tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 16, 2017 5:00am-6:01am AST
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secret one used investigate sexual misconduct inside the most powerful institution in the philippines at this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. and. this is al-jazeera. hello i'm rob matheson and this is the news our live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes north korea if i was to achieve an equity librium of force with
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the united states even as the u.n. time as its latest missile launch highly provocative. attack may be. the british prime minister raises the u.k.'s terror threat level to critical as police hunt for suspects behind fightings london tube attack. the iraqi kurdish part of the votes to back an independence referendum despite international opposition. and in sports the international olympic committee insists again that there's no plan b. for february's pyong china winter games after north korea fires its latest missile . that we begin this program with global reaction to north korea's latest a ballistic missile test the international community is still scrambling to react to friday. but the north korean leader is adopting a defiant tone in
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a statement king jong un says the final goal is to achieve and librium of force with the united states north korean media says kim personally oversaw the launch of the twelve missile the un security council has condemned the missile test calling it highly provocative and a threat to all u.n. members russia is pledging to implement the latest round of sanctions but it's being joined by china and france in pushing for talks as the only way to resolve the crisis yet u.s. president donald trump may have other ideas in a speech to troops he emphasized that military options were also available mike hanna has this report from washington d.c. usa a poll celebrates its seventieth anniversary and here to address the troops and their families president makes clear the air force may have a role to play in addressing the undoing north korea crisis after seeing your
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capabilities and commitment here today i am more confident than ever that our options in addressing this thread are both effective and overwhelming. earlier speaking at the white house the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. emphasize that sanctions could still be an effective weapon if you look at the resolutions that have passed in the last month or two of them they cut thirty percent of the oil they banned all the labors they banned ninety percent of the exports they banned joint ventures we've basically taken in the words of north korea we have strangled their economic situation at this point that's going to take a little bit of time but it has already started to take effect the national security adviser agreed but stressed diplomacy was not the only option these sanctions are just now taking effect what's really important is rigorous enforcement of those nations so that we can let the economic actions and diplomacy
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progress as best we can but i think we ought to make clear what's different about this approach is is that we're out of time right as investor hill he said before you know we've been kicking the can down the road and we're out of road and so for those who have said and it been commenting about the lack of a military option there is a military option following yet another north korean missile launch despite several rounds of sanctions the u.s. is clearly exploring other options and while the north korean leader may watch admiringly he could soon be facing u.s. action planned by the secretary of defense rather than the ambassador to the united nations mike hanna al-jazeera washington or rather than jordan has more on the latest diplomatic developments at the u.n. in new york the first question reporters had what will the security council do about north korea the british ambassador to the u.n. said not so fast the existing sanctions need to be fully implemented we only passed
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them on monday the latest round and i call on old. countries in the world particularly the countries with the closest links and the largest trade flows with north korea to implement those sanctions completely the u.s. has been calling on china and russia to use their leverage with people and young but the russian ambassador to the u.n. said there might be another option we were discussing for a while that it in a vicious circle where. it is a mission a provocation like ation that is addition then another publication and we were going to play things many people raised an issue that we have to think maybe out of the books north korea will be topic one during the high level week at the u.n. general assembly but it's not clear that there will be any breakthroughs in anything just a lot of discussions on the way forward u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson has emphasized the importance of working with
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other nations to deal with north korea as we consider the best offense posed by a hostile regime in north korea the least free nation on the planet we for should look to our regional allies south korea and japan by working with them and other democratic partners we continue to build consensus at the united nations security council to grade a united international front that upholds our values and strives to make us safer but north korea is not a global threat and it requires a global response from all nations ok let's talk to under thomas he's joining us live from seoul china's had a strong response to the u.s. warnings of military action this is adding yet another level of invective to all of this is not. well that's right when you heard them they're saying that north korea was the least free nation on earth but also also outwardly at least
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a very united nation in the sense that there's one voice kim jong un's and he is projecting a single message and that is not what is coming from the international community you're hearing more and more rhetoric from the united states suggesting that military options austin will table but china really slapping that down they were saying that china is prepared to implement the u.n. security resolutions on north korea at the u.n. security council resolutions on north korea no more no less and they're saying that the u.s. should refrain from issuing threats over north korea and should instead do more to resume dialogue and negotiation that's the chinese ambassador to washington saying that about twelve hours ago now that is the issue that the international community has got it is not but one voice on this issue the u.n. security council resolution passed on monday call for sanctions there's no way in the world those sanctions of possibly had time to take effect yet they will take months to tighten the economic screws on north korea the united states seem to be saying then they're not prepared to wait months are not prepared to see how these
