tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 20, 2017 12:00am-1:00am AST
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after another we've still got one fairly close to the north island but at least some brighter weather likely to in the course of wednesday then on thursday we're going to find another low pressure center moving in across of both islands so some heavy rain on the western side likely twelve year high in christchurch heading up into northeastern parts of asia here the weather at the moment gerri not looking too bad least initially but we are so low pressure center moving across the sea of japan so later on we will see some rain developing across western parts of honshu in particular the whole system sweeps through overnight may just be an overhang of rain for sapporo first thing on thursday but that should clear away so brighter in tokyo with highs of twenty nine and generally looking fine across the korean peninsula.
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al-jazeera. hello there i'm barbara starr and this is the news hour live from london coming up in the next sixty minutes we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea the u.s. president describes king john gordon as a rocket man on a suicide mission as he warns him to back down this this fight and earlier call for calm. via the tall can lead the fight the reason they're standing. dozens dead after a powerful earthquake hit central mexico on the anniversary of another devastating quake. hurricane maria slams into the many kind weather lou and is now lashing the virgin islands and puerto rico. i'm joanna gash rosco with all your days sports news including switching from the pitch to the ring but
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for wayne and captain rio ferdinand's move into boxing could be a fight for credibility. the u.s. president has stepped up this standoff with north korea threatening to totally destroy the country in a highly combative debut speech to the u.n. general assembly donald trump mocked kim jong un and described pyongyang as of the praised regime our diplomatic editor james bays joins us live now from the united nations headquarters in new york we've had several speeches since trunk spoken as one of the first people to speak but really that is still the most important speech i guess we've heard what kind of reaction has there been to it. will be trying to get reaction actually in the last few minutes on here at the ambassador's entrance is where all the dignitaries enter during the general
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assembly week in the meetings continue and in fact in the last few minutes we've seen the u.s. vice president mike pence coming this way we've seen the u.k. foreign secretary boris johnson was and lover of the russian foreign minister none of them want to talk to me about president obama's speech even shouting questions to them but different as i have spoken to away from the cameras because no one really wants to speak on camera so this is really not the sort of thing that you expect here in the united nations where normally the talk is of compromise and mediation really unprecedented language in the president's speech. donald trump is the thirteenth u.s. president to come here to address the u.n. and with the north korea crisis to tear orating he knew the world would be hanging on his every word the messages were sent to these two messages coming together but once he headed to the general assembly chamber excellent see donald trump he had
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a very different message delivering a speech that astonished many diplomats spying clued in an unprecedented threat to annihilate another u.n. member state the united states has great strength and patients but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime the words were just the sort of language that earlier the u.n. secretary general had warned against fiery talk can lead to fatal misunderstandings the solution must be political and this is a time for statesmanship we must not sleepwalk our way into war president trumps foreign policy challenges a growing his critics say it's only of his own making he doesn't now just face
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possible confrontation with one nuclear power north korea but with a second one iran to as he continues to suggest he's likely to pull out of the twenty fifteen nuclear deal the iran deal was one of the worst and most one sided transactions the united states has ever entered into frankly that deal is an embarrassment to the united states and i don't think you've heard the last of it believe me that received strong support from israel's prime minister but only tepid applause in the hall. so where to next because in a sense said donald trump a scout ahead themself in by effectively almost declaring war on north korea it's very hard to back down from that. very hard to back down when you've said that and of course on the other side kim doesn't look like he's backing down the
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next thing that will take place during this week at the united nations is going to be a speech by president moon of south korea what does he think of all of this because if there was to be this annoying lation of north korea then the spillover for south korea in seoul that's very close to north korea would be a big problem and also a security council meeting taking place on thursday that is a security council meeting that will have the u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson in the u.s. see they called for this meeting it will be about north korea but the subject area actually is norm proliferation which means they can talk about nuclear threats around the world and again mention iran it's interesting that they're bringing up iran and north korea at the same time i can tell you one senior security council diplomat from a country that's normally pretty favorable to the u.s. that they couldn't understand why they wanted to confront these two countries at the same time basically creating two similar ten years nuclear emergencies. i mean
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obviously air tran speech overshadowing pretty much everything else meeting but which other speeches james you think your attention and i've had people talking there. well we've had some other important speeches from other important regional figures we've heard from egypt's president sisi we've heard from president of turkey and we've heard from the emir of qatar as well as the prime minister of israel now promising netanyahu very much use this as a speech on the coattails of president trump talking nearly most of the speed. schieffer i would say it was about the iran nuclear threat the emir of qatar speech obviously the first since that blockade of his country started just over three months or so ago of course the only one of those blockading countries so far to speak is egypt's president sisi with the others will follow because we'll hear delegations from all around the world all one hundred ninety three countries get
