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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  September 14, 2017 2:00am-3:01am AST

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a city jail and several communities such behavior in a largely moderate country has shocked many here thousands of civilians have been trying to flee they are either stuck in their cars or have been walking for kilometers all they know is that they have to leave my always city a place that they used to call home now gripped by terror. this is al jazeera. hello i'm rob matheson this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes. i call on the neon model saudi to suspend the military action
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facing a catastrophe the u.n. chief has me in ma to end the violence against there are hinges in iraq on the state. tragedy at a u.s. nursing home eight people died after the facility was without power because of hurricane. as syria troops advance and dead and so are more talks to end the war are about to begin but will there be a breakthrough at the sixth round in a stop. in. iraq . and activists turn to social media and arts to protest against a four day arms fire in london. the united nations security council is calling for an immediate. to the violence
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against orange of muslims in me and mine describing the plight of the minority group as catastrophic almost four hundred thousand people have fled to neighboring bangladesh in the past few weeks to escape a government crackdown on fighters in iraq and state the security council has expressed concern that reports of excessive force being used during military operations it's the first time in nine years the members agreed to a statement on me and mine the government says almost one hundred eighty villages are now empty and that number is likely to rise many have been burned to the ground i mean mars leader aung san suu kyi canceled plans to attend the un general assembly next week the nobel peace prize laureate has been widely criticized for her handling of the crisis james bays has been following events at the u.n. . these were the toughest words yet from the secretary general on the ongoing violence in myanmar i call on the myanmar are starting to suspend the military
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action and the violence appalled the rule of law and recognize the right of return of all those where to leave the country the un knows the situation is deteriorating fast with mr good terrorist last spoke to reporters a week ago there were one hundred twenty five thousand refugees that number has now trick old given the situation has got so much worse in the last week do you believe this is ethnic cleansing well i would answer your question with another question when one third of the rowing or population to flee the country can you find a better word to describe it. as the secretary general has already taken the extremely rare step of writing to the security council urging them to take action as he spoke the council was meeting first with an open session on somalia it was only after that ended and they went into closed session and when they discussed any
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other business but the crisis in myanmar was finally raised afterwards the president of the security council read a carefully worded statement it was nowhere near as strong as the words of the secretary general of the members of sixty council expressed deep concern about the situation in state acknowledging the initial attack on men in march security forces or into n.t. fifth august should be on mass stop all its military operations in the state now that's what the secretary general says does the security council share that you know that. the statement that he made out is what we have agreed there are some who see that as a very weak statement. some may say so why is the security council not being tougher there's always a log jam when there's a lack of unity and when one of the permanent five members is opposed to action in
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this case diplomats point to china a long standing ally of military james. of the united nations well agencies are struggling to cope with the huge numbers of poured into neighboring bangladesh in nearly three weeks but on smith reports. everyone is exhausted some of these muslim have been walking for days to escape a crackdown by me and miles military a government spokesman says one hundred seventy six ethnic running of villages are empty that's nearly a third of all reading of villages in me and mom the people who lived in those villages nearly four hundred thousand of them and now here in bangladesh. they began arriving nearly three weeks ago aid agencies say they can't cope there is a response which is under way but it is a pretty poor forty two beasts tiptop seriously so as to meet basic needs and to
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avoid that we're going to have an emergency within an emergency their anger being caught in a military counter offensive it began after about thirty reading a gunman attacked police and military posts last month but the scale of the military's response has been described by the u.n. as a textbook example of ethnic cleansing. i came to bangladesh with my family three days ago we had to escape because the burmese security forces burned our home and started attacking us i lost my son. with no shelter and no food these people are totally reliant on and we have appealed for a modest seventy seven million dollars but that is not enough that is a little done by the whole u.n. community that is going to be revised we need to get much more funding for partners me and doesn't use the name or hanger to refer to these people instead they usually call being accused of illegally migrating from bangladesh presidential spokesman
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says those who fled won't be automatically allowed to return saying they would first have to be very burnet smith al-jazeera. about him as a senior fellow at the center for global policy he's also the author of the book that all hinges inside me in my hidden genocide he's joining me now from chicago briefly first of all sir if you don't mind can you just give us an idea of why me and feel so strongly about that. well the animosity towards the ranger goes back a long way actually goes back to the second world war when the japanese invaded what was at that time british burma the minority population remain loyal to the british colonial masters with the majority buddhist population stated with the japanese believing that they would be victorious and this will lead to so after independence so in the country did become independent there was bad blood between the two people and this was followed subsequently by various military leaders then
