tv newsgrid Al Jazeera September 18, 2017 6:00pm-7:00pm AST
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but he looked at. me to see down. the belly. but he got. the feeling that some people just get out. the yellow. the east and live from studio fourteen here al-jazeera headquarters in doha on friday back to bill welcome to the news grid the u.s. president takes his complaints about the united nations straight to the source donald trump has delivered a keynote address on how the world body needs to change
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a day before his debut in front of the u.n. general assembly we'll have reaction and analysis also on the grid not so fast iraq's top four to spend that independence referendum by northern that's due to happen next week but they're pushing ahead anyway having already had no demands from regional leaders and the u.s. to call off the boats were alive to erbil the kurdish regional capital and around the world in less than eighty days on a bicycle british operate michael moore has written through russia china new zealand and north america and is a bot to claim the world record for his efforts we'll tell you about his remarkable journey with a live report from the finish line in power and blocks al-jazeera in saudi arabia the kingdom says the content breached local laws but is a straight up censorship a major chapelle sinister questions and comments throughout the show is a news group. clem here with news grid live
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on air and streaming online for you tube facebook live and at al-jazeera dot com u.s. president donald trump has set the stage for his united nations debut on tuesday with a speech about the bureaucracy that he says is holding the world body back his address a u.s. sponsored event which aims to reform the united nations' desk go straight to our diplomatic as a james basis at the u.n. in new york james donald trump us called the u.n. week and incompetent in the past did he softened his tone a little bit today. he did soften his tone i think there are signs of relief around this building i think for now the u.n. believes it dog still bullets this is a president and america first president in his inauguration speech who many here were deeply concerned that he was going to slash the budget of this organization but i think there's been a little bit of a turn around in part because of his ambassador to the united nations nikki haley
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persuading him what it was better to work with the u.n. and start a war against the u.n. there were of course in this speech that references to some of his concerns about the international body yet in recent years the united nations has not reached its full potential because of bureaucracy and mismanagement while the united nations on a regular budget has increased by one hundred forty percent and its staff has more than doubled since two thousand and we are not seeing the results in line with this investment to honor the people of our nations we must ensure that no one and no member state shoulders a disproportionate share of the burden and that's militarily or financially. those are the sort of comments you might have expected from president trump but it was also combined with praise for the united nations and praise for what he said
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was the fantastic new secretary general and i think some of this turnaround is due to some deft diplomatic footwork by the new secretary general and tonio terrace he took office almost the same time as president trump i think they were very worried here initially about what was going to happen to their budget and the fact that there were possibly going to have their budget completely slashed early on when mr gibbs harris went to washington he didn't even get annoyance with the president but i think he's work quietly alongside. haley persuading her that it would be better not to start a war with the united nations when the u.s. president has so many other problems on his plate so rather than starting a war they declared victory the u.s. holy supporting the reform efforts of the new secretary general and he explained those efforts to serve the people we support and the people who support us
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we must be nimble and effective flexible and he fissions and we must do so keenly aware of our obligation to leap up to the value to live up to the values of the united nations charter. well i think for now the un will be pleased about the situation i think they know that the president said that he wanted truly bold reform for the united nations and these reforms haven't even started so it's likely this is going to be an issue that will be revisited by president trump and remember he'll be coming under some pressure in washington will be some of his base who will not like the rather positive comments he's made about the united nations and there are many on capitol hill in the republican party who'd like to see big cuts to the u.s. ok james thank you very much for that our diplomatic editor james space live at the united nations at bayh's on the road if you want to connect with him on twitter so
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we know what donald trump now has to say about the u.n. but here are a couple of thoughts he tweeted previously about the organization and twenty eleven well before he declared he was running for president he posted this if the u.n. unilaterally grants the palestinian statehood then the u.s. should cut off all its funding actions have consequences then late last year after he'd won the presidential election he tweeted this the united nations has such great potential but right now it is just a club for people to get together talk and have a good time so sad so let's explore this a bit further now with our senior political analyst who joins us live from our london news center marwan so what did you make about what donald trump said today in new york what does this speech say about his priorities today. well look there's very little disagreement around the world about the need for you under form simply any big such organization global organization needs to be reform