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the opportunity to speak here and remember at the end of the week we do actually get to hear from north korea and from the north korean foreign minister. namespace with the latest from the u.n. headquarters in new york james thank you. well the u.s. president and the emir of qatar shake to mean then come out all funny have met in the last hour to discuss the gulf crisis the emir described katherine's relationship with the u.s. says very strong president trump says he believes the blockade against cata will be resolved quickly earlier in his address the u.n. general assembly the emir renewed his call for unconditional dialogue to end the blockade on his country. to do what the countries who imposed just look aid of qatar have intervened in the internal affairs of the state by bringing pressure on citizens through food and medicine shortages cutting family ties to force them to change their political affiliations thus destabilizing
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a sovereign country is this not the definition of terrorism but we join in the studio by our senior political analyst smiling bashar malone of course we have been following a lot of the speech of the past few hours you've been listening to all of them where does it look like the g.c.c. crisis is now because we've heard from the emir we've heard from donald trump in their bilateral meeting and we of course heard from president was a key member of the group. well the thing about person sees is that he didn't mention it much which is already telling that means an important member of the four block of the country is not being vocal about it at this very important forum if we take president trump for his word this thing will be resolved soon he says but then he said that also a few weeks ago we still don't have a solution there in us far as the emir of qatar is concerned yes he he didn't mince words when you talked about the skimmers that this chris for act the betrayal and even of terrorism when speaking about the acts of the four bucketing countries but
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he did leave the door open for dialogue so i think all in all it seems to me that things are going in the right direction they're not going in the wrong direction they may have gotten to being very outspoken about what happened the president of egypt being coy about what happened and the american president saying there is a solution in the horizon ok so some good news at least seems to have come out of the g.a.o. assembly so far have you seen and heard some of the other speeches as well but then i makes you think are emerging everyone is saying about how surprising donald trump's speech was of the well used to donald trump being surprising now what are the dynamics have you noticed by the way i just want to mention that back in two thousand and eight april two thousand and eight. then head of the clinton was a kind of to the presidents and she said that if iran threatened israel that the united states would obliterate iran so i think we've heard similar statements from what a became then secretary of state hillary clinton be that as it may i think we had
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two tones if united nations thus far on the one hand we had present mccrone france and president trump of the united states i think president micro fronts have basically gave the i want to see the perfect answer but certainly that diametrically opposed vision of the world and its challenges and its solutions the european answer to the american. way of answering those questions so while president trump you know did not mention climate change in fact iran says pulling out of prime a change agreement. really aggressive towards iran and wanted to pull out of the nuclear deal aggressive the worst north korea and threatening over its destruction the french president said we have to stick to the iran nuclear deal he said there has to be diplomacy in dealing with north korea and he said there is no turning back on the climate change agreement so all in all i think it was very important to see a european vision a european way of articulating international global challenges and the solutions
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for them from error storage of perspective rather than a punitive perspective the one that adults from gave in us for the middle east is concerned we've heard again two perspectives one from prime minister netanyahu quite aggressive towards iran and so on so forth although israel is a role be a nuclear state it's a nuclear state with two hundred nuclear missiles and yet i don't see anyone including the u.n. secretary general let alone the american president speak about it and the israeli prime minister himself speaks aggressively about iran's nuclear deal a deal that stop iran from developing nuclear weapons what of this time of course a same time ignoring israel's own nuclear weapons at present are due on turkey and other and like the emir of qatar really proposed just unfair solutions as well as diplomacy to resolve the various issues confronting the arab and muslim world like
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yemen libya syria iraq and so on bashar a senior political analyst a moment for the moment thank you. for all of this let's speak to arthur batalla sees the rector of the prying your heart center for peace operations at the international peace institute he joins me live now from the united nations in new york chemist to tell us thank you so much for joining us here on al-jazeera and i guess start being a lot of trepidation at the u.s. . and about this general assembly which would be trumps first because we all know the president has made some pretty the rocketry comments about the un at the very least saying it was an underperformer to bogged down in bureaucracy how have you interpreted the past few hours a past few days and what do you make of us u.n. relations right now. where we are actually the u.s. relations or somewhat in a better place than they were back in january when president from came into office . back then i think you know there were threats of massive cuts.