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trying to make the country much more buddhist in its character after the field economic policies they passed a number of laws saying that only buddhists can be loyal citizens to burma and everybody else is a non citizen and this was followed followed by a number of laws including the one nine hundred seventy four set nationality act and then one thousand equal to citizenship the ruling job always been the minority of choice of persecution because they have a different religion they look different and they have a different language and so videos military generals over the years have tried to paint them as the person illegal but goalies who are basically and myanmar trying to didio the country like in two thousand and thirteen the united nations then was describing the as one of the most persecuted people persecuted peoples in the world we've heard of the un security council's response today how do you regard the way the world is responding to the situation. the world's response
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has been extremely weak it is hugely unfortunate that we can know me on my own to the list of countries like rwanda and bosnia general ses in which the world was fully aware the united nations was fully aware were going on in new tame well it chose to do nothing and the myanmar situation has been going on for over half a century as you mentioned they've been described as the most persecuted minority in the world by the united nations and our recent harvard study indicated that one in eight people are in the global enjoy origin now over the last few weeks we have seen over four hundred thousand new hinge are being ethnically from myanmar pouring over the border into bangladesh that is approximately thirty percent of the entire population this is ethnic cleansing on an industrial scale and it's completely unprecedented not only is the myanmar military expelling these people they are burning their villages and human rights watch is obtained considerable evidence from satellite imagery and elsewhere so in the entire villages two thousand six
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hundred homes for example the hmong go district in point and know they are mining the border to ensure that none of these people can ever return back to myanmar that is ethnic skin cleansing on a completely and dust to scale and has been planned for a long time i want to ask you about the role of own suchi in all of this she's open to self up to significant criticism from around the world in me to be clear are the military and the government two separate entities or does one have influence over the other. i'm very sympathetic to the people who key doesn't have much control of the military the military still who would considerable power in the country they still control a quarter of the season parliament and they still control the media ministries the foreign affairs ministry the boredom and used in the human history but despite that we have to remember that. isto the leader of the largest political party in the country she is the more conscience of the country she is the most famous citizen of
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the country and for hard to say nothing at all of what's going on and in fact say that ethnic cleansing isn't there's no ethnic cleansing going on it's far too strong a word and to see that there's a this this is all feet news and this is an iceberg of misinformation i believe a lot of our supporters people have believed in are people like myself who will be hugely disappointed to me it's very clear she simply made a political calculation that the issue is simply not worth anything the military and the extreme good is elements in the country for she is no longer a peace campaigner she is no politician we should lose sight of the fact that miramar is blaming this latest situation on attacks by n. me and by the other kind of salvation army how do you think that our hinge are going to react to the fighters who are being blamed for having created this latest situation. indeed the army claims that they are undertaking clearing operations because of an attack on the twenty fifth of august by the ruling just told r.t.
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r me but there's a essentially came just a couple of weeks ago i do a piece in newsweek last year in december last year and dick eating the myanmar military is in preparations for a flu genocide and ethnic cleansing operations this is all in the public domain and the fact that they have used this as a trigger as an excuse as is actually very telling they have been in preparation for this and in fact the the chief of the military of myanmar general may know milling has actually come on record and said that this illegal bengali problem in their country has been long overdue to be taken care of so it's very clear what exactly that they've been planning this for a long time and know they have received this cuse and the trigger to undertake this massive ethnic cleansing very interesting to get your point of view on this thank you very much for your time well while condemnation from the international community has been sway ft many in the country have rallied behind the government and the military in me and flown slowly reports from young gone this sign reads
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collecting donations for the displaced in rakhine state this charity drive is being run by a ministry in yangon six hundred kilometers from the fighting in northern were kind state but it's mainly for the rakhine the ethnic majority in the state who are mostly buddhists some thirty thousand of whom have been displaced being we are with another who will kill if there was fighting here a monk who runs into a mosque would be killed but a monastery will save all who shelters our religion forbids us from killing but i'm not afraid to walk past a monastery a church or a hindu or sikh temple but i'm scared of walking past a mask. there are a few in myanmar who will speak out publicly in support of the. the muslim minority remain stateless and on largely regarded as illegal migrants from bangladesh the military crackdown which has been condemned for its brutality around the world hasn't drawn the same sort of criticism from people here but. yes they should carry