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for less but ocracy and perhaps realign its strategy with the mic and is in within the un general secretary general agrees with that and everyone else has but there is deeper questions that have to do with how to go about doing it when you have more than one hundred or one thousand members every or every which way you go you will be lost in translation because there are quotas there are a member states and then we in each and every decision and how they are made and their appointments and so on and so forth and then there's the larger question that kofi annan and others tried to address which is to reform the u.n. security council because that's really more important when it comes to the bigger decisions of this organizations and how they could be implemented of course the united states and other permanent members have been blocking any serious reform of the u.n. security council but once again i think talking about the rockets and red tape is really a smaller potato when it comes to the bigger issue of the united nations and what
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it stood for and what it needs to stand for since second world war look at this year for example we talk about the rockets at the u.n. but there is no larger greater grander themes such as climate change president trump stood against that refugees present amps to the games that trade and prosperity president trump stood against it. peace process diplomacy again so really the larger question that you would expect to be either i think united nations in september or on the sideline of the united nations general assembly there are absent this year where everyone is worried that the american president might be more upset obstructionist than he is of cooperation korea and a comment here from one of our viewers marwan a tweet from jail who says he didn't soften not much his tone of course he called the u.n. corrupt and useless now let's look ahead to what is going to be a very big week in new york this year's general assembly which comes at
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a time of shifting geopolitics around the world you've got the north korea nuclear crisis of course the palestinian issue the crisis in this region the g.c.c. crisis syria of course what should we expect marwan in terms of tone in terms of speeches and performances by the world leaders saying well look those of us who of course have been there throughout the years i think united nations general assembly and you will meetings that we will probably miss you know mamata duffy's and. other like speeches from chavez and mcguinness out of iran and so on so forth . but this year i think the circus will probably turn to more like the american president and the israeli prime minister who seems to be quite belligerent on the way in in the way that they are expressing their confidence but the same time we are missing others global leaders like president putin of russia who is by the way
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trying to watch a certain war exercises on that on nato's eastern front doesn't really bored well for security and a new cold war and i think a minor standing that the that the chinese leader cheer is also not coming so i don't think we're going to be seeing major weighty sort of a summit we might see some interesting you know speeches more circus like speeches but the but in general a world that is full of dark clouds and just a few silver linings i think the atmosphere in general are probably more sober than in other previous years thank you very much for that matter and i want to share our senior political analyst live there in london and an interesting opinion piece on al-jazeera dot com on donald trump's u.n. debut his big speech to the u.n. general assembly tomorrow of course and i read this piece it's an interesting
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perspective from james rain who talks about what we can expect from the u.s. president when he speaks to the general assembly tomorrow to say now if you have any more questions or comments on this story or other stories we're covering on the news great today don't forget to connect with us the hash tag eighteen years great all the other ways to do that on your screen right now moving on now to other world news and. a big development out of syria a significant development which is happening today we're going to bring up this map conflict first from live you a map dot com to get an idea of what's happening in syria we're talking today about derry's or which is one of eyesores last remaining strongholds in syria and it's just right in the crossroads of territory recently captured by syrian government and allied fighters marked in red and i saw that in the black and then the u.s.
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backed syrian democratic forces or s.c.f. a coalition of kurdish an arab fighters in yellow there and if we zoom in a little bit zoom down and there's a city and the river euphrates river as see how the red now spreads across the river and nuts where we've heard today that syrian government troops have crossed to the eastern bank to secure their hold on the city but this means that they could be well marching closer to a standoff with u.s. backed forces operating nearby let's bring in our zeros hashim i about was covered this conflict extensively for us here on al-jazeera a big development the syrian forces crossing the euphrates river which is supposed to be what they're calling a de confliction zone right how dangerous a situation we're facing right now well both the syrian army and the competing to try to take over territory that was under the control of a but there was
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a this is general sentiment that the syrian army will stay east so west of the euphrates worthiest if will maintain its presence. of the east of the euphrates no the syrian army is changing tactics it's moving east which puts it on a collision course with the as the f. it issued a warning saying that if there were met any resistance they will fire back the only problem with this is that basically the as the if is considered by the americans as a key ally of the. i guess i still like the russians are still sleeping if the syrian army fights against the earth that could drag both the americas and the russian in a new confrontation is which could be a huge develop so they are on a collision course right now but in the last few months hashim we have seen tensions between the two sides we have seen lines being crossed and each time there was a willingness from both the russians and the americans to diffuse those tensions to