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to the un. peacekeeping budget that did not fully materialize there were some cuts but much more modest than. being. and also we've seen specially around the korean peninsula north korea to the u.s. seeing the value in engaging through the security council and particularly engaging with china and russia with diplomatic successes for the u.s. . particularly in terms of posing new sanctions through dealing with. through the u.n. multilateral system and i suppose what was interesting listening to donald trump speech is that it was almost aimed at a domestic audience even though obviously it's an international platform he
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mentioned sovereignty nationalism and in the sense i guess a lot of the points that he made in his speech almost go against what the u.n. is all about did you get the sense of you know the fact that the two just didn't really. yeah i think that's that's fair. i think everybody x expected that this speech of president trump would be about nationals and erica first and i was the case it was also quite a militarist the speech was some strong words on north korea and iran as was expected. and indeed that was running quite contrary. to. actually pacifically to the speech that the second you know her terrorist had made just a few minutes before secretary general of the terrorists your input saw as the importance of diplomatic solutions. the importance of dealing with climate
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change the issue of migration and needing to to deal with the with the root causes when one president from denounced the rand deal. and for saw as a need to confront what he called the rogue states north korea and iran. but also i think. i think the main the main issue was the vision of the world and the importance of multilateralism. terrorists and. the relevance of the multilateral system of multilateralism. speech was very much about nationalism. in some ways actually president microphones also contradicted. speaking after a visit from also made the point of the importance of. a sort of very briefly if you can because we're running out of time but how worried do you think it is that
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we've had president expressed so many doubts about the u.n. when actually the u.s. says he repeated it several times is the main financier of the united nations. well maybe to moderate my previous comments i think. the mists would pick up a few commons in president term speech start were slightly more positive towards the un first of all i think there was some positive comments on un reform and has been a surprise the last few weeks last couple months is that the us has actually led to . a declaration that was signed yesterday by one hundred twenty eight member states supporting the un reform agenda proposed by secretary-general the terrorists and president i was sitting side by side with the generals yesterday suggesting that if
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the un reform and might not be such a bad investment the return for money might actually be worth it the other positive message i thought i picked up from present speech this morning was about peacekeeping suggesting that both the united nations but also the african union peace operations. or useful and i think this this is quite important ahead of tomorrow's high level debate on peacekeeping. and which will be actually attended by the us vice presidents. from the international peace institute's thank you so much for your time. thank you. still to come in this news hour. we want to find out why the exodus is happening and san suu kyi fails to quell the outcry over violence
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against joe with her televised speech on the crisis suspected of links to russia during the u.s. election campaign the new revelations about president trump's campaign manager and the lash turns to asia as it looks to attract fans from one of the most lucrative sports markets in the world to joe we'll have all the details on little mate. first though let's take you to mexico where at least forty nine people have died after a seven point one magnitude earthquake hit in the central state of puebla the quake was registered near the town of at the scene go seventy kilometers to the southeast of mexico city so many airport in the capital has suspended operations to review possible damage it comes on the thirty second anniversary of the nine hundred eighty five earthquake in mexico city in which five thousand people died
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and video has emerged showing tourists in mexico city seeking refuge from the quake under tables in a restaurant in the main airport in the capital the airport itself has been closed due to possible damage the president who was due to land there on his way back to mexico city was diverted to land at a military base instead a little earlier we spoke to david mercer who is in neighboring guatemala for more details. i think it's too soon really for them to access the damage now i was in mexico about a week after all covering a large earthquake and a two magnitude quake that hit the so question part of the country as part of that which left more than ninety people dead and at the heart of the report we did look at you as well with the preparedness particularly in mexico city toward any future quakes and so building standards it's a big earthquake and one hundred five killed you know up to ten thousand people or