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out a security operation to eradicate terrorism if not they'll be no peace so that's why we support the military but the operation should only target terrorists not the whole muslim community. i support the military operation because terrorism is not good it's good to fight terrorism everyone should have within the law. the military and the government say the operation is a legitimate exercise targeting what it considers a terrorist organization the crisis in rakhine and the exodus of ranger refugees into bangladesh are being widely covered by the international media and yet here they don't get much attention in the local press and when they do that's usually a government. go for example promote a press release that people in northern because i have started to go back home because peace and stability have started to return to the area. but there's no mention of the hundreds of thousands who fled to bangladesh in under three weeks who now face in uncertain future and
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a daily struggle for survival. al-jazeera. bunch more ahead on the news hour including. got islands in ruins the caribbean assesses the full extent of damage from hurricane ike plus. a north korean school in japan but this unique facility is under threat. these. situations in sports the olympic double deal is done in los angeles are confirmed as future hosts of the summer games. eight people have died from hurricane after a nursing home in florida lost power during the storm high temperatures and a lack of air conditioning being blamed police have opened an investigation rob
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reynolds reports. answering an early morning call for help police found patients inside the rehabilitation center at hollywood hills dead and dying in sweltering heat one hundred fifteen patients were evacuated immediately to a hospital located a block away. most of the patients have been treated for respiratory distress dehydration and heat related issues the thirty five year old building at lost power in hurricane erma it had a backup generator but police would not say whether it was working they say there was no air conditioning inside temperatures in miami have been about thirty two degrees celsius for the past several days still it appears staff made no attempt to move patients to a safer place where exactly how hot was it there you have any idea. i'm not going to release those figures but i can tell you it was very hot on the second floor
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that patients relatives were desperate for information you know that tell us anything nice you know like you know you have a place where we don't know not even flora mitchell sr was a patient at the center i used to be a nurse and i'll tell you straight out there's a nice you know me it's not. police say a criminal investigation is now underway into what happened here and they've ordered checks on more than forty rehabilitation and nursing homes around the area late wednesday afternoon eighty five patients at another miami area nursing home were evacuated as a precaution the florida health care association says one hundred fifty such facilities in the state do not have full electrical power in past us natural disasters nursing home residents have become helpless victims during hurricane katrina in two thousand and five thirty five patients at st rita's nursing home in
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louisiana drowned after staff abandoned them to the rising floodwaters. state legislator gary farmer said florida's regulation of nursing homes is lax if we find out that this facility left these residents here unintended under these conditions to me that manslaughter. a natural disaster combined with apparent human blunders and a lack of government oversight spawning a tragedy long after the storm had passed robert oulds al-jazeera hollywood florida . some florida keys residents are beginning to return home following hurricane it's estimated that one in four homes on the string of low lying islands have been destroyed help is now on the way but many are returning to find they've lost everything and it has more from key largo for the residents of the seabreeze trailer park on our lemon rada this was a slice of tropical paradise now it lays in ruins obliterated by one of the most
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powerful hurricanes to ever bed down on this chain of islands. tommy malone and the man man kevin has lived here for more than a decade little is left of his home and seeing it for the first time is emotionally overwhelming a lot you. but news to us the sharon nola things are even worse many people use these trailers as holiday homes but she lives here year round like many others she's now facing months of uncertainty i don't have a job because i have no place to live and it was hard enough getting a place to live in now right before but now it's going to be worse and you release mice to salvage some personal possessions and get a few sentimental things and yeah everything else it's just too dangerous to go in there the cleanup operation here seems like an almost insurmountable task in
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situations like this the words catastrophe and disaster are all too often overused but if you were living in a mo ballpark like this that's exactly what you're facing many people here didn't have insurance their only option now is to rebuild and for most simply an affordable what they need now more than anything else is government help the picture here is replicated across the florida keys and as the roads begin to open teams are standing by to help our mental health specialists are waiting for the green light to be able to get on to the keys and just kind of go with our first response teams and talk to people and make sure that we're able to just help them get it out of their systems do whatever we can in the way of providing a shoulder in addition to financial or other types of support the u.s. military has also arrived to bring in much needed supplies an aide it could be weeks before power and water are restored but much longer until a life in what was powered ice returns to normal and to gallica al-jazeera in the florida keys. well islands across the caribbean are still taking stock of the
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devastation left behind. the government estimates ninety five percent of the buildings have damaged or destroyed residents have been moved to the neighboring island of antigua john heilemann reports from. rodger has a right back home this move caribbean island of devastated by hurricane needed he's heading to his house to find out if it survived i think. there's nothing you know. god. is like. with a population of one thousand six hundred everyone seems to know each other here it makes the scars of destruction we see as we pass even more painful for roger you know it's kind of hard to see this as my friends. really think about. this scene and make me feel like.
