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tv   Rebels to Politicians  Al Jazeera  September 12, 2017 7:32pm-8:01pm AST

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from mammal and promised her country will look after them so far three hundred seventy thousand or who have crossed the border looking for refuge from what the united nations says amounts to ethnic cleansing the prime minister shaken ciena also said we'll have to take them back one day. human rights watch has accused the saudi led coalition of carrying out war crimes in yemen killing thirty nine civilians in five apparently unlawful airstrikes the coalition has repeatedly denied allegations of war crimes and says its attacks are directed at the rebels and not civilians it's fear they quarter of all homes in the florida keys have been destroyed after hurricane tore through the island chain some residents have been allowed back but thousands are still cut off from their homes as authorities struggle to assess the full damage. tens of thousands of people have demonstrated in fronts against president emanuel macaroons labor reforms that it's a bill destroy hard won protections for work yes. stay with al-jazeera china's
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democracy experiment is next. tens of thousands of demonstrations erupt across china each year driven by anger over corruption and the illegal sale of communal land most protests failed to make an impact but in two thousand and eleven one village defied the odds. to cancer villages rose up demanding the return of their land calling for their leaders to step down after decades of corruption.
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amid a crackdown activists shreds and boy died in police custody. but who can achieve the unthinkable the right to choose their own leaders. these units will hook dives into us is wrong and the male one female send you one to which was only a c. minus this is on the. time when they send you. home cold
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help of gentle adult dilution o.c.e. you sold a new good bob on those it's a good question. so wait. so there is a model. though how this all. goes along the food ends with the fun. saloon and the saloon and. politician chambre those of that seeing the needle. either by seeing. so you go home being followed him by the time we get in the maila. don't want to. do this.
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then don't enjoy the devolving those who are the owens an eco. and those without hands and this is a very. common sort those are we. the funds and the. you're. here.
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because. you're.
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here. that when they hear. that we have here. i'm covered.
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here i. just want to. think here they. time again oh i. am a want to. write home about how the i get a minder. so you can find the courage to watch me a great empire. it was to say well you. can go on. a. lot.
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so it's a pretty good. under what you don't know you know in here though paula elements of incidents in young. by seeing you go. missing would win when he. but i get the reality that wasn't a. young. one of them. was go useful. so the only ones who know it's wasn't. for the phone call you know. where you were you know a lot of them of. the you wanted what you got to play on it wasn't that you did it. down the chute didn't have
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a gun on them. but if you want it a little like your. do you want to go was. well it was down was it was a good i mean them he was them. well done to them. was that you know as you were a man was. the only for you she was so rich and solution to all of them was. no one in the financial times and it was only men who knew. women and
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bungalows some to hold your. running. down. yeah. yeah now what about one of the young. ones who you know all of you you know you and me. once in a city or your you know where do you see how the hardware store watching am. i to
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do this or do the process matter to. them what it's about women's ability. to cause us would say i know your salary. your film will. do for you to follow up on the mandatory upon. them on the. do. you order the always. the one where. the sun was good oh it's all based solution yourself. seem wrong. to do was how to be a. good. goddess. and what. do i mean. i mean you found in that now. because all of.
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you had to dance to. tell here. to be another. thing. as. i see.
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on the right. with your.
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own. do you. remember oh. oh oh oh oh. oh oh oh oh oh oh you. wouldn't you wouldn't they. are different. you want to turn daughter things i mean those. hundred times. what you said is a symbol to more than. one to what we. mentioned and so i mean. this is a. common. good
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day for me. to make. sure. you do. i know you are really. needed all you want to
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run a good morning and along the way a good time to you know that. our friends are here are you.
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that's all of those in the online colony though i'm saying either you go in the wind here on this so going with. any or many of us is a little windy so it's a really low. on it either so one of them where there's a sound i'll see a more deep thoughts as a result things on me or mine the zero zero zero. and i'm who do you.
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know my mother. was. her or her her. friends her. family. her yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. who are. you. sure you're.
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forward. we were. you are you are. you are. going to have you know you're very good. to me if we go much i knew. you would know that you won't. let me know. it once was. so i'm in the window i need them. yes you. do on your people you'll know when you jungle was. was you know i don't know you don't.
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want. to. come with me. knowing that i think those who. have been the good. father will do all the.
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there are. very bones of that from going on to do it for them in the article that you have up there is a lot of work for to go out for them so who are up now or do sides of it by now science is always somewhere where it's a lot yeah. i'm more do them for a day. in. their own guns no women
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who take on. his own. home do quite well with a multi. but that's a lot the dear boy and now take me by. the line of the long run things. born. with new york. so you. know me out. there. by the. time i'll. go. on to the. games so.
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if you. want to go where you want to hunt you don't like no no. no you don't do the. same back. to new york you have two kids and. people. i mean i know you're young here you know you got to go with you i don't think i'm going to go on your. tail ha. it was a dud like you but what. was also got i got all the what. does your. thoughts you want over. your long. time to never thought. they would leave a hole. that. was once in love
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a mile. or so times it was a. has a has a maybe and. i too was hot i mean like how those of those all that well. and. something for fun i thought. you. can change your son.
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to an awesome. the only home. center you should use for the. new one soon enough is on ten list as i will now highly use of the walk. through all the way. along some of the home you hold on the policy of or send us all to the control. tower some hope comes along. all by single control. right. now.
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i don't think i am financially i am right. now what. do you call the. a new village committee has been elected and is grappling with the oddest tosca sustaining a community but the residents of this chinese village have grown in patience and i want to consign inside. the reclamation of than mine. democracy is complicated. to have a six part series he said don't die but five years what kind of china's democracy experiment at this time on al jazeera.
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i just want to make sure all of our audience is on the same page whether on line more to produce to us citizens here than what puts people of iraq by one in the same or if you join us on say i was never put a file been looked at differently because i'm dacogen all the people that i'm a watch this is a dialogue tweet us with hash tag a.j. stream and one of their pitches might make a connection join the global conversation this time on al-jazeera. a deadly attack destroyed her family and left her badly wounded. home with us for a long time from gaza to california and little girl's journey of love through
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adversity is very timid or should progress should become our family. that would touch the hearts of the people around her for ever i was excited to come but when i saw the situation. on al-jazeera well that this time. with al-jazeera has eyes and ears on the ground in southern africa identifying crucially important stories for an audience that's incredibly to us. north korea blast the latest u.n. sanctions against it warning the u.s. it will suffer the greatest pain in its history. and this is al jazeera live from london also coming up on that as.


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