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even more building codes of really being reinforced and that's what will you know that will be one of the reasons why you haven't seen more damage after the seven point one quake and mexico city building codes are much more rigid and. enforced at this stage there are also a series of alerts that give people time to go to their house when there is an eminent quake coming you know anywhere between say fifteen seconds and a couple of minutes depending on where the center of the quake is one person has been killed on the island whether they passed a hurricane maria back to the island the category five storm also lashed and they bring them into ripping the roof off even the prime minister's residence but nearby martinique was spared the worst of the damage it's now started lashing the virgin islands and puerto rico with the governor says it's threatens to do catastrophic damage and the gallagher has the latest from puerto rico. as hurricane maria bore
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down on the caribbean island of dominique its prime minister said we dare not look out maria hit as a category five with sustained winds of two hundred sixty kilometers per hour but slides and widespread damage and now a major concern for prime minister roosevelt skerritt described the effects of the hurricane as hallucinating and was himself rescued as the storm plowed across the island taking to social media he said his people have lost what money can buy and replace and now fears that people may have been killed north of dominic at the french charge of guadalupe was also pounded by the powerful storm it's still recovering from hurricane but officials say the scale of the damage is hard to quantify because i don't know the contact that i we have limited contact at the moment it's really very patchy contact with our horses the firemen the military police and the police who are giving us some information we have very little information at this stage across the region hurricane alerts have now been issued as maria continues its track towards the u.s. virgin islands and puerto rico high winds tidal surges and power outages and now
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a potentially deadly threat as officials warn residents to take to shelters or stay in their homes here in puerto rico more than five hundred shelters a vote it is this island braces for the most powerful storm to hit since one thousand nine hundred twenty eight hurricane graced puerto rico two weeks ago leading to the loss of power for a million residents some still don't have electricity but with a direct hit and now facing potentially far more serious consequences and gallacher al-jazeera san juan puerto rico and we can speak to andy live and now he is still in san juan for us said just talk us through what the situation is there like right now it seems reasonably calm. it is barbara at the moment we are starting to feel stronger winds but if i look down on the street behind me there are still people milling around most of them actually boarding up their stores and their homes but make no mistake this is potentially the most powerful storm to make landfall in
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puerto rico and it seems at this point that the storm is going nowhere else it doesn't look like there's going to be any deviations that will take it anywhere but puerto rico the only thing standing between dominique which resolver sleep devastated by hurricane maria and puerto rico is the u.s. virgin islands which are going to get slammed in the next few hours we are expecting the eye of the storm to make landfall in puerto rico in the early hours of wednesday morning more than five hundred shelters here on the island have already opened but you have to remember that hurricane or and we were here two weeks ago covering that just grazed us here in san juan and a million people lost power some of those people still don't have power and the power grid system here in puerto rico is very weak indeed it's nine billion dollars in debt the average generator system is about forty four years old twice as old as the industry standard so it is very fragile it's very delicate and the governor of puerto rico is making no bones about how catastrophic this could be he's telling residents you have to get to shelters you have to do it now and we've certainly
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seen that happening here in san juan with long lines at the petrol stations people boarding up their businesses and people getting to their homes or getting to the shelters. and it's always just going to ask him you know obviously people seem to be heeding that advice or i guess the fact that they've seen this before is sort of helping them go through at the steps they have to take to keep themselves safe. i mean puerto rico was hit by a lot of hurricanes but it's not been hit by one this powerful since one thousand nine hundred twenty eight there are entire generations that have been born since that time and many of the hurricanes that have hit here of been a lot less powerful than hurricane maria is at the moment it's a category five winds are around two hundred sixty. five kilometers an hour if we're lucky it may go down to a category four we're talking about you know twenty or thirty kilometers less in power this is a huge storm well defined meteorologist say what might help is if the eye of the storm reforms in the next few hours but even if that does happen we're looking at
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potentially catastrophic situation for this entire island obviously people are listening you may think there will be some weather fatigue given how much or how many hurricanes we've covered over the last few weeks but i think people here are taking this very seriously i sense that here on the streets of puerto rico there is not panic but there is certainly people paying attention to what officials are saying getting prepared getting ready for what could be a huge catastrophic storm and the gallery with the latest from san juan in puerto rico and they thank you. now well donald trump addressed world leaders of the united nations back in washington the investigation into possible cool luzhin between the trunk campaign and russia has revealed new developments media outlets in the united states are reporting investigators wiretapped former trump campaign manager paul one the fort company hack it reports. we won't move you to understand the man is not used for months the f.b.i.