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holmes shit open like those houses inside the remnants of lives interrupted stopped . clothes and toys tossed around still waiting to be put away there's no knowing when those lives will be resumed everyone's been evacuated to nearby until further notice there's worries about these eases from the stagnant floodwater . raj is only allowed to visit a tool because he works on the ferry between the two islands right now the only permanent residence of the animals left behind is not just people's homes that are gone it's also their livelihoods so many fishermen and their badly damaged boat strewn across the coast. even when people come back the government says it will take months of work and more than two hundred million dollars to repair buildings
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and restore electricity and phone lines it's counting on international aid. meanwhile. shelters a relative's home. the mood is cheerful stoic but impatient to return some of these people them i'm going to be one of the. i'm going forward to put my part in it. after seeing his devastated hometown we arrive just house and find it's one of the few still intact it's a small piece of good news on this small struggling island john home and. i still and hezbollah have swapped prisoners near the dead as or border in syria both groups agreed to release prisoners as part of a ceasefire deal two weeks ago meanwhile syrian government troops are advancing further into eisel held areas around did it or they aim to capture i'll just and encircled datasource city there are always cities seen as a strategic grab by both russian backed syrian troops and u.s.
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backed fighters well as syrian troops advance and dead as or representatives of the syrian government and opposition groups are due to meet in the kazakhstan capital on thursday it's the sixth round of talks in a stand up brokered by russia turkey and iran aimed at implementing last fires and so-called the escalation zones in syria from the stand of charles stratford reports . five rounds of twinks so far an astonishing have had little success brokered by russia turkey and iran the focus of discussions is ending the fighting in syria and complementing un brokered talks in geneva on the political future of the country. exactly. which help to which help groups to reach some. technical agreements some details on the ground which basically lay the ground if you go shay sions a basic framework agreement on
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a stab reaching so-called deescalation zones in syria was signed by russia turkey and iran in may there's less fighting in some of the areas but syrians who have moved there expecting them to be safer say they continue to face an strikes and heavy gunfire. the opposition says the deescalation zones initiative gives syrian government forces an opportunity to make further military gains and they have refused any suggestion that russia or iranian soldiers could be part of any full monitoring the zones the northern syrian province of italy is potentially included in the plan but there are opposition groups in egypt that the international community and the syrian government say are terrorists and viable targets. as well as the talks here in cannes seven rounds of un brokered talks in geneva have also failed not one civil position groups and syrian government representatives held
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face to face discussions the main syrian opposition insists president bashar al assad has no role in a future transitional government the u.n. envoy in syria says the syrian government has not budged in its unwillingness to discuss the political transition the implementation of the plan for so-called deescalation. of talks here again the complexity of the situation on the ground in syria and the lack of agreement over which countries could potentially offer troops to monitor these zones shows just how difficult reaching consensus could be stopped at al-jazeera. my has been himself up near a cricket stadium in the afghan capital killing at least three people it happened outside the couple international cricket stadium as a tournament was under way two police officers and one civilian died in the attack the country's cricket board says all players say. still ahead on al-jazeera
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rebuilding their lives despite. nigerian strive for peace after three years of conflict and in sports we'll hear from the man in charge of formula one about his plans to give more to a world title shot. welcome back we'll look at the weather across the americas the remnants from still just showing up in the satellite imagery is still a little bit of rain around generally though as we look at the forecast weather conditions looking generally fine across many central and eastern areas there with new york looking at some sunshine has a twenty five on friday but of that stage across the northwest we've got some really intense rainfall some snow opposer the higher ground as well further south
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it should be fine for los angeles highs of twenty three now moving down into the caribbean well though we've lost erma jose is still very much there a category one hurricane just spiraling around and around going nowhere fast but probably close enough to the bahamas to give some problems with surf and rip currents so be careful if you're in that area otherwise for a few showers across the islands which you could truly do without at the moment moving out through the isthmus there are a few showers around but generally not looking too bad for many areas of the yucatan peninsula could see some pretty heavy rain at times moving into south america it's looking quite lively shower wise across north western areas it's also got this frontal system which is giving rain across argentina through up into paradise and showers for bolivia so head on through into friday that frontal system moves through a bit further towards the north much cooler weather expected innocent. a deadly attack destroyed her family and left her badly wounded. the long time