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deescalate we going to see the same thing this time always is too too big of a move by the syrian for it is a use development remains to be seen how can the americans or the russians contain this crisis because those longer about isolated areas of the syrian army is now trying to take over their saw and after they dissolve they might move forward towards iraq if they take over iraq or they might move towards a house like us we're talking about syrian army after ice and maybe aiming to take over arias and the as the if which is going to be seen as an existential threat for the city if they lose those territories they would have absolutely no way to go in syria and the americans could lose a significant ally of syria we saw on the map that we showed earlier the areas in black controlled by isis all they have lost quite a lot of territory where is the war against isis or in syria stand today i mean you see those areas are shrinking and shrinking it is
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a group all but out of syria they're left with basically three areas east and west of there was a war and the city of further north these remain the final song calls but i expect them to put up fierce resistance because if they lose it it is definitely going to be the beginning of the end for myself so this is exactly why they are now trying to say that we will we will fight until the end ok thank you very much for that of course we'll continue to watch that situation very close. they with you. now staying in the region and iraq's top court has issued a temporary ban on a kurdish vote for independence prime minister heidar body has also formally demanded its suspension but the courage say they're going ahead with it just to remind you the kurdish regional climate approved the referendum last friday of a vote will take place in the provinces of the who. and erbil as you see on that map areas that are officially under its control a disputed areas outside its administration by both the kurdish government and
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baghdad are also voting and that includes the oil rich province of kirkuk now this has further angered the national government in baghdad which along with neighbors iran turkey and syria are against a vote they fear an independent kurdish state in iraq could fuel further separatism among their own kurdish populations mocked in orange there at the united nations the u.s. and france are also opposed washington's describing the vote as provocative and does several izing let's go live to al-jazeera is hard who is in erbil in northern iraq for us. this puts the kurds in a very delicate situation doesn't it what is been their reaction to the course decision today what have they said. well the only thing we heard is actually a statement from the kurdish prime minister saying that the referendum is going ahead so certainly that defines the ongoing now what the court had actually said it
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was called quest suspension of the vote on september twenty fifth until it reaches its final decision and that came at the request of prime minister by the only yesterday had sent a letter to the supreme federal court asking it to to ponder and to look into this file and to see how you could say it could stop actually the kurds from going ahead with this referendum for the prime minister this referendum is unconstitutional and illegal because the prime minister says is nothing in the two thousand and five gold situation which is the one that is holding now at the moment in iraq that allows anyone to call for separation or independence now the kurds on their side say well no we have been waiting for so many promises we haven't received any of those promises as you mentioned earlier the issue of the disputed territories well that had called for a referendum to be held in those territories ten years ago and try thousand and
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seven and that hasn't had a been either so now the kurds say they are going ahead yet why are they so intent on going ahead with this vote despite not their see internal pressure from the baghdad government but also the external pressure from the u.s. we heard from turkey yesterday as well why are they so intent on going ahead with this and what would it take to take to convince them to scrap this referendum can they be convinced. i think there's several reasons one of them being very bad relations with the central government in baghdad you know the the but the issue of the kurdish area and the national budget that has been cut off by baghdad because baghdad is angry that the kurds have actually gone ahead unilaterally and sold oil exploited oil on the international market oil that has been found here in the north of the country there's also does the issue of the referendum as i was mentioning
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earlier article one forty of the constitution there are several issues that have been ongoing for many many years now you are in a situation now ever since two thousand and fourteen since the fall of most of the day called for where civil servants are paid sometimes less than half of their salary and that's simply because the kurds are not receiving their money from baghdad so on one hand you have that and i think on the other hand you have also the issue of the kurdish president himself. he is supposed to step down by november if that indeed is also going to happen and i think he wants to have also that legacy of being the one man who put that referendum forward even though we have to remember all the time that this is a non-binding referendum is here the next day if the yes vote passes they will declare an independent state let me ask you a question from one of our viewers on facebook who asks are the kurds strong enough to fight the rocky government the central government in baghdad in case of
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a war and decide to go ahead with this referendum. this would be a very difficult situation for the current simply because also geographically they're landlocked and they're surrounded by iran and turkey who are also fiercely opposed to this referendum now do the kurdish security forces that push marigot are also in battle in this war against they have to keep secure this region they've done a great job so far it's been the most secure region of iraq in since two thousand and three but actually going into phases to face confrontation with iraqi security forces that are now also bolstered by. the shia militias that would be extremely difficult for them this is a point where we keep on talking about regional opposition to the referendum but that opposition goes all the way to washington which is the prime backer of the