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sanctions work before they consider other options military options of course being what everybody is talking about but will china and russia even france go along with that it doesn't look likely and that really plays into the north korean hands and under in the last few hours of course defiant words from north korea as well how are they playing out in south korea. well north korea yes they put out a statement really confirming essential what we already knew it was a horse on twelve rock at the gulf on friday it flew very successfully the north koreans did exactly what they wanted and they now say that that missile is operationally ready and they are showing the big power chauvinists how our state attains the goal of completing its nuclear force despite their limitless sanctions and blockades and as you said earlier they are aiming for equal librium as they call it with the united states now of course none of that goes down well here in seoul south korea as well this city is right on the border thirty kilometers away from the border with north korea they've lived for many decades with the threat of conventional weapons but this really all taking the tension up many many not choose
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you wouldn't know it walking around the streets is still an air of complete carm in seoul but there is nervousness in the corridors of power here president moon who was always seen as a bit softer on north korea than his predecessor and there really firmed up his stance he's saying that talks are impossible with the north under current circumstances he's much more now in favor of the u.s. supplied missile defense system the third system of course when north korea launched its missile on friday south korea launched its own missed sile as if to punish north korea for its missile launch that actually fired in another direction they didn't want to provoke in they didn't want their missile launch to be provocations they fired theirs off into the sea but the point was they were saying they were watching that missile launch site they were ready for it and they had their own missile to go to destroy that launch site had they thought that north korean missile launch was done in anger so the south koreans are being more bullish than they have been but they are in a sense stuck between the aggressive posture of the united states and the more
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passive it is too strong a word but the more the chinese position which is much more about letting sanctions take their course and taking things through the international community south korea sit somewhere in between and that is a game that they're going have to play carefully over coming weeks under on that subject given the fact that it. is in this kind of middle ground position do you think that south korea is in any way feeling a bit trapped about what it can do or are we likely to see it changing its defensive policy in the coming months in the face of the sanctions that are coming into place where south korea has what it calls a three pillar approach to north korea it wants to know it wants north korea to know that it is ready to take out a nuclear or a missile launch site preemptively if necessary it does have its satellite imagery it is watching these launch sites and it wants it to know that it's prepared if it thinks is about to be attacked to attack first that's number one second it's prepared to take down
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a missile in flight and third it is prepared to punish that's their word punish north korea with overwhelming force were it to launch an attack so it's always had this posture but they're now being talked about more actively by the president and by others they've always been in the background before now they're coming to the foreground the south korea though it's an interesting position that they're in because the conventional weapons of always been there always been threatened by the north by those when nuclear weapons changes the positions for south korea is concerned is what does it do when it talks these are the it's relationship with the united states specifically in the past if north korea had in any way attacked south korea south korea could be pretty confident that the united states would come to its defense with overwhelming force because it knew the united states the north korea couldn't hurt it the united states if north korea has long range nuclear missiles the calculation changes a little bit can south korea be as confident that the united states is going to come to say if it's invaded say by the north if there is a risk of
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a nuclear weapon landing in los angeles that is where the calculation changes and that is where things are difficult here in terms of what to do next thomas live for us in seoul entrepreneur thank you very much indeed. ok twenty more ahead on the news hour including the price of freedom the hefty cost many muslims have to pay to flee the violence in me and. sierra leone looks to help the children left off and after last month's deadly mudslides and in sports a new engine for one of formula one's most famous teams peter is going to have more on that story. ok the british prime minister has raised the u.k.'s terror threat level from severe to critical after an explosive device detonated on a london underground train to resume says she took the decision on advice from
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security officials twenty nine people were injured in the incident which happened at one of the busiest times of the morning barnaby phillips has the latest from london. it happened on london's underground eight twenty in the morning the height of the rush hour if this was a deliberate attack and that's what the police believe it was time to cause maximum casualties. this is what we believe caused the explosion just as the train came in to pass in the screen station a bucket still in flames moments later when a passenger on the train filmed it on that camera. but the damage to the surrounding carriage is slight perhaps someone intended this to be a much more serious attack injured and frightened people fled the station some had burns there was panic several people rushed to hospital most immediately arriving in the air. people shell shocked and when i asked what happened they talked about