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from gaza to california and little girls journey of love through adversity. progress should become our family. that would touch the hearts of the people around her ever i was excited to come but when i saw the situation. on al-jazeera world at this time until now the coverage of latin america that most of the world was about covering khuda todd's tragedies of quakes and that was it but not wow people feel how they look how they think and that's what we do with. five and a half months of demanding a good education system that was introduced to. latin america as have the fill a void that needed to be filled. you're
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watching al-jazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour the u.n. security council has called for an immediate end to the violence against will hinge on muslims in me and mock any four hundred thousand people have fled to neighboring bangladesh door hinges say they're facing prosecution while the mit my in my army claims it's taking action against armed groups. eight people have died from hurricane after a nursing home in florida lost power during the storm it's believed they suffered heat stroke when the building lost its air conditioning. as syrian troops advanced and i still held dead and so are more talks to end the war in syria is set to begin
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on thursday it's the sixth round of talks in the capital a cousin brokered by russia turkey and iran and saying that implementing a lasting cease fires in so-called deescalation zones. it's been one hundred days since four arab states began a blockade against qatar sparking a diplomatic crisis saudi arabia the united arab emirates back rain on egypt accuse qatar of supporting extremism extremism which it denies saudi arabia usually takes the lead in gulf affairs but what's interesting this time is the prominence of the u.a.e. . looks at the roles of the key players. busy times for qatar's foreign minister. a man. has traveled the world to rally support for qatar neighboring saudi arabia the u.a.e. as well as egypt imposed a sea air and land blockade on june the fifth and cut diplomatic ties to.
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the river to continue the sardine lead quarter insists qatar must meet a list of thirteen demands that include closing a turkish military base scaling down ties with iran and shutting down the al-jazeera network while saudi arabia is a powerful player some think it's the u.a.e. that leads the push to further isolate qatar the u.a.e. do not believe in the same values that qatar believes and they don't believe that we should have a foreign and security policy that looks at the middle east. tries to reform the middle east in the way to create social political inclusion governance or freedom of speech the u.a.e. have taken a different approach they believe that the middle east can only be stable and resilient when it's run by or through tearin dictatorship the emir of qatar spoke to saudi arabia's crown prince on friday after agreeing on resolving the crisis
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saudi arabia backtracked and suspended further talks the u.a.e. scrum principle. is widely seen as the man with a huge influence. over mohammed and the relatively inexperienced saudi crown prince. has turned towards the u.a.e. as a role model to say well how can we reform saudi arabia to make it more sustainable resilient in the future and it has been somewhat become mentor as the crisis drags on kuwait's emir who is mediating the dispirit recently told us president donald trump that a solution is just a matter of time we have also seen some changes in the american position softened especially by president. compared to his positions in the early days of the crisis i think he started to be
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a little more balanced this was clear in his press conference with the emir of kuwait talking about the unity of the gulf countries and all united. with its encounter with countering extremism and terrorism in the region but if diplomacy fails to heal the rift the fear is further regional instability. you carries multibillion dollar arms sales to saudi arabia have been the focus of protests and arms fire currently on in london with concerns british weaponry is being used against civilians in yemen almost manufacturers and bars from across the world are attending the four day event and there's nothing bob or reports activists are increasingly using social media as well as more traditional methods to get their message across. export. kingdom is meant to look like a car adverts rather burnished aluminum. made in
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britain. dropped off. but this video by save the children is aimed at getting the u.k. to stop arms exports to saudi arabia over its bombing campaign in yemen joe bloggs on the story doesn't know what's going on and not shying full and so i think what we're really hoping today is that this isn't just a one off that it's video. you know more activism going forward and more people being on this and more people have their voices heard the videos being released on social media to coincide with a huge arms fair taking place in london. in the run up to the show peace activists staged a series of protests nearby and made sure it was all along. some closed down access roads. bridges and. others former members of the armed forces try to get delivery trucks
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checked for illegal equipment such as land mines which have been sold at previous events it is a great crime chicken to try to preserve a convention if you're thinking straight. obstructed in total more than one hundred people girl arrested getting the story into the mainstream media there's been a whole week of activities and direct actions here and many involved were no they won't. actually happening just down the road they have managed to slow down equipment getting into the site and perhaps just as importantly they've raised awareness not far away a different kind of protest and makeshift art gallery highlighting the arms trade with a new work by british artist banksy as topical as ever organizers say only ten percent of londoners know about the arms fair and that needs to change. and they go out time and time again. different approach so. perhaps.
