tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera September 20, 2017 11:00am-11:34am AST
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out of the chinese leadership we got you as an enemy of the state of the story on talk to how does it. this time. we understand the differences. and the similarities of cultures across the weald center matter how you take al-jazeera and we'll bring you the news and current events that matter to you how does iraq. mexico's president surveys the damage from a seven point one quake that's killed more than two hundred twenty people.
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hello and welcome i'm peter dhabi you're watching al-jazeera live from our headquarters here in doha the other top stories the supreme court in kenya will finally is us report on what exactly went wrong during last month's and all the election. we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea the us president donald trump takes aim at north korea and iran in his first address to the u.n. calling them the scourge of our planet plus. i mean america is not taking my ground i'm going to be doing what i'm suggesting is the main challenger to be the next chancellor in germany but martin schultz is struggling to make an impact. but first this hour let's show you some live pictures coming to us out of spain this is a developing story as we. go on air police in the catalonia area arrested
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a leading politician joseph maria jose in a morning raid catalonia plans a referendum on full independence of course on october the first the spanish government has declared that illegal we're looking at right now people gathering there as news spreads and percolates through the area that's the finance ministry in barcelona call pen home joins us now from the catalonia region call just explain to us what's going on there in the past hour or so. peter since earlier this morning spain's paramilitary police known as glod of the civil guard has carried out a series of break on the regional government offices of catalonia one of the main focuses of these raids has been deep budget and finance ministry of the catalonian government now what imus central government and the guardia civil civil guard say
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they are looking for is evidence of wrongdoing or evidence of support for the region by the regional government or the october first independence referendum which central government has dubbed undemocratic and illegal. now the civil god have said have confirmed that these raids are going on and they have said that the rates could go on throughout the day different government offices in barcelona but have not yet confirmed it tensions or read we are seeing local media reports that the three regional officials have been detained. in the unaware at this stage though however if they have been charged with any crimes however. represent their back shooting up a little tension the head of the clan book over the first rep random central government and state prosecutors have already come out and said that they will
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question investigate and possibly detain up to seven hundred from the catalonian region a daring to hold this referendum what we're seeing right now involves a lot of that certainly could be an escalation of the temperature. targeting directly regional government offices and we can see the pictures a lot of the people a lot of ordinary citizens who are in support of the independents who want to go and vote on beginning to use it these way turning out into the streets so far things are peaceful but we will have to see how things develop in the next few moments in the next few hours and see how this situation develops beat up as you were talking to a scholar looking at live pictures from boss alone and there's there's the occasional ripple of applause people shouting so they're obviously listening to a speaker perhaps outs of camera shot who's who's delivering
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a message to them but when we talk about potentially seven hundreds local politicians them as being arrested when we talk about police that sounds like a pretty combustible situation. there. the combustible situation right now even the storm sleep pro independent politicians in the capital own region has said we must stay peaceful we must respond with direct action direct mobilization on the streets but they're calling on their supporters as they call them in the towns in the villages in the cities across kaplan. being the message so far. again a compatible situation in a very little i say by now the things to get out of hand when people see armed police going into offices and the buildings other cities have elected
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and that. bury me in the last few moments vice chairman of popular news regional government or the old jim ted of. has been speaking on television and he is saying that right now the catalonian regional government i think what he calls an intervention by central government he states that he has the most serious implications for the citizens of catalonia what he's beach really reflecting right now is what political analysts have been saying that many there you can now and that is that the current tween central government and the regional government of turkey. pushing spanging to want to get political crises in the end it began to franco dictatorship in one nine hundred seventy. ok call you'll monitor the situation stay close maybe talk a little later if there are any developments thank you. we move on
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a magnitude seven point one earthquake has killed at least two hundred twenty six people in central mexico that number were in the capital it was centered in play one hundred twenty kilometers south of mexico city and caused damage across four states in the capital the quake toppled buildings including a school where twenty two bodies were recovered diane estabrook has the story. in mexico city survivors pick through buildings reduced to piles of broken concrete and dust searching for survivors the people they found were quickly carried away on stretchers eighty six kilometers south of voc up parts of a road collapsed military trucks sped to the town center to help search for victims in several collapsed buildings. president enrique pena nieto surveyed the damage areas by plane and promised government medical care to anyone injured as any form of the. minister and i'm going to i order the immediate activation of the plan which coordinates federal efforts to the population in an emergency the army navy