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kurdish security forces at the moment that cooperation security cooperation is going at the same way that washington is still providing training and weapons but if you sort of disability this balance of power it will be very difficult for the kurds to really handle all these regional issues and local issues all at the same time ok harder thank you very much for that hard abdel-hamid live for us in erbil in northern iraq. now another big story for us today is snap chat blocking al-jazeera is content in saudi arabia a social media producer under shout as he had a tablet what's happened well more than seven million saudis you snap chat every day it's the most popular market for the social platform in the middle east and north africa and half of the saudi population is under the age of twenty five so snap chat provides a valuable service for younger saudis looking for ways to express themselves as well as get news and entertainment content from around the world now the california
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based company says that it's blocked al-jazeera has discovered channel as you can see here from being seen on its platform in saudi arabia after being requested to do so by the government the kingdom says al-jazeera is content breached saudi cyber crime laws now snap chat a snap chat spokesperson has simply stated we make an effort to comply with local laws in the countries in which we operate al-jazeera snap chat content had similar consumption figures in saudi arabia us sky news arabia and. morocco is head of an innovation research at al-jazeera here's how he described the move i'm president i mean. other countries such as china have tried with google and google said you know what we're going to stand by the freedom expression i want out of here they're the one who have invited us to be one of the schools of partners and use publishers for the region because they understand these will bring into it and to the mix and with this move they're definitely now not allowing our audience on snapchat to be able
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to see our content. al jazeera media network says the action is a direct attack against the freedom of expression and will have a detrimental consequence for the entire media industry online people have been sharing other examples of these tech giants refusing such requests such as in iran in two thousand and nine egypt since one and eleven but much of course has changed since then and facebook in particular now censors content in dozens of countries too and their words comply with local laws especially in three countries india pakistan and turkey now snap ink is a publicly traded company money certainly plays a big role here and these sites risk being blocked all together in major markets if they don't comply with a government order but whenever american companies help censor the media because of money you know they've lost their way at least that's how activists julian york sees it saudi arabia's kingdom holding scuse me kingdom holding was widely expected
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to invest two hundred million dollars in snap chat two years ago however it's unclear if that ever ended up happening now finally there's also some interesting timing here al-jazeera launched its snap chat channel in may coincidentally on the same day the cuts are news agency was hacked at the beginning of the gulf crisis which of course saw a crackdown on cuts rulings media by the floor by the four blockading states ali thank you very much and i have two people to explore this story for that with me on set is mohamed el masri he's the chair of the journalism and cultural studies program at the doha institute welcome and joining us from new york is andreas craig who is professor at king's college london welcome to you both thank you very much for being on the news great mohammed let me start with you this caylee tends to shit going on here but who is censoring hope. well that's an interesting question i mean you can easily make the argument that snap chat is part and parcel to this to the censorship and i think that cuts at the core of what's happening here when when
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a company a media company decides to as they say abide by government law and in this case an autocratic governments law then it raises all kinds of in interesting question about global standards of freedom of expression and whether or not media companies should be forced to comply or if they should be forced to comply with the the global standard of freedom of expression right but suppose nap had decided not to comply with the saudi demand the saudis would still found a way to brawl the company in saudi arabia wouldn't write well this isn't the first time that a company a tech company or a media company has decided to comply with the laws to to censor recently both apple and amazon decided to comply with chinese government law that was just in earlier in two thousand and seventeen so this isn't the first case what snapchat fears is losing access to a giant market in saudi arabia saudi arabia has the eighth largest interests are
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playing here sure this is a business decision and they're afraid of losing the saudi arabian market and also perhaps the other markets in the other blockading countries especially egypt which has like ninety five million people right let me bring in andreas craig in new york . what we have here is a technology company clearly caught in the crossfires of geopolitics what does this latest move by the saudis say about the current g.c.c. crisis and where we're headed we entering a new area new era where we could see more companies force in a way to juice sides. i don't know if it's a new or a new phase i think the issue here is that we have departed from conflict over interest and a conflict over issues and going into a clash over narratives which is a clash or a narrative that's been fought in the public sphere it's about you know freedom of expression on one side and on qatar side on the other side it's about the monopoly