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target a different audience people. questioning. the events the. boy whose political video mash ups have been seen by millions on you tube well these people may already be on their site they're aiming to reach a new audience on social media. al-jazeera london the us republican house speaker paul ryan says he doesn't believe deporting so-called dreamers is in the country's best interests president donald trump wants to dismantle obama era legislation which protects hundreds of thousands of immigrants who entered the u.s. illegally as children it's a decision which has sparked outrage across the u.s. . i do believe that that taking these eight hundred thousand kids out to countries that they've probably not been to since they were toddlers. in countries that speak languages they may not even know is not in our nation's interest so i do believe
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that there's got to be a solution to this problem but at the same time i think it's only reasonable it makes perfect common sense that we deal with the problem that was the root cause of this which is we do not have operational control of our borders the u.s. government has ordered its departments and agencies to remove russian made. products from their information systems the department of homeland security says it's concerned the cyber security company has ties to state sponsored cyber espionage activities in russia because it is deny the allegations saying it has no ties to the kremlin and is not involved in cyber espionage the president of the european commission has delivered an upbeat state of the union address saying the e.u. is back on track after britain's vote to leave jungle and young said the economic recovery and unity between the members means europe is now ready to move forward all of this leads me to believe. you know six
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we have now the window of opportunity but if you look. let us make the most of the moment. you know six. spain's public prosecutor has ordered a criminal investigation into more than seven hundred mayors who are backing an independence referendum in catalonia is ordered police to arrest the mayors if they don't turn up for questioning that alone is government insists the poll will go ahead on october first despite the spanish supreme court ruling it illegal most mayors are allowing public buildings to be used for the vote but they're being threatened with charges of civil disobedience abuse of office and misuse of public funds attacks by boko haram have left a trail of destruction throughout northeast nigeria and out of our state to the army forced out of the armed groups fighters three years ago when the government
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control restored families are now returning home to find their villages and towns destroyed gas and so i reports on how people are trying to rebuild their lives their town of nietzsche keyser reminder of when boko haram controlled this area for several months around two years ago charges were destroyed so banks entire neighborhoods where we do used to rubble. or government strikes. government offices that were in this compound are just beginning to be rebuilt i do realize who had fled coming back and the town is starting to thrive again. after the town was taken back by the government we returned but found nothing we had lost so much but now some of us are getting back our. fire do you know sir and has seven children returned two months ago this is what remains of the home she shared with her husband who she says was killed by. her neighbors helped her
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resettle in a new home. we had nowhere to stay so neighbors house that has for a while then they contributed money to help my family and i many people who were displaced from towns and villages and state eager to get on with their lives but several thousand who remain in camps in the state capital yola aren't so sure this is one of the few remaining camps in. the nigerian military has most of the areas controlled by a few years back and now the government wants people to go back but those here. are still unsafe most of those areas are in neighboring borno state and as a rounded by boko haram in the fight for an islamic state the displaced receive help from nonprofit organizations such as the civil society qualification for poverty eradication. to government at all levels of the national level
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is to say the citizens of this country regardless of what. i mean or whatever the find themselves first and foremost julien's gives them the right and privilege to do well in any location wherever they choose to stay in this country the government says the bill to repair the war damage in the northeast is nine billion dollars fadi is confident that she will soon rebuild her home and her life but some scars such as the killing of her husband will never heal catherine sorry al-jazeera adamawa state in north nigeria. tension over north korea's nuclear program has led to a dispute over education in japan north korean students there are ten schools that received support from pyongyang they've lost a lawsuit against the japanese government's decision to withhold the school's subsidies quickly some reports from tokyo. this is no
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ordinary school in japan it's north korean. established a year after the second world war six hundred korean students study here almost half of them are of north korean descent. when japan colonized just more than seventy years ago the people there migrated to japan and some were forced to move into excruciating work a coal mines and installing railways high school tuition fees here cost around three hundred twenty dollars a month for each student while north korea distributes money to help offset these fees it leaves a shortfall in twenty ten japan democratic party began subsidy scheme but in that same year north korea launched an artillery attack on a south korean island and the application process for korean schools in japan was temporarily suspended. two years later the government. placed a total ban on north korean schools receiving the subsidies that led sixty two