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has considered home manager for a person of interest now new revelations that the former truck campaign chair has been on the radar of u.s. government investigators since twenty fourteen the surveillance began under secret court orders it was stopped due to a lack of evidence but resumed again last year and into twenty seventeen those recorded communications are now part of the broad investigation being led by special prosecutor robert mueller into whether there was collusion between russia and trump campaign officials. the revelations have emboldened trump supporters who want social media viewed this as vindication for the president and his claim on twitter in march that the previous administration had wiretapped i have no information that supports those tweets and may contradict claims made by fired f.b.i. director james comey who would have been overseeing that surveillance given manna for it has a home in trump tower and as chair of trump's campaign was likely caught up in that
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surveillance of matter for the white house has not yet commented nor has a spokesperson for man afford still the development shows that the investigation into trouble so see it is both meticulous and accelerating. on capitol hill trump advisor and friend michael cohn briefly appeared to ask her questions for senators only for his lawyer to tell reporters the meeting had been cancelled and i'll be. getting into a major political what date in july the f.b.i. also launched an early morning raid on matter for its home as part of its investigation seizing documents and computer files man of ford has denied he ever knowingly had contact with russian agents he did however register wretch rationally as a foreign agent with the u.s. government for consulting work he did for ukraine's former pro russia ruling party is former justice to. hartman official says it appears miller's team is putting pressure on trump associates to target the president this would be leverage if you
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know to say all right if we have information that you may have violated the foreign agents registration act will kind of ignore their will will not prosecute that case but you've got to waive your privileges and disclose everything you know about what happened metaphor it was not reportedly under f.b.i. surveillance when donald trump jr invited him to the june twenty sixth seen trump tower meeting with a russian lawyer it's a gap that could prove critical as investigators continue to probe into possible ties between the russian government and the u.s. president kimberly held at al-jazeera washington still to come in this news hour syrian warplanes bombed three hospitals in the province as rebels launch an offensive against the government held areas plus i. caught on camera students in south africa turn to mobile phones to protect
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themselves from abuse by teachers and the sport an incredible comeback to the top of this auction site next. welcome to international weather forecast as you look at weather conditions across europe we've got a low pressure center up across the baltic region another one affecting our parts of the balkans and then as we look at the more western areas we've got to the low pressure pushing towards the u.k. but we have seen some pretty disturbed weather across parts rumania we've had several fatalities as the straight line winds of comes through and really have caused some severe damage lot of motoring ikes and so you get a hint there of what it's like as these things blow through was we look out the forecast still some storms around southeastern europe more particularly around the book.
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add to your journey with a free hotel stay in transit when you fly with qatar airways to any of our one hundred fifty destinations airways going places together. too often on the streets. are victims but a new force is at play. female police officers are combative sexual assault and domestic abuse. but changing society is a challenge and so is life behind the badge for india.
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at this time on a. welcome back here's a reminder of the top stories on al-jazeera donald trump has launched a blistering attack on north korea and is they view speech to the u.n. general assembly he warned the u.s. aboard quote totally destroy the country if it threatens america or its allies a powerful seven point one earthquake has hit the central state of puebla in mexico local authorities say that thousands of people have been killed. and one person has been killed on whether after it was battered by hurricane maria the storm is now
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moving towards puerto rico and the virgin islands which were research. plane hit by hurricane. and was leader on san suu kyi may have decided to skip the u.n. general assembly but she has finally made her first national speech on the violence against the range of over the past three weeks more than four hundred thousand the rest which was sparked by a military crackdown in iraq and state scott how the reports now from the capital. after intense pressure. finally addressed the refugee crisis but in her most anticipated speech since becoming myanmar's leader voided criticizing the actions of the military something the u.n. calls textbook ethnic cleansing. it is not the intention of the government to apportion blame. gauge responsibility we condemn all human rights violations and
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violence we are committed to the restoration of stability and rule of law throughout the states who address lack the specifics on how to end or even the unfolding revenger refugee crisis on her country's border with bangladesh nor did she offer definitive explanations of what took place in rakhine state over the last four weeks. we want to find out why this exodus is happening we would like to talk to those who have fled as well as to those who have stayed i think it is very little known that the great majority of muslims in the rakhine state have not joined the exodus but over four hundred ten thousand have fled and two hundred ten muslim villages were burned down according to human rights watch but she chose to focus on the villages that were not attacked. more than fifty percent of the villagers of muslims are intact. as they were
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before the attacks took place. and we would like to know why this is what i think we have to work too much not just looking at the problems but also looking at the areas where there are no problems she asked for international assistance on the situation and pledged access to some of the areas impacted from the latest violence but the sum the speech fell well short saying it didn't properly address the immediacy of the crisis and that her speech might lead to further condemnation of how she's handling the situation when you say the international community n.g.o.s and others and also just the general buzz from. individuals i think there's some level of outrage they wanted more they wanted a direct if not apology some kind of acknowledgement of the enormity of the scale of human misery we've seen he wakes but some diplomats who attended the speech said