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over controlling information controlling the news that you know in saudi arabia and the u.a.e. in particular have clamped down over the recent years anyway on many of the social media outlets because the social media are generally very difficult to control and stepped up it's just you know it's it's an app that it's been used extensively for news as well i mean having al-jazeera implanted in the you know means that you know al-jazeera can circumvent the general blockade of al-jazeera in these countries and get information and news to people that might not be necessarily what the government wants to see so in this kind of clash of narratives and you know i think we the it's quite clear that the saudi government and particularly qatar news running the government communications office is very nervous about your news that he doesn't approve being disseminated within a group of more than eight million people in saudi arabia that is something that could put could potentially spread dissidents and destabilize the country so they're very fearful of that my dangerous is this is about siphoning off course
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free speech and so on what does a move by saudi arabia same fact about the power of social media in the arab world today and you know if other countries follow suit like the u.a.e. what impact would that have on the arab media landscape well arab governments are increasingly have to having to grapple with the power of social media you have tens of millions of arabs online using things like facebook and snapchat and instagram there's a lot of evidence that these social media sites can help dictate the public agenda and in some cases even the traditional media agenda so i think that in. in some ways you can understand why saudi arabia would want to censor this al-jazeera snapshot is quite popular in their country on the other hand from the standpoint of freedom of expression and basic principles of you know sort of democratic freedom this is this is certainly a move that should be criticized people can still get around this right it's not always easy to get or to get around it and you have to be you have to sort of be
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tech savvy in order to get around these sorts of things so i think the immediate impact on the ground is that millions of people in saudi arabia are not going to have access to al-jazeera snapshot in some ways that's that's tragic because this gulf crisis is proceeding via the mass media it's largely a media war indeed let's give the last word to andreas in new york andras snap chat coming back to it is a publicly traded american company what responsibility does it have to uphold freedom of expression and western values in these countries. well they clearly took you know business before values here i mean it's quite clear and unlike twitter and facebook which are well established companies who have you know really taken for the most part of try to cherish freedom of speech and hero and champion freedom of speech snapchat is more of a lifestyle product and as a lifestyle product i don't think they have such high values when it comes to the
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freedom of expression and for them you know as as was rightly said before it was it's a business decisions about making sure that a you don't push investors too far and many investors could potentially be in saudi arabia and then you don't want to lose these very lucrative markets because in the g.c.c. or in the gulf and also in even the middle east you know snapchat has been a way to circumvent some of these social norms as well i mean that's where people go dating that's where people communicate off the grid so to speak of government control and in that way you know it's a very much containing it's not she was part of this liberalization technology as i call it in twitter facebook being also part of this i snapchat a small company they have a lot of problems financially and they they they need to think about business first ok thank you very much for that andrea's sandra's craig in new york mohammed on my street here in doha with me thank you for a very interesting discussion thank you now are you watching the news grade on al-jazeera and for our face book us coming up see is believing his special
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friendship and one young boy's lesson about kerry and still ahead after the break we're on the ground in bangladesh with the latest on the rohingya refugee crisis to seamless way of. hello there the weather is generally quite quiet across the middle east at the moment there's not a great deal of cloud showing up on our charts or to choose to there what you do notice is the winds are feeding down from the north so for amante there the temperatures are just easing now so around twenty four or twenty five with the maximum over the next couple of days meanwhile for kuwait the temperatures certainly are easing here in fact force on tuesday and wednesday looks like they'll be hard again so around forty five or forty six so still very very hot force here beirut though more bearable will be at around twenty eight which is eighty two in fahrenheit a bit further towards the south and here in doha the winds are still filtering in
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from the east still bringing in our humidity but the maximum now is around thirty nine or forty degrees and no major change as we head through the next few days you still see a fair amount of cloud around the coast of oman here that just by squeeze out one or two showers particularly around thirty one degrees will be the maximum here the further towards the south and we've had a fair amount of cloud a few outbreaks of rain there in the eastern parts of south africa that system has actually given a set fairly sharp downforce but now is trying to pull away and as it does so the temperatures will be recovering so for durban will get to around twenty seven degrees during the day on tuesday that will come out for us on tuesday so a marksman will only be around ninety. deep in southern india a secret construction project a small concerns about the country's growing nuclear capacity if you're seeing that be a enlarging option if you know amid fears of an escalating race with its neighbors
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elisabeth's i wanted to give up the indians may claim their digits intended for china but it's bob's indians were all going to go see him every bush that was there so what lies behind india's nuclear riddle people in power investigates at this time on al jazeera. al jazeera. and for your. with. the in
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. with. with . the stories trending on al-jazeera dot com looking at at number one the u.s. warning north korea over its threat a speech after the latest messiah test by north korea number two the refugee crisis in myanmar and bangladesh and looking at this minority muslim group which to you when has described as one of the most persecuted minorities in the