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and police are attending the affected areas we are coordinating with the head of the government of mexico city and the governors of the state of mexico guerrero around lost and pueblo the priority at this time is rescuing those people trapped and giving medical help to the injured hours before the quake hit many in mexico city have participated in drills on the anniversary of a deadly one nine hundred eighty five quake thousand split to the city's streets in panic as tuesday's quake shook buildings and sent concrete from one high rise crashing to the street at a daycare center teachers escorted frightened children to a sidewalk outside for safety dramatic video showed smoke rising from several areas around mexico city seismologists say more than thirty million people likely felt the quake the epicenter was near the public town of robo so about one hundred twenty three kilometers southeast of mexico city the quake comes just over a week after another major earthquake shook the country killing ninety eight people
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seismologists say tuesday's quake was too large to be an aftershock from the earlier one officials say it's too early to accurately estimate the scope of the damage and the number of casualties but they say both will be significant dian us to brooke al jazeera. paul rodriguez has more from mexico city. hundreds of residents of mexico city are ready to spend the night out in the open blankets they've got they've got food. flashlights everything that is needed for a night like this quake seven point one in the strongest to hit mexico but it was great. this is because it was really close to us it was hundred twenty kilometers from the capital and the woods really went in time because it was so close and this didn't really give us the time to evacuate buildings and that's why some people are still. under the rubble and.
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to say that this is an emergency situation for states has been greatly affected. and he just calls everyone to work together to come together in hard times. every. protection everyone that can help and this is what we have. another developing story for you here from al jazeera which taking you there inside the supreme court in nairobi because kenya's biggest court delivering the full judgment on why it decided to a no president his reelection last month now the judges found there was enough evidence to cancel the results they've said is null and void and ordered a new poll for next month the opposition leader as we know this is an established. opposition to mr kenyatta and he's been claiming there was widespread voter fraud in the election we'll stay with these live pictures and bring in my colleague
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stephanie decker staff what else do we know about this judgment and the explanation . you mentioned on your way there still going through the technicalities of the particulars about the opposition case here we haven't actually gotten to any details that we are expecting that everyone is waiting. ok here i think it's a lot of legal ease of the chief justice david opened the court session by saying that they could if they read the entire thing they would be there until five or six p.m. today so they were going to read the highlights of course the full report would be given out to everyone of course is also something that the opposition and the ruling party will want to read through all of those technicalities i think cut through the complexities of it all peter we need to look at what are they going to say are they going to be pointing the finger at anyone in particular when it comes to the electoral commission are they going to be talking about technicalities of about active rigging these are the questions that need to be the consequences of
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course to see how they play out but certainly at the moment we haven't gotten to any of the juicy part so to speak of that reading they're still reading out what the opposition is made out to get the feeling stephanie that this is shaping up to be a full on constitutional crisis. well there are challenges there are huge challenges this country has been here before not. ever will have a constitutional crisis peter if there are no elections within the sixty day period now we're on day twenty and there are forty days to go until that need to be held and we do know that the elections were scheduled for the seventeenth of october the french company dealing with the computerized system which is. in the allegation. they think that's going to be ready by the seventeenth we're expecting we are but certainly there are challenges are they going to be ready when it comes to the technicalities opposition to run because they've been saying that there are no
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reforms in the electoral commission which they haven't been as of yet they're not going to go to the polls so you have this sort of atmosphere they are. a lot of back and forth between the politicians. other fruit corrupt it really doesn't get quite. social media this is the danger here peter your take on a very. the politicians have the power to ignite the street and. the. community to human rights watch yesterday that there is a concerning increase in whiteman something also that we're going to have to monitor at the moment everyone is waiting what the details are why they decided to in all those elections and when we talk about those tribal agencies steffen talk about igniting the street i mean as far as the votes as a concerned in the sense do they feel disenfranchised by this controversy or is
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there a strong feeling of look we had the election you guys sort of just get on with things because there are serious questions we were discussing this yesterday there are serious questions over the health of the economy. yes i mean if you talk to the average person on the street they just want to get on with their lives and it has had a major impact because if you look at foreign investment these are extremely uncertain times in kenya that has come true a whole economy is struggling lot of people have to close their business tourism is down but when you talk about also you know the politics here it doesn't divide people along we're looking into this just a few weeks ago talking to people and we went to some of the poorest slums in nairobi where these things play out violently. before an election. doesn't matter who you belong to whether it's the opposition leader or the president your life is not affected by it none of them make it better for you but
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this is one of the sentiment people really see it as their man they are going to benefit and they stand behind them and people will also tell you that those divisions are hard and i could really during an election that i think also just briefly we were told by one company the social media what kind of impact that is having active campaigns we're told by political parties by police. which they can use real sort of infighting that does have the potential to filter down into the street so this is sort of the concern that many have of the the nature of politics here and of course everything depends on the language of the politicians going forward with that whether they will accept the details of the judgment and elections and whoever loses whether they accept that so i think certainly unprecedented times here peter we're going to have to wait and see how things play out stephanie thanks so much talk.