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former students of the pro pyongyang school to suit the japanese government but the take your district court has ruled against the students. i am outraged and sad it was an un forgivable ruling that was made because of political pressure and it encourages discrimination rather than. the children's right to education should be guaranteed that's why this ruling is unjust and bringing in diplomacy all together made this ruling unfair the government told the court it excluded the north korean schools from the jewish n y biscayne because of the schools close relationships with north korea and because the schools couldn't provide enough evidence that they were being operated correctly view ultimately supported by the tokyo district court. many blame the recent crisis for the judgment that the japanese we spoke to support subsidies for the north koreans if ethnic korean residents in japan are going to live in japan for their lifetime i
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think the government should guarantee or support their educational fees but if they're going back to north korea or if their nationality is north korean i don't think japan needs to do it law suits have been filed in five courts across japan in july a court in hiroshima ruled for the government for two weeks later in a saka the students one or two cases still to be heard the students in tokyo say they will launch an appeal against the ruling craig leeson al-jazeera tokyo. a robot has made its debut conducting a world class orchestra the swiss to sign the yumi led the look of monaco orchestra to open the first international festival of robotics in the italian city of pisa you'll be managed to upstaged. by the orchestra as regular conductor says he's not too concerned about losing his job any time soon we basically had to find time to understand he's movements then when we found the way everything was pretty easy and
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the flexibility of the arms of you me is absolutely unthinkable not even incredible unthinkable for a machine it is absolutely fantastic and the technician were fantastic just to to make everything perfect especially in the length and in the speed of the gesture which is very important there's a standoff in the u.s. over driverless vehicles congress and the top administration want to get more of these cars on the roads quickly but a federal safety agency is warning that more regulation is needed before that happens diane estabrook reports. u.s. transportation secretary elaine chao released voluntary guidelines on driverless vehicles that give auto companies more flexibility in developing them our goal at the department of transportation is to help usher in this new era of transportation innovation and safety ensuring that our country remains
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a global leader and autonomous technology the new guidelines are scaled back from the ones the obama administration announced last year they're also at odds with the recommendations the national highway traffic safety administration rolled out on the same day it wants a more active role in regulating driverless vehicles by making car companies install more safeguards the agency made the recommendation after finding that an inattentive drivers over reliance on an automated system contributed to a fatal crash last year silk driving cars are an evolving technology and manufacturers are racing to mass produce them mr speaker i rise in support of this bill h.r. thirty three eighty eight the shelf drive act last week the house of representatives passed legislation that could get them on highways more quickly by blocking individual states regulations automakers including ford and general motors are
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applauding that legislation and the new transportation department guidelines but consumer groups are urging caution hoping regulators can provide a safe roadmap before they roll out of dealerships dian us to brooke al-jazeera. still ahead in sports the heifetz that helped decide who would reach the semifinals of the asian champions league.
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it's colorful is provocative and it's designed to show the very personal toll the
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gulf crisis is having on the people of qatar five qatar artists have covered the walls of what was once old fire station with graffiti then a home reports. five artists one building and just days that's how long a handful of qatari artists head to create this explosion of color and symbolism to mark a hundred days of the saudi blockade on cutter was a big challenge. in days. to explain. we spent. three nights without sleep. thank you so much. the old fire station now the canvas for five larger than life. that these artists could turn around on this scale and in just ten days goes some way to explaining the feeling here they say it forced them to create from the heart
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explaining an overwhelming sense of grievance and injustice that other gulf nations could seek to impose their will on all people and cattle. to be honest because i'm not really angry that's why i've said the whole situation because. we are family we have families brothers sisters cousins or other relatives we have and other countries around us. but there is a sense of optimism too we will take the lessons of from our mistakes and we will start over but we will start strong this time. like this piece featuring twenty different characters to represent everyone in qatar locals and expects alike all standing in solidarity against the blockade maybe on the hand al jazeera now here's andy with a sport thank you very much for the olympic double deal is finally done paris and
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los angeles have been confirmed as the hosts of the twenty twenty four and twenty twenty eight summit games respectively i.o.c. president thomas back made the announcement and olympic meeting in peru helmick reports. the decision everybody knew about has finally been confirmed the capital of france paris to host the twenty twenty four olympics while los angeles in the united states with staged event four years later it's a deal that suits all parties particularly the i.o.c. who have struggled to track to building cities in the end just paris and l.a. were left with depressed grown and hamburg all pulling out these win win win situation paris was in jail as the olympic movement it's the third time paris will be hosting the games and twenty twenty four marks the hundred years since the last stage there and while other candidates quit