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world at number three because. all the latest updates on the g.c.c. crisis at number four and more on the myanmar a crisis no food no shelter they're wearing a sufferer in bangladesh all those stories and more on the caique. and we've got more on the rowing a crisis and more muslims are arriving in bangladesh from myanmar with stories of indiscriminate violence and arson attacks they're running from a myanmar military offensive that the united nations says is ethnic cleansing more than four hundred thousand men women children are estimated to a fed since august twenty fifth the army says it's only tall getting a rohingya armed group which attacks police posts but right schools and the refugees and cell say soldiers are going after everyone in a person they can find they also say they're being held to ransom by bangladeshi fisherman who are demanding huge sums to take them to safety. we were hiding in the
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hills for twelve days after twelve days we reached the bank of the river we paid one hundred thousand myanmar and crossed over to bangladesh we faced a lot of pain they killed my brother and threw his body in the paddy fields. don't tell anybody anything but the moment. the russian started killing we saw a lot of slaughter bodies while crossing to bangladesh al-jazeera stand their children is in cox's bazaar in bangladesh where refugees have been massing i mean led attack now for bordering town with me on my wall coming across this side with hundreds of refuges across the street side sitting here these people are literally starving they haven't got mail for the last two days some of them just arrived today and on the horizon you can see me on my border villages are burning there this is going to refuges are telling us that the hospital got this village just telling them to leave me on my otherwise they'll kill them there's no way the agencies here know local or international aid agencies yeah these people are
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exposed to the environment this is and they are facing starvation they're lucky if they get food from the local villagers when it's raining that don't have a shelter separation is very dire people are still trucks coming across the border into bangladesh the crisis isn't over by any means i mean while general is blaming the will hang on for the violence that spock's the refugee crisis in a post on his verified facebook page gentlemen attributes of violence to what he calls extremist bengalis in rakhine state trying to build a strong home let's not bring in thomas mike mack. man the sense in london to the news great story about that he is a research fellow at the international state crime initiative at queen mary university of london thank you very much for being with us many rights groups including human rights watch and amnesty international thomas of level the charge of ethnic cleansing against myanmar government is what we've seen the images that
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have come out of rakhine state in the last few weeks textbook example of ethnic cleansing yes what we are seeing happening to is a mcmansion but it's more than that it's a genocide ethnic cleansing as a term is really a euphemism for genocide there's no legal definition of ethnic cleansing so for me it's it's important to understand that this is. the burmese government are trying to destroy their own injures a group they're trying to disconnect them from their lands they're trying to break up the communities they're killing raping sexual assault burning down the villages this is done with a view to destroying the ranger so we're looking at a genocide yes it's ethnic cleansing but it's more than ok i want to show our viewers. a graphic thomas from our interactive team that maps
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out arson attacks on villages in rakhine state and they've used data from amnesty international that backs up refugees assertions that myanmar's army has burnt down entire villages the human rights group has recorded eighty such incidents since the twenty fifth of august now as you said the term ethnic cleansing prime's against humanity carry very serious connotations if the un human rights chief is using those words ethnic cleansing to describe what's happening in a kind state doesn't the international community the united nations have a responsibility to act our responsibility to protect. yes absolutely the term ethnic cleansing does kick in the responsibility to protect this is a moral responsibility or a soft law responsibility on the un member states. but what we're looking at is really a genocide so actually there is
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a legal obligation under the genocide but resides for any side state and it hasn't fluent you say what we're looking at is a genocide but who is it that decides that a genocide is happening and from a legal point of view what needs to happen then what should be done to stop this genocide if it is indeed happening. so from a prevention point of view all that the state needs to know is that there is a serious risk that a genocide is taking place and they then need to state steps to investigate it and to prevent us what's happening is that states including the british government the dutch government are using a kind of they've kind of hollowed out international law and they're now saying that you can only decide if there's a genocide only a court of law can make that determination but for a court of law to make such a determination it would have to be after the fact and you have to be laser probably years later with you know tens and thousands of bodies as
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a result so so so legally the the the determining whether it's a genocide has serious issues and what the governments need to to focus on is the prime of facie evidence of genocide and to just to decide whether there's a serious risk that genocide is taking place then they must investigate and prosecutions can come later in the meantime the suffering continues thank you very much for speaking to us thomas mcmanus international law expert joining us now live from london now the deputy editor of al-jazeera dot com safe has also been deployed to bangladesh take a look at some of what he's posted on al-jazeera instagram account. just in. the.