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the u.s. president to stepped up his rhetoric against north korea threatening to destroy the country in a competent speech to the un general assembly donald trump mocked kim jong un and described pyongyang as a previous regime a massacre to james space has more now from the united nations donald trump is the thirteenth u.s. president to come here to address the u.n. and with the north korea crisis to tear orating he knew the world would be hanging on his every word the message is with these two messages coming together but once he headed to the general assembly chamber he's excellent see donald trump he had a very different message delivering a speech that astonished many diplomats spying clued in an unprecedented threat to annihilate another u.n. member state the united states has great strength and patients but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies we will have no choice but to totally destroy
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north korea rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime the words with just the sort of language that earlier the u.n. secretary general had warned against fiery talk can lead to fatal misunderstandings the solution must be political and this is a time for statesmanship. we must not sleepwalk our way into war president trumps foreign policy challenges a growing his critics say it's only of his own making he doesn't now just face possible confrontation with one nuclear power north korea but with a second one iran too as he continues to suggest he's likely to pull out of the twenty fifteen nuclear deal the iran deal was one of the worst and most one sided transactions the united states has ever entered into frankly
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that deal is an embarrassment to the united states and i don't think you've heard the last of it believe me that received strong support from israel's prime minister but only tepid applause from those in the general assembly so i have listened to countless speeches in this form but i can say that none were born or none were more courageous and forthright than the one delivered by president trump to do the u.n. is normally a place of new aunts and compromise but president trance sees things in starkly black and white even some of the countries that are normally friendly to the u.s. are alarmed one western foreign minister told me the president trumps comments on north korea was unhelpful and a senior security council diplomat said to me why does he want to provoke two
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similar taney as nuclear crises james pays out his era of the united nations iran's foreign minister has responded to trump's comments at the u.n. in a tweet mohammed said this ignorant hate speech belongs in medieval times not the twenty first century un unworthy of a reply fake empathy for iranians fools no one. well the u.s. president and cattle i mean been hammered all funny met at the u.n. to discuss the ongoing g.c.c. crisis the emea describe cattles relationship with the u.s. as very strong earlier in his address to the un general assembly the emir renewed his call for unconditional dialogue to end the blockade of the country president trump says he believes the dispute will be resolved quickly if you. look at damage to do the countries who impose the unjust mccabe of qatar have intervened in the internal affairs of the state by bringing pressure on citizens through food and medicine shortages cutting family ties to force them to change their political
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affiliations destabilizing a sovereign country is decide not a definition of terrorism still to come for you here on al-jazeera hurrican maria shows no signs of weakening as it tears through islands in the caribbean. and get the latest life here the spanish police have arrested the catalan region's junior economy minister that's a person called joseph maria coffey as part of a morning raid on several government offices that's according to sources close to the regional government this of course to do with the forthcoming independence referendum for the region of catalonia our correspondent making the point to the top of the hour there is speculation and there is a claim that they are going to arrest slash detain seven hundred local mayors in the region because the central government says the plans for the referendum ottilie and completely illegal will keep across all those developments when we come back.