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it was a good start. i think there was a good speech. message those international community. i'm sure that feel the steps will follow. suit she repeated the phrase peace and harmony many times in her speech but if there's no progress of relief for those suffering in refugee camps who fled from her country the situation could get a lot worse and that idea of peace and harmony might become even farther away. al-jazeera neighborhood. or united nations investigators are demanding full access to me and maher to investigate claims of human rights violations by security forces u.n. staff in bangladesh have started collecting testimonies from range of muslims who have fled the violence mosque killings excessive use of force. torture and ill treatment sexual and gender based violence and the burning
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and destruction of entire villages it is important for us to see with our own eyes the sites of these alleged violations and abuses well to make matters even worse ranger who have escaped to bangladesh are now having to deal with heavy flooding trench of rain over the past few days is inundated fields where some of them have set up shelters convair child tree has. hundreds of recent refences f. taken shelter in this camp you can see the condition of this camp it rained here last night there's a need deep water woman with children stranded here and a lot of this people don't know where to go there is no presence of international n.g.o.s government organization or local n.g.o.s to take them in any other shelter some of them are standing by the roadside asking for help a lot of these kids are actually got a high fever i want of the lady told me how giles got lungs problem which possible
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is a name only they don't have any relief whatever may have their god is washed away by this water. can i give them i don't have any money i'm staying here with three little children in need we even took shelter on the roadside. the aid agencies are warning the real threat is the starvation spread of diseases like cholera dysentery missiles there's already reports of missiles spreading within this community the local and international n.g.o.s presence on the ground cannot cope with this disaster alone neither can the bangladesh government. harasses calling on palestinian president mahmoud abbas to end his sanctions on gaza when he gives up administrative control of the strip after reconciliation talks mediated by egypt hance announced on sunday that they would hand over the administration of gaza to a bass as a factor faction which runs the west bank a leading hamas official israel here says he's spoken to
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a bass on the phone and the reconciliation process is now underway. in journey below the fog we took the decision to dissolve the executive committee to enable the national consensus government to carry out its duties in garza until we reach a full reconciliation we agreed to a bilateral meeting in egypt with fatah wants the national consensus government starts to carry out its responsibilities in gaza to prepare for presidential and parliamentary elections then there'll be a comprehensive meeting in cairo for all palestinian factions to reach national unity. syrian government airstrikes have had three hospitals in a province activists say they were all struck within an hour killing civilians and emergency workers syrian military sources the night targeting the hospitals are saying only rebel convoys and positions have been hit the syrian government's air campaign was in response to a military push by rebel groups led by time here out sharm jalil share reports now
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from neighboring beirut. syrians witnessed some of the most intensive airstrikes by governments and russian warplanes for several weeks from tuesday morning three hospitals and truth schools were plumbed north of aleppo city as regime forces inflicted more death and destruction and their bid to defeat opponents of president bashar assad. and i'm sure we thought there's nothing we were working and heard of the strike but we didn't think that it was targeting us. earlier rebel fighters made a push from the leap towards the northern countryside of aleppo province in a bid to take back from government forces who had recaptured it in the past few months this escalation in fighting comes just days after the latest round of talks in stan's capital istana where russian iranian and turkish negotiators continue to push for what they've described as the escalation zones across syria while the
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northern end up probably isn't included in your standard deal travel on apartments or civilian areas suggests this seven year long war is far from being over for those fighting assad and his russian and iranian allies there is no end until the regina's toppled. beirut. tensions are rising on the periphery of iraq's kurdish region ahead of a vote on kurdish independence on the twenty fifth of september the town over to the core of the two in saladin province is where kurdish control ends and iraqi control begins its population is a mix of kurds in turkey and she apparently paramilitary groups and kurdish peshmerga have fought there before the shia turkmen reject the referendum and of be making renewed threats military commanders are concerned that tensions might lead to violence. since the referendum was announced by the presidency of the kurdistan
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region we've been seeing the parties including the arabs in the hostile xabi making threats that if the kurds hold the referendum they will attack our forces were fully prepared to react to any unwanted incident but we will not initiate anything we will try our best to avoid war but if it happens if it comes to our doors that's it spain's prosecutor has summoned the mayors in the region of catalonia accused of supporting next month's ban the independence referendum marks or so and as one of several mayors here and questioned more than seven hundred mayors have offered to host polling stations for the referendum which will for october the first the prosecutor is threatening the mayor is with charges of civil disobedience abuse of office and misuse of public funds. more than five hundred people have died in a color outbreak in the democratic republic of congo that's according to the world health organization the epidemic has hit at least ten urban areas including the