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an explosion in one of the carriages and five yeah but the big three one of the carriages we had a back and all of a sudden a fireball just came. and it was so hot and it just involves the whole. defies just calming everybody screaming. and we run out and. we just we were right at the end of the cheap so we just we just jumped the fences and just ran. this is a leafy residential part of west london a long way from the city center so people who live around here are surprised and alarmed that something like this has happened and the police have sealed off a large area around parsons green tube station meaning an awful lot of disruption to people's lives we are treating the matter as a terrorist related incident and the metropolitan police counterterrorism command will take responsibility for that investigation the private a star held an emergency security beating the joint terrorism analysis center has
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now decided to raise the national threat level from severe to critical this means that their assessment is that further attack may be imminent for this period military personnel will replace police officers on guard. checked at sites which are not accessible to the public public will see more on the transport network and on our streets providing extra protection recent attacks in london and in manchester have put the british authorities on heightened alert. around the world trade attacks back in two thousand and five the so-called seven seven attacks in which more than fifty people died. but the advice from politicians and the police is for people to go about their daily lives and across this vast city today that's what most londoners are doing to be phillips al jazeera pass in the street in london. when not long after the attack in london donald trump again weighed in from
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across the atlantic the u.s. president tweeted that the attack was done by a loser terrorist he went on to call the person sick and demented people and then claimed scotland yard already had the suspects in its sights then went on to say the loser terrorists must be dealt with in a much tougher manner the internet is their main recruitment tool he said which we must cut off and use better then refers to his travel ban from six muslim majority countries saying it should be far larger tougher and more specific but he said stupidly that would not be politically correct trunk's comments on the investigation haven't gone down well in britain when prime minister theresa may was asked directly about the tweets this is what she said i never think it's helpful for anybody to speculate on what is an ongoing investigation as i've just said the
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police and security services are working to discover the full circumstances of this cowardly attack and all those responsible arsalan iftikhar as a human rights lawyer and a senior fellow at georgetown university's bridge initiative he's on skype for us now from chicago thank you very much for your time sir what do you make of the comments donald trump has made about this attack me compared to comments he's made about previous attacks both in the u.k. and the u.s. and the timing of them. well i think it shows donald trump's islamophobia a double standard when it comes to terrorism you know obviously. the bombing today in the london tube you wasted no time in jumping to conclusions as you mention something that even conservative prime minister theresa may call the unhelpful but he was glaringly silent when there were new your nazi protesters and white supremacist terrorists in charlottesville virginia where he wanted to be much more
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deliberate in getting the facts on both sides and what this clearly clearly shows rob is that when there are acts of terrorism that fit where the perpetrators fit his worldview then he is almost in a kneejerk you know. reactive state but when it is not the people that he usually likes to condemn then he will be much more deliberate about his statements there is some speculation that these statements may have come out so strongly because of course mr trump president trump is under fire back in the u.s. for reaching out to democrats in order to get the immigration bill through that he's currently working on do you think that perhaps he's been trying to just deflect attention from that and using this as an opportunity to do so well rob i don't think the president donald trump's political calculus is that advanced to be quite honest with you again i just think it shows the islamophobia double standard
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you know in in june of this year you know there was a white terrorist in the united kingdom who drove was then implode into a parishioner and worshipers at that since very park mosque in london and we didn't hear a word from donald trump again he only tends to. respond very quickly when brown muslims happen to be the perpetrators of crimes and not when brown muslims happen to be the victims of the same crimes. so we appreciate your time thank you very much indeed arsalan iftikhar from georgetown georgetown university thank you thank you the united states is urging the kurdish regional government to call off an independence referendum expected to be voted on later this month the vote took place during the first session of parliament since it was suspended two years ago it comes despite opposition from iraq iran and turkey the u.s. is calling on the codes to enter into dialogue with the iraqi government warning the referendum could spark more violence in the region imran khan is in the bill
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with more. it's already been described as a historic occasion because his palm and of voted yes on the referendum and so what happens now is that the independent high electoral commission will be tossed with running the referendum on the twenty fifth and it's been signed into law now let me just this is a politician. this is a story occasion for you yeah it is actually it is a historical session of the kurds in parliament since there is this a parliament in ninety two today we supported. holding. a referendum in the in the kurdistan region and also disputed areas so we delegated the commission to the high commission independent commission of elections and referendum in kurdistan region to hold elections on the twenty fifth of september two thousand and seventeen let's just talk about the disputed region states going to happen. that's baghdad is federal iraqi territory the kurds have
