think of the united states the chinese and russian position is that they do not want the military exercises that south korea and the u.s. carry out they do not want to talk of regime changing cleaver that's been there with the u.s. for some considerable time going back to george w. bush including north korea in the axis of evil and they certainly don't like the
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ploy meant of the. missile defense system so these are things that china is opposed to china would like to see a resumption of talks possibly in the former six party talks format but of course if you look at the history of that deals are done and north korea doesn't stick with the deal it's says it with what it says it's going to do under the deal. so that said china we are of course the way through the here and from russia and how key it was in russia in all of this and why it's linked to north korea. well russia is interesting because in some ways and the chinese ambassador has to make a speech here in front of the security council because each of the key players in this are speaking and they obviously have to take their turn but china doesn't like to be very public about these things it doesn't really like to say too much like
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squark diplomacy russia has been much more public about its position and the position of china and russia are pretty much aligned at the moment anyway a joint declaration earlier this summer and both countries pretty much saying the same thing which is yes sanctions as long as they're not too tough keep putting extra sanctions on there but at the same time let's open up to talking and let's stop all the military threat clearly though that's not president trump's way and you've seen some very very tough language from the president pushing the pressure on north korea i have to say so far every time he's ramped up the pressure the response from the north koreans has been defiantly to take another provocative move think we might hear the russians right now are speaking next barbara if i'm right on the order of that there was the u.s. is the russian ambassador no benzema. russia does
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not accept joe the claims of g p r k to become a nuclear state and supported all over the security council where the resolutions demanding an end to the nuclear and missile programs all began young in the interest of the nuclear arising of the korean peninsula so therefore what we supported and are supporting the sanctions contained in the resolutions are aimed at compelling on the d.p. r. k. to meet the demands of the security council of a well meaning fully public lies also. demands of the resolution twenty three seventy one even though when it was being adopted we underscored that the measure of financial and economic pressure exerted at the leadership of d.p. r. k. have been basically exhausted and any further restrictions could be tantamount to the attempts to suffocating its economy but running occluding the total embargo of
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the country and provoking a deep humanitarian crisis. in other words what we are talking about here is. not just cutting the channels of feeding the. nuclear and missile activities but druther inflicting on example of damage on innocent civilians. well you know the movie was the same time. it was a reasonable and realistic alternative to the ultimatum logic of the sanctions which has proven that it was unworkable time and again the alternative consisted of the following is starting when women do not just to sanction parts over the upper mentioned decisions of the security council but also those of the provisions which we called war and peace will be political and diplomatic settlement of the nuclear issue on the radio and in scilab dialogue and negotiations with any such positions are contained in all of the security council resolutions you ignoring them anyway
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little means a direct you to fly elations of consensus agreements reached in the council. one of them furthermore use a lot of them via unwillingness into the resolution the idea of using the good offices and the mediation potential of the secretary general at the same. as well as the denial to require firm this statement made by tellers on all of the four new lock up plans to start the war regime change that forced reintegration of the two careers in violation of the third perilous all of this gives rise to very serious questions and as we have not yet received answers to those. russian as was underscored by president putin on the fifth december in going to china firmly denounces they probably the recent publication of stepha by penny on the test on the third of september with convinced that diverting the gathering menace from the
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korean peninsula could be done not there when you are newer sanctions sanctions but exclusively through political means. that is their approach it as a sack lee they approach which was proposed by russia in july not in the joint statement on the one dated fourth of july the joint roadmap on step by step moving to the settlements starting with deescalation steps and bilateral lowering tensions and then implementing confidence building measures and creating the conditions for the resumption of negotiations. with think it's a big mistake to underestimate to this russian china initiative for you it remains on the table at the security council you must and we will insist on it being considered. we did support the resolution twenty three seventy five today because while we're vain become convinced of that there is no he.


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