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capital kinshasa and comes at a time when more than a million people have been displaced by violence in the central casts a region where than forty five people have also died in nigeria where a major vaccination campaign is taking place this week. schoolchildren in south africa are using their own mobile phones to record a teacher is attacking pupils in class the videos shared on social media are increasing pressure on government leaders to improve student safety tanya page reports now from johannesburg. a teacher has found lashing out at a student at a secondary school and has a limited. time to teach has been suspended and displacing criminal charges pending an investigation for allegedly turning on not one but two teenage girls the girls who
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can't be named to protect their identity of both being offered counseling by the department of education mobile phone video first shown on social media a week ago is the latest example of corporal punishment twenty years after it was banned and south africa's classrooms. it's not an isolated incident or most half of six thousand pupils who took part in a national survey said they had been hit by a teacher to be father says we are always afraid that he may do something wrong the teacher will lose it and just beat us up we don't cry because when you cry the teacher hits you again and so you would have to be brave and cry on the inside serious misconduct by teachers has an even more disturbing side extend into allegations of sexual abuse and even rape at one school three men including the principal are suspended from work and facing criminal charges over the suspected gang rape of a student part of the attack was found on a mobile phone at another school three teachers are suspended over sexual
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harassment allegations the minister of basic education says she's angry and embarrassed but that she can't and force mandatory vetting of teachers to check with or they have a history of violence before they step into a classroom without the agreement of stakeholders including parents and teachers unions a conduit cup in the morning. we just first have to agree on principle as we did it then we have to follow the process about how to deal with issues that affect people. but that could be leaving children vulnerable to teachers who experience the brutality of apartheid but haven't been taught how to control their anger you need people who lead in situations such as the schools people who are emotional intelligence will do good with their own relationship with authority with violence and the history of violence so you can just look at the teachers and not
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look at their history otherwise instead of being a safe place some students fear going to class tinier page out to zero south africa . police in the u.k. have arrested a third man in connection with friday's explosion all along the underground train thirty people were injured when a homemade device detonated during rush hour the latest suspect the twenty five year old man was taken into custody in the welsh city of newport that's about two hundred kilometers west of london searches are also continuing at three addresses in london's western suburbs. russia and bella russo currently holding large scale joint military exercises the drills known as a pod which means west take place every four years it's the first is that by the exercise to be held since russia annexed crimea in two thousand and fourteen and nato is eastern members are concerned but as henri chalons explains some in bella
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an easy to. it takes some noise to overpower the dean of military jets but weeks of political arguing over joints russian better russian exercises have come close nato countries and allies are spooked particularly the baltics two thousand and seventeen stretches right across russia and better reeses western borderlands europe's doorstep russia's been accused by western political and military leaders of preparing for a big war even of using the drills as possible cover for an invasion but foreign observers watching it's a training ground in baton rouge seems cama quite impressive we have seen some defense systems and some like firing we. would miss arms and we've got good explanations all the time on what's happening and and what they didn't do it when they're fourteen international observers here to each from the baltic countries ukraine poland sweden norway but they haven't been invited by russia they've been
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invited by the roots. seem somewhat uneasy about these drills despite its close partnership with moscow it doesn't want the same stormy relationship with the west as russia has according to this better russian analyst. the leadership of belarus after crimea started to carry a new foreign policy a position of neutral party between russia and ukraine and russia and the west these drills destroy the us image in a sense their own pleasant for the balor russian leadership and i'd like them to be wrapped up soon as possible further complicating belorussian feelings zapp had two thousand and seventeen scenario envisages russia helping to quell separatism in a fictitious breakaway region of better reschooling noria better russian which have since come up with a visionary and foreign ministry twitter account passports even national anthem just a little. box behind the humor this blogger says there are concerns that
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if russia could turn on ukraine other slavic countries shouldn't take anything for granted. when such large scale drills are held it's normal for people to feel tension disbelief and fear because after crimea you cannot guarantee anything one hundred percent no one could have predicted the crimean scenario so civil society in belarus is quite nervous. for the enemy putin though it's just one of the years many military exercises as he watches over the culmination of two thousand and seventeen joints drills with china are beginning far away on the other side of the world will be chalons al-jazeera that aris. the man behind one of the most famous weapons in history has been all merged with a statue in his native russia make the call for design the a k forty seven assault rifle in the last months of the second world war there are now estimated to be seventy million worldwide one in five of all guns and experts believe that it's
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killed more people than all the others combined kalashnikov himself said he always had mixed feelings about inventing such an effective weapon he died four years ago at the age of ninety four. still ahead in this news hour on top of the world we hear from tennis is new world number one and details are coming up in sports. business update brought to you by chance are they always going places together.