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a claim on it as well you've already sent troops to the region one of the big chair militias have said that any referendum there will be an act of aggression can you hold a referendum when there's that kind of tense atmosphere in kirkuk well we. try our best to avoid any act of dispute or any act of conflict but these areas are practically under control of kurdistan region and in those areas there were some there was supposed we were supposed to have a referendum no later than december two thousand and seven that never happened that was according to the confusion so went back to that does not respect the constitution we have to come up with a solution referendum is the very democratic way of involving people in this decision making this decision is going to be the decision of the people of disputed areas and people of for some reason. the same tough thank you very much so you heard it that it's going to take place encourage the kurds clearly very confident
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but let me just show you the sign here it says kurdistan parliament iraq what the kurds have been looking for now is to remove iraq from that sign. feisal is the body is a former iraqi ambassador to the united nations and he's currently director of the center of the study of middle east at indiana university he's joining us now on skype from bloomington thank you very much for being with us kurdish officials have previously said that a yes vote for independence wouldn't necessarily immediately move them towards independence but it would strengthen their hand in negotiations with iraq why should that be a concern for iraq. well in fact it is going to weaken their hand in iraq it is going to make the case for kodesh parliamentarians and for kurdish ministers and. much more difficult to make we have federal elections in two thousand and eighteen it's going to be very difficult after this
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referendum for a case to be made that the code just on the region should be represented in those elections s. and in fact as your correspondent pointed out the referendum is being held in areas which the kurds moved into. to avoid eisold taking. and there is of course a united nations principle against the acquisition of territory by force in any event these territories are in fact iraq a federal territory not subject to legislation by the parliament it raises the temperature rather than lower that makes solving the problem more difficult it makes resolving the disputes over territories far more difficult and far more consequential because rather than talking about coke being whether in the kurdistan
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region or not but still a part of iraq it now raises the specter that it is potentially going to be wrecked out of iraq it makes the stakes much higher how much of this is an issue that is confined to within iraq's borders and the relation its relationship with a potentially independent kurdish region and how much of it is related to the kurds relationships to other countries in the region. well i mean you can see that every country in the region more or less. exception and that's israel which happens not to border iraq or the coastal region of iraq but all the bordering states the arab states by by consensus vote in the arab league choky and iran the united states the united kingdom the united nations the european union france germany. italy have all said the timing could not be worse
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so this has in fact. galvanize the international community and in particular the regional states turkey has a large kodesh population you don has a large kurdish population independence for the kurds in iraq will be seen as an existential threat certainly in turkey and almost certainly in iran as well so this could spiral out of control into a regional conflict that can't consume us all it does look as though this vote is going to go ahead and the they are going to push for some form of independence at some point what pressure can iraq and other countries bring to bear other than what they're already doing to encourage the kurds to. consider another option. well i think that we may have gone past that point but one presumes that there are
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economic issues the one one of the fundamental problems of the codes have you see is that there that an independent kurdistan is not economically viable. they have been keeping one hundred percent of the revenues of cooks oil in the last two years they even though baghdad has been paying the salaries of oil workers and they the united states has been paying for the salaries of the the code to study national guard. etc etc. yet the codes are significantly behind even in salaries are places where for instance in the last two years salaries have only been paid over four months it's simply not economically viable forgive me for interrupting you will end on that note that it is that you think it's not economically viable feisal is to body former iraqi ambassador to the
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united nations thank you so much for your time thank you. still ahead on al-jazeera the emir of qatar says he's ready for dialogue and the gulf crisis but the solution must be acceptable to all parties. plus the grand finale after a twenty year journey nasa is cassini spacecraft plunges toward saturn. and play has resumed adults as young championship in france peter will tell you who has taken the lead. by the springtime flower of a mountain lake. to the first snowfall. typhoon docked sciri has now made landfall across central parts of vietnam a final warning has been issued for the storm as we can very quickly as it's pushed its way into the central areas and it will continue to work diminish somewhat as we
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go on through the next couple of days a week. for typhoon tallinn which will make its way towards japan by around sunday you can see the very active winds on the system there pushing further northwards and a switch in terms of those things and wet weather for a good part of indochina as we go on through sas day not too much to say that by the time we come to sunday the west the weather will of east off it'll push over towards northern thailand also into myanmar further south while the showers continue across southeast asia more lively showers there into the philippines from time to time the the big swathe of cloud that does remain around thailand coming down as those northern sections of malaysia some. possibility. going on into sunday you can see the western weather that just around thailand turning up the heavy showers that we have into parts of the goal line the showers into central and southern parts of india as well further north is warm in new delhi thirty three.