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next. six. hours. that the government. some outstanding pictures they can find much more on the rohingya crisis in myanmar and the refugee crisis that has resulted from the violence in rakhine state on our website al-jazeera dot com there they are you hear testimonies from rohingya muslims who have fled to bangladesh all of that on our website al jazeera dot com let's now go to our london new center and felicity barr for
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a look at the day's other news felicity. hi there thanks so much and north korea says further sanctions from the u.s. will only encourage it to complete its nuclear plans faster this as the u.s. and south korea carry out more military drills in another show of force against pyongyang u.s. bombers and fighter jets have taken part in the joint military exercise meanwhile china and russia have been holding joint naval drills off the port of lot of off stock in the far east of russia well fears about a potential conflict on the korean peninsula a damaging south korea's tourism industry the number of visitors from china has already fallen by seventy percent but not everyone is put off by talk of missile launches and military drills as andrew thomas reports with tensions on the korean peninsula building south korea on monday hosted a conference of military leaders from across asia pacific giving the keynote
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address was a former south korean minister who's also head to the united nations i'd like to remind north korea that no single nation has or survived is a fate or gased you know knew was the united international community in the course of the history. in the south rising tensions are having an economic impact at an hour from seoul it's easy to see into the demilitarized zone the d.m.z. and beyond that the mountains of north korea the lookout has long been a tourist site people can even take a train from here just inside the d.m.z. and despite the tensions some visitors are still coming for me my tickets were booked when advanced so i had to make it and we kept checking the news just to make sure that everything's kind of ok my sister was very white and this is actually getting married next week and she was very worried that something was going to happen to me and i won't be able to make it back so it was a bit she was quite. a large military presence here and so many civilians that are
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in the four and five and so like take care of the u.s. citizens and let us know if something is about to go down but visitor numbers to south korea overrule the down forty percent fewer came in july compared with the same month a year ago on sunday most raw eats at the funfair which strangely is part of the engine light when they are empty the latest heightened tension is only weak so when really it's true well you get to judge the impact of markets on tourism here so far the missing tourists are exploring more like politics and. chinese tourists are the ones almost entirely absent in march china angered by south korea's deployment of the fat anti missile system banned its citizens from taking package tours to south korea but. last year about half of the seventeen million tourists to south korea were from china but this year chinese tourists are down by seventy percent that
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spink felt here it's hurting my business sales are roughly a third down in the longer this concern about next year's winter olympics in pyongyang ticket sales so far poor the international olympic committee said last week there is no plan b. . to move the games if tensions escalate but they can't make spectators come south korea's defense ministry on monday said it believed the north was ready for a new nuclear test if it comes that will only heighten the tension and dissuade more tourists from visiting south korea andrew thomas al-jazeera pardieu south korea's border with the north now general motors has announced the recall of more than two and a half million vehicles in china because of concerns about airbags made by the japanese to carter the faulty airbags have the potential to inflate with too much force firing shrapnel at the driver and passengers the defect has been linked to
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several deaths and schools of injuries around the world. demonstrations are under way yet again in the u.s. city of st louis the fourth day of protest since a white a former police officer was acquitted over the killing of a black suspect police made more than eighty arrests on sunday evening after a demonstration in the city center turned violent on officer was injured before riot police were called in daily and nightly protests have been taking place since friday when jason stokley was found not guilty in the twenty eleven death of antony lamar smith. it's emerged that the former russian military officer who became known as the man who saved the world has died at the age of seventy seven so i was left petroff was in charge of the soviet union's early warning radar on september the twenty sixth one thousand nine hundred eighty three when computers indicated missiles had been launched towards russia from the us procedure required him to immediately retaliate with nuclear weapons petroff held back correctly believing it
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to be an error is called head of actions only came to light when classified documents were released twenty five years later. and that's it for me here in london back to andria now in doha. thanks for the city a taxi strike in south africa has left thousands of people stranded across western cape province they were unable to get to work on monday due to growing violence between two prominent taxi associations the strike is believed to be due to the number of taxis that have been impounded recently new taxi laws and the upcoming elections for south africa's national taxi council so lots of people were talking about this today online about how they've various ways that they've been impacted by the protests and they've been using the hash tag taxi strike now as it happened major highways were blocked michael here
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by role on monday is showing a girl who was injured when a bus was attacked a number of buses in fact were attacked by a strike participants with at least one here that was set of lights in the delf area now zoe tweeted this photo of what's left of a golden arrow bus on one of the main roads this morning the south african national taxi council into a taxi industry bosses condemned the demonstration and threatened to impound any taxis found to be blocking traffic in the in the past few hours the taxi strike was called off they've sent in a retired judge who is expected to help mediate now if you're in south africa and you were affected by that strike get in touch with us share your thoughts with us you can get in touch using the hash tag it is good. andrew thank you very much for that coming up next a snapshot of the world weather and after that he will join us with sports and of british cyclists attempt to ride around the world in record time.