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start with football on bass line i have gone five points clear at the top of spain's the league table a bought a six one on tuesday leno mess he scored four goals including two goals within three minutes in tuesday's of the match valencia moved up to third with a five nil thrashing of malaga a number of legal games also taking place on wednesday including real madrid who play real betis in a match that will see the return of christian or an elbow the striker has completed a five much ban for shoving a referee during rails spanish super cup game against barcelona so normal look at we're happy to have cristiano back and i hope this is the last time this happened to us not having christie on us i'm happy i'm happy but above all he is as well what he likes is playing being greedy group team mates now he's back and we are playing in the league at home and we all love to play at our state. well for
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manchester united in the england captain rio ferdinand has announced he's swapping his boots for boxing gloves but he could face a fight for credibility ferdinand who retired from football two years ago is being backed by a british betting company and has refused to say how much he's being paid for the stunt the thirty eight year old admits he still needs to get past the intense training before plying for a boxing license but hopes it will help him move on after the deaths of both his wife and mother from cancer in the last two years. it's something for me to focus on thing over the last couple of years have been for quite a few. things in my life and this is another just way to another part of. china without a question and the sometimes just the emotions into something or can be really focused on an issue just something that i'm really kind of into i've got you know most respect for the boxing for sonny i'm not coming in saying i was saying i'm going to be a world champion i'm combination of loads of hurdles to get over and i'm going to
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meet with them head on west indies cricket as well have to go through qualifying next year to reach the two thousand and nineteen world cup that was confirmed after they slumped to a seven wicket loss in their first one day match against england on cheese day the windies who sit ninth in the i.c.c. is one day rankings made two hundred four for nine in their match which was reduced to forty two overs chris gayle hit thirty seven runs of twenty seven balls but joint best is made in century so in and take a comfortable seven wicket victory the second of the five match series is a not so i am on thursday south africa's new cricket coach otis gibson is setting his sights on making the team the best test side in the world gibson who has experience coaching the west indies and england stars his new role with the two test home series against bangladesh that begins in late september and he expects his new team to achieve great things by the time the next world cup gets under way . we need talk about staying more. j.p.
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duminy. maybe to various sort of that have done some believable things in cricket and it was a lot of individually a lot of the also as a team for the country and i think with the world cup in mind you know it is an opportunity for us i think for something really special and thus to focus over the next over the next two years now for years sports like the n.f.l. and n.b.a. have been trying to attract new fans across growing markets like asia now the n.h.l. is getting in on the act to the l.a. kings of vancouver canucks will face off in the first ever pre-season games played in china shanghai will host the first game on thursday before the club's travel to beijing to play the second contest on saturday with a population of more than one point three billion china could be a lucrative market for the national hockey league. team in the cage which you know tells you that. the direction china is going into hockey
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and you know for us to be here and try to expand the game is. a great honor and hopefully we can do our best now it's just been over a year since she suffered a terrible crash at last year's olympic road race and i make fun floyd in there has made an incredible comeback to the top the dutch reuter fractured her back and suffered severe concussion in the crash in rio but since returning to the saddle this year she's won a string of racism cheese dave and floyd and was crowned the individual time trial champion at the road well championships in the way. tennis is new well number one has finally got our hands on the trophy that goes with her ranking guy binyam will go to reach the top spot two weeks ago despite being knocked out of the forefront at the u.s. open but it wasn't until early on tuesday that the twenty four year old was presented with this glittering trophy in tokyo ahead of this week's competition in
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japan will go to third joins rafael nadal at the top spine. dominate the a.t.p. rankings the last time that happened was in two thousand and three with america's serena williams and on dry agassi and that is all your sport for now but to barbara in london joe thank you very much but just before we go divers off the coast of belgium have discovered the wreck of a first world war german submarine that sank around one hundred years ago the u.-boat is believed to be one of the german navy flotilla that sailed out of occupied belgium between one nine hundred fifteen and one nine hundred eighteen to attack allied shipping officials will not reveal its exact location as the bodies of the twenty three crewmembers could still be inside the ninety three german submarines based in belgium in world war one sank more than two and a half thousand ships but at a high cost seventy of them were lost at sea that's it for this news that was there with us so i'll have more news in just a few minutes. and
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you know little of a kitsch militia that they do with them sheltie to the shirley shirley so that they don't name me at the very. up early ninety's. but he is not the believe i left should it be only one who meets you down just go to the fat usually. the belly. but he gondola stuff if you don't seem to feel it's something you just get out just
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what i did at a shit. from the tropics of southeast asia to the vero islands in the far northern learn to. the women who cross the world for love and state to change a community. at this time without zero. the street is quiet the signal is given. out here so it's safe to walk to school last year there are more than thirty metres in this community in one month the police say this area is a red zone one of several in some townships and children sometimes a court in the crossfire when rival gangs fight so parents and grandparents have started what they call a walking bust to try to take the violence i lost my. go i also lost my but there are more than one hundred fifty volunteers working for several walking busses teachers say it is working class attendance has improved the
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