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the weather sponsored by cattle and raise. cancer a diagnosis that used to be a little bit behind the terrorist cells and they means test them are battling what we're trying to do is really energize them insist that it's like a rocket that can recognize the cell says like a heat seeking missile finding the cancer probably that's exactly what you've had some pretty amazing results on this you know they're making it look you know you know techno this time although does either. north korea's nuclear program. humanitarian crises around the world. wars in yemen iraq and theory issues global leaders will grapple with in new york. as world leaders get ready to meet some new faces will be joining this year's
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biggest u.n. of the. joint for extensive coverage of the u.n. general assembly. you're watching al-jazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour in a statement north korean leader kim jong un has vowed to continue his country's nuclear program despite u.n. sanctions he said the final goal is to achieve an equitably of force with the united states north korean media say kim personally oversaw the launch of a song twelve missile. but in its terror threat level has been raised from severe to critical of so an explosive device detonated on
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a london underground train twenty nine people were injured in the incident which happened one of the busiest times of the morning u.k. prime minister to lisa may is warning a further attack may be imminent. russia iran and turkey have agreed to a new deescalation zone in syria's northern province the agreement was reached at the sixth round of talks in the capital as donna trafford reports. after two days of talks in a standard agreement on a full so-called deescalation zone in syria. the united nations special envoy says consensus on ending the fighting was final as a means of complimenting un brokered talks in geneva focused on the political future of syria we really welcome disagreement today because we have been always pushing forward this coalition that's what the people of here been asking and the fact of being a new area. it will show but the escalation of fighting in italy presents
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a particular challenge the international community and the syrian government say many of the groups indeed labor affiliated to al qaida and remain viable targets the syrian opposition delegation agrees and says they are committees to fighting terrorist organizations but they are against the inclusion of iranian troops in monitoring the deescalation zones originally the interview under the pretext of keeping something shreyas then they got the militias and now with their numbers in thousands and now the russians turned them into going to two years and one day out in these posts monitoring news that what you see so you want and they are not for keeping an achievable through it as a pretext their plan the head of the russian delegation says exactly where the iranian russian and turkish monitors will be stationed needs to be discussed but
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iran has a right to be involved in a new alert system to go to the iranians have on to a country for the last time a process it's experts were invited to syria by they needed to meet syrian government that's why they had the right to use their office service doing to the situation to the escalation is on there has been a reduction in fighting in the deescalation zone since the plan began to be implemented for a half months ago now russia says that along with the u.s. and jordan that already represented here as observers. countries may soon be involved all talks are scheduled here for october and it's hoped that in the interim conference room played g.'s are acted upon by all parties in a bid to try and end the violence in these deescalation zones where it's believed around two and a half million people have endured six years of war. al-jazeera stana three children have been killed and eleven people have been wounded during
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shelling in the yemeni city of tire he's local rights groups say the who the militia was responsible for the shelling in a busy area of the city the hospital treating the wounded have called for blood donations the u.n. says yemen's two and a half year conflict has killed more than ten thousand people french president emanuel knock on has called for the saudi allied blockade of qatar to be lifted he made the comments following a meeting with the emir of qatar who is on his first foreign trip since the diplomatic crisis began in june and which is included germany john holl has more from paris. beginning in lynn on his way to the u.n. general assembly in new york an opportunity for the emir of qatar to lobby european capitals for support in reaching a political solution to the gulf crisis what had definite and we talked about the readiness of qatar to sit down at the table and to discuss and solve the issue we
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think germany for its effort and also i think the chancellor of germany to solve the problems around the negotiating table we think you for your support of the kuwait initiative which got her supporters since the beginning and will continue supporting it until we get the solution to such fights all the parties and the emir took his offer of holding talks to paris where president emmanuel macron like chancellor merkel supports mediation efforts by kuwait and the united states and maybe even seek to join those efforts having appointed a special envoy in recent weeks in berlin earlier chancellor merkel spoke of the need for quiet diplomacy to run its course for both sides to find compromises allowing them to quote unquote save face well that's a sentiment that president back around here is unlikely to disagree with france has huge lucrative trade and investment deals with saudi arabia the u.a.e. and qatar it isn't going to take sides in this dispute but it's very interested in
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seeing it resolved a statement attributed to mccrone has called for a lifting of the saudi led him bargo on qatar discussions may well continue next week in new york journal al-jazeera paris. more than one hundred schoolgirls who were freed from boko haram captivity in may have been reunited with their families in nigeria on widens day the government held what it called a send forth event for the girls who were kidnapped by the group in two thousand and fourteen the girls went through months of rehabilitation before they went back to their families and now being sent to a boarding school in the nigerian city. has more from the capital. the decision to move the ghost to a boarding school in the north of the country instead of going directly to chibok was influenced by certain decisions once of course is sensibilities of to parents why yet to see or hear anything about their daughters held bible koran and then the security situation in the north of the country over the past few months we've seen