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the race due to cost concerns apparently they will use the olympics to regenerate one of the poorest parts of the city with barry's twenty twenty four. hour project on sharing. sharing the passion of an open celebration magical city. it would be lympics number three for l.a. with the last game of the us being one thousand nine hundred six in atlanta the organizers now have eleven years to convince the locals that pouring money into the game is money well spent we don't perceive the twenty twenty games as eleven years in the future we know that the games with your help begin today with the host city for the thumber lympics lockdown for more than a decade vo thi now have to make a fix this next year's winter games in failed korea so well malik al-jazeera was not just the location of next year's winter games that may be concerning olympic bosses brazilian police are now investigating claims votes were bought so when the
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right to host the twenty sixteen at rio games our sports correspondent lee wellings says the i.o.c. has some serious issues to address. as always yes i mean we thought we'd moved on from years ago the clean up of the salt lake city again there are allegations of vote by yet again we see a big governor thomas bach while the likes that but use of the free hates comparisons with favre but talking about bad apples things always pinned and blamed on individuals there are bad apples at our organization or how many bad apples do you need until an organization itself is bad there has been plenty of problems within the i.o.c. and it's almost box way of dealing with this is often just a brush over done as if no these aren't a problem at all we saw it so much with rio in the real difficulties they had with those games these bombs are not going to go away or to what isn't going to go away as well the situation in south korea he says there's no plan b. with the tensions with north korea well there better be
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a plan because the situation is not looking that going to the moment and you can't just sweep these things under the carpet real difficulties for them but one of the business of that this is that was confirmed in peru are all real madrid's bid for a third straight champions league title is started in fairly predictable fashion and easy win is against apple and they can see and christiane arnaldo central to a three nil when he scored twice one of them a penalty he's now scored twelve times from the spot in the competition and that is a record little baldry two two at home a survey on their return to the competition for that good senior came off the bench to make his first appearance of the season for liverpool in that one man city were big winners in the netherlands beating fi in order for shots of beating at napoli to one pole so they lost three want to home against the ship task of turkey and a couple of goals from harry kane helping talkin to i three one win over pressure dortmund. era were reds are through to the semifinals of the asian champions league
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after a big turnaround in their last eight side they were trailing three one from the first leg against fellow japanese team kawasaki fronts how this game was poised at one one when this happened and how they play it sent off. not surprisingly that the tie in the reds favor they went on to win four want. that gave them a five four aggregate victory. or was the standout performance of the world eleven as they beat pakistan with just a ball to spare in the second t twenty of a three match series the match marks a return of big time credits pakistan with armor hitting an unbeaten seventy two to help his side overhaul pakistan's one hundred and seventy four no major test team is top pakistan since a gun attack on the sri lankan team in two thousand and nine pakistan hope this series will be a first step towards hosting a global cricket events in the not too distant future. let's get through this into
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a live hopefully teams visiting pakistan. and i'm sure in a couple of years time we can start talking about those and you know see that. the man in charge of formula one says he plans to introduce reforms that will ensure more teams have a shot at title success chase carey was soaking in singapore ahead of sunday's rice their character covers the process of f one of the start of the season he believes the hoffa billion dollar a year budget of leading teams like miss avies and ferrari is too high just a nuclear arms race it's not creating a better product is reality creating a worse product because you're creating two classes of competitors ones that spend a fraction of that and therefore can't really compete in the same way so we've got to help our sponsor help our teams it's part of having again a shared vision of our teams you know both make the sport you know it's more of the track more competitive and make team ownership healthier and kennedy go often has taken a jab at the recent mayweather mcgregor fight he says his world middleweight title
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bounce against silken alvarez will be the biggest fights in boxing the pats have arrived in vegas ahead of saturday's contest and while the fight is unlikely to generate the six hundred million dollars mayweather stated it's a contest many pyrrhus of the whites in four can i was only suffered one loss in forty nine that defeat against my weather undefeated in thirty seven ok that is i suppose looking for now more lights and stay with us i'll be back with more in a moment spy for the.
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let's talk about now. right now. right now is happening so fast. you can barely keep up with it. right now we've got clowns protecting rhinos. on mobile technology finding clean water not tomorrow not five years in the future. but now. in a disaster the internet can be restored by a truck. in a minute this truck can drive itself and right now this child is being treated by a doctor from six thousand miles away this is science not fiction and cisco networks are making it happen now. because when everything is securely connected anything is possible and there's never been a better time to change the way. to
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. measure. i call on the myanmar also to suspend its military action basing a catastrophe the un chief just me and to end the violence against that kind state .


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