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from dusky sunsets if you spring savannah. to sunrise atop an asian metropolis how i would say some very nasty storms moving across c.a.g. at stake recently in the slovenia last sixty three millimeters of snow coming down here that rain snow the three downpours they're going to continue driving their way further east was all courtesy of this area of low pressure so more violent weather coming in here you can see how that cloud of race stretches right up to that western side of russia for the west is looking washy fada dry can't see this area of high pressure so subtle conditions coming in behind it a bad of cloud of rain will move across all into scotland as we go on through the next down so that's wednesday's picture looking pretty wet for the well jenny fog and dry london eighteen degrees celsius nine hundred for paris as for the wet weather that we have around the balkans well that will continue to drive its way
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further east was pushing towards the hungary easing up into ukraine back up towards that western side of russia go on through thursday clear skies remain behind the settle but you see whether then making its way into wales further south it's fine and dry for spain and portugal some pleasant sunshine continuing here present sunshine too across a good part of north africa still hot in cairo at around thirty seven degrees celsius let's say for a bat twenty three. the weather sponsored by cattle and race. i just want to make sure all of our audiences are listening when they're on line and what are you expecting us citizens here and what puts people of iraq by one in the same or if you join us on sat i was never put a file then look at differently because i'm dark i'm going all the people want is a dialogue tweet us with hash tag stream and one of their pitches might make a connection join the global conversation. this time on al-jazeera.
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welcome back you're watching al-jazeera our mind at the top stories police in spain have arrested an aide of catalans vice president ahead of a planned independence referendum people are gathering outside the ministry of finance in barcelona as that news spreads the spanish government has declared the proposed referendum to be illegal. and the earthquake seven point one magnitude has killed at least two hundred twenty six people in central mexico more than half of that number were in the capital it was centered in the one hundred twenty kilometers south of mexico city and it caused damage across four mexican states the u.s.
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president has taken aim at north korea during his debut address of the un general assembly in new york donald trump said he destroy the country if it threatens the u.s. or its allies he also had strong words for iran accusing it of sponsoring terrorism and d. stabilizing the region. hurricane maria is showing no signs of weakening as it closes in on the u.s. territory a puerto rico with winds of up to two hundred seventy kilometers an hour emergency crews from the u.s. have arrived on the island to prepare for maria forecasters say it's likely to remain at a category five and so that makes landfall later on weapons day it has already caused extensive damage on the islands of guadalupe and dominic up. puerto rico's governor is warning the hurricane could hit with a force not seen on the island for several generations and gallacher is there. as hurricane maria bore down on the caribbean island of dominique its prime minister said we dare not look out maria hit as a category five with sustained winds of two hundred sixty kilometers per hour
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mudslides and widespread damage and now a major concern for prime minister roosevelt skerritt described the effects of the hurricane as hallucinating and was himself rescued as the storm plowed across the island taking to social media he said his people have lost what money can buy and replace and now fears that people may have been killed north of dominated the french on a divide loop was also pounded by the powerful storm it's still recovering from hurricane but officials say the scale of the damage is hard to quantify and. that we have limited contact at the moment it's really very patchy we're in contact with our forces the firemen the military police and the police who are giving us some information but we have very little information at this stage across the region hurricane alerts have now been issued as maria continues its track towards puerto rico high winds tidal surges and power outages and now a potentially deadly threat as officials warned residents to take to shelters or stay in their homes here in puerto rico more than five hundred shelters
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a vote it is this island braces for the most powerful storm to hit since nine hundred twenty eight hurricane graced puerto rico two weeks ago leading to the loss of power for a million residents some still don't have electricity but with a direct hit and now facing potentially far more serious consequences and the gallic al-jazeera san juan puerto rico. a landmark speech on the range a crisis by me and mass leader has done little to reassure the international community the u.n. investigators are demanding full access to look into claims of human rights violations by the local security forces the turkish president spoke to al-jazeera about his concerns over the yet range of crisis and the response from un sons who chain. it is a very light statement by on sun so i wish she had made the statement earlier she