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a spike in quantum attacks. kidnappings and suicide bombings particularly in modern state although there is substantial military presence in chibok and surrounding communities to keep those communities safe stakeholders decided to move them directly to a boarding school where they will continue and this is coming at a time when the nigerian military is having to do with so many crisis across the country for example in the southeast of the country incidents between the security forces and a physician is a group of members of assistance units group independence peoples of the africa have erupted over the past few days we've seen videos emerging online of engagement between the military and i point members as well as members of the indigenous peoples of the africa attacking ethnic groups from other parts of the country in the southeast this has resulted in counter action or reaction in the north of the country in north central nigeria on thursday there were clashes between locals and
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that you both were mostly from the south east of the country and the government had to intervene by imposing an indefinite curfew that dusk to dawn curfew and to the situation improves thousands of orange muslim refugees continue to enter bangladesh every day they're fleeing me and from what the u.n. has called a textbook definition of ethnic cleansing but as masato reports from. southeast bangladesh four weeks into the crisis authorities are still not prepared for the influx. waiting for the boats to come. but for these rohingya refugees from myanmar there's still the not so small matter of haggling with the bangladeshi boatman not easy when you've got no local currency. in the like you like with flame because they're torturing and killing us on the other side we have to pay whatever the price of the protest no matter how high. some boatmen have been
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accused of charging exorbitant fees it's a touchy subject and. if i was to take money from here or here it would be a great shame i'm a muslim i'm not exposing anyone the boat and say they're risking their lives to bring refugees across with little support. of the security forces here tell us that so kind for us to bring refugees in and what we should do it discreetly if we do it openly i think it was trouble. this confusion is symptomatic of a dysfunctional relief effort this road on the very southeast tip of bangladesh is right now the main entry point for the refugees coming into the country but looking around here we're seeing little to no sign of any official aid whether from the government international aid agencies or local ones many of these people have been walking for days they finally crossed into the safety of bangladesh but they will have to keep on walking for another forty kilometers before they get any help local
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volunteers are trying to fill the gap. there i came from dhaka with a group of people to help out we're trying to get these people on the boats and tell them where they need to go and there is a man paid for the boat and this family can finally leave they join the almost half a million reindeer that's needed to have poured across the border in just the past four weeks marsar al-jazeera shop where the bangladesh. more than a thousand people were killed last month after flooding in a landslide hit sierra leone's capital freetown sierra leone's government say some four thousand children have been affected by the disaster and many of them are now or friends reports from freetown. in the chaos of august this landslide came a few miracles. one thousand months old that is one of them rescuers found him in the neck deep in mud much to his mother's relief.
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and i saw him alive my heart melted but when i heard his father had died in the mud my heart went. numb. the recovery effort has stopped an eerie silence hangs over this vast terrain hundreds of bodies still lie buried deep in the mud among the buildings destroyed were an orphanage with sixty children inside the church with seventy students studying and hundreds of family home this is a country still in mourning trying to come to terms with the sheer scale of the destruction . and you are some of the hundreds of children that have lost their parents in the much like they are now under the care of the don bosco orphanage in downtown freetown. them.
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listen to them many people. in the. night. children who suffered a brutal civil war and the recent bull the outbreak have found a place they call home here they receive counseling and attend school. volunteers say teenagers suffer the most too old to be called a child but too young to be considered an adult sixteen year old. fears for her future most young girls in sierra leone her age are married off i don't. know how. the others will stay here for another three months the government has promised to re house all of them by then but you homes will not take away their trauma after so much loss and destruction these are orphans who are uncertain with
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what lies ahead nicolas hawke al-jazeera freetown an entire police force has been fired in the philippines after allegations that were involved in the death of a teenager twelve hundred officers in the color concept the police force are to be replaced the department of justice has started an investigation into allegations that four policemen were linked to the murder of a seventeen year old student resident will be going to touch his crackdown on drugs which has left thousands dead eyes come under renewed scrutiny over recent months. you are still ahead in sports the son of one fighter takes it upon himself to defend his father's on it it is going to be here with the details. facing the reality the airspace that they have not does not belong to them it
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belongs to the international community getting to the heart of the matter they can understand how the chinese leadership you can't even stay here the story on and talk to how does it. this time. i really felt liberated as a journalist was. getting to the truth as i would that's what this job. a deadly attack destroyed her family and left her badly wounded. the last time from gaza to california and little girls journey and. i was very timid when she came over time progress she became our family. that would touch the hearts of the people around her. i was excited when i saw the situation. on al-jazeera wild at this time.