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russian filmmaker under a necker self continues his journey across his homeland to discover what life is like under putin during his travels he meets christians and muslims patriots and separatists i thought the locals in the southeast were on our side when i arrived i don't do something completely different some long to leave russia but for others a russian passport means hope and the challenge of happened in search of putin's
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russia at this time on all jazeera. leaders here now to talk sport and our record is about to be broken indeed indeed funny that's quite right now most of us know around the world in eighty days as a book for one british cyclist in the may record as he leaves home another. and them just out on six o'clock in the morning and i've done about three hours already as a beautiful day it's a feat that few people could even contemplate let alone achieve but on monday mark beaumont will be completing a remarkable journey. good morning all and. a
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. nine. on july to he launched off from paris in a bid to cycle around the world in eighty days inspired by the classic book published by french rider jules verne in eight hundred seventy three first from three years russia. all the way to beijing and china then across australia asia after that across north america from anchorage to halifax and the fire. no stage will be lisbon through madrid and all the way over the pier in east paris a total of eighteen thousand miles across the globe but naturally the epic journey hasn't been without its totals i think this morning. i think struggling with the. last. six weeks or so. i think for seven and a. slight slight delay but only for just two four hours gerry or enchanted
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to my time but a big chunk of damage total to my time total to call has been documenting the trip along with the support crew with twice daily updates on the social media channels. start a twenty seven and wait for the. chinese border to open the start of history was tougher than i expected the need twenty nine thousand kilometer journeys never actually been completed in eighty days the record is one hundred twenty three beaumont will completed in seventy nine once he crosses the finish line in paris home an al-jazeera ok we can go now to natasha butler who is at the finish line in paris natasha good of you to talk to us so when can we expect more but i want to join you there. reiver any minute really and you can probably see the finish line just.
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paris's for. the center of the capital. is where except for the. ok let's let's break away from that one moment obviously as you may have picked up hails from scotland and at the age of twelve you actually cycled across his own country to activity and social media activity at large around this latest achievement has been most prevalent in the united kingdom as one might expect but as you saw in that report from earlier his whole journey has been documented on social media fifty thousand people are following him on facebook and especially there's a live stream of the finnish happening on facebook right now on the show you this one as well this is what a lot of the followers are saying to him this one is on twitter itself can't believe the inspirational mark beaumont is so close absolutely shattered what was
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conceivable what a message to everyone fairly inspirational indeed and i want to show you this one as well because it hasn't just been about the personal glory of marc berman he's been fund raising as well more than fifty thousand dollars to date going to a charity which helps build communities in africa so you can see that little tag there as well now you can connect with us using or at least using the has to go i'm told that we have natasha back in paris so let's go there natasha hope you can hear me on this occasion just want to ask you previously how close is mark right now to that finishing line. well we are expecting him any moment there are members of his family including his two very young children you can imagine how excited they are going to be to see him he set himself the challenge of cycling around the world in eighty days to break a world record and you know what he's actually going to even break his own
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challenge because it's probably going to be about seventy eight days thirteen hours that is what the people who have been monitoring this race tell us today such a remarkable achievement and it's not just been about distance is also a real test of india as he has been cycling around sixty. how's a day sleeping just five hours a night getting up at four o'clock in the morning finishing he says around nine thirty ten even eating on his bicycle having to sleep in the road vehicle that has been driven by his support same on this incredible journey so it's no surprise when he's been asked what actually looking forward to the most from seeing of course his children he says a really good sleep and a comfortable bed. all right we'll leave it for me in the eight hundred. thank you very much for that peter that will do it for today's news great remember to keep in touch with us on social media at all times as ever a.j. you strayed from me fully back to bornholm team thank you for watching we're back here tomorrow at fifteen hundred g.m.t.
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