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has not made a very convincing explanation hundreds of thousands of people have let me and of course the people need to feel safe and her statement did not reassure this we took the initiative and held a meeting on the ranger here at the united nations and we shoot a statement of declaration at the end of the meeting and with the declaration we have discussed what kind of steps will need to be taken i want to thank bangladesh in particular they've decided to reserve an island for the rakhine muslims fleeing myanmar and turkey will provide all necessary help along with other countries for those people who will be arriving on the island. now with just a few days to go before what's expected to be a comfortable win for the german chancellor angela merkel in the general election her main challenger is facing mounting condemnation over his campaign social democrat martin short's a stuck around twenty percent support in all the opinion polls and he's been unable to make any headway against mrs merkel lawrence lee reports now from calls rule looking at how many voters view the candidates. week off to week martin schultz has
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been working the crowds no lack of passion and it'll be a spill even a fad germany and a fair euro the crowd waves flags calling for quality jobs and pay a europe that works together. for germany better germany he says we can do this trouble is that's exactly what i'm. busy different enough to go you know. it's like you know. sometimes. they're just too good. to good and. spoke for forty five minutes without notes fluence and driven in another country he might be seen as really exciting but we can't get anywhere. common so it's an extremely efficient there's no need of the european parliament he's respected right across the european
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side so let's get to the time when many german voters are only sure about i'm going to have my precisely right when we get. merkel's apparence invincibility is based on her capacity to outflank when a right wing politician says she wants to take in a million refugees how can the left objects. travel around germany and you can see how in this election merkel has managed to find a way of appealing to voters from different constituencies take climate change deep in the black forest villages have been allowed by government to own the wind turbines and sell the electricity from them and their solar panels back to the national grid the profits of. the consequences the traditionally left wing greens run local governments in coalition with the conservative c.d.u. merkel has taken the green idea and used it to her advantage the green.
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told to keep things forward and they don't want to just. i was so back to the rally one of your supporters here just said to me that you're so close to merkel you might as well be married what would you say today if you didn't listen to a speech. one of my supporter said this to you it was perhaps speaking with you're not listening to my speech and that's the reason why you think there is there is a difference between you and michael because people say you're too close so she's taken your ground. i mean america is not taking my ground i'm going to be doing what i'm suggesting they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery in that case at least martin schultz can take some consolation but his opponent has figured out how to please very many people most of the time and that's very rare the al jazeera cultural.
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this is al-jazeera these are the top stories live pictures on a main news this hour police in spain have arrested an aide of catalans vice president had planned independence referendum people are gathering as you can see there from that live shot outside the ministry of finance and barcelona as the news continues to spread the spanish government has declared the proposed referendum to be illegal our correspondent call panel has more now from catalonia. one of the main focus is rape has been budget and finance ministry of the catalonian government now what about central government and the what if it be able to vote dark looking for evidence of wrong doing a bit in the civil war or the regional bided regional government or the october third independence referendum which central government. and democratic and illegal . our other top story for you a magnitude seven point one earthquake has killed at least two hundred twenty six
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people in central mexico more than half of that number in the capital the quake centered in pueblo that's one hundred twenty kilometers south of mexico city it caused damage across four states. another live shot on a busy news day today according kenya delivering the full judgment on why it's an old president who to kenya at his reelection last month now the judges found there was enough evidence to cancel the result they voided it and order a new poll for next month october the opposition leader mr dingell claimed there was widespread voter fraud in the first election. the us president has taken aim at north korea during his debut address at the united nations general assembly donald trump said he destroy the country if it threatens the u.s. or its allies he also had strong words for iran accusing it of sponsoring terrorism and destabilizing the region iran's foreign minister labeled trump's comments ignorant hate speech and unworthy of a reply mr trump and cast me a shake to mean bin hamad our family met at the un to discuss the g.c.c. crisis the emir described catarrh our relationship with the us as very strong early
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in his address to the un the emea renewed his call for unconditional dialogue to end the blockade those are your top stories up next it's the stream all season. it's not just phones contributing to sound profits if we look at the u.s. economy the moment it does seem to be in pretty good shape up until around two thousand and five greek debt levels were basically stable we bring you the stories that the shaping the economic world we live in counting the cost at this time. for the first time since world war two polls in germany predict that a far right party will enter parliament imo who are the alternative for a dog slander a.f.d. and what impact will they have on german politics i'm damning and you're in the stream live on al-jazeera and you.
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