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every day more than eight hundred expectant mothers die from preventable birth related complications ninety nine percent of all these deaths occur in the developing countries poor young women in rural areas are at particular risk but they can be helped skilled care during and after childbirth can save lives. between one thousand nine hundred twenty fifteen maternal mortality globally dropped by forty four percent but in some parts of the world giving birth can be life threatening in nigeria about fifty thousand women die every year because of birth related complications it often happens while giving birth at home in the first of a three part series catherine sawyer reports from so cool too. bucky's sumanda is
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four months pregnant and wants to give birth in this government run special maternity clinic in socal to state its new and the only one offering women different options of getting bath including how they would at home but who has six other children half of them delivered at home chose the match right away. i want to give birth on the mats because it's comfortable and it's what i'm used to at home i think the nurses will take better care of me here in the united nations says one hundred forty five nigerian women die every day from birth related complications it's one of the highest rates in the walls this is one of the biggest hospitals and for women from coming here to have their babies many of. them because that's not. too far away. and.
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this woman's baby died a year ago because it to cut too long to get to hospital after she developed complications at home she says ignorance of the artistry of men are the biggest problems in conservative communities like cars. some husbands don't allow their wives to go to hospital i'm lucky that my husband allows me some women even think that at the hospital the doctors will injure them here garber and his wife is almost you listen kinley as a traditional path attendant and courage is them to go to hospital ali she also shows them how government supplied tools if for any reason she'll help deliver the baby at home. because i'm educated i understand her issues are important i will give one hundred percent support to any initiative that will help my wife and children doctors say the plan is to eventually have maternal health clinics in every village and involve the communities more. those villages and young girls from
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feel it. is that you have to from the village come over be treated in community and then go back to the community back at the guy the special clinic but he soon receives her first pre-birth consultation the midwife hopes she comes back to her baby is born some women never do catherine saw al jazeera nigeria and our series on maternal mortality continues on saturday i'm stunned france and reporting from indonesia where maternity deaths are among the highest in the region that's why the government is now training traditional midwives widely respected here but often use dangerous practices. and it's time for the sport here's peter thank you very much the international olympic committee has reiterated that there is no plan b. for next year's pyung chan winter olympics in south korea the softer north korea
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fired another missile over japan on friday the games are due to take place in february one hundred kilometers from the north korean border the i.o.c. is new head of ethics ban ki moon is confident the games will go ahead without a hitch but north korea's i.o.c. representative is not so sure. i hold but nobody knows. all the time politics. politics i'm not to minister of defense. the pyung takes less than six months away some progress has been made as far as russian state sponsored doping investigations around the sorts of games in twenty fourteen are concerned on friday the head of an investigation into the matter said evidence has been found to charge athletes. but when you have a part of document like this. and you have i don't know how many cases involved.
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you cannot do it and the you it you have to respect the procedure you have to. respect the presumption of you know. you cannot just say ah they were in. the russian. tennis now and australia have now leveled they davis cup semifinal to eye with opponents belgium australia's nick kiri also became belgian steve darcis the second friday singles the twenty two year old came from behind to eventually win the match in a five said six three three six six seven six one six two was the school. earlier in the day. had helped belgium take the early lead he came from a set down to beat john moment in the school days six seven six four six three seven five. meanwhile frenchman joe wilford tsonga had
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a slow start in the second of the semifinal clashes between france and serbia but tsonga came back strongly from the second set onwards became the seven six six three six three win against laszlo to draw france level with the serbian. and here is merely a semifinal match between france and serbia lukas last to do so and lawyer thank you for saying this. after the international break last week most of the world's top football leagues are back in action again we've already seen the u.a.e. for champions league and cup a limited audience earlier this week in the english premier league on friday born with a two one win over brighton and on saturday crystal palace and southampton will kick off the day's top of the table manchester city or away at watford city have had to do quite a bit of travelling having played away in the champions league on wednesday as well . so we'll be so demanding game especially for the game itself of the world to tell been especially just three games three days. in the three two
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can. travel to. our generation but so the big o. is to have two hundred action also resumes in the spanish league after the international break but similarly there are certain teams who were already on the pitch earlier in the week in the champions league or europa league now this group includes that later going madrid who are at home against malaga where one of the world's most popular teams barcelona will have to shake off a tuesday night whenever you venters to concentrate on a visit to say that i can. have a lot of energy they will also started the season with a good momentum i think that even though they lost against syria they played a good game at their home stadium soviet expect a complicated game and for us those three points are important it. has opened disciplinary proceedings of the crowd trouble ahead of arsenal's three one win over
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cologne in the europa league as many as twenty thousand cologne fans descended on london grinding oxford street to behold before the match on thursday that's despite only three thousand tickets being made available to them footage on social media showed that once they got to the emirates stadium some try to break down barricades to make their way inside they also fought with stewards and looked flares in the stands the game was close first in european competition for twenty five years. formula one is in singapore this week as lewis hamilton and sebastian vettel continued to fight it out at the top of the drivers' championship standings but on friday mclaren was the team grabbing the headlines on thursday number one driver and former three time world champion fernando alonso said he might have to leave mclaren in order to challenge for another world title they have the second worst record in twenty seventeen and announced on friday they were ending their relationship with engine supplier honda. you know it needs to be competitive fernando wants to win and he wants to world championships as it has do with so i
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think as long as he feels he can do that with us then i think he'd be happy to stick around and we would love to have him around pakistan have celebrated the return of international cricket to its country by defeating world eleven two one in a t twenty series on friday in lahore the pakistanis won the match to clinch the series they posted one hundred eighty three four for. eighty nine before restricting the visitors to one hundred fifty four eight so when by thirty three runs they're calling it the fight of the decade on saturday the undefeated knockout artist from kazakhstan. will face all other areas of mexico in las vegas over is his nickname canelo and every last one of his professional fights that was to a certain floyd mayweather otherwise has forty nine wins and a draw the middleweight belt of boxing federations will be on the line for this fight currently holds all four of these titles and the man nicknamed triple ju has
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also knocked out thirty three of these thirty seven opponents. now las vegas is not the only place where boxing is taking place on saturday there will also be a world title fight in london but is the frenzies w.b.'s middleweight title against junior seau in the sun but it was not prepared to wait and see what the outcome of the fight would be the youngster taking it upon himself to land an early blow for team saunders. and we'll leave it there for now more sport later not as cassini spacecraft has plunged toward saturn after a twenty year journey and what the agency is calling the grand finale shihab rattansi reports. just like it was gone. mission. that. tumbled into saturn's atmosphere no longer able to point its antenna towards earth to send back images in fact at this point cassini was already long gone its
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faithful would be gone about an hour and a half earlier but such was the distance its final messages were only just reaching mission control and those in mission control knew cassini survived a minute maybe two after its last message before disintegrating. sr was launched in october of one thousand nine hundred seven and began orbiting saturn in june of two thousand and four its original four year mission was repeatedly extended although much of its on board equipment was already antiquated by the time it arrived at its destination the data transmitted was invaluable to astronomers investigating the origins of saturn its rings and moons it was on those moons some of cassini's greatest discoveries were made finding a vast ocean of water on and sell of us and to me things see on titan both moons showing evidence of prebiotic chemical combinations that could support life that was one reason why nasa decided to destroy its beloved spacecraft to prevent it crashing into those moons for fear it could contaminate them with microbes from
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earth dr amy simon says because these findings also help us understand our own planet has that dance atmosphere it's very primordial it might be like a really early earth before we had oxygen and so these are the sorts of things we'd like to do because we can't stay here on earth we can't go back in time nasa says it knows exactly where cassini ended its mission this is an image put together biracial infrared mapping spectrometer team they did a spectacular job turning around this data set that just came down dr simon is one of those who's overseeing the spectrometer since nine hundred ninety nine it was surprisingly more emotional than i expected. you know just personally touched to watch. this family that's been together. absent uncertain time for nasa there's hope that government funding for space exploration will continue the trumpet ministration has just picked a climate science denying a politician to run the agency whose goal has long been to end mass exploration of
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the earth and its atmosphere to focus instead on the wider solar system and beyond jabatan see al-jazeera the go to space flight center in maryland it is a elizabeth put on and we'll be here in a couple of minutes with the latest all these stories on rob matheson life and now . a new level of luxury has arrived. and experience that will transform the way. i could remain. but now comes breaking. news. for. the freak. weather conducting business sharing this with. you the first of. the.
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century in the sky. going places together. a victim. being his past as an instrument of pinochet's brutal dictatorship a father tries to forget. but his son's quest for answers reveals there are often two sides to even the darkest of stories witness the color of the chameleon at this time on al-jazeera with its economy
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stagnant mexico's president implemented drastic and controversial energy reforms mexico's oil owned by the mexican people for seventy five years is being sold to private international companies. and as with the country's agricultural sector it's exposed to exploitation by profit driven multinational corporations crude harvest at this time on al-jazeera. north korea valves to achieve an eco librium of the united states says the u.n. calls this latest missile launch highly provocative.
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